Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1912, p. 4

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THE "BUCO" Hand Garden Cultivator is the greatest tool fmade for weed destroying and cultiva- tion. It takes the weeds out root,' logeens the soil roughly. to desired depth, leaving it fine and smooth, and saves immensely on labor. PRICK by tho- CORBETT'S 'A Simple Treatment That "Will 'Make Hair Grow ioe £2 for 50 cents, and guarantees it So' SEES % Bis. EEA fg a bys » : © ro TT A FRAME LPR Now Sold in Canada ' o Every up-to-date woman--Should have radiant hair. There are thousands of women with harsh, faded, characterless hair, who do not try to improve it. In England and Paris women take pride in having beautiful hair, Every Canadian woman can have listrous tL and luxuriant hair by using SALVIA, the Great American Sage Hair Tonic, Every reader of the Whig can have an attractive head of hair in a few weeks by using SALVIA. Every druggist sells a large bottle to % banish Dandruff, stop falling hair 'and itching scalp in ten days, or momey back. ' SALVIA "is a beautiful, pleasant, non-sticky Hair Tonic. | BEER BOARD Asa Wall Board is fast growing into popular favor, As easy to work as soft Pine, leaves no dirt in the house, takes paint well, oc- cupies very little space, is warm and noise- proof. | We are Sole agents S. Anglin & Co. Wellington Stroet North "Phone 66. Cook's Cc ton Root Compound. 7 a The great Uterine Tonic, re £ £ My Tr sate effectual Mi & pend. Sold in di of strength--No, 1, i N ES 1d thik on of ham} oH Toy 0RONTO, ONT, (formerly Ws £ 8 i ; FURNITURE WANTED, Anyone having = Furniture, othes, Roots to Sell drop a card be. ore disposing of to JH. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street, pposite Cralg"s Wholesale, r ON g. 81 X g. ad (ERE hn 1 of ideas, Who have some inventive ability MEN as tag rine Ts Stoves, "SINGER" Hand Sewing Machine Practically new, for Sale. ANTIQUE FURNITURE. Largest line in the city. Will buy. sell or exchange. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Bought and Bold. If you are giving up house, I will buy "all your goods. dollars were being diverted from give them a hearing. Thursda morning at $1 a year. be add Daily ¥ making price of and cheap work; nine improved pr ) Stpeet, Toronto. The cement merger is for the time being without friends. It is assailed for The head Senator Edwards, a free-trader on all hands. It ix blamed cement famine in the west. of and a grit, declares that the Come pany is Dot 'responsible for the scarce city of cemmat, that there is an am. ple supply of it, in one mill over © a million sharrels, and cars cannot be had for the shipment of kt. The C. P.R. management wants it understood that that company is not open to cen- sure since there i} only one mill its line and it Ban have all the it wants. : The minister of finance, in com- manding a reduction of duty and to the extent of fifty per cent, says the demands exceeds the supply and the facilities for transportation are un- equal to the requirements of the sca- son, The remarkable feature is that the government is coming/ to its own on account of this merger, which it unquestionably favoures, When Sir Sandford Fleming protested against it, when, against Is own interests, ap- parently, he demanded an investiga- tion by parliament, alleging that the combination of business was not in the public interests, that millions of on cars the DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 lario, at §6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 p.m. EEELY BRITISH WHIG, 18 ;, published in parts on Monda WEERD 1G, Degen & 3 and of Weekly $1.50 Attached Is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canadas; rapid, sty iis, eases, the' . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG, SBEVENTYNINTH YEAR King Street, Kingst on, On. and States charge for postage had to per year. " THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED J. G, Elllett, President. Leman A. Guild, See~Treas. ha TORONTO OFFICE.