"The .only Canadian Company whose Policies have doubled through profits. Figures how a policy will shape for You cessfully given by 3 0, HuTrox, 15 Market Street. Boys Gara, Now er C What ae We to Offer? i 4st. Buliding practically fire- proof, 2nd. Special care of your car. 8rd. Services of a licensed i © chaktieur. #th. Modernte charges. ' We expect to have Agency for the best "in the business. Gasoline for Sale. F. A BIBBY - 129 Brock St. the Selected from the Celebrated Richmond Nu, 4 aud Ontasie No: 1 Mines, the best Antardcite. Coal mined in Pennsylvania, » Place your next order with North End Ontaric Street, 'Phone 155. For. Potatoes start the plants in- to vigorous growth P. Walsh 88.57 BARRACK STREET. Sealed tight at the Refinery, and first opened in your Pantry, this new 5--Pound Carton brings yout Canada's finest sugar, Extra Granule in its absolute x . Eachcarton contains 5 pounds full weight of sugar. Ask your Grocer for it, Canads Sugar Reflatng On, Limited, Montreal. FRESH ARRIVAL Ganong's Chocolates . The Finest in the City. * 'BO cents per pound JA J. REES 166 Princess 8t. - Phone 58 | Symington's Packet Soups and Gravies Get Them at D, COUPER'S Tse RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Cures Toothache Rub the gums with the Rellef, If therels acays ity in the tooth, plug it with cotton that has been steeped in the Relief undiluted.' Six Radway's Regulators, in many cases, is a cure. Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 1§ Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpens ter line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work: also Hardwood Floors of all kinds All orders will receive prompt attentiun Shop, 40 Queen Street. SYA ES TrueVanilla \ ) Imagine how much more delicious cakes taste when flavored with real vanilla extract. You cen make certain of using real extract of J Vanilla beans by buying Tubgsten Lamps, for sig- nal lights - B0c. eac Best Spark Plugs made . - . $1.00 Columbia Ignitors '- - » 26c¢. each JU, We state Multiple Batteries $6.00 Storage Batteries $10.00 Best place in the City for Motor Boat: supplies and repairs. We are pleased to anpounce that the Mazda , Wiredrawn Filamens Tungsten Lamp is the most durable. and efficient of any vet that the M arable, test on. the market. Burns { 1-4 watts per. candle power. » Let us pat Store at once and sav» | the same parts chose each his | make 'room for 3 furni {for there ia not Wi | tomed to work. When = | quite small their services. | to take dare | | some su have games toge jed school Wire-| i en Lamp fia]. and e are 'the exclusive agents In| them into yor Nome ¥ -------- : THEY ARE SLOW MOVING CUT INDUSTRIOUS FARMERS. The Farms of the Incoming Scanel. navians From the Western Stites Are Not So Trim as Those of Their Beltish Neighigors But Steady Prov gress Is Being Made--The Children Prefer School to Holidays. Along "one of the rivers of Central Al tere is a stretch of ecusniey which 'was opened 'up about siz yea ago; Some of the homestea re then. taken up by Norwegiams Hom the western States. Others of theie ccunirymen who followed them tC section as near om as 1 80 that a liftle seftiement was fo says Marjory Banwell in Topsie Globe. ' £ The prairie ab this part is rélling and dotted with bluffs (the western for clumps of trees). and a winding creek runs ito the wiver iM Many of the Norwegians' faring sre therefore very prettily Those parts of them under culfivation look: promising, and every yedr & new portion is broken. For this work they. generally. use oxen, as do most of the settlers. 18 ia' therefore a slow pro- gags. Although dxen are betfer than rses to draw the plow for Bréaking fnew land, they are me in centives t) the use of strong y A ian may be originally most exemd +" plary in his choice of words, but af- ter sitting behind oxen for a few fan rows become very fluent in expletives. Ore goud Seoteh lady .io this neigh. borhocd had to shut the window ane A dny. so forcible was the hired man's language to his oxen. Had she em. ore g Norwegian she would have | none the wiser, whatever the nafure of his expressions. The Norwegians use oxen mot only for working on the farm, but also for driving into town. This journey, be. ing 'a ten-mile one, means a many hours on the road. Buy'it muss give. good oppertunities for esercising the mind. 1 a Scandinavian Robart Burns were to arise here, whet play could he not give his genius dur- ing those long ploddings to and fro! Fhe Norweigans arc rather slow in their own movements, if they are to be judged by the appearance; of their farms. The fields of wheat, or 'cats, cr fix, as the case may be, ldok very well as a rule, but the same cannot be said of the buildings and their surroundings; and yet they have a good model before them. On their borders is living a Scotchman, who has his homestead in perfect order. All is well arranged and Sompach and is kept scrupulously neat. If is a pleasure