Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1912, p. 3

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QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served on shortest notice. - REGULAR DINNER, 25c. BREE the Thomas Copley Telephone 987 D¥op a card to 19 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work: also Hardwood Floors of all kinds All orders will receive prompt attention Shop, 40 Queen Street. THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It is crowing louder as be goes along Only 45c per pound. For chewing and smoking. © AT A. MACLBAN'S, Ontario Street. For Potatoes "Land Plaster will . start-'the plants in- ~ to vigorous growth > sii, 1610, and this left me medicine, A---- PARALYSIS COM: PLETELY CHRED "Fruit-atives" Performs Another Miracle Baisror, N. B., Jury 25th, 1911 "I had a stroke of Paralysis in March Isio,a } f unable to walk or elp myself, and the Constipation of the Bowels was terrible, re othing did me any' good and T was hed in every way ' I then took "Fruit-a-tives" for the Constipation and it net only cured mo of this terrible tronble, but gradually this fruit medicine toned up the nerves and actually cured the Paralysis, By the use of "'Pruit-a-tives", 1 grew stronger and stronger until all the Paralysis and weakness left me, Iam now well again and attend my store every day. I say 'Thank God for Pruit-a-tives" > : ALVA PHILLIPS. "Pruit-a-tives" not only cured the terrible Constipation, but so toned up the nervous system and. the general healt! as to completely overcome the sy. Truly "Fruit-a-tives' is a wonde: ful Soc box, 6 for $2.50 trial size, a3¢. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. : P. Walsh | 55-57 BARRACK STREET. F. J. JOHNSON, THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET, Special prices in Cut Flow- ers. See our window display. Wedding Bouquets and Floral Denigns, Floral Sprays a ' specialty. Sweet Pea Seed in | Bulk Named Varieties "Phones: "Btore, 239. Conservatories 235 Residence, 1212, Symington's Packet Soups and Gravies Get Them at D. COUPER'S Phone 70. 841-8 PRINCESS ST, Prompt Delivery. FRESH ARRIVAL Ganong's Chocolates The Finest in the City. 60 cents per pound. A. J. REES 166 Princess 8t.. Plone 58 THERE 1S A GIRL A -In fact, she lives quite close to us, who fs 'eternally sivging, "Oh, had I the wings of a dove." Yesterday we wrote and told her we would buy her a pair if she would quit singing. I bet some of you leliows feel that way about me, when you go home and your wife asks: "Did you go down Lo the gas office to see about that gas service? Better attend to it to-day because we're going to keep. on singing. : Cook With Gas Light, Heat, Power, Water, Depts. BRICK VENEER and all m FRAME "C BRIJK .VENZE aE sera 5: Chatham ; } » a "DALTONS Bo (i Better because only the . best Coffeebeans are used to start with -- Roasted by special rapid process-- Ground im a special machine 'that removes chaff or harsh outer shell that' makes ordinary Coffee indigestible, : Dalfons FrenchDrip Coffee is economical too. . Because it is all Coffee and. nothing but Coffee, two pounds will go as far as three pounds of any other kind. Ask your Grocer for our special trial offer. 17R Mild and Strong Bleads in 13,25 and 50c tins. Never sold in Bulk SUITS FOR MEN a. KNOW : + ! P] reciate hE was much too short. q £ Erie 9! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1912. PAGE THRE®R. | Told in Tolin LPAPIPIIIVI4864020000008 48 jb. * . - (Continued from Page 2.) Mes. 