PACIFIC COAST AND RETURN v v 8 PORTL AND, ORE., 8 AN FRANCISCO, CAL., LOS ANGELES, CAL. L OW-BATE 8 ANCOUVER, B.C 1CTORIA, B.C. FATTLE, WASH., | 980.80 TO Western Canada and Retarn T cen th. 1 wesday, "July Sth, and every se- uvesday thecealter until Sept. Tickets good for 0 days. For full information. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. Low Rates Pacific Coast & Return v Vv SEA POR SAN FERANCISOO, CAL, ) 10% ANGLELES, CAL, ) ANCOUVER, B.C. 1CTORIA, B.C. "TLE, WASH. LAND, ORE,, 1995.80 $101.80 Return limit, Oétober 31st. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS eT Opes Western Canada and Return |: co 17th Pr F. Tuesday, nd July 9th, and every se- Tuesday thereafter until Sept Tickets good for 60 days. For particulars at K. & P. and C RH. Ticket Office, Ontario Street, CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. ALLAN LINE MONTREAL CLASS CABIN 'Royal Mail Steamers 8t. Lawrence Season MONTRE AL TO LIVERPOOL. T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virginian.' 3 Tunisian and Corsican.' "Sallings every Friday. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Grampian and Hesperian." "Scandinavian and Preaoria. Sailings every Baturday. TO: HAVRE LONDON, Service of moderate priced ONE- (11) steamers. Sailings every Sunday. AND Full information and tickets on application to J. P. Hanley, G.T Ry. Agt. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Clarence St. Agents in Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- BOAT CO. LIMITED. $$. North King & SS. Caspian Te 1,000 ISLANDSROCHESTER. Commencin at 10.15 000 Islands 2nd steamers for Alexandria and Gananoque. leave at 6 pm, for Ra. via Bay of Quinte, ecall- Deseronto and Belle. Ave ay, 1 ing, 1 1X. woton, handled despatch at rates. with ITANLEY, Ticket agent. SWIFT & Co, Freight Agents HORSEY, -General Manager STEAMERS "Toronto" and " Kingston' i WwW ¥ Westbound, Het ween w axtho DAILY SERVICE, jeaves Kingston 600 am 4s 3 " 5.00 pm onto, Roecherter, Kings- , Running the Raph ds hee and Saguenay River. 'Steamer "Belleville" igthound leaves Kingston 600 pm, Wednesdays 1 leaves Kingston, Midnight, Saturdays Hamilton, Toronto, ontreal and intermediate ¢ tickets, folders, ett, apply HANLEY, Agent, Kingston, H. FOSTER C 3 AFFEE, G.P.A. Toronto. und ext bound Kings- poris. Le or He A------ CANADIAN PACIFIC | EMPRESS AS. LL TOLD ALL NW CANADA AN Lake Manitoba .. .. Empress of Britain . Lake Champlam Empress of freland, . Lake Manitoba .. +. wre JUNI Cans July 28) vo Aug. 1 Aug. § . Aug, 1% ah aa way Empress of Britain .. .. .. Aug 23§ Lake Champlain... «. .. Empress of ireland... . Lake Manitoba .. «« Empress of Britain , Tickets and all atermation foam. i any steamship agent or F. CON. WAY, GPA, K. & P.R, Kingste Ont $101.80 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS (Continued from Page 2.) > . Sl . A bridge was given at the Club, on Thursday, in - honor number of, vis rs In town were played at seven tables and prizes were won by Mrs. Jack Craig of Ottdwa, Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell] and Miss Florence Cunningham. The widge players were Mrs. J. D. Craig of Ottawa, Mrs, John VYrimrose of New York, Mrs. E. H. Pense of Otis wa, Mra. A. Goldwyre Lewis of Otta- wa, Mrs. Charles Crookall of New York, Mrs. Andrew Forman of Mont-| veal, Mrs, Victor Anderson of Ottawa, Mrs. Marsh of Bermuda, Mrs. Hansord Hora, Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mrs. Frederick Birkett of, Ottawa, Herbert Dawson, Miss Mary. Hora, Miss Lettica Tandy, Miss Mabel Dal- ton, Misses Lilian and Constance Norton-Taylor, Miss Eleanor Macdon- | ell, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Fran- eis Sullivan, Migs Jessie Smith, Marie Carruthers, Miss Carrie Wal-| dron, Miss Aileen Rogers, Mrs. P. G. C, Campbell, Miss Florence Cunning- bam, Miss Amy - McGill. At five o'clock tea was served in the dining- room. Mauvé sweet peas were used in! decorating the table, which sided over by Mra, Mor, ran Toronto, and Miss Miss Florence Cunningham served the ice cream. Those who came in at the tex" hour were Mrs, W, L. Grant, Miss