" Fitish TUESDAY, aily Zz Che YEAR 165 A GAMBLER SHOT DEAD TO CLOSE HIS MOUTH <5 which 'the city's hénlth depa) tment forms organized, to 15.13 last year, al As Hie Was to to Give Evidence Against Police. "| decrease of more than fifty per cent. | This fact is brought Git in a bulletin tof the department of health, issued THAT HAY CAUSED .TREMEND- OLS SENSATION. Whig LAST EDITION, PORTSMOUTH WILL GRANT FRANCHISE T0 THE CITY To Sell Electrical Power in That Vilage. A RESOLUTION PASSED THE CITY THE PRIVI- LEGE IT ASKS, 79-NO: KINGSTON, ONTARIO, JULY 16, i912. DEATH RATE LATEST TIDINGS - Despatches From Near and Distant it Places. THE WORLD'S EPISODES GIVEN IN THE BRIEVEST SIBLE FORM. FALLS. STRAIGHT DENIAL GIVEN to Work of New Health Department. Nok York, July 16.--1he death New: York city ' has iallee from| | Tribute York of Travers "About $3,060 Cheq 16. --At Story rate! { Tors nto, July the resumed Farmers! Bank before Chief Meredith, ils Messrs, Nesbitt and Lindsay denieds the assertions of Former Manager Travers had, suggested the necessity taking money with him to Ottawy Promote the obtaining of chiar for the batik. Nobody was sble to throw any hyht on the whereabouts the cheque supposed to have . been left at the Russell house; Mtawa, im Peter 'Ryan, and that gegtleman de nied ever having seen of heard of such a chegue, le 4% Tha » Lhe it Ono Justice Stratton Lown yesterday, intended to show, it says, the success of public sanitafy admin: istration, General sanitary inspeciion, inspection of food and milk, iol tien and other measures of prevention of infectious disease, together with marked improvement in child hygine as stipulated by the department's re gulations, are cited as chief among 'thé catises believed to be responsible for the death-rate of POS- + Poor, OM Toronto, Tuly 16. mo tr mtusion the Eleetric caompan o Toronto Kanw wv and 1 ronto Electric: Fight company, tale, {In ten days the power has been ofl for ten hours - and twenty-five During thesé special section of the ety less affected y Matters That Interest Everyhady -- Notes From All Over--Little Everything Easily Read and membered. redaction. of Toronte the Lith time when great supplied far TO GIVE hours power Pen "lopme nt Yesterday at resulted, e- ith vale redue 1 n davs, IT DOES NOT PAY. a Dockers are now out on hy Liverpool and Birkenhead The Canadian rifle team won General O'Grady up at Bisley The final standing in ks elections Liberals, tives, The United States senatc ". ignores Or me Britain's request regarding th Panami canal tolls The Italians captured on Monday, after a fierce ngage lasting over six hours George Mavhew, jr. -------- a Business Operated x strike in a Loss. Berlin, July 16.~The aiship business in Germany 'has ot yet approached a dividend-pdying 'basis.' The company | which owns and operates a couple of Zeppelin passenger airships has just made public some figures showing heavy debt balances. The first vear's business caused loss of $75,000, and last vear's, spite a gross income of $522 000, sulted in a loss of "800,000 The company loses nothing in con sefjuence of the recent destruction of. the passenger vessel Schwaben, which was heavily idsured with English con: oerns. * Herman Rosenthal Called From 'The Airship Dinner With Polite Officials and | shot to Death--Police Gave Chase to the Murderer's Automobile. New York, July 16. The most sational gang ~ murder 'in the history Gotham, was committed, at two o clock, this morning, in the heart of the new tenderloin district, when Her man Kosenthal, a noted gambler, and the storm centre of the dity's latest Jeambling seandsl, was shot to death in "the glare of lights hy men © who diove up and ' made their immediate PRC, ape in a seven Passe nyger automo hile. ye witnesses stated there men in the auto, and some nay Bhat | two of them were policemen in plain clothes, This puts a very sensational aspect to the aflair, as Rosenthal came into the glare of publicity only last Friday 'ay filing affidavits that On Condition That the Rates Charge ed the Villagers Will be the Same Those Charged in the City--A\ By-law the as minutes visitations every, Saskatche 17 van tonserva- to be Passed. sen- bas been more solved, that this extension desires the to Ports the free mumacipal 7 council ol "ndians Barely Hold Own. Tulv 16. --1n Inchic are Figures show the increase of a few last vear E«kimons Lack of knowledwe and Wosi« the off SOV STE a de- re within tiles Oltawa, anad Sidi Ally i i population, holding i { 1 ti