. rooling above the stairs. _ PAGE mois ~ BRGIN WORK si TIONS, 1,000 MEN : ERIE ON Alberta Farmers to Ask Grain Fle- Sator Subsidg--Canadian. Pacific Railway's New Mileage. New York, July 13.-Contractors are now at work on the two hundred and fiity miles of double track for the Erie railroad, Nearly 4,000 men are distributed over the four sections * from Corry, Pa: to Umeago. The work costing ¥5,000,000 and in many places involves relocation and bridge build- ing. It expected that the new Yruckage will be ready for operation An December. tis a part of the system of im- provements projected by ¥. D. Under- wood, its president, and is regarded _ as an important supplement to the re- cent extensive grade reduction of eigh- teen feet to the mile. At the office of the president it was seid that since the efficiency had been increased the trallic also showed im- provement, 18 Pennie First Dividend. : The, directors of the Canada Fous- dries & Forgings, Limited, have stor- ted off the second half year of their existence by the declaration of a dividend of 34 per cent. on the pre ferred stock, for the first half of 1912, The meetin took place on Tuesday at Brockville, and the dividend -was made payable on the 15th inst, to * whaveholders of record op June 30th, M2. W. M. Wir, of firm of J. A, MacKay & Co:, was nt the same meeting elected a director of the company. It is thought that dividends will be quarterly hereafter. Made Temporary Loan. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has issued treasury bills for 8615, 000 to Sherbrooke city at 44 per cent. : for three or six months, pending im- provement in money marked abroad. The city has been paying six per cent, on over $500,600, Canadian Patents. Applications for patents in Canada in 'the last fiscal year totalled S253, an increase over the preceding year of 256. of the~total number issued 4,992, sixty-eight per cent, are to residents of the United States, Grand Trunk Figures, tI. R. earnings for first week July, $1,012,061. Increase, $68,9504 issn, of Financial Items. Iu Chicago, hints that rust had appeared in the north-west, unsetfled prices of wheat, The discount rate of the Bank of England. is unchanged at three per cent. A year ago it was also three per cent. CPR.' mileage shows a total of 11.117 miles, an increase of 135 miles since last month. 'The increase since . the beginning ot the year is 275 miles. Bank clearings throughout Canada continue to furnish evidence of 'the magnitude of the progress. that is making in most sections of the, do- minion. A London cable says : City of Victoria's agents are in the wid country meiropalis, endeavoring | to place £000,000 in six months' trea- sury bills at about 4} to 4}. dhe Trukie and Guarantee company announce that the erediters of the Cobalt Majesli€ Silver Mines, Limit- el, which went into liquidation some | time ago, are pow receiving Haymen! of their claims in full. it is again circulated that MacKay, common, is, worth ' watching. 'The ti , | is beingepuassed around that the oe will be placed on a six per cent. basis next quarter Meanwhile a good deal of July dividend money is finding its way into this gtoek. At the next meeting of the provin- | cial legislature of the province of Alberta a strong effort is to be made | to secure the passage of a bill similar in effect to the Saskatchewan act. which grants a subsidy of eighty-five cends on the dollar to. farmers for the ereetion of grain elevators. It is sta- ted by Alberta grain growers that jms- mediately the act is passed at least | 100 clevators will be built on these | terms, Make Your Will To-day, If you have not already made your will you should lose no time in doing it.. The unexpected usually happens. The Trusts & (Guarantee GCo., himit- ed, 43 and 45 King stroet, West, To. ronto, make a good exéoutor under all circumstances, and at small ex- pense to your estate. Appoint. the company executor, and let them hold your will in their security vault, free of charge until required, Smoke Traps in Theatres. Smoke traps are used in the Stet. tin. theatre, Germany, to provide a- gainst fire. They are placed in the Six traps are movuted on J vertical sides of a skylight, so that a large open- ing is given by raising all the traps. The opening devices are von- trolled from the stage. . How to Kes Face - Young and Attractive represents. improvements ' the financial i Montreal and ** lu Se THOUGHT WAVE WON DOMINION FAIR At Ottawa This Year Will be Very Attractive. - Novel features are being secared ev- tery day for the Dominion Exhibition {to be eid in Ottawa 'from Septem- ber 5th to lth. These