'J. B. Carruthers, "Annan dale," welcomed a large number of her friends at a dance at 'her beauti- ful home, on Monday evenifig. Miss Kathleen Carruthers, who on that oc- casion made her debut, looking Very pretty in 8 gown of white satin, with overdress of white ninon; edged with crystal fringe, The bodice was hand. somely trimmed with crystal oma- ments and fringe. She wore a erys- tal handeau, with marabou mount in her hair, and carried an armful of pink roses and pink carnations. Mrs. Carruthers in black brocade, with lace trim- mings. The house was decorated with a profusion of peonies and hon- eysuckle. The evening was not too warm for dancing, the floor perfect, and the music was-all that could be desired, and the programme of twenty-two After 2 tenth dance supper was served at artette tables in the dining-room. The dance broke up shortly after two o'clodk. Another debutante of the evenir.y was Miss Rogers, who ware white satin duchess, en traine, slight- ly high-walisted, the panniers on skirt caught in with tassels of pearls. The bodice" was finished with fichu bf tfnon and trimmed with crystal pas- sementrie. . A bandeau of pearl trim- ming. with marabow moun, com- pleted her costume. She carried a shower bouquet of .pink roses, peon- ies and lilies of the valley. The guests included : Colonel Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Major and Mrs. J. S. N. Leslie,» Mrs. March, (Bermuda), Mr. and Mrs. P. RC, Stevenson, Prof, and Mrs. P. G. CO. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Miss Norton:Taylor, Miss Ada Bates, Misses Lillian and Madge Taylor, Miss Mar- jorie Starr, Misses Phyllis and Char- lie Shortt, Misses Mabel, Dorothy and Marjorie Brownfield, Misses Chyis- tine and Sylvia Cochrane, Miss An- ves Syllivan, Misses Aileen and Way Rogers, Miss Eleanor Macdonell, Miss es Elsiv and Masjorie Pense, Miss May Butler, Miss" Drake, Miss Madge Crowe, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Gordon, Misses Edith and Hilda Hague, Misses Vivienne and Ada Patrie, Misses Eva and Mabel Richardson, Misses Mamie Susan Anglin, Miss Kathleen Cilsp, Miss Vera Carson, Yiss VWadge Dnw- son, Miss Aileen Folger, Miss Helen vordon, «Mas Dorothy Will, Miss Huestis (Toronto), Miss Fiskin (To- ronto), Miss Mildred Jones, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Lilian Kent, Miss Lassie" Kirkpatrick, Miss Margaret Maclennan, Miss Phyllis Pipon (Toronto), Miss Marion les s¥e, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Marjorie Merrisk, Miss Florrie Stewart, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss Dessie Smythe, Miss Mollie Saunders, Canon G. I. Starr, Rev. S.J. Moore Compton, Messrs. W. Waldron, BE. C. Gilder- sleeve, Angus Macdonell, George Rich- ardson, 0. 'I%fany Macklim, wrthur Dalton, Ellwood, llymann, James Swift, Noble Steacy, E. Van Lesslie, Dougfas Anglin, . Harold Brownfield, Sherman Hill, H. Connell, T. Rogers, Hall, James Stewart, McCullough F. A. Bmythe, Major R. €. Hammond, Capt. Clarke, first and second class | cadets, and Cdlets McAuley, Barvis, Green, Berriston, Mc¢Naubhton, Vaud er, Denison, Schoenburger, Parker, Kiddermaster, Ross, McMurtry, Fry, Matthows, Murphy, Whitehead, Wal ker, Maunsell, Praminord, Strong and Leech. Sabb ar ond - » =A very bright and was given on Monday afternoon, by Mrs. Hansord Hora, Wellington street, in honor of Miss Molly Cartwright. The prizes were won by Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee and Miss Molly Cart: wright. The other guests included Mrs, R. C. Carter, Miss Lillian Nor- informal bridge "| Yor-Taylor, Mrs. Hallway Waddell, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Amy MeGill, Miss Mabel Brownfield and Miss Bessie Smythe. - : Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Royal Mili tary College, gave a bright and wn- joyable dinner on Tuesday evening. The table was decorated with pretty white iris and red ribbons. The guests included Miss Marjorie Pense, Miss Helen Gordon, Cadets Gunn, Wood, Stewart, English and Lindsay. Mys. H. 8. Crumle# will leave short- ly for the Crumley-Galloway cottage, at Dead Man's Bay. Uol. and. Mre. Galloway will not be down from Te- ronto thls season.' but Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Chown, Frontenac street, will spend the summer. with