Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1912, p. 3

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A ; J ; : \ } + : » Aa int Vat va hon, ; . I , THE DAILY BRITISH WG, . TUESDAY, JUNE 18, ioi2, PAGE THIEN. "s or x y ' - 4 . Rh > L Ed » » : 4 . - : x . S i . RE -- - -- - ' Toronte, Ont, Jane 15th, 10 a " : % g ? : Ottawa Valley and Upper Si Jawrdnee . . ; : 4 Moderate to fresh tn north-westerly Re a s hes of Gok a 4 ; - TRAVELLING, [GRAND TET WHE na derkied ohare in Semper. b. g v o o w o o o - onets outlined the staineade leading: ture. SUMMER TOURIST RATES* to the gallery, and thé college motto PACIFIC COAST td : "The Dectrations Have Nevers: Duras JB mos ecm, fv Ba rlied, es ave ore u roek nd . HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS: = -- LAST DANCE AT DAWN tractive for bridge for the chaper- ones. WESTERN CANADA and Return : or "The gun-shed was transférred in- Tuesday, Jung 25th and every se 3 SWEEP HOME." Tickets on sale dally, turn uBtil October Zist. ting-out places, with rugs and cush- lons and softly shaded lights, and here were gerved during the even- ing, ices and claret cup. Im the cen- tre of this grotto were blticks of ice, glowing with .goft lights from with- : Paes ove , | in, and made wmore beautiful hy The Guests Were Received by tie flowers placed here and theré by the Commandant and Mrs. Crowe---- guests after the first dance. The List of the Guests and the Gowns | mugic from the Toronto orchestra, of 'the Ladies. was. irresictible, and called for re- : peated encorses from the eager danc- ers, who were loath to give up the perfect floors, the perfect partners, and the perfect tout ensemble, The delicious supper was served in the main building at quartette tables, prettily decorated with flow- ers. Sid 'The Commandant and Mrs. Crowe welcomed thelr guests at the en trance to the ball-room, the latter wearing a gown of violet chiffon sat- in trimmed with white lace and jet, ard iiridescent passamenterie, and earied a huge bouquet of red roses, the gift of the cadets. . As the dawn broke Henry the unwelcome realization came to the guests that this long-+. locked-forward-to event was drawing tL a close. The last nymber was) danced in daylight, to the strains of "Home, Sweet Home," and after- wards, the graduating class were surrounded by the other cadety, and "HOME, to a perfect fairyland. Screened: off with 'fragrant cedar trees were sit- < | TO THE 'STRAINS cend Tuesday thereafter until Bept. s 17th. "Tickets good for 60 days. For full' Information. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts | ki 1+ [---- The good dresser with ap eye to economy will appreciate the excellence of ofir showing and the smallness of price, § SOX All Silk Hose, Lisle toe and heel Black : 'and colors--sizes 9} to 11, the Tae. quality 50 cents pair. Fine Black cotton Hose, 13¢. to 25¢. Best quality French Gauze Lisle 2Bc, 35¢c. and 60c. All sizes. Summer weights in Black and Tan Cash- mere, 25¢ to b0c. ; SHIRTS--(Good looking, well-made Shifts, sizes from 14 to 16}--in, three unbeatable lines at 80c, T6c. and $1.60 On Monday evenlng the Royal Military College opened {ts hospita- ble doors to the friends of the com- mandent, staff and gentlemen ca- dets, For many weeks past out-of- town, as well as Kingston friends, have: been anticipating with pleasure this long looked for event, and those fortunate enought to be guests found that in this case anticipation was not greater than realization. For the past week the cadets have been un- tiring in their efforts to transform the college. into a place that spoke of work lald aside, that galety might rule. Nothing more beautiful than the result of their work could be Imagined, a greater artistic triumph would be difficult to achieve, when the large assemblage of fashion and beauty entered the balircom they re- ceived their first sight of a scheme of decoration that for dazzling mag- nificence has probably mever been ) Vea CIP ARTE Rt rR 3 IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Trains Léave Kingston 11.30 am Express--For Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, 51. John, NB, Halle fax, Boston, Teronto, Chicago, Den- ver, Renfrew, Sault Hie. Marie, Duluth Bt Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver Heattle, Portland and San Francises,, 40 p.m.