PAGE STX. Sam - WRECK OF THE WRITE REFE CATA BRITISH WHIG, | | TITANIC! » FO THE AWFI'L ROPHE, TRAVELLING. RAILWAY HR | etd SUMMER TOURIST RATES PACIFIC COAST Good to e- 31st, What are the (onditions of Human | Belugs Ushered Into Eternity in| Such a Moment 7--Conditions are| as Varied as are the Natures, Why should a "Made-in- Canada" Bicycle not be: fitted with a "Made-in- Canada" Tire? The best Tickets on sale 40! turn uatil Octobe" Kingston, June 10.-(To the tor) : The question has boen asked, "What are the conditions of human beings, who ure ushered into eternity in such a moment and catastrophe as that of the wreck of the Titanic, or Eudi- HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS any other great catastrophe, in which hundreds or thousands lose their lives in a few minutes of time 7' According to 'the "Spiritus" Philoso- phy' the answer 'is that the condi tions will be as varied av are the Bac tures, impulses, vibrations and moods of those who pass from the mortal form. From the spirit side, | the sgitiz may appear. one of great com- fusion and inténse excitement, or id may sem to be one of quiet con- summation of a Jong-axpecied occur- rence and revelation; it depends on the rates of vibration and the states of comsciousness, the degree of ad- vancement and of "spiritual view. of the intelligences who bebold the situ- ation, what will be their conception of it. Therefore, some spirits may be present, to quietly and peao:iully CE ai the afflicted or the new comers, who view the stens with wer enity and without agitation. They minister to the needy, to those who have been forced from the mortal and 'who are ready for magnetic heal ing and attendance. Other spirits The predominating fashionable 10 the floor? be better pleased with the veil of with exquisite duchesse lace. perior wiate," will appear still an other picture, ane that appears above the lower held of spirit action; this js brighter, has less of glodin. Spirit people within this sphere are busy révei ing the newcomers who belong to their plane of consciqusiess, arising ones may, or may not, be isénsible, of their condition; some are: sone are dazed and insensible, but they have come to their own place all are received by caretakers and friends. Here there is less of confusion, show of excitement and eagernes the part of the spirit helpers, and not $0 much light ak higher rates some 8 on o are there to claim their own; some of these were red for the event; others ad a vibratory shock at ita. happening, and by the law of magnetic attraction were at once browcht to the spot and to those sufferers who appealed nearest to their | *¥mpathy and care, Such events are known beiore by some intelligences in the psychic world, hut not necessarily all. students of cause and effect, who are quick to perceive weakness in the | strongholds of architects, builders and | managers, know that neglect, care- | lessness or mismanagement on the part railway station to greet his guest , or | contact with earth and old associates of theses people will inevitably lead | danger and destruction; they rea- son closely and realize that the dis aster will oacur under certain condi- | tions and in about such a time; the | vibrant waves of thought carry this information to other spirits; the clash ig foreseen and provided for as far as possible. Many spirits take oceasion to impress their sensitive friends bn earth to remain away from such a place at such a time; others cannot do this, and some have no influence to use. But the disaster has occurred, and looking behind the .mortal scenes, the clear seer may be- held, so to speak, different grades of activity and various representation human nature. Ilere, close to earth, partaking of the phykical ele ments themselves, is a picture almost darkness; it is peopled with living entieles. Some of these are attract ed from the lower concerns and planes ol spirit life; others are being emerged from their mortal forms and taking a place in this scene of dire oonfusion gloom; these latter are they who are misshapen spirits, undevelop- od, without spiritual preparation for an elevation to higher planes of ae tivity and consciouspess; others wera of 'a difigrent cast and mold, but were of the "earth earthy," and not - de veloped for the ler and more at- tractive grades of suirit life. ; Fo the clear seer, whose vibrations ean be =o imcreaved while in the "'su- Wrinkled F fo i (From the Beauty Seeker.) An aged face is often only a mask to a comparatively youthful person. Beneath is a countenance young and fair to look upon. It's a simple mat- ter toi remove the mask. Ordinary mer- colized wax, to be had at any drug store, gradually absorbs the worn-out surface skin, m a week or two the 'user has the loveliest pinky white ocomplexidn imaginable. An ounee of the wax usually is suflicient to com- 8 the transformation. It is put on at night like cold eream and taken ~ off in the morning with warm water. This remarkable treatment is in variably effective, no matter how muddy, sallow or discolored the com- plexion. Freckles, moth patches, liver spots, pimples, blackheads and other entaneons blemishes, naturally vanish "with the discarded skin, To remove wrinkles and flabbiness, here is a recipe that cannot be too highly recomended : Powdered saxo- lite, 1 on, hazel, T | . dissolved in § pint witch #¢ as a wash lotion. Nearly Svetyons has dandruff and Jt reconcile themselves to the idea becoming completely bald or resort 1 40 the use of Newbro's Herpicide. 