Mrs. Crum- ley. , Dr. and Mes. Topping, Parham, the t ol their phemia Gertrude, of Boston, Mass, son of the late Mr. Ross : f fom and Mrs. Ross, © very Reith he ond June. Miss Muriel Ralserts an, of Ottawa, expec ® end of this Merging gh St he Roy ; i of Wer rol Neil 'MeNeil, shnson street. v fy oe ere "There will be a tea at the Country b. on 1 afternoon. J anoque, Mr. W. B. Skinner, of jtreal, will join Miss SKinner there on Faturdaly. | i i i was handsomely gowned' | snd |. | Gallty will arrive from Toronts on Saturday to spend a few days with Mrs, Arthur Cunningham, On-gwa-na- da. > = oe Mr. Charles Maclean and Mr. W. Downey will come up from Brockville to attend the RM.C. ball on Monday evening. Miss Chips Coulee will arrive from Ottawa on Thursday, and during he stay in town, will be the guest of Mrs. Hubbell, Bagot street. . Mr. Douglas Anglin and Mr. J. Smythe sailed down to Clayton Tuesday and returned home, to-day. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Henderson ar rived in town from Montreal 'on Sup- day. Mr. Henderson returned to' Mon- treal on: Monday and Mrs. Henderson is staying over for gu few days with Mrs. J. C. Connell. Mrs. Alexander Mackie, who has been visiting Mrs. James Henderson, Earl street, returned to Ottawa on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, of Frankford, arrived in town, to-day, to visit Major and Mré. James Ham- ilton, King street, - - C on Dr, William Kingsley, of Arizona, ac- companied by his brother, Mr, Ed- ward Kingsley, of Boston, been visiting their parents, on Alfred street, for the past few days, sailed, yesterday, from 'New York, on the Crown Princess Cecelia, for London, Edp. Mrs. J. D. Craig will arrive from Ottawa on Thursday to visit Miss Bessie Smythe, West street. Miss Edith Hubbell; Ottawa, arriy- ed in town on Tuesday and is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. lub. bell, Bagot street. Mr. Kerr Skinner, who has been at- tending St. Andrew's College, Toron- to, will leave there on Saturday to spend his holidays with his aunt, Miss Nan Skinner, at "Cataraqui Lodge," near Gananoque. . Missy Huestis, of Toronto, is vi iting Mrs. W. R. Givens, Maitland ssfeot. "a Miss Gertrude Coutlee and Miss Ma rie Coursol, of Ottawa, are expected in town on Thursday and will be én pension\ at Miss Martha Smith's, Wel- lington street. Mrs. George Robertson will arrive from Hamilton on Saturday to visit Mrs. D. 8S. Robertson, Sydenham Trying Time on the Kids No wonder there is so much bnok- ache in the spring, so much fatigue and lassitude from poison-laden tems. The accumulated winter son% must be swept from the The kidneys make every effort purify the. blood, but the temperature Eys- poi- body, to changing of spring plays havoc with them. Congestion fo! ows, the kidneys fail in their work and there are backache, headache, tired feel ings and too often werious develop ments, You can help the kidneys wonder- fully by using Dr. Chase's Kidney: Liver Pills. In a few hours the backache will disappear, and a little patient treatment will restore the activity of kidneys, liver and bowels and thoroughly purify the blood. No medicine is so satisfactory as n means of removing - the cause of chronic and "amute indigestion, consti pation and kidney and liver derange- ments. ' isi. Why do you keep on paying high prices for imported beers, when you can. get a finer lager for about half, by for : OF, 5? 