Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jul 1912, p. 2

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vow © I PW TES rn Told he !| OUR JULY REMOVAL SALE i LQUEEY - STRERT JUNIORS Wok | THEY HAD FOU OUND A BOTTLE orl i ili ht THE S.8. GAME. . LQron wiiig minis so) scewwee -n And Drank It--They Were, F ound Botiiriiintvssrieireng Near Tete de Pont Barracks | HAVE YOUR FURS REMADE AND enti of the ik Teague Gammon] + Pole Took Them to Goterad Hoxie NoiZ sie ~Rawara Bf - 40 per cent. Discount on Pictures. pital. [Mo REPAIRED DURING SUMMERS [ice Sire jaiors dent St) 4 starving cease was urougat so | New York are (he gests gage o> oF at t MMER=S | cic, is" intel ame at Vie | A startling case was' brougit EE I Fae 'All Our $1.50 and $1.25 Books at 25 - oy Ee ED ier oe the netice of the police on. Friday | Jioling tsmouth. Mise de ~ . ur * . S x cen S B 4 advice cheerfully SE £1110 16 1 Su | afterioon when two boys from tem Horm ¥ubbell. - Ottawa ; « : . timates an 15 y # Sore ¢ 8 Hern ' Mizs pith Hut ) taAws is - . a a Lin ngs twin St: George's' med got] 10. twelve years of age were found | Tlic few days at Algonqi Take a Few on Your Vacation for Summer Reading. Our summer prices are attractive: bonie, a corr pated with one of Queen "dead drunr*. jn [rom of Tete dy Park > ' - 3 > ~ s Q Styles and New Plates free, 1912-1, 0 wooond innings, sJueen * Pont Barracks, on - Ontario Street. | "yoy. er, who ha : Myrtle- Baldwin, by Chae. C. Munn. he Fortunes of Fifi, Molly E. Sea- 13, now ready. i commer} £* a : About four o'clock some of the bat- |, ~ 4 : e in. LOWE well Vz . y hinga going by scoring 8 rut terymen noticed a boy drop on the | a Fae making the score 6to 4. St &s » g | left. on: Thy for: Toronto, i nnrades, by Thos. Dixon, Jr. The story of My Life, by Helen - LY got one run in the third, as compared tracks fn. front of 1h, ba racks, ans is at. Mr L 1 r <i " The Viking's Skul Jehu R. Carl- Kear : : Cc th Witl they brought him into the barracks. | i . i or vi fl ; ing Rosmah, by Myra Kelly with Queen's four rums, ith a dcofe] o, Bogart was called and the police | . : ; Tera . My Brother Keel ©) Jack THE FUR HOUSE ; lof 1M). to 5; St. George's, scored thee] oop /notified. - © Police Constables] © UHt0.~08 rifay, -3 rs Much Ado About Peter, by Jean ny rotliers Keeper, Chas. Jack- : ; in the fourth and (wo in the fiftir Filson apd Armstrong came, and, | 57° "ed hej par ms, Lol. at S is Webster sun : : 149-167 BROCK STREET] vii ii wee » co. dems came | Budi ths "lobed comaiton | ing, MOLL, Kops vet | he biel. Rats dl Wisk The Lady. of Big Shanty, Berkeley and managed to get one man-wover[ oor them to the General: Hospital Mastin Cl ) treet, . The Steering Wheel, Robt. A. Wa- Smith . 1 8 3 it a fon : wok at Ca ; : . home plate and won, A in James Reid's ambulance. Police- N rs Baw Shs haw PK at Cedar som. . Her Infinite Variety, Brand Whil- Queen--Payater, c.; MeWilliat, p.:| nan Armstrong was told that an- i a Ma Clorey stiset Yoloe Bungay, H. G.: Wells. ' lock . . a & A ¥ 3 a ar rg street . Nicholson, lb; Angrove, 2b.: Sum-l other iad had collapsed further after ye a a days with M 3 Wd merville; s.8.; Ferguson, 3b.; Wilson,| gown 'he track and he' alSo was of r spending ays witli Miss r.f.; Angrove, ef.; F. Wilson, Lf. . sec ured and taken to the ge ne ral arjory Rodgers at her summer Ed To | SR a 5 THE COLLEGE BOOK STO RE Rae, 1h; Mills, 2b; Stipson, s.e;-¥l| of the Hedley Shaw Milling "com | \ . Sinise : mer, 3b; Watts, rf; Beardsell, cf; pans, | Miss Florence Elliott who has 200 PRINCESS. : Phone ULV; Meliall, 11. a In one of the boy's poc Kets Police- | 0260 A a nf the house party at : . + Umpire--Ilames Stewart man Filson found a pipe and a plug oy ay Ts oitage, pet 316 we -- It is understood that St. George's] of ~hewing tobatco. When