w ------ "TRAVELLING. RAILWAY (TTA TEE 'DOMINION DAY, JULY FIRST Return Tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, Good "going Juae 28th, 29th, 80th, and July lst. Return limit, July 3rd. Tickets Issued to intermediate stations between: Montreal and To- roiite will not be valid on trains | and 4. : HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS WESTERN CANADA and Return Tuesday, June 25th and every se- ccnd Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. ' ¥or full information. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts ew. re TH) SOINE LAVET GT RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingston * 11.30 am' Express--For * Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Hail fax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Den- ver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth; Bt Paul, Wirdnipeg, Vancouver Beattie, Portland and San Francisco. 5.00 p.m.---Local, for Sharbot Lake, connecting with CC, P. R, East and West, : 745 am.~Mixed for Renfrew and intbrmediate pointe, Dally, except Sun day. % Passengers leaving Kin aan, arrive in Ottawa at § p.m; Peters boro, 4.1% p.m.; Toronto, 6.35 p.m. Montreal, 6.20 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 am,, st. Jobn, 12.00 noon, Full parficulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM: BOAT C0. LIMITED. $8. "CASPIAN." 1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER, Commencing June 2nd, steamer eaves at 10.15 «Mm, on Sundays for Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Islands, agd Gananoque, Returning, 5 pm. for Ro- chester, NY, via Bay of Quinte, calle Picton, Deseronto and Bello. gston at 11.40 leaves at DAILY SERVICE after June 20th, LOCAL BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. S88 ALETHA leaves Kingston at 3 p.m, dally, except Sunday, for Pleten and intermediate Bay of Quinte porte Freight handled with despatch at reasonable rates, J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent. JAB. SWIFT & Co, Freight Agents. E. E. HFOREEY, Genefal Manager. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers 8t. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. T.T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virginian." T.5.8. 88. Tunisian and Corsican." Sallings every Friday. © MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, T.8.8. Grampian and Hesperian." T.8.8. "Scandinavian and Preaoria. Sailings every Saturday. MONTREAL TO HAVRE LONDON. Service -of moderate priced ONE- CLASS CABIN (11) steamers. Sailings every Sunday. AND Full information and tickets on application to ; J. P. Hanley, C. 8. Kirkpatrick, G.T.Ry. Agt. Clarence St. Agents in Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 7 Yonge Street, Toroato, WHOLESOME RELIABLE \ECONOMICAL MADE IN-CANADA EWGILLETTCOLID TORONTO ---- ONT. BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON 413 Spadina Avenue, > TORONTO Send for Cut Price Catalogue. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonul ites ie bry he bot vim and vitality, Bo yer an all weakness Nestled a1 ones. h £. Miied to any sddzess. is For male at Mahood's drug store box, or wo for QUEEN'S CAFE 'Lunches served on .the shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, 285¢c. oN PAPPAS 4.504 Rrowars Reroy Revers Cures Dysente Take from half to a teaspoonful of Relief In half tumbler of water, until the discharges geaso; also, wet a flanpel with Relief, and keep it across the bowels. he patient should eon- fine Limself to meat broths, crackers, toast and Kecp aa still as possible, Quebec Steamship Company River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes, . BB. ""Cascapedia," 1,900 tons, with all modern comforts. o> FAILS FROM MONTREAL ON THURSDAY, at pm, 20th June 4th and 18th July, 1st, 16th and 26th August, and from Quebec the follow. 'ng day at noon fer Pletou, NS, call. ing at Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Summer- side, P.E.I, and Charlottetown, P E.L New York from Quebec Via the far-famed River Saguenay, calling at Gaspe, Charlottetown and fallfax, SS. Trinidad, 2.600 tons, sail from uebec at § pm, 13th and 26th July, Sth and 23rd August. » New York to Bermuda Summer Excursions the Twin Screw 88. "Bermudian" 10,518 tons displacement, sailing from New York at 2 p.m, 22nd June, 3rd, 13th, and 24th August, and every 10 days .thereafter, Temperature cooled by sea breezes, seldom rises above 80 degrees. by The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. For tickets and staterooms, apply J. P. HANLEY, or C, 8 KIRKPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY, QUEBEC. v N E WwW on HOLDI MONTREAL, QUEBEC, Montreal. . Bristol. ednesday, Steamer. Wednesday. .