~Suite 19 and 30 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church H. E Bmaliplece, J P. representative. TROUBLES THAT ARE DUE. -- manufacture of cement to the manu. facture of syndicalism, he got no sa- tisfaction. Mr. Borden intimated that any aggrieved person could. get satisfaction by appeals to the courts, and that the tariff issue could be con- sidered by a permanent tariff mission, Meanwhile the merger had its fling, and because it has had s monopoly of the trade, and bas made no com gt tempt to , study the future interests, there has been a commercial lion. The building trades all Canada, and especially in the 'west, rebel oyer have suffered, and now when a crisis has occurred, when the combine and its pet merger have been cursed loudly and bitterly, there is a reduction in the duty--for three or four months. I'his concession, wrung from the gov- ernment so xeluatantly, some vélief, bul\ not much. The one may bring map who will, abroad. re- | gard the situation with some ansiety, because be was chiefly contributory to it, and is the greatest beneficiary, is Sir Max Aiken, M.P., and the man on this side, comfort one who will find some the trouble, because of his attempt to preyend thom, is Sir Sandiord Flem- ine DiFhe grand old man is in the culmination of having his 'Vindication. Last winte® two represéntatives of the Grain Growers' Association; offi cials, visited Ottawa and haunted the parliamentary buildings until the pre- mier and Hon. Mr. Foster saw fit to I'hey. were in- terested in the terminal elevators, which Mr. Borden y had promised the west during ag election, as a4 substi tute for reciprocity. The conference was long When it did take growers did tion. Hon.' whether Mr. BoFden even seriously promised the elevators. Mr. Borden did not deny thai he had made the pledge--off his and in a moment of weakness or de speration--but, in a petulant spirit, he said that the west (referring "uo Al berta and taken deiayed. place, the grain not get much satisfac: Mr. Foster questioned own bat to be Saskatchewan), had not him at his word. And they eertainly had not since both provinces sent a very strong liberal delegation to Ottawa. Later gn announcement was sent out from the department of commerce, and to the effect that the federal govern- ment would not erect terminal elova- that it was not dis posed to interfere with private inter- ests anywhere. Still later the growers announced that not be baffled in any event, and that tors anywhere, grain they would WHO CAN ONE BELIEVE. ------ =| | | They would adgquire one of the big rail- wiy elevators and its annex at Fort | William. Then something oeeurred--nn election in Alberta, filling five seats that had beeome vacant, 'most of them through cabinet Atl liberal. In Saskatchewan the way was Mr. Haultain was in trouble. Ile helped Mr. Borden changes. of them went cleared for an election. to his great injury, and he demanded help in return. Hon. Mr. Rogers went to his rescue, He found the cities and ! towns in rebellion over' the cement question. He ordered the reduction in the tariff and it was done. He found the people incensed over the elevator sure, | on the pre the conservative candi- question, and at Regina, of all dates, he said that forty-seven acres of land had been purchased at Fort William for a three-million bushel ele vator, and that work would be begun upon it before the tion. And not a dollar propriated for the sence close of naviga- has been ap- purpose; nor can be until the elevator scheme has been submitted to and approved by parlia- ment ! Take al] these things into account the pr9 ne oe of commerce, and the announcement of Mr. Rogers--and answer the question which heads the article, who ean believe ¥ made and repudiated, the | the department of we Hon. Mr. Rogers says that, many regulations hamper the land occupant in the west. Truly. And the Hon. "Bob" has appointed a host of in- spectors who will that they are favoured by the interior departmeént-- if they vote right. see There has to be a reduction in the western freight rates, and the railway commission would be warranted in giv- ing them first and early attention, The voters are becoming very numerous in the west, and the government had better do as the west demands. Some one who is curious would like to know how. much the country is be ing saved, financially, by the use of autos and motor trucks in connection with the military ecanips. The cars EDITORIAL NOTES Mr. Roblin, says he listened premier of Manitoba, to