Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1912, p. 1

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YEAR 79-NO. 149 BRYAN WAS REJECTED AFTER A RIOTOUS CLASH Underwood and Clark Lead in Nomination Race, TAMMANY WILL SHASH BRYANISM ASUNDER, Is PORT FROM BALTIMORE. ---- Champ Clark is at Present the Favorite of Tammany, But "The Tiger" May Change its Support to Anether if it Sees Fit. Baltimore, Md., June 26. William Jennings Bryan met defest at the hands of the democratic national con- vention yesterday, and in the opinion of maoy purty leaders here, eliminated himuelf from - the race for the presi dential nomirnaton. : > I'he vote hy which Former 'Judge Alton B. Parker, of New York, was clected temporary chairman over Me. Bryan, 579 to 510, was interpreted in many ways, The Champ Clark adherents are openly claiming the ndmination, and tere were many at the convention who were inclined to agree that it would either Ho Speaker Clark or » "dark horse." Talk of Mr, Bryan has not by any means. Some of his friends claim that the vote was no test; that many of his most ardent suppor. ters were compelled by circumstances to vote against him as temporary chairman. 3 They' claimed om the other hand that the vate of 510 given to Mr. Hryan indicated that he held a "veto" RE- oased . . 3 CHARLES H. GRAVES, United States Minist or Sweden, v BUT ONLY IN POINT OF LAND| " AREA. Lo The Revised Figures of the Terri. tory Added to the Three Tro- vinces. Ottawa, June 26 --The revised area figures of the three .recently extended provinces of Manitoba, On- tario and Quebec have just been made public from the Lands Branch of the Department of the Inferior, puwer in the convention which put im in a pasilion of dominance as td whom should be nominated | Many of Speaker Clark's ddegntes + ofjenly threw their support to the! anti-Bryan forces. This was regarded | as opening a breach between the speaker and the former nominee which | may cause the Bryan supporters to make & bitter fight on Clark, Taken fro another angle, the vole of many of the Clark adherents Jufige Parker was interpreted as dispinct bid for the support of rvative element in the J it may be fin colder viitive element od; ie itieally pated to ae prepare { tal or pregressive candi They" feaskly admit © that to so-called re sO for a the ! * conven- ening the hand of Col, Theodore Ropsevelt in hig organizap®n of a third party." This the leaders are ious to avoid, The democratic leaders appear genu- anxious to strike a winning com» " binption, They say they are willing egognize and defer to the progres elements in the party aud the pro- sive spirit of the time. He most of the Underwood states said tobe against Mr. Bryan on almpst any proposition. Certain it was| that most of these wtutes--located the south--voted against Mr ose who argue against the possi of Mp. Mivan boing named de clard that he had his way in the con vention and failed to stampede it. Mr. Bry frequency was interrupted in his temarks and it was regarded as doubtful, last night whether he would get another hearing on any issue in volving himsell. Tammany Hall vs. Bryan. Baltimore, Md., June 26.-- The strug gle fog the demooratic nomination was developing decidedly, this morn: ing into a fhe between the famous Tammany Hall and William Jennings Bryan: was no doubt about this a4 the convention resumed to day. (It was quite evident that the nominde for the presidemcy, like its temporacy rw could be prac tically dictated by the Murphy-Sulli- van-Taghgert ination. Tammany controld gathering, just as the uelched all opposi- .yigorous and are. as follows: Manitoba, pre- vious to the act of "1912 land, 64,327 square miles; water, 9,405 square miles; total, 73,732 square miles; addition by act of 1912, land and water, 178,100 square miles Pre- sent total area of Manitoba, 251,832 square miles. Ontario, previous to the act of 1912, land, 220,508 square miles; total, 260,852 square miles; added by act of 1912, land and water, 146,000 square miles; present total area of Ontario, 407,- 25 2.square miles. Quebec, previous th the.act of 1912, Jand, 341,76 square miles; total, 351,893 square miles; addition by the act of 1912, land and water, 354.9681 'square miles; present total area of Quebec, 706.834 square miles. The area of Saskatchewan is 250, 650 sire miles; of Alborta 540 square miles, and of British Co- | lumbia 357,600 square miles. Pending further surveys, no defi- nite figures are available in the De- partment as to water area in the added districts.. It is, however, com- paratively small, totalling in Ungava approximately some 6,000 square miles, and in the parts of Keewatin added to Ontario and Manitoba, ap- proximately 12,000 square 'miles. Quebec now leads all the other pro- vinces in area by about 300,000 square miles. Ontario ranks second in area, with British Columbia third, Manitoba fourth, Alberta fifth, Sas- katchewan Sixth, New Brunswick seventh, Nova Scotia eighth, and Prince Edward Island ninth. -------- \ BISHOP IS CHARGED With Misappropriation of Funds--A\ Strange Case. June 26.