immovations, with the expansions in the main de- par ts, will form an aggregate of {attfactions end displays that will create a bustle and stir in every part | of the hundred acres of fsir grounds. The exhibition association has pre pared a bulletin of the features se cured up to date, which will be sent {to any applicant. Later additions will be published in the regular preo- gramme. Only by perusing these pub- lications nd the prize list can ap adequate idea be formed of the enor- mous 'scope of the Dominion Exhibi- tion. The result of the judging in the live stock departments will be impressive ty demqpstrated to the public at 1.38 pun., Thursday, third-last day of the fair, by & monster parade of the ani: "mals winning Dominion Exhibition premiums. e procession will be repeated at the same hour Saturday. On Friday and Saturday an extra | display will be made before the grand stand of the championship stallons, one of each breed to be designated by printed 'cards. This is chiefly for edumational purposes. Another spe- cial number on the programme for Friday afternoon is the lining up before the grand stand of the heavy horses which will Sompute in strings a purse of $100. NT P rial features are mentioned if the advertisement which appears in ap column. George P's, Advice. George PP. Graham wisely advises young political speakers io steer clear of agricultural statisties before an ag- ricultural audicnce unless farming 1s their every-day oecupation. The ad- vice comes out of a full heart. Once Mr. Graham was campaigning. through Kent county, and if there is any coun- ty that knows the hog-raising busi: ness it is Kent, Staniling on the rear | of Sir Wilirid's train at a flag station, | Mr. Graham was called upon by twen- jty or thirty farmers to give them a speech. The cabinet minister natural- Hy chose the. question of Bogs: " "What was the price of pork when this government took office ? Was it not five dollars and sixty cents?" he thundered. "No, sir," chirped up a farmer bold- ly, "it was five dollars even." : Mr, Graham accepted the correction and proceeded : "And what do we find hogs selling at to-day in this beautiful county of Kent ? Just seven dollars and thirt. cents, gentlemen." "Wrong again!" piped the mathe! matical farmer from the crowd, "you're fifty cents shy." - Repeating the incident to Mr. Graham added : to statistics on farm produce this I hold my tongue." a friend "When it comes after What the "Wildebeest" Is. Stewart Edward White in the World's Work for June is able to deseribe very amusingly this unfamiliar api mal, as a result of personal -experj- ence gained on a visit at Juja, an American estate in South Africa, He ¥8 "The wildebeest is the Jekyll and yde of the animal kingdom. lis un usual and familiar habit js that of a eavy, sluggish animal, like our van- ished bison. He stands solid and in- ert, his head down; he plods slowly forward in silgle file, his horns swing- ing, each foot planted deliberately. In short he is the personification of dig- nity, solid respectability, gravity of demeanor. But then all of a sudden, at any small interruption, he becomes the giddiest of created beings. Up goes his head and tail;"he buck jumps, ca- vorts, gambols, kicks up his heels, bounds stifi-legged; and generslly per- forms like an irresponsible infant. To see a whole herd at once of these grave and reverend seigneure suddenly blow up into such light-headed capers goes far to destroy one's faith in the stability of institutions." A Useful Invention. A Yorkshire farmer was paid by cheque for some cattle he had sald. It was the first time that it had ever happened. "What's this," he eaid. "Why, money for the beasts," the cattle dealer. The farmer stared and had to assured that if he took it to bank they would give him gold said be | the for it. ; "Well,"' said he, "Aw'll try, but if it's a wrong 'un thou'll hear about at.' The chejue was cashed, of course, and the farmer went home happy, hut he could not sleep. He had seen a wonderful thing and it had excited him. As soon as day broke he made for the cattle dealer's house and woke the dealer. "It's me," he said. 