THE DAILY BRITISH WIIG. FRIDAY, JUNE FAGE SEVEN, The Safe Investment of Small Sums 's a difficult matter. safe, conveulent and profitabie Interest is added to balances half- Bank of CAPIPAL .... .. RESERVE 6 eee seen Many a one has lost all nis money threagh unwise invesiments or some get-rich-quick Atcouat at the Bank: of Toronto for Tek wa scheme. A Baviags your spars money will prevo yearly. Toronto we KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, 2 A EEE EY EEE) Five cups of this delicious beverage for one cent LIPTON'S TEA GOES FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY . Manager. LCCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GEXERAL, Occurrences in the City and Vicinity =Other Brief Items of Interest Fasily Read and Remembered. Whitewear at Mendels', "MCC Bagy 8 Dubiersweets." Gibson's Sale $1 Cotton nightdresscs, Tie. Dutton's. the steamer Hinckley, of Oswego, arrived in port, this afternoon, Willism Swaive, piano tusier. Urders mesived at MeAnley's. Phone 564, Mendels' for bargains Saturday. The schooner St. louis arrived port, this afternoon, with coal hgo. The water in in from the Rideau lake and or in hirko~ now than it has heen in years at this season. * H. Lunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders ut Auley's book store. Look for Red Crops 'on tag day. . Mrs. Martha Montgomery, Uniyer | sity avémue, left on Friday for Lon «+ to visit her daughter, Mrs, 2A My gal %T | ; N eeleys | daut's toilet water," 95¢. lxon's. I we Mondely' bargains, | Wueen's University [general assembly at | tal registration for {of LBUT, a decrease j PreSiding year, "MeConkey's cherry cordials." son's. Ladies' suits and dresses on "streday, at Mendels'. See display. » ) Norvie is woeatine the Oi, | wa hotel, and is moving on to Rideau Sueet. 'Lhe vundiog wil pe overhaul at once, for the wholesale "hard. ware of Dalton '& Sons. {| Sale three-inch silk ribbon, 10; blouseg, 50c.; black underskirts, 50. Dutton', ? Gib- windows for Saturddy reported to Edmonton a the college your of 105 from tie the 10+ Gib- sale window Be emperate/ Make the money is for general hospital. "Teo cream bricks." There . will Tag day to-morrow. large. The worthy cause--our Te a Gibson's. be no session of the Anglican synod, of Ontario, in Kings ton, during the 'month of June, as usual, The session will be held the latter part of February, Special shipment extra strong boyy' stockings. Call and see, at Dutton's, "New tooth brushes." Gibson's. William Yellowly, who 'won first prize at the motor boat speed race Lon Monday last, received a pewter | stein, and Thomas MoAuley, who won second prize, received a stop watch. Sale men's 81 ufon made overalls, Dution's, * To-morrow is tae day. When you arg "button holed' loosen up and helo a descrving cause--the general hosyi- tal, "'Hudnut's toilet goods." Gibson's. Sing Low, who formerly ran a Chin- jes? laundry here, invested 85,000 in SILVER We have at present the largest stock of Fine Silver suitable for Gift Purposes ever shown in King- ston, at competitive prices. ---------- RODGER & WRIGHT deca real estate fas Your Electric Light Bill High Again? Inferior wiring or a poor grade of wire used by un- scrupulous firms is often the cause of this, Call at my store and let me explain how to economize . in the use of Electricity, or baet- ter still, let me examine your wiring to see whether it is fauity or improperly installed. J. N. SCOTT. Electrical Contractor 116 BROCK STREET. 'Phone 1215. in the northwest a fow years ago, has been offered $85,000 for it, lle has changed his name to Sing Elgh, . "Iligh class sweets" at Gibson's To-morrow is tag day for the geno- ral hospital. See that you have some money in your pocket to aid a worthy cause, Sale of barrettes, half price. tons R. L. Fairbairn, general passenger agent of the Canadian Northern rail- way, and F. W. Wiggins, manager of the Canadian Northern Railway Fx. press companies, were in the city on business to-day. See our special suit Dutton's. Prevost, Brock street. has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department, snd ready-made dlothing and gents" fur nkshing department. All well assort- ed with new goods. i BIGGEST STEP YET MADE Dut- case, $1.50. DIAMOND MERCHANTS Yowards Ch==ch Union in Canada by | Presbyterians. Edmonton, Afta., June 7~Chureh Formerly Spangenberg's 347 King Street. Marriage Licenses Issued. HALL FURNITURE | We are shuwing a fine line o. Hall Furniture. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE By Hour, Day or WEEK. Night or Day. Phone 815 MOORE'S GARAGE Agents for Cadiline, Audwon & MeLoughits Motor Cars, {union was the subject under discussion at tho Presbyterian general assembly meeting to-day, and the specini committee's report was thoroughly dis- cussed. This report, as laid beforo the gathering at moon, affirmed that 'organic onion of the Presbyterian, Me- thodist and Congregational denominas tions of Canada' would soon be ef. | ected, although in view of the size of the minority which voted against union in the recent plebiscite, some delav and enquiry was necessary. This report will probably be adopted by the assembly. ae i It provides for the formation at once of union congregations to be 'supervised by the three churches jointly, also for a division of mission fields and eomplete co-operation, pending actual grganic union, and is. sues instructions to denominational college boards to combing work as far as possible. The committee's re port is regarded as the biggest stop yet made towards church umion {n Cs » woiden Ouk, $a5u [Hf 0 6.50. %- fll Sea gig0 to tint0. | | All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma Ye a 3 «oh 1 ' residences, modern con. venioncae: splendid locations a A amber of mod size ; i a eonvont i at oh prices. DA n of frame houses (4 Some of the best located bulldi i - ven aot abe shy, eon 5) A ; a A per large Intervsc of offerings in Sha ana | LSE to laos i | Removal Notice. the Imp ¢ Nor inti He Offi of removed over ul Bank temporart] iifices are remodeile J.B. JOVKE, District Managér -------- 4 Saturday, June 8th OONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion. Ie a word, Esch con secutive jaseriieon 'thereafter Malt cent a word. Misimum charge for ofc lasertion, 23¢; three imsertions, B0e; #ix, $1; one month, 82, HELP WANTED. ~ DINING-ROOM : PE. 3. 3 EXPERI to Hotel Randolph girl. Aj APPLY TO ¥ SMART BOY. 1 Goon, AN Lad, Kilg Kingston Hosiery « Street West, EXPERIENCED CLERK AND A BOY to learn hardware business. 0) A. Mitchell. SOMETHING NEW ! "CROSSED FISH" KIPPERED _HERRING 10 cents per can TRY ONE, THE WMIuSs JL MBLE, A Lot of News of Interest to Every. ' ly. "High class sweets" at Gibson's. , The anti-clerical tumult in Belgiom 18 quieting down. Negro revolutionists got a tremend- our repulse at Havana. 1 W. P. Walker has been appolnted a customs ollicer at Carding On the Brockville chedse Thursday, 13 5-16¢. was refused. Just come and enquire prices Dutton's boot store. Miss Mary E. Head were Wednesday, James Bears, cigar-maker, was stab- bed by an. unkbown wan in a street in London, Unt. Men, come to the great boot sale at Dutton's. 856 patent colt boots, $3.85. Dutton's. 'oe The Toronto Board of Education voted down the pln to appoint director of education, "Fresh McConkey's sweets." son's, | The republican national committee of Chieago decided to admit represen- tatives. of the press, Sweaters for all for cool evenings. Dutton's, + Fred, G. Williams; of Picton, passed away on Wednesday. He leaves a widow and two children. The villagg of Newburgh gets 000 from the CG.N.R. for closing some of the village streets,' "Fresh McConkey's sweets." son's. The Richelieu and Ontario Naviga- tion company will run Sunday excur- fons out of Toronlo, commencing in July, Three hundred thousand dollars has been subscribed towards a new grain exchange building at Tort William, Largest assortment of popular songs. Call and see at Dutton's. American citizens and foreigners in Cuba appealed to their respective con- suls for protection against the negro insurgents. "Joachim" violin