'Ihe manufactorers have absolute Aaith in Herpicide to kill the germ and : Jantove all 'traces of dandruff. So per is belief 'that all dealers to 'sell a as Gittsted: Nowbre's Herpieide germ ca dandruff Prevents the hair' from som hand Some {fields of brilliar ey are seen. strangers | [were ripe rae of the others; that is j vibration reveal, but on the whole thomelike scene und' show of welcome {ministration and comfort, * The vision of the clear seer enlarges. He loses sight of the other pictures or Scenes; his vibrations Guicken till / he {behoids a far more glorious Light than all. Here is no confusion, fio ex- citement. Proad bands of glory stret out on very side. Most | n ' beautiful Hiraan beings clothed in shining raiment are there, gliding peaesfully to and fro; some of these have come to welcome friends, as one of earth gous ' to a the homecomer: gracefully others along, yet to this are moving seem to be life and its condi tions, for they just from the earth and have come through the dis- aster of which we write, These are the spiritually developed © entities for the change: those on that great ship who weve true and good, doing their best in the walks of life to mike the world happier and better because of their influence and deeds. Some were of humble state, of lonely crcumstances, and wirihout wealth, but their work, their thought, their aspirations, their had been spiritual. Some had more means and advantages of earth, ad were enabled to do larger works of philanthrophy and good cheer, 14 of whatever mortal station each had béen, all had earned their place and part in this glorious country oi the eternal spheres. : Buch are the planes of vonscinasnes on which human intellizeneces tu wetion; 80 diverse and separate may they | that the pariicipmntsein inv. of the veritable scenes and activities ' of Joychie experience, could very readily congcious of the existence ¢ are who attractions, and to say, the pewcomers to the brighter spheres would sce nothing, and have no knowledge of any plane of activ ity, consciousness and expression, wut that they had reached, and so two persons sitting - side by side on the doomed ship may have both bien rushed into spirit iife in the moment, and each be caught up into a difler ent rate of vibration apd state consciousness, and never see other again. The inteliugences, who had long dwelt on either of the brighter planss, could bohold, if they chose 'to adapt their vision and vibration to them, the darker scenes and functions, but those of a gloomior sphere auld not raise their sight and understanding to the states beyond, nor could the denizens of the second grade behold ahd com prehend the glory and significance of that loftier plane which drew to it solf the best developed and most spiritual of the people who had reach- wd the goal, Ae the fislds of spiritual existence and power are limitless, the coming of a thousand people into the vast ness of that life need not of itveli rents anv excitement, as thousands of travellers here may pour out of the railway ears at some great terminal in a large city where many tiains upon their séparate tracks arrive almost in a given moment, @eeting of each no disturbance, each going its separ pte way, and all disappearing to their own destinations within the hour, so the arrival of a sceming multitude in the spirit sphétéé at a moment's no- tice, need not at all disturb the sere nity of life beyond, or interfere will its beauty and peace, nor will it a- mong those who walk the grander fields of the eternal. Among those who are earth-bound there will be I'he ! ARTISTIC VAGARIES IN WEDDING VEILS FOR THE MODERN BRIDE. note this season is oviginality. Are hadow lace, made in a mantier sugge Still another model which suits the extremely youthful face is made of a sheer { more or {this 1 on less confusion, perhaps, because the shock, {ana ment ' appeal to the veloped enfities who have no con ep tion as yet of what a self-posed go ican be. it would be useless to portray th coming and reception of any wo or | three bewigs who went into spirit ilife by the loss of the Titanic he isame would apply to any terrible ca {tastrophe that brought death to the {many. Mr. Stead has visited many Imediums and through the press the {world has bewn told of his state, and {that of some others with wham - he catne. im contact. The experiences of death to japplied simply to the conditic 'atage of growth, vibratory actiox and power of consciousness of the hu [man being. Some found exalted sta- tes and