THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, . FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1912, PAGE THERES. TRAVELLING G. * (CTRL DOMINION DAY, - JULY FIRST Return Tickets will be Issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, Good. going June 28th, 26th, 30th, and July 1st. Return mit, July 3rd, Tickets _issued to Intermediaté stations between Montreal and To- ronto will not be valid on trains i and 4. 'HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS WESTERN CANADA and Return Tuesday, June 25th and every se- cond Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. For full information. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Gen. Pass. Aden. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts SL EIR Len YATRA IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC BAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingston 11.320 am Express-- Fi NI Montreal, Quehee, St. John, NB, Halt fax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Den- ver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duloth, 5 Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver , Portland and San Francisco Local, for Bhfirhot Lake with C. P. BR, East and RAILWAY SALA 4 740 am---~Mixed for Renfrew intermediate points, Dally, day. and except Bun. Pasgengers leaving Kingston at 11 10} am, arrive 5 boro, 4.19 Montreal, Bt. John, in Ottawa. at pam; Toronto, 6.20 p.m.; Boston, 12.00 noon. Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- * "BOAT CO. LIMITED. SS. "CASPIAN" 1000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER, Commencing June 2nd, steamer leaves at 10.16 am. on Sundays for Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Islands, "and Gananoque Returning, leaves at § pm. for Ro- chester, N via Bay of Quinte, call. in at Pleton, Deseronte Belle ¥ e DAILY SERVICE after June 20th. LOCAL BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. . 88. 'ALETHA leaves Kingston at'3 pm, daily, except Sunday, for Picien and intermediate Bay of Qulute porte Freight handled with dcospatéh at reasonable raten J. P. HANLEY, Ticket Agent. JAS. BWIPFT & Co, Freight Agents. E. HORSEY, General Manager. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season . MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. T.T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virginian." T.8.8. 88, Tunisian and Corsican." Sallings every Friday. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. T.8.8. Grampian and Hesperian." T.8.8. "Scandinavian and Preaoria. Sallings every Saturday. MONTREAL TO HAVRE LONDON, Bervice of moderate priced ONE- CLASS CABIN (11) steamers. Sailings every Sunday. i Peter. nin; 30 am, and E. AND Full information and tickets on application to J. P. Hpnley, # C. 8. Kirkpatrick, G.T.Ry. Ast. Clarence St. Agents In Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. A hia idee \ DOMIN ST LTA YET YL 12 'MONTREAL--QUEBEC ~~ LIVERPOOL SA INURECYSATSRDAYS Bx ihe _LAURENTIC" AND "MEGANTIC" | a Ta "CANADA" 7 NR RAN INNA DISINFECTING SINKS. CLOSETS,DRAINS,AND TR MANY OTHER PURPOSES OLD EVERYWHERE vy nas rs VERVWHERE / BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES At Cut BICYCLE MUNSON Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, TORONTO Send for Cut Price Catalogue. QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served on shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, 25¢. AS 00. o-~ PAPP, , 2 the For Potatoes Land Plaster will start the plants in- to vigorous growth P. Walsh B4.57 BARRACK STREET. Quebec Steamship Company River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. 84, "Cascapedia" 1,900 tons, 'with all modern comforts, ON 18th and noon Mali anil FAILS FROM MONTREAL THURSDAY, at 4 p.m, 4th and July, 1st, 15th and 29fh August, rom Quebec the following day at I' ictou, NB, calling at Gaspe, y,' Perce, Summe raide, PE ' Ch arlottetown, IK New York from Quebec Via the fdp-famed River Saguenay. calling at ' Gaspep Charlottetown and Halifax, S88 Jrinldad, 2,600 tans sall from Bin" 12th and at 8 pm, 26th July, 9th #nd 23rd Aughst. New York to Bermuda. by 'the Twin 10.618 tons Bummer Excursions Berew S28. "Bermudian displacement, sailing from New York at 2 pm, 3rd, 13th and 24th August; and every ten days thereafter eni- perature conled by sea breczes, seldom rises above 30 degrees. ha The finest trips of the season for health