PAGE FRORER. » i ing as shown on railway load curves 'pevater portion of labor, good load Tavanto, Out, July 4h, 10 sm--Oi- INTREST | Eadie | ee actor, ity per cto ity oe {If Wacthar Pribabilitiss [| Sic ott Tr adi me: SYSTE : : jeent, and wypwanrds, : . mn o . igi a. _ " YWHOLESC 1 ? J Cannot Consider Hydro-Electric, x Friday yey warm tedhs undoes pZ 7 All hghting and power service te + Bit a few scattered thuades- 5 0 wv R A a E 8 4 7 y From the foregoing it is quite evi {be supplied direet hom the alterna star. , RELIABLE : 7 B ; dent that the city cannot under pre o'8 system. EB : : 5 : (Continwed from Page'1.) {sm conditions consider the purcinuse$ TEAST SEINE) (PRET PE PACIFIC COAST AND RETURN 3 & 3 of hydro-electric power : DA ed, installed and operated Pr actically at te fat Milling Ce Fa iter, VANCOUVER, B.C, 7 y the saute as by steam with respect tof "le Price of 320° per horse power, pes | Referring to. the ¥ submitted VICTORIA, BC. / 4 3 labor requirements, wear and tear, {STOUM. { nfortun ately ithe existing 'oy the Kingston Mi ing company, BEATTLE, WASH. Js 27, | maintenance, oil, waste, ete. hou i nga re Soi Suite limited, offering. to supply power . ai NS oy il) YO © a wy shoul w 4 ; Rk PORTLAND, ORE., to ra Bl a er hin Shaul three-q arters of a cent per K.w POWDER 7 New Machinery, 8 ) hour, with a minimum supply of J00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 101 80 J Se The cost of sufficient new machinery ed power on the fiat rate busis. These [jp dgring part of the year, 'and * LOB ANGELES, CAL. ' 4 -- | and direct current light and power No. 24 hour storage fos water Remaining portion ol the geas The | : * : . 4V. b | joa, nviuding pulling, Jounda tious, works systém. Eropos SNe 2 Sia if : the V N ete, will amount: to approximately | glectric ight and power plan SUpply Con * guaranteed' at . a So thi I Jy WwW HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS a h J $20,150. This provides for just suff BEI rn! 4 poust Plant aud mimmum of 100 HP. However, as me ng € € TO et? & § i RNG 477 ; ] . : THE DAILY BRITISH WHA, SHURSDAY, JULY 4, 1012 a ---- ET -- -- conditions are: ito take care of the present riliway' Bot more than 400 H.P. during the Low. load -tactor of ¥4 per cent water works pumping plant separg™ : : cient machinery to. take care of the ted. § in ! pare Jie piven sapty falls off to 106 H. \ 2 _ present load and allows no reserve Mixed lighting and power system | oo. Beptstary lo. increase 4 y Western Canada and Return » 9 14 D | = 3 {for emergencies or increase of busi- {consisting of Ee athig i - te city's stomm plant, even though é T tuesday, July 9th, and every se- a ® {ness on the direct varrent or railway {per eent., direct current, 13 per cent. {a contract wus made with the milling ) or ummer ear cond Tuesday thereafter until Sapt. systems, : street railway current, 26 per cept, |COMPSny. it may, however, be pro : edi ; 17th. Tickets good for 60 days, ; { Yo convert 'the alternating current Ie ®treet railway demand momen {itable to purchase power from the For full Anformation. apply to {to direct currfut, the use of motor gen-| tary peak loads of 400 to 150 horse |™HIOE company during the winter The New Blazer id being given great attention mE un WEG J. P. HANEBEY, eraters, rotary converters or equal, }power, and Only ming $92,000 horse [WORDS only, Yrovided og ave a ; Gen. Pass. Agent. regulators, ete, will result in an aver-] power: hours, giving a load factor of {T0FPIUS of to 400 H.P. The v dts "b orang 3 " Sad y ru Corner. Johnson and Oates Sts ' EE Ter, hows. Jody a Jans or of | oposal as sulmitted, however, would | 1 and has gained immense popularity in New per cent. therefore the cost of the] Steam boilers cannot be discont {mpout save the presemt coal costs, rox Buk BICYCLE SUNDRIES | Beymour power on the busbars in the lmt the waterworks for arias} | bat in order to use this power i > York and other fashion centres, Sy At Out BICYOLE MUNSON | Gis sub-station will be as shown inlhereinbefore. * : {will he necessarv to install motor ! Price : "the summaries attached hereto. Steam for gas manufacturi ing (Beverators, rolary converters, ete, . Yo hav : v IneBact: AAAI ; - 41a RE This same expenditure of $29,150 will Amy He py i {transform the power at a loss of We have for your mspection several yardage N CONNEC Send for Cut Price C oT {almost provide for the purchase of bor to goerate the ; twelve . per. cent... plus. interest and | [@ npiL > AN NON i ; Fite Catalogue inew boilers and now steam engine wetvice, even ah In iimde i {depreciation and maintenance on run- | | Blazer cloths--to be had at 60c in white ground JANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, { with necessary piping, ete., double cur- ipower be purchased. {ning machitiery, labor, ete. ' fic Ca Rrowa Reroy Reuer = generator, transformers, ote., to -- 8 "with stripe of blue and stripe of black-- Low Rates Pacific Coast & Return ye take care of an additional 300 K.W.| New Apparatus Needed. Add to Steam Plant. | 1 . oad, 5 fi e it 3 Nb re aoTO y TOW Strine VANCOUVER, B.C. Cures Dysen 5. In order 10 obtain 90 per cent In order tb take care of the pre lle iow of the above v i# Jo ident Cream ground with narrow stripe and border SEATTLE, WAR $95 80 Take trom half to a teaspoonful of Reliof Io | power Factor required by the Seymour sent and future increase of business | O0 NEC BORE OL MACE on J ' : A kr tumbier of water, until the dish / itis rent that in additi {creasing the load fastor of the city's SEATTLE, WASH., conse; also, wet a flannel with Relief, atid Xeep company, it would be necessary. to he appa boile i ww do laystem is in sight, or the Hydro Com- PORTLANE, ORE. $8 across the bowels. The patient should core have rotary the present ilers, 'engine and gen- , 3 : A i : ' fine himself to ment broths, Crackers, ast and Bye TOLBIY SOR virjets UF JNOLOF goth erating equipment will be necessary in {mission or Seymour company will SAN FEANCISOO, CAL, 101 80 keep as still ns possible, rn win and these machines must: be the yery near future. : | supply alternating current and direct LOS ANGLELES, CAL, . esignec to compensate for low power | 3 Leig "of the situation may show | CHFFent power at nt cost of steam factor and wet as rotary condensers. { p ivi . Return limit, Octobe: 31st. | This is common practice and in some that mew boilers, a double "current |POWer. exclusive Smd charges on : a [Present invest t. 'th s ' cases it makes the machinery cost 10 generator and aed condensers, pregont ny Moons me / to 25 per cent. more than if the ques- ola, could be installed in the present an oe i d th tis t id TO tion of power factor did not require PUidings. Such an addition to the [created bULIness, an . , Ere or 16 not require. event plant would take tare of the hay Prusent anil plant. tisaat ' : 8 ' ist, sy o ~ 4 Western Canada and Return| § DRURY'S Coal aad Wood Yard § |The motors are all of small capper 53072 rodtirements don a few yuurs | Tit LVAAD, SOUE MRo0GURAY Tuesday, July 9th, and every se {ties and could not create any unpro-' 10 the meantime an effort should be 'double current generator, ° engine cond Tuesday thereafter untt Sept Sr nl { fitable- peaks. With -respeet-to power made: to concentrate a direct current Thoners, etd.. to increase the capacity 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. , ; actor, good practice requires motors ®ystem to the centre = of the city, | the present steam plant by 400 For particulars at K. & P, and © Electric Rest 1 M {to be no larger than necessary to de change all outlying direct current { additional horse power. This figure is PR. Ticket Office, Ontario Street, ecLric Kes .orer ior ien {the work when runping "at full load Service to altranting 'ouitent, -. 