PAGE TWO. 3 THE DAILY BRITSH WHIG SATURDAY, JUNE 1. 1012, Fur sl Safe and Reliable « All Furs Sent to us are Eleetric- any Cleaned. : e issue a receipt covering yon against loss by fire. theft or moths. 4 TELEPHONE 480, Our Waggon Will Call John McKay 140-157 BROCK STREET BEDROOM FURNITURE os Immense Line. ; 'Beds, $2.50 up to $85.00 each. Bopge beauties at $7.00 and $7.50. + Mahogany Dresser--Gur special #2600, same in best Quarter Cut $25. 00. High grade of finish, 25 Ather designs to select from, Bhrior Suites, Mahogany and Imitation, $25.00 up to $176. Some new ideas in your own choice of covers at 350 and $65. Mahogany, Carpets, Curtains, Lin- oleums, Oileloth, T. F. HARRISON COMPANY Bissell Sweepers Bissell's Cyco Ball Bearing Sweeper, light to handle, easy to operate, always ready. Guaranteed for ten years. We sell them, the best Sweeper that the world can pro- duce at $2.75. Does not: cost any more than fiv) brooms. R McFAUL'S H{ #pent a few days this week, in Told In Twilight Mrs. James Rigrey, George street, was hostess at a small drawing-room tem on Friday afternoom, in honer of her sister, Miss Geraldine Reegan, of London. The guests included : Mis. Harold Hughes, Miss Mary Strange, Mise Eleanor Phelan, Misses -Eléanos and Annie Minnes, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Hazel Browne, Miss * Maizie Dwyer, Miss Lillian Muondell, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss Stiles, of Corn- wall, and Miss Gowen. ., Merrick, Miss Towin Nfolle, who is attend. ing the Ontario Ladies' Uollege, Whit- by, took part in a secital gwen by the advanced pupils of the college, in Toronto, last Tuesday evening, un. der the distinguished, patronage of Sir John Gibson, lieutenant-goverpor, and Lady Gibson. Miss Nicolle's work has been commented upon most fa- vorably. . - The marriage took place in Men- treal to-day of Miss Macdohald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tery Mac: donald, to Mr. J, Ritchie Almon, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C, C. Almon.. Mr. Almon has many friends in Kingston, who extend congratulations. - Mrs, "Hugh Macpherson, "Elmhurst," will' recei; on Tuesday, June 4th, and will at ho "the first three Tuesdays of the onth throughout | the summer, . ia - Mrs. Edward Ryan, "Rockwood House," is giving a large garden party this afternoon for her daughter, Miss Kathleen Ryan. Mrs, C. N, Portion. Royal Military College, entertained informally at tea on Wednesday afternoon. so * . » Professor and Mrs, W. I. Grant, Wellington stregy, left, to-day, to spend some weeks at their cottage at Loughboro Lake. Mr. F. Corlie, of the Standard Bank of Canada, is spending his holidays in Lindsay, visiting his sister, Professor aud Mrs, E. Seott, Queen's University, have returned from Balti- mere and Washington, where they have been for some weeks. Miss Marion Iesslie, William street, will leave on Monday for Brockville to be a guest at the wedding of Miss Eleapor Agnes fcimolds, and Mr. lyron William Pafker -on Tuesday, Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, On-gwa-na- da, walk give a dee on June 11th for her niece, Miss Margaret Maclennan, Toronto. . There will be & dance at the Yacht Club on Monday evening. Migs. Ferris, "Willow Cottage," will entertain at an 'At Home" on Tues- day, June 4th, from 4.30 te 7 o'c,ock. Mrs. RH. C. Carter, West street, en- tertained at a delightful' luncheon on Friday, in honor of Mrs. Richard Alexander, of Vancouver, and Miss Amy McGill. - - - » Mrs. Felix Shaw, Bagot street, and hér three small daughters will leave on Monday for Lake Huron, where they have 'taken a cottage for the summer. Mrs, George Mahood and two chil dren, Gore street, will leave on Tues- day to spend the summer in their summer home on Simcoe Island. ™ Mrs. R. V. Rogers, Barrie street, the guest of her brother, Mr. Moore, Toronto. Miss Amy McGill, arrived from To- ronto, on Sunday, 'and is the guest of her parents, Colonel and Mrs. Syden- nam MeGill, Ring street, Mrs. E Bidwell, visiting in Cadwell, for the