the voice of the demagogue when he embarked on gov- i erament ownership of elevators. The "Bob" Rogers, who is now booming the federal own ership of elevators which Mr. Borden and Mr. Foster have repudiated. demagogue was Hon. A high legal authority--the secretary of the American Bar Assdciation--an- nouness that there cannot be any le gal claim for the Titanie. Well, 'admitting that, the company which pays a dividend of 81xXtys per ceni. can aflord to look al- ter those who have been widowed and orphaned by the. accident and in peed of assistance. loss of life on the + ENsHIP, Elliston, Va., Montgomery Co DR.'SOPER ' DR, WHITE | | | | [_sPeciaLisTs | - 'Tn the following Dissares of Men: y ocele Dyspepsis sy | hheumatiom Lost Vitality Stricture Skin Diseases Diabetes | Emissions | Kidney Aflecticas And Blood, Nerve nod Bladder Diseases, Call or send history for free advice. Free Book on Diseases and Question Blank. Medicine furnished in tibet Hours=to mm wipm sod 2 to 6m. Sundays--10 a.m. te 1 pan Consultation free. DRS. SOPER & WHITE, 25 Toronto St, Toronto, Ont sr LIME FORSALE DRURY"S Coal and Wood Yard "Phone 443, 235 Welllugton 1. { | at _a | BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES DISC Records BICYCLE MUNSON at Cut Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, Sendfor Cut Price Catalogue, TORONTO Electric Restorer jor Men restores every nerve in the body Phosphouy) tssieres ¢151y pare In she bey vim 8d vitality, Premature weakness averted at once. make you 3 now map. Price $3 a box, or two for 5 ailed to any address. - The Scobeil Drug ee Bt. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Mahood's drug store. SHE SUFFERED ecay and all sexuel Phosphonol wil) TEN MONTHS | mes Mrs. Blankenship Tells of Her Restoration to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Elliston, Va.--*1 feel it my duty to express my thanks for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- y. Compound has Pd done for me. I was a sufferer from fe- male troubles and >.1 had been confined in id bed over one third of my time for ter i months, 1 could not "4do my housework and®had fainting § spells so that myhus- band could not leave We alone for five minutes at a time. 'Now I have been restored to health and it has come from taking Lydia BE, Pinkham's Vegetable Cgripound. When- ever I pee a suffering Woman I want to tell 'her what this medicine has done for rie and 1 will always speak a good word for if." -- Mrs. ROBERT BLANK- Was Helpless -- Now Well. Trenton, Mo.--*" About two years ago [ had female trouble and inflammation so bad that I was literally helpless and had to be tended like a baby. I could not move my body gr lift my foot for such severe pains that 1 had to scream. [was very nervous and had a weakness, "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has helped me to such an extent that I think there is no medicing like it for female troubles. Iam up and able | to do my work again and I give you full | permission to pgblish my letter for the sake of other suffering women." -- Mrs. | W.T. Pures. 82)-10th St, Trenton, Mo. | HALL FURNITURE - We ate shuwing a fine line o. Hall Furniture. Hall Mirrors, woiden Oak, $45, to $16.50. M See Our Men's Fancy Vests $1.00 SUITS OF REFINEMET Our sort of Clothes show their "blue blood " in every detail style, fabric, tailoring and in the fit, and they il show it as long as you wear them. While your reputa tion depends to a certain extent on the sort of Clothes you wear, our reputation depeids entirely on the sort of Clothes we sell you and for this reason we guard against the © ordinary " in our offerings to our trade. 2 MEN'S SUITS, MEN'S SUITS, : £10.00, Sizes 34 to 44. Fabrics fine Domestie Tweeds in light and dark shadés. Two or three hutton style coat. Smart designs. Good tailoring. MEN'S SUITS, $12.50, Sizes 34 to 44 English Cheviots in fancy patterns, Rich shades of Fawn, Brown Green Mixtures, etc. New Bryson cut Something spe- cial for price. 87.50. are Sizes 24 to 44, Brown Tweeds. 