-- Arising out of the weparation of church and stale, a law suit in which Mgr. Castallan, bishop of Digne, in the Basses Alpes depart- ment, 'the Abbe Barboroux, viear-gen- eral, and a third person are implicat- ed, came before the Digne court. The ecciesiastics are charged with the mis appropriation of "£36,000 The affakr 15 a most complicated one. The judic- ial inguiry lasted three vehrs, "Accord: ing to the agcusaticn, beforp the sep- aration law was passed the then bish- op of ;Digne, Mgr. Hazera," who died a few years ago,' fearing that the state would * confiscate derthifi church properties belonging . to his digeese, vepresenied by "bonds "worth £32,000, placed them in a certain bank. Since then the fortune, according to the pro- secution, passedinta' the hands of 'his Paris, that turned the majority sdecessor, Mgr. Castallan. i yesterday, and Bryan's chances "be no better to-day or any day 'the convention, if Tam: many can Relps ii 2 s Jor the Bement. nouipee, Champ rk 'seems to be many's favorite n po one knows which political tiger may it, except that it will asunder i in.any 'hope is in'a division between Champ Guelph, {1inch, 'has a small fd of a Before the tribunal, Mgr. Castallan declared, in effect, "that he has had the fortune in his hands, - It shad been dt 16 the church to be devoted to religious werk; and if he had permit- ted the government to take charge of it he would have been betraying the interest of his flock. "These funds," declared the bishop, 'I received. Since j fice here, was arrested to-day charged | with abstracting money from register- | Why plating a bomb in front of an al- i + ROB REGISTERED LETTERS. Ogdensburg Clerk Caught in the Act, J Ogdenspurg, N.Y., June 26.--Robert S. Algie, 'a mail clerk in the post of ed letters. It is alleged that while he was working over the midnight mail on Sunday he opened a registered lot- ter from the. postmaster st South Colton to the postmaster at Opdens- burg and abstrgeted $155. Algie was surprised by an 'unexpected visit of! Postmaster Teonard, who found seve ral registered letters lying open upon the work table. The exact amount missing is not known, but. Algie, aec- cording to the authorities, told where he had secreted outside of the build- ing several hundred dollars, which was recovered. Algie was arraigned before the Uni ted States commissioner and waived examination. He was held in $2,000 bail for the federal grand jury at Au- burn in October. He is twenty-eight years of age and a member of a pro- minent family. TONG WAR IN. NEW YORK. -- Chinese Use Dynamite Against Their Rivals. New York, June 26. --~Dynamite was uses for, the first time in the history of local Chinese: hostilities, when an attempt was made to destroy the headquarters of the On Leong Tong, 'a four-storey building on Molt street, tar in a meeting room on the top floor. No one was injured. The explos- ion blew a jagged hole in the floor, shattered = windows and ornaments- and studded the walls with nails and iron fragments with which the bomb was loaded. A Chinese god, 5,000 years oly according to Celestials, whieh stood on the altar, overturned and damaged, and offerings to the idol were scattyred about the floor. "The On leong's and the police are looking for the culprit. Earlier in the evening in a nearby resort, Wong Wong, member of the Hip Sing Tong, shot and dangerously wounded. Chinese were atrested. PEOPLE AT ST. REGIS ARE LIVING IN DREAD Of Indian Girl Who, They Say, Has Evil Eye and Kills Stock. Cornwall, June 26.