Parking of Goring'on-Thames, Eng- land, Mrs. Manrice Plummer, Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee, Mrs. Cartwright of Napanee, Mrs. -Hueb- ner, Mrs. David Motdll of Montreal, Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Agnes Rich- ardson, Miss Muriel King, Miss Lillian! nt Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Helen Lordon Country ot a Cards Jelett of! - Cooke, ing ag new "Hazeldell,' ain until she the house recently Professor and Mrs, on _Alvington . avenue . - - - Mrs. A WW rece in her occupied by N. Caolville, will not is settled | home, Mre, issued day Barrie street, has for a tea for Tues W. G.. Craig, invitations afternoon. - Ge. C, Camphell, Professor P. LIMITED. | River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises 10 88. "Cascapedia," 1,900 tons, with all modern comforts, SAILS FR OM THURSDAY, a duly, 1st, from Bane Cool Lntitudes, MONTRE AL ht a 29th Rugust, he following day at for Piéton, , calilng at Gaspe, M Bay, Perce, Summerside, P.E.I, Charlotietown, -P.E.L New York From Quebec. Via the far-famed River Saguenay, alling at Gaspe, Charlottetown and Halifax, B88 Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sall from Quebec at 8 pian, 26th July, ith and 23rd August New York to Bermuda Summer by the Twin Screw Ss. "Bermudian" 10618 tons dian acement, sailing from New York rd, 14th and 24th August ind every ten days there Temperature cooled by sen seldom rises above 80 degrees hth Excursions breezes The finest trips of the season for health and comfurt, For tickets and staterooms, ap J.P. HANLEY, or C. 8. KIR RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP QUEBEC, Ivy to PAT- ont, COMPANY, JENKIN'S« SUMMER BARGAINS $4.50 will uy the b Panama Hat in our store. $1.75 will buy the best $3.00 Straw Hat. $1.00, will buy the best $2.50 or Milan Straw or French Palm 49¢ will buy any Chil: dren's Straws up to $1.00 each. 35¢ buys our best Silk Hat Band. Washaple Ties 2 for 25e. Boys' Cotton Jerseys all colors 2§c. : Boys' Khaki Pants 35c¢ per pair. Boys' Porous Underwear Boys' Shirtwaists, colors, all sizes, the fect fit at 50¢ and 75¢. These are not bargains | for you unless you come ad get them. a on, the | Mrs. | Miss! was pre-| arjorie Pense,! Richard | K.| " | George Quebec Steamship Company Isireet, alien speading a fow Juin in | Taronto, returned "home on Wed nesday. | Mr. JB, Carruthers, rin England. for the past j surned hore to-day, { Mrs. Morgan Jellatt arrived | Toronto on "Wednesday and is the {guest of ber parenis, Col. and Mrs | Sydenham Mill, King steqet. who has month been re from | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Iand Mise Nora Macnee, {will lave next Thursda | few weeks at Little Metis Mr.. and Mrs. N. C. Polson" and | Missin Jessie, Isabel and 1 na Poison, {who have been travelling on" the con- | tinent for the past five months re turned "home last week. p! Mrs. March, Bermuda, who is vis iting -her mothwr, Mrs.. Norton-Tay- lor, Wellingtosi strect, will leave the first of next week to join Col. and Mrs. Birchall Wood at their camp | down the Rideau. - = H. Hacnes Union street, to spend » | Col. and Mrs. H, Birchall Jarriefield. are spending the x sampling down the Rideau, fo Goldwyre lewis arrived from or on Friday to spend the week- lend with Mrs. Lewis, Stuart street. }" Miss Edith Ferguson Mr. G. Ferguson, Union street, left on Wed: | nesday. for Cressy, to visit Mr. and | Mrs. H. Horsey. Miss Snowden. guest of the Misses street. { Miss Gina Fairlie has arrived from with John Wood, sum- is' 'the Tiroek of Montreal, Daly, | | Toronto to spend the holidays her parents, - Rev. and Mus, Fairlie, Brock street. . - - - *'Bishopseourt,"' Tuesday Mes, Lennox Mills, will not receive - again on juntil the gutumn. ie of Montreal, is Miss . Ida Miss Alberta Jesmer, the guest of her cousin, Prevo®t, Earl street. Miss Esther Briceland, Barrie street, left, to-day, to visit friends in Duf- | fala, N.Y., and other western cities, {| Mr. and Mrs: MM. Davies, of New { York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. i Jacob Turk, Queen strect. I Mr, and