the lads | °%" OH wursday, and left on Fri- ; ! day for Ganan ' isl el Po enter a protest, recovered at the hospital they said 5 Bue ATO 1 to ¥ th ; they found a bottle of liquor and it SE : 4 «| : th "Nal . Retallers Defeated Wormwiths, rd $0 good that er oui it Miss Etirel Kent, King street. re- land will spend a month with her rf y . turned, on Wednesday, from Quebee, | parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kaue, | The Mercantile league put on a good The boys appeared in the juveiile ; . : te Ths I tn . : { game, of hascbal} gue ut Worm- | "ourt hefore Police Magistrate Far- where she was visiting Mrs. Neilson. | Colborne street. i : 7 tomers. ' 'tnd is *ail, Saturday morning, and told Mr. Reynolds, who has ° been | Mis . Arthur. «ugham . arrived : SI ECIAL CLOCK Good for us and our custo with's' and Retailers, the victory go Ome of the details of the carouse." | Pending a few days in Kingston on | from Westmount on Friday and iy | + y a i' J 3 3 é o p - % 2 { ' sek. Bargailng for|mg to the Retailers by a weore of 91% . his way from Petawawa, left, i the : Clearing up sl ¥ - Defeating St, George's by 11 to Teel t 5 p,: Ie i + > a you. ' esting. Retailers held the lead all the | 1c by the magistrate Friday. fn Dus. Burpee, Stuart | moe on a ti A way through. In the third innings % 'appears that two of the boys, street after 'spending 4 few days Sth? : ie one that was tie "tughtest' sud]? 2500 f g 4 fel ay the Wormwiih's added five runs _te 2 chum. of ten vears of age, not? Toronto, with Mr and Mrs. Z ound by the police Saturday even- Lash, returned home on Friday. i ng, found the bottle of whiskey Mr and Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Wil- eight. . : - earlier in the afternoon, in a: lane |}iam street, and little daughter, Spee al mention ia due to Jo Phil, ith of 'the Gulden. - 1don- Digeh Caroline, will leave un Monday to itm, of the Wormwith's. who Za 'rapped in the straw cover. They | take a trip_down the Saguenay. three hits out-of three times to ba Philips is improving. The line-up of the teams wery as follows : to 8. The game was fast and inter hey were liberated, after sound ad- | on a at i FOR $5 00 L . now in St. Thomas, the guest of her | . "rother, the Hon. T. W Crothers their one and raised their . position { y » | and is expected home next week. Made of Marbelized Wocd from ong to six against Retailers | Miss Maud Macarow, who has . "een. visiting her sister, Mrs Ken- ---- {. Ireland," William street, Tre- | urns to-day to Bar Harbor, Maine We have some extra Black, with Gut Trimmings, . vere naturally inquisitive, and went Noss = wihe i town around Sowards' coal ' yard, Mr. Ernest Rolph arrived in | where the cork was knocked in with | OWN. from Toronto, to-day, to spund | Retailers--Sullivan, c; F. Pound onsiderable dificulty.. As the boys | he oul end with Mr and Mrs p.; J. Burke, 1h.; Vanhorne, 2h; Rae, crossed the hay -market. they. were: andy olfe sland. Mr. . Ro oh t | 8 . Kennedy, Sh; LL. Appleton, cf; WE go ths Be had the tohectn will retarn to Toronto on Monday Mrs. A O'Gorman, Montréal street La but - meat, and without too C. Ice. 11: McCormack, rd. on his person, which he told the accompanied by his wife, who has [announces the engagement of her dies' White Waists §] much undesirable decoration. * Wormwith's--Stansbury, ce. Y. { oolica Saturday morning - was for | Peen 'the guest of Mrs. Tandy for daughter, Miss. Anuie, to. Mr. leo | --$1.00 and up. Pound, p.; T.. Hughes, 1b; S.. Mc ts father. Jesides the ten-year- the past ten days « | Bedare of Napanee, formerly Caig, 2b.; Saunders, s.s.; K. McCaig, | 91d lad, another boy was with the Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, Ov=7 Kingston The weddihg will 1a 3h: Hall. Lf: Murray, ef; J Philips, voungsters The little follow