RAG ET TR ER b! Cox's ht 8 =H Price $30.00 per thousand PAGE POUR. Fo ne for Garden and lawn * 80 ft. with Combination Noz' .zle complete for $4.50 A snap CORBETT 'A BARGAIN in | HARDWOOD FLOORING ¥ 7-8 in. thick, jongued and | grooved, Maple looring, ane and bundled. A 'good durable; Vicoring for rooms, Halls or sho which wear is the chie a sideration. ; feet. Call and see it. FOOT OF BAY ST. 4 BRITISH enr WHIG, at $6 per Fditlons at 2 LY BRITISH WHIG, atl $1 a year rice of Dally DAILY Ontario 16 making best Job Pi improved Att ached Is one of the and cheap work; nine 2 -n wy TORONTO OFFICE. ~~Suite Toronto H. E 1% and Smallpiece, J Street, - published 'at 36 and pages, published | J To United States $3 and pre THE BRITISH: WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED wr | Elliott, President, | i 5 ---------------- mh, " WE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE WHIG, SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR the west 106-914 Kingston, pm } § riz on charge for postage had to Week)y 31.50 per ve ri g Offices In Cg JG. Leman A. Gulld, Sec. Treas. 20 Church P Queen ---- GETTING. AT It néw appears that some sensations of the Farmers' bank case would bave been avoided hadsthe: pa- pers in connection with it been pro included Mr. perly guarded. These papers were taken from Fave in mény that desk; sense, the sundry the vers' hong private et ween There people, and revealing relations himself and persons. Norld Matheson regarding a the cheque from Mr. deposit, and were letters from Hon. government ] . $3,000, the drawn under for money which the commission has heen unabls to The would trace. 2 of papers different Wil nesses are that production these have put a face on as it. missing. some unfortunate the case, so far concerned, and 18 they Perhaps a plan will be adopted for the care of a record which, while the should be sacretlly protected. are before court, A point of importance és that which of "the warrant Nesbitt's arrest. It wa deals with the issue Ds. long delayed, L NG for Jeatlly and rumour had-it that -- which In peared in the Outlook, an atticle recently "ap of New York, and written by the editor of the Lyn Me. don Chronicle, Lioyd-George is reported to have® said that had the liberal launched government of Britain not its constructive policy, which is exempliied by the old age the "would pen sions scheme and national 1 scheme, it gon down like the surance ave Fitanie EVERY DETAIL : TENTION. © Our replitation worki) Fag en [pried largely by our careful attention to detail Nothing slip-shod about our methods. R. PARKER & CO Dyers und Cleaners, 89 Princess St. Kingston, Ont. HAS AT. for good T"TQBACCO > ' wi ne Wooster" on It #8 crowing louder as ne goes along. Only 46c per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MAULEAN'S, Ontario Street. BICYCLES BIOYCLE SUNDRIES At Cut Prices 413 Spadina Ave Send for Cut Price Catalogue. Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body Phosphonui Sits proper tension ; restores vitality. Premature decay and all sexus) vim ai weakness averted at ence. make you a new man. Price Ee. ailed to any sddress. f Catharines, Ons. For sale at Mahood's drug stoge. PRESERVING SEALERS, A Lot of Preserving Sealers Bale: also New and Second-hand and Furniture Call . you want a bargain BH, SUGARMAN, <i Ontario Street, Opposite Craig's "Wholesale, Pp Sco . REDUCED PRICES Balance of Season My big line of Antique Furniture will be sold" at re- duced prices during the Lot weather season. Come in and see gains HOUSEHOLD GOODS bought and sold on best terms. Consult me. 'L. LESSES Cor Princess nnd Chatham Sis, hone 1043, the bap- BICYCLE MUNSON &, TORONTO homnol will 3 a box, or two for bell Drug for Beds and see me "And that surance will workmen's full is quotéd the 'we the he now 1 act Mr. saying in a cable to one the week, to put our hands to the. great nm opera tion," Lloyd-George as ol news within intend work papers of the land, which the freeing for the has drifted into hands of the to the work of freeing it to the péo- was meant use of many, but which the few ple and to their children forever." "What this mefin Henry George, Jr., of New York. thing more nor less than the taxation of step the beginning budget fight act called the land of Great * asks No does land values--a big toward tax. A great single was made in the 1904, The assessment 'in budget for of all some of which had the an not been Book. 'That assessment work is pearing com- pletion. 