w \ . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, B THE STANDARD OF EANADA "of Canada or es will -find the services of this bank of © OFFicy invaluable assistance in collect- TORONTO ing drafts, etc. KINGSTON BRANCH, H. E. Richardson, non = THE CHURCH SERVICES THE FILLING OF THE ON SUNDAY. PULPIT Lhere Will be Intéresting Theaes Considered in the Puipits~~The Gospel Message to All People. Bt, Andrew's--Rev. .8. J, M. toa, B.D. Services, 11 a.m. p.m. Strangers welcome. i St. Paul s--Morning i o'clock; evening. prayer, 7 o clock Preacher, Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, M.A. Chaimers church, corner Barrie and Karl streets--Services, 11 a.m., and 7 p-m. Prot. Alexander Laird will preacy al both services, Sydenham Strect --HKev, 1. W. Neal, ruaisier 4 preacher," Rev ¥. ow. vn 4.45 p.m., sible schoo i; 7 p.m, preaci- er, Kev.. ¥. W. Danby, BoA, canal wey come. Ss Comp and prayer, Meth dist church iki, ox xT Lor ; oa o L : - - We Trade on 'Merit deal tailoring to your own measure fs the bést and most economical. Good We trade on merit and give a square every time. Hand to a satisfactory suit. with a uit linings and pockets are necessary together and see if we cannot satisfy yow or pair of trousers. THOS. LAMBERT, 151 Princess St, a Let -us get. Queen Street Methodist church--Rev. IL Campbell, pastor. ll a.m. sub "Ibe Investment of a Lite'; 7 subject, A Call to Higher Ser- The pastor will preach at both LP jest, p.m. vice, SCrVices. St. George's day after munion; II am, Rev. Canon Starr; 4 p.m., baptisms; p.m., eyensong, preacher, the Dean of Untawio. The evening service ig of one hour's duration during the sum mer. . First Chureh of 'Christ, Scientist, Johnson' street, between Bagot and Well.ngton strects-- Sunday service, 11 a.m., subject, "Sacrament." Wednes- day evening, testimonial meeting. Free cathedral rinity. Sixth Sun 8 a.m., holy com- mating, preacher, i \ARROLL ___ REAL ESTATE 'FOR SALE Lots in Regina and Saskatoon Sask, Wainwright, Bassano and Mirror, Al- berta, Welland, Ont. 'PHONE 68. 14 MARKET & FIRE, LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE. HONVUASNI OLAV UNV LIVOoH HOIOK PLATE-GLASS AND LIABILITY INSURANCE, public reading-room, same address, open every afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially in- vited to the serviced and the reading room, Cooke's church (Presbyterian)--Rev J. W. Molntosh, M.A., minister. Resi- dence, 90 Frontenac street. The pas wr will conduct both services. 11 a.m., "Reputation and Character"; 7 p.m., "The Heaven of the Christia Sunday school, 3 p.m. Mid-wk aeeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers cordially welcomed. Calvary Congregational churdh, cor- ner Bagot and Charles streets--11 a.m., public worship; Sunday school at close of morning service. p.m. public worship, Monday, Young People's meeting, 8 p.m. Wedmesday, prayer meeting, at 8 p.m. Seats free and unappropriated. - Strangers and visitors heartily welcome to all duit services. Bethel Congregational church, corner Barrie and Johnson streets--A central church. Rev. A. P. Mershon, minister 11 am. 4 Bible reading; 12.15 p.m., 7 SERGEY PE at oa 5% to 16? FULL PROGRAM FROM { SATURDAY ' TO SATURDAY 7 4 Dominion Grant of $50,000 spent on extensions innovations prizes Taciem ed 50 per cent fle driced Rallway points In New miles will be Every produce, and Rates over all Canada east of Port York and Vermont Fxcess of freight pald by the Exhibition Association Province competing for hi New $100,000 Machinery g DAILY BALLOON FLIGHTS, ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS, CHARIOT RACES, NEW FIREWORKS, ) TEN VAUDEVILLE HORSE RACES AND DOG SHOW. "SIEGE OF OMDURMAN," ILLUSTRATING KITCHENER'S EGYPTIAN TRIUMPH. HUNDREDS OF SOLDIERS. ODD EANTERN CEREMONIES AVD GEORGEOUS DANCES, 6 for $1 Tickets on Sale. Write for McMAHON, Arthur, and on exhibits over fro spectal Hall premiums offered for (le MIDWAY OF FIFTY SHOWS, FAMOU Prize List and Programme to E. Mgr. and Secretary. Cas 10 TROUPE: MILITARY TATTOO Entries close August 2v 26 Sparks Street, Ottawa. Sunday school 'for all, organized classes, George Mills, superintendent; 7 pm., "The Bum of the Bible." = A church where the gospel is found music and ' message. Seats free and everyone welcome. First Congregutional church-- Rev. E. Ls Rice, B.A., pastor, 'this church and First Baptist church worship together during July and August, Services to morrow, ll a.m. at First Baptist church; 7 p.m., at First Congregation- al church. Preacher at both services, Rev. Douglas Laing. Sunday school, First Congregational church at 12 noon. