"PAGE EIGIA Erahd jue mm-------------- PARTIES LINING UP| The privilege- will yours until'we close at 10 o'clock on Saturday night to buy anything in' onr Ready -to-wear Department at 20 per cent. off regular afterwards it will be too' late, he prices, We've made a whole army of Clothing buyers hap py during this Great Sale, and many i household 125 been clothed from the father down to the little min, Every purchase has been a money-saving proposition Have you been in? No, well, sir, you are a very unfortunate man, 0) There are plenty of good things left, and ¥ you all before closing time Saturday night you can participate in the great bargain feast. Better to come than wish you had. All goods marked i in plain figures. All sales for ash. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET - pass the redistribution 'go to the country in September of Summer House Cleaning Sale Thursday, 7.30 o'clock White P.K., White Corduroys, Check and Stripe Muslin, - White Marquisette. Fine French Ginghams, Chambrays and Zeph- yrs, Fancy Border Muslins, Cotton Chdllies, Linen Crash Suitings, Fancy Cretons, Double Fold and Fancy Printed Scrims for tains for summer cottages, Corset Cover Embroidery, broidered Doyles. Tpilet Covers, Toilet Bags, ete, ete. goods range in price from 25¢ to per yard. Cur- Swiss Em The above 10c yad. Soc | Thursday Sale Price Fancy SUK, Plain Taftetis 8ilk, Plain Black and Corded Silk, E Double Fold. Organdies, Soft Crepes, All-Wool Plack and Colored 3 . Dress Goods, Grey Tweed and Homespun Goods, Silk-Finighed | Foulards, Houssmalds' Aprons, 45 in, embroidered flouncings, Cushion Covers with frills, Allover Embroidery, All-over Lace and l nets for Waste, Embroidered Pillow Shams, etc. etc. The above E goods range in 'price from 60cto $1.75 yard. Thursday Sale Price Se hem in our Windows We are selling @ll our Colored Muslin Dresses at Half Price, All Plain White: Dresses at 1-3 ofr. Te Pittsburgh, THE -DAILY ERTTISH WHIG, i i Ly TO BE EL¥C. TIONS DURING IE GENERAL 16913. The Voters' Lists are to be Well] seruticized--The Plans Outlined What Government Will Do, tttawa, July 16--It 1s more and 'more appareat that both political | pat are lining up for ma generat election "in the fall of 113 Whether the "tip"' has gone out or not, each party organization has received 1D- structions. to lgok carefully after the lists #0 as to be ready for any sur- jprive which the government may | Jspring 1 bon view of Mr.' Borden's promise that he would submit his naval pos icy to the people nohody, herd, can understand how he can addpt a poi- iey of contribution with a more vig- naval programme latsr 00 without a general election. I'he programme as now that the government will come in the fall .with ita programme, it to parfament, introduce bili and as to Qrous outlined in back su mit and next year ' SICH OF THE XEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Over the World. Pritchard, of Chatham, alien months illness mio aly is pegotiating for Irimty Uollege grounds. will not be re- Scott, at St. Hilda's, Fair- passed | away Lore pirchase of os Ald. je some | hey, George vo ated rector bank, 2 uwurge Seteria was fnstantly killed by lightaing at Sheridan, Pa., on Mondaf. : i Woodrow Wilson for the president of the in the east | Lord' hitchener Egypt and has gone {Canterbury. A cordial welcome i ral leader; N. WwW. Rowell, I'., in the north i An investigation of showed filthy conditions existing' in 'many of them. The striking transport drivers in Montreal received thei dnd have returned to work Miss Amelia - Taylor, of Searboro Junction, was drowned in two feet of water in Muskoka. | President Tait will be officially !' fied of his nomination at the House on August lst. I'he provinaal health has begun ain educational on how: to fight disease, Jx-Mayor John Hanan, of Niagary Falls, Unt,, died atter an illness several months from nervous Shock. Yenry Brizell, a well-known building jeontracior of Windsor, was killed by hghtmng while standing in a door Iway. Italian keeping dirt on teriere will make his fight United States from neat arrived home to his seat awaits the libe h.C,, raise noti department campmign fruit dealers, their goods the ground that with sales. Five Chinese arrested at N.Y, were smuggled across the gara ffontier. 'the Chinese have in Toronto for some time, : Mrs: Mildred Mason, the seventeen- year-old wife of a United States soldier, suicided on - Sunday by Jupp ing into the Detroit river William A. Bolish, forty years a laborer in kast Rochester, shot himself on Monday. He been driven insane by the heat Francis Money Coutts, nephew and heir of the late sBaroness Burdett Coutts, has detimitely established his claim to the of Latimor. Alexander Taner, aged twenty-five, of Pa., depressed by the jumped from a fourteen he was picked up objected to it would in: Nia been oud, NY. had barony {heat wave, storey window; dead. The out on their increase of one reduction of the hours The anti-trust suit Shoe Machinery tled by an agreed tion. Ernest Breton, of Que , raised a money dollar to thirty dollars, Frnest retires~from public next two vears Mrs. Hetty New York, whe is in her seventyv-cighth vear, has been baptized-in the Episcopal faith in or der to prepare for confirmation as a member of the church. If the C.P.R. refuses to in with | the G.T.R. for & union statipn at To- ronto, it will necessitate a radieal change in the plans, and a delay in putting the scheme through. workers in Ottawa won strike. They receive an dollar a week, and a working week by five brewery United States government's civil against the United company may be set decree of dissolu Beau order county, for sequent ly one con view for the (iroen, go then | All! the | «N.r | loronto bakeries | ever White | protected from | i Rochester, Tl ESPAY, JULY' ibaa A ©RU EL PRISONS or SIBERTA. 