1909 laid this assessed value a tax so Britain, assessed since Doomsday» The budget of on small as THE DEMAND There is something radically wrong with. municipal government, as it generally exists in Canada. Here are three items which establish the fa Toronto puts in a filtration plant, at of $H0,000, ot a cost and after a short it useless, run gets out order and becomes and once more the people are dependent upon water which has to be chlorinated. Oitawa a vear and a halt ago had an epidemic of typhoid fever, and 'nothing has vet been of for hingston has a board of health ac- complished in the way securing a pure water supply the city.' and a public utilities' committee that are dawdling along in manitest In diffetence with regard to the water so long as it does not poison the peo Sometimes it 18 it is safety lies only in the filtration plans ple. tolerably good, sometimes not so good, and which has been suggested, In all these experiences the evidence is furnished that municipal ment ethecient govern- is not and that a change is needed. The commission ap- Increased yield and improv. ed quality not only pay for spraying, but yield a hand- some return On your Invest- ment of time and materials. pears 0 be better than anything which has yet been tried, because il is the nearest approach of «vie problems. is composed, of at least one profession- al man, an "engineer, with a mind and a will of his own, would have given- { Toronto and Ottawa what they want {in bettér water. A commission' in Kingston would have long sind de- to a solution | |. lelay bette | A commission that' THE FACTS. reps, of the | the friends of (the bank ithe nussing presi local Wer cape now government, he inference | dent, | not There 'sas mn unwilling that should e which is the an found to be incorrect, and com well to make this galerable idea that representatives, has done is Ms or i interfere mislen clear. shall justice, © "The but that the crown, or with warrast was slow in issuing, vas due to local jealousy between the dity and provimcial stafis. The supe: | irs erident of the provincial police say | he could have arrested Nesbitt prowipf | ly with. had he been consulted or conferred It is for the commission to as certain why any subordinate shall {have it in his power ta hold back any { warrant and for the arrest' of any of | tender. : y One other point of importamce established, namely, that bank-did not 'make any the Fielding that indirectly ha been the Farmers' con tribution testimonial Mr. anything directly i0 Travers said he pever gave or. to the this statement wnother ghost has been laid. fund, and by positive A MAN OF ACTION. = sn be venue to practically negligible as a' r¢ getter Mr. impose a heavy the the Britain, aside irom the improvements, the He will tiuke by taxation an appreciable shave Lod at the uses.' cent. now intentls He ground of Gre: Lloyd-George to tax. that value of is made by all people. mto public treasury for public it and the taxation is this taxation of the people, of the is making Lloyd-George "To -the and particularly that 0DNOXIus wealthy, richer of classe their and 0 He money, of at, fascimnte wants more more and he is getting more' schemes that alterate The the nation more ly, surance scheme took by and arritate. in- by surprise. It is huge in its proportions and complicated in its details, It rd to But thé chancellor ofthe excheyner, it so particularly is master, in introducing in it the commons, that In a sense made inviting no one really opposed it, it was a non-political issue, and in a non-political way it was generally en- Now there 18 some carping cri- but it And parliamént and people have bardly rg- from this measure, the excitements of it, dorsed, Licism, i# without efiect, covered and from thdn a new one, the land, Lloyd-ieorge is again and dealing with ed, is promis- the the fact. and storm centre and glories in OF THE HOUR. termined what is best in the way it would the work, of a filtration plant because be somewhat devoted after day, 4 'ertainly to day until it was disposed of. it would not be shelved weeks at a time: The Utilities' congratulated the there for is to he it Committee upon the public business way has conducted this® vear. But can be an improve It can meet would do ment. oltener--a commis S101 this, and it must be the into more active if it would public's meet requirements--and business a little What Kingston wants is purer put is more ginger. wate and the guarantee of it all the time, and it wants cheaper. power, Is this to be assured by the improvements which are now contemplated ? 1s this to be arrangement Mr. Campbeil assured by any which can' be made with anybody else ? A revision of the tarifi without jus- tification, or a reduction in the fixed charges or cost of production, is not desired. But cheaper power is one of the great needs+of the hour, and on it city. A foronto manufacturer has expressed » willingness to locate here, and that Kingston, contrary fo the opinion of others, a good distributing but he wants: power at a lower rate than it can now be Supplied, 'and by the steam plant. or depends the . success of the n- to business, believing is centre, EDITORIAL NOTES \ ------ Two Canadians attended the Im- perial Orange Council in Glasgow and announced 'that the colonies were un- ited in their opposition' te home rule. Here 1s nerve and assurance without a poralld.. 