Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1912, p. 2

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+» AGE TWO. {" . . v : THB DATLY BRITSH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1912 1 GOOD 'SHOES. They pay a handsome divi- dend. In an average life of 60 years a man spends almost two-thirds of his time In shoe leather---startling, but trua, It is easy, then, to realize { the necessity to invest in good shoes. "INVICTUS" Shoes ' are made for people who appreei- ate the value of good feet. Sweepers Bissall's Cy eo Bull Bearing Bweopsr, light to handle, easy te operate, always Guaranteed for tem years. We sell them, the bost Sweeper that the werld ean pro- duee at $2.75. Does not cost any more than fiv) Xivgston Business College (Limited) Nighest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth Fall term . August JE Courses In y ing, and, Tele ¥, Civil Service and Bug gr tes got the hagt ons. ithis a short Hie sixty ® positions with oar- tel Any tor inforinm. or ee of the j rations in Can h me, Call % write ion, H. FF. Metollfe, Principal Kingston, Canada. LG FERS Have Your Furs Repaired and | Stored You can have your FURS ré- paired now at low cost by tak- ing advantage prices. A saving worth while. of our summer STORING them with us in- sures you against loss from MOTH or FIRE. John McKa 140-167 BROCK STREET BEDROOM FURNITURE Immense Line, Beds, $2.50 up to $85.00 each. Seme beauties at $7.00 and $7.50. 8 Mahogany ' Dresser--Our , apecial 88, same in best Quarter Cut $20.00. High grade of finish. other designs to select from. Pagier Suites, Mahegany and Inaitnfhen, $35.00 .up to $17. Some aew fdeus ia your own. sholce of covers at $50 and $65. Mahogany. , Carpets, Curtains, Lin- Oileloth. T.F. HARRISON COMPANY Why Should I Use Cuticura Soap? "There is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cuticura'Soap was only for skin troubles." True, it ss for skin troubles, but its great mission is to prevent skin troubles. For more than a generation its deli- cate emollient and prophylactic properties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, while its extreme purity and refresling fragrance give to it all the advan. tages of the best of toilet soaps. It is also invaluable in keeping the hands soft and white, the hai' live and glossy, and the scalp {ree from dandruff and irritation. While its first cost is a few cents more than that of ordinary toilet soaps, it is prepared with such care and of such materials, that it wears toa wafer, often outlasting several cakes of other soap, and making its use, in practice, most econom- tcal. Cuticura Soap is sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, but the truth of these claims may be demonstrated without cost by sending to "Cuticura," Dept. 7M, Boston, U, S. A, for a liberal sam- plecake, together with a thirty-twa ACCUSED OF HAVING POISONED STAGE "HORSES: Pleaded , "Not Guilty" to Charge When Arraigned in Court of General Sessions Before Judge Madden. When the court opened af the court house, at o clock, on Wednesday morning, and jury returned a "true bill" in Se seven criminal cases, referred to them by J Madden, on Tuesday afternoon, Five cases had to do with ihe recent escape of the five desperate prisoners from the penitentiaryzgWal- ter Collins, another conviet; ged with stabbing a fellow conpfet, Be George' Clough, stage drfer, Werth Road, charged with hawfng poisoned three horses, owned by FErnest Bab- cock, another stage driver, running on the Perth load, from Stoness' Uor- ners to hingston. Following are - the charges against the convicts who figured in the sensa- tional escape : Frank Jones 'and Vincent MeNeil must stand trial on a charge of es cape and wounding. » Arthur Bonnar and George Brown, escape, bodily harm and assaulting an officer, Heury Kelly, harm. ' : A very large - crowd was preset when the court opened, as it was ex- pected that the cade agalnst the don: viets would be taken up first. How- ever, the crowd was given a disap- pointment, the case of George Clough being taken up first. The following petit jury was sworn in for the Clough case : Henry Knapp, Pittsburg township; Maitland Lake, Portland township; William McAdoo, jr., Kingston