was ENA nnd, and Migs Heles Gorgon | pla ¢ quietly on July 23rd | SMITH BROS. : : . ic i ave bee to for a few Mrs. Clark Wright, Colborne street r.f. also brought to the police station | ¥1© Rave been in Toron 5 A In ne . Ladies' Lawa and Verandah Chairs, Set-| B. Derry umpired, Raturday morning and told, as the | 48YS. returried home to-day. has returned to town after Maving es' Wash Dresses, A 4 ' . . Jewelers and Opticians, L sthers where the bottle was found, | . i and Ma Hrthur Kiugh, a spent the Tast six weeks in Toronto all reduced. bus £ Mari ! Lhe % tees, etc. strong, durable and com- Bowling Games. ; 'hat it was not stolen. He said he ng on stree , le t re LO {and Grimsby. suers of Marriage Licenses. ® fortable ' ? Two bowling ganies were played at] bad a "nip" .at it but went home, Span. some time at the ue Moun- Miss Sara Nixon, Fast Orange, N..7, | -- ---------- 850 KING STREET. or ' } r i-] Both the boys taken in charge b Ee the guest of Mrs. Clark Wright, | Th on' ; fn---- . the Queen's bowling grounds Gn Fri loth t boys taken ge by Mis "a i : or toads ght, | Carpets, Crex Grass Rugs, Poreh|g,, "evening. W. I'. Spalding's rink | 'he police, Friday night, were feel- Miss Hazel Browne, after spend ei street. Ladies' Summer Cor : won from +). C. McConachie's rink by | ng a little "under the weather" on | 1& © few Sys a Diuua. with Mr. and Mrs. {. G. Patterson, of sets. 50c, The. $la pair. shades, etc. a score of 20 to 12, J. M. Elliott's | saturday. They. vowed it would be | ajor ana Mrs. urnest Hubbel, and ifopehester, Ont., returned hole after Yours rink won from R, J. MecKelvey's rink] 'he last drink. of whiskey they Migs Erica Grout. Was returned | nding the last week with Mr. and TTeTTBITTBTLLLTTTTTEY ' w 21 to N . would take. ne. - - - - Mrs. Clark Wright, Colborne street Liha) Cui A i ree el or | Stol d I F. HARRISON COMPANY Nba Friday. HAVING GOOD TIME. Mr. T. J. Burke, of the Bank oi The oneatimont 1s oi Ladies' Summer Un oO es an ; : Pritish North America; left to-day [yor kenfesement is announced of ||] derwear, the wanted. 'Phone 90. International League--Toronto, 121 pug Report That Comes From the| for Montreal : ] p Eredhoy Rochester, 2. Providence, 16; Newark, ay Cun Mo Horny of Oitawa. who hag | OT FETE, Ont. to Mr. William: A. makes at popular prices. R as Mr and. Mrs Turk, Gétuvs, are good values for Satu: - Sntsiatog a first cluss move | spending the sunriier in owe and day Night Shoppers ment, fully guaranteed. are en pension at Mrs. J. Franklin's This Is not » large clock Brock street. --" 3 McKim, B.A., of Calgary J arta 9. Bufialo, 10; Montreal, 2. Balti x . . been spending a few days initown, |p. wedding kes Dlace ir ier a more, 12; Jersey City, 0 Ihe Y.M.C.A. boys enjoy fishing and] jeft this week to spend the re 8 takes p +- July. Canadian League--sSt. Thomas, 10; | swimming and the camp fire. On Wed-| mainder of the summer at Cressy, : Hosier for ever Berlin, 3. London, 4; Guelph, |. Ham nesday the parents of some of the| with her son, Mr. Herbert Horsey Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Taylor, 361 y y iiton, 6: Peterboro, 2. Ottawa, B5;1lads went to see them and a short Professor 1. F. Guttman loft on |Johnson Shitet noun the cugage member of the family, mr] eee srantiord. 2. time was. spent at Rockport. That| Thursday to spend the summer Fr mh ha I er saghier, Jennie, to and at prices that are National Leaguo--Philadelphia, 4; night the ice cream social was a huppy ® jr harles .Slles, abroad Columbus, Ohio 4 M b Chicago, 0. Cincinnati, 3; Boston, 2.)eveat The Whig's correspondent Miss Susie Anglin, Earl . street, | Wedding to take place the scoond week very attractive. Try ara eau Nt. Louis, 6: Brooklyn, 4. New York, | writes : "The Y.M.C.A. boys fugnished | left on Wednesday to visit Mrs. R. |!