past two weeks, returned home on Friday. Miss Winnifred Claxton, Karl street, went up to Toromto on Friday to spend the week-end. Miss Freda Burns, after spending a few days with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert" Patridge, in' Toronto, re- turned home on Monday. Miss Macauley, King street, od on Friday from Napanee. Capt. C. F. Constantine and Capt. H. Boak, R.C.H.A., will leave on Sunday for Petewawa. Rev. DB. M. Gordon, Queen's Univer: sity, left, to-day, for Edmonton, to atiend the Presbyterian general as- sembly. Miss Katie Wilson, Union street, af- ter spending a few days in Napanee, returned home on Friday. Miss Constance Cooke, *Hazeldell," returned from Napanee on Friday. Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Royal Mili- tary College, who is now visiting in Torento, is expected home on Tues- day Miss Mary White left on Tuesday for Toronto, where she will reside in fu- ture. Miss White will be very much missed by a large circle of friends, who wish her every success. Miss M. Gordon, Queen's University, left on Friday for Toronto to spend a few days. | Miss Muckleston, William street, phe a is Robert who has been return- panee, returned home on: Friday. ode. fos Robsitacs, arrived from ttawa, viday, to Spend the holi- day with his pare da Db. 8B. hy a By ham Mr. and py Mr. Ralph gd Mrs. Cha Miss Minnie Monk who are taking a trip in their private yacht, spent a few days in town this deck and left on Thursday for Mon: -- a will ay cl dn Ganan- Taylor, who Has. bo ae visiting sister, Mrs, Felix Shaw, for some pe, will return to Perth on Mon- iss Hooper Alfred street, left to a ; wend Mrs. W. értson. dro soit, ali AE the Jone iw Stuart Polos, of te York, who hms been the get of his broth- or, Mr. Bal an, left tewn in Sot iain ron ERE erat," left, to-day, at noon, : for =& tip to Edmonton and later will go on to the coast before returning home. Miss Aileen Rogers, University ave nue, returned, to-day, from Napanee, where she was spending several days. \ . - Dr. and Mrs. James Third and Mr. Reginald Third) Wellington street, left, on Friday, for Montreal, and sailed from there to-day for London, "Fng- land, to spend the summer months. Mrs. C. Griffia, who was the guest a Mrs. W. T. Minnes, 'Hill eroft," ldt, on Phursday, for Toronm- to, to rend a few days, and intends to go on to' Chicago to-dav. later she will return to Hilleroft for a few weeks, Mr. Alexander Paterson, who has & guest in town since Thursday, returned to London to-day. Rrofessor and Mrs. 0. Gi. Willhoft, Wellington street, are guests of Miss Drew-Brooke, in Toronto, for the week-end. . » * > Mr. and Mrs. 7. B. Spa ger, Halifax, are guests of Mrs. R ably West street, on their way Home from the Coast, Mrs. D. J. Dowsley and children, Miss Dorothy and Miss Guenneth, left, Friday, for Toronto. Mrs. Dowsley's other went as far as Napance with er Mrs. H. Snelling, Mrs. M. M. Boyd, aud Nisw Annie owler returned, ves- erda rom ewburgh, where th had Been attending he meetings the Kingston Presbyterial, Foreign Missionary Society. Mrs. W. C. Way and son, Répald, Queen street,' left, yesterday, to spapd a short time in Lindsay. Miss Bessie Chapman, Queen street, left, to-day, to spend a month in Toronto and Ingersoll. Mrs, 1, Culbrniis. who has been the guest of Archdeacon Macmorine, Cler- gy street, returned, on Friday, to her home ih Merrickville, Mrs. J. F. Lesslie, William street, who has been visiting her daughter, Nrs. H. M. Dyckman, in Springfield, Muss, returned home to-day. Mr. Richard Alexander, been spending some time arrived in town to-day, leave with Mrs. Algxander, early in the week, for their home in Vancou- ver, B.C, s Mr. John Fairlie, of Ottawa, is spending the week-end with his par- ents, Rev. John and Mrs. Pairlie, Broek street. . o Woman's who has in Ottawa, and expects to Miss Annie Fowler, Union street, has retiened from Newburgh, where she has been spending several days, Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Dyckman, of Springfield, expect to _sail on