heautiful environments; some gravitated to samitariums and schools to be taught and healed; some reach ed pleasant homes. move or less ready ifor them. where thev evuld = go to f work and complete all that needed nt- tention in their life and abode; some {gathered in groups and remained in ut Luts oN ' "3 Wry a a each, i 3 eed i h disp | some entered gloom and that wh | retresented restless, unhappy, {pointed and unfortunate conditions; | but afl gained just what belonged {them, apd to which they naturally {gravitated. And, it is said, son { hovered over! the scepe of the k not, realiziat their state, and in most wretched plights, trying to vr cover i xome of their belongings. Not all spirit people have the pow- er to return to edrth to take clear cognizance of their kindied or friends lon this plane. Some residents of spirit | | spheres may have had people that | disaster, and yet have Known nothing tof the fact. Spirits may on leaving {earth and its conditions have no «les {sire or inclination to retyn to it, | hence they may be far away, fay {as consciolisness at least is cepcerncd, Investigators may avonder why some | special frien! does not report to them from the other side. The friend may, indeed, have passed far beyond this tr lane and its conditions; or he may not he able to comnect with the lines and forees of any medium ! been visited, and so cannot give prool of his presence' and identity, While millions of spiritual intelligences wre devoted to the work and revelations of spiritualism, millions more are in- different tosit, or know nothing of its powers, just as there are millions on the earth ignorant and indifierent. Those who love it will labor early and late to reach mortals with help amd cheer, those who are indifferent to i will have no attraction to this plane of being, 'and some friend for whom we search may have go far swung in to the sphere of outlying thought nnd sensibility as to have no connection with this planet and its physical in- terests. Death brings its stores of knowledge, ita planes of aetivity to . every being, and it rests with the individual i whether or not progress is made at first. Eventually, all must proceed, master: the lessons, climb the grades, and pyess on to higher and higher states of power and knowledge, but death itself is a funetion in the great scheme and body of the universe, a factor in the woild's progress from which none ean escape. It behooves mankind then to: learn all that possible of its mature and purpose, and to so live as to intelligently wel. come its advence for the good that it can bring in restoring wasted energies and recuperating forces that mak spiritual elevation and power.---8. ¥. to in | who as is P. White Swan Yeast Cakes. No woman wants her bread to be failure and no bread will be a fai if White Swan Yeast Cakes are us in the baking. Sol by your grocer, six cakes for Sc. Sample sent on re quest. White Swan, Spices & Cereals, Limited, Toronto, Ont. a re Lots of unemployed men would | make him you an artistic looking person that could don the close fitting cap of pts wuh its heavy hanging pendants and long sweep of tuile reac hing Or is yours that type that will look better in the family lace, so cld that ii has grown in the attic for such ages past that it looks more cremny and delighttully beco.ning: The very modern girl will stive of a jaunty little theatre cap. handkerchief (inen, edged sr GRAND GPERA FOR A SHILLING. ------ Prices - for Guinea in Stalls, London, June 11.--The British pub- lie, thanks wo Oscar Hammerstein, to have a spell of grand operas at or threatre prices. He announces beginning on Monday night, and he resi of the summer, the seats e London Opera House will cost Theatre Summer---Half is ag in the gallery. "This will be the first time," he xaid "that grand opera is presented daring Nhe London season at theatre prices, and 1 am curious. to how movement will - be appreciated My experience shows me there is a large vumber of people here who will pay a theatre price for grand opera. I think I have chosen an opportune time for the change. 1 have chosen a reper tore which will appeal to all classes.' On four of the nights next week opera will be sung Hammerstein's Lin. English. Among the productions "will be "The Children of Don," for which Lord Howard De Walden has written the libretto. ee at ABDUCTED AND BRANDED. Lured Into Auto, rugged and Tor. tured, New June 11 says : A London enble frederick Haverly, a settle mint worker, of hentishtown, North London, tells a remarkable story in the Empress of kidnapping and brand- img. . He says he was lured into an automobile by two men, who drugged him. When he awoke he was a callar, tied hands foot. He was. taken upstairs to room, where a numger of men in black hoods tried to Ivtract certain Ihey tortured him with flexible band of steel around his head and brended his forehead with the letter ™§i" for heretic. He was afterward liberated in fainting condition I found himselt on a high road n Barnet, ar«, ine and 0 Dumb for Five Months, June 11.