--Loecal, for Sharbet Lake connecting with C. pF, H East and West 745 am---~Mixed for Renfrew intermediate points, Dally, except day. $ Passengers leaving Klugston st am, arrive in Ottawa at p.m; Petpr. boro, 4.19 pm.; Toronto, 6.35 v.m; Montreal, 6.20 pm.; Boston, 7.30 am,, bt. John, 12.00 noon. OE ates] THIS BATHING SEIT GANSOT PART COMPANY AT THE MIDDLE. New bathing suits for small folk fasten at the shoulder so 'that no matter how the little boy or girl tumbles about in the sand the bathing suit keeps its proper position on the figure. There is no jersey to ride up, dnd no trunks to slide down. Uhe little suit fits trimly and is also attractive to look at with its bands of contrasting color at neck and arm opening. All sensible bathing suits for chiliren have a toach of and sun- 1.30 Full particulars at X. and P: ane C.P.R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street. ~~" F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- BOAT £0. LIMITED. KS. "UASPIAND 1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER, Commencing" June 2nd, steamer leaves at 10,15 am, on Bundays for Alexandria Bay, 1,000 lslands, and Gananoque, : . Returning, leaves at & p.m. for Ro- chester, N.Y. via Bay of Quinte, call- |. Picton, Deseronto and Belle. DAILY BERVICE -after June 20th, LOCAL BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. HE. ALETHA leaves Kingston at 3 pm, daily, eXeept Bunday, for Plcten and' jntermediate Bay of Quinte porte excel liers ed. All gasoliers and electro- had been successfully hidden, and the ceiling replaced by a canopy of blue, through which penetrated as stars soft rays of lights placed above and out of sight, a perfect im- itation of the evening sky, This out- door out, the walls being banke ergéens and pines, effect predominated througbe with ev- The fixed bay- (Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence mer Cruises lia Cool Latitudes. 88. "Cascapedia," 1,800 tons, with all modern comforts, SAILS THUR Freight handled with despatch at [8nd 1 reasonable rates, J.P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent, JAS. BWIFT & Co, Freight Agents E. BE. HORSEY, General Manager. * ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. T.T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virginian." T.8.8. 88. Tunisian and Corsican." Bailings every Friday. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. T.8.8. Gramplaw and Hesperian." T.8.8. "Scandinavian and Preaoria. Sallings every Saturday. MONTREAL TO HAVRE LONDON. Service of moderate priced ONE- CLASS CABIN (11) stemsmers, Sailings every Sunday. Full information and tickets on application to J. P. Hanley, C. 8. Kirkpatrick, G.T:Ry. Agt. Clarence St. Agents In Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto, rie sss ------ BLACK DIAMOND SS LINE. Sailings every Wednesday from % Montreal. 88. City of Sydaey and SS, Mor. wennn, Passengers can bourd steamers at Montreal or Quebec. Ports of Call--Charlottetown, PEI, Bydney, NB, and St. Johns, Nfld. Nai he 60.00 and up, return fare, Mont- reas to St. Johns, fid., including meals and berth, Syery comfort and safety, Marconl service, etc, Tllustpated Bookiet B. sent free on request. AT. WELBON, GF. & PA, 112 St. Jamies Street, Montreal. AND August, ag da ing at side, PEL, FROM MONTREAL ON SDAY, at 4 pm, 20th June, 4th Sth July, 1st, 16th and 20th and fiom Quebec the follow. y at noon fer Pictou, N.S, call- Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Summer- and Charlottetown, PEL New York from Quebec Via t calling at Halifax, sail from Quebec at he far-famed River Saguenay, Gaspe, Charlotgetown and BS, rinidad, L600 tons, $ pm, 12th and 26th July, Sth and 238d August. New York to Bermuda Som Bdrew by the Twin mer Excursions i 10,518 tons . "Bermudian," displacement, sailing from New York at 3p. August, Temperature cooled seldom rises above 80 m., 22nd June, 3rd, 18th, and 24th and every 10 days thereafter, uy sea breezes, egrees. The finest trips of the season for henith and comfort, For J.P. RICK, QUEBEC iv 10 PAT. ont, COMPANY, tickets and staterooms, a SLEY, or C. 8. KIR Ticket Agents, Kingston, STEAMSHIP QUEBEC, SHIRTWAISTS