tanding Commitles, wm of their pole lines, that thi hghting in an their -own hscal vear 101,000 dred der tion 1s Just the to for Ast rates by total be hem--w was found ded a gun besid mining, nen: streets will ORESTES FERRARA, of the Cuban house of repig He is generally regarded brains of the present adminis. an over 5.000 in a field with on Monday Que. David Simpson, Maortraal, gineer on the GT. has been pe rannuated, hia reached the "Limit Presids u} Lhe smberlain, I'runk aurfie, save CAPTAIN WAS FALSE | AND GIRL BETRAYED RIM :rv- "fx Rumoured Reason For the Faire, of the Portuguese Uprising | 5... Last Week. (Ohio, early iferman ler, New New York, 16.5 Ae Lishon cable | giving gays : A jealousy-maddbned woman {police brought the latest and most promising | lere atiempt the Portuguese royalists f the verge of ruin, with heavy loss life and treasure, A beautiful girl of noble family here, enamoured of Capt. Couceiro, royalist leader, recently received information that he was false to her, and m frenzy she went to the, government of- ficials and revealed the monarchist plot, every detml of which is said to have been known to her. It was then that the republican lecd ers learned that seven regiments in this city were in ecomstant communi cation with Couceiro, and had com- pleted all plans to revolt and = seize thie capital for the royalists, Measures secret aud effective, were immediately taken to nullify the plan, him 1 Deolsto and the next weed the prepared for nfirming the Bpeakgr + sentatives as the tration ¥, : Are un : : n, that law bw regular ANOTHER ths of sani KILLED meeting o« rasol tuber are tiny av of ; were five 1 n 5 DISPU TE mem es rave, Was Slain® by a Buffalo Vivica: 16 W at Hubert u natural } tion in South} ae Lhe | Coun by hy moved sooomded dd resolution, dav and avt was ihe ' called evening, above tllor Hall For meeting of which was Monday of electric A CHANNEL FATHER ADVISED SON T0 KILL HIMSELF, Confessed to Him That He Had Murdered Julia Conner, of New York 166 Nathan a degenerate, parole alter imprisonment for issaulting children, was the mwarder of Julia Connor's child, whose has bothered the pélice for Schwartz's aged father, the authorities that his fessed this to him, amd the advised his son to kill himself, the old man thinks he has done d 3 rillor } nt Co tl a tsmouth by Reeve n to discuss Hghting by oy Hoey Almark Has Been Jee Virane ral of the Canadian ted in [received Latham, | speci Que ot killed while aviation of his other, be killed that way be brought home uni isher he ques supply Are tolls man SOrIOUS Panama Tuné ing EOMme on on hunt in Africa ti tinre n ' Ihe her killed injures and two others attack Foledo, was power ad : AL of from the when n men in West Monday morning losenthal, notorious York, was shot before evidence in charge that the are in league with the gamb for n who fen re w tended by e Fi of : a crowd 4 vied gamb 1 Irom ohn take ele dead bP THE LATE MES. SHIBLEY Ved Resident of t to WUT July \ ) iigeil \ July vaung New wartz, ork, Sch was | An Bath Passes pre who of Reso. Rev. ¥, G. Gallagher, agod ya Roman Cathofc pries to, died on Sunday, from of the brain, brought on lw strokes Americans ada consul-g sixty, | out on loron paralysis sun question ould have people en to 1 he of Y Mar tL, ot t death a week, to-day, told had con father which 1) \ the v day mo of place ing the definite ubimit 1 te . the r before taking ni decided Melntyre il WAR Heit srmmtion i consult he born in bre and cape of age when throughout Western complaining bitterly general, of the Enited has been loc at Winnipeg since | Dr. John lett April ist, The eshe of Margaret Bourgeoys, the foundress of the congregation of No tre Dame, wha died in Momtreal in January of 1700, has been entered at the court of Rome for beatification. under the name of St. Margaret of Canada. ' James Killen, seventeen arrested, Monday, in Bufialo, stealing over ball a million dollars in New York. There was only £292 in cash, the balance in cheques. which he threw awav. Harry K. Thaw, confined in jul at 16.