8 > THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG,. MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1912. or hard work. spent OMO removes tex, coffee, 0) OMO does three things well OMO bleaches white clothes without the aid of the sun and makes them spotlessly white -- OMO purifies white clothes and makes a wholly sanitary wash, OMO does all this in one operation without rubbing It will not harm the finest fabrics and will save much time and much labor. butt the hands either. cocoa, fruit stains, etc., like magic. Simply add a tablespoonful Doesn't water, thoroughly dissolve, cover articles complete ly with this water, boil for half-an-hour or an hour. Let the clothes soak for an hour longer and hang out to dry. Get OMO at your grocer's. of OMO te a gallon of 10c. TRAVELLING. x HIRE TRE DOMINION DAY, JULY FIRST Roturn Tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, Good golng. June 28th, 29th, 30th, and July lst. Return Smit, July 3rd. Ticket" issued tu Intermediate stations between montreal and To- ronto will not be valld on trains 1 and 4. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS . CANADA and Return ; Tneeday, Jane 2ith and every se cond Tuesday thereafter until Sapt. 17th. Tirkets good for 60 days. "For full information. apply to J.P. HANLEY, «ws» Gen. Pass. Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts WKINCSTONG PEMBROKE IN CONKECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Dominic ominion Day SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Between all Stations in Canada, Good going June 28th, 19th, July : st, teturn limit, July 3rd, 1912. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS 0 MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA June 26th, July Sth and 28rd and every second Tuesday until Septem- ber 17th, 1912, Tickets good for 60 dave. Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, "Gen. Pass. Agent LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM: | BOAT CO. LIMITED. SS. "CASPIANS 1000 TSLANDSROCHESTER. Commencing June 2nd, steamer leaves at 10.15 a.m, on Sundays for «Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Islands, and Gananoque Returning, leaves at § pm. for Ro- €hester, N.Y, via Bay of Quinte, call- ng at Picton, Deseronto and Belle e T DAILY SERVICE after June 20th. LOCAL BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. 88. ALETHA leaves Kingstn at 3 pm, dally; except Sunday, for Pleton and Intermedinte Bay of Quinte vorts Frelght handled with daspatch at reasonable rates, J. P. HANLEY, Ticket agent. JAB. SWIFT & Co., Freight Agents i. KE. HORSEY, General Manager, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail * Steamers 8t. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. T.T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virginian." T.8.8. 88. Tunisian and Corsican." Sailings every Friday. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, T.8.8. Grampian and Hesperian." T.S.8. ""Beandinavian and Preaoria. Sallings every Saturday. MONTREAL TO HAVRE a LONDON. Service of moderate priced ONE- CLASS CABIN (11) steamers. Sailings every Sunday. AND Full information and tickets' on application to J. P, Hanley, C. 8, Kirkpatrick, G.T.Ry. Agt. Clarence St. Agents in Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Stgeet, Toronto. Ne OF, ..q 200YAT Jy Va fa --- bh. -- " DANADIAN JonTHERN STRAN- su LIMITED. The Finest a on the , - HOLDING Al MONTREAL QUEREC. RR (Quebec Steamship Comp LIMITED. | Summ.» Crulses in Cool Latlipdes. 