Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1912, p. 8

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PAGE LiG#Y UR Fifteen Dollar Suits stand right - out frem the crowd ! The values are extra- ordinary. These Suits are made for the man' who in- ' sists upon having a good looking, perfect fitting, stylish Suit at a moderate price -- made for Men who appreciate a good, medium priced Suit, The fabrics are new and stylish---the Buits are cut over the same patterns and models used for our higher priced Suits. We've several choice styles, and can fit any form - If you do not care to invest more than Fifteen Dollars in a Suit, Sir--come and let us surprise you with the amount of Suit goodness we can give you for-- JUST FIFTEEN DOLLARS LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET THE CLOTHIERS et | WHITE MATERIAL For SUMMER WEAR White Cotton Voiles In Plain Striped and checked effects, 23, 85, 40, 50, 60, 78c¢ Yard. White Cotton Crepes go 'White Cotton Repps 5 Wie Pies White Fancy Visi 25, 30, 35 40¢ Yard, White Embroidery Skirtings \ Splendid Designs, 43in, wide, : 73, 98, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Yard, WHITE IRISH LINENS We are offering some splendid values in Plain Irish Linens Suitable for Wats, Wess Janey Work! ; IR LADIES Le CHILDREN. Cotton Lisle and Sik 25e to tz Pair, Long Lisle and Sik Gloves White Parasols | We Tie Washing Qualities, 40, SOc, 13, 20, I5. 30¢. All widths, 36 in. 1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Linx; | | . Closing Prices, Sh IATLY CANDIDATES FOR MILITARY FOR THE ROYAL COLLEGE, List of Those Who 'Have Qualified for Euntrance---There are Vacan- cles for Only Thirty-five, Ottawa, June, 19.--The following is a list (in order of merit) of the cessful culadidates at the recent, com petitive «exatamation for admission as cadets 10 the Royal Military College, Kingston, who will be admitted the college in the order ig which the; passed up io the number for which vacancies are available--probably 'thir ty-five. All the candidates authorized to. join the college will be subject. to medical examination upon presenting themselves for admission, in accord ance with the regulations: Geofirey Swaby Ridout, Regina; Albert Collum Brooks, - Montreal; Miles Wheelton Brown, (renfel, Sask.; Harold Gus tave Greenwood, Quebec; Gorden tave Howard, Toronto! Leounard A Reid, Monireal;. Edward Davey Ash eroft, Vietoria; Archibald Gosdon Iy- ron Howard, Toronto; Dennison Blacks Oxley, . Halifax; James Wylie loggie, t Hamilton; Ralph Otter Geoffrey Mor tom, Toronto; Cecil R. Sircom, Hali- Walter Findlay Clark, Calgary; | Patrick Alexander Ogilvie Leask, lorcnto; Arthur Hope . Stratiord, | Brantford; Cyril Gordon Dod- | well, Halifax; Edward Ross Lethbridge, Lethbridge: Stanislas Al | fred Joseph Therien, Ottawa; Alas- tair John CUrerar, Hamilton; Samuel Davis, Montreal; Richard Eric White Vancouver; Arthur Leonard Bishop, St. Uutharines; John Henry MeQueen, New Glasgow; Gordon Thomson Uas sels, Toronto; Norman Cummings Nelles, St. Jean, Yue; kdwmn Arthur fiand, Vietoria; Win. Francis H. Tid well, Hamilton; Arthur Trobe Smith, Toronto: Edwin Amherst Forhes Hale, Sherbrooke; George Alexander Strubbe, Montreal; Wilfrid | Mayor, Toronto; Philip Waldro Cooke. Quebec; Sidney Ford Fisker Toronto:. Clinton 'Attwood... Grand Forks: Arthur Weston Ahern, .{ue bec; Henry Ferguson, Davie, lwthesay, Matthew Howard Somers Sherbrooke; Robert A. Sherer Adair, Montreal; Frase; W. Lefroy, Toronto; David Whitney Méleen, Henry Vernon © 1 - Mesurier, Chas, He tiller . Palmer, Sherbrooke; Alexander Kw: Tucker, Port Hope; James WK. Ugassels Ottawa; Clark (. Stuitzel Montgomery Saskatoon; James HH, Seott, Port Dal housie: Andrew Not Naismith; Tet) bridge. suc Gus } La H. N.B.: Penhale, Toronto; loronto PITH OF THE N NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over the World. Cheese sales: Stirling, hellford, 123%c. Sir Charles 200 to the Sir George K. Sir Charles Tupper has sent 3200 towards the | statue to the memory of Sir George Etienne Cartier. | Fmmerson