YEAR 79 -X0. 136 be ~ BORDEN FORCED T0 BOW 10 THE W Stand-Patters Shocked by Coment Reduction, STRAIGHT ADMISSION PACT WAS WISE. ----y The dwest Will Get its Way as to Taritf--It Will Not be Satisfied Unless a Permanent Reduction on Cement is Made. : Ottawa, of the Borden-White government to the demands of the people of the west for relief from the operations of the cement combination is the chief 10. pie of the day in political circles. No- -thing in fiscal matters has so stirred the sentiments of the old stand- vatters. They realize that the con- cetision to the west is: 1. An admisdion that the low tariff sentiment in the west must be recog- nized. 2. A confession that the presant traf conditions do not mect the demands of the people of the wes( 3. A recognition of the fact that when the west wants a tariff conces- sion it is going to have it. or know the reason why, ; 4. A vindication of the reciprocity agreement of last » Which propos. ed. a moderate uction upon cement ~t0o modersis, many people think. in view of present conditions in ihe west The positioz can thus be summariz- ed * Present duty om cement filty centsa barrel Remedy proposed--Reduction to 25c. a barrel. Remedy to last only from June 121) to Oct. 3st. How fer this will satisfy the west is problematieal. The general conclu sion here is that it will satisfy no: body--neither the ucer or the consumer, There are, of course, precedents for the remission of duthes. As a rule thev have been for economic causes: it this case it is both cconomical and political in wiew of the sentiment of the west fof & geseral reduction of duties. Senator Edwards' View. The chief men in the combine of cement compabies ave outside of Ot- tawa. It ia true that the president of the Canada Cement company, Hon. W, C. Edwards, is here, but he prefers to make no other statement than this : "The cause is a lack of transporta- tion facilities and not a fiscal one at all. We have anywhere from a million to" a million and a quarte. barrels of cement in our bins for which we cannot get carriage to the west. If the railways will do their duty the manufacturers in the east will do theirs." J. 8. Irvine, the founder of the ternational Cement company, of Of «wn, which company was the basis of the merger, said that the removal of the duty would not in his opinion give any substantidl relief to the peo- ple of the west, for the reason that all the American cement mills are now so busy that they have no time to look after foreign trade. : One matter of interest is that while Mr, White has cut the duty in half; the provision in the Vielding-Knox re- viprocity reement was only «ix cents a rel, as compared with twen- ty-five cents under the present tempor- ary reduction. 'The difference is that while the Fielding proposal was to be permanent, the White proposition is only to be for four months at most. In: Fleming's Famous Attack, 'Another interesting factor of the situation is that it recalls Sir Sand ford Fleming's now famous attack up on cement , which was engi neered by Max Aitken (now Sic Max Aitkin, MP). In 1911 Sir Sandiord appeared before the private bills com- mittee of the commons to protest against the granting of a bill to eor- porate the Canada Cement company, Jung 11.--~The capitulation # EST'S DEMANDS 'position to make any necessary quiry in the present instance." And there is where the question stood until the, remission of the « ce- ment duty for four months was an nounced. "la WORLD'S GREATEST POWER, Viscount Haldane Foresees the Ems pire Invincible. , HALDANE ! Tondom, June 11.-Viscount dane, speaking at the banquet {Saturdays review of troops hy king, said the dominions were ganizine for war on the same as adopted bere. Dux now had to be so disposed as to pro tect the overseas dominions, but the time would come very soon when th dominions would have organized their owa naval and military defences That meant we Should become by far | the most powerful miliary and naval nation the combined world had ever ® | VISCOUNT Hal aftds the or lines forces en. word Taldane especially referred to the visit of the Canadian cadets, and said that In the organizatien of cadet forces England had somethiig to learn from her daughter states, KILLED BRITISHER'S FAMILY. of Mexican Kebels--Uase Laid Before Consnl. Phoenix, Ariz, June 1T--Withk a story of how his wife and two babies were burned in their home near 'epic, Mexico, by roving bands of hele, George Meinoid Drown, an 1 glishman, passed through Phoenix pr his way to Los Angeles, to lay iis case before the British consul. 