'Where's gol thim bits of paper from? Aw eud do wi' half a dogen myseli!' Youth's Companion. tha A ------------ Stricter Wireless Regulations. New York Herald The regulations proposed by the In- ternational Wireless rence estab- lish silence periods of ten minutes ev- o hour for the detection of distress dis, and impose stricter rules for the ex: (National Hygienic Review.) The way to ward off old age not to x, at, to allow one's is sell to 1 os y the 'dread of advano- ing years. Use only legitimate pre ventives and avoid trying experiments with Preparations mot indorsed hy physicians. An entirely safe and very effective way to keep the i ¥ -looking and beautiful is to pe mercolized wax at a } t A is gradu- oF absorbs the withered, outi- cle, which is replaced youthful, ul ounge wax, ta be had at any drug store, is enough to am ol venate a worn-out complexion. rinkles and flabbiness of cheek and | ounce: of, powdered sexolite in a ball pint witch hazel. w a Ea pisik-tinted ar ne a Tt is weed as a face Harding Datis, Peary van Dyke, Mrs {Andres and others, business. between rival ies. Most satisfactory . of all is t bordination of everything else to safes '. That is the first function wi R sis put upon it evidences a nition of the lesson enforced by the worst of modern sea tragedies. Buried 100 Days, Hog Still Lives. Pinned under the ruing of a church near 3, Ala., which was blown down on February 2ist, a was ' to-day, alive, and, whi pk ened from the imprisonment, was able ta eat and drink. The an was over 100 days without food, ps a record for fasts. Several were present whén the debris 'of the church building was removed the gaunt form of the came forth, Mobile , Ala., Dispatch roit Evee ' The fictl (August) number of Scribner's ine will contain sh stories by J. Galeworthy, Richard telegraphy, and the em-| WITH MANY FRIENDS "HOPING," CHICAGO MAN 1S BRECOVERIN 11 With Typhoid Fever--Life Saved hy the Application of Theory of a New Cult, it is Claimed by its Ex- ponents. Chicago, July 13.--J. Sterling Mor: ton, who has been ill for more than two months with typhoid fever, recovering and is pronounced out {danger., ~ His relatives and [rave placed almost ay much in "thought waves" his physicians. ; Bowe of his friends the experiment "said : "We made up our minds that we {could defy death; we did, and now {we have won, We passed the word ip our friends. 'Think health {Bterling Morton.' "At night, before going to - bed, in waking, in the middle of the day, at all times and places, we thougjt and hoped," and Mr. Morten is covering. * " "Publication of the saving af the life of J. Sterling Morton by thought treatment is as good as a thousand sermons," said Bishop Samuel Fel lows. after he had read of the youuy man's recovery. "It will reach so many people aud will spread the faith so it cannot is of friends faith in explaining There is no: doubt im the mind of Bishop Fallows - that the '"'thought waves" sent to young Morton at the gritival time of his attack of typhoid fever 'helped to"save his life. "I have no more doubt that hé was aided, and greatly aided, by friends who _ coheentrated their thourhts upon his recovery than 1 have that 1 am sitting in this chal he said. ; "No miracle was performed in bring Ling him out of his sickness by his friends. There have been thousands of such cases. I have known manv almost literally broyght back from | such, and some of those saved were literally brought back from the "other world." : Bishop Fallows iz a leader. of what has been called "new thought," but he said that the new thought is only a reteaching of the old thought. "I'ne divine scriptures," he went on. "ave full of the teachings of just such practices as were used to save Mr. Morton's life." : eared CHARLES DEWEY HILLES, Former privaie secretary 1o President Taft, who has Been appointéd manager or chief organizer of the republican yepaign for the presidency. iB cts. Spend Sunday in Watertown, Good going Saturday 5 a.m. 2.30 p.m., Sunday 7.30 a.m. and pm. returning up to Monday night. $1.60 return. or -- summer vests, 2 for 25¢. Dutton's. Henry van Dvke,- who has--just re turned from salmon fishing in. Canada, will have in the fiction number (August) of Seribner"s Magazine a story, "The Efiectual Fervent Prayer," which' gives an unéxpected answer to a selfish prayer. Investments The word investment is often misused; it has a strict meaning and should he defined. An {nvestment is the exchange of money for something of PERMAN- ENT VALUE and produc- tive of return. Lay thsi rule against any invest- ment proposal that is made "to you. It will help you to decide whether it is a real investment or a spec- ulation. There is scarcely an in- vestment, either in stocks or bonds, whose Shcupiey is al en- We have Municipal De- bentures in denominations of $500 and upwards. Let send yo 'deserip- tive 'Mat at Municipal bentures, yielding 4% to SYN. x Ww "Fo 1 rants he has a spur piwked up as they have in' to | re- ihelp but be of great value," he add- | the | org ey SUPERSTITIOUS MONARCHS. LE {What Some of Europe's Crowned | Heads Wear. i Emperor Wilham 1s