Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1912, p. 2

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i ¢ 4 ES -- - RE --, ei . " " - ADET CAMP SBCCESS ,... >"... CITIZENS SUMMONED " 4 y Held at Brophy's Point on Thursday : d : | Afternoon. . A supérb day was granted by the Weather man Lo St. James' picomckers on Thursday, held at Brophy's Point. Sow ihe young people spent the afternoon in a merry way, with the usual sporis and games that are coupled with these outings, and enjoyed a hearty supper alter their exertions. Ihe prize events were Girly races : Miss Evans' class, No. I1--Annie Twiggs and Ruth Hughes. Miss. Evans' class, No. 2-- Loraine Irwin amd Francis Porter. % YHE DAILY BRITISH Wilt. FRIDAY, JULY - 19, 1912 OUR JULY REMOVAL SALE er -- FOR VICLATIXG THE NEW SANI- TWO SCHOOL INSPECTORS WELL : i : TARY BY-LAW. PLEASED WITH IT. Against Two Dismissed, as! City Has Not Provided Sewers-- } Cases of Others Enlarged for Two Weeks, Four Boys Sent, Home--Trip to Cases Thousand Islands. Saturday After. noon--Bopfire and, Band 'Concert Friday Evening. HAVE YOUR FURS REMADE AND REPAIRED DURING SUMMER r One testimony as to the success wv ¢ fully | of tire cadet camp, was the expres. | Stimates 20d "aiivice cheerfully |, 18 oN. ToT dar nn, Our summer prices are attractive. | 5¢hool inspectors for the counties ot tyles and New Plates 'Hee, 1912- Northumberland and ' Durham, re-| (lasses of Miss Jones, Miss Arniel now 'ready. : spectively, made, in public, onl,nq Mis Pache--Edna Davey, Mamie vo hursday evening. Both. these edu- | i p ] AY cational gentlemen have come to] jomi¥s Olive Selby and Doris Hack- OHN' McK * tHE youl H6UsE Barriefield, principally, it is thought, ett: 167 . BROCK STREET to "sjze up" the cadet service of tha iiss Eawirdy dlam--Nary Goodearle Dominion. And, though this is said say saarpe » io a ia- summer Sale to be by far the best conducted and | 1i®s Patterton's/clask--Gladys Max- successful cadet eamp yet held, the Ath snd Viol Alles. a os tenting out of the boys is only in| = °* Wright's class--Gertrude Kings- ood for us and our customers. ring up stock. Bargains for 40 per cent. Discount on Pictures. Eo "All Our $1.50 and $1.25 Books at 25 cents Take a Few on Your Vacation for Summer Reading. The Forum of Fifi, Molly E. Sea- Five citizens were In the police court | Fiiday morning, through in fornation laud oy >awmtary Inspector Mctammon, with pot complying with the city's "hy cuarged laws governing sanitary requirements In their properties. hw charges wire dismissed against two of § them, on account of there pot beng the necessary connection on} Myrtle Baldwin, by Chas. C. Munn. well. a The Story of My Life, by Helen Kellar. Rosmah, by Myra Kelly. My Brother's Keeper, Chas. Jack- son. > The Lady of Big Shanty, Berkeley Smith. . Her Infinite Variety, Brand Whil- lock. ¥ : Comrades, by Thos. Dixon, Ir. The Viking's Skull John R. Carl- ing. - 58 Much Ado About Peter, by Jean z Webster. The Steering Wheel, Robt. A. Wa- son. sewage thair streets, or ia their particslardeos and ° the the 'othirs | were enlarged for two weeks, to give them (ime to CArry out the nee ssary improvements. D. M. Me . Intyre, vity sclcitor,-and the sani Cur ary were present » Iwo young men, Douglas Joyce and Edward Pitt, Were fined $5 and $3 or twenty days, respectiyely, by the po- lice magi:-trate, for fast diving on the puble streets on July 12th. Joyce tcld the court that he was driving his father's horse, which had not been out of the stable for some days, and it was very difficult to control. [Police calities, cases against three its infancy, and greater things sre | "G 20d Jessie McKape. yet to come. Still the inspectors Miss Comer's class--Madeline "are in on the ground floor" and in | *°8h apd Marjorie Harvey, a position to see the systematic way Boys races : Miss 'Evans in which it is conducted, and the |'l¢Y'es and Bert Derry. amusement. provided for the rising |. Mis# Young's class--George