tn look at it. The Nor- wegians do turn their eyes upon it admiringly and wistfully, but their own homesteads in many ways give no evidence of any attempt at imi. tation. The buildings have been run up anywhere, and in themselves are untidy-looking. The houses are spme- times not evén of lomber; quite as often being of logs or sod, like the stables and sheds. Of course the cannot help the quality of thejr build: ing material--they use the best they can afford, and the heart to ma neat, For them to have order and neatness indoors must Le almost impossible, the houses are so small, and the fami. lies so large. Indeed, there niust be a good deal of ingenuity exercised to Tyone, However, is. but little space, of ih Jertap they have not e their surroundings ture oocupi IW | eccus- y are still are needed the chickens or for such task. ey. have little houses. are too far apart come back and forth and ther. The one oppor. tunity that any of them has for see. ing other children and. having some amusement is going to school. The have an enthusisem for school whic is pleasant to see." It is such a con. trast to the ordinary indifferent or rebellious . attitude towards lessons. But. these like instruction. better, pee haps, because they have only six or eight months of it in the year. To them school time stands for holiday time, and the holidays are certainly not what is usually understood by the word. The anneuncement of a holis day, therefore, is not received with pleasure. On one oceasion only in their school a feeble cheer gree words : that was because the hero of the class, a boy quite normal in his atti tude towards lessons (having attend regularly for several years), led the demanstration. The The children eatly to ay. or them to 3 Patehts, rathied than the ehildren, $81 t by these school holidays, get more assistance at hows. "Hollow days' they are called by some of the little. Norwegians, who consider them so-called because they are "hollow" of - gC ade One boy writes «f his holidays: "Two weeks Nollow-days. first week pape brok and. picked ub stones, Hive second: week it velned except Saterday, and 1 went er Nearly aif the Norweigan and girls are clever at ther -- and EH of i ne ho "No sehoul to-morrow," and | + ---- Jap Dowd Not See Why He Thould Get More Than Thirty Cents, A" tiveling salesman has many strange sdventlires in the small towns of Western Canadas, but it is' seldom i that he has difficnity in havifig his bills pest. Rb ree in giv. ing; away any of his. hardearced aney. : certain r-the fruth of this ope, declaring Het it happeted to him in no less place than Moose Jaw. : > + He was delained with a custome "until after eleven o'@ock one cold night, and in order to finish .in time for dinper., The dining-room of his hotel bad beef closed for hours, so there. was of a mea: there. Dethinking himself of a dingy iittle lunch.coupt: er near the depot it like a woll op the fold. He found it open, bub deserted ex« cept for a diminutive Jap in a white apeon. After consuming. » plate of . and' he waited a expecting the waiter to shuffle up Wearing. tha expression 'which is the sams the world over, and says plain. er. than words, well, you have eaten ~NOW PAY. Several moments passed and still tion, so he called, check, waiter." ns worthy. Jooked perplexed, Ju to rummaging in a battered desk' a a ng 1A lat) pad of blank er, "Not that kind of a cheek. meal ¢ much do I owe you?" oo "Scuse po iy Prod TE WaYyiare ree into the outstretched band and ssid A "That's for you, my hoy." A pussled impassive yellow face as he returned for ham sod patron's gravity. Heré wes s man, money forced upom hi As be put on his coat he id that the thirty cents wag for the boss and the extra ten cents far the waiter to show that he was pleased with him. Chancing to look back after the door had closed upon him he saw the waiter and a white-capped oaok doubled up 'with laughter. On en- guiring us the hotel he discovered at Jap was the proprietor of the establishment, - Zo Manitoba Needs Hens. The ltry industty of the Pro. vince of Manitoba is as yet in its in- fancy. The demand fer information on all lines of poultry culture, the rapid growth snd expansion of our markets, and the steady awakening of our farmers to the need of betfer poultry and more of it are indica. tions of the unlimited possibilities for, the future develo of the in. dustry, says Mr. M, C. Hemer of the Manitoba Agiewiunl College, in, a recent bulletin. When we consider the great waste of grain toba farms, ang farmer haf to convert poultry and A sider 1 the un) i fod maghet: Jemahd or these pou products st very: door, then' we begin to realize the immense possibilities of the indusiry for developing into a distinct apd profitable ranch of western fazming. n sore of the countries where the induswey has reached its highest state of development the difficulties were at first far greater and more éx- treme than those present by the