PAGE SIX. 1 » ily A . : me pasty pats waa, = \ t - i SATU BDAY. oft NE msn I ANE ~ THERE ARE TOO MANY NEW ISSUES IN CANADA : i # trustees for the bondholders, a met- T . a f * ing for organization purposes was Clews, New York. -------- held and these were elected: Presi- ------ dent, Mr, W. G. Ross; vice-president, Mr. Howard E. Mitchell, Philadelph- MONTREAL TRAMWAYS WILL BE PUT ON THE EXCHANGES. Tia: Me William McMaster, H. J Fuller, Thomas Macdougall, C. W. Colby and W. U. McCarter, the lat- ter of Newark, N. J. Mr. C. W. Colby's is the new name on the list as proposed some time ago. He goes on the beard as the representative of English interests. Canada Can Make Goods. Montreal, June 21.--One of the distinctive features of the industrial situation in Canada at present is the effort which is being put forth by capitalists to meet the increasing consumption of various commodi- ties. There are many classes of goods which are in constant demand which are largely imported and which might just as well be produced at home seing that the country is well equipped with all the nece y mat- erials. We Practicaly all the recent industri- al flotations might be included in that category. it is pleasing to note that Cana- dians have shown their faith in the situation by subscribing liberally to such offerings of securities. Canada Can Make the and the Necessary Capital is Forth. coming--The Swirt Canadian Company is to Manufacture Soaps at Toronto. Henry Clews, the New York bank- . er, who saw fit to issue a warning to the Canadian stock markets some time ago, says in his last wekly cir. cular that Canada is overdoing it in the matter of new issues. He says in part; "There is also another eles went fn the stock market which sooner or latter will have to be tak- en into consideration; and that is the enormous quantity of new flota- tions which have occurred since the beginning of the current year. This uigent demand for new capital is yorid-wide. In England, Germany, France, Canada and elsewhere there has been an nnusual expansion in new issues. In Germany and Can- ada there are signs already of con- gestion and overdoing. Even Eng- land is showing symptoms of finan- eial indigestion. In the Unitad Btates there are no signs of disorder as yet, except the known fact that some of the less desirable Issues have not been as successfully dis- posed of by banking -syndicates as was anticipated, Nevertheless there is a good demand for high grade investments whenever these pay satisfactory returns." : Goods, A Large Contract. Hamilton, June 28.--The Steel Company of Cdnada, with headquar- 'ters and smelters here have contract ed for. a half million tons of ore to be delivered at their docks at Point Edward. Large shipments of rail- way steel are being sent to the West for construction work on the Grand Trunk Pacifte. To Beat Out Market. Neéw York, June 21--The Consgoli- 1 dated Stock Exchédhge has conceiv- led another plan for outdoing 'the New York Stock Exchange. 1 sproposes to open at 9.30 in the morning. This is half an hour earlier than the stock exchange be- gins business, -and, in facet, the Con- solidated would be the only stock market in this country buying and selling securities before 10 a.m. The Consolidated would thus get the first whack at the arbitrage busi- ness with London. A regular sys- tem of arbitraging between the Lon- don market and Consolidated mem- bers was established some time ago, and is being conducted with success. Moreover, the Consolidated baeliev- es that it would recive a good deal of out of town patronage in the firet half hour of business. When security markets are ex- cited there is always a rush to carry through transactions at the minute of opening. If the Consolidated started at 9.30 it would, of course, have a disting advantage over the larger board, Growth of Investors in West. Speaking to a representative of Canadian Finance, a member of an Eastern investment firm, dealing ex- tengively in industrial and other bonds, said: "Our eompany believes that very large business is to be done with Western investors; perhaps not im- mediately, though we have evidence that it is coming already. And the time will arrive when we will have branchwoffices in leading centres fiom Winnipeg to British Columbia, Just as we have in sastern Canada now, Also,-the head of the bond depart- ment of another Eastern investment house spoke very similarly-to a To- tonto representative last week. Both fivmg, it may be mentioned in pass- ing, have backad up faith in works, A month ago, Canadian Finance contained an article on inter-invest- ment in Canada that has evoked not 4 little comment from readers East and West, The point was made that while the West is still pre-emin- ently a borrowing country, it never- theless contains a growing class of men who have acquired considerable whnlth (whether in trade, In land dealings, or what not) and who are evincing a steadily broadening in- Restment loterest, Realization of this fact is appar ently growing among Eastern firms concerned with the putting out of investment offerings. s---- ¢ To be Listed. Montreal, June 21.