FOR BOYS AND 50 Cents This 'week we are show- a homutiful Che u oven Ze Re: Satored atrs 3 gang "Auld Lang Syne." Gowns of Debutantes. Miss Ruth Martin looked very fair and winsome in a gown of white sat- in en traine, the bodice velledsain shadow lace, panels of lace on sides of skirt edged with ball fringe crys- tal bandeau in hair, and her bouquet was pink roses. ' Miss Kathleen Carruthers: made one of the prettiest of debutantes in a frock of white ninon over white satin, overskirt edged with crystal fringe, bodice and steeves trimmed with lace. crystal bandeau in het hair, finished with marabou mount. Migs Aileen Taylor, Windsor, de- butante white satin <n traine, over- dress of white silk marquisette, or- Lnamented 'with exquisite little French flowers. The skirt was made in paniér effect, and the bodice was trimmed with lace, embroidered in pearls, and touches of green--white roses, Miss Eleanor Minnes made a very sweet and dainty little debutante in her frock of white satin charmeuse, with trimmings on bodice of hand- some duchesse lace and ninon. The skirt -was panelled with crystal trim- ming and draped ip nfnon, and she carried an armful of Killarney roses. Miss Freda Burns looked very sWet and pretty in her gown of white satin, en traine, the skirt draped in ninon; the bodice trimmed with nin- on and handsome pearl ornament; white and pink roses, and a mab cap of lace and pearls. Miss Mary Boggs, of Victoria, de- butante, white satin with tunic of ninon edged with wide silk embroid- ery, white roses. Miss Margaret Maclennan, Toron- to, debutante, looked very lovely ina dainty gown of white satin, veiled In white nidon. The skirt was trim- med with handsome rose pointe lace. One side of the bodice was draped with ninon and the other with the same handsome - ..ce used on the gkirt; maribou plume in hair; lilies of the valley, orchids and roses. Miss Florence Elliott looked very petite and dainty in her becoming gown of white satin duchesse, en traine, draped with white ninon, seeded with pearls, caught on train with tiny satin roses. Bodice trim- med with silk embroidered chiffon and broad bands of pearl and orys- tal trimming and fringe. Bandeau and osprey in hair. She carried Am- erican beauties tied with wide satin ribbon of same shade, and her orna- ments were pearls. Miss Dorothy English, Montreal, debutante, white satin duchesse, trimmed with handsome Princesse lace. Pink roses. Miss Phylis Knapp, Prescott, de- butante, white empire satin, over- dress of white ninon, and pearl trim- mings; pink roses. Miss Rose Rogers was very bécom- ingly gowned in white satin, the skirt was high-waisted with paniers of satin caught in with pearl tassels, wih fish-tail train, hanging from shoulders. The bodice was trimmed with fiches of ninon edged with erys- tal fringe. Pearl bandeau in halr, and marabou mount. Miss Mjldred Wormwith, debu- tante, was extremely pretty In a handsome gown of white satin en tralne, the bodice was covered with ninon and paniers of ninon on the skirt were caught up with white sat- in roses. The panel of pearl passe- mentrie down the froat and sleeves were edged with crystal fringe. The girdle was finished in front with ninon roses, crystal and algrette in hair; beauty trim American Miss Stiles, of Cornwall, debu- tante, while satin, veiled in ninon, with pear! and crystal trimmings, {Jullette cap of pearls on her hair; ark red roses. - Miss Alda Nicolle, in her dainty frotk of white satin charmeuse, en traine, never looked prettidr. Pearl Jasiementrie bandings and bugle inge trimaied the bodice. Crystal ba and maragou mount we worn in her hair, and she American beauties. Gowhs of the Matrons. Me Jiuptrehall 'Wood--Blue aa I French chiffon dotted oes : iff with bine and rose passementerie, anda) bunch of pink camellias on the Mrs. J. P. Shine---Saxe blue satin, dark grey chiffon tunic trimmed with dull silver. Mrs F. R. ~--~White sat- Wie pet Sedgwick _-- i". wool in the weave, for the child is « ard the bit of wool may prevent a in silver. Mrs. Iva E. Martin--AGrey safin with tunic of ninon embroidered in cut steel. Mis, A. J. Wollf--S8oft pearl Lib- erty satin, tunic of ninen, trimmed with opal passementerie awd fringe; Jewels, pearls. Mis. Vernon