Ada and generation. And, most important of | Francis Forster. all, thay see the instruction that ig Mrs. Hague's carried on, largely of an educational | Ho%ard Maxam. value. The imspectors said .they | Miss EF. oflague's class--James Arnel whre "agreeably surprised" _ with [80d Viola Sills. what they have seen. : Miss Patterson's class--Frank Burns | onstal i's Thomas Mulhager and Major Hordern, the camp com- |20d Eugene Palmer James Downey gave evidence of seeing i v mandant, and the staff officers re-| Mr. Dalby's class--~Harry Twigg amd|po young men driving at different -- | ported everything to be progressing | Stanley Arniel, times during the afternoon and even- = . . | ° ing knife is working overt A SPECIAL CLOCK The price-cutting knife is working overtime It Note a few items as a result of its labors. FOR $5.00 famously, when asked by the Whig Mr. Cogswell's clase--Harold Fleet. ing, and of giving Joyce warning. = : Made of ed W Children's Colored Wash Dresses, {||| * ade of Marhelized Wood Friday morning. The rain which | Special events: Throwing baseball-- ---- 4 fell Thursday night did not inter- |W. Blomley. o TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. fere with the workings of the Sack race Maxam. : . dainty designs and good colorings, broken sizes to fit ages 4 to 14 years three lots at about half-price. camp. The boys were in their tents | Potato race--Madeline Curragh and | Saturday - 35c, 50c, 75c¢ a dry a 8 whistle." The grass | earl Arai, r pr Single dies owin he .baseba : . : Tho Dear or day oTIing. Wine PF. lies, Jpn Sogg pi Hon Dairvmen raised the price of milk. Ladies' Colored Wash Dresses, serviceable garriients, at a reasonable I On Saturday 200 lines and although three boys have fecn | ton. Capt. Paul commenced deepening the only 98c all sizes removed from 'the detention tent to Married ladies' raee--Mrs. Drysdale harbor. Ladies' Colored Wash Dresses, the station hospital, their aftments!and Mrs. Ada. Ji P Richardson appointed | post- are of a minor nature, indigestion | Men's race--E. Harris. - master at SABANOYIL, ak and "tummy-ache," and the like. | Teachers' race--FElsie Col. Twitchell, U. S. Supdl, wep One lad ate too many peanuts, and | Mrs. Ada. to vermont for a month's vacation. extra nice quality, $3.50 lines to clear was on hand at the Y.M.C.A. tent, The next point of attack was Mar- o on Saturday at $2.00 Thursday evening. tin's feed store, where entrance was + No. 1 and No. 3 battalions' were | gained by breaking a window with a The Ladies' Home Journal. ks instructed in skirmishing, and bat- | brick. The: culprit evidently found it| The August number of the Ladies . ' H h-| Home Journal will be on sale to-mor- Children s Rompers, suffered Thursday night. For break- | Girls' - free-for-all<Gladys Prof. Watson, ol the Leal and Lumb talion drill Friday morning, while difficult to get in, or could find noth- % i | row (Saturday) morning. It is a dis . Saturday special - Clor Is THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 260 PRINCESS. "Phone 910, i Tonoe .Bunga#, H. G. Wells. class--D. . class--A." Ada and $ What Happened a Quarter of a Century - Ago. bh Dainty and Black, with Glit Trimmings, containing a tirst-class move- ment, fully guaranteed. This Is not #» large clock, but neat, and. without too much 'undesirable decoration. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STREET. Pearson Pear] boys will not comply.with discipline! -(;; pn--Trene or the degree of B.1). 