---Application has been made by the Montreal Tramways & Power Co to have their securities listed on the local ex change. The securities to be list- od are: The Tramways Debentures, Tramways & Power stock and Cana- dian Power bonds. The property of the defunct Am- algamated Asbestos Corporation hav- ing heen transferred to the new As- hestos Corporation of Canada, by | the Royal Frust Co., which acted as ---------- An Issue of Bonds, Toronto, June 21.---Messrs. G. A. Stimson & Co. had a cable to the ef- fect that an issue was made of be- twen $600,000 and $7000,000. City of North Vancouver, B, C., bonds at 97%. It is expected that before long Hollinger will be listed on the Tor- [ onto and Montreal stock exchanges, n accordance with the announce aent of the directors of the company ecently. Go Into Soap Making. Toronto, June 21.-~With its huge juarter-million-dollar cold storage slant rapidly nearing completion, he Swift Canadian Company, a sub- iidary of the big Chicago concern, 8 now planning the erection of sev- 'ral other buildings near Keele itreet, on St. Clair avenue. One of these will be an eight-storey soap factory, which will bg the @Arst of the new group of buildings to be erected. A Bunch of News. Canadian Locomotive Co. have de- clared the regular half-yeavly devi« dend of 3% per cent, payable July 2nd to shareholders of record June 24th, An iron plant, with $2,000,000 capital, headed by Frank B.. Baird, president of the Buffalo! Union Fur- nace company, and to be known as the Canadian' Union Furnage e¢om- pany, is to be established at Port Colborne, Out. Montreal Light, edmpany paid in Saving for a "Rainy Day" Heat dividends during the past year $85,000 more than a year ago. Tha amount writ- ten off to depreciation, pension, ete., was $500,000. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of Americas announces that this morning it will take over title and actual management of the praper- ties and assets of the United Wire less Co. The large plant of Brick company at Que., Is now operating - ¢ ly, having 2,00 bricks per hour, and the company yesterday made its first regular shipment. The out- put of the plant is sold ahead for some time to come. I in Bonar Law's Fun. The author of an interesting char- acter sketch of Mr. Bonar Law, pub- lished by the "Irish Times," tions that the Opposition leader is a devotee of golf, and, during his life In Helensburgh, was Soustantly " Theve are few fhings nh in dd _ as certain as that will come, The "rainy day" usual- ly comes when least ex- {pected. In such a case of what use is an Investment that that does mot "pay" + or that canuot be quickly converted into cash. Saving for a "rainy day" means putting your spare money into something that will be a reliable support when everything else has failed. Putting money away in secret hiding is neither safe nor profitable, for one can as well have profit and safety, too. The safest and most profitable place for money is in the form the St. Canada ent in the world, teed by Poverty ten times their own value in the municipality. "We can furnish Muni- FIRST CLASS ME( CHANICS, The Grand Trunk Seeks to Develop] Young Men. The awards for 1912 in the onda} examination of approatices . the different points on the Grand Trunk | system have just been made public 8 by W. D. Robb, superintendent of | motive power. These apprentices, it may: be explained, are indentured and | serve five years, during which -tipe | thiey are taught mechanical drawing and practical mechanics from. the first week of October = to the last week | in April. Aside from at McGill university or a technical col: lege there is no institutten in the country where lads can learn a trade and receive as good training as with the Grand Trunk under its apprentice. ship system since they are not only | instructed at evening classes but | feceive a thorqugh training ih the | shops where their progress is watch ed, As a result these lads are turn ed out first-class m@chanids in . every respect whe-sannot be surpassed any: whers on the continent when they have served their #me. Apprentices are. admitted to between fifteen and eighteen vear: age and the competitions in mechani cal drawing and practical mechanics are held each