1AY YOHE IS MISSING : HOPE DIAMOND TRAGEDY ihought to Have Ended Wer Life-- Once Wearer of Famous "Jewel of Death." New York, June 11.-May Yohe, wife yi Lord Francis Hope, and one-time wearer of the famous Hope diamond, nas been missing since Thursday last. Her friends were not alarmed until her hand bag, picked up in Central Park on Saturday, ay, found to contin a letter to her maid; lamenting that she could not get a theatrical engagement, and concluding with the words: am discouraged and do not, know which way to turn." The hand-bag also disclosed a photo- graph of May Yohe standing on the deck of the Oceanic. One one side stood Putnam Bradlee Strong, and on the other Lord Francis Hope, her se cond and first husbands respectively. On the back of this photograph was writsfn in pencil the name "May," "Bradlee," "Francie," and below that "the first and last editions." The former beauty has nat prosper- ed in:latter years and has been doing parts in moving picture shows De tectives have heen assigned to search for her. fe Victims EGYPT'S OLD NECROPOLIS. Where Moses Received His Sacer dotal Training. | London, Juws 11.--The archasologi- {eal excavations under the direction iof Daninos Pasha have mow fully revealed the Neoropolis' of Heliopolis, which was the intellectual centre of ;{ Mavpt for over four thousand years, and the place where Moses received the sacerdotal and military training which enabled Mm to lead the | Israelites out of their Bgvpsthn bond age. The Necropolis is situated in desert x trifle more than three niles the Maearish Obelisk. of the Arabian ranges were from sixty- the 'five to two 'huadred snd twenty feel They wete covered with sand, mies of human "bodies and the skele- Da din England to review its decrecs The burial places cut from the rocks the removal of which revealed mum. | tons of sacred animals and hinds. ® KINGSTON, SANDOW DOCTOR DROPPED. British Medical Council \rouses Ire by Its Action. Loudon, June 1].--Another Sandow doctor was made a martyr last seek by the General Medical Council, and wax stricken from the registry for acting as a hired physician \to the Strong Man's sapitarium, which ad- vertises dnd which is headed by 'a non-medico. Last year Dr. Maurice Wallis, the senior Physician of Sap- dow's institute, was similarly disquali- fied. . Laymen see no offence in the doc tor's conduct in treating Sandow's patients," as 'the institute is a physical culture afiair with medical guidance. There is some criticism, therefore, of the mediaeval narrowness of 'the coun- cil, but apparently there is no power or foree it to comply with the dictates of common sense as understood in these modern times. PARBDOXED BY THE CZAR, Miss Malecka Has Consemted to Leave Russia. London, June 11.--A despatch to the Chronicle from Warsaw says the czar has pardoned Miss Malecka, the young woman who was sentenced to four years' penal servitude and life exile to Siberia for her sympathies with Polish revolutionaries, and whose case Kas attracted great attention in Great Britain because her father was a na- turalized British subjéet. The condi tions of the pardon are that Miss Malecka shall leave Russia immedi- ately. She will he escorted to the frontier by policemen, and"must ever return to the country THE, SWORD MiGHTIER "THAN PEN, SOMETIMES Corporal's Guard Carried Off Handy Man of Niagara Paper to the Camp. Niagara Falls, Ont, June 11 A corporal"s guard from Camp Niagara, reinforoed hy city police, ull but pre ventid Saturday ¢ edition of the Re card, a local daily, from appearing Reginald Rothwell, gon of the pro prielar, enlisted in the 44th and serv ed through last vear's camp, but fail- ed to go this season Several - unsuccessful efforts were wade to ldke him to camp. Descond ing upon the office just before the pa ber went to press, militiamen and po lice found Rothwell, who is pressman, make-up, advertising solicitor, porter and several other functionaries, all in one, hiding in the attic. The. took him to camp despite protests of his parents," his mother heing editross of the paper, OBEYS SUDDEN IMPULSE, ¥ Automobile Driver "Felt" Some. thing Was Going to Happen. Logansport, Ind., June 11.