superstitious, {but does not. allow it to be said {bis presence. He wears all sorts 'of {things as charms, calling doing, so dove for wsouvemifs. Nothing would twduce him to lay aside the' cuff but {tons left him by his grandfather, and be* always carries the saulibox of Pre- iderick Il. When ne reviews the at the battle of Bultowa that belonged {td Charles XIT of Sweden. | King George of England wore all { through the ' recent vovage to. India and back a fine bracelet of platioumn {wire go slight as pot to be remark. {able. [It was given him hy a friend {as a preventive from danger, .and the giver puts all the credit of the safe journey and return to the innocent {looking bangle. Ls i Ex-King Manuel'of Portugal has a number of mascots and gets a pew one from. every lady <ove.. He changes { them so often that it is difficult to say which he considers the luckiest Gustavus II, king of Sweden, would be miserable if be missed from his i finger a ring that belonged to bis { ancestor, Bernadotte, who, pose from ia simple lieutenant in the French {army to be king of Sweden. Gustavus | afin walks about his eapital, but will turn instantly and go a long way around to avoid a funeral pro- cession. The czar of Rus<ia is the most perstitious of all.! He believes in lucky and unlucky days, in. charms und spells, and his astrologer advises him on every subject, from the ap- pointment of a minister to the right {hour to start on a journey. Monarchs are noted subjects of collection mania." King Victor Fm: manuel collects eoins, (Queen "Helena [stambs, Prince Albert of Monaco, sea relics; Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria, {niants and butterflies; King Albert of Belgium delights in wireless telegra iphy and powerful motors: Queen Wil 'helmina of Holland has fifty-five dolls su dressed in the quaint style of a cer- § | tain - Dutch department; King George lof England has one of the finest 'stamp collections in the world: Queen | Alexandra has volume after volume of family photographs and a valuable icolleation of vasés. The late king of Siam had nearlv a million different match boxes. The sultan of Moroeco favors phonographs' and bicycles Queen Maud of Norway has scrap books containing hundreds of press veferences to her apd Haakon under the title "Things We Have Never Said or Done." : | The oddest collection of all is that lof King Altonso, who kecps relics of attempts made on his life FORTIER-KILPATRICK STOCK. This Desirable Stock Being Offered in Kingston, company rigats for Ontario {facture of concrete | thy, J homas lazed cement sower pipe aachine. Throughout the westan states and Canada, where this pipe has come into general use in the last two vears, the Thomas pipe has given {most satisfactory results, In sevéral instances, notably Calgary and Win- pigeg, it has been necessary to double the capacity of the plants. . Under this prooesa the excessive costs of manufacture. as in vitrified day pipe, such as fuel, repairs, skill- od labor. loss in manufacture throigh broken pipes, amounting ~ generally to sifty per cent. of the output, and oth- er incidental expénses, are practically eliminated, The Thomas pipe is ma- thematically true, is inc estruciible. has double the crushing strength of the ordinary sewer pipe, and can be manufactured at thirty to thirty-five per cent. less cost. The present manu- facturing growth of Ontario ensures a very wide market for the pipe. The company will also engage In In {terior construction work and in the | iniprevements and work on railway | terminals. -- The co ny has a stall of trained supenntendents for cach department of the work. Thés has acquired the for the manu sewer pipe. with | | | | Shortening the Hatpin. Once more the long hatpin gets into the papers--which it gets into as often as it gets into the mascu- line eye--and here, merely out of a desire for information and not in a defensive tone of voice, why is it that we never héar of a woman be- ing wounded by a hatpin? This time the disaster befell at Cincinnati, whereupon the Woman's Taxpayers' League. being in session, took immediate action and: adopted a resolution asking that all women discontinue the use of long hatpins. For such' rescolutions as these men will be grateful. but resolutions butter no parsnips as we all know; nor do they supply a ready roil of court-plaster. The long hatpin continues to be long and to protrude as black and | threatening as a 12-inch gun out {| of a porthole. Men do not readily learn, unobservant of women's ap- parel as they traditionally are, that the danger end of a hatpin is on the left side invariably. All wise and well