strings. Dutton's. Miss Helen Sullivan. of Picton, and Robert "Neill, of Toronto, were martied in St. Gregory's church, Ic ton, on Monday. Absolutely genuine clearing sale. All tan and chocolate boots, cos price. Dutton's. . Fuogineér .loliffe and three train men seriously hurt, was the result of a Canadian Pacifie smash-up in the ocky mountains on Thursday "The choice of royalty sweets," Me Conkey's. Sold only at Gibson's. board, at Sale now on, Hudgin and Jonn married at Picton on Gib- 81, up Gib Mrs. Robert Digging; of Chisholm. died on Monday, aged sixty-eight vears. She leaves a husband and two sistors to mourn her loss. Philip Kauffman, Toronto, © was found to be guilty of negligence by the coroner's jui + which investigated the Victoria day automobile fatality- Sweeping reductions, §7 extra strong trunks, $5. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. The Belleville city council met at at 7.30 Monday evening and did not adiourn. until four o'clock Tuesday morning. Fifty-seven by-laws were ». The bill" which will allow Southern New England (Grand Trunk) railroad to exten® ita lines to Beston, was enactod in the Massachusetts House f ntatives, . piano folios, 33 That no lignor is now being used any officers' mess stitution in Niagara findink on Thursday armed to into. the f a that such was case, Come to the clearing sala of bools or wa, women and children. Dut- ton's. i 18 in expected that the order-in- A inting Justice Charles 5 its of the superior succession to Sir 1 , will be pass choice of royalty sweets," Me. | only at G ba 'a white overalls, bibs. 45+. Dutton's. Righ . or regimental in- camp, was . the of board of iE with AT THE BEST GROCERS '| GOOD, APPLY TO Lid, King A FEW SMART GIRLS, Kingston Hosiery Co., Street West tnt tert ------n GOOD GENERAL SERV RE ferences reouired. Ap at once, to 305 Alfred Street A AT ONCE, TWO ears of age H Botting C6. BOYS, ABOIT a7 Apply, Thompson Princess Stiect Goor feres K. N GENERAL SERVANT; required Apply *a Mrs reland, 15% Wiltlam Street A YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN OI'FICY one with knowledge of I graphy preferred, Apply "a STRONG BOY TO 130A nN pregawork: a chance to squire - Hade Apply, British Whig of- fice, ' A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT 200 family of two. Apply to Mrs. M. 8 Sutherland, 151 Earl Street, Kir ton. nse ---- GOOD SMART BOY TO learn the printing trade in Job Department of the Whig Office. Apply at once B= ---- EE. -- A GENERAL SERVANT, FAMILY two; must be good cook. Apirty, between 6 and 8 pm. 162 Jounuson Street. oy GOLD BAND BRACELET, chain attached, June 3rd Gre ds, t Unjon or Streets, SMALL al i A BING field 2nd cor BAROMETER, IN H ANEROID or w 8, between ward ufie partment FINANCE AND INSURANCE. GENERAL INSURANCE, - 7. ' ROON, Agent. 158 Welll an St Fire. Life. Accident aud Health Policles issued. % . BATEMAN "a Life, Accident, toms Broker: GARDINER. FIRE Insurance and Cue Real Estate ano Money to 3 n: a 'share of your business solicited 67 larence Btreet, Kingston. "Phone 308. FRONTENAC LOAN ment BSoclety: president, money AND INVEST. established 1863 Richafg Cartwright: on city and . municipal and country mortgages purchayed: received and interest ul owed, 8 C MeGH, Managiog Director, 87 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available Kssets, 361,187. 215. In. sddition a4 which the poli holders have for security the unlimited lability of wll the stock-holders Farm and city property Insured at jowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get raras from Btrange & Strange, Agents 'Phone 325. BUSINESS CHANCES. a mall order business at home: no canvassing: be your own boss Bend for free booklet: tells how Woacoek, 2.989. Lockports NY MEDICAL. IN, A. RB. B, WILLIAMSON IAS RI. T moved his office end residence from 285 Brock Street to King and William Streets, corner GENERAL SERVANT; REFERENCES required. Apply to Mrs Ww, G Cralg, 78 Barrie Street, corner or Stuart Street. -- A i GOOD GENERAL SERVANT; RE ences required, Apply. In