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. First" Baptist church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services. First Baptist and First Congregational churches, worship together, during July and August. Services to-morrow at 11 am. in First Baptist church, and at .7 p.m., in First Congregation and at 7 p.m, in First Congrega- tional church, First Baptist Bible school, at 2.45 p.m. Strangers cordial ly invited to all the services, James' church, corner Union and streets--Ven., J. K. McMorine D.D., rector, 50 Clergy street cast; Rev. T. W. Savary, B.A. vicar, the parsonage, 152 Barrie street Sixth Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m.. holy communion. II a.m., morning praver and sermon. Seérmon espec fally for boys and girls. 3 pm. Sunday school and Bible class; 7 p.m., evening prayer and sermon Sermon . subject, 'He restoreth my soul." n Arch MLA. AUTOMOBILE RACE BETWEEN Private Owners at Hamilton, Ont During the visit of the British Automobile Manufacturers RESULT Brockville Atlas Car Sines, M5 2 Simpson of Hamilton "FIRST PROVING That this Car is "P: oper ust Bt thrown together, i tho gine ran of the € anadian Automobile Built." Not e Bist Speed Brock street Methodist church, ner of Montreal and Pastor, Rev. John cor Brock streets-- Webster. Resi: ASQUITH AND CHURCHILL {Continued from page 1°) principles < of brotherly love, Protes tantism, and 'loyalty to the throne In this crisis of the history. our domimion we rejoice that our organ ization is to-day strongef than ever before, not only in numbers but also in unity and resolution to defend and maintain our rights under the British constitution." Bro. E. H. M¢Lean, K.C., Bowmanville, a member of the com- mittee on legislature, proposed the above resolution, amid loud applause' Mr. Mclean also struck the note of the bi-lingual schools being extreme ly detrimental to the family and pub- lic life of the domimion. He carefully traced the whole rumming of events up to the report of Dr. Merchant, Wand the finding 'that only twenty per cent of thise schools were doing. what they were created for. 'The present settle mint from the premier of Ontario was only of a tentamve nature, for every Or nzemen saves bilingualism must go The speaker, feelicd' that it was an in- centive to speak on such a subject in Kingston, the home of many former statesmen, said that there was great: er need of Orange organization to-day than ever, insuring the safety of Can ada at any time, lest should break forth, and religion might be perverted to eads not intended, un til intruders becon.> community. This resolution was seconded supported by RW. Bro. Rev. Dowdall, D.G., chaplain, of P.D.M,, of for Frontenac, of Collins Bay. The se- conder . guarded mistakes of the members of the order. He said there was too much "snap- ping, and snarling, and spatting," be- church and the Roman Catholics, he knew of ato a lodge room. "Don't be bigot- ed Protestants," he declared, have torn their religion to pieces the past, and, also, in our loyalty, let us be more than flag wavers." A. M. Rankin, M.P.1 the order might be assured that, one year, Mr. he carried out, or, it would know the reason why. He was glad to identify himself' with the order, of an apt speech, be sai: "For these two things, ity of Canada and the liberty of Cana- diaus, and the preservation ol the in- tegrity of the British empire, Orange order has done mud] h, ands will vet do more. Let every live a clean, clear, straightforward life as he is pledged to do; let us all what we can for the cause of educa- tion and pure religion; let us be loyal to Canada, to the empire, trye sub- jects of the king." Loyalty to the King. Third resolution; 'that we our true fealty and devotion to the person apd throne to His Majesty ning George V. and His Gracious onsert Queen Mary, and that we hail with extreme pleasure his royal high- ness, the Duke of Connaught, as gov- ernor-general,'"" was very strikingly proposed by R. W. Bro. Rev. DeMille, county master of Newburgh. our empire may be one, he said, 'Rome | can never win. She may gain a little here, and a little there, We must have to wait. does to as a Methodist minister, prostituted the word Ca: and 1 say, lome has tholic,"' RK. W. Bro ¥E; E. Smart, of R. dro. ¥. MN. Clark, of Belleville, hy secretary, of Ontario, support ed it. 