--Railroad {White Plains, N.Y., is treated much the province 'as Travers is in Toronto., He goes of Alberta ard_held liable fof every 'out.daily for a tramp or auto ride. forest fire startag within 300 vards|and every morning has a long visit of their right-of-way and in the event [with his mother at the hotel it gets beyond comtrol, their mey The government intends to engage must fight it for at least ten miles, | the an eapert British land being also responsible for the cost |scape to to the of the work and the resultant dam: Jlayvout of the projected depart: age to public private property. imental = buildings at Ottawa The The foregoing is embodied in an or premier will engage an expert while der issued hy Clvde Leavitt, chief fire [in England, inspector for the -board oi railway Ste commissipness, eliective the Cana- {asked about the dian Pacific line, July 5th, and on the [dian Pacific was Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian | lars a year as for a last Northern hows, July 15th. cruiser steamer service, replied, "here The railway are" ordered to patrol lis nothing of the kind of which the C. the fire districts regularly, going over ! P.R. has advised." the road from two four times ------------------ companicn. 1 dopnsument of he 'BORDEN TO TAKE UP ATLANTIC SERVICE interior has appointed an inspector, The Premier to Discuss Fast Steam- Can- time that States som ttor H Soh on this paint, to "Cire hig are wel, eight no four years i fay asked nada when 11 ing \n a te to velve vears st Island 1342 she Who c! 8 rand MOTHER AND CHILD IMPALED ON FENCE | one Dead and Other Dying, Result of Drop From High Window. July 16. My ght veara old, wo-vear-old bal wpital the vined hot terds an v fourtlt West 2 futile which its Jones itv Iderne In Witham on " was married predeceased The late Mis oldest reside Surviving te daughter : # Rev. Samue! Bath, th Annie Gill also TO PROBE ) Shi WEIGHTS, Cheese Commissioners Been Warned. Ottawa, July 16,--Samuel Macdon- ald, a well-known farmer and dairy- man of Strathmore, has been appoint- ted the second member of the commis | sion of which R. 'A. Pringle, K.C., chairman, and which has been created by Hon. Martin Burrell, minister of agriculture, to investigate the charges of Ontario | and Quebec eastern town ships farmers and dairymen that in the present wegulations governing the weighing of cheese 'at, the port ofl; 1 Montreal, losing thousands of | 0 dollars The third member of the commission! has not yet been named, but it is un-| derstood that he will be a prominent Montreal exporter. Hon. Martin Bu rell said. to-day that commission | would have the widest It supreme her shibles ' Oe years The Have about thi ---------------- three sons pd ¢ on YOUNG MAN'S NARROW ESCAPE, roar to) H ars of age, Struck by Automobile N.Y. for of Tourists. A voung man in this city is thank 3 ing his "lucky stars" that he was all not wheeling fast on Monday when he came out of Tete dé Pont barracks {Towards mid-day he was wheeling slowly on to Ontario street When about' six yards on the inside of the News Oippéd From vUur Many EX. gate an automobile flew by at a great changes. rate of speed on Ontario street He x ' 1 one of the narrowest escapes of 7 Sout Crosby, |had : ' I nh ols wg haere two (8 lifetime for if the. automobde had a "His Ee a sons and twos Struck him the collision womld have ; > tg been fatal. » Yas N 0- i Snupnners dg He was u Noth Something should be done to ee pune supplying water: power fo 18 stop to this speeding on the the three mills in Renfrew burst on [Streets The machine, with four Thursday. The town, although not (*engers, had Seoased the bridge, liable, made > nt of $100 to ail | Were, no doubt, tourists. promt oa Bovi wie, co GERMANY. 1S IN FAVOR OF BRITAIN'S ACTION Brockville, was sentenced by Judge McDonald, on Monday, to on vear and 360 days, in the Central Prison On the Panama Canal Bill, But Will Net Join in the Protest. Frank said nothing, at the same time he did not like the idea of spending two years under lock and key, 20 when they were taking kim from the court room to jail he made a break for liberty and got away. Being sprinter ho left the police far behind, berlin, Germany, July 16. Although Finally he was found hiding in a coal |. miei diet. that gh bin, and recaptured. German government intends to join Britain in protesting agamst the pro visions of the Papamna canal vill, the tritish : action undoubtedly meets with widespread approval in both political and 'commercial eireles here, Fhe German press, in recent ments on the bill, has taken grovind that the terms of th Hay DP anevtote treaty. bind the United States to impose the same condition regarding tolls on the ships of © all nations, including its own, A depar ture from this rule, it is also urged fwould Be a violation of America's moral obligations toward the other powers, As a formal protest might raise is- sues of some delicacy, there is a 'gene ral disposition to recopumend that the German government remain passive and allow Britain to bring about the desired amendments to the bill Mf it can. From Being i - survi ARE HELD RESPONSIBLE. f 41] Methodi late MN retiring Referred to Commission For Settlement, Detroit, Mich., July 16.