--At Arbon, Constanee, . an ltalian nn Vindossa appeared before the mi a trate to ask his advice on a certain domestic aflai The applicant explained that his wife refuses to speak to him, and for five months she has merely answered questions by a of the head has written a reply on a piece of pa per. Vindossa added that he wrong accused his wife of unfaithfulness, and the said she would never spenk to him again, and so iar has kept her word The paive [Italian asked whether a Feating would do his wife good, and, if not, could he obtain a divorce In reply the: magistrate said that neither process was practicable, and wdvised Vindossa to be kinder than ever to his wife, acknowledge his fault and beg her pacdon. Lieneva, on ed ris tf al i ake ) ake The Mission of the Press. "There is something commercialism behind a There is heart and soul "What the mission of the press Anything that aff the welfare the individual may properly the concern of a newspaper. "The mission of the press js service to the masses. . "The mission of the press is 'e hold up the mirror to reflect th events of to-day wo . that life to-mor row will be made more happy. "It is a powerful institution and is destined to become one of the great: est bless ngs to mankind." From speech by President-elect R. to the Canadian Association. higher than newspaper A ey vig cls f ol become John Bone Press v Possessed the Qualifications. Kansas City Journal "1 was talking with a easual ae Yuaintance 1 met on a ear going home the other evening and I happened to remark thai I did like some touch and go about 'a man when--' "When what 7°" rather find fault than find -vork. I "He grabbed my watch and jumped off the platform in a twinkling." the statements. i his | or \ Canadians. | | i i , 'yg in-Canada"' § } 1s none too good for made tires for you when you can get the "Made- Dunlop (Doughty Press Patent) Non-Slip With Special Tread and Tube. No "foreign- ou The answer to those who want to sell i tires is that distance uncertainty -- not enchantment. . [I's gAL oM| Ll 2 N] ? 4 il = ee eae IIIA A477) ( a) 2 "angles" and Bt your form. {ts "live" springy, yielding comfort, Put 8 good mattress on & and the result will be a revelation in com- fort--especially if you've heretofore been mistakenly content with an old-fashioned, woven-wire bed. The Banner yields gently where (t's pressed--nowhere else, And it yields while it's pressed--no longer, It provides all the comfort found in the most Dunlop Tires are solid by Bicycle Dealers Everywhere. It Makes No Difference What You Weigh No matter how thin you are, a "Banner" Spiral Spring Bed will conform to your Ko matter how heavy you are, your weight will never make a Banner sag, or lose Banner Spiral Spring Bed THE ALASKA FEATHER & DOWN COMPANY Liuitess MONTREAL ano WINNIPEG. Also makers of brass beds, iron beds, Ostermoor mattresses, Health brand mattresses, . steel couches and feather pillows, Mr ACR ERR, Hil iSoan,1il ih Ly ITN A Sterne expensive upholstered spring beds, yet costs little more than an ordinary, short. lived, woven wire spring. Go to the nearest store that sells beds and ask them to tell you all about the "Banner" Spring Bed and its strovg guar antee, war RIDICULOUS EVIDENCE Partizanship of Tweed master. Tweed, Jume 10.--The investigation into charges of political partizanship made against James Murphy, post master, was continued on Friday af- ter a week's adjournment to enabie the prosecution to secure evidence. It now appears that when the enquiry was launched no acts of partizanship were. known. The object of the com- mission, therefore, is not to investi- gate a grievance, but to find somd- thing which can be used against the postmaster. Up to Friday two sit- tings had furnished not a single in- stance of participation in politics. On the contrary, every witness called to give evidence against Mr. Murphy tes- tified that he w_ nothing against him, and was perfectly satisfied. with him as postmaster. At present the investigation stands adjourned until - the prosecution «an secure a man named Baker, who was given a hit by Mr. Murphy when driving in from Bogart on September 21st last. Failing all else, great re liance is being placed on this, and the prosecution is banking everythin on the hope that Baker voted liberal if so Murphy will doubtless be found guilty of drawing voters to the polls. Into Post- Charleston MHems. Charteston, June 10.--Mrs, C. Frye, Soporton, spent a few last week under the parental roof. Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh spent a few aavs fast week at Athens with = her mother. John Foster returned to Ogdensburg on Friday after a fow days' stay here and at Athens. Rob (ers Foster has sold his farm to + A. 'W. Johnston. from whom he made RE. days Saturday to see the circus Mra. A. {W. Johnston paid a visit to Brock- ille on Thursday. T. O'Grady and {A. Slack motored up to Charleston on Sunday. at the Charleston Lake hotel at wa were P. B. Phillips, H ] iman, T. 8B. Proderiek, wT, SIX YEARS FOR BANKER, Dummy Loans Which Went Into Wildcat Enterprise. New York, June 11.