Eaton-- Pale and gold brocade, diamonds pearls. Mig. J. B. Cochrane--Cream satin, overdress of black lace, trimmings of black jet. : Mrs. H. Ramsay Duff--Green bro- caded satin veiled in ninon. Mrs. R. T. Kilborn--Pale blue crepe, touches of black velvet, and old gold embroidery; ornaments, peavis. Mrs. W. Lesslie--Black trimmings of jet and chiffon, Mrs. E. J. Bidwell--Printed chif- fon over red satin. Mis. W. R. Givens--Black over white satin. Mrs. Lennox Mills--Heliotrope brocaded satin, old auchess lace, or- naments pearls and diamonds. Mis. J. J. Wolfe--Rich dove-col- ored charmenge, veiled in chiffon, trimmed, with rose pointe lace, 'Or- naments, diamonds, Mrs. Maurice Plummer--Pink chiffon with blue satin paniers; pink i roses on bodice. Mrs. Philip Prideaux--Pink satin with ninon, tunic edged with jewel- ed trimmings; bri.uant bandeau in hair. Mrs. Grier Wyld, Ottawa---Irish lace dress over white satin, Mrs, Henri Panet--Blue charmeuse, lace trimmings. Mis. Fred. Cowans, Ottawa--Par- is gown of white satin with ever- dress of white and gold net: tur- | quoise trimmings and diamond or- | naments. | Mrs. W. Gwynne, Toronto--White | eatin with black and white chiffon | green and satin, lace satin J overdress adpn handsome lace trim- | mings. - | Mrs. W. H. Macnee-- Mauve satin with white lace overdress, trimmed | with silk and crystal embroidery. Mi%. Neilson, Quebec-- Black sat- in, veiled in black ninon, trimmed with jet and diamorn... Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie- with pear! trimmings. Mrs. D. 8S. Robertson in trimmed with. very cream net lace and fringe, Mrs. Douglas Ycung--Grey satin, bugie ana Sequins overskirt, trim med with touches of black. Mrs. Frank Sirange--Black satin charmeuse, with overdress of black sequins. 1 Mrs. Jeremy Taylor--Pink satin, | overdress of black and white chif- fon and steel . fringe, trimmed with medallions in shades of pink. Pink marabou mount in hair. Mrs. John Macnaughton, Montre- al--\Vhite satin dress with black ninon overdress, edged and trimmed with silver bead fringe, white lace panniers. Mrs. H. T. Hughes--White satin, trimmed with Brussels lace. Mrs. Norman 8. Leslie Beauti- ful French gown of saffron moire, trimmed with old be, Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee--White satin veiled in white ninon and trim- med with gold. Mrs. English, silk and lace. Mis. Austin Gillies, Gillies' Depot ~--Cream brocane, trimming of silver shadow lace, and ermine. Am- erican beauties. : Mrs. J. Stuart R. MeCann--Black satin, veiled in black marquesette. Mrs. W. A. Simson--White satin, trimmed with Duchess 'lace an pearls. " Mrs. T. J. Rigysr--Sott white sat- in net, robe s ngled with silver; bouquet of roses. -White satin { Cream sat- | handsome Montreal-----Black Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercary, as mercury will surely 'destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sgystm when enter t through the mucous surfaces ch articles should never be used except prescriptions from reputable physi. ads as the damage they will do is tea fold to the good derive from them. Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. vledo; O, contains no mercury, and Is taken internally, acting direct. I¥ upon the blood and mucous Stir. aces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh sure you got genuine. t is taken internally aud made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free Sold by Druggists. Price, 75¢ pet . Tak Hall's Family Pills for consti. e 8 pation. ' ' {on bodice, pane! of lace i belided tunie, aastantly in and out of the water, cali Mrs. Arthur Cunningham---White fatin veiled with pink ninon, gold lace tunic; orchids and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Hallaway Waddell White ilk, the skirt made in panier effect with paddy green ninen falling from the edge of the panniers, square frain. One side of the bodice drap- od with paddy green ninon, the other with Irish lace caught in front at waist line with pink roses; bandeau ol white turtle in hair. Mrs. Hansord Hora--Blue satin, en iraine, with handsome gold orna- ments on bodice and skirt. Mrs. J. D. Craig, Ottawa--Pink satin with tunic beaded in pearls, hardsome pearls ornaments