Neaves Food Y FOR INFANTS Will Bring Your Baby Saicly Throagh Toe First Year ! } We put olir 'Maurite om Neave's Pood whes' he was' one week oid, and 'he never tarted adyshgng else . birthday: ndreds of Motor Boat Owners tention x 3 ¢ oR We renew the plati-- nam points on - your Spark Coil and prop- erly adjust the vibra- tors. This will save id ae' wis ait wha v ] g © io pn - has never hada « liness and is one you at 1 B of the bonuiest hoy [ have ever seen". Mires. 1. W. PATEMAN, 4 Harriet 8%, Toronto. Neave's Food is sold in 31h, airtight tins by all druggists {a Canada. FREE TO MOTHERS Write today for free tin of Neave's Food and copy of our book "Hints About Baby", te the Canadian Agent -- EDWIN 4 Front Street East; ~ TORONTO! e wis fedon. He Halliday Hlectric Co. - T (Mention 1hR paper.) Mrs. J. R. NEAVE & . THE DAILY HAS PROVED TO BE A MODEL HOUSPKEFEPER. 4 "| Her Ideal is Service--Plais Menus Every Day----Music is Her Favor-| ite imisement--An Exquisite Needlewoman. : -1t would be hard to find a more! { capable housékeeper than the Empress | lof Germany, Her ideal is service; she Aha devoted her life to serving her { country, her hutband, and her: chil? { dren. She believes that this is pWaman"s highest snd ooly mission, {and that women are long as {they keep to this deal. The empress {has never interfered in affairs of I state, and 'he dazzle of cburt life has faneant hiftle to her. But she has {wavs found joy earing for the «om {forts of the emperor; looking aftes | her children, and managing her house: | hold. | | When the kaiser calls for his wile he | {finds her engrossed in the many de {partments of her housekeeping lore, in { which she is 20 proficient. Though she {dues not go into the kitchen and or | der her groceries and meats as do { her subjects, the chief steward comes al | ta her stutlyr every morning, and they | THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION ADMINISTRATOR of Estates where there is fio will or where the appointed executors prefer not to act. lplan the menus for luncheon and din ner together. She ollen suggests new | disha and makes changes in. the { menus as they are presented. For she | hoe 8 many cook books. in her study {and 8 always on the lookout for new | { recipes, { } Emperor as a "Recipe Scout." i Lhe emperor, When pu his travels, }¢ Lal nol ges pew dishus, - cl es, ant pings to his | {wile 'these she keeps in a large ai ! ban, sud she fas bur cicis uy mn {from time lo ume. This is only a' {amell part of her morning's work, for {she makes a daily tour ot ber apart: {rents and those which her husband joc; 1 8 and sees that they are kept jin ° perfect order. Like niost good {ho .iskeepers, she looks in the corners {for dast, and has been seen running Kris the ag Late hang | TORONTO OTTAWA WINNIPEG SASKATOON {4 | - en me-- mL LJ CHEW KING GEORGES REAVYY PLUG | HIST AER LA Ls The. Rock City Tosacco Co.L gv. QUEBEC i --------------------_-- 13 { her Iimgirs more than once across u - j window s.hl. ble keeps a close eve on {her maids and buuers 10 see that | they are doing their work thoroughly. 'the empress does not believe 1n i fool eh extravagance in dressing any imate than in conducting her palace. {a nough her tailored suis and her din: {ner gowns are mado outside, she keeps a dressmaker busy all the year round jresn doing her gowns and those ber daughter, ¢ w said that she commands her| tepiment us well as the emperor does | tug goal sry. She expects her serv-| ants Lo do neir work properly just! a5 wie does her part, and she claims] thai she has . no tiouble' with her! vigids because she gives them such! eondortable, cheerful rooms that they! Co gob care about going oul a great deal ton O.K's. All the Bills. She is so thrifty that pone of the howvsckeouing Inlls are nad without tecdiving her OK, She keeps an ne caunt hook and has it balanced every! moath. 1 she linds her Litls too tatge | hie gives orders tg the chefs and oth: | rs to cut down thelr expanses. ho As a girl she vas taoght to make her own dresses andl hats; and. eon- tmded to do part. of her dressmaking for herself when she was first married. But the emperor says that their in- come is large enough now, so that this is no longer necessary. Occasion: ally she goes to her closets, which are large rooms filled with wonderful lin- ons. china made in the Berlin porcelain factory. and in Meissen, and with eplendid silver service. The table cloths are rolled on wooden rollers to keep them from creasing, and the sil- 'the china is especially beautiful; some of the old Meissen is no longer manu- factared, but this fine service is only Irought out on state oecasions. The flainer service is used ordinarily. Dinner is served at one, and this meal is usually taken with families of their sons and their wives. The courses are generally not more than five and are simple; such typical German dishes as savsages, Sauer kraut, and strud- dle often find a place on the menu. This is a typieal menu and a favor ite one for a royal informal supper : Curdy-suppe, a soup made of chicken. Rangus-schpitte, dish of fish. Ochsenlinden, plain roast