--Herbert nings, president of the defunct Mount Vernon National bank, was found guilty ol misapplicition of the funds of the bank and was sentenced to six years' imprisonment. Samuel K. Ray- mond, cashier, was also found guilty, but his sentence was suspended. The jury returned its verdict about mid- night, after deliberating since three o'clock in the afternoon. The government dglleged that the prisoners had obtained about $400,000 from the bank by means of dummy loans, and used the funds in "wild cat" enterprises, which brought about the collapse of the bank. T. Jen- Most homely women are clever-- probably because they have to be Conscionce Is always getting in the way of your having a good time. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River and Guif of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises In Cool Latiruden. 88, "Cascapedia," 1.000 tons, with all modorn comforts, FAILR FROM THURSDAY, at 4 pm, 2 and 18th July, 1st, and . and from Quebec ine 4 t Gaspe, Ma! Bay, e, Bummer. , PEL, and Charlottetdwn, PR. New York from Quebec Via the for.famed River Sagaenny. calling at Gaspe, Charlottetown and Halifax, 88 niin, 0 fons sail from Quebes at and 26th Ju +~MONTREAL $ pm. 12:0 iy, th and 2rd August BERMUDA Sumer Excursions. $35 and sy %y the Twin Bcrew S88 i Bernipdian $18 tons displacement, saliing New York at 2 pm. 12th and ¢ June, 3rd, 15th and 34h August Avery 18 dares thereafter ture conled by Sed breezes. seid an rises above 80 degres. The fiment trips" of Whe essen for health and comfort. 5 For tickets snd staterooms. apply ro LP NLEY, or C. 8. KI AT RICK, et Agents, A , Ont. WESTERN CANADA and Return Tuesaday, June 11'h and every se: cond Tuesday theveafter until Boyt. 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. For full information. apply te J.P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sta IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, Trains Leave Kingston 11.30 am Express---For Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, NB, Hail. fax, Boston Toronte, Chicago, Den- ver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Dulut St Paul, Winnipeg. Vancouve Segtile, Portland and San Francisco 5.00 pm. far 'Bharbot Lake, connecting P i, Bast and West, 545 cam intermediate day. Pdssengers leaving Kin am arrive in Ottawa at boro, 4.19 pm.: Toronto Montreal, 6.20 pm.; Boston, St. John, 12.00 noon ---- . ------------ A ---- Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. T.T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virginian." T.8.8. 88. Tunisian and Corsican."- Sailings every Friday. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. 8.8. Grampian and Hesperian." .8.8. "Scandinavian and. Preaoria. Sailings every Saturday. MONTREAL TO HAVRE LONDON, Service of moderate priced ONE- CLASS CABIN (11) steamers. Sailings every Sunday. Local with: Mixed points for Renfrew Daily, except and Buna 1 1 gston at 11.30 5 pm; Peter. 638 om; 80 am, AND Full information and application to Je P. tickets on Hanley, 8. Kirkpatrick, G.T.Ry. Agt. Clarence St. Agents in Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, Yonge Street, Toronto. C. --- i LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- BOAT CO. LIMITED. SK, "CASPIAN" 1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER, - Commencing June Ind, steamer leaves at 10.16 am, on Bundays for Alexagdria Bay, 1.000 Islands, and ldd@ananoque Returning, leaves at 5 p.m. for Ro- chéxier, NY. via Bay of Quinte, oall- ing at Plcton, Deseronto and Beli ville, DAILY SERVICE June 20th, LOCAL BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. BE. ALETHA leaves Kingston. at 3 pm, dally, except Sunday, for Pleton and intermediste Bay of Quinte ports Freight handled with despatch at reasonable rates Jd. P. HANLEY, Ticket JAB. SWIFT & Co, E. & after Agent Freight Agents. E. HORSEY, General Manager. IDEAL HOLIDAY TRIP Tt would he impossible to imagine a better holiday trip than by the BLACK DIAMOND SS LINE Board steamers at Montreal or Quebec, and sail down the St. Law- rence River and Gulf to St. Jolus, Nfid., and return. Beautiful scenery, delightfully cool, simply ideal. $60.00 and up, return fare, in- cluding meals and berth. All Tichet Agencies, Write to-day for 'Illustrated Book- 'B" of this trip. A. T. WELDON, G.F. & P.A., 112 St. James Street, Montreal. FOLGER TICKET AGENCY, or Local Agents mr let CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES Lexgth, 870 feet BH feat ne Signals Wirsiess and Sul PD ALL ® BD HOE NEN ARSE Empress of Ireland | Lake Manitoba you Empress of Britpin .. Laks Champigin Empress of Ireland Lake Manitoba ou Empress of Britain .. Lake Champlain Empress of Ireland Take Manitoba co Aug. 15 Empress of Britain . Aug. 2% kets and all information sLeamah gent, or A Fa! PAK EER King June 14 .. June 29 . June 2% July « - July 12 +o July 13 . Juiy 28 . Aug. 1 Aug. » VEG... stEANMN, COMPANY, a Loo A