/ v 1 79-NO. 163 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY YEAR , | A maxvraérogers view. | . . i AND CHURCHILL : ks Believes West Has a Just Griey- LATEST TIDINGS ~ ASQUIT <n | HHDING Despatches From Near and : . , | ~Jorgnto, July 13-4. Frank Deer, 5 4 retiring chairman of the Toronto : : branch of' the Canadian Manufactur- ers' Associat : cluded t hy . s ssociation, included the , Pl Distant Places. For Pledging Home Rule to i THE WORLD'S EPISODES | at the i annual meeting of that body : | Ireland. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST I "It would be useless to ignore ------ ¥ § SOME WARM SPEECHES gre -- fact that the west (Alberta and kdtchowan) is keenly AT THE ORANGE DEMONSTRA- t TION ON FRIDAY. over jis failure to 'obtain access tg -- the . larger markets of the United States. So long as that feeling of disappointment prevails it cannot be, Rev, W. F. FitzGerald Urges Pro- testants Not 'to Marry Roman Catholies---James Berney Deals said th gd reciprocity is dead. These proviuces feel aggrieved with us in Forcibly With the Irish Home Rule Question. the east tor the part' we plafed in thwarting their desire. Ao amount of specious arghment or flag waving willsaliay that feeling or satisfy the, west that it has not been Jobhed." "I trust that mixed marriages will not take place. 1 say from this plat- | form, that 1 hope Protestants will noi marry Roman Catholics. We don't want them to, | would advise ['ro- » The west, said Mr. Beer, must have "wider markets, for its own good, and testants not fo make alliances of that kind. MH such -a union should oe for the upbuilding of Canada, he hop- cur, as otéasionally does, and of |! ed they would come through the de- velopment of diversitied manulacturing performed the marriage under the au- thority of license, 1 would challenge industries west of the greaf lakes, Mr. Heer advocated lower taxes on buildings and improvements, and in- creased assessments of ground sites, any Italian to step in and declare, it illegal." : The above was one of the more strikmg utterances of II. W. Bro. with a special tax on unearned land values, ! W. FV. Fitatierald, grand chaplain of Ontario Last, at the speeches of the Orange denionstration, from the pavi- "dion in Maedonuld park, on Friday allernoon, The visiting Orangemen, to lodges, with their bands, formed up in the park, - and the. addresses were defivered from the steps of the pavilion, All the visiting bands with that of the R.C.MA., the 14th; amd the local fife und drum bands, were in attendance, Among thosé who presented the dif- ferent resolutions were some of the foremost Orangemen in Ontario, and, indocd, Canada. Home rule tor Ire land, and the Ne Temere decree wore the chiel topics, discussed by © the! The bi-l'ngual 4 spoakers,- K. W. Bro. James Berney, pone ol the encroachments which Rome Pitin., of Kingston, striking out in | his usual emphatic manner on the for | dy Grp op mer question, KX. W. ro. Rev. CC. W,! ; EGGS HATCHED, the Sas- disappointed POS- Matters That Interest Everyhody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. Cheese sales ©: Alexandria, Madoe, 12 V-16e.; Brockville, Vaokleek Hall. 12 T-l6e. to 12§c. Cortland Bishop, of New York, re turned rom an auto trp through the Balkans, said the © natives claimed imaginary juries from his car, in order to collect damages, v Edwin A. Merrat, PYottsdam, "x.Y., speaker of the assenibly, may R. Malby, as St Lawrence » br air. succeed the late George congressman for the digirict. Mrs. [Ltta lachten, New York, reaching alter her baby as he jell trom a third-storey window, fell alter him and both may died from fractured skulls. In Yaris, M. Petner, charged with shooting at cite Ramus, a dressm dress che made not fit. -------- toh dd dh dot abn ANOTHER POISON DROP. WHY SHE GREW BUSY. Jealous Wife Whips Husband's Of. | fice Girl. HON, WALTER SCOTT, ataus City, July 13.