informed men will keep on the right side of a woman, which is | good advice on general principles; | and all wise and well informed wo- | men will make their hatpin resolu- fons effective by previding a down- town shop where women may go and have their hatpins shortened free of charge. The long hatpin is a survival. It comes down to us from Merry Wid- ow days, when such linear propor- tion was necessary. Fashion has shrunk the feminine hat, but the long hatpin is still a relic of the year 1908; and does any one want to wear a relic if one can help one- self 7--8t. Louis Globe Democrat. Filled the Vacancy. London Opinion. : The Siout Lady--All this talk of the incivility 4 man towards woman is rubbish. is morni in the tube three men offered me Their seats. Her Slim Niece-Did you take them, Auntie * > Extreme Recklessness. PLP. " "James, 1 wonder how vou can sit there and look me in the face." +"So do I. dear: hut it's surprisi what a really hold, brave, rokioms had man cen' do [™ HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAF, JULY 13, 1912. i Rr Fortier & Authorized C Divided into JOHN (H. HUDSON, Vice-J HEAD OFFICE: The Prudential Trus SOLICITORS ' BANKERS Fortier & Kilpatrick', Lid, and sole right to manufacture in Glazed Cement Sewer Pipe Michi 5 The Thomas eers for a number of years but, _ manufactured to competé in pric invention of the Thomas Glazed per cent. cheaper than clay pioe ed by the fact that such cities' as Calgary, Alta. ; Regina, Victoria, B _ Pipe almost exclusively. land Ore. total nearly $250,900 andthe lower cost of cemeni-th to the fullest capacity. successful wherever employed St. Boniface Seminary; Grain Exchange; Princess School; Prairie, Power House, ducts of the Standard Asphait Paving Asphalts Sarco Mineral Rubber Sarco Asphalt Cement. Sarco Asphalt Binder. Waterproofing Asphalts Mastic. a Sarco In, the West these prodynts Transcona; Five Subways of the Station, Calgary; Union Depot, The Directors estimate that, to 40 per cent. on capital Investe | Tel. Main 2246- po pa ER Inventions That Aid Lazy Man. The lazy man is coming into his | own, Two new inventions are design ed especially to make hie's journey easier for him. Thanks to fhese de vices he may now do the paradoxical thing "of passing through a closed door without the exertion of opening it, and he may, if he 1s so inclined, take his exercise in bed. The self-opening door is the inven: tion of C, Alter, of 500 Kast Eighty Uhird street, Néw York, and he has had the device patented. It is for use Jon doors of stores and other buildings and is arranged to permit a person to open the door by stepping on 4d latform in front of it. The opening and shufting process is controlled by pmeumatic pressure. The device for taking exercise in bed is a foreign importation, coming all thé way from the University of 1 ubin gen. It consists of two arms or | pedals, to which reciprocating motion is given by an electric motor mounted on a wheeled carriage. The pedals are attached to th® legs of the person in bed. Passive walking and climbing movements are transwit- ted to the legs and the distribution of the blood circulation altered--New York Herald. is Shaving "John D.™ Thontas Hayes, of {leveland, is en titled to boast of the fact that for tey years he shaved Mr. Rockefeller. This 8 not exactly a passport to fame, but it brought Mr. Hayes in close con. tact with the ex-Standard 0il King, \ reminiscence of Mr. Hayes throws an interesting light on the millionaires habits. - Says this aristocratic barber : "At my first visit Mr. Rockefeller asked me my price 1 told him ope dollar, and he agreed. lie told me ty keep count of the amount, and he would pay me at the end of the sea son. 1 did 'so, and found that Mr Rockefeller also kept count. Then he would pay me and include a tip of apital - . 2500 shares of Present Offering----at par THOMAS MILLS, President, Banker, "Kingston, Ont. t Co, Ltd, | lying north-of the U.P.R. between. Port Arthur and Mattawa, cement, sewer pipe with Saskatoon and Moose Jaw have ordered " Vancouver over three hundred men aré now employed laying Thomas pipe pipé. both on account of price and of superiority, and with ceedingly profitable field for the manufacture of Vitrified" Clay Pipe, and velopment in Toronto and clse where, The Selkirk Asylum, Minnedosa Jail, Regina General Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Queen's Hotel; Fortier & Kilpatrick, Ltdl, act as sole agents for the sale and Asphalt Floors. Refrigerator Compou md. The Company has acquired sand and gravel pits and site for plant on the C.P.R Kilpatrick, Limited Incorporated under the Dominion Companies. Act. Licensed to flo business in" the Province of Ontario. - - - - 7. $250,000.00 $100.00 each. All Treasury Stock. - . - - + $150,000.00 --------_---------- 2 DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS: & resident, Manufacturer, Toronto, Out. G. R. (. MERRIAM, Secretary Treasurer, Président Traders, Lid, Toronto, Ont. JAMES AITCHISON, Barrister, Toronto, Ont. W, E. WHITEHEAD, Manufacturers' Agent, Tobkounte, Ont. ! - « TORONTO, ONT. TRUSTEES: fome Bank Bailding. 