town- ship; Thomas Shannon, Storrington township; G. 0. Seale, Pittsburg town- ship; Robert J, Vair, Kingston town- ship; Charles E. Whitcomb, city; An- thony Tryon, city; John MoKegney, Kingston township; James J. Price, Olden; Robert J. Snowden, cily; 1. J. Howe, Hinchinbrooke, The charge against Clough was that on Feb. 19th, 1912, he did unlawfully destroy, by poisoning, three horses, belonging to Ernest Babcock. He pleaded "'not guilty." J. L. Whiting, crown attorney, con- ducted the prosecution; atthe opening reviewing the case to the jury, and giving facts brought out at the pre- liminary hearing of the case. D. M. Mcintyre, K.C., appeared for the accused. Ernest Babcock was the first wit ness and he told about having found his horses in econvalsions, and about their death, the same story he told before Justice of the Peace George | Hunter. He was examined by Mr. Whiting. He told about having the feed box examined, and strychnine be- ing found. Mr. Molntyve, in his cross-examina- jion, wanted to know when the wit- ness had first suspected Clough of hav- ing poisoned the horses. 2 I heard that he had chased poison." was the reply. Witness, on being further question- ed, said that he bad suspected, Clough as soon as he found that strychnine had been placed in the feed box." 8. Babcock, father jof Ernest Bab- cock, gave evidence, * pnd told about having watered the horses on the night in question, and afterwards feeding them oats and hay. He af- terzards locked the stable door and went into the house. The animals were all right when he left them. Three quarters of an hour later, when he returned to the bam, the horses were in convulsions. His honor asked the witness. the reason for his having suspected that the horses had the poison. Witness stated that be had suspected, on ac count, of threats which bad been made, * Dr. Nicholls, V.8., who was called to attend the horses, gave evidence, and ay Dr. W. T. Connell was absent in Toronto, his evidence given at = the preliminary hearing was accepted hy consent of counsel. His evidence was to the effect that steychnine had been found in the stomach 'of ona of the horses ho had examined, and that traces of strychnine had also been found fo the feed box he had examin- 9.30 escape and bodily pur- Albert V. Boyd, called, said he was a government detective. In February last he had, in company with County Uonstable Robert Smith, seen Clough. Witness asked Clough about purchas- ing strychnine. Clough told witness that he had purchased strychnine on two occasions, the first time, a little over a year ago, when he purchased it for Henry Clough, of Inverary, and ed it over to him. The sewond purchase the accused had made was a short time before the horses weré poisoned. This had besn purchased to kill rats, but had bess returned to the drug Btore. Witness said he was sure of 18s statement, as he had ask- ed Clough about ft three or four times. County Constable Robert Smith cor- roborated the evidence of the detec: tive, Dr. A. P. Chown, druggist, Kings- ton, told of purchases ps trychnine made at his store hy the accused. Hi t. purchase was on January ISth, 1910, when he bought twenty grains; August 17th, 1911, twenty grains; in December, 1911, or January, 1912, i ] latter sale 'wit on his book. but the | THE BOARD OF TRADE THE CANADIAN HIGHWAYS AS. SOCIATION WAS ENDORSED. aman « Prof. Gill Spoke on the Power Issue--Kingston is not Behind in Price, Alongside Hydro-Electris Service, 1 of general seomicned "The regular monthly meeting of the board of trade was held in the board rooms on Tuesday evening, at eight o'clock, W, R. Givens in the chair. : Members present : Messrs, Carnov- sky, Carson, Cunningham, W. B. Dal ton, Davis, Donpelly, J. G. Elliott, Fair, W. Ws Gibson, Gill; 1. A. Givens, W. R. Givens, Hanley, Hoag, F. G, Lockett, L. C, Lockett, C., A. Macphers son, Hugh Macpherson, Il. C. Niekle, | Polson, Power, Price, Redden, H. E, Richardson, T, J, Rigney, Roney, Sar- gent, Selby, Skelton, J. S. Smith, Sowards, Dr. J. E. Sparks, Steacy, R. DU. Sutherland and Wormwith. A letter from H. Maxwell Clark, travelling secretary of the (Canadian Highway Association, was read, ask- ing the board to support the work of the association, After