® August : d 3 us and see. . : SHADES 54: Pittsburgh, 4-5. most of the programme, and also the| W. Garrett, at her summer home. {L.ontinued on page J.) ¢ Jr on Dade and 'American League--Detroit," $6; Phil-] noise. Mrs. D. J. Dowsley, Toronto, and Re : «= __ al 6-14 Bo York, 4; Cleve-| On Thursday afternoon 'W. Rirks| Misses Dorothy and Gwenneth, are BURGLARS STILL BUSY. Ladies' Lon Gloves, . land, 3. Boston, 82; Chicago, 0-1.|fame to anchor with his beautiful; expected in town to-day, to visit Froitenac Milling Coinpany's Office 8 Ostrich Feather Washington, 510; St. Louis, 1-1. vacht Wanderer. Alter tea a coneert| Mrs. Dowsley's mother for a month. ® npany s ses White, Black and colors as BIVE ' } i s Libbie Kane, C stre Was Broken Into. ee -- was given by him, by means of his Miss Libbie Kane, Colborne stret, i S---------- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Victrola. After the concert, threo}has returned home after spending | There are no end of attempted rob 50c, 5c a pair. cheers were given and the boys went | three weeks in Toronto and Berlin. |beries about the city and all the § a What Happened a arter of alto bed, but enly to be roused by a Miss Janet Burton, trained nurse, | facts noint to their being the work ne ' e best shade . Century heavy rain storm. 3 of New York city, is in town spend- |i a local gang. On Th te hit . . hy 1 wal gang, n ursday nigh : 4 "i ait : The visitors to the camp were met | iDg her vacation. Swift's coal and wood office Pp o 3 Chief Fngineer Perley, of the public . . i al and wood office on Prin manufactured is the or de ts tows Th UBC] at Rockport by Mr. Wilson and a num To hn: tratty, abave Bartle was Dion Phohe 700. to e iid B tes for.a dry dock. ~ jber of the hoys, and were conveyed to Mrs. Ephraim Zinkann, Berlin, into and although nothing has been - adenine VUDOR SHADE, rh wk a 1 bo i ~ 1 $200 for Grenadier Island in skilfs, where they] Ont. is expected in town next week |, } : ne ach un coueciec & 0 4 : missed, the Dapers were ransacked and were received with open arms by Rev. - ma d e of Linden aa pre rackt Gracie. covered the dis Mr. Churchill {the cook) and the boys. a AL Hee plate shoved ya We iutendars We will take $925 'anc. Letom Hallidav's Point. and [A number of the boys gave up one of "Fhe Hat & 4 "" iB! time that this place has been broken 'Wood, simple to op- the city in one hour and seventeen their tents and soon had it in apple |€f i he Hat Store. y| int =. : ie order for the visitors. At the The F Milling com FOR . at pi or 0 i 9 rontenas ilkng company ' for No 192 iN R d 4 The o TE orwardad ti sound of the bugle, Supper was serv ed | 4! - iPifice was broken into on Wednesday y . a an 04 . erate, can be put up Wi ously Sari forwarded . to visitors and boys. The cooking und ! Ur | mmer Bl nicht Nd roy An ks The Always Busy Store. 4 : servive gave gre -satisfaction anc i i i by 1,000 ratepayers of Kingston apd] Service gave great "sa 4 , in five minntes, . ; P pling to nearly. 875 were fdund missing Wh h b Frontenac, praying for protection at all praise the cooking of Rev. Mr iR| This is the oulv successful robbie, - mr rer = - 0 is t e uyer? the railway crossings Churchill and his solicitude for their | §! | hat has been reported but reports : i rsaiile r Tight- welfare. There wis one item on. the Taw al ; all- from =H varts of the atv show tha 4 Adi am-------- ---- M a d e in all A mare and colt struck br igh bill of fare which they loudly praised, | 2! ' iy "rl ning at the outer depot and killed, | amateur housebreakers are verv a Fresh Detachment Instructed Pa. : | and that was a caramel pudding serv- di Bl tive 1 { 1 1-5 acres of land on the widths . Something Crooked Here. ed at dinner. Mr, Nichol, who has, ald} ama Hat Sale 3. A man on Albert street was awsk. | Sweet