-- She way liberal governmeat ' Was Suds; mde when | entéred the office, in Saskatchewan on Thursday, before I was through with her she at was a brunette," safd Mrs. George ('. has come for a united Protestantism,' Burrows, the pretty young wile of a Come into the Orange order on such a! dentist after she had lashed her hus- platform as this." band's office 'girl, once across the bare The grand chaplain closed with any nock and twenty-five times across the appeal to the members of the order to face ; : live up to its principles, and to con- 4] had intended waiting until the of tduct themselves properly during the | fice was full of patients, but when 1 cdebration, and 'be a credit to the or entered and saw her kissing the doc- der. "1 am a churchman first, and an| tor 1 thought it was time for my Orangeman second, and loval to the "Kirst, 1 cut her over her bare neck throne of England, which we defend. | 1 he doctor stood aside with a look I bg ol yon to be a Christian, sup- | of bewilderment and 1 let my whip get port your church, the Great Foundee| that office. girl in the face. Of came of which looks down upon our actions|the blonde hair. She got twenty-five here below," Mr. FitzGerald said in! lashes closing. ; | "Then my" husband took the whip ------ ' | away from me, but not before | was Bi-Lingual Schools, through, good and plenty. The girl, 1 school: Gueation, ak understand. left for her mother's home out of town, . "I will not sue for a divoree; I don't ta: want one, and, of course, 1 won't live EIVIIeTeITIIeIes with the doctor again. I'll whip' that # gitl--eay, sho is taller and heavier | than I 'am, and blonde- every time | & see her." } | i | | . -~ i a Whose bir tained was arre Mile. because a Pether did aker, for Mme- according { cue. ! - Brockville,' Ont., - July 13 Hon. G. P: Graham, who with Mrs. Graham is spend- ing the summer. at their Brockville home, was asked' his opinion as to the signifi- cance «of the great liberal victory in Saskatchewan, "It means just what Mr Foster said about South Renfrew," said the ex- minister "It is .one more drop (yes a full boftle) of poison injected into the body of the Borden government, that indicates the beginning of the end." DeMille, county master, of Newbyrgh, | 4 also gave Rome her "raps," and Fro. '@ KH, Mclean; KiU., PB.M., of How. |% manville, spoke upon the bilingual | ® school question, The speeches throughout were punciuated with gene: ral applause. On the platform, with Mayor V. J, Hoag, who acted as chairman, fou part of the programme, as well gas the gpeakors, were n number oi the most prominent members of the or der in this part of the country. Dur ing the alternoon, the bands played "ihe Maple Leal Forever," [ule Britannia,' and other patriotic' airs. The programme was opened with prayer by K. W. bro. W. F. JlitzGer- ald, grand chaplain of Ontario Fast, | followed by an official welcome by t mayor, who is a member of the orde®, to the visiting Urangemen. PEIPPFPAP ETE IP LBS Niagara Falls. Ont., July 13 Michael House brought back with him from Mus- koka, two loon eggs. He put them in the sidehoard A Tew days later he heard a suspicious noise in the eggs and found them chipped. Shortly alter two little loon- ettes appeared. They are still alive and thriving. Neighbo's vouch for the PLP REPEC RPP PEGI EEr IY | | PEADE RGSS khiza Day Ward," Chicago, who rode on the first steam hassenger triip operated in the United States, is dead at ber home here, aged : MOTHER SAVES TAY OLD :, BABE, BUY HONE BURNS oe & ho 3 5 ; i Gas Explodes - n Kitchen During. down Washington, street, Bog' -n, Nurse's Absence---Woman is wearing a fur coat and woollen wit- Nerved by Her Danger. ol > tens. He was locked up for mental ob- truth of this story, servation. ELE EES eae Redding, July 13.