e ing, to rs. J. FF. Lessife, William Street, PARTNER, WITH A FEW HUNDRED dollars to invest in a firs -ciacs manofacturing business Apply Box 66, Whig office A GOOD GENERAL famliy of three; no washing or ironing Apply to Mrs I. W Murphy, 27 Bydenham Street SERVANT FoR J AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY carn $100 monthly corresponding for hewspapers; no FaLr arn ug Send for particulars, Press Syudi. cate, 3,960 Lockport, N.Y. CANADIAN OVERNMENT WANTS Rallway all Clerks; Mall Car- riers: excellent salaries; common education . sufficient; particulars free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 813 P., Rochester, N.Y. OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS, able Scotch, Koglish and maids; also Danidh girls: arriving woekly. Apply now Guild, 71 Drummond Street ant. real, or 227 Bank Street, Ottawa. CAP. Irish FOR TUR KINGSTON BOARD Education, & male principal for Public School; minimum salar $1,000; maximum, $1,200; annual increase, $100; also a teacher fur Junior science for the Collegiate Institute; minimum salary, $1,100 bY maximum, $1,300; annual increase, $100. with $100 dded for fanuity or education work Apply 10 the Secretary of the Foard, WANTED----GENERAL. NICE OLEAN RAGS YOR wirmsa machinery: will pay goed price for came British Whig Publishing Company, oy a ------------------ - -- FURNISHED Hover 10 RENT FROY About October 1st. Apply to Mc- Cann's Real Estate Agency, 61 Brock Street. SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY Dg. scription; first class work: best imather only used; one hia) will suffice, ring our repairs 1» Scott's, 208 Barre Street, cor. of Clergy West, TAKE Nori THAT | WILL Buy second-hand furniture will pay highest anyone elss, - Thompson, 333 Princess Street, next St. Andrew's Church. TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up: to-ta ults. Price and work. manship guaranteed to Pressing and repairing don the of teat Pocioe- may way, roc reet, Bibby's Livery. GENTLENEY % please. los near we, al Store; eather is ficus s, particularly those of the Ru tholie church, from Yientenad dia: ation, at of Bee din Torney Jersey to-da asked the supreme court of the DR. FRE CK A, CAYS, SPECIAT.- Ist, Nose, Throat = and Ear, 12% Wellington Street, corner Johnson Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 6, 7 to 8 Sun- day, 2 to 4, and by appointmen: 'Fhone 814. Ce OUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST ers and licitors. Law Office, 1! Cinrence Btrest Kingnton LEGAL. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 222 Brock. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCIITECT, ETC, 268 Kiug Street. 'Phone 34h, WM NEWLANDS tects, ete, 'Phone 608, & SON, ARCH. Offices, 268 Bagot St POWER _& SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Bulldings, @ corner Brock and Wellington Streets, drop a card OSTEOPATHY, "HEALTH WITHOUT PRUGA A. G. Ashcroft, DO, 136 Wellington 8t, opposite the Post Office Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and by ap- pointment Consultation free "Phone 447, DENTAL. A. E, KNAPP, B.A LD.S, D.D.S, ng- moved to 28% Princess Street. AND SPARKS, DENTISTS; 1.2 Princess Street, Kingston, ie SPANKS 230 "Phone 2 DR. C. C, NASH, DENTIST: DR. C. RB, Weicker, assistant, 133 Princess Btreet. "Phone 735, §. A. AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, DENT. st, over Dominlon Express Office 87 Wellington Btreet. "Phone 1 8. H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. ist. corner Princess an 'Bagot Entrance ~on Bagot Sireet. Tels. phone 626. CATERER, WE _ CATER 70 PARTIES, BALLS, Weddin Breakfasts, Banquets otic. also Rent Dishes, abie Linens and Sliverware. Reid & Hambrook. corner Un'on snd Divie sion Btroets, "Phone 843. BUSINESS NOTICE BEFORE PUTTING IN YOUR GAS drop a card to David Marshall, 101 Queen Breet, do your work reasonably, Workmanship Buaranteed, ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START | A LOT OF WARDROUES FOR 85 TO $40 a piece; Kiso a few Cheap. cup. bonrds. st