--Charles Cotner, Cass county farmer, residing seven miles south of Logansport, living because he ran instead stopping to investigate, when the en- gine of his automobile began to act queerly. An explosion followed which wrecked the ear. The ear is one which Uolner ran last year. He had it out for the first Time, but had not gone 100 yards when he poticed that something was wrong. He did not wait to see, bat Jumped from the car and had not gone ten feet when an explosion occurred. Cotner eannot explain what wrong. He says that something him to jump and he jumped is was told Tidal Waves 530 Feet High. Usrdova, Alaska, June 11.--The ( ni ted States revenue «utter Manning re- -oorts by wireless that the residents of the Kodiak islands have not been harmed by the outbreak of the Kat- mai volcano. The steamer Annie, Capt. McKnight. arrived . yesterday reporting tidal waveg many of them fiity feet high, between midnight and two o'clock Friday morning, while off Montague Island. Britain and France, London, June 11.-The London Daily Mail says it has reason to believe that as a result of the recent Confer ence at Malta, in which Premier As quith, First Lord of the Admiralty Churchill and General Kitchener took part, some arrangement will be made with France to share with Great Bei tain the responsibility for the defines of British interests in the Modiiew an- enn. ly of ¢ national committer, talking to Cecil pian t ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 912} TURKS DEFEATED BADLY. Halians Declare the Enemy LATEST TIDINGS =" i Rome, 'June 1l.-Gen. Caneva, the { commander-in-chief of the ltalian for- Despatches From Near and Distant Places. {ees in Tripoli, has sent to the govern- we THE WORLD'S EPISODES ment a detailed 'report of the victory by the Italians at Znazur oasis on GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST pos- SIBLE FORM. Lost Saturday. The report shows the bat- te to have been among the bloodiest of the present war. The Turks lost at least 1,000 killed and the Italia loss- es were eleven killed and 'eight oflicers and 252 men wounded. The advance began at 3.30 o'clock in the morning. The Turkish entrench- ments were shelled, after Which there was a bayonet attack until the odsis was entirely cleared. At five o'clock it was permanently occupied by the ltalians. Gen. Caneva isays his forces are now in complete control of the Tripoli eoast and this is: likely fo be the last battle until the hot season is over. Matters That Interest Everyhody-- Notes From AH Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. The city of London is sending an extra detachment of cadets to Toron- to. Canadian Pacific double tracking has been completed from Winnipeg to Brandon The duration of the voyage between Tokio and London i8 to be reduced by one day from June 15th. Col. De la Poer Beresford commands the cadets who will visit Toronto. Sir L. Brunton is medical officer, A dinner to be given by Royal Colgnial Instiute, in honor R. IL. Borden on July 10th. Rev, Dr. H. Symonds succeeds Rev. Pr. James Barclay as' head of the Mopfreal Protestant School Board. H. R. Charlton, general advertising agent of the Grand Trunk railway, left for San Francisco to loax «ffe: the railway 's interests at the world's | air. . Benjamin Highland, of N.Y, coined a pame for abot cmteimmiaetsae | SENTENCED FOR LIFE Lad SparlingeTiyr, MacGregor May Appeal. Bad Axe, Mith., June 11.