Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1912, p. 4

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5 . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. JUNE 4 1912 THE WHIG SEVENTYNINTH YEAR A GANANOQUE WEDDING DAILY BRITISH wa pubiished at 306-310 King Street, Kingston, On- tarfo, at $8 per year. Editions st 2.30 and 4 pm. i » NEERLY BRIN WHIG, ey es, Dublished i parts on Monas, as MISS GERTRY PE CROGERS WAS! morning a a year. 0 Bn tates charge for pos ® Jl - rai A > be added ad of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 por year, ng ~ THE CHARMING BRIDE, Attached is one of the best. Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, st) iis, 8. ~o_|BIBBY'S Ltd.[ © Gerfuine Panama Nobby KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE DRIVING HIM TO THE GRE =~" "prt ties Saved my Life" Niacama Paris, ONT. Jury 26th, 19171, "For thirteen years, I was a terrible er | the Was Wedded to Frank Bradiey, | of Brooklyn, N.¥.--Deaths Mrs. Runnett, . {ananogue, "aud | William Compean, Howe Island. | and cheap work; nine improved presse: THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED 4. 6, Elliott, President. erer from the tortures of Sick Head- ache, Indigestion, GQonstipation and Leman A, Guild, Sec~Treas Yoriting. I could not retain mmch | ' -- - as, ogetiet nA the palin, TORONTO OFFICE~Sults 13 and 30 Qusen City Chambers, 33 Church grave, : Street, Toronto. H. BE. Bmaliplece, J. P., representative. 7 Then I:used * Fruit-a-tives" and > : almost at once I got relief, $5.00 Hats . $2.00 Sailors of | Gananoque, - June 3.-0On Saturday | afternoon, at four o'clock, at Christ church, Miss Gertrude Rogers, on! daughter of ex-Mayor and Mrs. W. \ Rogers, King street, was united in | P 5 {marriage to Frank' Bradley, Birpok +. Fruit-a-tives" s the vomiting, E , {lvn, N.Y. The was . choral, | relieved the Constipation, toned up the HERE'S A MODERN SODOM. + 'land the ceremony was peridrmed by | oma, and gave me the first relief in -- | Re Walter Cox, yea. Teel tha ows fay life to "Put. The Province prints, on the &u-|a menace to the moral life of the |church, in the sence of Indi and Headaches, 1 will theuticity of the police magistrate, The Moral Reform [number of guests. The bride was giv allow len arriag by her father, and | statement to be published." | an article which describes immoral- will hesitate about intruding eli Wiss Elizabeth M HARRY DICKINSON. ity as rampant in- Regina. The the | : "Prait-a-tives" i {Murchy, the groom's interests being | tives' is sold by all dealers | apartment houses are referred to as authority. Men's Suits bo . {attended to by his. biother, also of { ca uk 5 fo 1.00, trial aise, ase. ox resorts of vice and gambling, and {Brooklyn. The bride was handsome Limited, Ottawa, the police magistrate wants to know 15 > . ly attired in an elaborate éreation | ' 3 what the Moral Reform League is of white silk and lav: with bri i & ) > A Pure Wool English : : going to do about it. . The Whig veil... Sites the cornmony the bridal | © URE Worsted, soft collar and : Rugs Carpets and has read the statement of Mr. Traut, ' Sid Dilcloths on Credit party repaired to the home of thee | : : : bride's parents, . where digas Jaa i lapels, belt loops with cuff { resai y served, after wllch Mr. anc Mis g the magistrate aforesaid, and with RE le Cpa Toe or plain bottom trousers, serious misgivings. Notes the terrible } 3 kl . The bride' going away | 3 2 indictment he makes agdinst men Brooklyn, Bp Fre LEONE BRAY sizes 34 to 44. and women, husbands and Wives, It's moving week now. Surely you stenographers and clerks, whose re- need new Carpets and Oilcloths. Mon- _ey is scarce; don't worry; I trust you "* all you want. Select what you geed : "on the credit system. lzown was g handsome tailored su » lations are regarded as most scan- $1.00 per week is all You. Need pearl grey, with hat to match, The {bride was one of Gananoque's mos dalous, and it is inclined to inquire why he talks in thid way. © Ladies' Costumes at reduced prices, Dresses a specialty. Men's Suits, Over- popular young ladies, and also a ftive of the town, beloved by all her sweet and sunny disposition, Thenpolice of a city like Regine ought to be more familiar than any other person with the local moral coats, Waterproof Coats--a big var- jety. Table Linen, Towels, Coftons, and a full line of Boots and Shoes, service rector 'of Christ | presencé of a large Men's Sui community en S uits New Brown Rich shades of Brown in new Pin Dot pattern, Three Button style cout, « Smartly Cat. 