on bo- Qico, Mrs. Arthur Craig--White duch- €88° satin tunic of Irish crochet lace, pearl trimnrng, 'bandeaun of pearls in hair; pink roses. . rs. Chas. A. Low----Yellow: satin charmeuse, touches of black, skirt caught up with tiny yellow rosebuds, pearl trimming, Mrs. W, St. Plerre Hughes-- White satin with embroidery of gold. Hrs. Felix Johnston--Chiny lace, imported gown over white silk. Mrs. F. O. Willhoft--Grey silk with silver trimmings. Airs. Charles Kitkpatrick-- Blue with pearl and bugle trim- nirgs, Mrs. W. G. Anglin--Black satin, with overdress trimmed with jet and gol, touches of apricot, Mrs. R. Easton Burns---Black sat- in Lodice trimmed with Irish crochet ace, veiled in black ninon. Mrs. R. J. Carson -Black jet and sequins overdress. * Mrs. W.-H. Crailg---¥Pale pink sat- in .en traine, handsome white lace on skirt, Killarney roses. Egyptian satin; yellow satin, osprey in hair: ace robe, white Mrs. - J. de Mille Burpee--Pale blue satin veiled in ninon, trimmed with blue silk fringe. Mrs. BE. Ryan Purple =atin veil- ed in black net, beaded in steel Mrs. W. Norton Taylor, Sarnia Yellow eatin with jet tunie Mrs. Marsh--Blug satin with & « Mrs. James Higgins -- Black satin and ninon, jot trimmings, gold ory naments, Mrs. D. EB. Mundell---Cé satin velled in black silk embroidered net, croaments pearls and diamonds; Am- grican beanty roses. Mrs. Garland, Ottawa--An import. ed gown of cream satin with over- aress of duchess lace. Diamond .or- naments; American beauty roses Mrs. John Mackay-- Black satin, with tunic of black embroidered in silver; marabou mount in hair; pink roses. Mrs. George McKay---Cream sat- in veiled in hand embroidered nin- on, trimmed with erystal and gold fringe; tulle Bandeau and white aig- rotte in hair; yellow roses. Mrs. R. J. Hooper--S8apphire blue satin veiled in blue ninon. Mrs. Robert Partridge, Toronto--- White satin, with embroidered Rus- sian net. Mrs. George Graham---Frankford | --Gown of white satin charmeus with court train, studded wit pearls, draped with minon. ninon; American beauties. Mrs. E. H. Pense, Ottawa-- White sa- tin, with handsome tunic beaded in black and coral. Mrs. Hugh Macpherson--Apricot -sa- tin, panel of white lace in front and back and tunic edged with fringe of gold beads; bodice trimmed with Ince and} apricot chilfon, finished at the waist line with helt of green velvel, pink osprey in hair. Mrs. Boyd Caldwell, Lanark--French gown of grev satin. Mrs. A W. Winoett--White satin, with princess lace, white osprey = in hair; American Beauty roses. Mrs. George Robertson, Hamilton-- Black satin, vety handsome sequins trimmings, and bertha of Irish lace, of small white roses in hair. Mrs. Charles Sparks, Ottawa--White Guchesse satin. Mrs. Maynard Hogers,: Otiaws -- Green satin charmeuse, embroidered in paris, silver butterfly in hair, Mrs. Harold Hughes White satin, with bugle trimming, and pearls; mob cap of brilliants and silver beads; red roses, . Gowns of the Maids. Miss Doris Sparks, Ottawa Pink sa- i fish tail train, king's blue beaded overdross, and Drawers, 35¢, 25¢. up., ete, ete. prices. tin, veiled in pink chiffon. Miss Mary Vrouman, Napanee--Pink satin, veiled in pale blue ninon, em- broidered in crystals; Pink roses. Miss Bessie Caldwell, Lanark--( offee colored lace gown, trimuhed with cerise chilion. Miss Frances Sullivan--Pink Limerick (lave mings, pink feather in hair. Miss Eleanor Macdonell----Pink satin, silver passementerie trimmings. Miss Amy MeGill--Binock chiffon wel vet, with overdress of Limerick lace, crimson feather in hair. Miss Chips Coutlee, Ottawa--Dutch blue satin, trimmed with silk fringe to match, American DPeauty roses Miss Gertrude Coutlee, Ottawa low satin,' with overdross of lace, beaded ith gold beads edged with gold bead fringe; violets. 