+ Royal George .. July 10 . tEqward s duty a4 y Roya orge .. Aug. 7 Royal Baward «Aug, 3 1 oyal George Sept 4 oyal dw ard a 3 ter. . ) RICK, 43 Clarerce St J.P. Haxeay, Grard Tovck Ry, F. Conway, K. & P. Ry. cr 'Cool weather, but straws are demand. Summer has ' never failed us. Six new lines of Straws go on Sale to-day. 'YOUNG MEN'S STRAWS, In broad, flat rims and pencil rims at $2.00, $2.30 and $3.00. MIDDLE AGED MEN'S STRAWS, °° In Milans and French Palms, At 81.50 and $2.00. CHILDREN'S. We have received a fine J line of Children's Panamas worth $1.50 which we will sell at $1.00. These are just the thing for a classy hat for the | 'Boys and Girls. Other excellent lines at 50c¢ and 78e. PANAMAS. } Special value and special | shapes. No fancy prices, but real merit. Take fime to look. in Twilight (Continued from Page 2.) Mrs, J. M, Campbell was hostess ati a very Jolly litle dance on Saturday evening, in honor of her house par}y, Miss Anita Ridout, Mise. Dorothy Vandersmisson, Miss Mabel Reid, and | Alr. Frederick Watts, of Toronto. This | dance was no exception to the enter-| tainments given at "Glenlyon,'! shere | the young people as usual had the! very best sort of a time. "The guests included Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Flor- vie Stewart, Miss Freda Burns, Miss Ruth Martin, Miss Mary Vrooman of Napanee, Miss Mabel Richardson, Miss Vera Carson, Miss Fleanor Minnes, Misses Vivienne and Ada Petrie, Miss) Robb of Valleyfield, Miss Margaret Maclennan of Toronto, Miss Annie Minnes. Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss Lillian Mundell, Miss, Edith Hague, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss Styles, Miss Gweneth Merrick, Miss Phyllis Pipon, Miss Blossom Valleau of Ottawa, Sie Helen Gordon, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Lillian Taylor, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Kath- leen Carruthers, Miss Helen Duff, Miss Hazel Brown, Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss | Huestes, Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss | €hristine Cochrane. Miss Lassie Kirk- patrick, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Misses Mollie and Nan Saunders, Miss Madge Dawson, Misses May and Rose Rogers, Messrs, James Forgie, Douglas Anglin, George Taylor, F. A. Smythe, Harold Brownfield, Ted Rogers, J. C. Smythe, Stewart W. Garrett, Sherman Hill, D. Elmer, Hendry Connell, W. Smith, Black, H. ichardson, McMillan, Stewart Robertson. ex-Cadet Windler, and Cadets Pitblado, Lovelace, Ureen- wood. Sweeney, Latimer, Bishop, | Smythe, Edwards, Woodman, Suther- | land, Boggs, McDowall, Cosgreave. and Robertson. Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, King | street, was hostess at a very informal tea on Monday afternoon, in honor of Miss Edwarde, of England. The tea table was beautifully decorated with pink sweet, peas. Mrs. J. P. Shine poured tea, Mrs. Campbell Strange poured coffee and Mrs. W. J.' Macleod eut the ice cream. They were assisted by Miss Kitty Hughes, Miss Fthel Kent, Mixes Svhil Kirkpatrick, Miss Margaret Cunnihgham and Miss Hilda Calvin y ! The tea which was to have been giv- | en at the Country Club on Saturday afternoon, has been postponed until next Saturday. The hostesses will be Mrs, RC. Carter, Mis. F. F. Daw- "an, Mrs, F. Strange, 'Mrs. J. M.