116 Pilsener Lager "Tha Light Boer in the L.ix5¢ Battls. "* E. BEAUPRE, Local Distributor. Phone 313. REASONABLE REASONS RESTORATINE TABLET BECAUSE--They positively. ciite the troubles so: common in girls and 'women, viz--Anmmia, Nervousness, Nervous Indigestion, Sleeplessness, raipitation of the Heart, Head- ache, Female Troubles, and irregu- BECAUSE--They get at the cause of asking results are permanent, mot transi- tory. 1 BECAUSE--They are in and convenient to if necessary. BECAUSE--A trial of one box will surely convince you of their derful beneficial effects. we tablet form, tasteless, Mon- who have | Helen Biggar, of Toronto, the trouble--act promptly, the good | Ii Montreal, Winnipeg, formerly | street. Mrs. George Robertson's som, spent the past 'year in Ningston; left on Monday for Victoria, B.C., where they will spend some time before ° re- turning to England. Mrs. Douglas Young, who has been travelling for some time in the west returned to Kingston on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelles have return. ed to town from their honeymoon. Mrs. George Richardson, University avenue, will entertain at tea on Sa- turdsy in honor of Miss Goldsmith; of Toronto. . Mrs. Philip Prideaux, William street, will be hostess at the tea hour on Saturday in honor of her visitor, Mrs, Grier Wyld, of Ottawa. > ,. . . - The usual weekly tea was held the Yacht Club this afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, "Elmhurst" will entertain at bridge on Friday afternoon. 'Mrs. Minnes, Gore street, will give a tea on Thursday for her daughter, Miss Ethel Minres. ' Miss Kitty Betts, of London, will aAmve mm town on Saturday to visit her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Walkem, Union street, and will be a guest at the military ball on Monday evening, Later y will accompany her father, Mr. F.\P. Betts, to Franee to spend some time. : The Misses at Sehoenberger, and Miss " : are gmong the Toronto girls who will be in town " Monday for the ball. - - . - Mrs, land, Mrs. week, Miss Millie Wormwith and Miss Alda Nicolle will be debutantes at the ball on Monday evening, rs. 8S. 8. Huebner and children ar- rived from Philadelphia, on Tuesday, pnd will be at 83 Gore street for the sunmer months. Miss Maud Bland, of London, and Miss Helen Byrne, of Ottawa, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes lor the June hall. . r. Ackerman, of Peterboro, spending a few days in town. Mrs. A. W." Cooke, "Hazeldell," and Mrs. J. Farrand Pringle, with her baby, left, on Tuesday, for Cressy, to visit Mrs. Herbert Horsey. «ce w Garland and Miss Edith Gan of Ottawa, will be guests of D. Mundell, Broek street, next in Miss Isobel Waldron is expected frou, Glen Mawr, Toronto, on Satur- + aay, to spend the summer holidays at | home, with her 'mother, Mrs. R. S. Waldron, King street. Miss Geralthine Swift will accompany het and will | . spend a week in town on her way {her home in Windsor, N.S. | Captain P. Passy will arrive in town ron Saturday, to spend the week-end. Miss Jessie Smith, who has been vis: iting in Montréal Tor some time, will leave, on Thursday, for Ottawa, and is expected in town about the middle of next week, to visit Mrs. K. 1. Jones, King street. Mr. J. Byrne, of Ottawa, is expect- ed in town for the June ball. Misses Helen and Alice Martin will arrive in town shortly from Bowman- j ville, and will be the guests of Mrs. iD. Mundell, for next week, + Ex-Cadet Charles Tisdale will ar- rive in town from Toronto, on Mon- day, to spend a few days. Mr. Stuart Parsons left town, on Raturday, to join a survey: party at Labivador for the summer. » - - . - to Miss Ada Bates, who has been visit- ing Mrs. II. A. Betts, Albert street, for several weeks, returned to Hales Cottages on Tuesday. Mre. Waldron and Miss Carrie Wal- 'dron, who have been spending | time in Toronto, returned home Tuesday. Miss Lauder Neshitt, of Ottawa, will 'he the guest 'of .her cousin, Mrs. | George Hare, Albert street, for the ball on Mcnday evening. I Mrs, Cyril Knight, of Toronto, ar rivea in town to-day, to visit Profus { wor and Mrs. A. 1 Keight, © Alice street. | Dr. David Lewis, of Montreal, will { be the guest of Mr. and Mre. George | E. Hague, University avenue, for a fow davs next week, t Mies Mona Ferrie, who has heen the guest of Miss Millie Ferrie, "Willow Cottage," for some time, i= now it'ng Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Petts, bert