Turx's Phone Tob A. BARGAIN, A DesIRAnLe hitiding Kit on Coiborge Sireot . tween Barrie and Large APPIY, T Colborne Street pend te ssn son L MOTOR BOAT, 24 FT. a $ hp Brockville eng oedar hull; cherry Juss condition, McKinley, Seeley's OR » AT X 4 FP 8, ine: oak und finial; Wn fi Apply te J. Bay. DORY GASOLINE LAUNOM iN Irsl-claks condition; 20 feel lon, § in. beam. . Apniv, King t undry, or 212 University \ cr -------------- oa ono AN UPTO-DATE RETAIL GROCER) st with dwhiliog location in 'ely: fade: Apply to Box fice. 300 LOADS OF EARTH; horse power motor {direct reat), & new frame house \ vompleted. on Victoria Street YA. ply, HB, Wathen, 47 Mack Sthest Fhone $84 ALSO EIGHT AWNINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS @apt, Joseph Dix, Jalimaker, » the t awnfhg maker h city. u want a well made one the longest, drop a to 211 Nelson Street. FOUR GROCERY STORES, WITH dwellings attached; good lova- tions in city; also genera: store and dwelling in tariving vilage nearby. Apply to T. J. Sekhar, Outario Chambers, Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. TENTS AND AWNINGS LEAVE your order for awitings 1 small sails at F. X, Baseau' old reliable, who khows hi ness. will cater to your wants: do it right: no high prices, 158 Oa- tario Street, Kingston, FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTA CANOES. camping oatfifa fishing tac hy marine supplies lunch baskets, English raincoats cverything In canvas, kit silk tents, spray hoods, mo boat supplios, Frank W_ o 89 Clarence Ht 'Phone 801 or 23 bags, "w CAR, A model; dopeete and t G30 LP. PASSENGER mohaly Lop wind irl hore nearly new shield - sper extra wheel Lien, 38 x t r old pply, RO. Box 1% Kingston MIL L=MODERN ROLLER firsg-claxs condition good ing propositions for quick fale M--EARL STREET, STORK AAD dwelling 81,1002 LARGE LOTS AND Goon Arivé house on Princess Hireet. BNOO-- I 84 , 41 NT, LAWRENOR ver, I 6-8 acres, off Gananogue | RATEMAN GARDINER, 7, CLAR. ence Street FHII0000 Iss 0etee FOR SALLE. ABOUT 300 FEET OF Floor Tile, Apply Cartn new Bank ronto Pullding, cor " i Brock Streets, $ hi TEER PELOPD PIPES PPE 100 10 LT, AUTO CAR TO day Phone af th King and HIRE BY HOUR OR 43 GOOD PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND horses APplY to T. J. Reid, Vie. loria Breet SARGE FURNISHED = OMS, ur without board, near Ci 28 Wellington Street. wr y Park, ---- et -------------- NEWLY.FURNISHED HOUSE IN WX. ceptionally attractive loc ality. Jaly and August; moderate termi foe desirable tenant Apply, "Box®41." Whig & ------------------------ een . STORAGE ron FURNITURE, OL AR, ry, airy rooms, aboslutely ot) roof; Boer w Jock and % rost's Clit torage, 9? Jue e 'Phone 5260, w - > LARGE YARD, SUITANLE FOR COAL wood or for storing purphses, corner of Princess snd Ontario Btreets. Apply to D. J, Millag on the premises, STORAGE POR FURNITURAR, CLEAN and dry: also Dwellings, fun ish. ed and unfurnished; Offices Stores, ote. J R. MoCany 81 Brock Street. 3 FNEW LOWS BUN AT EASYVIEW 'ark, op 3, Lawrence, five Miles from Kingston, five or six and furnished, moderate ood transportation D. Boyd, Pine Stree GA i roms rent fund Apply, Pwr t PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks and all growths blemishes removea without P ence Ear, Epecial BIRTH. and gkin permanimtiy Years experi. Elmer J. Lake, Foye, Nose, Throat and !Bkin Int, 25% Bago: Street OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL © es. COC. 8, Kirkpatrick, eo h ence Street. Kingston. 'Phone HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, THE GRIMASON HOTEL, Princess Btreet Bar stocked with of Ales Beer Wines, Lignots and chblicent brands of Cigars. Meals, 25c each or special rates by ihe week! ¥ard And stable accommodation, Fated reasonable. Muiviila & Driscoll J. GAVINE, UPHOS TERING pairing and carpet werk, Baler ma: - tress renovating Drop a card or call 218 Bagot Street. 243-344 Re. ERE. Hardwood, COAL tum Chestnut Coal Pea Coal, Charcoal and Grate Cc HOT WEATHER FUEL Softwood, Kindling oal Delivered any Quantify.