Peas northeast corner of Division A man from the county was in the cottage down the river, sent over 2 l€ ened on Thursday night by some i : grapher who "'took his picture on and Shae campers .guve them quiings, & got up, however, and the man was 3 lots on the sontheast cor 8 » . ter, I | oH i + 13 . nov. ] ' July 12th, and who did not. send the OR_ the: wales : : 14! ar e 0- d seared away. The police are on the Gladioli ner of Division and Russell shot to him, as were the terms of Owing to the steamer on which the)g| afert. and places most troubled are 3 otos to s A » ) . . a r 'valorel : , t . ein ERE C Phe oral contract, The man who was |) -M-C:A. boy campers were Felurnng ig} [Bl being closely watched. From our own garden streets for $425. ""done'" called at No. 436 Princess home, Saturday afternoon, from Gren- | ~~ . i ) py Wi rive I Sun- surance lived there. He was assured that he while, they will not arrive ust: un = ff} ; CHA ' surance, was in the "wrong pew' and then, ; . i LOHA, P upon further reference to his note id { : ' ] The detachment of the RCIA, | { - v given was 446 on the same street. | : 14 by 'hi 3 ; , o | There is no such number on that Craft is Hat Hydroplane, Halt Dis: | Y * i > ) Julich asi ha a x hao} ut ssilien 10 9 BROCK STREET y M U L L IN street. The 12th of Juiy visitor said placement. * : JA pngicuctiin- a i AR year: " od bi % i \ 48 > |B] artillery in every . phase of "artillery - 4 'Phone 039 who "took" him on the street, fifty |assisted by his son, John D. Hunt, |¢! alts | {Hi work. Among those were five new Flowers in call Arrange- "The Busy Real Estate Corner." cents and postage. has just completed a new motor boat # fi 4 , B ba .: di o a > of a unijue desrgn for L. H. Vilas, of |¢| «3 FH {- ! . ttaries atiending camp for the Y oS / : i 3 a h y : ; : and half displacement. 'The hall 'is 4 2 fh precedent the history of the nort prom tly. A meeling of the city council com- twenty-two feet over all, is but thres di . PY aa itn 1) general efficiency of ha | I y Mitten Thasbg in shave, Ae inl feet six mches in beam, and has au {¢! at batteries instructed shows that the tion of vs an ° ro- : . es her trial trip she made twenty-five AA and bet. held in the InAYor 8 office on Friday | ies on hour. The hull is somewhat |€; : | The new Howitzer batteries recom: afternoon. The programme announc- {of 4 freak, but Capt. Hunt claims |! mended in the report of General it was decided to add some aquatid lion in the line of boat building. li OUT THEY GO pland will be at Petawawa next sum sports for Monday morning. July a short time he expects to have 4 [Mi nier. os THE NEST [66 OF FORTUNE 29th, in front of Macdonald Park. larger one of the same design for de- {4 O ob te stock f! QM.8. Jordan has gone to a eta: with Ald. Ross in charge. Various | nonsirating purposes, which will have | ¢! Jur entire Sto of | fine to lake the place of Sergt.- -- city, Friday, looking for the photo cream and other delicacies to the Wiys, ong trying to get in the hous. He |§ Asters and Russel] streets ; raion 3 Money y I : street, and asked if the "pieture"' man adior Island, being temporarily dis- MILITARY NOTES. [q each day at Mon y Yo loan aud fire in ni Eh . 2 Twentyseven Hatteries. book, said that the number 'he was A UNIQUE BOAT. ES WA i. as re iq Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. that he had paid the photographer | Capt. Fitz Hunt, Alexandria Bay, |gf Ci . [Rl ii uoto 1 werlly gui chalerien of 4 : attend de ment for all occasions Fo ae Bos he Old Boys. Chicago.' The-boat is half hydroplane re Land ¢ |W first &me. The work dome is without it 8 gramme for the civie holiday, was 13-25 horse power Sterling engine. At |$! SA y VY. {Bf instructional work was of the highest ed two weeks ago was gone over and | pat it is a most successful innova- : French are being organized this year, is the buying of your first |p|organizations will supply Pipeakers | o speed of forty. miles an hour. A pa |§ Straw and Panama Hats Jlinjor Gimblett, as camp sergennt- plece of for the flag-raising in the park |tent on the design has been applied is 1 i i major. Mrs. Jordan also left yesterday REAL ESTATE . The labor unions will be represented. |jor, Is reduced in price and for. camp, Death of Michael Hogan Capt. Hunt is the builder of many || YOu have the opportunity Sergt. 