--Mrs. Ralph In 4 gram. wife of a locomotive engineer, t + = wi A "pure clothes hill" * punishing manufacturers who shin shoddy suits # i : ? marked "all wool," is a scheme pro- hat made in ( anuda, was taken ip by | escaped unaided fram her burning posed to congress by rel Si R.W. Bro. F. Dealtry Woodcock, D.G ,(bome in Keswick, yesterday. and car. : chaplain, of Brockville, in secondipg | ried in her arms a baby girl born the the resolution. Me voiced strongly | day before. While 'her nurse was ab- 1 ET Murdock. of Kansas, At Portland, Ore. the grand odge of Klks ¢ rOpris 25 the position of the Orange order re- 80Mt a gas explosion in the Kitchen Joie of i ag ia garding the existence of these schools fired the home. at Bedford, Va. The convention meets in Ontario and Canada; and the im Nerved by the danger, Mrs. Ingram in Roche stor NY. next year immense crowd in the park testified ja; Foil Li her bed, grawped her tiny ee ----a A feeling in the matter. The Orange- | baby in her arms, and walked almost a we . x Fiaai men, and' fo Porson elge, dose. tha) across: the sheet hatore abe senpi¥l LOSES. VALUABLE DIAMONDS. credit for investigating the state oly the ground in a fant. A neighbor afipirs. Mr, Woodcock stated that picked her and her babe up in. his though, at first, Sir James Whitney 'arms and carried them fo a nearby thad "'pooh-poohed" the matter, he home. was. finally obliged to appoint De.| After the Ingram house was de- Merchant, whose report has been pub stroyed at 'a loss of ¥2,000, the nurse lic for some time. Sir James' has returned. Mrs. Ingram will sufler no promised to abolish these schools, | lasting injury, the attenthng physician with the esception of those in tho pri- (3ays, but he marvels upon her es- mary grade, within a year, and it js; %P® under the trying conditions. "up to" the ordér to see that he does it. The speaker said the ne temere' decree question did not "hold a can- s-- dle" in importance with the school Pominfon Archaeologists matter, : : Remains of Village. Who 18 gon Prescott, Ont, July 13.--The spiaker. . es mains of what must have been 2, are," from a voice in the crowd. | org ago an Indian settlement are ot uness we stand together, Hana unearthed by excavators em- was the renly. The work must be doné Lioved by the geological survey in by the individual in his home, neigh- | oo inection with the work of Harlan borhcod and life, LL. Smith. Dominion archaeologist, through whose zeal the first of the Orange Order Stronger. velics were 'discoverad. "That we &flirm ones shore our al Skulls of the old inhabitants and in- legiance to the Orange institution and numerable pieces of pottery, artistic our firm attachment to its leading ally designed, sharp bone instruments * (Continued on page 5) {that may have been either forks or "Ne Temere Resolution. The first resolution : '"lhat, where- as the Buttle of the Boyne was the culminating event in a long struggle for eivil and religious , hverty 1 Great Britam snd dreland, and where as the hierarchy oF the (hurch of Rome are again manifesting an in tol rable aggressiveness by the pro mulgation and altempts to enforce medias ul decrees of the Roman pon ull an We country contrary to its laws and to the laws of the British empirg, we call on all loval Cana dians to join us in celebrating the anniversary of the batwe of the doyne as a protest agsiwnst the audacious ef forts of the Roman Catholic hierarchy to sur up strife and discord in Can- ada by the promulgation of decrees which are not only cruel and unjust, but insulting, and a direct attack up on the civil and religious liberties of the citisens of this great, country," was proposed the grand chaplain, the leading a he rom a portion of his "charge," He guarded against the feeling that Orangeism is out to fight Roman Uatholics personally. That is not the case, but they 'are prepared to delend the natign against the encroachments of 'the Roman hierarchy, or any other power, on the privileges of Protes- tants, 'Hegarding another often misunderstood - matter, Mr. FitzGerald Miss Helen Johnson, of Watertown Suffers in Fire. Thousand Island Park, N.Y., 13.