8 King Street West, Toronto. Masten, Starr, Spence & Cameron The Home Bank of Canada has been incorporated for the purpose of taking over tye patent right the Province of Ontarip---excepting Port Arthur and the territc the homas ing"-- Trojan Partitions and Ceilings Stonewood Plastic Flooring Sarco Asphalt and Waterproofing - Glazed Cement Sewer Pipe The desirability of the use of concrete for sewer pipes has been recognized by Municipal Engin- owing to the expense of manufact se with the vitrified clay pipe. This has now been overcome Cement Pipe Machine. Cement pipe can be made 30 per cent by this machine, and the product is infinitely superior. This is prov- Portiand, Ore.; Tacoma. Wash., Vancouver, B.C.; Moose Jaw, Sask. : .C.;8alt Lake City, Denver, and Bellingham are using Thomas Glazed nearly twenty-five miles of pipe in Recent contracts in Pout Wherever introduced, the Thomas pipe hag supplanted the clay much more favorable condition .of labor e same result must obtain im Ontario. THis Province has been an ex." with the tremendous dy it is assured that the plant of Fortier & Kilpatrick will be ta¥éd « $ ure _by hand, a pipe vould not be by to 35 the 80, The Company will also engage in the manufacture of Trojan Partitiens and Ceilings and Stoné wood Plastic Sanitary Floorings. These products, originally of English inventjon have proven Some of the contracts fulfilled nud under way in the West now are Hospital, Brandon Brewery; Halls; House; Jail, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Portage, la Calgary, Alexandra Hotel; Calgary, Patrol Station; Winnipeg, Fire Saskatoon, Club manufacture in Ontario of the pro- nd Rubber Co., of Chicago, 11 o Asphalt Cement. Mineral Rubber Pavement. sheet Asphalt Construction, Brick pr Block Pavements, Mineral Rubber Pipe Coating. Insulation. Asphalt Roet <ement. are now being used in the congtruction of The GT.R Midland Ry. into Winnipeg; C:I'.R Winnipeg. Shops at Power Shops, Winnipeg; Baggage near Toronto on a conservative basis, the net profits should be from 35 per cent »d. - Subscriptions are payable to Prudential Trust Co., Ltd., as follows: 50 per cent. in 60 days from date of application. 25 per cent. in 30 days. : 25 per cent. on application. On request we, will be, pleased to furnish additional information. G. E. OXLEY & COMPANY Financial Agents and Brokers 7 - Union Bank Building, Toronto QFHERS IN YOUR LOCALITY HAVE MADE MONKY IN Montreal City Real Estate--- Why don't investment in building lots, Inside the city you let us start yon right by showlng you a sound limits, where all Im- provements are being made to-day. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED 611 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, MONTREAL, QUE. 2 - THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION ADMINISTRATOR of . Estates where there is no will or where the appointed executors prefer not to act. ofvawa WINNIPEG SASKATOON " 's Cotton Root The great Uterine Tagle, and y safe: eftortual Monthiy Leguimlor on which woman oan depend. Hold in ti of streagth-No. §, twenty five dollars for the season. - He asked me to bring him a morning pa per every day, and he would read it while I was shavi end of the season the cost of the pa. pers was included in my bill. fhe first week | brought him the paper on Sunday as well. He laid it frit iy and did not read it. # told me that he did not read newspapers on Sunflay." » Bim, and at the a It ---- Let it Stand. While going by # Meat store vester- day, Fogg noticed a wgn in the win dow : "Rib rogst---no waist.' Of course Be had to go in and correct the meat man in his spelling. "Thanks," said the proprietor, "you're the fourteenth person who dropped in te set me right on that sigh, and T sold ten of "om culs of meat. 1 guess I'l let the nord stand an it is." ' When Fogger came out he had a NEW SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS., ROBERT PAYNTER has takes or the business o the . Davis at 'the old stand, # PRINCESS BTREET. All Kinds of Shoe Repairing proroptiy done. All work guaranteed ---------------- age under his mm Hosian Trans cript. * pack