Poor, sixty-five vears of 12c.; Camp: Tapper has subscribed proposed monument. to Cartier. age. hanged himself to a bed post on Tuesday. His wife found the body. | Grand Trunk Railway System traf { fie earnings from June Sth to 14th following results : 1912 1011, $952,264; increase show the 31,060,171; £07,907. It rumored in Montreal large syndicate has been lintroduce Grand Trunk {shares to the continental and erican markets. George E. Crammer, journey five 'times to Los Angeles Cal.. to induce Miss Jean Chappell to marry him He was successful on his fifth vist. John . Killeather, of New Conn.. and Miss Kate Purcell, tertown. N.Y., were married on Wed nesday. The groom's present ta th bride was a $4,000 touring automo { bile. that a formed 1 ordinary Am is of Denver, Haven, of Wa- STOCK MARKETS. ¥F. B. McCurdy Co., Clarence Chamb- ers--H. W. Nelles, Manager June 19th New York. Amalgamated Copper American Beet Sugar {Anaconda . ras American Smelters . a | Brooklyn Rapid Transit aetan | Lehigh Valley - {| Canadian Pacific Missouri Pacific .. Re: pading United States Rubber Er ! United States Steel, com. | Cniow Pacific { Canada Car | Montreal Power Tichelien Dominion Steel . Spanish River, com. Spanish River, pid. Toronto, Rails ....... on. Blo aici vai Sao Paulo .. -------------------- Clever Willie. A rough-looking man entered the home of a gentleman In a western cite and, seeing no one around but a small boy named Willie, said to him: "If you don't tell me where your father « knot oft wn' afterwards eat yer I "Please don't," saudi Wilhe, Youll find all the money we've got in an old coat wa the kitchen. : Two minutes later a bruised and battered wreck was pitched through the front door of Willie's home, and sat in the gutter and blinked. "That kid's too smart," said the man. "Never said a word about the ol man bein' mside the coat.' 'éves tested by the shadow vr. Graham, of Montreal f and Have your keeps his money Fil knock your top: perfect satisfac SRITISHE WHIG nr BNESDAY, a ik = IN ORDER OF MERIT) Hood's Pill The painless, purely vegetable cathartic; cure biliousness, con- ' stipation, all liver ills, Pleasant i to take. Work every time, 260 THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT INSPECTED RM CADETS. | {Continued fre In the Daily RMC. was pire and thied Werwore third Page 4.9 cup, fired last year; the fifty-seventh in the in {'anada. in the sec ond > he Canadian "Rifle league competi- | ion, and fifth in the gallery minia-} ture rifle competition 4 A scratch R.M.C. Tyro team won the] Ogler challenge cup at the meeting: of the Ontario - Rifle Assoc iation. For em . COL. J. eommandant) of Col H th CROWE, € Roy the first natch Mth. We time against the college wan the Sandhurst, on May this hold dominion champion diate and' junior In Rugby Union champion- | intermediate Intercollegiate | the Intercollegi championship, and match during éur week's | which epded last Satur} "fort gares, have been very wm unate ear outdoor We he intermediate hip, the interme ercollegiate < hips, 1ockey championship, ite lawn von every vickel tour ny : our the tennis Accommodation. I am glad to say lormitory building 1s in prod wection and the repairs vharwes and boathouses are nearly | rompleted, It is hoped -that the new i model' and gun sheds, for which the noney has been voted, will shortly bel taken in hand. . ! Officers' quarters are urgently | jired. Most of the time of members of the staff is wasted in going back- | vards and forwards to Kingston. The | wdvantages of having them quartered | it the college are obvious | It is also very desirable that offi-| ers attending courses, staff college re- resher, long, ete., should be provided | with quarters on the spot. Quarters wre also tequired for the subordinate itafl (assistant instructors). The extension of . the educational | Y huilding is a matter for the immediate | future.' We suffer from the want of a, library, = suitable draughtinir room, | aboratory, dining hall accommoda-| tion, general lecture room, The sovered riding school, to which 1 have weviously referred, is urgently yuired. A covered skating rink is also | badly needed. the HE to the that re ete re- uke Leaves for Montreal. H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught the city at four I'runk for Montr leit | : ; . 