Mrs. DD. J. Fairfield, { Belleville, are visiting Mr, and Jacob Turk, Queen street. ee. Mr. Sidney Fiskin, guest of Mr. Heber ford," Brockville. Miss Lucile Corbett, of Kingston, is the t A her grandparents, Mr. Land Mrs. J. N. Fell, Prescott. Mrs. Staples and Misses Agnes and Nora Staples, of 5566 Princess street, Woodstock, have left to visit in St. Catharines .and Kingston, of Mrs. I Kingston, Jones, at 18 a "Rock: gues 7 THE nAfLY BRITISH WHA, SATURDAY, sony 13, 1912. BASEBALL LONG AGO} OLD ST. LAWRENCE TF AM QF KINGSTON. fHE 1 ttlayed at Cape Vincent on July 18th, 1872~--Some of the Oldtime Play- ers Still Reside Here Foily Jul years ago last Dominion day Ist, 1872), when baseball in Ils mitial season, mn Ringston, st Lawrstios team played a team Cape Vincent. The score was 26 1024, ww favor of the boys across the horder, vhose gine was picked from Cape Vin Rome Watertown, and inded a professional battery Un July, 15th, "the St. Lawrence team, only six weeks old, badly *'shut cat' the Dominion baseball 'team, of | Napanee, in a game om the aricket | The Kingston line-up was: J. A. Wright, J. Jarvis, T. Parkin tol the post office staff), R. J, Eilbec {ex-theriff)y, W. Elliott, J. A. Power I. McCammon, A. Falconer and Tho- nas Driver {of the inland revenue . de- partment), As far back works (then machinery Yes, and on August tied the St namber tence nine, C. Tossell Abraham in eld. as 15872 the locomotive the works) had a ball team. Lawrence. There were a of changes on the St. Law Dr. Jarvis, T. Dumble and figured on the diamond. Shaw, now. customs inspec: tor, scored seven runs on that day for the Locos, and T. Gaskin, of the same | service, was another strong aecquisi- tion tg the team. The others were, most of whom are away from this part of the country, or in "'a betier land," W. Thurston, R. Chanonhouse, J. Carey, T. Sullivan, H. Tandy, G. Mec- Cullagh and T. Graham. 'Towards the "end of the season, the Kingston club was quite badly beat- en by the HNions, a United States team, which. also defeated the Port Hope ball players. However, the Ca- nadian muscle of the Maple Leals, of Guelph, put the Hions out of the run- ning. It was a great victory.' Brook- lyn professionals figured in all the mighty positions on Uncle Sam's out fit. Notes or Sports. Lally says Cornwall won't lose another gante in the N.L.U. They have a half-Nelson on the champion- {hip all right. Ihe new Canadian Association Football Clubs will be atiiliated the Amateur Athletic ada. "Rube"! "Joe" of with Union, of Can- Waddell, the former Phila- Minneapolis. lle has been doing good work in the American Association. lhe International Baseball League is still fighting for higher classification and the Canadian League clubs will likely apply for promotion to class nr "Jchnny" Hays says that "Jim" TORONTO, walker, who nplouship of Olympiad in previous records walk GEORGE GOULDING, Champion di beating ali ten thousand metre Sweder [in the Corkery, of Toronto, will be among the dangerous runners in the Olympic Marathon at Stockholm, Sunday. Six or seven Canadians will start. Jahn Gaunzell, of the Rochester Bron- chos, who won three baseball pennants in a row, and who is now on his way to a fourth, will likely manage a ma- jor league club next season. Ganzell's chief forte is the development of young players. THE W ESTE RN FAIR At London, ont. ., on September oth to 14th, 1912, The manggement of this popular, ox- hibition will spare neither trouble ox expense this year to make it the ever held. A new fire-proof art building is being erected pear the en- trance to the grounds, which will be best 2% society, instead of © Hair Canada engine and | 26th they met and | delphia left hander, is seriously ill at] ' The Mon } is On Watch.; Sy eat or After - reading us elected the list of off- provipci day, over the the ered if the ra onto by tian kadeavorers i-ampman wou {was 'nol rathe other assovia Tor au Untarno He did not hear if the Endeavor ers had ofliered prayers for rain. f : : they didn't, y should have, | they did, their petitions were wot i ] ceded to. . fu-| | The Urange drums i banging on Friday, and