--Dr. For Poisoning Rob- was last week tried and found guilty of murder in the first degree in the now famous Sparling poisoning case, was, Monday afternoon. sentenced by Judge Beach to spend the rest of his natural hie in Jackson state prison. Mactiregor is a former resident - of jlondon, Unt." He took the sentence calmly. It is expected a new trial wiil {be asked for, HE WAS A MEMBER © | KNOWN AS BLACK SHEEP his seventh Seaghter: : oe Ee eeit's nt And Having the Paper He daughiggs name 'Alice.' % | Had to Leave For Twelve Months. United States Senator souri, accor { London, Ont." June 11. William | Finch, aged fifteen, who is under ar- rest on a charge of vagrancy, at Sm nia, told the police thav he was forced to leave London and become | a wanderer because he is a member of [the lceal juvenile club and known {a black sheep. Finch avers that once a year papers are placed in a box and the boys who draw ones with | "black sheep' on are required, cording to the constitution, to home for twelve months. Finch known to the local authorities as an { mveterate dime novel reader and | would-be bad man. It is stated that {there are black sheep societies in Windsor, St, Thomas and london. the of | 15 Reed iri¢ Sen Lf no president ut The eight vee A. Hyde amd J cape imprisonment spiraeyv to defraud the fof Tinds in California and ertded in failure The presence of greatly diminishing wm Havana harbor mtervention in construction pl the administer H. Schne OVE as Americ th ar like av he re warships lihood of rded as 7 to the fact by ne leave is ad upor Wil. that CHINESE BRUTALITY. Executions at Wu-Chow-- Bodies Riddied to Pieces. Hong Kong, June 11.--The Chinese assembly at Canton has denounced the section of the governor 'of Canton "Trot.™ in putting martial law into effect. ' According to despatches received Atlantic City, N.J., June 11.--Mrs. here, the brutality that has oecurred |A80es E. Day, aged twenty-one, in the various cities is of a horrible {dead at her home, the result of nature. Executions are taking place [9e*ire to master the turkey trot. daily at Wu-Chow, where men are he- Friends who heard of her sudden ing 'shot on the slightest pretext, the {death early Satuiday morning learned government troops firing volleys at (to-day that she bad been practising them from a distance of only five (the dance with her husband Friday yards, and virtually blowing them to [night prior to going to one of th pieces. The fragments of their bodies |Piors to witness experts do the trot are then scattered over the streets| She was seized with a sudden pain where they are left for the pigs and [in her side and stopped the strenuous ydogs to devour. hop. Ten minutes later 'when she, } Secret meetings have with her husband, started from the the citizens of Wu-Fhow (house the young woman fell to the geance on the officials {floor unconscious. Before physicians carrying out the executions, {arrived she was dead. Examination WILL STAY TWO YEARS [=i bm s™ "= Po AND PERHAPS LONGER *"* The Duke of Comanght Has No ln. tention of Resigning His Aide- de-Camp Says. Menireal, ' June I. | Without foundation," said Col. Low | 3 ther, aide-de-camip to the Duke of {ago. Mrs. Davis was formerly Miss J¢ cnnaught, when a statement pub- | Betty Kissell, a leader in the society lished iA the Manchester Guardian in of Colorado Springs. reference to his royal highness resign | ing the position of governor-general of | Canada at the end of the vear, was! read to him. Col. | owther the two would occupy, it "that Daily . A YOUNG WOMAN DIES Ax Result of Practising the "Turke) 18 her been held by to plan ven engaged mn WIFE SUES FOR DIVORCE. 1 1G of Confederate President Charged With Non-Support. Colorado Springs, June 11.--Suit for {divorce has been filed in the district leouit here by Rebecca Wh. Davis, wife {oi Henry kK. B. Davis, Jr., a grandson "lof Jefierson. Davis, president of the "Absolutely confederacy. Non suppor: is charged The Davises were married a vear Will Have to Bid Higher. Buffalo, N.Y., June 11.--For grain { ia October from Fort William to Buf the duke flo one and onc-hdlf cents was bid vears and |, Saturday and one land three4puar length of Her cents offered for the first hali of time, with thy possibility of extending | November The vesselmen held off fon the regu-| aud it now looks as if the grain ship lar Fovernor-generals' germ. | pers up the lake will have to bid high: Thy amnouncement of Col. Lowther | op for late-season tonnage for their may Le regarded us an pilicial state | orain which must come or to Bul mnt from the duke on the subject, | falo daring October, November and, and was probably made after consul 'most likely December, if the season of tation with the governor-general | navigation is extended, as is auptiei- | pated. said that for took oilice av hers live years, Modifies Suffragists' Sentences. London, June 11.