4nd |approximate and will vary depending . FF, CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Phesphonul RE Davary Servs in the bods | inast of the time. The standard in. ©ventually change all direct current oop results of a study of the exact | Hi WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. vim and vitality, Premature decry and all sexo | duction motors will stand intermit- to alternating current if the purchase | requirements and hest method of in- weakness averted at once. Phosphomol will [tent over-londs of 50 per cent. with- of Hydro-Electric power is to he | oq he pl Respectiully. sub- make you & new man, Price $8 a box, or two for | ry Siva) 3 = considered at some future date. How- [creasing the plant. Kespectiully sub afled to any address. he Scobeil Drag | Ut injury. Swall motors up to 15 4 : mitted. R. 8. KELSCH. we Bt. Ontharines, Ont. TJ H.P. may be single phase motors and €Ver, as lang us he ty Shuinties to pe soit a ? For sale at Mahood's drug store, {have a power factor ranging from Operate the street. railway system, . R l M il S aan ; : 2 {75 to 100 per cent. One manufacturer there will be no great neésssity to Th i Ada Matters oya al teamers S : guarantees 100 per cént. power factor sulitely aiinste the direct current ihe peedbers o - the » § ing, Sone 3 3 {for all motors, | ighting and power system. o off i a " St. Lawrence Season Quebec Steamship Company The railway load fluctuating from ' Ho-change Tron Shep lo Bydea) | {phairman), Eitiosr, Harrison, Bailey, MONTRE, a . {200 H.P. to 500 H.P. will have a Electric power on 'flat rate basis and [HEY anc ROSS. k else 8 read) T.7.8. 88. victorian ane ¥iraman." gy pig {greater variation than allowed under show a waving, the conditions should y Ihe report of Mr. Kelsch was read Ny: { , i wing : | by the general manager, Mr.: Folger, A ah . amt 3 I the Se re . n be such ag will permit the follo g : iy the g : A. T.8.8. 88, Tunisian and Corsican. River and Gulf of St. lawren ie eymour company's: tender, at Lise is ube » boilers. discontémie | but there was very little discussion on of Saxe Blue and narrow stripe of black with GE border of red. 2 PATTERN 6017. Ladies' Home Joumal Pattem shows how this coat can be made very simply yyy in several pretty designs. OP N+ANEN <M Store Closes 5 p. m. daily -- Saturdays excepted. : y Shop Early. ---------- i i43 a Sailings every Friday. { least Jada Prosent conditions This = it, all the members being of the opin- Samer Ori in Cool Lotitud {may be taken care of by Trill rogu- | ees a =. 4 b . dhe bo toll MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. id ruiunen fn Cool Lotltuden. | lator 'used. in conjunetion with a ro- How's This? jon t at it ould be est ls oo . 