| Campbell, Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, | Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. R. W. Gar- rett, Mex. 1. (', Willhoft, Mrs. Ramsay Duff, and Mrs, Halloway - Waddell, - . - A very charming luncheon was given on Saturday by Mrs. J. B. Carruth. ers, "Annandale." in honor of Mrs, John MeNaughton, of Montreal. The table was prettily arranged with pink sweel peas, 'The guests included : Mrs, Hunter Ogilvie, Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Mrs. Lennox Mills, Mrs. F. R. Sedg- wiek. Mrs, J. P. She, and Miss Mac: auley. . The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs. lennox Mills entertained at a most delightful dinner party om Monday in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs Frederick Cowan, Oshawa, Mr. Stan- ley Cox, London, kng., and Miss Gwyneth lewis, Montreal, The otner guests were : Dean and Mrs. E. J Bidwell, Canon Starr and Maj. R. Hammond. C. Colonel and Mrs. J. H.'V. Crowe, Royal Military College, had the honor of entertaining H. R. H. the govern or-general, 'at luncheon, to-day. . » Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Royal Military * College, is entertaining at a large garden party this afternoon. . - - - Miss Walsh, Wellington street, will be at home at the tea hour on Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. W. Baliour Mudie, Clergy street, will entertain at tea on Thursday af- ternoon. The ex-cadets' dinner will be held at the Royal Military College this even- ing. : There will be a dance at the Yacht Club on Thursday evening. - - Mrs. Noel' Gill and children, street, have ™ left town to spend the sumsner at the cottage at Trent River, Ont. Mr. Gill will follow them some day next week. ' Mrs. Garland and Miss Edith Gar- land who are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. KE. MundeH, Brock street, will return to Ottawa on Thursday. Mrs. Donald Caldwell, Appleton, will motor to town on Sunday morning and retarm home in the evening, tak- ing with her Misses Helen and Alice Martin, of Bowmanville, who are now visiting Ur. and Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Brock street. Mrs. Robert Patridge, who ia visit- ing her ts, Mr. and Mrs. Easton Burns, Frontenac street, will return Earl home on Saturday. Miss Kdpa V. and Miss Rose Mills left for the west, Sunday even: to stay over in Toronto for a town. 'The Bishop of Muron and Mrs. Wil, liams, and Miss Williams, are ts in town this week for the Mili- Told 1 This Mother is quite Enthusiast: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG,. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1912. A-LOVELY: BABY BOY over a weli Known Food. Mrs J:W Pateman, 34 Flafriet St. Toronto, in writing about Neave's Food says "When I first knew one of my friends, her baby Jack was eight months old and dying by inches. She bad tried three foods because her Jack could not digest milk. At last, I fetched her atin | of Neave's Food. At the end of a | | i [| month, Jack was rapidly gaining flesh | aud was bright dnd happy. He'is a | | lovely boy now and she declares Neave's Food saved his life. And it did. Then I recommended it to a friend on | Victoria Avenue. She had a baby 6 | months old that was not thriving a bit. . She put the baby on Neave's Food and at the end of three montas, the baby was twice the size. > I'have never seen two bigger stronger boys than mine for their ages and we . owe it all to Neave's Food, 1 have the utmost faith in Neave's Food." ; Mothers and prcapeetive mothers may obtain a free tin of Neave's. Food and a valuable book *'Hints About Baby" by writing Edwin Utley, 14 Front Street East, Toronto, who is the Canadian agent, (Mention this paper.) For sale by all druggists. 244 Frederick Lytle, who were guests 1 town for the R.M.U, ball, returned to Toronto on Tuesday. ¥ Mrs. Craookall and family, arrived from New York on l'uesday and will | spend the summer In town, having rented Major J. Hamilton's house on King street. - Mrs. W. LeRoy Shaw and her little daughter, Miss Doreen, have leit for Toronto and Oakville, Mrs. W. NH. Auglin, Frontenac street, left," Tuesday, for Western Canada and British Columbia to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rose daughter, of Schenectady, N.Y., Mrs. G. A. Bateman, have gone Tamworth to visit Mrs. C, for a few days. Colonel ahd Mrs. . Bond and Miss Bond, of Toronto, who were guests at the ball, on Monday, will return home , on Thursday. v Miss Mary Joggs and her father, with Cadet Boggs, will leave, on] Thursday, for Halifax, to spend some | time before returning to their home in Victoria, B.C. and and to H. Rose | i "Cured the Piles, That | Know" ) There is no lack of evidence to prove that. Dr. Chase's Ointment is a | positive cure {or piles. It is not plea- | sant to think of the