5 The governor-general has presented Hon Bob Rogers with a loving cup. It is well that some ome takes pit on the poor old man for since the Saskatchewan election he has dodging the brick bats that friend and foe have been throwing at him. been ° \ contemporary quotes the opinion Rev. R. J. Campbell and others, that hell is | very much out of date, and says that the news is very wel come to a lot of people." The effects are expected to be "far-reaching." what way ? In The Tosonto News rocalls the: fact that there were mot during the liberal regime the demands that are now be ing made for a reduction in the tar- lili. But that does not dispose of the Question that has now afsen. that : tiederal -only one-fifth of one wd old 20, SATURDAY, JULY Jemands a revision, that the farmer Phe pow west must be satisfied has at last asserted his Fraek the itis Hoa. iwho kb as heen Now raising order to give ndtice to a certain for est manger that because of pari- zansh!p he has been The {ranger in question passed from ' this hig dismissed life two years ago = The Canadian ' Courier thinks th y cerved a Necessary Naskat- Its that federal midisters {should keep out. of local elections. Will they government has been severe but let<on in chewan, take the hint sor mi the steam | ! roller be again calkd into use ? The works, of the in Windsor, is so loaded duties that he cannot own Whi elect chairman board of with public to his the advise the atteng business.' doesn't council to {mission whose whole be to look after the people's affairs Then thay would be attended to. The Hydro-Electsic Commission ob- jects to the transfer of. the ®tratiord street railway franchise to the CNR. company, a can" duty it. would and the people are annoved Hon. Adam. Beck is having 14s ries like othér public ype peuple. Wor When monopoly bumps against monopoly something or some- body is hurt. The gioeers Commission's en helach differ power situation Hydra Electric Mr. to the and with regard Une thinks the offers quite advantageous; the thinks they Who is 10 decide between them ? Leo- nard, the NaWonal tal railway, is suggested. other are not Mr. Transcontinen- He Hamilton's oi is said to have seen something 'n that any one else, situation wag pot apparent to Spare Him Reproach. Poronto. World Andrew Lang a creature of would only them the says that the ovster ihity, i as silent other 18 Ww ulder could men spare be we repromeh Scotch Teachers Moronto Star The Scotch school teachers care for baseball, their cal minds demanding sport something tournament and golf. Disappointed. did lesurely, oh net weer a eighteen not logi holes at A Timely Hint. Canadian Courier I the Domimon make 'any further | provincial liberal Twill be but dig ! This is the chief } Chewan conservatives should attempts to destroy administrations they rging their own lesson of the sensation. grave. Saskat $i. Sei-- - Sorry it Spoke. yOttawa Free The Toronto sews is probably that it is on record as saying Saskatchewan will Hommon But it now admits that it does the gift of prophecy. jcould escape its dilemma. Press sorry 'As the next perhaps not I'hus it goes, so elections go." pos HOSS ---- A Canadian Star Navy. Montreal A Canadian navy, Canathan ship has good big or hitle, with works and dockyvards, arguments, A Canadian squadron attached the imperial navy, but maintained Canada, has good arguments A Canadian pavment perial naval defence, has ments, to by towards im some argu Doing nothing at spectable, would harm. all, do while not re immediate England's Insurance Bill. Ottawa Journal Conservative ure vigorously attacking features of the national surance act, and there many weak features lto be costly estimates the figures at £5,000,000 will necessitate the administrative force, burden the in the weak workmen's in are evidently in it, "lt is newspapers some year. It which will 1 ixpavers or or both. lt will considerable additions td administering large industrial establishments, for which there no direct and only a problema tic indirect retin It not all the benefici because it them to pay something for are to receive, It should he ly profitable to attack ure. The conservatives, not mn a of the before on contributories sitate cost on neces of will rMurn will ries, requires what they political. such a howe ver, meas are situation. When bill was parliament they were so afraid of losing votes that they did not dare to join issue 'with its promoters. Now they will not be eredited' with -sincer- ity in their criticism. DRSOPER | DR. WHITE the « men, and so are THE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS p-errttyor chess | England sure putting creation of a hig be a the the be please position to Yake advants age! Batting Suits il-1 soc. SATURDAY | DOINGS = This Store Closes Sharp, 10°0'clock Saturday Evening Men's $4. 