58 "Cascapedia," 1,900 tons, wit wv Conve 3 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-iout the suggestion of r. Reisch, T.8.8, Grampian and Hesperian." . [modern comforts. vas, with ith pets non of LIE RP Sond ward for any case of catarrh tha'iglong the line of making the necessary » 2. | STEACY'S tinsracrion : J SATISFACTION 7.8.8. "Sesudinavian and Preaoria, EAILS FKOM MONTREAL Ainuet be cured. by Hal's Cataren ON [factor of 30 per comt., the wnmual kilo-| Cure. | ndditions to the present plant, and | SWEQEFST) CAIENTIEER (SNCISER CISMIREESY) MISES N<OPMANEIANA SCI DM ANEW Sallings every Saturday. THURSDAY, at Se a, i hours equals 2,168,100 K.W. F. J, CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O action {vas %aken aigng bis ive, 4 MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND] from Quebec the following day at noon [hours L100 HP. purchased at $25 We, the undersigned, have Wnown I ap OF - i - A 4 4 A for Pletou, N.S. calling at Gaspe, Mall per -JLP kX load basi ls $27.) J Cheney for the last 15 years, and of the cost. of the proposed expendi LONDON. Bay, Perce, Summerside, P. Sls ani pe # 1068 iy ay » hou tol believe him perfectly hms rable 3h Au ture for the boilers, genera- Charlottetown, P.RE.IL . yO Ry ents per MN ar for | business transactions ap nancially tor, etc, 'wanted, when another y , | able to carry out any obifzations made Service of moderate priced ONK- alternat ng eurrent, However, th~| able y y 8 ye 'a War a CLASS CAPIN 111) Hcamers New York From Quebec. statistics furnished with the annual" MS frm. | mecting of the committee 'will be held, » EW . ; fi Tn : WALDING, KISNAN & MARVIN {and the matter. brought before a spe BE Ey Bay ee aE So: he RAGS Fh iain cs nse rds, Toiode, S| ial. westing of the" vity coupe, as } inspe ow wn oe . , Full information and tickets on|Halifax, 88 'Trinidad; 2,600 tons. | hours. . { i she 8 application to 26th Bn. er Fe AI SLL hag tor of approximately 12 per cent. ! phd mucous surfaces of the system. | J. P. Hanley, C. 8. Kirkpatrick, 5 # ) 1 'rec. Price 15 cents| deal of time and thought had been and as 1,]15,35 K.W. hours cost] tstimonials rent fre , A, i b ir 3. N Y i : : r er bottle Sold hy all Druggists | gives rt study f° the power GT. Ry. Agt. Clarence St. New ork to Bermuda $27,500, the cost per kilo-watlhs hour! Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- [Eien Dyes ie 0 | | question, by the committee, and com- Agents in Kingston. Summer Excursions by the Twin plaints had been made in some guar would be 27,750,000 cents 1,145,385 | pation. Serew 88. "Bermudian 10,518 tons| K.W. hours equal 2.4c. per K.W. hour] ------ | iy oe ites 4. neverthe- THE ALLAN LINE, Glepincement, spfiing fram Av York for alternating current, to which must | m_-- ------ Eo ' howe She CamImHites Tis Nova i. ' q 3 pm, 3th an in July oe i 'He, lake J bu : 77 Yonge Street, Toronto, and every ten dave thereafter. Ten. | P® added the loss of Power gonverting | { the matter, 80. a8 to give the best perature cooled by sea breczes, seldom | alternating current to direct current LY b # : rises above 80 degrees | ® Jrortive to the people. { { Thi . 11 1 # Hall's Catarrh Cure is token intern- | goon as possible." ie gives an ansual load fac- pally, acting directly upon the blood | 414 1ifiors pointed out that a good and interest on) investment. for build. | EE tal THT 'that the report | LAKE ONTARIO & BAY oF QUINTE STEAM- The finest (rips of the season for | ings, machinery, etc, required to | health and comfort, The kind you are looking for of Mi Kelsch would be a on transform the alternating current, as { : i: - : BOAT CO. LIMITED For tiekets and staterooms, apply 10 [shown hereinafter g is the kind we sell, {source of information to those who {C8 ? . » J. . HANLEY, or C. 8S. KIRKPAT- . 