'I'he latter said that he be- lieved Sir James Whitney would de the right thing with the school ques- tion, which was handed down to hin from the late liberal government. Selling Irish For Power. R. W. Bro. loose" on home rule, in his proposal of the fourth resolution, '"Chat demonstration allirms its hostility Irish home rule; realizing that it the first step in the separation ireland, extremely dangerous to tc oO the old fire and| Landon, grand director of ceremonies T.:F. Syden* ham, and Anthony M. Rankin, M.P.P. against some of the tween the members of the Protestant and Milo, who this spirit to even creep 'who in , stated that with a in Whitney's instructions regarding the bi-lingual schools would in conclusion said Mr. the prosper- the Orangeman do declare "The prayer of Orangemen, i8 that A church that stands as she disturb government powers can never 'win. She is bad at the core Shar- bot Je seondon the resolution, and James Berney! "broke this is the JULY 13, 1912 of Men's Oxford Shoes---for Saturday, ONLY $2.49 Men's Tan Oxfords--Patent Oxfords--Gun Metal Oxfords in Button and Blucher Styles, these are regular, $4.00, 4.50 and 5.00, but we want to make a quick, clean up ofall broken size and have filled our window at $2.49 A "COME AND GET A BARGAIN ABERNETHY'S ---- ---------------------------------- a menace to the of Ontario Kast, of Lansdowne. The gathering closed at five o'clock, with the singing of the national an A GOLD WATCH PRESENTED To Frederick Milo by Some of His| Kingston Friends. number of friends of Frederick $s leaving the employment of the waterworks, department to become superintendent of the water department at Welland, gathered in the Whig building on Friday evening to'bid him good-bye and present him token of their friendship and esteem. Mayor Hoag occupied. the chair and an address was read by W J. Moore, in which the regret of his comrades was expressed at hie A A GENEROUS PLATEFUL [| of .the most delicious, refresh- ing lée Cream ever manu- factured fis offered dafly at this store---purest ingredients, freshest creams, best flavor ing, put together in spétiess- ly clean surroundings. Visit our parlors when you want to crowd an hour of delight. lunto half that time. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 leaving. "It is to be pegretied, Moore, 'that one has to leave the place of his birth and that in which he has done his best work, for a new field of operation, but we are assured wherever you may be you will do vourself credit." The addrgss was followed by a words from Mayor Hoag, and the presentation by him of a beautiful gold watch to Mr. Milo. In making the presentation Mayor Hoag cx pressed in the highest terms" his ap reciation of the services rendered In {r. Milo while an employee of the cit, and accompanied the gift with hi: sincerest wishes for the success o its recipient in his new field. The wateh was engraved on the ony with the following inscription : "Fred Milo. From a few Kingston friends on his leaving for Welland, Jul 1912." Mr. Milo expressed in a few words the thankfulness that he could better feel than speak. He said Iv was sorry to. leave so many friends (that he was leaving to better his position, and that he would alway retain the kindest remembrances of his friends here. Others who spoke briefly were Joh Evans, Sidney Smith and Norman A Smith. Milo leaves for Welland on i oy and 'will enter services there immediately. ---------- IN MARINE CIRCLES. fen with the-afily perfect guaranteed to burn ty third air Drop into BENNETT & 191 PRINCESS ST. and enquire about the mates cheerfully give brie y BUSINESS BELLEVILLE $63.00 pays tion, Electric Light, use of aynasium, all' but books and iry, for twelve weeks serjod at reduced prices $30.00 pays Tuition alone for the entire scholastic year. SCHOOL Board, Room, on hi longer tions, Candidates prepared yearl for the examinations held by the in stitute of Chartered - Accountants of Intario and for Commercial Specialists, Special attention given Matriculation, Teacher's Course