the Lampman is salistied that this time honored | custe I gives promise ot being con: { tiaued by future generations at battes sea, Stella and Uarden Island, whose! |v otest ant boys have been handed | {down from their forebears the art' of receives] a great | ' | clubbing the drum, for one could not jeall it playing. | In the L ampman's opinion, the Thou sand Island Park Association is guil-| ing sullicient fire {hundreds of flimsy jallowed to | grounds. This association 'conducts He uritan Sabbath at the park, al prohibits the sale of liquor, althotigh | {booze could be got. The association, {instead of protecting the place against | only firewater and Sunday traveling, might have also sought to protect the people against fire, yet it seems that! bell .The Lampman must express his sur- prise at the humane society of the dogs by the use of the pistol. ing has proven to be a lingering | death for a'dog. The Lampman knows | that in some cases, six and eight bul lets have had to be put into a canine! to end its life, and on two occasions, | policemen's toes have 'also suffered Al Williamsville resident told the Lamp-| man that he preferred hanging' his| dogs 'and cats, and had made a great | success as a rope executioner. Just | aflix the rope around the mick of | pussy or deggie, hang him up, come | back" in ten minutes and the deed is] done, he However, the | Lampman would suggest to the hu-| mane society that it insist that these] animals be hefeafter chloroformed. explained. This week, verse the Lampman held { with one who knew train robber, "Bill" Miner, whe, bad | he been re-captured on Canadian soil, | after escaping from the New Westmins | tér penitentiary, would have been in-| carcerated in Michael Kennedy's Ports | mouth prison. He said that "Old | Bill" was really a fine fellow. He was| a strong socialist, and declared tg | him that he robbed trains because the | wealth of the world was not properly | divided. After his escape from West: | minster, not a word could be got from | people who knew of his getting away, | i r he had the reputation of being so | generous to the poor wherever hel went. con- | the famous] | The Lampman also. talked with an-| other man who has seen a great deal | of prison fife in the way of a reform-| er. He remarked that after having much to with convicts, he found! himself examining the countenances and 'the heads of all men, and won-{ dering why one was in prison and an- | other net there. In church, times, he would agine that all the men of the congregation in prison stripes, and. with numbers their backs, and, in fancy, he 80 do some in he saw on | even put in 'readiness for the exhibition, and will be filled with beautiful and expen paintings for which very prizes are being offered. applied for once and cheese exhibit tra large. In addition to the the association there in cash and silver special exhibits will be machinery. department" - The live sive should | butter | be Space The promises to be ex prizes offered by are g nt Al NATE wany Cruel Old Punishment. Ben gas most severe, time of Richard of England, drawn up for the government of his fleet on the crusades, provided "that whoso killed any person on shipboard-should be tied with him that was slain and thrown into the sea. And if he killed him on land he should in like man- ner be tied with the party slain and be buried with him in the earth." In Elizabeth's time a thief was to be ducked three times, towed ashore at the stern of a boat and marooned with a loaf of bread and a can of beer. Mutiny was punishable by the culprit's being hanged by his heels "until his brains were beaten out against the shyppe's side." The pen alties imposed for sleeping on waich were progressive. For the first offence the man was to be "headed" with a bucket of water; on the next occasion he was to be strung up by his wrists and to have two | buckeis of water poured into his sleeves; the third time he would be loaded with weights and bound to the mast, and 'for. the fourth time he was to be hanged to the boltsprite, with a can of beer and a biscotte of breade, and a sharp kuife, and