street. Nr. Harry Walkem flown on Saturday, days with Mr. and | ken , Union street. » | 1 some on Vise Al- is to Mrs. J. expected in spend a few B Mr. and Mrs. Gerdon Osler, Mrs Giyn Osler and Mr, Cronyn motored to town, from Toronto, on Satuiday, re i turn'ng home again on Monday i Mrs. A. Z. Palmer and two little daughters, of Ottawa, leave shortly t spend the summer at Kennebunk 'Beach, with Mrs. Palmer's parents, Colonel and Mrs. T. I. Irwin. : } Miss Mollie Tett, of Newboro, arriv. ed in town, to-day, to visit Mr. and I Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie, Clergy street. Ex-Cadet Frederick Lytle and Mr. James Richardson will motor from Toronto on Monday and will Be guests {in town jor a few days. Measri. Claire Comson, Hugh Me Lean, apd Edward Pipon are expect- ed in town on Sunday to spend a few Eg. iss Dorothy Masson, arrived from Oitawa on Tuesday and is the guest of Mra. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street, Mr. Gordon Richardson, of the Bank Kingston, has been transferred to In- disn Head. | 8 - .- 0» - Dr. Bdward Sheffield, arrived from Cobourg on Tuesday and will spend several weeks in town. { Me. and Mrs. P. C. Stevenson "and their little son, Allan, returned om iy from Battersea, where they » he week-end with Professor and W. LG A a A. J. Wolfe have and M : "The 8," at Lough- and will move there short. oh Dntogrors and 3 a a a of Mrs. W, "Maitland House," week for a day or two, 5 , of Toronto, is ex- Saturday to spend ¥; Stuart street, days in Toronto. Toronto, is ex- this " | te pobte Toronto, Ont, Jane 21h, 10 a.m dit. tavwa VYaliey and | ppec SL Lawrence Fresh, strong west to north-westeriy winds, clearing and cooler this even. ng and to-night. Thursday, (luce and comparatively cool, For the WE EXCEL IN Beautiful Fabrics AND Trimmings rar ET) Debutante. quality, 12 and 16 button $2.25. [Vader dk] [IEIsr) . Ninons La Tosca, Nets, ete., Gloves Best quality, 16 button, French Kid. guaranteed finger tips. $1.00 and $1.25. Hosiery Especially good values in Silk Hose, 45 ¢ to Black and Colors. We can supply your every want in m ate- rials and accessories that are absolu tely cor rect for evening wear. Inispection Invited. Our showing includes Satin Charmeuse Fine quality French Messaline. ete. ") $2.00 Silk . Gloves, "Kayser," 50 i AFTER A renewed 'shop, bright A Steck of Higu-grad American, ete. with every new wheel sold. cheap. cash, STEACY'S LE LOS OR OF WTO > 0 fb € 0 > 0) -- A Stock of good Guns, Singleand Double, Goods paid for on instalment plan | | THE STORE OF SATIBFACTI ON aS] THE FIRE and cheery, epick and spau, bicycles--Canadian, English, An extra Pair Dunlop Detachable Covers New and Second-hand, or liberal discount for C. A. Jones, PEOPLE'S REPAIR SHOP AND 203 PRINCESS STREET, UPTOWN BICYCLE DEPOT. , Wal- A ---- THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Have installed in their Vault a pest of SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES If you have any WILLS, TITLE DEEDS, MORTGAGES, INSURANCE POLICIES OB OTHER VALUABLES / tiey should be lodged in une of these boxes THE ATTENTION OF FARMERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE COUNTRY Is drawn to the Sectirity these Safety Deposit Boxes afford against LOSS GF VALUABLE DOCUMENTS, ETC., BY FIRE OR THEFT. For further particulars and information, Apply to P.O. CS TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, "WAVES AND OURLS. STEVENSON, Manager, - Kingston, Ont TTT ATT COMING | EI PROFESBOR of the well known hair Toronto, is coming to ti : Randolph Hotel, Kingston, v ox ak Friday, June 21st with the Latest Parisian and American Bty les of Ladies Hair Goods, shown in the Dominion. bo = BANGS For Gentlemen Who are Bald or Partially So - The Pember Ventilated Lightweight Toupee or Most. Natural ig-is the ever pro- :

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