--Miss Helen. Johnson, of Water- town, dapghter of Levi A. Johnson, owner of the Columbia lost several valuable diamonds. in the fire. Miss Johnson was one of the last to leave the. burning building. When a porter came to help her remove her belong- ings, she told him to take a drawer in which she said were her jewels. In the excitement of the moment. she told hun ot the wrong drawer and the dia- mounds were lost, At a meeting of the directors of the Thousand Island Park Association; it was the consensus of opinion that the Columbia hotel should be rebuilt at Jonce. No definite action was taken, F.t a meeting will be held soon . and the matter settled. It was' voted by the directors to rebuild at once the store, meat 'mar- ket, milk market, rug store, chapel and Japanese siore. WOMAN FINED A NICKEL FOR USING "CUSS WORDS" As Twenty-five Expletives Were Al leged, Profanity Is Apparently -- Cheap in Baltimore. Baliimore, July 13.--"Cuss words," were rated ut one-fifth of a penny apiece by Judge Gorter in Part 11 of the, criminal court, when Hester Jones (colored), wis fined just five cents for making use of ugly words in Inloes alley a week or two ago. Hester had a colored Iriend in court with her--"a gen'man frien' "--who testified against her, but who com- promiised by producing a nickel to save her from spending a day in jail for her lure to pay the fine, "Une v in jail," ruled the court. "No; 11l change that. Five cents fine. Who # got the nickel ¥ Then Hester's friends paid the fine to save her. from further bhumiucy. It was Charles 1. Heid, executive secretary of the Prisopers' Aid Asso- ciation, who = estimated that Hester must have made use of at least twen- ty-five cents "cuss words" to suffer the fivecent fine. - That setiled iprice of "inlia | timore. July INDIAN POMPEI! FOUND. Unearth g to win 7" asked the re- long speciens ATTACHES PASTOR'S SALARY, Sacramento 'Clergyman Has Failed to Pay Debt. Sacramento, July 13.--~Because. Rev. A. A. Hull, pastor of the Oak Park ssing | Baptist charch, has not paid back the floor beside. an [$150 which he borrowed from her two 2 your ies *in the open," he said. arm & Method, ) iz ¥ ; ir awls, a8 well as other archaeologicsl- DRE ity interesting have been AMS OF THEFT, ou : : 'atholie ¥rom the fact that no objects made par he Salted to be a ne of * FINDS IT A FACT by PEuroprans or white people have Catholie church, ? which Christ found- : q } found it is conjectured that the od : gts : jv ge was abandoned Ly the Indians "When you mean Roman Catholics, | TFOUSEIS Of 2 New Jersey Clerk,Con- or whatever race wccupied the site, seak of I as such. Don't forget [before any of the exploring parties speak for * Mare giving away $200, Stolen from hadaweached the vicinity. That they bo) that So from the great Bedchamber were's peaceful people is to Be in rr Nb, FitaGerald mentioned Burigton, Nd OW aki J forted from the Yact that ieuely of public ecclesiastical : Y the ul, July ng low implements of war have heen was published in 1901, with the impregsion that he" had |tsken from the ground among all the dreamed of u thief stealing his trou. relics of peacetul hiving. sers; which contained $20 in cash, Samuel Epstein, clerk of a local shoe store, discovered that the pantaloons had actually disappeared from his room at the boarditig house eonduct- . Jed by William Alpert. : He hurriedly dressed , amd, runnin downstairs, found the lowér. floor the house in confusion. His mk trousers lay on r open window, the pockets turned out days before Christmas, 1911, Mrs. and empty. : k Emeline Spafford, a wealthy property A boy under suspicion was examin | owner and parishioner, eaused an at and ed by the police, but later réledsed tachment to be levied upon the Pas- for lack of evidones, and the = police tor's salary. have uo clue to the thief Mrs. Spafiord's couiplaint, which 4 ---------- -- was filsd in the name of a collection Big Work for Victoria. + jageney, avers that Hull was to pay eight per dent. interest for the use of the money for nimety days and has' fo pay. A The attachment was served on W. C. Curl, chairman of the board of trus- tees of the Oak Park church. A -- -------- Cape Vingent Sunday Conncetions America 7.30 am. and 2 pm., re t leaves Cape Vincent 11 a.m. . and 645 p.m. 50c. return. { - t is understood his decided to future nt har- Ottawa, July 13.1 that the uy the question of the med language," in Bal- ation, ening, at Boat leaves Sunday doll templated eT on to im reise the importance of Victoria as | o Pacific port. Right Styles in Straw Hats Is what Fou gut if you buy here. All from. . Wp, * Bt Campbeli Deon, the importing hattors, pA, .