vear. The first prize of #25 went to Stratford with the maximum 100 points and Montreal took the s:cond prize of $7.50 with 99 points out of 100 in mechanical | drawing. In practical mechanics Montreal took the first prize of $25 with 100 points, and Stratiord the second prive of 7.50 wi ith 94 points, the other boys ranking very close. Courses shops i of A Skeptical Editor. | Charlie Macloon has been on the | job of exploiting Maude Lillian Ber ri. He siipped a story on the desk of one city editor a few nights ago that told of - an on-the-square dia- mond' loss the singer had experi enced. The city editor looked at the story an a remarked; "Mac, that Maude Berri is the most careless woman in Clicasn, She's 10st two or three mo- tor cars this winter, a million dol- lars worth of furs, a bunch of dia- monds and emeralds, and if this carelessness keepa up she's pore to Jose her mind. Believe me, no seri- ously considering resigning from this | job. '1 think I can make bigger money by trailing her around the town and picking up the valuables she drops.'--Chicago Post. An Karly Fancy Dress Dance. London Chronicle, & Power' | Children Neglect Aged Mother. The earliest illustration of a fan- ey 'dress ball. according to Planche, is to be found in a manuscrint of the 15th century in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, But there was fancy dress dancing long before. that In January, 1382, for instance, Charles VI, of France and eleven of his knights danced Berrit, attired as savages, in tight-fiting garments of unen covered with fax. A torch brandished by the Duc d'Orlears set fire to the costume of one of the), dancers, who was chained to four others. The Duchess protected the king by wrapping him in the train of her mantle. but four persons were burned to death. Tough Fare, Glasgow News. "Whenever I see a toothpick," said Moses Ezekiel, the Roman sculntor, '1 think of a dinner. that was given in Rome in honor of two Turkish noblemen. I set beside the younger of the noblemen. He glittered with gold embroidery and great diamonds, but nevertheless I nitied him sincerely, for he was] strange to our table manners, and some of his errors were both ludic- rous and painful. Towards the dinner's end a servant extended to the voung man a plate of tooth picks. He waved the plate away, saving in a low, bitter voice: 'No, thank you; I have already eaten two of the accursed things, and I want 10 more." Make Your Will To-day. Il you have not already made your will you should lose no time in doing it. The unexpected usually happens. The Trusts & Guarantee Co., mit od, 43 and 45 King street, West, To- ronto, make a good executor "under all circumstances, and at small ex- pense to your estate. Appoint the company executor, and let them hold your will in their security vault, free of Sharpe until recuired. The Bishop's Hat. Here is a story on John Ross Robertton, John Ross Robertson walked off with Bishop Fallon's hat not long ago at Palm Beach, Flor- ida, where the magnate and the prelate were rusticating., I Knew you lzid unholy hands on everything Catholic," Said the . Tremonstrating bishop. "but I did not think you carr'ed it to the extreme pf carrying oil ustaup's hat!' Apologies foi- lowed, and tumor hath it that the bishop and the editor-in-chief of the Telezihia were much together dur. ing the balance of their stay. ud Hove Made a Will A *8d tase was brought to the at- tention of a charitable soclety recent. it. when they received an application for relief from an elderty woman. Ter husband ad bean. prosperous. but dled without leavin any will. The widow did not insist . her rights t¢ a third of the estate, but' turned ey Sue over te the children, be- leving that they would look after her fcr the balance of her Jife. She ha lived with ne after another ot her married sons #nd danght to of the way in wxhic treated causes a very eting us reflec tice on the nga lions of children. clint is. however, that Iu protect ani inexperienced the responsiditiy of deciding em p z business affairs It was the plain uty of the husband, #s It fv ¢ Suts of every person to make aw is no excuse, eCause it is Ro oer ticessary ta wmploy a law or in cur large 1 Accompanying each farm Is a speci- men will preperly fillad out and full mstructions nL Soar Sidy ngs. and ied Sy as en Freer tes is ed {for | mons, {axes responded. |ped a hole in the deck and iminutes they 10 GE LAST RITES RISKS HIS IIFE TO FULFILL HIS DUTY. Priest Overcome in Ship's Hold Ad. ministering Sacramen to Dying Men--Driven Back by Fimes. New York, June 22. ~Father William P. Egan, "pastor of St Clemen's church; Mariner's Harbor, risked his ilife, vesterday, in an attempt to