3 . : : i s had been making a ery for the city to] RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont In regard te vudyetion in the wgitia SCRANTON COAL { sign up for power, at once, and not --- "ge o . room stall if the power 1s purchased, tc ste so much 'time over it . QUEBEC stnANSHIE COMPANY, three men instead of four could oper- | Mr ne lier To eeking of the pres SS. North King & SS. Caspian 4 - - ate the plant. is F054 Ooul on NC eunraules | ent plant, pointed out that it would A-- romp! % i ! ri k > 1 » able to hold the vity over this 1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER. Would Increase Rates. ATR rrreasy in thes July 2nd steamers Provided power was purchased from, Booth & Co. of consumers would necessi- MES Commencing number leave at 10.15 a.m. daily for Alexandria the Meymour company, the city would | . be Ded prune Oe evntion Bay, 1,900 Isjands and Gananoque not be able to lower the present | FOOT WEST STREET. i = = NAY Y 5 at § p.m for Ro- - rates, but instead, would be obliged | = | | §) O { caver, NV. via i SPLENDID GROWTH MADE. to increase the present rates. [aot er A chester, N.Y. via Bay of Quinte, onll- | wn ii 0 35 ho. Dower. gg ve X TTocd's Thasphoding, Every District in Alberta Expects a e (i commission's sub-statidn, it would BR 7 - Great Frolish Remedy Recor. Crop. have to be seld at a price varying > Fu. nud inviguraiithe whois | Calgary, Alta., July 4.-The salient ¥ iS ing at Picton, Deserontd and Belle Freight handled 'with despatch at - 3 " ¢ ¢ 4 ro F , gi » Cro aports from 1. P. HANLEY, Ticket agent. from $15 to $50 per horse power de Hood in old Ving, Cees Nero | features of the crop roy AB. BWIFT & Co, Frei - Agents livered, in order to cover the loss to sus Debdity, Menial and Firain Worry, does. | over the province 'are "the universally a -------- Jan. 8 0 ht 44 ity" sot of p ndeney, 12 I eakne <a domibmions, slendid growth made in every dis- EE. HORBEY, General Manager. the city's sub-station, cost of opera- and. Jf oth of Ahese or Bvesses, | Splendid growth 2 reasonable rates. ville rho, NO ting, cost of transmitting to ous | loo pox box. sixsorth One will ploame, ets | {ict following the recent timely rain ed ito wa | it ii gn ny Lu nd Li CTT 0 A OT XL KR A 1) pai i J . Given propitious weather dur- pairs on lines, transiorming, appars , 1 medicine ©.n | vation. G "ind. Toronto, tus, ete. This ligure is based on de Jor) OMB | ing the next two mouths, there should CANADIAN PACIFIC ence fing povse fo" cntomers Toenied het av Aer Hoth TN: Xe Commencing Saturday on an average of one-hall mile from ithe north and south spring wheat js the city's sub-station. The price, of | heading out and has reached a growth Ee A ---------------- 4 course, would vary acrording » con- I or } otatoes varying from eight to twenty-ow © : ti , location, tor, hches. ps co ---------- 00 lies, atone | Land Plaster will | Te i men st 5) gyn y= : $3.00 Hats . $2. 0 Before the power js transformed to La asier wi very good hay yield, the majority of D Collis Browne S Length, 670 f " | direct current the above price would 3 wints reporting excellent grass crops = -- abs: & hy have to be 'imcreased 18 to 20 pe start the plants in- ! Alfalfa is phenomenal. and will br - $2.50 Hats - $1.6 ¢ i ------ Al cent. igo: wth exoeed any previous year. All TO ED RRO - - _-- to vigorous gro are about two weeks ahead of the AND | 00 flats 1.25 No Advantage to Waterworks. same period last year, and it is esti. Lake Chumplain:.« vo +... duly JOLIE fhe : With respect to the city's water , sated that in Southern Alberta the Fuprens of Kteitng fv anne July 3 | i works statiom, the reservoir capacity WwW 1 i Ih ied on be gist per vont, Stentor Emp oo Bahtain J iy 26 $l 30 Hats - $1.00 ot stapdpipe 1 only Siffigint to sap -® a S ne th i n bh nd will be ready Rmpress af BAIL «1222 dl . ! PY water requirements for a few aging thirty inches a 3 | | Lake Champiatl .. .. ... .. Aug. | 3 : Feath day. A " " for harvesting within three weeks. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY: GENUINE. Empress of Ireland. . . Aug. 9 | $1.00 Hats - 65¢ aos. during pacts of ead aby « 88.57 BARRACK STREET, Both oats and barely appear well ad. ke A ABARAT Wireless crops Lake Mantighd .. .. .. .. Aug. 13 pve : ; voir 14 vanced and in @plendid condition. . - ; Empress Sf Brftgin :. :. + Adg 33 Ly le no or iy in some wheat belds in the south Acts like a Charm mn Lake Ch wae oe ABE 39 y te t "4 IN FAVOR WITH THRE where cutworms have done damage, D ! Children's Biraw Hats | h would ast be a sa . thing 20 gure LADIES. flax Bgs been substituted and is com- IARRHOEA snd is the only Empress af, Ireland. . vs has Sept. 6 Lake MEnitoba-.. .. .. .. Sept. 12 : i : ¥ fast. Damage from any source has : Cl x . | i 1] object to eléctrie pumping from power The satisfactory work we Jo fii 108 ast a hi : Tv steamenn aerator Fo cont] at same Rate received over a dong transmission live, fl in cleaning fine costumes J been slight and none ie reported north} Specific in HOLERA .. ire 4 nn Sy 1 unless steam boiléts were maintained brings us a large trade from ne 0 Su ae has. idheshs poiiosn 3 Ont Shai ogg lei Ty os : ready for instant use. Therefore, there the best people of -city and So lar ie 8 ults are unequalled. o ticularly opti Sraryuhery Cheer parte a Checks and arrests those too often fatal disesses-- the FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy kaowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. . Effccteslly cuts shobt all aliacks of SPASMS, Is the only paliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHL ' isa biguid taken in drops, gradudled according to the malads SON DEAD M faeachubiy relieves ha » af hate fer put: « riates a ales refreshing Jlech: TOR WIL 3 R he . allay OM 6) NOTVONS By Siem WW) ald other re tes fav, Av ay SEXA no bad effects. and can bs taken when wo other medscine oan be tolerated. - ---- fF Resident of St. Thomas and Sat in INSIST ON HAVING ; CONVINCING a oa hows! Tho -- ; ! : : Ontario Legislature. Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S JH > MEDICAL TESTIMONY 'venue from this service for 1911. was id a : $t. Thomas, July 4.--Semator John CHLORODYNE. Th WITH EACH 3,58 ; Ganon 'S Wilson died shortly after noon, at his i BOTTLE 14 n y idence bere, yesterday, after a short The immense success of OR AUR Seid by ait Chemists. rex illness. Te was appointed in 1904, Skis Remedy bas siven vise In view of above and assuming that 200 horse | or ibe purchas. B PARKER & C0 per yield, for up to the present od tor pumping, there wo! a oo Pa Stee -------- Ont, amount of moisture from raius, . : re AB spells of heat tollowing, have i i i me | MOS Opportune, bid x WF i ' . through hail, though slight showers i D p PANA at $5 i 4 Juul be no 'advantage or gam by country. Our methods and re- he x Tob . 3 thers. Farmers]: x YSENTERY. | : . pu | maries hereinafter. Chocolates Hon. Joba Henry Wilson, M.D., was ip manrimitaione, 4, | Pg tn alliad? ow ---- born near Ottaws in 1534 apd wae NB. --Every bottis of i. ' educated at Victoria College. He was Genuine Chlorodyas %i0 Sole Manufacturers: The Finest in the City. a member of the Ontario legislatare Sean os the ene BE i 1. T. DAVENPORT, SL Bos 0 ew neat 1618119) and was 'elected to the House the same el a k wi i ) i . fuventer, Dr. J. yo NDON, ~ 50 cents per pound of Commons in 1583 and 13 Jevantar. Br: 4 ra 17" ; ¥ J x 1 <