--'Iense excitemont prevails at the little Indian village of at. Regis, where the people are living in horrible" dread inspired, By. the ac- eusations levelled against lola Razon, a pative girl of fifteen; who is béliev. ed to posstss an evil eve and to whose powers of witehiery are attribu- séd the madness of dogs and death of live stock. The Indians declare that lola is "black witch' and that wherever she appears chilgren get sick, dogs 'run mad, animals die and that their lives have been nrade hideous, The' medicine men have been to depose the evil spirit. The tell their' children to shun the girl," and warnings have been not to let her shadow member of the tribe nor horses, cattle or hogs. The chiets deerded in council that the girl must leave the tribe at once, and she has gone to Lluzerns Mountain, where an uncle 18 engaged in basvet- making, lola is described as a bright, pretty girl, who cherishes ambitions of becoming a teacher of her tribe. It is believed that a few clever tricks performed by her mt a school enter- tatinment have given rise to the su- perstitious fear which stalks abroad. was a was Nix n unable Squaws "witch given fall on any on thew BRITAIN'S NAVAL STRENGTH p-- Is What Prevents Germany Making War. Port Arthur, Ont, June 26.--That Great Britain's naval strength is the only factor which prevents war be tween, Germany and Great Britain was the statement made here by James Vickers, of the firm which makes many of Britain's Dreadnoughts and much of hor heavy ordnance. This was cou plid with the declaration that rela. tion: between the (wo countries are undoubtedly strained, and no® better thin represented in British despatches. The Vickers company has two Dread- noughts on the stocks for Great Bri tain. now. Mr. Vickers thought that war wolld never be while England maintained her present poliey of two-power strepgth. ' Mr. Vickers ie here. with the British manufacturers. The visitors were delighted with the trip about the city. STATE AID FOR WIDOWS ing to the wish of those who money to the church® ------------ FEAR SPREAD 'OF PLAGUE. Danish West Indies Taking Precau- : tions. : St. Thomas, DW.L, June 26.--The strictest precautions have been taken here against the introduction of bu- bonic plage from Porto Kico. A rigor. ous quarantine has been established, and the sanitary authorities have une dertaken a thorough cleansing of the against then I have dealt with them left the une 26. John Eilis, Pus- fall wheat on NEEDED <5 NE00 I NI 1. J. Kelso Also Wants Better Pro- tection Toronto, June 26.--J. J. Kelso, ES Se Thiel Togs dren, calls for more stringent legisla tion for the proteetion of wives and children nd' fathers seek outside employment and ve the children uncatred for. Seg ationof the foals minded children \ - Molice Exchange Shots With 44 rupted by & specin intensity of the light. The blind "- LATEST TIDINGS Distant Places. THE WORLD'S EPISOD GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everyhody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything -Easily Read and Re- membered. Kenneth Lee, who was accidentally shot while protecung himself . from assault by three men, named at his home in Port Williams, died at the Halifax infirmary, Careful. checking up of the known dead and missng, placing the total number of viotims of the Lagle Park wharf disaster, near Buffalo, N.Y. Sunday night, 'at thirty-nine. The federal government has acquired the property owned hy jor W.'T. Rodden, at Dorval, . Mun- treal, for FI80,000; On this pro- perty will be built a military school. . Fhe second fatality in the Grand Prix auto race, at Dieppe, France, was a wheel flving off an Linglish entry recorded when it became known that killed a spectator at one of the urns. 3 Fiank Manton, the Russian, shot Policeman Marshall, was tured near Blackwell, Ont., after desperate struggle with Provincial De tective Acton. and 'Oflicers Daws Crosby, of Sarnia. The federal government of + New South Wales has purchased a quantity of wireless apparatus for the tablishment of stations at Melbourne, Brishave, Adelaide, Hobart, Port Moresby and Thursday Island Angered becaus: his bride of five webks had feft him and was endeav- oring to skcure a divorce, . Henry . F Perrin, a fur cutter, miet her as she was going to work in a mill, at Providence, R.l., and shot and killed her, : The officials of the New Drunswick, N.J., Cigar company closed down their plant for a month to afford their 2,500 employees an opportunity, they say, to "think éver" the de mands for an increase of one-third in wages / : Baroness de Reinach Werth, whose maiden name. was Jane: Morgan Hill, of 'WaslSngton, where she was mar- ried on Deg. 6th last, committed sui- cide on June 21st, by jumping from the window of a nursing home near Regent's Park, London. A PLOT TO BLOW UP THE AUSTRIAN HEIR Scheme is Reported Revealed by a Drunken Peasant---Priest Implicated. Vienna, June 26.