--The dis- the police were in league wigh gamb- [puté over Livingstone channel, in the Jers in New York, and every gambling | Detroit river, has been referred to the place was assessed a fixed sum f inte rnational joint commission atl protection. Washington. The vommission has beep When Commissioner * Ririnealder Wal | informed that work lias been stopped do and Peputy Dougherty returned {on the channel because of objections from the police chiel's convention in [raised by the Canadian owners of Toronto, they started an mivestiga- | Bois Blanc Island to having the dike tion, going, 'and Hosenthal was to | created, with the spoil from the coffer Appear before the distriet attorney dam operations extended to tht iy thee morning to tell what he knew | land. 'Those owners are understood fo about the conditions mentioned. have demanded $25,480 for the privy Strangely enough, just previous to 'lege of hopking their island to the the shooting, Rosenthal was having dive. midnight luncheon with the police in| The United States Kes had no money y | the ofiee in the Motel Metrople. From + with which to pay this, and' the the duung table he was summoned out tire matter will therefore go to a or sent out to meet his death. | international commission for. adjudi Immediately . when the shots wore | cation. After an investigation which heard the palice officers entered an will bring the commission to Detroit other taxicab and gave chase to the for that purpose The silting auto, but were left away behind by ! will not oceur . béfore fall, because the high-powered machine. There wera | tu members of the Canadian section forty other 'police on the job in y , Of the commission are in Europe. fow minutes, A chaulleur named Pon | Libby, who owns a car answering the description of the murderers' auio! waa arrested later in, the morning. The murdered man's wife when told of the erime, said he had been vurned that hg was a marked man, but took no precautions. 'Lhe shooting has onnsed a tremendous sensation over the city. 1 Burney. « was a 1 I'he and Now Kelly York, twenty ai Nellie is dead, in Railway Companies Must Fight the Fires. . Edmonton, Alta, J companies operating <hibley dispositi quiet wd lived I her t boy result of Were ini- picket storey 12th ats had bal A DISTRICT DASHES. h expecially and mental l 9 funeral | 1) paled, ten uly in <} ng in a} \ home " 151 w hor h until tl y 1 I they are on annually, Ay iron fell will take morning f I ns th rom Sale TW as window mn thew 1 tell child, and Not 'Made, cama takene p Mrs to to the Melly her window street, L# I'he which Davi WAS importance to theta) farmers of the province, who claim | boat that they have been losing all the | dollars way from £50,000 {o 100,000 each sea. | © iuipment : | | 5 f Monde, the services of . La mpt i architect was have dy advise as ¢ at advise a tp 2 { lost 5 Lhe afternoon new h : in leaning out or put public pas- and scope caught - he pickets, his another; and ho h neck | ha feet away from pickets Wlehing wulder and leg. With inches Irom 1 3s. A Kall head 1 he impaled bab two wns was n 15 of wn of iron ha hung ' on b fev Shaughnessy, when that the Cann million dol Fhomas suspended on rumor to get subsidy mother struek h y oh n a son. by head und rhhor and Lhe spital, but Ihe cann« m, the her tha oi ¢ a -------------------- « missing Restore Damaged Grain, Ottawa, July 16.-The Dominion grain commission has' devised plan by which it is hoped to restore to good marketable hundreds of thousands bushels of damaged | grain from the provinces Thix} the which #0 much h| was Much of it clevators is on the grain her only Tre ol To ONCE VERY RICH MAN DIED IN JAIL CELL Hah End of Prospector Who Made Money in Cali- fornia. she called baby the child 1 INCONSCIO nei been Mr a Lo a h condition Wil of res prairie of 1rd some time has dy reached Fort William, and Investigation hy that the Witliam is speedy "drying The proposal. of that a large Ik Buffalo be William, and are in progress. Vrof chairman of the grain commission, in (ittawa durisg the days in connection with the project With the aid of this drier it is believ. ed that all the damaged grain, inelud ing that already in the elevators, in ears at Fort William, and in transit, ican be improved in good time for the warket, thus giving the grain growers the advantage of a better price. There is no floating drier in Canada of the kind necessary for this purpose. What Will Haultain De? Regina, Sask. July 16.