and comfort. For tickets and Staterooms, RRP, 10 JP. HAN or 8. KIRKPAT- hick, Ticket Areata 'Kingston, unt, QUEBEC STEAMSHIT COMPANY, QUEBEC. to 8 patterns and will | be on sale Saturday | morning only. Get busy sind stock up. I! THE BARRIEFIELD CAMP IN . THE BEST COXDUCTED IN THE COUNTRY. + The Sports on Thursday Afternoon A Cabinet of Silver Was Pre: sented to Major W. St. Plerre Hughes.' Col. the Hon. Sam Hughes, while Barriefield camp on Thursday, said he was very much pleased with the | camp in general, it being the best con- dueted of any that he had visited this season. The minister of militia, in company with Col. T. Benson, camp commandant, made an inspection all the lines, and was present at the rifle ranges, where one of the regi ments of the Tth brigade wis shoot- ing. He saw the Sth amd Yth brigades engaged in the tactical scheme in the morning. a at The Camp Sports. The sports went off splendidly on Thursday 'afternoon, no parades being ordered, all the men, eygept those on duty, being frew to witless and par- take in the sports. |hey were pulled off on the parade ground between the divisional headquarters and the-Y.C. C.A. tent, and attracted a large crowd. The baseball match for the championship of the camp was played. The team of the 45th Kegiment -hav- ing been the leaders of the Sth and 9th brigades, met the ball players of the 49th Regiment, who only came in to camp on Monday, and puiled to gether a team . for the game. The 15th became possessors ol a large silver cup, donated 2 the oflicers, by defeating the 49th, by 5.3, in 4 very good exhibition. The trophy is to be held for a year. ° The boys of the BYth Stormogt and Glengarry Regiment "coped" a large pumber of the prizes, which were de signated by red and blue ribbons, the mittee through their mandmg officers. -------- Results of Events, Hornbeck, of the 4Uth, won the yards' dash, in 12 2-6 seconds; Thompson, 59th, second, and R.C.K., third. Armor, 89th, "put the shot; 38 feet, 4 inches; with McMillan, BY4th, se cond and Cuthbertson, .R.C.R., third. 200 yards' dash, 24 seconds--Horn- beck, 4Uth, first; "Thompson, 59th, se- cond; Sutton, R.C.H., and heenan, 45th, tied for third Running high jump--Morgan, Ross, 58th. $ 400 yards' dash--Haornbeck, Myers, 40th; Henry, 49th. Ross, 59th, wen the Victoria races, with Sergt. Foote," A.C, cond, and Estord, of the same third, Running hop, step gan, BYth; Armor, staff. Sack race--Sutten, R.C.R., Wilkia son, A.N.U.; Morgan, 59th, Guard mounting--A45th, "90 per cent; BYth, 50 por cent. The, teat pitching, which was interesting, was carried off by a from the 16th, 'in three minutes and two seconds, the 50h team falling down to four minutes and thirty-five seconds. The Scotch "cinched" 'respective com 100 with Sutton, Cross corps, and jump--Mor. O0th; Casterston, very team tedm from the 059th the tug-of-war, two out of three, trom the heavyweights of the 47th. In justice it must be said that | the defeated ight sufiered om account of the existing rules regarding such a struggle, Ths committee in charge were Lieut.- Col John Hughes (chairman); Major Sharp, 47th; Major Sharp, 59th; Lieut. Crawford, A:S.C., and the chaplains of the different units : Major Thomp: son, 49th; Major Creegan, 16th; Major Gillies, 42nd; Capt. Ball, 56th; Capt. Beattie, 10th; Capt. Wallace, 45th; Capt. Kidd, 46th. Stanley Brent and Percy Stevens, of the Y.M.C.A. assist ed on the field, the latter acting as timekeeper, Presentation to Major Hughes. A pleasant ' feature took place be- tween two of the events @f the sporis at the camp on Thursday afternoon, when Major W. St. Pierre Hughes, Kingston, brigade-major of the 7th brigade, was made the recipient of a handsome present, by the officers of the camp. Col. G. Hunter Ogilvie, acting commandant of the camp, in the absence of Col. T. Benson, on the parade ground, in the presence of 200 officers and men, made the presenta- tion of a cabinet of silver to Major Hughes, od behalf of the officers com- prising the Ihfantry Association of the 3rd division, of which the recipi- ent is the active secretary-treasurer, It was not until last year that a di- visional anion Sor this branch of the service was fortned in Canada, and that in the 3rd division. AH the other branches of the service are organized, in this way promoting' movements to their benefit. Major Hughes has, as one officer said, really borne the heavy