Blocution, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Fine Art. Domestic Sclence Physical Culture. For Illustrated Calendar, address PRINCIPAL DYER, MAA, DD The Steamer Alexandria Was Easil Released. The steamer Toiler called in, on h way up the lake. The steamer Missisquoi is up Rockport and Gananoque. The schooners Ford River rill arrived from Charlotte with coal Crawford's wharf : The schooner St Louis will clear for Oswego, for coal "The steamer Geronia arrived at Fo! ger's wharf, Friday, on. her way Quebec. The steamer Waterlily called at Fol ger's wharf on her way up from rive ) ! fro: and Me 1 Ottawa > f DO YOU COOK WITH GAS, IF NOT, WHY NOT? When you can get a Cas Range or Gas Plate ALBERT COLLEGE Graduates holding the best posi. to Burner on the market, wo-thirds gas and one HALLIGAN'S Phone 1033. m. Advice free. Esti- 1. Bissell's Carpet Sweepers Make Liou Work dence, 242 Johnson street. 10 study. 11 a.m., subject Magnificent of Fame and Preacher, the pastor. 7 ject, 'Christ's Second Preacher, the pastor. Solo by Pearsall, Anthem, "Hark, ' My Soul!" Miss Gertrude Wednesday, 8 pm., mid-w vice. Strangers made welcome, Princess Street corner Princess pm. a.m. Sunday school and Brotherhood Bibl: "The House Glory." sub- Coming." Mis Hark, Laidley. ser- Methodist church, and Albert streets-- points, and discharged a quantity o freight. The steamer Alexandria Folger's wharf on her way up fro Quebec, on Friday evening, and dis charged a quantity of freight. The steambarge Wiley M. Egan, br longing to the Pittsburgh and Fri Coal company, 'was docked at th yards of the Kingston Shipbuildin company, Saturday morning, fo caulking ahd general repairs. M.T. Co's wharf : Tug Browson a: solidity of the British empire." Mr. Berney attacked the Asquith overnment in England, of pushing orward the home. rule bill ia order to remain in power, it was not brought forward in the interests of the people at large, as stated, but was the outcome of a ~surrénder to vile conspiracy, among the darkest that stamped the pages of history. Judas sold his Saviour for thirty pieces of silver, but his conscience brought forth a confession. It will not be so, called = & Ladies' College Ideally situated in the Capital, one of the most beautiful cities in the world Offers Matriculation, Academic and Selective courses. Accepts pupils from 12 years of age and upwards, Parents seeking a good educational nome for their daughters should write for Calendar and particulars. " fev. W. D, ARMSTRONG, MLA., PhD, DD, Piano Duet Benches Hammock Couches and Lawn Furniture JAMES REID'S will You Own a Winner ? Trial Runs to it. oo z ive Poon sui venience Model "8" Model "C" LW. MURPHY, wie Rev. Frederick (i. Robinson, minister. Parsonage, 602 Primcess street, Rev. A. W. Stewart, Wolfe Island, will preach at Il am. and 7 p.m. Sunday school and adult Bible classes, 10 a.m. Epworth League, of C. E., Mon day, 8 p.m.; prayer~wmeeting, Wednes- day, 8 p.m. Music: Morning an- them, "the Fear Of the Lord;" even- ing anthems, "Father," Keep Us In Thy Care," "Peace Ble Still.' Annual Sun- day school pienic, Twesday, uly 16th to. Brophy's Point. Boat will leave the toot of Clprence street at 1.30 p.m. Miss Knapp's Pupils. The following pupils were sueccessfol at thé recent Toronto Conservatory examinations : : Intermediate Medcof. Junior piano, primary theory--First class honors, Pearl" Blythe. Junior counterpoint--First class hon ors, Gertrude Murton. Junior piano--DBeatrice Gates, Péimary piano -- Honors, Saunders. Primary piano--Edith Powell. Primary rudiments--Honors, Rhets Green. ---- m Only Few'Days, Expires. George Furmey, twenty-seven, died Thursday night, in the town of le Ray, near Evans Mills, N.Y., He went from Flinton, (nt., a month ago, and was working om Mrs. § Shall's farm. He was ill only a few days. Surviving aré his mother, Mrs, Edward Farner, of Flinton, his counterpoint -- Nellie Gladys | The - Men's § paient colt boots, $1.55 Button's sale. with Aspuith Churchill, Leader Redmon the British parliament has not? asked. The Roman will control the voters. Ireland twenty-six -- years, and gone through election campaigns. ning unless with Roman Catholic Comparison was permission of church," he of Ireland, lister, Munster, more prosperous, The people of It is more Protestant and industrious. "Redmond says there is no