beef gravy, Truffles, cooked in champagne. Torte, almond torte. Artichokes. lee cream. Butter, cheese, and dessert. and Music Favorite Amusement. Afternoon tea is always served at five o'clock, and work ceases for the day. In pleasant: weather tea is serv. ed out of doors, and in winter in one of the smaller reception rooms in the new palace. This is a simple meal of tea, coffee, and coffee cake. When the sons amd their wives are home they generally come to afternoon tea, and once in a while invite a few friends. When dinner is over they retire the masic room, and the time given over to music. The empress plays the piano and her daughter, who has a lovely voles, delights her Iather and his guests with German ballads, They are all fond of music and are sorry when it is 10.30 o'clock which is the hour for retiring in this German home. - Though the empress does not con- an authority on clothes i she feels that she ver is all numbered and kept in cases. ly si reer } is better than a}! deranged fomach. - "ogs they reduce the human head from 3 AT TOBACCO. TEAT "Rooster" ox It Is crowing louder as he goes along. @nly 45c per pound For chéwing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street, D#: de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator ; never fails For sale st Mabood's drug stove, QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served on shortest potice. REGULAR DINNER, 25e¢. = PAFPAS 400. the 'They Make Good who keep themselves in fine hysical condition. Regular in active kidneys 'and liver, good" digestion, and a greater natural vigor follow the timely use of the reliable BEECHAMS For Potatoes Land Plaster will start the plants in- to vigorous growth | | i { P. Walsh »37 BARLBACK STREET. He J RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Convulsions and Cramps From whatever causes arising and whatever may be the age of the patient, may be control- | led by doses of the teller. lis eflect upon tho | nervous and miscular «sles, in cases of this kind, Is most salatary and often instan- taneous. It should be rubbed into the con | vulscd members, as well dr given inwmrdly. | Ladies In a delicate condition and subject | to spasms, will find immediate help from the Relief, FRESH ARRIVAL Chocolates The Finest in the City. 50 cents per pound. A. J. REES 166 Princess 8t. Phone 58 Terrible Itching Got Little Sleep ov BRITISH WHIC SATURDAY, JUNE (which the Javatos make on the heads . this ancient. race. Ask for Radways and Teke No Substitutes ..GREWSOME ART. Reduction and Preservation | t Human Heads, Pera To-das i : Une of the customs of the lodians that has atiracted the attention eiviized people is the reduction of human heads, maids by some savage tribes of North Peru and other regions of South America. By means of very of of strange proceed- its natural sizg to that of fou ches or slightly more, : When these strange objects were first taken to Fngla they attracted the attention and euridsity of the stigntists; thid was about the year 1862; when 'a head was exhibited in the exposition of London under the suggestive and queer name of "The Head of the Inca" : Although this custom &s still prac ticed hy the Macas. Jivaros and oth er tribes of the same region, yet we know that it has been practiced in Peru for many centuries back, > In the most ancient huacos--earthen potiery of Nazea--painted human beads can be seen, with a seam on their lips, exactly similar to that in they reduce. I+ is supposed that the custom of ufig human heads as trophies lasted until the precincaic period among the natives of Nazca on account of some divided heads having been ° found-- uot complete ones--in the graves of These heads had the face and frontal region, and a part, so that a hair string might pass through it for the purpose of ughging up. The savages made this reduction of Kuman heats in order to show their prowess over their enemies, since they are trophies, and thus the best proof of 'power and courage is made known' hy the one who has the largest num- ber of human heads hadging from his neck. The proceedings that the sav age ngex tor reducing the heads ave Uhese After separating the heads from the hody they boil it in an infusion - of forest plants, known to themselves, so a8 to soften the bones, which 'they afterwirds remove. When the hones are all out the head is kept in a han7ing position amd hot pebblcs pat inside, which when cold are replaced ther hot ones, until the skin is Iv dried and reduced to the re size. This custom is hot only pecalinr to the savave tribes of North I'eva, Imi is also that of several regions in the northern part of South America. The Indians of the river Cusiccuari, in the Orinoco and Negro regions, the whole body and thus a sized man becomes o simple fifleen or eighteen inches long. Ir the British 'museum there is a reduced head from Veneruela presented be Mr. Fagan, British minister in Caracas. : These human trophies are not after all ver: uncommon, and some spe mens can be found fo forsign musenms In the vear 1873 'un Englishiian, Mr Nreklev, wha lived eighteen months amone tha Jivaros, took with