s0 to hang and choose whether he would cutte himself down and fall into the sea or hange still and starve," Chicago News. Light Ammunition. Finley Peter Dunne, ereator of Mr. ley, was dining with a friend at a ow York restaurant, Rice birds were served. The tiny cadavers, picked and lean, were brought in upon large slices of toast. "Poor little things," said the host. "Seems a shame to kill 'em--don't it? How fo you suppose they ever murder enough rice: to make a dish 1" Dunne turned over an infinitesimal with his fork. "1 don't know," he said, "unless they use insect powder." To Make Good Bread. » Requires 'good yeast, and to have good Ju: Toe aud insist upon ad ving you White Swhn st Rh. oy Be. ckage contains six cakes, Free sail sent on re quest. White Swan Spices & Cereals, Limited, Toronto, Ont, 01d time punishment for offences at 1 best always come to London. The eode, of the! | | Williams' fea Very department is one of the strong tures of the exhibition, as the ticultural will, overflowing, and né doubt, fill of the | the poultry building have enlarged on exhibition. Prize and all information tion to the secretary, London, Ont building - to best, while will probably to hold the birds lists, entry sent on applica A.M the vers to be Save the Childre n. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot wenth- er. Stomach 'troubles. cholera In fantum and diarrhoea carrv off thou sands of little ones every summer. io most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure these troubles, or if given ocea- sionally to the well child will pre. vent their coming on. The Tablets are guaranteed by a government an- alyst to he absolutely harmless even to the newborn babe. . They ave. es pecially good in the summer bhocanse . regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure, The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by 'mail at 25¢c. a box from the Nr. Medicine. Co., Brockville. Ont, % Wickerwork Lifehoats, Liiehoats earried by a butch line, running peiween the Thames and Rot- terdanh are so constructed. that it is claimed that it is smssible to injute them their coming inte contae with od Da side while being low; ered from the davits or with obstac- les in the water. The boat consists of a series of shells--the outermost of cane basket-work. then comeés one of wood, then one of canvas. then an- other of canvas, and finally, an inside shell of wood. -------------- $1.65, Watertown and Return, $1.65 Good going Saturday or Sunday, returning up to Monday night 5 iting Kingston and Napanee for the st month, retdrus to her home in Niagarg Falls on Saturday. a I gain liberal | wii fw as in a place {8 prison wod specials | 3 Ww and | mad the| stock | The ag-| horticultural exhibits |" forms | Hunt, | is | He prison garb on the minister knew | men in churches who had do them a place in prison of those who ware He had to shake reveries, and remember of worship mors than nt tually himself out of that he and not .in | nany | the re. | these now | THE TOWN WATCHNAN., | Pathfinders' League. for girls has just | been formed in Berlin on sumlar lines boy seouts. It Pathfinders' League, Momtor. eighteen are irrespective Politics from the Girl {| A German league {to that of the | called the Girl says a special to the of from fourteen to | ible for membershup, of religion and rank, be carefully excluded | of instruction {league if to provide exercise {to wmculeate independence of {promote tonceniration of ' purpose, quickness of decision and presence of mind. On the committee are many wellknown women,' including Von Hopigarten, the chairman. fein Droescher, of the bel house, and others. Capt. who has already drilled the girl scouts into a Hourishing band of over 100 members, will have the su pervision of the new undertaking has met with much sympathy and would-be members from all quariers. i eli of are to e for girls I'ray layer, Married the Whole Family. When Lalfcadio Hearn mamied his| Japanese wife all his wife's family companied him to his new He mentions that he had niné lives de- er, wife's father, er, wife's fathes's father, then ants and a