end of the work, of the asso- ciation. It was truly a surprise to the recipient who made an appropriate re- ply, thanking his brother-officers, and assuring the men that the supreme aim of the Infantry Association was the improvement of their interests. © Struck Camp. The. iments of | the Sth and 9th in- fantry Jeft for their homes, Thursday night and Friday morning, after a very pleasant twelve days un- der canvas, the weather and all con- ditions being the best in years. The 42nd and 45th Regiments entrained at the K. & P. station, and the 40th, 46th and 59th entrained at the G.T.R. siding opposite Tete de Pont barracks, Friday morning, The 16th went up jo Picton on the steamer Bollevi of | '| Kingston, Be to accept a position in Ottawa prizes to be made by the sports com Ir nany friends are pleased at his pro (motion, ! ! The { Newburgh, 59th; | Mis ss Beatrice Watson is home | her 40th; | ness. i taken to Harrowsmith for burial. j18 survived DE ATH OF ROBERT E. WALES On Newburg Road--Napanee School Principal Leaves. Napance, June téernoon, Hobert awaj at' his 21.--On Thursday 'al ekim Wale Passel residence, New burgh Hoad, giter an iliness of some months. Deceased suffered from tuberculgy trou ble and about two weeks ago, suffered a severe hemorrhage, and several oth- 'er hemorrhages foliowed, which caused death, A widow 'and one son are left, besides his mother, one sister and four brothers. dhe deceased was & mémber | of Indepcpdent { irder of Foresfers. He { was forty®Plhree years of age and was by trade a blacksmith, antl a skilled mechanic. The funeral takes place on Saturday afternoon. Gray Eakins leaves, next week, to spend his. holidays with his brother, Dr. Eakins, Port Arthur. Thomas Hufiman and two children, Wheatland, y0., are on a visit to Napanee and i ' i The entrance examination is being held ia the Collegiate Institute. About 120 pupils are writing. Messrs, 0 A. Andérson & Son, have purchased J. Chatterson's bus line and will run it in connection with his own. fy John Soby leit, this week, his vacation with his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Griswold, Hartford, Conn. Miss Dicky, of the Collegiate Institute staff, and her friend, Miss Robinson, will spend the next two months on the continent Frapk II. Perry has been appointed tax collector. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ma-, thewson -and daughter, Nellie, will leave, on July 2nd, for Toronto, where they will make their home in future A. E. Paul is in Montreal, this week, on business. Maurice 8S. Madden left, {hursday, for Regina, Sask., where he has secured a good position. C. H. Edwards, B.A, for some principal of 'the public school, » to spend vears has re- Mr ' ne as inspector of hi-lingual schools, Fdwards will be sorely missed, but A FIRE An NEWRBURGH. oF Boy Scouts Aided the Fire Brigade. June 20.-On Saturday morning fire broke out in the foundry: With the quick action of the fire en gine and brigade the villagers and the Boy Scout brigade, the fire was extinguished with small damage. The new C.N.R. station and freight | sheds are completed, and add consid ernble to the north end of the town from near Selby, owing to ill school Mrs. Lydia Hushand, a patient auf ferer tor many-years, died at her home peneefally on June 10th, at the age of sixty years." Her tuneral took place | at her home on Wednesday, conducted | by "Rev. Dr Mille. The remains were She | by three daughters, Mrs | Miller, of Switzerville. Miss teacher at Reidville, and Miss | on the staff of teachers in this | Charles Myrtle, Edith, place. Just one hundred entrance candi- dates are writing on their examina tio~s here this week. The lawn social | at Mrs. H. J. Woods' proved a' sue- eoss. Rev, A: Thomson returned last | Saturday from Edmonton, where he attended the general assembly. The vegetation growth is abundant, and I the hay crop is promising. Miss A (Ciandier, of Cleveland, is at her home; { Wiss Lotta Storms, of Utica, N.Y., at M. G. Storms'; Miss Fdith Husband is! visiting her sister at Reidville. Mrs. | MecHoul arrived in town on Saturday evening last. 1 RU |SIA PROMISES TROURLE. | Paris Chuterence to Decide Chinese! Loan Question. Pekin, June 21.