16. | England Aroused Oger Sentencing of English Woman. The protests that have been raised jin England against the sentencing to 'a Siberian prison of Miss Malecka, lan Fryglish subject, for alleged trea son to the Russian government, have drawn attention to the nature of the punishment, j | Mile. Marie Shkcnik, who has recently arrivid in London after es |caping fom a Siberian prison, de scribes the sort of living misery to { which' Miss Malecka is déstined un eh Warsaw sentence is overruled] | Shkoinik received a semtenie of {imprisonment for life as the result (of Her participation in a political dig- turbance in that community. i "Criminal and politica! offenders,' sho stated, '"'share the same' punish ment, the conditions being predsely (the same for both classes. After {being taken to Irkutsk by (raj: {women and men in groups of from eighty to 160 set out upon. the hor rible' march of from 150 to 250 miles be the pri isons. They cover SOM twenty-five miles a day, resting at night in small wayside erections, which are full of vermin. "We are given about 5d. a day {with which to purchase food, but this | vufiioed to buy bread and water only, that thos¢ who had. no. mosey -- of 'theft "Own had to be content with that. - Men wepe chained as they { walited, but the women were allowed to go free, although the soldiers wert (extremly rough. "The prison was over 100 old, having been built for the men prisoners who were formerly required to work the gold mines in the vici- nity. Here the women wer: herded in patties of thirty and forty in cells built to accommodates 'dozen peo- ple. ""lhere. are always a children, for feeding whom no !vishon is made until two vears lelapsed, the children meanwhile fing the starvation allowances of their parents. The women aré set to work | making mattresses. All their work, lincluding . the sorting of wool, is done lin. the room in which they live, and as a result deaths from consumption are so frequent that no potice what is taken of them. The women are 'entirely 'in the hands of their {eaptors, and none escape violation either 'by the officials. or the sacks Mlle. Shkolnik owed her escape to a serious illness which caused her to Irkutsk in order to und {go an operation. She escaped by a |nfeans which she cannot divulge, lost her story should involve punishment for those concerned. 'The chief warden of the prison was suspected of havipg aided her in hor ! scape. It was discovered that he | had a corsiderable sum of money in | the bank, and it was suggested that she had purchased her freedom at the price of £3,000. Mile. Shkolnik states | that she never in her life held mucleation with the official in tion. | | = st | so years number of pro have shar Cos | removal i com ques A Wrong Impression. A San Francisco mother-in-law went to the Orient, and, coming back, was caught trying to smuggle in a lot of choice sitks, She had to pay duty and a fine Then, there was talk oi a eriminal ac- to follow. gon-in-law called on the toms omecials. "1s it "possible," he asked, in a severe tone, "alter my mo ther-in-law has paid the duty on the stunt and her fine, that vou contem plate criminal action ?"' 'We are consmenng it," toms oflicial replied, gravely "And if my mother-in-law were to be convicted, 'as she probably would tre, she would have to go to jail ?' "1 think so." "Do you mean to tell me vou intend to do this to a women--a lady who has already expiated her fault and xe compenscd the government *" "I do; but look here, old chap, don't take this too hard. I've got to do my duty, vou know. Don't feel so badly about it." | "Badly !" shouted the son-in law. | "Why, my dear sir, this is the first! gleam of sunshine that has entered my twenty years!" Lon Her cus. the cus- home in The Hill and Montgomery families of New York arc looking up titles to property in New York and Toronto, valued at 8800.600,000, which they claim. Dr. William Sloan, eighty years of age, physician at the Central Prison, i Toronto, refiréd on Saturday. Dr James Algie - has been appointed to succeed him. The Bordens spend the next with Lord and Lady Salisbury. week 1912. THEY ARE TO RECLAN THE VAST Ac REAGE OF LE DE CHAUMONT LAND. i { RAY | { Owner of Once Noted Vid of Jefferson Bureau Plans to on Vast Tract. - Watertown, N.Y, July 15~An effo is to be made to reclaim hundreds off acres of land durrounding the historic LeRay de Chaumont mansion in town 'of LeRay. lhe aid of the oat ferson county farm bureau will be en. listed in the work, to be