Buddhist student. wouldn't de in Fagland, but nothing in Japan. it A ballad of "The Old Niagara,". by Arthur Guiterman, in the fiction num ber of Seribner's Magazine { August), revives memoties. of the spirited éon- tests between the band fire-engines of the old days. Rheumatism Is A Constitutional Disease. It manifests itself in loca! aches and | pains, ~inflamed joints and stiff mus- , Slencsbt it cannot be cured by local | applications. It requires constitutional treatment, aad the best Ja 4 Soutwe of the great purifying and tonic medicine Hood's | Sarsaparilla | Miss. Klsie Bartle, who has been vis-| which corrects the acid condition of | Then op Saturday th 7 the blood and builds up the system. Get It today. Bold BY Wil geumuism everywhere. 100 Dosea One ty of criminal negligence in mot hav: | Prose ion for the' uildings which, it | be constructed upon its | not al-| lowing steamers to land, and'it also] | the only apparatus it had was a fre | { 'town for sanctioning the destroying of | Shoot-}: is to be | Girls | surse | The chief purpose of the! action, | Frau | Pastalozzi-Froe- | Hamburg | It | the ere | are applying { ac-| Huarters i pendent 'upon him--wile, wife's. moth- | wife's adopted moth- | This | is} ' PAGE THRES. y Tervate, Out. July 13th, 10 sm Ottwea Valley and §pper-St. Lawrence South and seuth-westerly winds) local thunderstorms before night. Sun day, westerly winds and fair, Weather bates : - | CET EOE CET) CO SE } = 4 E A J 3 STEACYS MUSLIN ' SALE MONDAY Sale Starts at 9 a.m. > | 1500 yds. fine quality' French, English and Swiss Muslins worth from 15¢ to 66c. Monday 10c Note. Our | Annual Muslin Clearance Sale is well - known to bargain-loving people, and needs no further comment. We only desire to impress upon you that the values offered surpass any of our previous efforts. "At Kingston's Coolest Store' THE STORE OF STEACY'S SATISFACTION STEERER) TEASER) (IESE) TTS) § CSET CE ENE EE ------ RIVER, GULF & SEA Down the noble St, for its scenic beauty, and with points of great histories) interest, through the Gulf and into the open sea, there is no other trip In the world more full of real luterest, pleasure and enjoy ment. BLACK DIAMOND 88 LINE. of Hyd: ey and BS ry Wednesday real tisine, and e« Lawrence, famed Morwenna from Mont- excellent service mvenience library arkably steady electri lights Bervide, ete return fare Two at fine and including weeks' teip made any cket te t r day for handsome INystrat. iookiet B" sent free A. T. WELDON, GF. and PA, 112 St. James Street, Montreal, FOLGER TICKET AGENCY, or Local Agents J IR Re Is there any costs you less pei REEL] o fs 7 GOES FARTHES - | i { { | | | i | { I! Choice Selection of Woolens CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS | Princess and Bagot Sts. i i je | BATTLE OF BANNOCKBURY, Ring's patk, where orations will be delivered; while a great church parade will take place Lo the Albert hail on Sunday. Essay competitions are bein organized amongst the school hin dren in the district. | National Celebration to be Held at ! 'Stirling This Year. i Arrangements are being 'pushed for- | Fard for a national eelebriation of the | batile of Bannggkimm at Stirling this year, AL a meeting of the general jeommitiee of the Ee in Stirl- jing on Tuesday evening a provisional programme for the proceedings was {drawn up. Un the evening of Friday, { June, 20st, it is propos to have a | edncert at which prominent Neottish will appear, to be either ---- That Kind Would be Both. "My dear, you should have been to church this morning,' said old Mrs. Blundethy to ber caller. "The pastor gave bis bacchanalian sermon to the college grads. It was so interesting and destructive." Boston Transcript. Great clearisg Brock street. Pig: reduction in the order and ready-made anized procession of public bodies, | department; also in the gents' furmish- ocal and mationaf, to the Borestons ! ings, to make room for fall and wia- on the battlefield, aud thence to theter wwportations, wiih { yoealis: 8 préceded or followed by an illustrated {lecture by a. dstinguivhed Scotsman will be an of Prevost's, in proce sale at