-The rumor persists that Hon. F. W. (i. Haultain, leader of the opposition, will not take his seat in the mew legislature. It believed that he will be elevated to the position of chief justice of thé su whose duty it is to see that the work iw carried on properly. Veloecipedes will be used in the northern districts of the province, the fire rangers going over their patrols thirty minutes af ter the passing of each train. A hun dred men will be required to do the work. The companies vised - to instruct passengers to, sist in the work of minimizing danger from forest fires by from throwing lighted cigareties from trains. = wit grain, Ago open A the ~¢ those who juniify 1 should IHth non Appl od fre cighteen vears 1912 on nmi 1 more the elevator wah i is commission w Fro shows Fort the capacity . insuflicient to of all the the «commission ming obtained for negotiations A ugu lucatu him : allow; EX-ALD. TOYE HOME grain. | made a i field mn 1 at | at] | have al: been ad is may at at Fort that end Magill, has few CoH wm After a Fine Trip to the Pacific Coast. Ex-Ald. R. MH. Toye returned to Kingston, .ou Tuesday morning, after s month'¢ trip through Western Can- ada. . He and Mr. Toye accompanied Hon: T. W. Urothers, brother of Mrs. Toye, in his private car, the minister of labor being on a tour of inspec tion, They stopped at all points en route, and finally landed in Vancou-| ver, B.C., where Mr. Toye spend half a day with John McD. Mowat, who drove him about his new hone city. He says that Mr. Mowat is with one of the biggest legal firms of the west, and as busy as & bee, Mrs. Toye went to St. Thomas with her brother, and will accompany him to Ottawa. nimi + I the cloth: as he reiraming Cigars 6 in Borden will fast the Hlawa, during his visit Hon. Mr firestion, hat of a vice, The faft that been renewed but a® an iddication an improved Some that such an gotiated with he basis of a ut time Mr. Borden. As the It is believed that Fugland the Right take up a new Atlantic contract July a cell be mn drier now STV Hee fie lat Lo hore ¢ t Con wart the or t ser- ths lay remnant now moi } MARRIED has Toi 13 taken something on contemplated were romors was being anadise Pacific on increased subsidy was dened by money the had His comp New York tion of Stew iby Mr spector taken Ant without of lite apd w pauper s cell Stewart # death the cate with heved to S001 temporarily that scale wo, there agreement the { great this been Inst ol thw wri th ultimately the ng tom KE XONERATE THE MISSIONARIES. -- Sa for deport 18 Jef time 1 for himself hy x! steps | Koreans Accused of Conspiracy Re- cant, Former Evidence. Seoul, Korea, July 16.--The direct examination of the 123 converted | Koreans, charged with plotting | against the povernment and the ife | of the Japanese governor-general, de veloped a. most confusing situatibn A majority of the prisoners have set up a dental of all the charges. They said that their prévious statements made before the police examiners wero false, because they were beaten or (De granted to one company gr divid- threatened. A few admitted connection fei among several, as has been advo- with an organization which. had for | 98ted, is a question to be determined, ne Robinson, 2h In the 1mm meantime at the pi tu she lis money iting ey contraet expires, however, in the of a vear, the Isubject ix very much-to the fore, {18 being carefully looked mto, Howing the premiers trip to Engla som development may be expected, Whether, re subsidy would "n cane mn was unexpected nd Fen offic tr oO Comm ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 577. 230 Princess Street JAMES REID 4 * in anadna Departmental Examinations. The A practionl joker 1 ing of nine Hessian babies, which their mothers Wad loft in the baby SHELDON'S "BLIND POOL" following ft Frontenac have pAssed the lower school late cand fXAmIna booth before going to work in the fields at Eaton, Ohio, on Saturday. When the women returned in the even Jing no one knew hor own child. The city marshal made n re distribution on / Monday. Rev. Dr. Oa , has his charge in Vancouver, B.C, after twen- ty years pastor of the First Preshy- terian church . congregation made him a of three thousand dol- recognition of his long and}ag 1 faithful service. : sales : Cornwall. 