undertaken) by Frederick Andérson, who. master of the two thousand the estate, formerly the French nobility. Should the work be the sandy wastes again, a lagge dairy tablished. The task dertaken 'by Mi: Estiite With | County Farm | Establish Dairy | 15 now acres of home ot and' verdant farm will be os which will be un Anderson and the farm bureau, is a stupendous one. It will call for a large expenditure of la bor and mone In 1508 the Tam Iv of to this section from tablished a home in the town of Le Ray. The home was destroyed by fire a, few years later. The second man sion, the one which stands to-day, was built" in 1320. At that time growing fields stwetched to the horizon. , Many notables were entertained 'at the house as the years passed. The Marquis de Louvello, President Monroe and others were visitors, During the successful become LeRays came France and es- last quacgter of a century the ounce * productive fields have bven allowed to run to waste. The soil is sandy and covered in many places with underbueh, whHt (he meadows have become of comparatively little value. The tract of fifteen hundred acres of virgin fc , the only piece of timber in this section untouched, is still ~a valuable asset. I. 'E. Robertson, bureau, will make an exhaustive of the soil. He possible farm and of the needs believes that it will be | to retlaim many hundreds of | acres when it becomes known what the needs. The work is of such mag- nitude that possibly several years will be required before the ( can be attained head of the the property study visit soil desired results THE PAINTERS' STRIKE. The Employers are Securing Other Hands to do Work. A settlement has not yet been reach- ed in the painters' sirike. 'The 'paint- ers are holdmg for their first demand, The bosses are impatient and some have hited Hon-union men to do their work. W. J. Savage has de clared for an open soop and has al ready engaged tour non-union men, Thomas Milo, obliged, according to his contract, to proceed with the work ow Macdonald school, has five non-union men at work there, Other shops 'are deciding to get very shortly if their own men do not come back. An amusing thing has been re: ported in connection with the strike, (ne of the members of the union, it is said, in good standing, is working at the old wages with the concurrence of the union, but under the condition that if the strikers get what they want he is to get it, There was a meeting on Monday night, but no conclusion was reached, { the majority being anxious to hold out. out men too Keep Cool on the Water. Wednesday America, © 230 pm. makes another of her famous tours of the islands, 50¢. Girape juices. '""Gibson' The death occurred at his summer residence, Mills, Que., president of the known lumber firm of Gilmour Hughson, Limited, in his sixty-third vear. Deceased born at He is survived by a widow SOns. lee cream bricks. "Gibson's," Miss Jennie Crocker, of Hillsboro Cal., and M. D. Whitman, of Brook. | line, Mass., were married on Tues day. A small army of detectives guard ed the §100,000 worth of wedding | presents { | Gatineau John Gilmour, was Quebee and six lee cream bricks. "'GCibson's," Ww, J 111 Brock street painter 'and house decorator, declares for an open shop for the henelit of his customers, and is prepared to fill all orders. Mrs. Corneling Barnes died wall hospited, Tuesday morning pricked her finger with a needle lowing which she planted flowers garden, causing blood poisoning At Sebastopol, Lieut. Zekutski from a military aeroplane and killed, Savage, in Corn she fol ma fell was Mineral waters. "Gibson's." Grape juices. "Gibson's." FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS IN BUSI NESS. > -- "Oh, I say Sam, are you there?" "Yop--who's speaking?" "This Is Johm--John Bull Of | 191.00 IF or Girls From 8 to 16 Years We have ready the following : GIRLS PRINT DRESSES In Blues and Browns, in Checks and Stripes, Trimmed with Plain Chambray. to match. Seve- ral simple little styles to choose from, at Only $1.00. Wools for Summer Knitting SHETLAND FLOSS in White and all wanted shades. EIDERDOWN WOOL in White and 20 shades. GERMANTOWN WOOLS in White and Soft Shades IVORINE WOOLS, Silk and Wools. White Irish Linen FOR SUMMER WAISTS A number of Special makes just received, We mention just one 36 inches wide. Special at 25¢ Yard And we have a dozen more equally good value. Children's Sox In Plain White, from No. 0 up to the longest. In White with fancy tops, " " In Tan Shades in all sizes, : In Black Sox, in all sizes. Hole Proof Stockings For Women Every pair guaranteed for 6 months or we will | replace them. Fine Black Cotton, 6 pairs.for $2.00 Lisle Thread, 6 pairs for $3.00 'Black Silk, 3 pairs for $3.00. 'A Nice, Light, Cool Boot for Men. Made of Soft Dongola Kid, Light soles | Sizes Gol) Price. "sizes 10 5 Price Small sizes, 11, 12, 13. Price 125 Another made with Blucher pattern and Dull § | 3 SR) wile i, Bt, Vn A large assortment of Travelling goods. $1.75 1.30 course you're going to do the fair thing about these Panama Canal rates. Let's call young Jack Canuck in and blve a talk about it when Boia THE LOCKETT SHOE STO x & -- ec a .. . . ! --_.. R. W Ton