'Trousers, Smart Dressers Delight. N = $15.00 Men's Suits - $1250 Men's Suits - $10.00 Made from Fine English Tweed, Rich Scotch Effects in shades of Grey, Brown, Bronze, sizes 34 to 46 League where police have no . standing and ne Evidence any one must have bafore there can be a prosecution, and ifthe police, who are skilled in this method of and punishing crime, cannot detecting get it, how can the Moral Reform League? Once more the Whig recalls what a mayor in Seattle did when he really undertool" to cleanse the city. His first act was to appoint a chief of police that was in sympathy with his pro- na for * and f "the large number of handsome nd } | costly tokens of esteem from her larg circle of friends attests to her popu- larity. mayor | At Brockville general hospital, and a magistrate and a chief of po- | Saturday, Jessie Wilkson, wile of will | Robert Runnett, Charles street, pas¥ ed away after over many months, vear of her age Deceased was the oblitera tion of the red light -district gramme, and orders for were no than the district abandoned, the demi-monde and a . Made from fine quality Domes tic Tweeds in Rich shades of Dark Green and Brown, neat patterns, designed after the style of our bet- ter suits. The best 810 suits in Canada. Sizes 34 to 44. they admirers flying from the city as from a pest. When Regina has a on conditions. They know, or ought to know, more about the offences against lice who mean business, who 3 i wus extending law. and dew:ncy than any others, and an illness extending fa suppress vice and gambling at any in the sixty-sixth they ought to be thé first to move a- wast, these will disappear, and not ana Seotland, but at latest styles, "Jos. B. Abramson 4 Colborne St., opposite , Central School. gainst 'these conditions when they are {day sooner. katchewan, in view of the active cam - wo - | BEMER BORD "As a Wall Board is fast growing into popular favor, As easy to work as soft Pine, leaves no dirt in the house, takes paint well, oc- cupies very little space, is warm and noise-proof. We are Sole agents paigning which is now in progress, and in view especially of the fact that the minister of the interior, Hon. Bob Rogers, has gone to Saskatchewan to man the machine in the interest of the Borden government. His plan of eam paign is to appoint stead inspectors, scores of home whose work will be among the farmers and of a genuinely political character. The date has not for the election, however, been set, and the closest réference to it is that which was made by Han. Mr. Scott in hig address to the electors of Swift. Current. Mr Seott's health has been very bad. He had to leave Regina before the close of vet the last session of the legisiature and go south. At present he is in a sani tarium ir-Philadelphia, considerably improved, but Hot gual to avtive AILS and "cectainld hot fitted for a po- litical campaign. He called attention to the phenom- Dr. de Van's Female Pills rellable French regulator; faile. Th portion cin a vo sing Bs 0 A ., Kel cheap imitations. Br. de Yan's ues sold at . se Bo.. 30 Goria. Sot For sale at Mahood's drug store. FURNITURE WANTED, Anyone having Furniture, Stoves, Clothes, Boots to Sell drop a card be- fore Slspasing of to HM, SUGARM N, 242 Ontario Street, Opposite Craig's Wholesale, NSN "FONG SING 0 MCA. ork guaranteed. to 383 Prin First-el ve adme Inventive abil & MelNT) ashington, : " . ER" Hand Sewing Machine Practically new, for Sale. ANTIQUE FURNITURE. Largest line in the city. 'Will buy, sell or exchange. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Bought and Sold. If you are giving up house, I will buy all your goods. L. LESSES | miiralty. epal growth of the western province in The crowd came to the city yoster day to see the airship, and most peo ple went away pleased and gratified with the that exhibition... They realized a heavier-than-air machine could be raised and manipulated, and brought to a landing with grace and case, did not travel from the scene of the exhibition to the earlier experaiments of the Wright brothers, of Dayton, Ohio and the average witness of a performance by the Curtiss biplane did not appreciate the labours of the men who made the new means of travel possible and prac ticable, The career of Wilbur Wright has been closed, and the president of the Unit- ed States and American papers have been paying The average mind tribute to his memory. Mr. Talt says he deserved to stand with Fulton and Stephenson and Bell, "and the New York Herald says he was 'a dreamer who dreamed great things and a toiler who made these dreams come true." In the press, too, it has been point ed out that the Wrights laboured long and incessantly before they produced the plane which could. fly. A: picture is given of it in the New York Herald, The grain growers of Manitoba have bought from the C.P.R. the larger clo vatorn and storehouse at Fort Wil Liam. They bave not lost faith ir the elevator system, whatever may be the folly of the Roblin government The farmers will not manage thee vators as a political propo¥ftion. The waiters' strike is still on and an attempt is made to unite with them the coaks, chambermaids,. bell: boys, and all who are associated in the t of a hotel. That is what some called syndicaliem, which has been tried in the western states and England with some degree of suo cess. 8 . Did the British admiralty refuse the merchantmen the use of searchlights ? Nature, a scientific journal, says they did, and it {ays the blame for the Titanic loss and disaster upon the hd- The searchlight