'Miss Marie Coursol, Ottawa grey satin, veiled with flame colored ninon, silver trimmings, sunset roses, Miss Clare Robinson--Yellow satin, draped with yellow voile, edged with fringe. Miss Alice Moore--White ed in ninon, crimson ros 8, Miss Mabel Richardson--Blue sequins and pearl trimmings | Miss M. Gordon--White satin, in white marquesette, edged fringe, and trimmed with lace, Ibandeau of silver | roses. i satin, trim- Yel white and Pale sadn, veil Satin veiled with Hair sequins in hair. Red Miss Elsie Pense--White satin with {white lace overdress, white osprey in { hair. | Miss Margery Pense--Mauve satin {with fish tsi train, and draped over {skirt in front, bodice trimmed with {gold and violet applique. © Marabou mount in hair. Miss Marjorie Starr--White with overdress .. of Dresden made in pannier eficct. Miss Florrie = Stewart---White satin veiled in white ninon, trimmed with silk and pearl embroidery. Miss Mabel Dalton--White with overdress of pals broidered in crystal. Miss Dorothy Masson--Blue satin, veiled .with ninon and trimmed with silver lace and fringe. Silver bandean in hair, Miss lsabel Reid, Toronto--Pale blue satin veiled in pale blue chiffon with frills edged with law and pircles of little rosebuds, Miss Dorothy Vandersunesen--Blue satin veiled in wilte ninon, trimmed with ropes of pearls and butierflies Silver cross. Miss Kitty Betts, London--Black em- broidered satin with touches of cream American Beauty roses. Miss Lilian Taylor--Turquoise satin with sea shell overdress; pearl rope trimming and rhinestones, Miss Madge Taylor--Ivory striped satin with gold and white overdress of ninon and silk net pannels; white roses. Miss Madeline Higgins--Yellow sa tin, gold bugle fringe and pascemént- erie trimmings; gold and turquoise band in hair, Miss Edith Gatland, Ottawa--Blae satin veiled in blue ninon and trim- med with pearls and erystals.: Pearl Juliet cap caught at the sides with rosebuds, satin chiffon satin grey net, em- Miss Nora Macnee White satin veil- ed in cerise, trimmed with rose point lace; American Beauty roses. Mies Phyllia Short Green satin, overdress of chiffon of same shade; pearl and head trimmings. Mise Chance Short-- White over silk with panels of satin each side; pearl trimmings. Miss Marjorie Merrick--lve down satin, royal hair; * blue bandeau and. feather in Sizes from 34 to 44. Our showing also includes W. G. & R. Collars--all shapes. from 25¢. to 76¢. Knitted and Silk Ties YOUR INSPEC ninon: UNDERWEAR Fine French Balbriggan Shirts 80c, 60c. and T75c. Bretelle's Braces, Come and try Haberdashery at dry goods 'TION INVITED. STEACY'S 12 THE STORE OF SATISFACTION ENTIRELY BALD Her Hair Commenced to Grow After Two Weeks' Use of Newbro's Herpicide, > Fever caused me to he entirely bald, 1 had given up all hope of again hay. ing hair when | was advised to use Herpicide, After two weeks my hair commenced to grow. 1 now have the beautiful head of hair anyone saw. to Newbro's Herpi: mast ever | cide Thus writes Mrs. Howard Bailey, of Bellevue, Mich. We can point to thou- sands of instances whore the proper use of Herpicide has been followed i a remarkable growth of hair. Newbro's Herpicide is the original remedy which kills the dandruff germ and stops falling hair. Send 10c. in postage for sample and booklet, to The Herpicide Co., Dept, R., Detroit, Mich Applications may 'be obtained at the best barbers and hair dressers, Newbro's Herpicide in 80¢. and $1 sizes 1s sold by all dealers who guar- antee it to do all that is claimed. If you are not satistied your money wiil be refunded. Jas. B. Mcleod and L. T. Best, special agents. TUNGSTEN LAMPS tfor Motor Boats SPARK PLUGS T5¢. and $1.00 {FRESH BATTERIES 25¢. each MULTIPLE BATTERIES $6.00 each (STORAGE BATTERIES i $12.50 1 Everything for Motor Boats H. W. Newman Electric Co. 79 Princegs st. "Phone 441. Praise 50¢c. red roses. . + Miss Gweneth Merrick --Whitdr satin villed with mauve minon, mauve os- prey in hair; red roses. : Miss Lillian Mundell-Pink satin veiled in ninon, trimmed with pink marabou and lacs; pink feathery mount in hais; pick roses. Miss Aileen Ropers--White satin with overdress of jet and gold; pearls in hair. Miss May Rogers--White silk, white silk net overdress. : Miss Eva Richardson--Pale blue orepe de chine, the skirt made in mnier effect caught in front with snl srl ornament, bodies trimmed with bolero of sequine, meri bou mount in hair; American Beauty Miss Christine Cochrane--Pink empire satin with overdress of white net, embroidered in gold. Miss Vera charmeuse; sunburst pear] ornament on bodice; rl and bugle triad (Continued on Pake 6.) droid satin i Ll Sa SA Gh

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