--A plot to biow the Archduke Joseph Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, while touring in the Alpine automobile competition, has heen revealed by an ltalian peas- ant named Ipavie while drink. Ipavic says that an Italian priest named Cantinaro gave him one hun dred dollars for promising to throw a shrapnel bomb into the archduke's ear. The police, arrested both = the priest and the peasant, and found the shrapnel in Ipavic's house, near Gor- ive. Graves, N.S, finally Ma- who cap- and os up DUEL IN NEW YORK. Flee- ing Robbers. New York, June 26.- Thirty shots were exchanged between police, detec- tives and four alleged robbers on lower Broadway, as the latter were making off in an automobile with 310, 000. worth of feathers and plimes taken from the, African Feather com pany bmlding. No was wounded in the fusilade, but the detectives sue- ceeder] in halting the automobile front of Grace church and placing four men under arvest, The police had received advance formation that an attempt was to made to rob the feather store and detectives who were stationed in vicinity shortly alter madnight dis- covered the men leaving the building with suit cases aod "bundles. It was discovered afterwards that entrance had been "effected boldly by the use of dynamite mn blowing a hole through the wall of the adjoining bmilding. "In police cour, 'to-day, the prisoners were held without bail. one in the in- be BLIND MAY "HEAR" LIGHT By Means of the Optophone--The Latest Wonder, Mgndon, June 261k Fournim d Albe, a lecturer on. physies at Bir minghany University, will demonstrate, to-day, at the optical convention at South. hensington, an instrument called {he optophone, which i design: ped to 'enable those who are totally blind to Iovate and. estimate light by means of the ear. The justrument is based on the property of selenium of changing its "resistande when it Is il lyminated. This change is made to cause a current which, when inter vw inl contrivance "and transmitted throngh telephone receiv: ers fitted to head, gives an audi ble sound var in fowdricss with the are] enabled to locate lamps in windows and other high lights and. to trace outlines large, well defined ob makes 1 rument Despatches From Near and uy British KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912, WAS OUT OF POLITICS. Charges of Partizanship Against Tweed Postmaster Not Proved. June 6. --Fniday ucliuded nto charges of poli hip made against the postiiaster. The the day € compiete ation tical parti James slires refuta : the trivial muaner in which the proseeation strove to hide its failure, and ihe. new tight shed upon the origin of the mvestiga- tion. ? I Murphy, of tion of the cha 1he ve. All ¢harges of political partizan were completely refuted; witness, 'men on ties, who mately for that | np Witness after both sides of poli have known Murphy inti- the last ten years, swore to their knowledge he had taken no part-in polities, had attended no meetings of liberal workers, had be longed to no party erganization, had made no contribution to liberal funds, had not, so far as they could vemem- ber, even discussed political questions, and, as far as amy polities man could he, was "out of A RIOT AT LOS ANGELES When Mexican Revolutionary Lead. ers Were Sentenced. Angeles, June 26-8 riot curred: at lav when i prisen Los oc the federal building vester- sentences of eleven months were tmposed upon Ricar- lo Florez Magop, Neirque Magon, Anselmo - Figueroa and Librado Ri- vera, Mexican revolutionary leadels, ednvicted last week 'of having violated the American neutrality laws. Une hundred sympathizers attacked the police. Several fierce sireet women were injured fight that followed in A large number of were made. BRYAN WON HIS POINT BY mn a the arrests HIS MOTION WAS CARRIED COMMITTEE Tin Chosen That No Platform be Adopted After a Candidate Permanent Chairman of Bryan, is is a Friend Md., June 26.