question," 'said Mr. Berney. "I t 8. Aiter reviewing the state of whole coyntry the speaker said : 'Ll tie heel of the south, as a sheep the slaughter. There may be civil war, but there will be no home rule. descendants of those brave men Lore pong Bal ue Bian there, and they will resist. Orangeism i$ nothing less than organized Pro- testantism." The resolution was well seconded by Bro. A. H. Creeggan, of Desercuto. At this time, Bro. W. R. Cole, GM. of the True Blue lodges of Untario the dominion, spoke, largely in the m- terests of the Tiue Blue orphanage at Picton. Bro. Col. W 0. Gordon, here sumed the duties of the chair, Bro. Rev. W. E. posed a vote of thanks to the mayor presiding, sceondisl hy Pro, Ww. as What can do for Ireland that he Catholic priests I'he speaker said he knew this, for he has lived in had "Fhere 18 not a nationalist now run- the said, made of the condi- tion which exist in the four counties Leicester end Connaught, and the question ask- ed why the north (Ulster) is so much the south are not looking to built it up, Ulster say the ster refused to be sold and put under to are Kast, and the supreme grand master of and L Kidd, D.A.M., pro rived from Montreal, with two ligh barges, and cleared again for Mont "PRESIDENT. Leading Undertaker ~ Phone 147 real with two grain barges; tug Em erson will arrive to-day, from Mont real, with three light barges. Swilt's wharf : Steamers Kingstor ane) Caspian, down and up; steame: Rideau Queen cleared for Ottawa steamer Ridesu King, down, from Ot tawa, to Clayton, N.Y., and return steamer Buena Vista, down, fron Smith's Falls. Foresting Waste Land. An Ohio farmer is solving the to do with farm in this interesting manner prob lem of what a worn-out He owns an old homestead of sixty acres, which he is desirous of keeping family. He does not live on the however, for the reason that farming mn it has 0 late years been a decided lv losing proposition. He has, there iore, decided to plant the entire tract in trees, Already 35,800 Norway spruce have been set out, three and a half iset apart each way, on an area of about eleven acres. These trees will be cut, as they become large enough, piace, emt a ------------ Oatmeal Cure for Diabetes. The oatmeal cure for diabetes is the subject of a paper by Dr. S. Strotise in "I'he Interstate Medical Journal,' in the course of which the writer say: that it' i= inadvisable to employ th cure in mild cases which respond wel to the ordinary dietetic restrictions A The most '*'striking efiects = are pro in the, ssms---- - for Christmas lings will be plapted in the the remov is expécjed that these bearing by the time the cut, In addilion to the catalpa, black and sycamore have planned 't6 put the in forest within five owner kinds of trees, himself to one Hist be prodecing six of ven kinds lumber, chestnut and Christen all at the sams time HK. DB. Sando, Outing. tree { Hest nut et fed t BPTUCE ane] By DY al of the will come int last spruce | hardy elder, it is VOTOs #pr ace, elm, box beep planted enlire sist locust or six years in planting Instead a is wise apetios -- EE -------- produced in more advanced cases. Th method of preparing the gruel! ist add 250 or 30 grammes of washe butter to 280 grammes of cooked Ame rican oats, the two being thoroughly mixed while hot, and then divided in to three or four portioes, to be takes during the day. At sach feed one o | two eggs may he added to the gruel but the general tendency now is t limit the day's food ta the oats am butter. It is usual to allow as much wa as the patient wants, and ip Germany a little light wine is per mitted. No other food is given on th oatmeal days, and the addition o meat or of other carbohydrates rep ders the treatment valueless, T. Pineaway Thynne He was born with ac i And how to put fat on o-oo rrr One of the 25 Tingles "or which the Windsor, Ont. paid $500.00 in May Written bs Panama Hats sit he In the styles good dressers ' Tike From $350 up, at Campbell Bros', the only exclusive hat and fur store in Kingston. was the shape of a pin Was apparently out of the question. One morning his Dad read a Post Toasties ad. And sent to the grocer io try it, Now T. Pineaw ay grows fatter each day, It proved a most wonderful diet. ht ute indigesiion, a figure like that, JOHNB ansportation ROEE Bi ' Meotreal, Q Canadian Postum Co,