cdn- ditions in the Provinee of Mani We. need here, where the demand for pouljry and oa is unlimited, compared to some the markets of other cogn- tries which had to be developed first, Our, markets are st the present time supplied with pouty and eggs, a large, perven of wi are prodas ed © of [rorinee. Were this, ion turned over to the Mani. tobs farmers we ¢kn readily s+ what effect it would have om the indusiry our Mapi- branch of western agriculture, sed jit ie SEF 2 ; : : 3 ¥ skg fi 7 i 5 58 0 23 i I lar salesman vouches| to catch bis brain he had not stopped! he descended upon | ink Chaska of a local hank : "No, no!" cried the amazed travels |' I want to pay--how al as he followed them with a fourth, | look crossed the Jap's hastlly : the coin, saying, in broken | lish, that thirty cents all Eng uh y was to : - invidiously, the only to refer to the markets. |' and its importance as a distinet | : addition | wi will; be bre : calls on a girl she TTT AN LONER Suburb of Quebec: Ts Oi of Canada's Historic Spots. Kine miles from' Quebec "City, 'on John Railway, is the fllage of Indian Lopetls, near Lotefte Falls, wivich even: the Falls of Moentmorepci" But, -{ourist will postpone seeing the a ihe or th Yadvan Things. A i is Ee Enelion. That iu: the old Indian chapel. = | a is ald chapel is a perfect i gallery of interest. It has fe quai character of a museum comb with, the charm of & sapotuary where still the picturesq ants. of the once' famous Durem gather to wor BAERS hE Mace apel ia. the same mode] and di-, Aoi we) l:k apel, moments! 4 the Jap made no mave in his direc |i gy J i "Let me have al at was almost too Ee his, old who did not understand what a tip.| i; was, and who actually had to have| visite. apy of the bec City, must surely visit Indian Lorette. Canadian Cour- jer. English. Peogie and Canada, In, his seport. on, immigration, Mr. sch Hamhes aay that considera- tion e gues migrants Tom the. British. islands : ; be an inflexible that only y y. mind and ~ must be allowed. to enter This." he Sontited, i v recognition, 8 fac -_ ing. very broadly and not g/ish. people have.the most te learn and unlearn in the way of adapting themselves to Canadian. conditions. "The pres .unpopularity of the English. in need .nat have ex. isted, if the English. could, by in- stinet, have acquired essential kpowl. edge about. Canada, in England, iving sidelights. on, the knowledge of British school children concerning Canada, be ssys that a seventh stand. ard boy was asked these questions and gave the apswers as follo%es: S58 liye d 8 good deal of Hien mir." hat do ou know about India?" "It's a very hot country, sir." "Apd the Ganges?' "A big river, six, . "Anything about it?" "If has many the Sas- auths, called a delta." "Have, you ever hasrd of Jkatchewan?" "A little, sir." o is it?' "In India, sir." "Dow yon know. the difference be- tween British, Columbia and New Brunswick? a8, Sir. "What is it?" "British Columbia is a very large place with. a. fow houses in it, sir. New. Brunswick. is a place with. a. lot of houses." ." where. is, New Brunswick?" "Close to. London, sir."--Canadian Courier. Apples From. Tasmania, . No mere will the oF oh Every time the young ways says to an oversupply of chorus ore's slways a lot of misfits. in marriage, + * other. girl. the bext day, "1 it is 8 good act it 1 worth do the line of the Québec ¥ Lake St. 1 some comsider more. besutiful then §' 'Men on one side, wos, I AS} a LN " A 9S "The Standard o {ag 1[{] 1G] RUTH 31 TUK " M. DOUGLAS & CO. i GY. CI NT HEAR Rt i A a. ER EE Ml Ue A... p Bvery Eddy Match is a Sure, Safe Match. is made of first quality materials by skilled workmen | and mechanically perfect machings, and carries with it the Eddy guarantee, that it's a sure light. LWAYS make sure you are well supplied with Bddy's matches becanse If you're sure they're Eddy's, you're sure they're right." DDY'S matches are always full MM. count--good dealers everywhere keep them, : The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Makers of Paper, Paper Bags, . Hull, Canada. | motes paper. Tissue Towels, etc. AR LAE GAL LAGER--You're sure to like it! Backwards The demand for REGAL LAGER is grow ing by leaps and bounds, Palatability and Excel- lefice of Flavor have placed REGAL ° LAGER first in the Favor of Doctor and Layman. At Dealers, Leading Hotels and Cafes, Hamilton Brewing Ass'n, Limited, Hamilton. JAS. McPARLAND, Regal Agent. MLL ARRAY {ELL IOTT BROS. ---PFOR--- Gas Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Garden Ete. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Hose and Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, AGENTS FoR ~~ The Celebrated Filter Water Coo er. " Brownlow" and [es he never would go home," to-day. I We are going to put on sale Bur last. year's style of' | Men's Low all the, very best leather, fF Colt, Tan Calf and Gun Metal, all Goodyear welt, goles? | Regular $4.00 and $4.50 3 ; 5 atent ff