ads minister the'last rites 'of the Catho- lic church to twe painters who had been overcome by poisonous gases and paint fumes in the hold of the !steamship Meteor, The men were Harry Brown and William H. O'Donnell, both ling at Mariner's llarbor. They had heen iat work some twenly feet below deck 'only ~ short: time when the fumes became so' strong that they started the ladder. Realizing that they {would be umable to reach it before {loging comsciousness, they cried for thelp. Men gn © the detk heard the burried to the vessel, started back into the hold, only be driven back by the fumes. they © telephoned to'the police fire departments. twelve sum- and to Then and Six policemen and laddermen with ladders and Father Egan came with them, the report baving reached him that the painters were dying. The priest and Battalion Chief Bro- gan entered the hold, but both were overcome before they reached the bot. tom of the ladder, and were dragged back on deck. The firemen then chop- finally fumes out, go down and the fresh air drove the that three men could" rescue the painters. Merntime, a physician who had heen hastily called, worked . over Brown and 0'Donpell, and in: fifteen vevlved. £0 FORBIDDEN CITY ENTERED. Walata, Once Centre of African Civilization, Now in Ruins. Another "mysterious city of the sle sert ' has given up its secrets; Walata Las been entered by 'a white explorer, Latil last January, Walata-Oualata, the French spell it--was more mysteri ous even than fabled limbucktu, its distance neighbor. In the tenth century Walata was a great city, the centre of civilization, from which. . the vehigion ot Islam spread throughout Western Africa. Up to the twelfth century it was the prosperous capital of the kingdom ol Gana, the market to which eame all the nations of Afcica, with cara- van routes across the desert to Tunis, Touat, Jagileir and Fez. llere gather- ed the wise men aud the doctors of the law of Mahomet. Then, like all Babylons and all I'yres," it began to 'decline. Jimbuck- td, a younger city, gradually stole away its trade and usurped' its posi- tion as an intelléctual centre. In the fourteenth Stutury. it had lost its splendor. Two centuries More and the sultans of Morocco, extending' their coriguests to the ssuth, occupied it end it be- ame only one among many eonquer- «d towns. Finally Walata became the the bands of robbers all the country around. With the vossible exception] of Laing in 1806, no white man had seen it, and its nirate masters had resolved that none should énter it. But last Rinter, Col. Ronlet, commandant at Timbucktu, determin od to dispel the mystery. At the head of a camel corps of 200 soldiers, he marched across the desert and occu pied the city without liring a shot. eighteen years to the month after the "rench entry into 'l'imbucktu. Only a few voor tamilies now live the ruins of what was once city, as the remamis of its walls. aitn del and: massive mosques testify, There are left, even, some decorations of the style made familiar by the Alhs unbra, that prove that once the arts were studied here as well as in the other Moorish empire north of the straits of Gibraltar. home of who Jderrorized French A In A great Got on G.T.R. Lines. During the summer of 1011 Field and Su sam, one of the sportman' 8 magazines, introduced a prize fishing contest scheme to their readers, of- fering valuable prizes for the big: gest Gish canghl in any part of Am- erica. Three of the leading were won by fish taken from Canadian sum- mer resorts reached by the Grand Trunk Railway system. The first grand prize was given for a lake trout weighing twenty-eight pounds, caught in Lake Temagami, Ontario. The first grand price for a black spotted salmon trout was awarded to an ang- ler who caught his fish in Algonquin National Park, the fish weighing twel- ve pounds. The ladies' grand prize was awarded to a fgir angler for a small mouth black bass weighing six oounds four ounces, caught in the Georgian Bay Utilising the Mirror. A dentist was filling a lady patron's back teeth. When he had finished with the first' tooth he handed the lady a hand mirror thdt she might sce the result for herself. Then he went on with his task, repeating his periorm- ance with the mirror after each tooth was filied. Finally, when the job was completed, and she had handed back the mirtor with thanks, he said: nen madam, how do they look tg, a "How do what Jook to me ?"" she re- urned "The teeth | just filled." "Oh, 1 forgot about the exclaimed, reaching for *| glass. "What .did you look at 1 gave you 'the Mirror » "My hair.' teefh," she the hand each time "New Tabard ina books." Gibson's. A liberal demonstration for the Bay | womans