88. "Cascapedia," madern comforts, FAILS FROM ' MONTREAL THURSDAY, at 4 pm, 4th and Jatly, 1st, 18th and 29th August, Pict N.B., calling at Gaspe, ¥, Perce, Summerside, PEL, arlofletown, PEL . New York from 'Quebec calling at Gaspe, Charlottetown Halifax, ' SS Trinidad, 2,600 sail from Quebes at § m., i6th July, 8th and 23rd August, New York to Bermuda Summer Excursions by Bcerew BS. "Bermudian," 10.518 sailing from New 12th and 24th Augus: days thereafter. The finest health nnd comfort, aterooms, appl Lo 8. KIRK} Kingston, Ont, J. PP. HANLEY, FA RICK, Ticket Agents, ' STEAMSHIP QUEBEC QUEBEC, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence 1,900 tons, with all \ HL ON . 18th and \ from Quebec the following day at noos 2 N Ma Na i Via the far-famed River Saguenay, a to 12:8 and tons York erm. ca breezes, seldom trips of the season for ¥ to AT. COMPANY, Mamiewed Pugsley, Dingman @ Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. - n 3 1 ' JUST WHAT YOU WANT |. FOR THIS SEASON WHITE SHOES Beautiful, graceful, dainty :14| right up to the minute in style. Ladies' White Nu-Buck Buttoon Boots White Nu-Buck Pumps, White Canvas Pumps, DOMINION CIE T! MONTREAL--QUEBEC LIVERPOOL SAILINGeverySATURDAYS by the "LAURENTIC" AND "MEGANTIC" Filad ith evly Wpetadiiy device fox sombon and "TEUTONIC" & "CANADA" One Class Cabin (11) $50 and $85 Third class passengers berthed in closed rooms only THE ST. LAWRENCE IS = suoRyest ROUTE TO EUROPE INLY 4 DAYS AT SEA LOCAL AGENTS, J. P. Hanley ond C. 8S. Kirkpatrick Company's Office Toronto. Nineteen Years the Standard ments, a scientifically permanent. For sale at all drug stores. Dr. Martel's Female Pills Prescribed and recommended for women's ail prepared remedy of proven worth . The result from their use is quick and and Oxfords $1.50, $200, $2.50 | and $3 50 White Canvas Button | Boots $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 THE Sawyer Shoe Stop THE PROMOTIONS MADE { Names of the Children Advanced to Higher Grades at the Close of the Spring Term. Central school. to Senior IV --Eva Zacks Dora Cohen, Bruce Thompson, Eva Abramson, lda Publow, Klma Lake, i Grace Pound, Lionel O'Grady; Archer Wallave. Goldie Maxam, Mary Porter, Katie Red, Willie Handley, Arthur' Junior IV Holeproof Hosiery Make Your Feet Happy b pairs Guaranteed Months. This hose is made of softest yn ous weights, r. beau colors. e foot it feels like 28 g , but it wears lik i, ear ° : Pense, Stanley Lemmon, Arnold 0" Grady, Lena Reid, Frances Gimblott, Gilmer McBroom, John Raven, Gladys , Miron, Alice Acton, Melzar Davy, Ruth Davis, Vera Hunt, Uecil Burke, Edythe Dunlop, Delmar Cherry, Sarah Bell, Clara Sommermann, Moore. Honor Certificates--Eva Abramson, Fratices Gimblett, Jva Zacks, Willie Handley, Goldie Maxam, Gladys Mi ron, Arthur Pense, Grace Pound, Bruce Thompson. Senior 11 to Savery Junior 1V--FElizabeth Utiord, Stirling Gibson, Catherine Wright, Madeline Angrove, Pearl Hunt, Samuel Abramsky, Letitia Tur- ner, Fred Morris, Ben Morris, Harold Hunt, Grace Fadden, Eva Eward, Vie- i toria Ufford, - Jennie Wilson, Thomas McCammon (with honors); Annie Perry, Wallace Elmer, Kva Abramson, Gordon Savage, Gladys Maxam, Rob ert Lrwin, Stuart McGall, Kthel Sus man, Hazel Laughlin, Harry