| position, the tish 13, 1912, : THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE. bekah Lodge. Gananoque, 13. -- Harmony Lodge; N {held their officers, 1hursday Were R.G., Mrs. - John Lasha; M. Harding; L.S. 3.4, liam Hawke; V.G, Mrs, SN. Mullins Miis Mary McDonald; R's. Buck; F. Miss Eva Glover: er, Mrs. Georg oner; DD. Andrew; waiden, Mrs. A = conductor, Mrs, Sarah Kelly; I. Mrs. G. Smith; 0.0, Richard An- dirson. The ceremony wax performed by D.D.G. president, Mrs Robert Webstcr, assisted oy the Mesdames M. Harding, W. Hawke and =. Mullins. After the. session a delightful supper was enjoyed at Hicks' restaurant I'be weekly dance of 'the Gananoque Yacht Club was held at their club house, last evening, and was largely attended. Many campers from 'the ad- jac:nt islands were present. Ihe steamer Thousand lsiander took out, a large number from town on hor trip to Ogdensburg esterday The coal schooner Horace Taber af- rived yesterday, with a cargo for W. A. Robertson The Misses and Chris tne M. Wright, who have been in at- tendance at the normal Otta- wa, during the past vear, have re ceived the pleasant news that they both passed their final examinations ereditably, The steamer Missisquoi had quite large party from this section on her trip to Brockville' yesterday. 2 Mrs. Thomas Montague, accompani by her daughter, My (Dr.) Snyder, 'of New York, Teft, yes for a visit in Brockville W. 8S. Yule, 'spending a few days here with relatives, has left for Saska- where he will open up an un- dertaking = establishment. Mr Yule was for many years in that business in Gananoque and left here' to locate in Owen. Sound ago. Mrs. Yule and family will spend the summer here with = her parents, Mr. and Mrs. EK. Landon, and join Mr. Yule in the west in the early fall: Mr. and Mus. Williagp Gustafson, New Westmingter, RB.( spending the past two weeks with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Webster, left, torday, to spend a week with Mr Gustafson's brother, in Quebec, whence they take passage, by White Stat liner, on the 20th, to visit his home in Sweden THE LATEST STANDING | IN SASKATCHEWAN Liberal Victory Was Sweeping--Only our Conservatives Sure of Their Seats. Regina, Sask. July 18.~With con servatives "hoping at best to secure only eight or ten seats, and the libe tals only conceding four to their op ponents, and with some uncertainty still as to whether Opposition Leader Haultain 1s elected in South Qu'Ap- pelle, a victory, sweeping and decisive for Premier Scott in Saskatchewan, 1s beyond question. The situation as the liberals size it up, is as follows Liberals, 40; conservatives, 4; doubt ful. 6; deferred, not heard 2 < of in Henry; installation ening Bene Those stalled Miss Mrs Mrs Le.Vi, Mrs J§] tredsur Mrs ~ chaplain, Gladys Derry school, a 1 i es terday, toon, several years 2; from, Conservatives claim Lumsden, Maple Creek, Moosejaw City, Moosejaw County, Pipestone, Prince Albert, Rosetown and North and South Qu'- Appelle, BOMBARDED ICEBERGS, Scout Cruiser Birmingham molished Several Monsters. Philadelphia, Pa., July 13.--Weather stained and salt-streaked from her cight weeks' summer iceberg patrol of the Northern Atlantic steamship lines the scout cruiser Birmingham has returned to the Philadelphia navy Des be Birmingham went out to iccbergs that were a menace to ping, and icebergs she fou by score. She dealt mercifully with them, merely flashing thir where abouts by wireless to shore stations, but as the patrol drew to a close commander decided to hold a little good-bye celebration be- fore he turned the cruiser's ram homyward., = On July 3rd there came a rift in the dense fog through which {he Birmingham was slowly steaming and her officers saw that she had just passed between two