3 o'clock by the Grand THE RM. C. CLUB Held Hs Annual Meeting on Wed-| nesday Morning. meeting the Roval Club was held in the | Wednesday | largely attend- | The election of The annual of Military. College itv council chamber, morning, and was very ed by the graduates, othcers resulted : President. Lieut.-Uol. H. E. stall, Quebec; vice-president. Maj. H. | R. U. DeBury, Winnipeg, and Maj H- J). Lamb, Windsor; honorary secretary- treasurer, Lieut. Col. E. F. Wurtele, V.1D., commanding 15th Infantry, Que- bee City; honorary-solicitor, R. C. H.| ('assels, Toronto; chaplain. Rev. A. | W. Daniel, Rothesay, N.B.; manage- ment committer, Maj. R. W. Corps of Guides, Ottawa; ¥ Anderson, Roval Canadian ) SHiaw: 2; Lapt. J. B Cochrane, hingston; Lieut.-Col. H. ry V.D., R.U.,, Toronto; Capt, C.J Armstrong, R.0., Montreal. Among those present were! Capt. W. Brigstocke, Cobalt; Maj. J. G. Ginson, Cowansville, Que.; Capt. R. W. Bishop, Toronto; U. R. Coutele, Ottawa; Capt. R. P. Rogers, Cobalt; Maj. F. Db. Lafferty, R.C.A.,, Quebec; Col. IT. Benson, third division, King- ston; Lieut.-Col. R. E. kent, Tih In. fantry; Lieut. Col. 8. C. Metall, King- ston: A. A. Anderson, Ottawa; C..5, Hanson, Montreal: A. MH. Irving, Vie toria, B.U; Colin W. G. Gibson, To- ronto; Uol, G. H. Ogilviz,' Kingston; Lieut.-Col. Wurtele, Quebec; W. B, Mudie, ' Kingston.' ' on Bur Moonlight Excursion. - Keep Thursday, Juue 27th, open for | Sydenham Street Epworth league moonlight excursion. Taleum powder, all kinds, at Bar gent's Drug Store, corner Princess and Montreal streets. When health suggests fat something} is wrong POSTUM| in place of Tea or Cofize $1 Silk Silk Why just can For Women in their Hours of Negligees and Kimonas Kimonas In new designs of Serpentine Crepe. Many Fancy Wool Delaine Kimonas, Wear a careless, unattractive old dress around the house mornings when for the small cost above you Kimonas or House Dresses. White Serpentine best' in the trade and we have it We are showing a 'most attractive Collection of Cool and Dainty . The Negligees aro.made of Serpen- tine Crepe, in colors of Pink, Blues, Mauve. All made with New Set- in sleeve. Prices are 89¢, $1.00, $1.89, $2.50. novel patterns, and also in plain. shades. 49, 2.00, 2.25, 2.99, 3.75 and on up, Mull' Kimonas, Kimonas. Do It? because it is comfortable, get these pretty, "attractive For Nightgowns. and it has 25c¢ £ youd He Didn't Advertise. Canadian Grocer. A hardware merchant went home to supper one night aod a new silver percolator was on the table. lle asked his wife where che got it and she paid "Why, dear, I selected it out of Smith's catalogue and it only cost me $4.25 and the express." Of course the husband was mad in a moment and said, "Why in the deuce diin't {vou tell me you wanted the thing ? | 'have lots of them in my store and they only cost me 33." Then his wife handed him one like this: "Well, John, if you would advertise once in a while so the people would know you were still in business, may be the peo- ple wouidu's send away for so much stuff." ------------ Rushes Western Plant. Montreal, June 19.--F. I'. Jones, of the Canada Cement company, leave for the west in a ew days to complete for the pew million- dollar cement plant st Medicine Hat. This new plant is being built for the purpose of western business. New Steamer Arrives. The new steamer Thousand Is- lander reached Kingston at 3.30 p-m., Wednesday. , "There's a Reason." Sir 'Mann stated thst the Donald fe lige from MamilWbs would en- will |' ---- Travelling Goods of all Kinds A Large Stock to Seléct From. . $1.25 up. MATTING CASES we. $2.00 up. JAPANESE CASES |. . $2.25 up. Travsiiiog Goods on secopd floor. SUIT CASES | CLUB BAGS TRUNKS. . : A pleasure to show them. The LOCKETT SHOE STORE

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