" When In Doubt, About Your PLUMBING WORK Phone 336 This is our number of course. We will come and talk it over with you, give you an estimate as to probable cost, and then mm I you entrust us with the fob you'll have rea- son to shake hands with yourself. Residence "Phone 856. David Hall 48 Brock. Suva, castro siteet -- Carey Asphait > vv Sparkloid Mica 3 vy Surety ply Prices according the quality, Anglin & Co. Wellington Strost North "Phone 66. - ~ to J * MEN"S - SUITS For Summer Wear Navy Blue Buits, exira, good, equal to talior-madé suits, 'at $15. $16.60 and $18. Brown and Gray Suits, extra good values, at the same prices Alse good value in Men's Suits at . $5.50, $6.50, $7.00, $10 anc $12. . Lar Stock of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children at reduced prices. ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS STREET. Nineteen Years s the Standard. Prescribed und recommended for wo. men's nilments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. The result from thelr use isn yuick and permanent. For sale at all drug stores. THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on It # crowing louder as he goes along. Only 46c per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MAULEAN'S, Ontarto Street. FURNITURE WANTED, 'one. having Furniture, Stoves, Boots to Bell drop a card be: ™ tng of t H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario St Opposite Craig's Wholesale, eet, FONG SING BUYAL A ot or olate SINGER" "Hand hr Machine Practically new, for Sale. ANTIQUE FURNFTURE. line in the city. Wili buy. 'sell or exchange. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS Bought and Sold. If you cre giving up house, I will buy all your goods. JE EE DAILY BRITISH wHIG, as tn at §6 od odin Editions a 30 ht 1 yal ar morning a es Thay Sornine ut 11 of a $3 and <heap work; nine improved presses. TORONTO OFFICE.~~Sulte 19 and Street, Torents. H. RB Bwmallplecs, J. Manitoba that Al the last session of the legislature it. was announced hac Roblin bit : He admit that public the government telephone system and Sir R. fact. been a failure, terly acknowledged the did not, or would not, ownership had been given a blow un necessarily, that the work of the commission had been a disappointment because its members were wickedly But that = the finding of a special commission, appointed in deference to public pin ion, and its finding has been generally accepted, The commissioners--the grossly am extravagant. men whose mismanagement brought the telephone scheme into disrupture--have resigned They did so reluctantly. They wer forved to retire from a position they had not fitly and satisfactorily filled The record of the special investiga tors is to the efieet that the telephone lines were well built, that the sia YL: PU BLIC 'OWNERSHIP CRITIOIZED, ea tna THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, pd be Si ss . THE WHIG SEVENTYNINTH YEAR a psa ~310 King Btreet, Kingston, Oa- an rw in parts on Monds States charge or hostage of Weekly $1.50 per y and ad to ig is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; id, stylin, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED J. 6, Emiett, President. A BN tp --------" reed, 30 Quesn City Chambers. i3 Church P., feb - bul that the stem ge netally had been A santly managed. There has not i propor method of accounting, and in 'that respect it is dalfioult, of no} umpossible, to say what the success of ihe tions were well ferpuipped, extrave been business had been. But with eco aomy, with the purchase of plant and supplies as they are wanted, with all vastefulness eliminated there should % ® 200d return from the money in- ested, and without any increase of 'ates. Some 'of the exposures of the special examiners are bitterly damag- ing, : : Manitoba's experience should very helpful to the other provinces: t shows that public ownership is all cight, but political td wrong. be management dis 3 A business that requires xact and technical management can- wt be made to pay when put in 'the wands of men whose only qualification s that théy are partizans of al cer- «ain tribe or type. VALUE OF C St. Thomas has had with the and it is assumed. that one can quote ils experience Hydro-Fleetric Commission it without being' charged with knock ing at enterprise. Thomas sone of the places which had its own elec works, eration of them in order to take pow St. triv and discontinued the op er from the commission and distribute it. The Falls was unlimited in its supply. power generated at Niagare It was wasted until the power companies --the and Electric ment on the Canadian side harnessed it to extent, and the cost controlling thousands of horse-power was represented as very low. The cost of transmission, however was another matter, and it is this item that loads the service mccording to the distance of generating plant, St. Thomas had, from its old plant, run by steam, given power at. 10c, per kilo-watt, this is a lower rate than the power