him four swcimens to London. Colonel Pedro Portia broueht back lanitos, where he was perfect, reduced heads, RLIND. vedi co regular puppet from thre noDT 1 have gone round the dungeon cell And 'there is no door- Only a slit, too high to reach, Four walls, And a floor. I was not born in the darkness, 1 remember light- What did 1 do that the High God Sent night So will | beat on the. dumb wall, teat with bruised hands, So will 1 ery to the far heavens, Sobhing demands Mayhap, my God, will repent Himself, Loosing my bands. . I have no track of the slow dave 1 may not see; Théy are all grey shadew and silence To me. Thus, till one hour of still rain, Deep in the night, I remembered the moon by the church hire, 3 And the sun at height; 1 remembered the shine of a fire And a star's flight; 1 opened my mouth in the dungeon And 1 sang Light! grate | Sang till ohe on Careless--iree, Hearing a voice sun, Ros: up to see; Turned to the God words And blinded me. the green earth, that thrilled with that lit the Hounesty's Supreme Test. Milwaukee News. Rather long was the railway jour. ney and the passengers, from talking cabbages and other matters of vital interest, had got on the subject of lies. ; "Yes," repeated the man in the cor- ner. "I don't think the test of the cherry tree proved that George Wash- ington wasn't a liar." "Well, perhaps you'll devise a better one ?" chorased the other pas- sengets. "All right," said the man in the corner. "Supposing mow that George Washington was' standing - on n stormy night &t the door of a ros taurant snd the waiter had ~ hurried up .to him with a beautifol now silk unbrella with an ivory handle and no name on it." Then the train entered the tunmel. DEBIT AND CREDIT. The Rambler. : You gave me smiles and kisses, 1 gave a diamond ring, : For tender looks, the newest hooks and latest Ranga to sing. Pein a handred Jet ere inning "Darling Love, And now I think, a withered pink, A worn, t tiny glove. You'll get again those kisses Those tender glances. too, But never I'l get back the pile Of money: spent on Fou ! REVEL ¥ POWDER MADE IN CANADA Buy Tire Experience Not Tire Experiments Dunlop Bicycle Tires are the tires of exbericnor for 18 years they have been in the lead. When we erected our fust factory, one room was sufficient for Bicycle tire making., almost the entire part of one factory is devoted 10 this line. Dunlop - Bicycle Tires Every year finds Dunlop Bicycls tires more popu- © dur than the previous year; and if any sew ideas are needed, cach year sees them coming first from the Dunlop Factory. For 1912 the new ides is Dunlop Special, the Bicycle Tire built specially for Canadien roads, the tire that will not slip becpie of rubber studs placed securely on the tread. The answer to those who want to sell you foreign-made tires is that distarice lends uncertainty -- not enchantment. Dunfop Tires are Sold by Bicycle Dealers Everywherc. GENUINE Actually Makes More Paint Jrandrant's B. B. Genuine White Lead carries more Linseed Oil than any other because of its Thus, it makes more paint and better paifit--pound for pound--than any other. . Many generations of use, has proved this to' the complete satisfaction of home owners, home builders, painters, architects and contractors throughout the world. minute fineness. Made in Canada by PBRANDRAM ENDERSON, LIMITED. MONTREAL, HALIFAX, ST. JOMN, WINNIREQ. HITED Rae. i i ve. in i [A EN The ylly always picks out a weak adversary, - Any girl or woman who be- comes run down in health from over-work, worry or other causes, canna) regain heg health readily on account of the natural drains on her system, which only become aggravated by continued ill-health Her constitution simply cane not stand this strain---contse-.. quently pains and irregularities occur, 'she becomes anaemit, tired and nervous, loses flesh and strength, digestion becomes impaired, she does not care for society and grows despondent Many there are who put in an existence of misery trying to bear up to do their household duties while in a state of invalid- ism. It is not natural that women should have such ill- health. Nature never intended it but This Age, Heredity and Environment Cause i. A special remedy is required that will remove the weakness, raise the vitality and nutrition of the weakened part, purify the blood and restore each organ to its proper function so that Each and Every Organ Must Work in Harmony. Restoratone Tablets do this--they are a special Remedy of great valde in restoring and toning up debilitated conditions found in girls and women. They positively cure and restore to health in 90% of such cases. No matter how bad your case may be and how many remedies ybu have tried---just give one box of Restoratone Tablets 3 trial and the benefit received will bé sufficient to induce you to take more if neces . sary until you are in perfect healt Delay In Vital a Matter Health RostratoneYrabioty Will Cure Sa Your ; For sale by your druggist at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, or cheerfully sent postpaid of_receipt of price by writing, THE RESTORATONE CO., Limited TORBNTS, CARASA