Pollie, Howard B. Abrams, Nellie Susman. Leah Buell, Leland Wells, Leona Bab cock, Grace Hayward. : Honor Uertificates Ethel Susman, Nellie Eward, Junior 111 to Senior 11--Helen Gar diner, Rose Robinson, Edith Handler, Edna Barnes, ' Marjorie Thompson, Fred. MeBratoey, Dorothy Allen, Ame. lia Hinds, Raymond Conley, Rachel Cohen, Irene Welds, Harvey Sugel Clara Harrison, Nella Shear, Grhoe Wallace, Daisy Campbell, Celig Latks, Ethel Jackson, Karl Fadden, Berney Moliride, Hilda Morpe, Cecil Pritch. ard, lillian Burteh, Donald Anglin, Lily Morton and Della Rutcheson, George Ward, Clifton Vrury, Louis Shear, June Marshall, Madeion Robb, Howard Smonth, Richard MoGill, San. ford Rawley, From Junjor 1II to Senior I11--Mjl- dred Rees, Karl Sinclair, Douglas Gimblett, Moses Circle, Vera Frizzell, Sadie Stewart, Fred Clark, Fdith Sands, Mary Mullen, Willie Hayward, 'Wilfred Frizzell, Albert Wright, Char- lie ger; Willie. Stonness, Thomas Con- nor; May S + George Maxam, equal; Elmer binson, Fred Bryant, Gladys Wells, Sadie Walker, Gordon Mills, Gladys Oger, € Heath. Letitia Turner promoted at Christ mas. Honor Certificates<Moses Circle, Charlie Orser, Letitia Turner, Flora Sinclair, Fred Bryant, George Maxam, Mildred Rees, Douglas Gi t. Second to Junior ITT--Dorothy New man, Grace Dunlop, Jean MacPherson, Harry Gould, Vernon Johnston, Eva Brightman, Wadeline Rawley, Herman Bennett, Melville McCune, Tessie Mor den, Ftta Kirkwood, Lola Hunter, John Fves, Annie Abramsky, G Sommermann, , John Denton, Dorwi Carnright, Abram Sug- Awarded Susman, To Eva imaon, man; Daisy McCammon, Perey Burke, i oa 4 W -------- Eddie Raven, Tom Hamilton, Flize- beth Campbell, Melville Mayell, Willie Coales, - Gladys Mellroy, Alex Barnes, Florence Cornelius, Florence Hughes, Lorraine Irwin, Lionel Truesdell, James Amey, Millie Pettingell. Honor * Certificates--Darothy New man, Grace Dunlop, Vernon Johnston, Melville MoeCune, Abram Susman, Madeline Rawley, Tessie Moyden, Lola Hunter, Secopd to Jumior HI---Nellie Me- Auley, Emma Earl, Reta Farrer, Fred, Shepherd, Carl Sommermann, Ruth Wallace, Theodore Marakas, Gladys Thompson, Harry Cohen, Clarice Truesdell, Archie Zacks, Arnold Clena- han, Albert Loye, Fred Frape, Mem- bray Soles, Arthur Frape, Albert An- grove, Willie Wright, Ernest Sommer Hazel Storms,Samuel Zacks, Berry, Marjorie Holland, Fred Fred Baiden, Anna Atkins, Violet Cross, } Ford Nicholson. From. Junior III to Senior ITI Gladys Butler, Thelma Waller, William i Potter, Dorothy Atkins, , Senior 1} to . Junior IV Marks, Cecil Westlake, Wi m | Alivia Baiden, Winnifre J 'Merle Cofiev, Florence F Ruth Welborne, * From Junior IV! to Senor IV eriney Coffey Omar Gilmour, George | Forsythe, Sadie Nicholson i Honor Certificates--For Heptember to Christmas' Marks, George Marks, Omar Gilmo and Grace Westlake From January to June : Dorothy Atkins and Roder ick Alexander Joseph term from i Martha | Frontenac School. Junior IV to Senior IV--Gladys Abbott, Jemnie Bell, Desta Buse, Al bert Campbell, Mildred Campbell, Alice Clarke, Andrew Copley, Albert Dumbleton, Faweette Elliott, Geor- gie Emery, James Ennis, John En- nis, Gertrude Flint, Harvey Godwin, Arloia Haffner, Wilhelnina Hubble, Sidney Hughes, Edith" House, Erie Taunman, Maud Mitchell,- Florence Moncreiff, Earl Moncreif, Biduey Oldfield, Austin Peters, - Howard Payn, James Phillips, Edward Timms, Frank Tolhurst, Verg