seimr UNCHANGED. High ldeals of Mother and Grande mother Still in Existence. Japan Advertiser: At restonably regular intervals some- {one raises the lwment that the lady of | a generation ago | has passed out of | our civilization, and bas left no sue-| cessor, | A generation ago, we are told, the WAR ON HOUSE FLY | SCREENING OF W WINDOWS EARLY | GOOD PREY ENTIVE, = Cleanliness a Big Factor--Owing to] Modern Conditions, Citles are ha Better Condition to Handle Pest] lady dominated the social life ~of | Problem Than Rural Districts. | the country. She was; a charming! . < . | Kansas CHly Journikl, : figure, no less notable ®as a housewife | = 4 careful screening of windows end| 5 'than as a hostess, full of gentle con- gq ors early in spring is a preventive | corn for others, apddwith leisure dor measure against house flies known to} their aflairs; a heart instant in sym- everyone. Don't neglect this, for the) pathy, a mind cultivated and serene. flies are harder to get out of the | Nhe ori y i o, i) - 1 , Bh ch rished idedls as well indi-' jo use after they once gain entrance Yunis she stimulated she han they are to keep out. S00 he o ae atrast. b i i 4% There seems to be little hope in the " hy o er succes, of to-day near future of much relief by doing 5 ed « c Pombo 4 t a8 1 es ue, EIV- away with the breeding place. A sta n oO ! 0 pleasure, rushing con- ble in which a horse is ept will sup- stantly irom one thing to another,with tly house flies for an. ¢éxtended neigh- no time to be charming asd restful | horhaod : Sh &Z des eibed us lacking entirely | People living in agricultural com- the fine spiritual quality of her moth: | munities will probably never be rid of ef and her grandmother, and as BAV- | he pest, but in cities, with better ; 3 2 1the . t ng Joust So Jit Jdeals, and with | ipods' of disposal . of garbage, and Ey any Sn T4 'ho With the lessening of the number des 35 3 serious gnarge. HOSE WhO horses and horse stables consequent make it are perhaps somewhat too in upon electric street railways, bieycles tf a a ay » i £nt upon th hignre they have in ind and automobiles, the time may come, to see with entire clearness the back { and before long, when window screens ground against which the figure ap- may be discarded. r pears. The prompt gathering of 'horse ma- The changes ocial life radi- | tions dar Re " ca Life und Veal "pure, which may be variously treated ns i y 8 ne ave during the past generation have kept in 8 specially prepared re- han : 8 an the d os | Teen ho less startling than the changes | o.tacle, would greatly abate the fly in industrial and economic | . a o p i nuisance, and city ordinances compel Never in history has the 1 \ ling horse owners to follow some such clase: alwavs she has been. the finest flower in the Tile of a cuss. Takips JS0UISe Are desirable. hr _ oe if o he to aw aking Absolute cleanliness, even under ex p o A she ] re Eo e ns she found hem, isting circumstances, will always re she ha aie Sd them with the fine es- |. 1 in a diminution of the numbers her spirl,, Dhe has fies, and, in fact, most 14 : die not of house wasted time in regretting past condi- houschold insects are less attracted to Hous, but Jes gives hers whole. the premises of what is known as the ear . setening rifving \ TN y ro sweelenig and PuriyiBli ijfashioned housekoeper than to he conditions in which' her age found those of the other kind her, ial i he lad i! Make constant and vigorous war on a preciscly what the lady Oli(hese household pests, In farm to-day. is doing, The leisurely golden) uses, in small cemmunities, and afternoons of fiity years ago are mot {even in the badly cared for portions hers. Tasks undreamed "of by. her] tof 'large "cities, typhoid £Orma. are car i 3 | THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. gandncthe have fallen to het hands. fied from excrement to food: by. fies tis not enough. to-day that she hej, gy (), proper supervision and treat hi North End Ontaric Streets ik "Phone 155. } | { Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 3% Pine Street when wanting ar in the Carpen- tar line. Ei n on gil kinds i n work: also Floors of all kinds All orders will receiv prompt attention ~Bhop 40 Queen Street . as and Harge o ' . Woed s Pheaphoding, IT: Great FS lama, Taties and invigurates the wha i. Vous syste n, makos now Blood in old Veins Cures Neros Mental anid Brain Worry, Des wl Weakness, Sovistions Sper or Effvets of Auer or Sivueams, Il por 4, Six for 5 One will pl a¥ +l by 3 rLREisty on Pat SIE in Dk , Of = as pt ot 1g New pamphict Medicine Ca toy Dr. de So Female Pills A reliable French regulator Pnever falls. Those ils are exceedingly powerful in regulating (he Be portion of det jemaic system." Kefuse An's are so ad at of Medlc ot ail cheap imitations Ba box, or atations i pe nN ito a y addcess. Soobell Drus Co. Bt. Catharines Ob on For sale at Mahood's drug store. "WE BELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected. from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. Mines, the best Anthracite. 