is said be furnished by 'the commis- sion. This is learned from a state Ontario Develop some o! delivery from the and to HEAP POWER. a cs. mst wnt which was made before a civic ommitiee . and by a deputation of London a flat to the merchants of four aad a hall cents per kilo-watt, there was some yusiness men. In rate 4 allowed : and inducement, therefore, of light Ihomas man gnigd he had to incur a ill of $20 per Month in order to get away from the unless" there was some adjustment of rates hevwould go back to the use of Others like-minded, they had spent large sums in electric fixtures. o use 'plenty One St. maximum tariff, and gag. were and There may be some Tessan. in all this for our committee on power. It will be comsidering presently the report of an expert on the offers of The Hydro- Electric and and it is hoped that the de- cision," when reached, will Let donmment of the eivie and the that action, whatever it is, will | be justified by the facts. Commission Seymour company, be found salisfgotory. there be no aban plant without good reason, evi dence strongest ---- The Whig confesses to a distinot dis- appoititment with the report of Mr. Kelsch, the expert' whom the city en- gaged to pass professionally upon the power offefy it Not that the Whig conclusions which have been reached, hak received. questions the for it as sumes that they cannot be successfully attacked, but that the hope of the city, for cheap power is not to be real ized for the present. Looking at the situation as it now appears the re gret is that the offers were not soon- er dealt with technically. They look- ed inviting to the layman. They sug- gested | great possibilities, as power is the matchless with all manufacturers, and they were dandled before the people in a tantal- izing way. Until the offers were examined hy an soean | @xpert it was not possible, however, to pass wpou their merits; and it isa relief that at last a disinterestéd per- son--disinterested "in the sense that he has no compection with any hydro cheap consideration electric enterprise has made an empha- tie "pronouncement, Power, according to Mr. Kelsch, canot be delivéred from long-distance . transmission lines, ° for local distribution, at a profit. That point will be surprising to some peo- ple; it will be more surprising that Mr. Kelsch has been able to consider the offer of the commission in only a general way, because of its igdefinite- npss. The Seymour offer is more favourable, in that the price is fixed, and yet Mr. Kelsch says power, taken from the company, cannot be resold satisfactorily, - The price could not be reduced; on the contrary, the rates would, in view of the cost of the sub- a MR. KELSCH'S SURPRISING REPORT. v H-- the necessary His process of figuring this out, as detailed in the Ss very will repay perusal, What of special moment statement: that the ter for general use ed, for, station, the increased, transmission lines and machinery, bave to be report in the news columns, interesting and is ig the pumping of wa- cannot be approv- and; the street pays about 83.500 a year der the Sey mour expenditure ferred to, £10,000. It is gratifying ghat the expert does not content himself with a general dis- approval of the power offers. lle sub: mits estimates of the cost of accept ing the Hydro-Electric proposal, as he understands cost of the Seymour the addition of new many reasons, the power for which the railway now , would, un- offer, plus eapital and expenses alread, cost between $8,000 re and Commission's it, the and the city's present offer, cost of improving steam plant 'by the boilers, a new engine, ote., unmistakably plant, The duty of the ipower under the circumstances, is to accept the Kelsch, as to chinery, in view generators, con densers, and the comparison is in favour of the steam committee, is clear. It of Mr. the zost of new ma of Mr, Folger's de claration that it is an absolute neces sity, dnd to prepare for a submission of the whole matter to the people at the opportunity. no good purpose served action now that the power question has been robbed of all its mystery dnd is fully understood. TE estunates earliest There can in delaying - EDITORIAL NOTES a ln, Montreal's board of control proposed to divert the people who visit the public parks with moving pictures. Why not! let the people have all that they pay for. ------ Austin Chamberlain is paying his re spects to the Canadian ministers, and indulging. in a lot of gult. Imperialism is afl, right, but it is not being help ad hy tariff yetarm, for it is a dead issue. The end of poe sonventior, Kingston can supply power, from its steam plant, for less than it ean be supplied by any commission or company over long-distance lines. That is the surprising' statement of Mr. Kelsch, the expert, and it is as sumed that no one can successfully impugn or attack his report, T=, For political effect--tc implement Hon. Mr. Rogees' cfforts in Saskatehe- wan--a deputation has landed in Ot Jang 10. tail