7 back they go. na boy's langage Ree He ime Jupiler 3nd Mrs. Harinali Carter, leacher in the was the cause of his trip homeward. Girls of tw lve--Gertrude: Kingswell, [2 school, appointed protessor ol In It was learned, Friday 'morning 2 oy 3 REWELL | dustrial art in the Industrial Normal that Colonel, the Hon. Sam Hughes College, New York City. minister of militia, would not be . ais i» visit the camp, and consid- . erable regret was expressed. Col- Lawn and Verandah Chairs, Set-| J " Biggar, director of transport _|an supplies, Ottawa, "struck" tees, etc., wrong, durable and com Barriefield on Friday. : bery were discovered in the feed store tortable. A frip has been arranged for the |°f J. W. Martin; on Clergy street,.and Carpets, Crex Grass Rugs, Porch|P078 down the river on the steam- (tt the back'of Prouse's drug store on ' » . shades, etc. AN ATTEMPTED BURGLARY. ; 2 ol = { X JANGE * FALLING, Of Prouse's Drug Store and Martin's IN NO DANGER OF FALLING Feed Store. Traces of another attempt at rob- of Toronto Walls Secure, Contractor Says. William McUartuey, contractor. for the new Bank. of Toronto building, at the corner of King and Brock streets, states that there was no danger of the lower walls of that building fall- ing on Wednesday, as stated in Thurs- day's ispue. The timber supports were | not cracked. There was a flaw in the old cast iron column at the corner of the building, but the "needles" Bank er Thousand Islander, on Saturday | the corner of Princess and Clergy afternoon. The detachment of the Streets. The rear of these two places R.C.R., from Halifax, will likely be |oPen into one yard and the first at- called into service and placed around | tempt was evidently made at the drug the decks to "have an eye" on the store. A large stone was used and boys. Another bonfire and bard IB panel broken out of the door. The concert by the R.C.H.A. band wil] | door, however, was lined with tin be the features this evening. An and could not be broken without con weré in place, and gave ample pro- orchestra, under Oscar Telgmann, | ¥iderable noise. tection Stoles and Boas Marabeau and Ostrich Feather AT GOURDIER'S | We will take $925 for No. 192 Raglan Road. Who is the buyer? Yours, J. F. HARRISON COMPANY "Phone 90. four boys ware sent back to their Girls of thiriee d fourteen cipal of the Yancouver institynon. homes: Thursday night. If these | Arniel and a ¥ ate Rev. Mies Marion Musdork received ranges, firing. The signallers were proprietor -on Friday, The vard being | Li _ : practising. A drum heal servica open, is an easy retreat for drumks |tiful Harrison Fisher over, suitable will be held Sunday morning. and "bums" and should be closely | for framing for a girl's room. Be Lieut. George Dolan, of the 14th | watched, Drunks have been often Sides several short summer porch stor- P.W.O.R. Rifles, is acting adjutant [found lighting matches in here, thus | ies, and special articles on timely sub- of the first battalion. Sergt. Major [endangering quite a circle of build- | jects, the latest designs in needlework Hagans, of the same regiment, is |ings. and bright summer costumes will be camp sergeant-major. very interesting to the lady readers. An amusing sight was seen on Price, 15¢, a copy. R. Uglow & Co., parade, Friday morning, when a agents. young lad, from Ottawa, about nine years of age, fell asleep. The, bread Js not made on the | grounds, but furnish D - tors. ed by contrac {liam Shibley (Mary Fleming), A large number of the cadets and Place from the residence of her son, boys have been formed into a squad | James Shibley, Bath, on Thursday for signalling instruction, and parade morning, and was attended by a large daily for that purpose. Major D. E. number of friends and acquaintances, a Mundell, district signalling officer, | Whose. presence testified to the high has under him six instructors. The|®®!