Turk: ington, Fred Veale, George Wilkin- gon, Fred Wilgon, Sadie Miller. Honor ; certificates--Gladys Ab- bott, Fawcett Elliott, Andrew Cop- ley. Senior III to Junior IV--Willa Peters, Muriel Boyd, Albert Quirt, Katie Gunn, Russell Clark, Robert Gibson, Seymour Phillips, Howard Nicholson, Robert Fenning, Stanley Ferguson, Robert Wilson, John Kemp, Harry Janeway, Mary Henry, 3ruee Saunders, Muriel Paynter, Gertrude Armstrong, Lillian God- win, Madeline Pogue, Alton Hamil- Blake. Honor Certifieates--Harry Cohen, Nellie . McAuley, Carl Sommermann, Gladys Thompson, Ruth Wallace. Senior 1 to 'Ulass Rhoades, Edmund Wilson, Cliford Amey, Jessie Dorrey, Kenneth . (imblett, Horace Norman, Kelso, Helen Anglin, Elmer Byron, George Murray, FEita Stonness, Northeote turke, Sally (Cohen, Mildred Francis, Louie Snell, John Dickson, Sherman Mellroy, Lik lian Berry, William Leeman, Elmer ('onley, Lily Ward, Cecil Allan, Thel ma Heng, " Nellie Marshall, Haze) Lewers,, Mamie Van Wincked, Lena Green, Florence Cowland, - Florence Pettingill, Grace Byron, Lelpha Webb, Vera Murray. . Honor Certificates--Herkert © Green, William Leeman, « Kenneth Gimblett, Cecil Allen; John Routley, Albert Kel 80, Elmer Conley. } Junior I to Senior 1--Kenneth 0' Grady, Jean Gimblett, Oshorne Bear- | ance, Hyman Green, Ivy Timpson, Ma rion Black, Willie Cannem, John Hag- gerty, Catharine Turner, Anna Moyse, Besse Vinee, Helen® Rogers, Violet Pusk, Kmma Newman, Laurel Angell, | Philip Cain, Frederick Timpson, May | Blake, Sam Ryan, Evelyn Gilmore, Bertha Wilson, Lithan Heath, Howard Thompson, Flossie Morton, Beatrico Marting. Lila Strachan, l'lorence Cor- nelius, Emma Perry, Gladys MeGill, Willie Aiken, Stuart ~ Leemon, Law- rence Harper, Ernest Allan. - Honor Certificates--Marion Black, Violet Rusk, Bessie Vinee, Stuart lee- mon, Hyman Green, Sam Ryan, Os borne Bearance. Junior l--Herman Lightstone, Mel ville Lennox, lillian Moyse, Esther Susman, Charles Titus, Sheldon Co hen, Jean Johnston, Usborne Caines, Iva Lewers, Claire Monk, Jack Moore, Robert Percival, Leah Palmer, Hesse Abramson, Edith Barnes, son, Jack Jesse, Ethel Purke, Ed ward Ryan, Ruth Nash, Leslie Keeley, Willia mBunt, Arthur Christmas, Ross Pell; Alice .Ravem, Evelyn Rogers, Lulu Moore, Nellie Angell, Russell Gilmour, Ross Moulton. Kindergarten to Part }-Girls--Sarah Lipman, Marian Anglin, Dorothy Ken nedy, Florence Newman, Eleaor Hel land, Marie Sommerman, Fvelyn Don- nelly, Edith Palmer, Elizabeth Gib son, Audrey Storms, Mabel Faith Turner, Marian Allan, Wright, Dorothy Hilton, Leone Tyo Viola Gould, Vera Meliroy, Pansy Pollitt, Addie Campion, Marjory Ne- ville, Grace Horsfall/ Hazel Bright man. Joys--Casimir Stroud, Gordon 0' Grady, Edmond Jenkins, Melviile Bor land, Fdgar Jatten, George Hages- man, Harold Burtch, Willie Curran, George Clarke, Norman Thompson, Frank Amey, Adger Wilson, Howard Payne. / Portsmouth Public School. From Junior 1 to Senior I--Frank Nicholson, Pearl Holland, Femond Ross, Marjorie Forsythe, Mary Potter, isabel Potter, From Senior 1 to Part 1--Henry Baden, Almeta Sullivan, George Col fey, Ethel Campbell, Martin Holland, Elsie Carr, Hilton Cross, Mabel Croft. From Part II to Class 1I--Sadi¢ Hol land, Vera Powell, Roderick Alexan- der, Neil Forsythe, Laura Cross, Fva Waller, Marion Halliday, Arthur Gib- son, Edith Maclver,. ing Up | Tired Nerves The driver reaches his destination sooner by whipping up his tired horse but no one supposes that the whip- imparts strength to the horse. It rely causes the more rapid expen- diture of strength. And so it is with stimulants. When the system is run down the use of stimulati medicines merely ealls forth the additional expenditure of the waning vitality and in reality has- tens the hréakdown. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is not stimulant, It does not give rise to false by whipping up the ex- hausted system. It is a true topic and: cures by building up +t s issue. You need not expect an Startling results from the first Te doses, but can be certam that the penta to the body are thorough gnd sting. Ror From Class, I to Junior 1-An- hi Nicho ¥ ive Cross, Charles Rops, Gladys Forsythe, Nors 11 -- Frances | ping. Herbert | Green, Wallace Johnstone, May Frost, | Albert | Charles Stone, Edna MeMahon, Fred Mary Handler, | Davidson, { Clarke, Stanley 1 EON, Willie Dick. | | } ner, j Cherles Wilkinson, William Watts Serutton, + Hilda lc + | Davey, Susie Davey, ton, Grace Lawler, Allan Gogo, How- ard Amey, Edna Bishop, Ethel Crumley, Winnie (Chart, Howard White, James Watson, Oscar Fen- Florence | Gordon Davis, Junior T1I to Senior 111 Stone, James Wehmann, Quirt, Hattie Karl," Oram Fred Timms, Kenneth Smith, Garrett Ennis, Aretta Wilkin® son, George, Bristow, Rebecca Con- ley, Mabel Hilton, Muriel Jamieson, Lawrence Pellitt, Richard Newell El- pie King, Evelyn Smith, Fldrence Millard, Gladys McKegg, Marjorie Suddard, Mabel! Lumnan, Kathleen Downey, Lylton Maynes, Mabel Smith, Helen Davy. Honor Certificates--Oram Davies, Lylton Maynes, Rebecca Conley, El- sie King, Gladys McKegg, Marjorie Suddard. Junior I Senior I Mabel Wilson, Kathleen Spooner, Minnie Botting, Ross | Kemp, Edith Davies, Lena Salter, | George McMahon, Manson Pogue! Albert Watts, Arthur Purdy, Mar- guerite Jackson, William Philips, Inda Snider, Mary Dickson, George Robinson, Mildred Dixon, Ada Tan- ner, Dorothy Janeway, Pearl Thomp- Lois Frizzell, Laura Morden, Elizabeth Pollitt, Naomi - Salsbury, Bernice Hillier, Vera Clarke, Har- ry Gough, Mary Godwin, Vera Smith, Vera Woods, Ethel Comper, Josaph Taite, Mildred Burtch, Keitha Smith, Archie MeDonald, Sterling = Smith, Annie Richmond, Laurence Northmore, Harry Robbs, William Holland. Honor Certificates--Naomi Sals- | bury, Manson Pogue, George Mec- Mahon, Minnnie Botting. - Junior Division of Junior to Seni- or Division of Junior I---Arthur Amey, George Bonny, Sidney Bone ham, Edward Bailey, Charlotte | Campbell, Loretta Campbell, Jessie | Easton, William England, 1da Gor- s2n, Mary Gorsen, Kathleen Healey, Hert Humphrey, Edgar Henry, Charles Hunter, lobert Irwin, Blanche Lyons, Evelyn Mills, Albert Millard, Herbert McQuay, Charles Moore, Pearl Northmore, John Quirt, Melville teid, Helen Sals- bury, Doris Stradling, Edward Tan Norris Tuttle, Norman Veale, | to Kindergarten Junior | Lillian Bennett, Edna Chapman, Jesgie Qodaen, let Godwin, David Harris, Jean Healy, Pauline Koeff, Mary Koeff, William Koeff, Walter King, Floy Peters, Frances Pollitt, Ethel Riley, Horace Tidman, Har- old Wilson, Charles Wright, Arthur Wehman. Second Chapman, to Hilda | Eth George >olting, 'lark, Philip Goff, to Junior 11I--Frank Hareld Salsbury Percy Boneham, Henry Lyons, Laura Wil- son, Vera Campbell, Emma Bristow, Henry Orser, Reta Hughes, Harrison Pogue, Melville