--It is said here that the conference in Paris will final ly determine whether Russia and Ja pan are to participate in the financing | { of China. I'here are strong indications that Russia will make a determined | yoffort to disrupt the : present consor- tian, unless her demands for monopo i listic rights in Northern Manchurai, | outer Mongolia and Western China an conceded. | Advices received here state that | Russia has made representations tof the French government to the effect | that Chinese bonds will not be admit ted for quotation on* the Bourse if the Russian demands are rejected. Despite assurances to the bankers of the four powers that Japan will participate regardless of Russia's act ion, diplomats believe there exists the closest agreement hetween Russian and Japan to take advantage of China's present straits to strengthen their po | sitions in China, outside the great wall. Japan is demanding preponder ate rights in Fastern Mongolia, as well as in South Manchuria. } 25c--Straw Hats--25c. See our nobby styles with snap | brims. Campbell Broe, Kingston's hat store. A four-year-old child pulled rope which rung the fire alarm in Princess Avenue school, in London, and turned out 500 children. Lesmotr g WE Ataxia horoughly exhausted that so A e ul cannot una the movements your legs, you have what is as locomotor ataxia, & form i Xa you of "known of 'para- I'iead a parade of the brethren 1 ing up to 4 p.m. {ing to put on a field day of aquatic {a fine {cond session of the "brary school held in [®. the | {Miss M. E. Jones has left for TO. RETIRING GANANOQUE THODIST PASTORS In Grace Church, ----Arranegments fellaws' Grave day. ed for the Gananoque, and largely at was held in the lecture room of Grace Church last evening when th congregations turned out "enmasse for the double purpose saying a good-bye to R F. J. Mc Clement their retiring pastor, giving a welcome to Rev. Taylor, the new incumbent, who ar- rived here yesterday afternoon. A very enjoyable evening was spent Tea was served by the dadies of the congregation, and ice cream furnish- ed by the gentlemen: A 'pleasing feature .was the presentation of a purse containing about $200 to Rev F. J. McClement as a mark of ap- preciation, also in behalf of his many friends in this section a sub- stantial token of appreciation was presented to Rev. A, Hinton of Gan- anoque, east circuit. J. A. Jack- son read an address of welcome to Rev: W. Taylog, and excellent solos were rendered by Misses Ruth Me- Lean, Friday Sunburg, Gussie Demp- ster and Rev. F. J. MeClement. C. J. Wilson occupied theefhair The second of the citizens band's series at the public park last evening, and atracted the usually large crowd tw enjoy the musie. Gananoque Field Battery, No. 8, C. F. A. spending its annual sixteen days under canvas at the military instruction camp at Petawawa, re- turned home yesterday forenoon in prime condition. The decoration day for Sunday afternoon, 23rd inst. tinder the auspices of Gananoque 'odge No. 114, 1. 0. O. F., will be varied to some extent from that of former years. A delegation will go to the cemeteries and decorgte the June 21.--A pleasant | programme tended social func tion} Melvin! of out door concerts was held | (PRESENT ATIONS MADE| Thursday Evening | Odd- | Becoration on Sun. | graves, while the citizens band will] to | he public park, where the i will be held at 2 p.m. The prin- | ciple speakers will be Rev. W alter | Cox, Rector of Christ church, Past | Grand Master, Senator Dan Derby- shire, Brockville; and Past Grand Patriarch, Robt Meek, Kingston. The department of public works, Ottawa has called for tender for the erection of the new post office at Gananoque. Plans and specifica- ticas of thé work are on exhibit at tue local post office, limit of tender- Tuesday, Jaly 2nd. lenders for the delivery of atl on rural mail route Nd. 1 and 2, from Gananoque to cover a period of | four years have also been called for | by the superintendent of the mail | service branch of the post office department. : the session of Gananoque Town Council this week in compli- ance with a request from Gananoque Yacht Club, Mayor Donovan Was authorized to proclaim Wednesday, August 14th as Gananoque Civie holiday. The @. Y. C. guarantée- Sports at the river front on that day. Word was received here Wedne Be day by relatives, of the serious ill- ness in Toronto, of Walter Cotton, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cotton, Hickey Stret, Mrs. Cotton left at once for her"son's bedside. Mr. "and 'Mrs. 0. W, Henne enter- tained a number of their friends to evening trip through the