~The sentences on {the militant suffragettes, Mrs. Ene {meline Pankhurst and Mr. and Mrs. Pethick lawrence, joint editors of Votes for Women, were modified Mon. day by Reginald McKenna, home se eretary, and the prisoners will finish as first-class wisdemeanants. the term of nine months' imprisonment, to which they were condemned at the Old Bailey sessions on May 22nd, instead of serving as ordinary crimé- nals Can Form Negre Lodge. Washington, June 11.-7The suprerse oonrt of the United States Monday set aside the deerme by the supreme court of Georgia. which enjuined ne gro men from incorporating as lodge in that state under the pame or the Knights of Pythias. Chief Justice White announced the opinion. Justice Holmes announced a dissenting opin: ion. Aviator Up Over Three Hons. Rochester, N.Y: June 1]. -ln an enduranse flight at Bath, Monday, Chacles Niles remained continuously {in the air from 6.30 to 10 o'dock. {He operated a headless Thomas and flew foleteen miles = over uy course of ahoui ert A. Macliregor, of Ubly, Mich., who | British Whig "CHANGE IN_BRITISH CABINET. Haldane Surrenders War Portfolio to Succeéd Loreburh. ARL LOREBURN London, June 11.--<Farl Loren, lord high chancellor since December, 1905, resigned on Monday Viscount Haldane, tary of for was appointed to sucoeed the earl Lord heen out SeCTY state WAT, Loveburn known to have ! of sympathy with much of the radical legislation and to | be openly hostile to the attitude of Reginald McKenna, secretary of state for home affairs, in refusing adequate protection to non-unionisiz who willing to take the place of the strike recent were dock men out on GIRL FATALLY STRICKEN, Athletic Young Woman Dies After al Day's IHiness., 11.-Stricken with making ready the marriage, which was Miss Eliza daughter of fier illness Baltimore, heart failure while trousseau for her to have taken place beth Taylor, the Johu W. Tavior, of only one day Though she I during the spring, tirely Smith, her morean who is now New York Doock aware of her danger at the time of her Miss Taylor was years old and apparently of strong physi yue. Her excellent voice had attracted attention in the choir of Christ Epis- copal church, in wi had been singing for some tin REV. DR. CARMAN DOES June { oon, onh died an health was en Lawrence Balti the wn and was absent ueath, | 1d been 1 the unexpected, poor atlack and former al was hancee, a rorking company, tweuly-nine He Calls It a Piebald System, and 1 i Favors, in Preference, | : i Co-Operation. ! Moosejaw, June 11.-+At Metho dist Rev. Dr. ( of Toronto, into a figh moonl and launched into an attack on mo-| dernism. On the burning jurstion of | church union, he said, that the, ought to deal with loyalty to God and christianity. There was also their | loyalty to Methodism to e He felt that th held : open to coun ws which | union to wonld do next he would not like i to the conference, arman, got ting wi v th then wort Vote! aad k for | mdicated up Ms m vet they y duty What Presbyterians! Knew not, but Methodist church * tu the sane position as was the] t week, | d themselves week he Presbyterian church during Ia Meantime they bad to a their own business were talking of federation ference broad operation throughout equal union, rather systam pe wed idea. They needed that system, for ted badly. VILLAGES WERE BURIED BY VOLCANO ERUPTION Two Alaskan stands Suffered Great ly--Crops Destroyed and Water Polluted. Wodiak., Alaska, June 11. Kodiak | and Woody, island. villages, are buried i under a foot of ashes as the revult ofl the eruption of Katmai voleano, be sinning Thursday afternoon. apd last mi' forty-eight hours No lives baw been lost here, but many other settle ments near the volcano have suffered indomeribably. The revenues cutter Manning was in port here when the eruption began and furnished refuge for all inhabi- tants of the town, women, men and children, For more than forty Wours pec wera huddled together in the darkness of midnight. All the wrops on ihe island - were dodtrovet and millions of fish were killed by the sand 'ashes that fell into the water. The whiter supply is volluted by decaying fish ond springs have heen