discussion, it was moved by D. A. Givens, seconded by E. T. Steacy, and resolved : ""I'hat the Kingston Board of Trade heartily endorses * the work of the Canadian Highway Association in promoting a highway between Toronto and Mon- treal; that this board urges upon the government of the provinee of Ontario the favorable recognition "of the work of the association; that this board respectfully suggests to the gevern- ment of the province of Ontario the advisability of having a complete sur- vey of the main highway between To- ronto and Montreal made with the object of the improvement thereof to a fixed standard of construction; that a copy of this resolution be sent to the minister of public works of the pro- vince. N. C. Polson, chairman of the house committee, in the absence of Capt, Fraser, chajrman of the entertainment committee, stated that the board had been requested to join with the city council in arranging for the entes- tainment of a party of distinguished visitors, including the minister of rail- ways and canals, who would reach the city, viz. the Rideau canal, on Saturday evening. Mr. Sowards gave some details in connection with this party, including the names of the guntionsen composing same Mr. (Hoag stated that he and Capt. Fra- {ser would take the matter in hand. The chairman introduced Prof. Gill, of Queen's umiver:lty, stating . that Prof. Gill had very kindly offered to address the board on the subject of "Power for Kingston." Prof. Gill delivered @n able and interesting ad dress of over one hour's duration, giv. ing figures showing the prices of poxgr in various municipalities in Western Ontario, and showing that Kingston is geting its power as cheap as anywhere. Memrs. Davis, Fair. Nickle, Mac- pherson and Rigney, in response to Prof. Gill's request for enquiries, spoke on the question, and received further information. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Polson, a cordial vote of thanks to Prof. Gill was passed by the meeting. Prof. (Xl} thanked the meeting for its ex- pression of appreciation, and stated that if at any time the board should desire to hear from him again re garding the question of power he would be pleaged to appear before it. S-- 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamer Caspian leaves at 10.15 a.m. on Sundays for 1,000 Island points, and at 5. p.m., for Rochester, N.Y. via the Bay of Quinte. J. P. Hanley, agent. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ~~ ' Furs for June Brides | No gift could be better ap- | preciased bya | ride than a | Fur Coat or a | Sett of Furs. | We appreci- | ate a visit to | our Fur De- | partment, al- | ways open, | from folks in- Rich, Btylish Make sure that all your Summer friends and visitors see * Kingston's | Famous Fur Store." Catalogue on request. | Indian Curis and Shoes. ETL j terested in Furs aa Always a big stock of | Shoes in all sizes. EE ' REMOVAL SALE Everybody's Doing It. Doing What ? Stocking their Library with nicely bound, up-to-date popular fiction. Single Copies, 30c. -= Our select line of Art Pictures, we are clearing at 40° . discount. All other lines are selling at fiom 25 to 50 4 for $1.00. discount. Text Books and Current Magazines are not included in above. 'SEE OUR WINDOW THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 260 PRINCESS, Told In 'Twilight Mrs. J. II. V. Crowe, of the Royal Military College, will not receive on Thursday afternoon. - - . - Miss Mary Vrcoman, of Napanee, will arrive in town on Thursday, to be the guest of Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie street, for a few days. Mr. Alexander Anderson, of Ottawa, will be a guest in town for the mili- tary ball on Monday evening. Mrs. KE, F. Osler, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. William Harty, Stuart street, returned to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Norton-Tay- lor, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. A. Norton- Taylor, and Mr. Hugh Nerton-Taylor, New York, are expecied in town this week to visit Mrs. Norton-Taylor, Wel- |§ lington street, Miss M. Clements, of Berthier, will arrive in town on Saturday. to visit Mrs. Francis H. Macnee, King street, Mrs. Urookall and her family, of New York, are expected in town nex! week to spend the summer. They have rented Major and Mrs. James Hamil ton's house on King street. - - - - Miss Nora Macnee will be hostess at a luncheon at the Country Club, on Saturday. Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Princess street, has issued invitations for an "At Home' on Tuesday, June 15th. After the Dundonald competition at the Royal Military College, this after- noon, tea was served to the guests, Mr. Ellwood, of the Bank of Mon- treal, Mr. Burke, of the Bank of Drit- ish North America, have taken a house on the front road for the summer. Miss Nina Ferguson, Earl street, re turned on Saturday from Battersea, where she was the guest of Professor and Mrs. W. L. Grant, Miss Kileen Taylor, of Detroit, is ex- pected in town this week to visit Mrs, Jeremy Taylor, Earl street. . » . Ld » Mr. J. C. Smythe, of the Bank of Commerce, Toronto, arrived in town on Saturday, to spend his holidays with his brother, Mr. G, H. Smythe, West street. S Mrs. John Macdonald, University avenue, left on Saturday for Vancou- ver, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Mill- er. Mr. Macdonald, who accompanied his wife to Toronto, returned home on Monday. The marriage of Miss Grace Oram, to Mr. Hugh McKay McLean, was, on Wednesday, solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Oram, Westmount. The bride is a former Kingstonian, daughter of a former publisher of the Kingston News. Miss Elsie Bartle, of Niagara Falls, who has been visiting in Napanee, is the guest of Miss Vers Bartells, Al fred street. Miss Mildred Quinn has arrived from Brooklyn and is the guest of her mother, Mrs, James Aythur Quinn, Nelsou street. (Qentinued on Page 3.) AN OFFICER DRUNK. -- He Was in Police Cotirt Wednesday Morning. . Four .drunks bowed hefore the mag- istrate in the police court, Wednesdsy morning, the one to "bring up the rear,' an officer of the 45th Regiment, from Lindsay, which is in camp at Barriefield. The rural officer was in his shirt sleeves, in civilian clothes, and did not face Magistrate Farrell with the same soldiery bearing as he would when in uniform, espe ;. cially when before his commanding of- . He pleaded guilty to the charge ol being drunk. The Magistrate asked the rather un- comforta question, after he had maid he was at camp, "Well, is that the uniform of your corps ¥*' The offi- cor mumbled an answer. He was tax- a 31 and costs, or ten days, but paid Will be much in demand this sea- son for making of Suits, Coats, Skirts and Dresses. We have pre- pared for it and show a spléndid range from , 50c to $1.35 per yd Also Navy Blue Serges for Sailor Suits and Dresses. Splendid values £ a NEWMAN & SHAW'S The Always Busy Store. Plenty of Salvia Petunias Snapdragons 8tock All kinds of Bedding Plants at PURDY'S 109 BROCK STREET | Everything in floral de- | sign work, others lass SOME Must wear iy os. Whatever your choice may be, have them made rT our met Skiiiful examination first, Lepses ground to order, second, a Perfectly adjusted third, This method insures satisfaction. 'Phone 919, PREPARING FOR COMING WEDDINGS English Entree Dishes, Chop Dishes, Marmalades Cut Glass, - cholce designs. Pear! Handled Knives and Forks in Oak and Leather Cases. Sterling Silver in excellent patterns and complete range of prices. ~~ in varlety of . SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of 850 KING STREET, Stoles and Boas Marabeau and Dstrich Feather AT GOURDIER'S Phohe 700. [22084 a The Place to Look For anything in the Optical ine best ° up.to-date apparatus, i KEELEY's, where the stock include everything that is the latest and best Eyeglasses and spectacles are a speciality, and if netaed are accurate iy fitted after expert examination, Satisfaction guaranteed or money Optometrist "Phone 927, ® ¥ Keeley, Jr. 226 PRINCESS ST. GRUMBLE AND GRIN. Grumble: But how do you manage always to look so spick apd span? Your shirts and collars are lmmas- culate. ; Orin: That's as easy as slipping on a banana peel 1 patronize the BEST LAUNDRY in town. Try it, old man, try it----it's a win- ner. Grumble: Name and ad- dress, please? Grin: Why it's Kingston Laundry | Pep ptm be |

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