----W J Bryan scored in the opening hours of the convention, to-day. In the resolu tions committee he moved that platform be not adopted till after a i candidate chosen, and this was carried by a vote of 41 to 11. In the opinion of his friends, this gives Bryan an immense advantage. Senator Ollie Jamas, of Kentucky, was unanimously named for-the permanent chairman of the convention. He is a good friend of Bryaw. The convention was opened at noon, but, bevond listening to a flow of spread-eagle oratory, it is not like lv that much will be done, as the cre dentials' committee is not likely report till late to-day PAID VISIT TO KINGSTON. Baltimore, was to Watertown and Jefferson County Officials on Holiday Jaunt. Wednesday afternoon from Watertown and otheaals, the oceasion jot outing of the officials, and their Lawrence river. In city super ollicials their Kingston on had a brief visit Jefferson county the first and county to the! St, vears, the county dnnual picnics respectively, being City friends former officials, visors and held The visitors had a special train from Watertown to Uape Vincent, there boarded the steamer Islander for the trip to kingston They arnved , here about two o'clock, and stayed for half an hour. Mayor F. M. llugo, a former hing- stonidn, headed the parade, which was formed immediately upon arrival of the visflors here. . [he party had the Watertown brass band with them, also a "Rube" band, and made things lively during their short stay in the city. Nearly everydne earried a small colared parasol, and everyone had a noise-making device of some kind. Mayor Hoag was in Uttawa and was, therefore, unable to tender the official welcome, hut the members of the counail hand to take his piace, and they were at the wharf to give the American visitors the glad: hand. The visitoss return home, to-night, but a big programme was arranged for them down the river, where they will be the guests of Georre CU. Boldt, at Alexandra Bay. City Ulerk Fred- erick W. Streeter, of Watertown, N.Y., and I'housand several of were on the | was in aetive charge of the entire pro the ! gramme. There were about two hun- dred people i». The party. A deputation of the visitors waited upon United States Consul) Johnson, during their stay here and were given a very warm welcome. Just as the boat was pulling out, a map came running down to the wharf, only to find shat he had missed his boat. The captain was given orders to stop and he did so, and the wan Went out in a vawl boat, with Capt. C. Darean in charge, to the steamer, which stood still in the harbor GRAND LADIES SOLD * FLOWERS IN STREETS In Honor of Queen Alexandra's Bay, For Benefit of Hospitals and Homes. London, Eng., June 26.--This was Queen Alexandra's day bere and thou. sands of women' dressed in white, in- cluding several duchesses and - others high in society, sold Sowers on the street for the benelit of hospitals and alescent homes. The queen moth. Eo originated the idea, drove throiigh the streets encouraging the sellers grent corps of flower At Porcupine Take Peter Bite, sur or, was drowned. 5 Who Leaves With Three of His Ministers. DELAY "IS EXPECTED ON THE TROUBLESOME ADIAN NAVY "CAN- ISSUE, The First Issue to be Settled is That of Antonomy---Government! Wants a Greater Voice in Imperial Coun: cls, Ottawa, June 26 The and thiee of his ministers, Hon Messrs: Hazen, minis er of mari and gpaval affairs; Donerty, minister of justice; and Pelletier, postmaster- general, left the capital Tuesday afternoon f England on their im perial mission. Thev expect to be absent about two months With five Canadian ministers London, including Hen. George Foster, who is already there, the government of Canada for the time being, so far as the setl'ement the larger issues of state is concern ed; will be transferred to the ims perial capital Hon. George FP Perley, the acting prime minister, and a bare cabinet council quorum of ministets who will remain in the capital for the summer months, wi'l practically attend to only the rou- tine business departmental ad- ministration Of most importance among questions to" be considered. by Canadian tainisters In Léndon is, of course, 'the problem of Canada's co-! operation in imperial naval defence. And 'in this connection the pre- mier and his colleagues, is said, are starting out with the intention of dealing, in the conference witn. the imperial authorities, only with the "broad lines" und the "funda mental basis" of the whole problem, 80 that a '"'carefully matured plan may be evolved later It is learned that there is no expectation of evoly- ing any detailed plan this summer either Tor the cFeation of a Canadian navy or for direct contribution Canada of war vedsels to the perial fleet, The first ic ue (2 be settled is the question of autonomy. The govern- ment Is practically committed to do- manding, as a permanent basis for the dominiou's co-operation in im perial naval defence, representation on an imperial