June ith, on SS. Carpathia, to spend the summer months in Spain. Mrs, Alexander Mackie, of Ottawa, arrived in town, to-day, to visit Mr and Mrs. J, Henderson, Earl street. Mrs. W. J. Gibson and Miss Laura Oibson, of Gananoque, spent Friday in town Mr. Henry Polson, of Buffalo, rived in town to-day, te visit brother, Mr. Neil Polson. > a 8 a Mre. J. P. WH. Ferris, of Kingston. announces the engagement of her se cond daughter, Mary, to Mr. Ross Camnbell Playfair, manager of the Northern Crown bank, Rush Lake, Sask. The marriage will take place in Saskatoon on June 15th. (Continued on Page 3.) ami NEW REVOLVING CABINETS his Installed in C. Livingston & Bros'. (lothing Store. That Kingston merchants are eas progressive and up-to-date as those 'n much larger cities is admitted on all sides. This is something greatly to their credit, and a condition of affairs that Kingstonlans greatly appreciate. The citizens are proud of their fine stores, and the mer- chants spare neither time nor ex- pense in beutifying their premises and catering to the wants of their customers. One of the latest advantages to store equipment has recently been installed by C. Livingston & Bro. the Brock Street clothiers. They bave added what is known as the New Way high wall clothes cabinets. These are of the aouble decker type, built on the revolving principle for the proper arrangement and display of men's eloching. They will keep al! suits free from dust and creases. By this means clothes are so con- veniently arranged that the mer- chant is able to give much better at- tention to his customer than ever before. There are few of these cabinets in use In the .arge stores of New York apd Boston. As yet scarcely any have been introduced into Canada. The one installed by" Livingston & Bro. is made of quartered oak, is equipped with three mirrors and a dressing-room. and has a capacity of #ix hundred suits The Grand Rapids Show Case Co. are the mann- facturers. The proprietors will be klad to show the cabinet to any of thelr friends, and it is something well worth seeing. MASONIC GRAND MASTER 1 mn Received by the Kingston Lodges on Friday Evening. A jbint emergent meeting was held in the Masonic Hall on Friday eveu- ing, the three city lodges taking part. The Anglent St. John's Lodge No, 3. Cataraqui Lodge No. 92, and Minden Lodge No. 253 met together to receive a visit from Most Wor- shipful Grand Master Aubrey Whita, of Toronto, gree was exemplied by officers from '| the board of trustees of the are |* Napanee. The work of the third de-|4 OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN | HORSE ARTILLERY. Me mbers of Methodist ( olfereice at Batriefield Common--Also V isit- ed the, Royal Military College. The Methodist conference, at 8.30 o'clock Saturday morning, journeyed over Cataraqui bridge to Berriefield, where citizens witnessed "a review of R.C.H.A. on the common. Col. H. E. Panet was if command, and the band was in attendance. The batteries pro- bally never parformed to better ad- vantage ip che different manoeiivres which they!" were put through, the re- view, march past at the walk and gal- lop, and coming into action under cover, finding the range, and opening fre president, Dr. - Young: and his party, among whom were Rev. €. 5. Deep- rose. Rev. E. R. Kelly, Principal Smy- th, J. H. Carson and Px. W. G. Ang'in, and explained the mevements aor! details of the work The visitors then adjourned to the Royal Military College, wheré they. were met by the commandant and the staff, escorted to ' the 'mrasium, where the senior class of cadets gave a display of calisthenics and apparatus Nvork, which was loudly punctuated, at mtervals, by applause from the spoc- tatorg, . in the galleries. Colonel Crowe, accompanied by the president and party, Fiong whom were noticed Revs, S. Hughes, ©. S. Deeprose, EK Kelly Principal Smyth, John Scanlon, Dr." Sparling, W. J. Wood and T. W, Neal, After the gym. performance the vis- itors were shown through the main college and returned tp the. city short- ly after ten o'clock. The