dreadful suffering caused by this 'wretched disease, but | it is satisfactory to know that there is a cure, for all who will avail them- selves of it, in Dr. Chase's Ointment. Daniel Stewart, Gabarouse Lake, N,' S., writes : "For about two years I had itching pilés. Last summer was working in a lobster factory, but had to give up.and go home pecause the suffering from piles was so great. | I was two weeks in bed, and my doe- | tor could help me very little. One | night I suffered such agony that I did not know what to do. Next day 1} wrote for a sample of Dr. Chase's | Ointment, and this did me 'so much | good that I ordered a large box, and was entirely cured by iis use, Thai was six months ago, and there has been no -retum of the trouble. h Chase's' Ointment is a sure cure for | piles. That I know." Tired out men and run- | down women cer-" } tainly do "pick | | STOUT! "ye : { { Never makes you bilieus, | i Special Extra Mild "E. BEAUPRE, Local Distributor, | 'Phone 313. i i WOULD SCREAW FOR HOURS WITH ECZENA Baby Dreadful Sufferer, Could Not Keep Him from Scratching, Every | Joint Affected. Used Cuticurd Soap and Ointment and He Is Well, "Enclosed find my son's photo and 1 feel by writing these few lines to you I am only doing my duty, as my son was a dreadful sufferer from eczema. At i : § ! A i i 1 i 1 i EES i § = i jin Hise | ing i which start this afternoon.. 'sank kn the bay with a load of cin. "of Syracuse, N.Y., has accepted a {suffering with Christian patience, TE si PARC NAPANEE - ACCIDENTS SON OF POLICE : CHIEF BROKE . HIS ARM : ! ! i ! By Falling Off a Hack--Napanee . Defeated Adolphustown at Bascs il by a Score of 7 to 4. s Napanee, June 19.--Yesterday after- noon, Donald Graham, Chief Grahaw, had the misfortune, to fall. from Andersen's hack and the hind wheel passed over his leg, break- it above the knee. Drs. Stratton nd Leonard reduced the fracture and | ittle fellow is feeling comfortable. | Last week little Georgie Robinson fell 'out of a buggy at Dr. Ward's and broke her arm. i 5 Mauriee Madden left, vesterday, for Regina, where he has secured a good position : In a well-contested baseball match, yesterday afternoon, Napanee defeated Adolphustown by the seore of 7 to 4.4 "Dickie" Mathis. and Lep Barry were the battery for Napanee, while Gault and Smith were the battery for Adolphustown. Un Saturday last the Canadian Northern railway inaugurated its new service between Napanee and Toronto, the first train pulling out at 6.45 a.m. for Toronto. 'The cars were well equip ped and in charge of competent men, and over forty took: the initial trip to the circus at Belleville, Over 300 went dboard at Deseronto. At 2.40 in the afternoon, the first train arvived from Toronto, and again at 10.55 p.m. a train from Toronto arrived. Napanee will have two trains each way to Toronto, one at 6.45 a.mn., ar- riving Toronto 11.55 a.m., and the se- cond leaving Napanee at. 4.25 p.m. arriving Toronto at 9.30 p.m, second son of foc THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE. Funeral of the Lato Mrs. Britton, Gananoque, June 19.--The funeral of the late MarianyHolland, daughter of the late George 'D, HoMand, To. ronto, and wife of Reeve Charles I. Jrittop, takes place at 2.45 this afternoon, from the family residence, King street east, to Christ church. where the service will be conducted by | Rev. Walter Cox, and the remains in- terred at Willow Bank cemetery, A largely attended dance was held Turner's hall last evening. Lees orchestra furnished musie. The members of the town council (past and present) have challenged the sccretary of the board of trade to produce a baseball team for a match of two innings, on- July lst, at the driving park, ip connection 'with the challenge has been accepted. Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat Association have postponed the dance | which was fo have been held last ev. ening, until July lst. Charles Tovenio, Oui, June. 13th, 10 ime. Ottawa Enitey, and Upper St. Lawrehee Fine add a Hed warmer on Thurs day, : Weather Probabilities : FOR SMART SUMMER SUITS There is nothing quite as attractive as a Cream Serge in Tennis Suiting --our showing of Serge is of ex- ceptional value in all wool qualities and can be had from 46¢ to $1.25. Tennis Suitings--Cream ground, with hair line stripes of Black, Navy and Mauve at $1 and $1.25. Parasols. We have for your selection some very swagger ner effects -- all silk with the new handle ani} to be had: in the India or plain shapes at $3.50 and $3 75. Shot Silks. ) We have just to hand a shipment of beautiful French Parasols--in"plain and quality Taffeta and Messaline shot silks in the newest combinations of color--at-75¢, $1.25, and $1.50. Inspection Invited STEACY'S THE STORE OF SATISFACTION [ISINEREERY) MAES 1 CES 5 5 Quite a large number arrived in town last evening 1) wrile on the high school entrance 'examinations, Mitchell and Wilson's scow, which ders, a week ago, and was raised with considerable difficulty, had an- other mishap in Gananoqe river, near Skinner's wharf, yesterday morn ing, going down with a load of clay. Mrs.) John Frost, of Montreal, hag taken Frank Wright's residence, cor- ner Stone and South streets, for the season, and takes possession this week. Mr. Wright and family will occupy his new cottage near - Burnt Island Hone Ww. iole's Nest," Dr. A. H over to their island cottage, mont Park, yesterday. 1. N Mrs Or W.. T. White has leased Hall's island residence, "The for the season. Mabee and family moved Tre uation. with: the Skinner Co., limi and entered on his new dulies terday. John B. Gould spent terday in Lansdowne. 12. X. Belnois, district manager for this section for the Grand Pacifin Land Co., of Winnipeg, who has been inspecting the company's <holi ings at Bow Idand, Nokomis, amd other places, returned home vesler day. ! W. W. Stafford spent yesterday wih fricnds at lvv lea. -- yes- ves Death at Gray's Corners, Mrs. John 'Gray, aged fifty-four years and eleven months, died Friday, June 11th, at the family re sidence at Gray's Corners, two miles east of Gananoque. Mrs. Gray had heen in poor health for over two years, and although not uncxpected, her death came as a great shock to her family, who were all with her to the end. Des:ased was an affection- ate wife and mother, bearing all her and large on will be greatly missed by her circle of friends. She leaves her husband, two sons, Arthur, at home, and Edward, of Gananoque, and three daughters, Mrs. John 3S. Post, of Empey, Miss Lottie, teacher of Whit mount school, and Miss Anna, nt home; her aged mother, Mrs, D. Cowan, of Toronto, and two broth ars, J. P. Cowan and X. Cowan, both of the same place. The funeral, conducted by Rev. Henry Gracey, took place Sunday afternoon, from the famify home and was largely at- tended. Fulfilling the rrp of She deceased her two sons, Arthur and Edward, and four nephews, Charles B. Gray, John W. Gray, Charles Cross and John Cross. acied as pall- bearers. Manatauk May Open. Clayton, N.Y., Jupe 19.--There is a rumor that the Hotel Manatauk will be opened this season, The Manatauk, a finely equipped summer hotel, has boon unoccupled for several seasons. It is direcily across the bay ffom this village, and is situated on Dartlett Point, one of the prettiest locations in the Thousand Island region of the St. lawrence, When the Manatauk was first built it was weil perimsiand : ving investment, al. and was a paying , Hed 1 the closing of the hotel, it is 'claimed. Last year it was purchased by a Jewish ioate of New York, and it is this syndicate that is reported to expect fo open it. HEN you serve your friends with J Lager you will establish your hospitality with the best beer that can be produced. People of taste always recoge nize as a superior product. Bottled at the brewery. Families supplied by licensed dealers. Local option districts supplied direct. JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON, CANADA." 43 James McParland Agent, 339-341 King St., East. COMING PROFESSOR PEMBER of the well known hair store Toronto, is coming to the Randolph Hotel, Kingston, Friday, June 21st with the Latest Parisian and American Styles of Ladies' Hair Goods, shown in the wi Dominion. TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, WAVES AND CURLS. For Gentlemen Who are Bald or Partially 80 . The Pember Ventilated Lightwdight Toupee or Wig is the Most Natural ever pre Ea du and is worn v eudorsed by Gentimen of the Medical profession throughout the Continent. Scalp Troubles diagno: sod prec of charge. For One Day Only BANGS, vo