13c. to 13 1-16c; Iroquois, 12 15-16c.: Napa- nee, 12jo.; Listowel, 12fe. to 129c. Metta elections are likely in No- Creditors Hage $10,000 to Meet ] Claims of $800,000. Montreal, July 16.~The "fimal wind ing-up of the estate of C.D. Sheldon, the notoriops Montreal getrick-quick man, will come some time next Sep tember, or almost two years from the time that the famous "blind pool" eame to grief. This of comes before the court in r. The claims ainst the estate total about $00. L000, and the liquidators now have on hand sbout $10.000 with which to jane them. Should the appeal be decided in fa tor of the esiate, it will give about $20,000 mn all for distribution, or a fraction over one cent on the dollar. i court; however, a Wife Ovari To p Ontario' Park. here Barriefield creditors than the sum now on hand, Mc. Ciget {0 at opens Pe 'ight hang sorner, Walle is, here. will be even less for Sheldon's the costs of well as other lawsuits, - ns tal its purpose the independence of horea. Baron Yunchibo, a former memier of | the Korean eabinet, admitted in ning made false statements in order to! save himself, A majority of the pris oners are Presbyterian converts. Yup Soho is a Methodist, TWO M.I"s. IN SHIPWRECK, » | H. B. Ames' Ship Manona Struck Ledge off Cape Breton. Port Hood, N.S., Julv 168. ~The sail: tag ship Manana, owned bv H. BR. TAmes. MI Montreal. struck a ledge at the. southern end of Port Hood. Cape Brelon, on Saturday lest, foundered, . Mr. Ames and paris, consisting of W, 8 iddivhw, Owen Sonud. Ont, Wood. Bronlive NY. and - Bhartare, Montreal, 'were rescued by boats and es at Port Hood are out ceia or the and | } ¢ It has furthermore been suggested, that the ships be of a cruser type, but it liz stated here that the whole uestion has as!\vet reached no definite form. PARIS NO-HAT BRIGADE. Women Visit <vafes With Powder. ed Hair, a La Louis XVI. Paris, July 16. the no-hat brigade has not only invaded the streets of Paris, 'but at the evening cafes many women came with their hair profuse ly powdered, "amd mrarly «ll the apers given jo fashion, in comment- ing upon this revival of the style of Louis XVI, comunend it. At Autenil last week many women wore their hair powdered and came without bats, Everyone agreed that the yvouthiul tinces gamed mn lens ad grace from their miver setiing. The daring no: valQry rely on the stage to give sans ian aad isnpetus to their ideas, and it may. weil prove that the lengthy tion for entrance armn schools and facelties of educaiion ' Atkins, M. E. hk. M. ( Dawson, A. Gardiner. B Rd E. Melville, ©. MeDonald. Kee, G. Purdy, M. MN. B. Scammell, M M. Shandon. preme court, on the retirement of Chief Justice Wetmore, or be placed at the head of the new Tourt of king's beach to be Created. A three-year-old girl picnicking with her parents at Searboro Dluffs, To- ronfo, on Saturday, wandered away and fell over the cliff two hundred feet to the beach below. ier father found her sitting up crying. She was taken home in an auto, where it was found she was only slightly burt. "Conductor J, W. McKesv, employed on the BT. P., met with a fatal ac cident on Monday at Redditt. Ont, He was a member of the Melville, Sask., brotherhood of railway train: men. and an Oddiellow. The remaing reached Winnipeg Tuesdsy morning. Spanking of their visit to Faglasd, Mes IL. Borden said: "Our wel come has wen complete. If 1 Kave a message for the people here, and in Canada, it is that today the Mpointed time for wark, sscovss, and good: will, iy into the Chown, cary hd Raymond _ Fell Into the i Water. the siternoon, I off wl water Excitement dry dock' on Sheriff Davis when A gang £8 eT la The none the was presi Ber, prevagic T uesdn Dawson ® Lipp plank leading tn Monde, and ial jute sherili was soofi pulled the worse jing ai the at the the H of b\e dip sale of that The store and dw the Reeve estate, Charles streets, through D. ni helonging te Montreal and 20 heen sid James Ken- hing COTHer has * A. Cays; a to | The New England injrant, King street, hy Lieut -Col, 1% Chinese restau has been purchased A. BR. Cusmingham from + WH, Carnoveky, x | i | jE The Old Firm of Usndertakers, 254 snd 256 PRINCESS STREET, - "Phone 47 for Ambuia nee. TAKE NOTICE A $22 Open Jutta, in oak, practical. 7 a: for al¥o 4 $30 Brass Bed 29, at Tor 'Phone 705. Summer Drinks Lemonade, Orangeade. Lime Juice. Lime Juicg Cordial. Lemon Squash. Grape Juice, Sparkling Grape Juice, Raspberry Vinegar. . Fruit Syrups. Gurd"s Ginger Ale. Imported Ginger X's Jas. Redden & Co.