huge icebergs and was in close vicinity to three more and several great chunks large e nough to do serious damage to a shin. - The erniser stood by and or- ders were given to man five-inch and three-inch guns and bombard the bergs. The very first shot smashed off several tons of a big berg that loomed through the fog, and a lit- tle more attention caused the berg to heel over many degrees. After that the firing dislodged only small frag- ments of ice and did no serious dam- . The largest berg attacked was a 200 feet long, 175 feet wide and eighty feet high above the wa- ter. ! find ship- the . The Case Dismissed. The case against Dr. J. G. Evans. of Kingston, was dropped in Torento police court Saturday morning. The disputed typéwriter has been returned, There was no theft in the matter at all. Real Estate Traisf E. W. Mullin has sold to Byron Durbyshjre a fine brick residence on Pre avenue, owned by Silas Grimshaw. Ys See the New Styles In swimmer bats at Campbell Bros' Whig Installation of Daughters of Re. ers of, Relyekah, R.S.N:, | Wil | » Miss Lyle Grandy;| Ander- | 3 v } ) QUEBEC CITY MAKES A LARY DECIES EXPECTS HEIR. Nobleman's Wife Vivien Gould. New July "13.-<-An het pécted to be horn rd (Miss Vivi |b me near London j montl I his that has reached friends of Irish Was Miss et Lady their this ork, 18 to | { Decies ant news and n elatives, Lord an addy Dec this side, and parents, Mr. and Mrs oury . < i { family have planned land to-morrow As soon as possible afte Lord and Lady Ireland, where ceeded the late im the command Horse, and t much entertaining or Late, event Decies will for Lord Decis A si Mar of Waterford of the South Irish will probably de Insh es then POPPE PP PEF EPIL NP LEEPER Eb e * + AA) ANT WIDER MARKETS, Winnipeg, July 13.--The Tribune say it is reported here on good authority that a large deputation of west ern farmers will journey to Ottawa in the fall to take up with Premier Borden the question wider markets « + + * + 2 &" * ¥ & + +» + <> + + + + of * : : * FRETEVEPLPLP PPE E bbb bbb bpd TARMING AGAINST PLAGUE, York Quarantine York, 13 lias been kept New Continues Rules. Although striet by the health wrt tor more than two trace of the y fight possibilities Stringent New watch olhcers July at this weeks without Invasion the slightest of bubonic plague, antine officials to orously co ntinue " Over agamst one thousat burned in Saratoga of 18 id pounds of sulphur he hold of the steamships from Havana and the Car the Ned D. live from <an they lav off the Statue 'of with the were cas, Juan, Liberty Hag flying It is estimated vellow quarantine that of rats, which may have been exposed to the plague in West killed by the rats' were caught quarantine stajion ation to determine Jed with the plague tions aken with the West Indian ports lhe there thousands India A porte, were few the sent the sulphur ol and to for expert examin if the were infect « Similar. precad are t all vessels from otlicials' seem to danger of the ahd think alarm has been caused by tions taken, but they toem up. A YOUNG MAN DIES FROM BLOWS RECENED In a Drunken Brawl in Biglow's Restaurant, Parfiament Street, Toronto. Toronto, July 1 after he was struck in a quarrel John Biglow's restaurant at Parliament street, on Thursday Walter Colleran, thirty years old, died in St. Michaet's hospital, vesterday Jobn Biglow, who dealt the fatal blow, is mn jail, charged with man slaughter. The quarrel followed drunken brawl in Biglow's foeminy house, which is located above the re; staurant. : that of indue agree 1s hitthe invasion that the precau- propose to plague, keep J.--Twelve hours in 1991 Hg -------------- Orangemen From Brockville. Amofig the Orange lodges which visited Kingston on the 12th was No. I. of Brockville, which is the original Orange lodge of British North Am erica, founded dn Brockville. eftev, ¥ D. Woodcock, ome of the speakers at Macdonald Park in the afternoon, master, and A. G. Sykes, past trict master, is one of its most thusiastic officials. uy The bugle bund of the 41st reg: meat, of Brockville, \n charges of Bug- ler Watson, accompanied the Orange Young Britons, No. 252. of that city, Thomas Brady, master, and L. J Hunter, past master, did muck so bring this lodge, with its large nam- bers, from the farthest point east, to the demonstration. is dis *| + {he must either vote for én - i i-- LAST EDITION. RIFLEMAN WORLD'S RECORD At Bisley Ranges at 1,200 Yards Range CORPORAL MORTIMER GRE ATEST LONG-RANGE SHARP- SHOOTER. 