3 Farts, €:8:C., has returs.. th o ic ogan. motor boats of note. He constructed t rh i Med irom Petawawa, where he as |B Sercury ninety aid Men_of means Have always y Michael Hogan, who had been ill alin 1910 the Mitt il, owned by J. Har- |g! to et a nice, clean, fres Rlspent a pari of his holidays. r ; Moteur? 28 y--humidity Deen Ee and can't. fly |] short time, died Friday night. Deceas- [old Hayden, of New York, the pre- (di looking hat for the rest of ee -------- AR" uso nid Ah egg ae by they argue. We can ed was fifty years of age, and an {sent holder of the celebrated gold 4 the season at a very small The Thousand TYslander, the erack : . hy the intending investor a |p| Irishman by birth. le was a butcher | challenge cup. trai drom New York to the Thou |B COLLARS, list of géniine values either to [p|by trade and had lived in this city price. [Blcand Islands, took an opem switeh, J v CUFFS. hold - or to use as a home. for about twenty-five years, his wile wr fn a ¥ Friday morning, at Watertown, N.Y. Cp thé Tour . . SHIRTS Don't "dabble" in real estate [Biand family now living on Clergy street TRIED TO DROWN HIMSELF. | $1.50 Sailors §and forced a box car through atick | a oy Hu oe Sie Sachts. SHARTW AIS e i " , ors) Hon § AISTS, ---jt costs you nothing to ask west. The deceased is survived by his Into! 4! : Bivall of the llarmon machine com mobilist are indispensable wife, two sons, and three daughters. | Rockwood Keeper Jumped. { i . ron. thay ah BE a ve. i He was a Roman Catholic in relia' Harbor, But Was Rescued. : . 0 | Pony' ® wiki William Thompsom: nf ni even Vile Sr ng off wien ihey are not* laun H ware of butting in, for all's gion. "1 Great excitement reigned at Roek- |g 3 Bl Alexanditn Bay, N.Y. will celebrate : bringing. far oo g ay 5 not gold that HRters, nor does ~* wood asylum on Thursday evening, ; the sixtieth anniversary of their wed: within the sight range. Try "this Latndry every purchase of real estate Drunks Were Fined. when a keeper tried to commit suicide. ; ding nest Monday at the home of If you haven't a' pait-- see defy humid days and net a profit. Three drunks were fined $1 and costs | From what can be learned, the man OU 'Bl their son, Arthur, in that *illags. Sout' assortment, avoid hurt to' your pride You can find some good in- the police court Saturday morning. |in question had been drinking and |" John Clarke, s larmer of Thurlow o and pocket. bargains at. | Two police 4 were sailors. One of jon Thursday evening, being somewhat > . | township; died, on Friday, ss the re rrested by Police Consta "under the weather," bad been put ing! - : 8! sult of a kick from horse about a : 1 ac. Friday evening, in HurGity one of the: water baths to- try and a Rimonth ago. He was seventy years of Registered 't , KINGSTON LAUNDRY : ' been 'acting cure him. lle got out aad ram dows Biage ! T M Cc C A N N S Faris He hud playing he to the shore and jumped in the water, i The death occurred at Tolslo, om & : ihe saw the-polivenan coming his way, {but was rescued. The keeper is an ; Tuesday, of W. Gavin, an esteemed he started to "beat it," as best he| Englishman by birth, having been in farmer of Kiley. Wis widow and | could. this country for'a short time. -- i em

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