is some dimes a menace to vavigution. This has besn demonsirated by the steam. %j One expects an early election in Sas- population medion] profession is becoming AN ELECTION IN DOUBT. -- qian and production, the provision that had been made a tedistribution of seats and He added might legally live of members, "The present assembly another .year, but it cannot now be said to be fairly apportioned. If nothing un forseen oceurs to prevent it the the for a dissolution of gov ernment intends before 1912 «to ask house and the the election of a new a sembly on the basis of redistribution I and out I shall take opportunity to make when suc h intention 18 carted a presentation of the record and poli cy of the government." Mr. Seott refers briefly\fo what the government has done for the people and is paving the way surely for an} He the have thirteen more members as a re election. says province ult of the redistribution, but whether of the not federal house he doe The redistribution bill loeal or say. may not bé wdopteld by the commons until wext year, and yet that on the basis of the redistribution an election may be had in 1912. HOMAGE TO WILBUR WRIGHT. and it is certainly Rot the graceful machipe which made {wo ascensions in Kingston on Monday. ed by, make and wondered if they something saw how near they came to the complishment of they observed the circling of the bi- plane here much it flight, The Wrights were very and then observed resembled' the swallow how the cepting the chine, all the competitors were mors or less an infringment of tent. In view of their labours idled and diverted theniselves--their + ; . i action is defensible. Who that are| masters of the situation, as they were, would have acted differently. The fact that it is proposed to have a world's meet, and proceeds of it to a monument for Wil bur Wright, is a testimonial in admission that aviation, DITORIAL NOTES i P---- innit srs which use the searchlights down the river, "Eugerfics" was the title of the address by' Dr. Morton, of Lowell, Mass., as retiring president of the American Medical Association. The more ind more confirmed that disease and legeneracy should not be perpetrated and increased by marriage--if they san help it. legislation such that which was proposed &n the On- tario legislature last session must be had 'sooner or later. - ------ .~ Farmers in New Brunswick aré pay- iog seven per vent. on borrowed mon- sv while the local government has appropriated $100,000 for ready-made farms for new comers and home |T The opposition, liberals, demand cheap money--money at per cent--for the farmers who are now the burderbearers of taxpayers move. and. to [James for increase | close of jan éld will Mr. Scott says The Wrights used to wateh the birds as they glid- could which, when in mo- tion, would resemble a bird: and one ac- this ambition when in its jealous of their patent rights, and only permit- ted one aviation meet last vear, with distinet understanding that, ex- Bletiot (or French) ma- their pa- of their study and indusiry while others contribute the his: hour. favour of the highest value. I is an] till he was a pioneer in | afterwards. as five of the province. A good and popular {tive of Glasgow, jan early age came to this fand she and her husband resided here {about forty - years. She was ikndwn and held in high esteem ! her husband she leaves four = Peterboro, John, New }.is- {keard, Frederick, Brodiville, and Wil { liam, Gananoque; da Mrs. Charles Ferris, of Drockville. The funeral took place Mondav alternoon {to Gananoque cemetery. Rev. Henry Gracey, pastor of St. Andrews, con {ducted the service. At Howe Island the death occurved Jon \ Saturday, of William Compeau, and highly respected resident of this - section, in vear of his age. 1 feeble health for '| funeral topk place on Sunday afte noon to St. Philemon' where 'service was conducted by Rev, Fr. J ip. Kehoe, after which the remains were interred: at the Howe Island - burying ground, Decedsed' was. the father of Telesphore Compedu, Victoria street country, vides also one ater, the eightv-sixth had been mn some time past: Tl church, : EIGHT MEN WERE KILLLD. (Continued from Page 1.) The bla for the its use. {parpose of breaking offi an over hanging bluff of the side of the «ut. cj Fhe witness said he drilled the himself. There were two made with a steam drill. They were about six feet deep and three inches in diame ter at the bottom, They were drilled about a fortnight ago. "Mr. Northup was loading them. 1 was drilling in another place at the time," said ghe witness. "The hole was sprung fin the morning at about ten'clock to¥ make a pocket at the bottom to hold more dynamite. My Northup began to load the hole about 2.30 o'clock on Saturday, when I was speaking to him, and he said that intended to put the blast off about six o'clock. | was in the ent about 150 feet away when the explosion took place. 