®®m in which the deceased lady lads have made splendid progress, and | ¥a® held. Mrs. Shibley will be great- the object is that they may be able ly missed, as she was revognized as to read and receive messages in the 20 authority on the early history of semaphore before they leave Barrie-| Bath. She had a . wonderful memory, field. y {and could recount events that ocecur- Major H. J. Dawson, as usual, has! red seventy years ago in that vicin- the rifle practice undes his HL ; : a Only i practice is indulged oo. | The burial service was conducted by and it is very fastinating sport for | Rev. Mr. Everson, Methodist, assisted the cadets. by Rev. J. Robinson, Presbyterian. Another geatter in which the parents | The chief mourners and the pallbear- may be assured that their. boys are °° Wer® the decensed's two sons, Nev, "being watched," is the swimming ar. | Samuel _Shibley, of Kingston, and rangement. The" time is not long in| James Shibley, of Bath, and her two camp, and owing to the boys being nephews, J. and S. Fleming, of Bath. unacquainted with. the surrounding The feneine were placed in the Me. waters, swimming is forbidden. : dist cemetery BY the side of wv The nightly bonfire is one of the ate husband and son. "events" of the daily round. The R.C.H.A. band is to play a concert ing some of the rule§ of the camp, | and Pearl Arniel. Institution, Belleville, appointed prin- the second battalion was at the !ing, for nothing was missed by the |' i | tinctly outing number, with a beau- Wash Dress materials at greatly reduced prices, 25¢, 30c and 39c lines on the bargain table for Saturday at 15c a yard. THE FUNERAL AT BATH Of the Late Mrs. William Shibley on Thursday. The funeral of the late Mrs. Sale, $2 nightdresses, 81.25. Dut- ton's. '"Hanson-Jenks" "Gibson's." Men !| $5 patent colt oxfords, $3.50. ------= NEWMAN & SHAW The Hat Store. ; THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. i mt, nin Big Mid-Summer ps Sale of Straw and Panama Hats We have had a tremen- dous hat business this sea- son and now while the summer is at its height we have decided to reduce The best shade manufactured is the VUDOR SHADE, made of Linden Wood, simple to op- erate, canfle put up in five minntes, . Made in all widths . R McFAUI'S Wil. took toilet rexjuisites. GRAND TRUNK HOTELS . . it Acros Fresh Sweet Peas Asters = @Gladioli From our own garden each day at Are to be Baullt Across the Con. tinent. The Grand Trunk plans in con- nection with their hotels will be pushed as fast as possible. Work on Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, will be rushed and {it is the intention of |% the company to complete a whole chain of hotels right across the con- 4 tinent. These magnificent struc- § tures will be on models similar to 1 1-5 acres of land on the northeast corner of Division and Russell streets. 3 lots on the southeast cor- ner of Division and Russell streets for $425. Money to loan and fire in- surance. RELEASED ON FRIDAY. = WINDSTORM | TORNADO Insurance Policies issued by A INS [| } 1 '. - at low rates, 'Blam. For Clayton, every . ais 1.5. R. McCANN AGENT, | 82 Brock St, near Wellington 8t. 6 pm. Jones The Orange Black Preceptory, of this to-night and Saturday night, and as- sist at the service on Sunday morn- ing. Among the corps that are making a creditable showing are the Prescott and Brockville boys. Throughout the lines of the various units everything spells well for a Jarge camp next year, Miss Shaw's Pupils. Successful pupils at the Conservatory examinations : - 'Junior harmony and Wstory, first: class honors, Miss - Helen Vanluven. Jmpior harmony, honors, Miss Mabel Albright. Junior pianp. primary rufliments, first-class honors, Miss Eleanor Phelan. Primary harmony and . rudiments, honors, Miss Olive Woodman. Primary harmony, first- dass, honors, Miss Alta Johnston. Psimary rudiments, first-class honors, Miss Dollie Campsall, Clayton, Kingston and Ottawa. . day, Thurs and Savarony. at 6 Toronto Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at Falls and return, 50c., every Wednesday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. James Swift & Uo., Agents. Will Take Part. city, will go to Toronto on August 12th, to take .part in a big demon- stration on the anniversary of the re- lief of Derry. The 14th Regiment band will accompany the Kingston lodge, Fresh foods. "Gibson's." Men ! et colt oxtords, $3.50. s ; dare are 'Who hv bebibd Thomas Storms Freed--Mayor Hoag Took Active Part. Thomas Staérms, who has been con- fined to the county fail for the past three