250,000 Women and Children Starying in London, Eng. land as the Result port Strike, Bisley Rife Ranges, Fang Corpl, George Mortimer Koval Rifles, "Qu There are of the Taaise July 13 of the Sth City, to-day made x world's record at the milifary rifle shoe ting, by making eleven cen- three bulls and a magpie at vards, a total of wv ot seveniy-hve, winning . King's Norton 'prize of medal and other tro Mortimer was cheered on all as the best long;range, sharp shooter in the British empire chee tinis, twelve hundied enty-three out the 2M, a gold t hies sides 250,000 Are Starving. 13.~It is offiei- 250,000 women London, Eng., July ally * estimated that and children starving in Logdon day, as a result the transport workers' strike. Funds are being so- licited on the sireet corners fo relieve them. In the meantime, as conditions grow worse, 'the prospects aie thatthe strike may be settled within a fow days. Employers positively "decline to are te of | make concessions i PICT POCKET CRYING THIEN. Colonel Roosevelt's Characteriza. tion of Republicans. N.Y. was + Oyster honest ay, July 13.--*Ng put up n republican elector at the primaries last spring can fail to record his vote against Mr. Taft." This Col... Roosevelt's reply, vesterday, to the charge that the new {party is violating its. precept "Thou {Shalt Not Steal" by the announced "tntention of having republican elee- |tore in certain states vote for him. "There is always something refresh- ng." said he, "when a ickpocket socks 160 distract attention ors him- 'self by raising the cry 'stop thief' bwith reference to the man whose poc- ket he has just picked. have been jimmensely amused by the upholders of 'the fraud of the republican eonven- tion wpeaking about stolen presiden - dial eleotors Mr. Taft is not the {rank and file of the republican party. iMr. Taft was honestly beaten He 8s the fraudulent nominee of the ; Barnes-Penrose-Guggenheim machine which has ouilified thy wish of the great majority of the republican par- ty. | "UU any { maries last spring is to act hone me or not election at all. Mr. Taft is entitled to any elector nominated by Mr. Barnes, Mr. Penrose or Mr. Gug- genheim He. igs not entitled to any nominated the majority the republicans in any primaries; a flagrant act of dishonesty any such elector to vote Taft." man who as was elestor named at the pri stly "run for elector by of I to for is ask Mr Tenders for New Hotel. 4 { | the steel construction | for the new hotel, arrived at the of | fice of William Newlands & Son, city architects, for the new hostelry, Sat- | urday Tetiders called to-day, be awarded on the 0th | : { Y.W.C.A, I anc 1 For The plang for morning were and will ~~ Swimming lasses. Mondays 'and Fridays, at Sandy lottom, the members of the club free, Bi. -a season for othr persons, tickets apply to Y.W.( DIED. Nappnee v July is Vandewaler, aged Ju Sth ed wife of eRrs way aged NEISH ¥ Kingnatog i912, Margaret MeNetist yn n residence (Mrs. John Senith), ridge Gate on ining 2t sine o'clock if Cemetery Friends uaintamces are respectfully quested attend 12th, of her Catan Monday to Catas niece ra to ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 577. 230 Princess Street. 254 and 206 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 147 for Ambulance. ----------------------------------. TAKE NOTICE. A $212 Open Buffet, in oak, practical. pew, for $12; also a $30 Hrass Hed 'Phone 306. or $29, at Turk's, Lemonade, Orangeade. Lime Juice. Lime Juice Cordial. Lemon Squash. Grape Juice. ke Sparkling Geape e. es Ss y i 'rit Syrups, i Gurd's Gi Ale. Imported Ale. Jas. Redden & Co. -