'Coal mined in Pennsylvania, conditions lady been a is Place your next oraer with a notable housewife in her own house ment of the breeding places of she must extend her housekeeping | | house fly hecome most important to towns and cities: her motherhood | ments in the prevention of typhoid Hust h ach to the thiideen of the Poor| fu the same way other intestinal and the alien, anc to the great in- | germ diseases are carried by flies. The dustrial army of girls--such as the] cholera, - dysentery and infan | Asiatic world has never before seen--strug- | vile diarrhoea are -all so carried. I'ng for the rights of girThood in the | There seems to be a definite period face of overwhelming obstacles, lot perhaps ten days between the issu- Fhese great duties ing of the adult "flies and the not in. the manner of eggs.. During This period, and expe for that would, mean cially in the early spring, it becomes iin the spirit of them. . {important to trap and kill as many Tt is not the manner given by the |gioy ng possible. Use "swatters," use sheltered Ie that makes the lady, |g traps, use fly papér. Many fly charming though that mav be. ItYislyrng are on the market and many of courage and love snd gentleness, cand pom are good. a fine sense of honor ~and a spirit purged of selfish ambitions "The lady still exists; it is quite im- possible for her to die, because she is an idea of God's." F. J JOHNSON THE LEADING" FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Special prices in Cut Flow- ers. See our window display. Wedding Bouquets and Floral Designs. Floral Sprays a specialty. Bweet Pea Seed ia Bulk Named Varieties | "Phones: Store, 239. Conservatories. 236 | Residence, 1212. ! RTT. she is meeting, of her ancestors, ipefliciency, but faving The house fly has a number of natur | al enemips. The common house centi- | pede destroys it in considerable num § bers: there is a small reddish mite | whie h frequently covers its body and | gradually destroys it; it is stibject to , the attacks of parasites in its larval condition, and it is destroyed by pre ! datory beetles at the same time Gospel Truth About Zutoo We tell you truthfully and concien- tiously that ony of our little tablets called ZUTOO, harmless as soda, will cure your headache sick, nervous or gpeuralgic in twenty minutes and always leave you feeling gooc ¢ We tell you further thzt theses tablets will break up a cold, will relieve indiges- tion and the monthly pains of women. Every user of ZUTOO will tell you the same thing. So will every druggist and dealer who sells them, Generally you accept what every bo- dy says as being so, but we don't ask you to take anybody's word about ZUTOOQ tablets. Try them. Know for yofrself what these remarkable little tablets will do, En dealers or by mail postpaid. binson & Co., Reg'd Coaticook, Q Prizes for Young Writers. Thomas Hardy made a remark | worth thinking over fn his acknowl- odgment of the gold medal awarded by the Royal Society of Literature. He was, he said, rather an old boy to receive a medal, and was partic | ularly unfortunate &n having no vounger boy to whom he could hand | it on; so that, without undervaluing | the Yeceipt of it--rather, indeed, be. ause he valued it so highly--he had ben thinking whether prizes of some kind could not be offered hy the | society to makers of literature car- Lis : to urge them to further | offo We hope not omfy this = so- ! & : , but others concerned with litera. [VERIDZ 10 Rittenhouse rs will take the hint. In England {his host's hittle we do honor to writers who have { COme 1h, after succeeded; we do not encourage au- | with the dessert, thors whose success fs yet to make i! Papa, what When we contrast our own poverty The father, ignoring the . : lgreatest authority on this in this respect with the wealth jarea : D ~ . | made Answer French enterprise we must cease 'You' { better ask vonr wonder that the young writer | He 1 ° > enry, dear. He knows more France stands much more chance these French machines than 1 de being heard of than his brothers { England The Frendhman has so many prospects of official recogni- | 9 tion to brighten his literary begin. | Denver Times v nings. Englishmen have only thei A western paper recent srize for the publishers to look to. {F . t ten by a pupil of the public The Most Popular Yeast. ere are a few passages from Isn't the fact that White Swan| "(Cora Brown was fortunately Yeast Cakes have won admiration possessor of a birthday, wherever tried proof that they are the iy. Jaughter of rich friends." brst ¥ Prove this to your own satis-| "But all this time a cloud faction by ordering a 5c. package from' (hoding over Mes. Delaney, which your grocer, or send for sample. White grew larger yeats want by. and Swan Spices & Cereals, Limited, To- hat cloud was full of grasshoppers ronto, Unt. | "My father desired me to marry ug a ------ {hank president, a handsome, recklesy New British Columbia Railway. yan, fond of naught save the gaming Vancouver, June 22.