months under a year's sentence for breaking into R. J. Carson's ware- house, was released * on Friday morn- ing, at ten o'clock. A pelition was sent to the minister of justice some time ago. For the prompt action on behalf of Storms, yor Hoag is to be complimented for he worked hard to secure his release. Mrs. Storms was able to leave the general hospi- tal on Thursday, after being confined there for some time. It was feared that she would not recover, and so the petition was circulated for the release of her husband. Trouble Over a Carriage. A court case is likely to result from the action of a local driver in selling the carriage owned by a lady for $10, when she told him that she would take nothing less than $40 for it. The carriage was sold to a Wolfe island party, and the driver did. not even hand over the money to the lady. 'The man in question is wanted on another charge. The funeral of D. A, Watson, who died recently at Redwood, N.Y, was held on 'Wednesday. He was a veteran of the civil war. He is survived by his widow and two sons. Mrs. Frederick Comstock, 'forty-nine years of age, of Aléxandria Bay, died | on Wednesday. She is survived by her husband; one son and four brothers. There's many a slip 'twixt the solitaire and the marriage altar. You won't travel very far if you tread on other people's toes. is when it is pur- the prices on every straw and Panama hat left. Here's your chance to get a nice, clean, bright hat for the rest of the hot weather. Look yourbest and start on a new hat. ®» HR Sale starts Saturda - | Gibson's," the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa and the Fort Garry in Winnipeg. The plans for the hotel which is to be erected in Edmonton have been completed. This hotel will be about 150 rooms and will cost about $750,000. A similar hotel will be built in Regina and. plins are now being prepared. Plans have been prepared and are being exam- ined for the first of the mountain hotels at Miatte Hot Springs. This will be a-very complete building and will offer all that is to be desired to tourists and mountain travellers. Work is also being proceeded with on the plans for another large mountain hotel in the vicinity of Mount Robson, the highest moun- tain in the Canadian Rockies and which towers above the Grand Fork Valley about 11,000 feet and 1s 13,700 feet above the sea level. This location will be the most beautiful and the mest attractive mountain : resort on the continent of America. Plans have also been prepared and inspected for the new mammoth hotel at Prince Rupert and work on it will be proceeded with shortly. \ The Home Influence, Washington Star "Henrietta," said Mr, Meekton. "What is it, Leonidas?" "Suppose 1 stay at home and econ- omize in order to facilitate your public career and employ my leisure hours in assisting' you with your speeches and magazine articles." "Well?" "When you are prominent in pub- lie affairs, will you be one of those who candidly admit that they owe everything to their husbands?' Sweaters for ool evenings, cheap, at Dutton' "Hanmon-denks" also |, PURDY'S {109 BROCK STREET Flowers in ny arrange 'ment for all occasions promptly. rer eT ewww ewewrn) talewm powder. | We Grind Our Own Lenses For the Tourist, the Yachts man, the Sportsman and Auto- mobilist . are indispensable-- and even people starting off on a vacation need them for bringing far ' away objects within the sight range. If you haven't a pair--see our assortment. f J. S. Asselstine D. 0. $ Registered Optometrist & Optici 842 King St. Auli MULLIN Cor, Johmson and' Division Streets, a 'Phone 639. "The Busy Real Estate Corner." Mercury ninety--bhumidity everywhere. Hard time for COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS, SHIRTWAISTS, when they are mot laun-. dered right. Try this Laundry-- defy humid days and avoid hurt to your pride and pocket. " KINGSTON LAUNDRY Oor. Princess & Sydenham Sta. y Phone 58.

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