stopped up with ashes. £ to 1% a church. Some | His pre was for umaversal co- | minion in| the piebaid | federation careful was the be it in to felt he spot Between 60000008 and 70,000 000 feet of logs are stuck in an immense Yum oon the Miramichi river in New brunswick, | : e He, violet talcum for iron's Red Cross drag store, Gib- ine lar plviges veld, ' { "=" in the minds of the péople not NOT LIKE FEDERATION liook offices this morning. and had % LAST DOGGED DETERMINATION OF THE ANTITAFTERS . -- ROOSEVELT'S FRIENDS -- CONFIDENT CONVENTION WILL UPSET RAWDOINGS, Col. Roosevelt is Still tn New York, But He May Turn Up in Chicago at any Time--Taft's Supporters Confident, Chiugo, June 1}.- ~It was the same old story this morning of the . re- publican national eommittes tackling deiegates' list, with faint chance of the Roodevelt faction doing anything more than making a grandstand fight. The Taft control is more emphasized ever hour, and so ix tthe doggea de- termination of the anti-Takbers A direct appeal will be made to each individual delegate by the oam- Paygn manager of each candidate for nomination, despite imstructions No possible vole in the vomvention will be overlooked, and any indication among delegates of shifting «entiment will precipitate a lively scramble among the managers A number of prominent Roosevelt loaders to-day declared reports of a possible bolt by the Roosevelt dele- gates in case the president's friends succend in nominating Mr. Taft were without reasonable foundation "We've got them 'skinned,' despite the wo* of the national committee,' said Golda "This committee oan: not atop © the nomination of Roose The verdict of Ohio is still of Penrose, Crane and the others in that comiitiee room do not realize what the people as a body are thinking. There will be en uprising sgninet the action here. "This nation has been aroused as it has not been in a presidential eam. paign of recent memory, and the ver- dirt, is on the side of the progress The convention proper will un- do the raw things this committes may put over. Colonel Rouvsevelt's friends are confident of the outcome." Franklin MacVeagh, secretary of the treasury, visited the. Taft headquarters during the day and declared that President Taft would be nominated on the first ballot. "Things ave looking better for Pre sident Taft every day," says Mr. Mae- Veagh 'His friends believe he will be nominated on the first ballot, thus disposing of a lot of diseussion that might follow The contests which the Roosevelt faction bas instituted are well founded. The action' Bf the ommitiee in voting them to President aft with practical unanimity is clear evidence of this this country Ves, Earthquakes Registered. 11.-- Records just mada nt the dominion government observa- tory seismograph here indicate twenty sarthquakes Some of unusually prolonged duration ocourred Friday night and Saturday. It is estimated that they were at Aleutian island, four thousand miles from bere. Ottawa, June Roosevelt in New York. York, July 11.--Governor of hansas, arrived at Out- a long conference with Colonel Roose- velt The ex-president made no state went hevond the fact that he would be at kis office til 5.30 o'clock to day. He laughed when the suggestion was again made that a special train was ready to whirl him away to Chicago to-night. If he is going to Chicago he does mot make anv sign of it, though nobody would be wsur- prised if he turned up on some plat: form in the windy city Lo-morrow ev- ening New Stubbs, "Swot castor oil, 106." Gibson's. Dr. Connolly, of Renfrew, was elect ed to the Ontario liberal executive to fll the vacancy caused by the resigna- tion of J. MeDonald Mowat, who re moved from Kingston to, Vancouver, "Buy Enos walt." Gibson's Red Cross drug store. ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 577. 230 I'rincess Street. The Old Firm of Underinkers, 299 and 296 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 147 tor Ambais ance. GO-CARTS. A couple dozen of them. Will them at a reasonable prices. Must Turks 'Phone 705. well be wal F inest Fruits PEMOHES, PEARS, RASPEERRIES STRAWBERRIES. BLACK CURRANTS. RED CURRANTS. GREENGAGES, DAMSONS, : CALIFORNIA CHERRIES. CALIFORNIA 2PRIOTS. Jas. Redden & Co.