1 saw the stones fly and saw the piece broken off the clifi." When asked as to the cause the witness gaid he did not knoy how it happened Mr. Northup was as care ful A man as any man could be in handling dynamite. When question- ed by the coroner as to the probable cause he said it might have bean de fective. dynamite the nitro-glycerine not being properly absorbed by the clay, and this he said would be set off by the slightest jar. A man may have dropped a piece of dynamite Some might have been spilled on the rock and been stepped on by the man who had hobnailed boots. One thing he maintained, however, was that Mr Northup was extremely careful He said he had known him to set off as {much as forty tons of dynamite and had never known him to show care lessness in any way. When asked about the springing of the holes in the morning he said that they were sprung at wsbout ten o'clock, that , only eight sticis of dynamite were used to spring them, lan amount that ought to cool in an : The loading did not begin 2.30 p.m., more than four hours Mr. McArthur said that if he were; blasting to-morrow - he could not take any more precaution than was taken by Mr. Northup. ung wa holes Other Evidence, The next witness. was Mr. Rines, who is foreman in the Henniger cut. He testified that he was about 600 feet away and heard the explosion and saw stones flying. He knew some thing was wropg, as he had received no warning of a blast. He then saw a horse struggling, and started for the cut on the run. He found the men ly ing under rocks and some still alive. He assisted in removing the earth and rock amd found eight killed and six wounded. The witness testified that he was one of those who handled dynamite in the Henniger cut. He said the dynamit- ing work wags confined to Mr. Heuni- ger and Bisel, He could offer no theory as {o the cats of the explo sion. He testified that Mr. Northup was a very careful man Leon Todas, a Roumanian, festified, through an interpreter, that he was about two hundred feet from the ex plosion, snd was loading a ear with near a steam drill. He heard the explosion and saw the stones flving. He got under the car. He testified that the men were always: given warm. nothing to do namite, 4 De. A. To. Freeman, of Inverary, tes with handling the dy- ing of an explosion. He said he had}: Men's Suits - New Greys Very dressy, smart models, light and dark shades, plain pattern, elegantly tailored, sizes 34 to 46. $18.00 Fancy. Hosiery Fine Lisle Thread ular 50c. quality, 35¢. The New York $5.00 78, 80, in popular shades and designs, a reg. 3 pairs for $1.00. Men's Oxford Shoes See Our Three New Styles The Korker $4.50 Jac Made-to-Meas ire Clothing Special Feature Suits and ete. made to your measure and ready in 6 day's time, over 800 samples to choose from. . Suits $18, $21, $23, and $25. all the cy fabrics, The Summit $4.00 Peter Pan Shirts - 75¢ Made with new standing collat, with pin fastener. Plain and Fan- Sizes 14 to 164, BIBBY'S Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 82 PRINCESS STREET. sp SR J reached home from came shortly before and Tovell, of Syden and found six then injured and them he could. The death of the eight men was due to be ing struck with rock. Ile also saw Sturugari's body, where it has been blown, and the few remains of Mr Northup. He examined the electritdeex ploder and found that the wires had not been connected. He saw unused dynamite lying near. as soon Kingston Drs. ham, tended as he He Sargent as best a bag of He could see no evidence of carelessness. The Jury's Verdict. In summing up the as both men who killed, it seemed accident. corner said that were on the cliff like a case of The verdict of the jury was death hy aceident; cause of explosion unknown. Fhe wounded men were Tonii Poin nori, Ejtini Don, Zaharie Sturugari, a cousin of the men who was killed, Dumitru Muntear, Solovestru Lungu The jury was composed of 3. Bruce, H. Johnston, Walter Guthrie, William Guthrie, William Ritchie, W. Raymond, Herbert Guthrie, W. Chillcott, L. Aus tin, Gordon Stewart, H. Bibby and 11. Moore, (Continued on Page 5.) were ' BR."SOPER DR. WHITE Diabetes | Fanlssions | Kidoey Affecticas And Blood, Nervoard Bladder Diseases. free sdvies, tified that ke wns called to the place NEW SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER has taker wvor the business of the late Jus. Davis at the old stand, 269 PRINCESS STREET Al kinds of Shoe Repairing promptly done. All work guaranteed, 60005 SOLD ON TIME New Spring Goods pow In and sold on the Easy Payment Plan. DRY GOODS. MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, LADIES' SUITS. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES, JEWELRY, E¥%, Come in and see these Goods, or drop us tr card and we will gend the goods to your house. Yoicph Abratisky 203 PRINCESS STREET, Next Princess Theatre. Mechanical Genius in Plumbing 'and Heating is worth to fair people in talkirg guch, we . most positively assert ther we ean | ig cost minded to Fease you by our work 'David Hall 66 Brock Street. 'Phone 535 Residence, TOV Y TTT IVY YY T UT EY ww USE... RAWFORDS eHavePlenty of Coal Have You?

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