about 4 terminat leva: tor, What. a deception! There has been nd' appropriation for this work, and it is CE the governgen. as (lubned wi, Wee Hous Hr. Rolletés* oa contrary, to the settled | M Sr - ir 1 ue d a p t selccted for allway the same vice fer cent OWEr In Shimmer 1" not suggest that steam plant were braced up, taking the place w cheaper electrician. JULY: 4, 1912, and My: Brayton. One the chairm cor " r. Mabye saship ol after Ju oand the for after Toronto's eity sohitor. who left | politics Would that ther rved as a } sther position a long AS ere. liberals » public office. mote of their kind, Kingston Mi of "power "at Kilo» The company's "three-quarter of horse and 408 horse pe 15 worth consideridy He es not in it, but he hould be per it, for FM) eer r winter; hat Mr. e muy advantage it helsch's apimon whe lows turned own, -- A little bird whispered to the long time that if the Whig we City 5 and sup hed with certain new machinery, of machinery could now orn' ont, it than any supply hydro-electric Now Mr power Com or any Commission, his fact set forth by we have Kelsch, the . SPEGALITS In the following Diseases of Men: {Varieocele | PIspepsis | Rheumatiem | Lost Vitality { Skin Diseases Kidney Affecticns And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Diseases, Call or send history for free advice. * Free Book on Diseases and Question Blank. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours--10 am. tol p.m. and 2 to 1 6 pu. Sundays--10 a.m. to 1 pan Consultation free. DRS. SOPER & WHITE, i | 2 Toronto 8t., Torofito, Ont, WE SELL Scranton.Coal Co's Coal Selected from - the Celebrated Richmond No.:4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, mined In Penngylvinia, the best Antaracite. Coal Place your pext oraer with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. Nowth Bred {Ontario Stridet. "Hhone 155. : ' ' a a b the T the TELAT SILAA RANEY NY FRESH CAUGHT SALMON, HALIBUT, WHITE FISH, TROUT and LIVE LOBSTERS DOMINION ASH CO.< 63 BROCK ST. Pi ONE 250 BRAN ATTAOVTVOTTVTUBS - sesrsssssdntansanaana The Brightest #& The Cheapest We are pleased to announce that Mazda Wire-drawn Filament ungsten Lamp is the most durable nd efficient of any yet made We state that the Mazda Wire- rawn Filament Tungsten Lamp is most durable, efficient and rightest on the market. . We are the exclusive agents in this section Burns 1 1-4 watts per candle power, Let us put them into yo.r home and stong at once and sav> money. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. 79 Princess Su 'Phone 441. Motor Boat Supplies Tungsten Yahns for sig- nal lights - 50c. each Best Spark Pigs made : $1.00 Columbia Ignitors - - ow wi. O56 ach Multiple Batteries $6.00 Storage Batteries $10.00 Best place in the City or. Motor Boat Supplies "BIBB Y'S, Limited Kingston's Store Closes 5 pm One Price Clothing Store Saturdays, 10 pin SUIT SALE See Our Window of Men's Suits at Ten Dollars Grey Halifax and Homespuns, Hewson's Tweeds, in nobby shades of Grey Smart Models. MEN'S WASH VESTS Wé are showing this week a range of Men's Washable Vests in neat patterns of Black and White. -:- + "Sizes Bibby's Special Fine Worsteds, and Brown. All are beautifully tailored. "i= "i= -:- Sizes 33 ta 11, $1.00. 34 44. $1.00 MEN'S HALF HOSE 12)5c per pair. 25 dozen Men's Summer to Lose, plain and fancy Lisle thread, Cashmere and Mago, Regular, 26c¢ values, Bibby's Special 2 pairs for 25c. BIBBY"S Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. HALL FURNITURE We are shuwing a fine Hall Furniture. line o. Hall Mirrors, uoidem Oak, $4. Sv to $16.50. Hall Seats, $5.50 to $18.00. Hall Trees. $6.00, $8.50 to $30.00 All finishes, Golden, Fumed or Ms hogany. alae Pedestals tn Fumed, Goiden, | Barly English or Mahogany. Special Prices this week in Go: Carts and Carriages. R. J. R eid, rs am LEADING UNDERTAKERY. Kingston Business College tLimited) Nighest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth year, Fall term begin Sugust 3h. Courses ia Book ng, Shorthand, Tele. raphy, yi hd and Eng, uates I powit Ziad Within a the 5 rar sixy red poitions FARM FOR SALE (110 ACRES), Situated near the Villages of INVERARY, convenient to and Church, Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, ing Cement Silo, all in good repair; also good Orc bard. ¥or particulars, apply to E. BLAKE THOMPSON, OVER NORTHEKN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. Sehool lnpgiv) - = Ss-- Every Eddy Match is a Sure, Safe Match. I' is made of first quality materials by skilled workmen and mechanically perfect machines, and carries with it the Eddy guarantee that it's a sure light. ATA make sure you are well supplied wih Eddy's matches because "If you're sure they're Eddy's, you're sure they're right." DDY'S matches are always full M.M, dealers everywhere keep them. The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Cc i | Makers of Paper, Paper Bags, Hull | Toilet Paper. Tissue Towels, ete. coat ~good > FE .. Pa SLL AW FORDS TNE QTE