council touching the issues of war or peace affecting the welfare of the empire as a whole Premier Borden has explicitery stated his belief in the feasibili and necessity for the dominions, hey are to enter upon a system naval defence, of "having a greater! voice in the councils the empire than they have had in past years Hon. Mr. Doherty, who will with the premier and Hon Mr, Haz- en in direct conference with the Ad premier or ah i» K of of the the it } by im- if of oe big ------ LAST EDITION THE IMPERIAL MISSION OF CANADA'S PREMIER PREMIER Ji. L. BORDEN LYNCHED NEGRC WOMAN Who Killed the Wife Planter. . June 206 of a Georgia Atlanta, the Killed Gan woman Ri. E. planter ik fate Ann Boston, stabbed and Tordiun, wife of. 4 at Pinehurst, Ga. taken from officers mob, was lynched negro who Myps pronihént and who at Uo Ww rdele, by .a early vesterday After morning the from officers, members of the mob put her mn automobile and set out for Pinehurst. Reaching there, according to 4 he , the woman was hang- ed on a taking Woman the at message tree I------ 1 Bogth Will Tour. 26 Knows he Gerer London i June Lieneral B imcurably h, although he rete Oot is now blind, of touring shortly ted, to-day, his inténtion Canada sud the United State Friday for Ogdensburg. Fhotisand returning lea Se Sty Idander, S30 amg { pm. Home early, Sma The wark on the new road on Bar- rie being rushed Already there over a block of the cement laid, and of the weather Keeps. fine it will not take the men! long to lay. the reat, of it. & Mrs. Nichblas Vanalstyne, Napanee, spending the week in Ringstom, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joseph J, Back, Upoer William street, and other Inends, * street has curbing been K( Montreal, be- owes superiod court judge of Quebec, Zinvetta, was in at Wednesday. Campbell Lane, I'he fine vacht, Swit = whart 1 Mig Rednervi vw widow, died at Monday ixty cents the peck at corner BA ii RN, d miralty, savs The condition pr vedent to our undertaking to parti pate in the naval defence pire is that we should given an effective voice in the governing and determining of the foreign relations of the empire The same principle tically asserted by most of the other ministers It would, therefore, a): pear that this larger principle must first settle expect any ve the part of the establis navy or of be the em- has been prac- he before Canada « tangible effort ernment towards nent of a Canadian towards direct contribution RUSHED INTO PRESENCE | OF KING AND QUEEN A Welsh Suffragette Expostulated | With Their Majesties in Car- diff Cathedral. Wales, June 26.-Apn un iragette pushed into the pre sfice of the king and queen while thes sere visiting the cathedral here t day, and denounced all the anthoritis thr their tr in prison, i take seized an on Cardiff, Ynown suff ment of the suffragettes demanding that their action in the matter by guards and taken jail, where she now awaits majest eg She to a local trial was BRYAN REFUSED TO ACCEPT The Chairmanship of the Resolation Committee, Baltimore, Md., June 26.-W. J} Bryar this morning refused to accept the chairmanship of the resolutioms commitiee, by which the conservative ) democrats hoped to swing Nebraska into line. Bryan told them that he feared the committee had been pack. ed against him. He wanted to he froe to appeal direct to the people of the United States, Thousand Islander For Ogdensburg, Returning leaves Meals, on board, Friday, S30 am Ogdensburg 4 pom * Sunday schon} teachers "will be held in St. George's hall to-morrow. at p.m and pam. Rev. BR. A" Hiltz, general secre tary of 8° KJ commission cof the Church of England of Canada. will be present. © All teachers are sarmest ly imvited to atfend. tt will "be ansouneed moa few dave whether the street railway company will run Sunday ears this sumpaer. A conférence of 3 = Strawberries, Mh, Carsoviky's, Boni o MARRIED brught=n gf M Lo. Wkillam, P, DIED. i the residence Le (Mrs i Muscatine, lows, of, his «Ranking John Porter, f srat "Hi Fur take¥ place fodr ov Thiireday ock , ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone B77. 230 Princess Street. The Old Firm of Usdertakers, 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET, "Phouve 147 for Ambulance. * TAKE NOTICE, A $22: Open Buffet. in oak. practical HY for? $12; aise a 330 Brass Bed for $26. a1 Turk's Phone 708 We Carry a Full Line of Almond Cream. Bay Ram. Old Brown Windsor, Jas. Redden & Co.

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