3-button style coat, well sewn, good style MEN'S SUITS, $13.00. English Worsteds, in New Pin Dots, New Cords, New Stripes, Plaids, Brown, Blue and Brouze. Elegantly tailored garments. All sizes. The new Gordon style. MEN'S SUITS, $18.00, England Worsteds and made in the new Castly models Bench made garments Fast colors in Blue, Grey, Bronge and Taupe. All sizes. Real gems West of Cheviots, Grey, v BLUE and BLACK SUITS Semi-Ready Tailoring. Finished to your order in two hours time. Equal to Custom Tailors ° Best, Stouts, Slims and Regulars, $20.00 per Suit. -- All sizes Sale of Men's Panama Hats. The ' Best $5.00 Panama in Canada. BIBBY"S Limited and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. J _---- = f[[THE KINGSTON ICE COMPANY LIMITED 1912 RATES: Book of 30 tickets, 20 to 25 Ibs. each $1.75. Book of 30 tickets, 45 to 50 Ibs. each $2.75 Ticket books must be purchased at the office before ice delivery com mences, Office: 14 MARKET STREET "felephone $8. NES THE DAVIS ENGINKS rake you out and bring you back when You want to come. EVIFRY part of the engine is thoroughly test ed before you get it. If vou are looking for the BEST get a DAVIS. Every engine guaranteed to give satisfaction How about' your MOTOR BOAT? Do not forget that we build the boat as well as the o igfne And can give you good value for Your money. When you require Uasolene FITTINGS and SUPPLIES try ua. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. 'THE QUEEN MILLINERY == SPECIAL SALE = Royal Chiese Cafe Phone 1138. 338-342 King St Regular dinner from 11-2 pm hort orders at all hours Most nodern and finest equipped dinlag all in the city, We use nothing ut tht best of foods. Our cooking 8 strictly sanitary by the latest im- roved methods, and our table at- endance 1s cqurteous and obliging. -- OF -- { ; i {TRIMMED A plea has been offered in behalf of Hall Seats, $5.50 to $18.00. } "- Hall Trees $6.00, $8.50 to $30.00 ¥ All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ma bogany. MILLINERY " 'hat is why everyone enjoys meals Flowers and Lace §86rn 1 hese pretty Hats: Some of fashion's A 'The Royal." Specially equip- are in evidence, but not the expense tle sufiragettes who are undergoing i 4} Other new "conceptions dre enriched with silks and jaunty feather sed apartment for small banquets; of owning and operating them. imprisonment in England. It is argued A that the law has been vindicated, and The Nd Postmaster aught to bs tuat should suffice. But the prisoners i SORTA bila! io ier into his "par. | 2° not satisfied. They told the court i tizanship." = The postmaster-genorsl Sint. tiny wets still w to. thule : Young Girls' Tailored Hg could have dismissed him by ele] 0tu%e, and would repeat, if need be, . : | Sailor ry in Milan Straw, tr 3 without offering him an op the offences for which they were pun- . | trimmings at Heatre parties, ete. Fred Hum, $7.00, $3.00 op.. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. Ladies' Tailored Hats in with ribbon bands, at and $1.00, Black. White aad Natural, trimmed £3.00, A ts---musbroom. . Poke and Roll! immed with ribbon and silk, i $2.73. : Untrimmed Shapes In Black, White, Navy, Grey and Brown at greatly reduced prices. Lass > www JUNE OFFERINGS | IN MILLINERY Mohair, special portunity to wiake defence, and pro- ished. bably he is sorry now that he did not There is & row Because cll is being collected on the Cataraqui bridge af- ter it was announced that this toll Hats in Lace at 'Some of the smart politicians, the 3 i Trimmed mind-readers or prize-guessers, predict to. mv cv -- . s---- Tames and that the republican convention will 5 g | orices roa ta F Habla i "hopelessl, mi fery fine showing o ables" | lis and -- -- a Roms tJ) S A ! and Children's Hats at prices ite y | 10 sult everyone horse. Who will he be? Judge eo , IS = Sveial - attention Hughes is mentioned. He 'may, like : h 3 AW F OR FJ > Mourning Orders Judge Parker, on the appeal of the 0 ina '! k Don't fail to get your Holl | democrats five years ago, resign to Pedestals in Fumed, follow a will-o"-the-wisp, but it is very 4 English or Mabogany. : day Hats from us doubtfal. § Soeciat Prices thls week In Gor Trimmed Hats SE riz and Carriages. : ing. he body of an adult, F side. oi the coffin was br given to | Golden from $2.50 | FPR Tee STETL GEDYE'S R J. Reid, pm sn H LEADING UNDERTAKERS EE ---------------- The Up-To-Date Millinery Store 178 WELLINCTON ST. Privats Fitting Room. - Phone 225 13 i { { H t i i i i A EL a

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