ig- lands of this section in their launch on Wednesday evening. Capt. aud Mrs. Laing, Belleville, who were in charge of the local 8. A. Corps a few years ago spent a few days in | town during the past week. Thom- | a8 G. Berry has returne d from spend- ing a week in Westport the guest of {his brother, Dr. G. H. Berry. There is a strong probability of there being a ten mile professional road race in connection with the Do- ( minion Day celebration, some haif dozen of the best ten miler country are anxious to come. Herbert J. Reid has returned from a trip through the Canadian west, taking in Calgary, Edmont m, Bani, Winnipeg and other pointe The Town of Picton, Pieton, June 19. Miss I. Holmes librarian. has been attending the . Ontario sun mer - h Toronto, under the duection of (he of edu- cation. Karl Hickey, who has been clerking for D. P. Boles. dev goods merchant. for over four years, has taken a position with Madill dros. | Napanee. Miss Gordon, nurse-ip- | raining at St. Joachim's hospital, in Watertown, N.Y.. has been holidaying at her home at Demorestville A. Chestnut and family intend ing for Vancouver, B.C., where will take up fruit farmiig near city. Mre. Cross, St. Louie, Mo., home for a visit, owing to the 'ness of her father, Mr. Noble. Tenny and child are Dr. nnd Mrs, minister 5 he that is ill Mrs. G. visiting her Branscombe. New York where sbe will enter a hospital as purse-in-training. R. Adams has been on the sick Bst for a few dave Willie McCaw has gone to Kingston on 8 visit, EF. McCaw went to (he Ringling circus in Belleville. Miss E. Stevens, Cherry Valley, has been visiting Mrs. E. McCaw. Mrs Col: lier has gone to Syracuse, ol X., to visit her thiee sons parents, Plsherman's Luck, Up near Flesherton a Toronto tra- velling man who was making a trip overland passed an old man who was fishing with hook and lite in a small stream. As the drummer drew hy in a buggy the old man never took his eyes off the bobber in the walter. When the travelling man returned fate in the aflernoon he was greaily surprised to see the old man still in the same position with bis eyes glaed on the bobber. "Hello, uncle !" he showed. lack to-day *' Without taking 1%: gaze off the cork which rested on the surface of cid stream, the old man replied : "Had a nibble Jong about noon." Tour of the Islands. On the palatial new steamer Thou- sand Islander, Sasirdny. 3 po. sup oom or; ome early. She. "Any 3 in the | 1 the | EAR CR ETS, Teroute, Ont, June Ottawa Valley 'and Upper rénee--light- te moderate nd warm to-day ie a "oe St. Laws. winds; fine and gn Saturday st, { Weather Probabilities : Ra, ~ J a [DELI L > AR [AT OAT -- cm B T | JUNE RUG SALE We are offering for Saturday's selling onr best : quality Al Wool and Union Rugs. Regular $4.50 to 25.00 qualities. Saturday One-Half Price all goods marked in plain figures. No approbation. RET Yo A Substitute for Stained Glass. Very durable, simple to put on, attractive patterns, and of "exceeding small price. See our display. Many patterns for your > choosing, at STEACY'S S . : UTES (ISN EASES) (ISNEREEST THE STORE OF SATISFACTION Ea 'THE QUEEN MILLINERY ERY |; A Mai velous Value of LADIES' TRIMMED HATS | FOR | Saturday 200 1 $3.00 $6.00 to $9.50, will be £3.00 and To-morrow reduced The Hats in th is otidiing include Bemi-Dress Hats in dark and light et White Feit Outing Hats in all pew Panamas from $3.00 to 8 12.00, 174 WELL'NGTON STREET about fats, formerly to tailored effects, Dress HEE ---- est shapes . $5.09 ww Vee wYewww WYN WOE TYeTR CLOTHES YOU CAN BE SURE OF We've 8 fabrics fection. iits, Trousers, Ral: garments that are made coats, ete., et in new models and the height of tailoring per-' up to If You Are at all Interested In good clothes, ments of your time and "sure clothes" tion. you'll feel well repaid for investigation, for will proveto for giving us a few mo- our very moderate prices be a very interesting combina - We Shall Offer On Saturday 60 MEN'S SUITS, new models and fabrics, suits that were 80ld at $16.50 and $18.00. Take your choice Saturday for $13.50 ' ; 75 CHILDREN'R Sailor styles. WASH Regular $1.09 SUITS, in Buster, On sale Saturday at Russian and . B9ec em gn ee a par om -- 25 DOZEN MEN'S SILK and Blues. regular 50. HALF HOSE, Blacks, Tavs, Greys Saturday's sale price will be 34¢ pair, or 3 Pairs for $1.00, ' May RONEY & CO. 127 Princess St. OTHER INTERESTING BARGAINS TO SHOW YOU.