Boyd, Ernest Bren- nan, Gladys Redmond, Maud Burteh, | Robert Saunders, Charlie Stanlake, Fred Burns, Joseph Tanner, Nor- man Mitchell, Filbert Dine, Ceecfl Robinson, Mary Maxam, Edwin- Ormston, Fred Bonny, Mabel Soles, | Jennie Pollitt, Arthur Peters Eva | Feennell, Laura Hubble, Lillian Ar- niel, Ina-Couling, Hubert Henry Samuel Conley, Muriel Purdy, Har- old Powers. Honor Certificatés--Lillian Ar- niel, Maud Burtch, Fred Bonny, Fred Burns, Samuel Conley, Henry Orser, Re Hughes, Charlie Purdy, Laura Wilgbn, Celia Woods Senior I to second--Arthur Schultz, Doris Coward, Mellville MeQuay, equal;. Ethel McMahon, Wallace Reid, equal; Robt. Gunn, Aneta Me- Mabon, Gertrude 'Tolhurst," Doris] Bonham, Willie Spooner, Pearl Cas-| sell, Andrew Bennett, Alex. McMah-| on, equal; Agnes Savage, Marjorie Campbell, Emily Gough, Mildred Janeway, Benjamin Karl, Mildred Downey, Laura Peters, Doriz Bear- ance, Frank Smith, Thomas Crosier. | Thelma Haffner, Alice Godwin, Al- bert Dixon, Ernest Milliard, George Poffley.. Victor Tidmah, Herbert | Armstrong, Bertha Couling, Hugh! Sumiith, Amy Tidman, Jessie Davy, | Arthur Smith, Alex, McGregor. i Horon Certificates -- Ethel Mahon, Aneta McMahon, Melville! McQuay, Ernest Millard, Agnes| Savage, Pearl Cassell, Thomas Crosi" er, William Spooner. Me- | Judge Alton B. Parker, named as | the temporary chairman of the demo-| cratic national commitiee by a sun- | committee af the national cominittee, | will refase to step aside in. order to placate Bryan. A lot of times sympathy relaxes the | Moment it gets in comflict with the! pocketbook : a man's conscience troubles him be thinks he has indigestion. PAGE THI. pd mu---- Turente, Out, Juse 24ih, 19 am. Otiawa Valley dnd Upper St, Lawren Ligh! Winds and decidedly warm to day and Teesduy. SUMMER COOLNESS We have some voi attractive wash materials--smart in design and fast of color, Some daintily bordered French Voiles at 45¢ and 60¢, Plain colors, 35¢ up, FLORAL DIMITIES. In pretty leaf and Floral designs. Special value at 25 ba COLORED MUSLINS. A large showing from 123c to 60c. LINEN SUITINGS. I'wo very special qualities --natural colors extra widths--25¢ and 60¢. r s ; . 2 W hipcord and diagonal Linens --many eolors. 40c to THe. We also have for your Mulls and Foulards in extremely small prices, choosing Poplins, charming patterns at TEACY'S :inorons or " SATISFACTION § nw eqs an 5 sw CUSHION SHOES For Men and Women Shoe You can't be Walking is a Reed's Cushion Shoes, SOLD ONLY BY REID & CHAR tet Sb -- Easiest Farth. happy if your feet ache, pleasure in Dr. on LES nef anf ms - - ee ' - LABATT'S STOUT * The very best for use in ill-health und convalescence F Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America - ' at World's Fair, 1803 PURE--SOUND--~ WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED," LONDON. CANADA a. LADIES' | | i | i eevee "THE QUEEN MILLINERY Think this over! s there any beverage that CoRR] XN, ii 0 LIPTON'S TEA GOES FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY -- A Marvelous Value . of TRIMMED HATS --------eee POR ($3.00 - - Saturday - - $3.00 "To-morrow about reduced to ; The Hats in taflbred Bemi-Dress Hats in dark and light cotorings White Felt Out ng Hats In all newest shapes Panamas from £3.00 to $12.00. . TAWELL'NGTO N vw 100 Hats, formerly $6.00 to $9 50, will be effects, Dress and $3.00 STREET § rovveovverreieeeiew.