--~The first sod table.' of the Pacific Great FKastern railway| * 'Vat 1 dell you, is to be turned at North Vancouver by shouted the Irishman.' Sir Richard Mchbiride, on July lst.| "As she entered the room This road is to be built by Messrs. damp smell met her sight." Foley, Welch and Stewart to connect | this city with Fort George, and it} eventually will be used as the Van-| svjanta Constitdtion couver donnection of the Grand Trunk! "John," said the home-raised Pacifie.. @he railway is to be built! Ske to his son, "I've given you under a guarantee of bonde for #35,- best eddication that college had 000 per mile for 450 miles of its ghop ¥' length. 3 "Yes, sir." | "And I never did stand back Lespense-? | "Never, sir. | "An' you speak seven languages "Perfectly." "86 fur, so good. Now, listen: sweat at the mule in Greek; don't use no Latin terms and don't fling no French this way. Use the Georgy dialed that you snd the mule F : Blood waz raised to; it's my opinion that {mule won't stand fer mo college fool- To get the blood pure is a problem ishvess !" which nearly everybody has to face in| ---- ---- PREPPY Not an Auto. Henry C. Lea," said a { Philadelphia litterateur, "wrote the | best history of the Spanish inquisi tion that has ever appeared. Mr. Lee was venerated as a historian all over 'the world, but in his native city few {had even so much as heard his name 'A prophet without honor,' { know--and Mr. Lea used to | anecdote on this head. "It seems that he was dining "The late vou tell an one Square, and daughter, who has the English fashion, said to her father, is an suto-da-fe ?' world's subject o to | in of | of "Ye | The Young Intelligence Shooting. le Unc about FRESH ARRIVAL Ganong's Chocolates The Fimest in the ( offered story to be a writ sthool the best the for she was wns ity. 60 cents per pound A. J. REES 166 Princess 8t. Phone 58 nx vat 1 tefl you, a cold, ------ - Ask Lord for © Ne rk Pra Senator Lee No College Foolishness "Goes." Blanket" Ballot. 8. Overman, of North Carolina, has a colored maid servant that been in his family the days of slavery. She is a loyal ser vant and thinks that "Mahstah Lee represents all that best in man kind - When Overman senate the first had a telephone connection with the legislative chamber at Raleigh and got the néws of each ballot as it was taken. The old colored mammy didn't know what a ballot was but she caught the idea that the more Overman got the better hus wife was leased. That night she was over: rd praying in her rox "Oh, Tatd,' sinh Tée in. the aud jes' covah ballots, whatevakh him get dab." far- the in has since 1s hu- for died survived b~ one | As John Allen, of Fdwnrdsbucg, on Thursday. le is mister, for the Me Overman running " time a {Don't nn "take Mah- y0' han' them 'ord nnd make . Artful Little Maid. ie The little "maid * gazed thoughtfully at ber father. "Papa," she said, "do The liver and rr filter poisons | ou know what I'm going to'give you from. ihe blood, and you can Noy mat or your birthday *' akially ha them by the uge of Dr.| "No, dear," he. Che's "Liver is no way to purify the blood| . "A nice mew china shaving mag, : except i the he amivity of these! with gold flowers all around," sad | two filtering they | the little maid. : are prompt in oiing the action! "But, my dear," explained her mo- of the liver and kidneys, Dr. Chase's | ther, "papa has » mice ome, just like | 8 Liver Pills are the greatest of that, already." os | "No, he hasn't." the little daughter # he tired tired, lan- | answered thoughttally, le a {I've just dropped it 1" Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That © Contain Mercury, surely destroy the 4 completely derange when sntering it wig surfaces ueh never be used except mn repelabin physie ge they will do is ¥ ousihl answered. "Tell! -------------------------- genuine. xs woen | Great sale of boots, cost niade in To price. Call and see. Dutton's, 209 rinoess street. rice, T%¢ per bottled i Hail # Family Pills for consti. tom,