conferénce members expressed appreciatian of the kindness of Cols. Panet and Crowe. A party of the delegates drew the attention . of the citizens, when they marched towards Cataraqui bridge, headed hy Roy Pounder, one of the voung men received Friday evening, and a graduate of Queen's. They sang songs, among them "Shall We Ga ther at the River." Sale of St, James'. In the minutes of a meeting of the special committee of the conference, which were read, for fnformation, by the secretary, reference was made: to the proposed sale of St. James' church, Montreal, ' While the com- mittee ave in favor of selling the edifice under certain conditions it was not satisfied with the proposed terms of payment and other arrange- ments at the time the offer was made church, Rev. Timber- Holland and and appointed a committee of Dr. Young, Rev. William lake. J, H. Hall, C. C. J. W. Knox to confer with the trus- tees and authorities of 'St. James' in the matter. However, since the offer was made the price of the pro- perty has considerably advanced. The matter of preparing the church for institutional work; or selling it, will tome up at a later session of the conference, when it is likely confer- ence will appoint a committee to confer with the trustees, Saturday's Session. Saturday morning's session given over to addresses delivered on missionary, sosial, moral and reform work and educational work. The speakers were Rev. Dr. Graham, general secretary of the educational department, who spoke on pe Chal- lenge for Leadership"; Rev. T. E. E. Shore, on "The Essential Tie of was "The Hat Store." | Celebrate, Celebrate Enjoy the King's Birth- | day and wear one of our Hats. We Hat every- | body--Men, Ladies and' Children, and we can sur- prise you with our won- derful values. Straw Hats, Felt Hats, Panama Hats. VIEWED MANOEUVRES the members ond- a number of | the | Capt. Constantine rpmained with the || iB4 Licut.-Colonel. ing water" df The shuseh REMOVAL SALE 2 PER CENT, 10 50 PER CENT ~ School Text Books and Current M DISCOUNT All Goods sold at above diseounts except College, agazines. 260 PRINCESS. 3 Our Connectional Work," and Rev. J. W. Aikens, on "Our Spiritual, Ob- jective and Dynamic." Three most in- spiring aadresses werp delivered. Rev. ¥. Griflin, superintendent of superannuation work, submitted a re- port. He reported that the superan- nuatign fund, Rad reached $455,000 on permanent investments. Superannua- ted n'nisters had been paid $94,248, Fhe fund was well supported. LET MEN G0 TO CAMP A SPECIAL DUTY OF CITIZENS OF THIS MILITARY CITY. SALE TO-NIGHT 100 YARDS 45 INCH FLOUNCING EMBROIDERY "All good pat- terns. 49c. per yd. To Support - the Militia Department in Their Scheme for Training City Corps--=An Appeal to--Employers by the Camp Authorities. Kingston. May 31--(To the Editor): For many years it has been the desire of the militia authorities to give 'the city corps the advantage of training in camp. This year, fo: the first time, that privilege has been accorded. As a result the 14th Regiment has been ordered to camp at Barriefield on Thursday evening, 6th June, returning Sunday evening 9th June. Some of the men are experiencing difficulty in obtaining leave from their employment. My purpose in writing this letter is to appeal to employers to allow their men leave of absence for the two days. Nearly every employer in Kingston derives some benefit from the militia Kingston is essentially a' military city, and if the militia were with drawn it would mean a severe loss Yo all of us. For selfish reasous alone jit is the duty of all citizens to support the militia department in their sch¥me for training city corps. City regiments will, for the first time, be here from Peterborough, Jelleville, Brockville and Ottawa. If we desire to maintain a camp at Darriefield for the other corps of} the district, it behooves us to have Come here for your H iery, Gloves, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 'Phone 01s PREPARING FOR COMING WEDDINGS English Entree Dishes, Chop Dishes, Marmalades Cut Glass, in variety choice. designs. Pearl Handled Knives and Hi Ofle---and Leather of Cases. » Sterling Silver In excellent patterns and complete ronge of prices. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuérs of Marriage Licenses. 830 KING STREET. a strong representation from our local corps. I do not propose to deal with the matter from a patriotic or national standpoint. 1 merely wish to point cut this special duty as citizens of this military city. On behalf of the officers and men of the regiment, | ask employers to make an effort to allow our men the two days' leave of absence.--A., B. Cunningham, commanding 14th P.W.O.R. Corsets, Etc. We save you money. NEWMAN AND SHAW | The Always Busy Store. Kegiment, THE Y.M.C.A. HANDICAPPED, As it Cannot Get Tents for the Mili. tary Camp. The. Y.M.C.A. are finding some diffi: I culty in securing tents fot the sum- > Ee mer camps. Hitherto they have been | I lenty of accustomed to borrow their tents | . from the rilitia department. This ' Ji Salvia Petunias year, however, they could not get | them. The local secretary spoke a- Snapdragons Stock bout the matter to W. F. Nickle, M. P, who communicated with Col. the All kinds of Bedding | P lants at Hon. Sam.. Hughes. In his reply, Col. PURD JRDY 5 Hughes stated that though he Ppt 109 BROCK STREET ciated the work of the YM.C.A., and would always help them in any pos- Everything in floral de- sign work, sible way, he regretted that the tents tn question were to be in use at the time required and eoyld not be spar ed. This set-back has thrown a bar- rier in the way of the camp. Any- one who can loan or rent a tent for the time required should comgmunieate with Secretary Meserve. It will be greatly appreciated by him. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 460. Lacey, of Sydenham, died. ne A Campbell sworn in as lieutenant-governor of Ontario. Rev. Malcolm Maegillivray, Perth, called to Chalmers church. Inland revenue doliections for May, $11,335.30, An Organ Recital. On Thursday evening, June 6th, there will be a sacred concert and or- gan recital in St. Luke's church, un- dee ths landership of B. 8, ¥. H wh of Bt. 's anthedral, J. Smith, of St. Luke's darth lle tion will be taken up at the door, to be devoted towards the now organ. The public is cordially invited. a ------ Fifteen 'ozen More Straw Hats anaght direct from the factory, have bern received at Campbell Bros', et importers 'of men's hats. ---------------- Mrs. W. J. Maceh, eritically ill the Hotel Diea, for the past three weeks, is much better, today, Mrs Thomas Tooker, Siracuse, and Mrs. €, E. Miller, Buffalo, have been call- od be here through her illness. i ae Puigit of of Bethel Congregational | occupied to-morrow as. "Ward, who was aet- § ine yoars -y is at your Rersies Sany~--for any EIrPAIHS. radu for your f Hid or ee lenses ars Oroupd. Cut 0d pert od. Br n lenses Re. placed New Temples for Specs iacies made and on, parts for evr gigas pre odueed For New oe -- ar Repaios yisit )..$. Asselstine D. 0. §. Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. 'Phone 1019, in Stoles and Boas Marabeau and Dstrich Feather GOURDIER'S Phohe 700. TWO GOOD INVESTMENTS That desirable location, William and Wellington consisting of Double Stone Dwelling and Brick Extension, 66 ft. front age on William Street for $4.000; also Double Brick Dwelling and Lot Nos. 417.13 Johnson Street, for $4,- D060. coruer Streets, Desirable Dwellings and Lots for Sale in all parts of the City Fire Insurance. Money to l.oan MULLIN The Real Estate Broker 'Phone 539. Division Street, Cor. Johnson. ALL EYES ARE ON This Laundry AND ITS IDEAL WORK. All eyes adore our cleanliness All eyes see our superiority. All eyes admire us. They positively love ws-- "those white things." As long as they have 10 go a- laundering they prefer our because we don't tear their tender limbs; we don't crush their downy fHimineas: we don't scorch and ons their fine skins Kingston Yiuniey Dor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. Phone 2%,