508 $5.00 low Shoes $3.00 $1.00 and $ 1.25 Shirts 100 Dozen Men's Soft Shirts, all new 1912 styles, neat patterns, coat style, etc., Tooke, Cres- cent, and Star Brand, sizes 14 to 18. Regular for 69c¢ SERRE e eid Wash Ties 2 for 25c. Bibby's 'Special 25¢c. Cashmere Hosiery. Regular 35¢ and 40c Quality. Ns DEARTH OF is Reported. Ottawa, July 20, slump mn candidates for the West Mounted Police and it by the acting comptroller, {force now fitty below ment and reeruiting will ldone in the old country tion with the percentage try ment on the force, 11 now reaches over eighty-five per cent, and the remainder is composed of Canadians In the coronation thireeen were | tal of eighty tive y deeded North stated the establish have to In conuee- of old Lhere is is that = be coun contingent only anadians While continuallye being rolment from served in the I notie of them are | turalized British {new station has been i Factory, Manftoba, {hav ¢ been { Churchill months ton the Yyimet ont ofa to applications made Americans have L nited arm) considered unless na Another Yark Iwo men from Fo the p are tor tn whe States subjects opened in and there Reporte during show that increase and sent rt Ast | few crime the not population Noted Art Director Resigns. Berlin, , July 20.--Dr. 'William Bode has resignea his position as director of the hair Friedrich museum Dr. Bode is the greatest ai thoritics in the world on pictures, and has been in the pubhe eye for the last few vers, because of his disputes with other authorities in 'regard to the authenticity of certdin pictures, partj- cularly those credited to Leonardo da | Viner, | one of Ring up Gilbert for berries, ries, peaches, pears, plums, bananas, lemons. The Canadian, Australian can athletes at Stockholm, to the gorrespondent of the Times ip that city, favor entering « single team from the whole empire in future games, instead of enlermg the colo niés separately, "We have an analogy in the case of the United States,' adds the correspondent, "whose seore points include negroes, lndisians and Hawaiians. Sir Arthur Conan "Doyle in a letter to the Times, strongly ad: vocates the foregoing plan, and save; "1 would go further and 'seek among the Ceylon and Malay swimmers, In- dian runmers and Sikh wrestlers for possible winners.' Ring up Gilbert for new potatoes, celery, lettuce, radishes , onions, cab ,bage. cher- oranges, and Afri according CANDIDATES For the North-West Mounted Police + DETECTIVE'S TOUGH JOB. Goes to Buffalo Hospital Landing His Prisoner, N.Y., July 2M. --After blocks, and a hight the of , steamer Mariott; Samaldine late last night Antomo Marropodi, wanted 0 After Julialo, chase of six dark - hold Detective arrested at You stabbing a terda ot he getowr, charged fellow workman Marropoda was while boarding a Ont. 'He broke amd 'pan towards maldino volver at went with there apprchdnded for For nto, the front. Su Tt tian away from otheer, the waler followed, empty the Ingitive aboard the tempted to hide ir arrested after a toctive wus his re Marropoda Marietig and at the cargo. He was struggle. "The de used up and later ing badly went to the hospital Big Paper Mill at Soo. Sfe, Marie, "Ont.; July the. agreement, figde with following the vote "of the ole tors on Fetiruary 24th, the mammoth mill of the Lake Superior Pulp & Paper Co., was 'placed in operation this aftern and a 54-inch paper machine is pow working ofi what 1s | practically a test raf. Providing the joutput of the mill is satmfactory og . | the on the market immediately; or, rather will. be slipped to consumers wlio. ready. have orders hooked The idea 18 fo then eut tons of puper per dav, amd orders now in hind would make it appear that nrachines will baye to work avertime for sole Months ui least. Sault Faliilling the ert oN am, al some 200 BIBBY"S Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. initial rum, paper "will be placed Everybody's Doing It What ? Why Getting In Gas Hot Water Heaters We lostantaneous Nickeh Hot Eive you have a Gas Vater Heater to water per whitch will gallons of scalding hot minute At only %20.00, Other $5 00 $13 Heaters at $10.00 and 00 Also, Hot $2.50 (ax $2.2 Come in Plates at and 33.25 apd see and buy David Hall 4 66 Brock St, Phone 335 | plated _ dd ddd 44 44 4d USE : RAWFORDS Oe en LFA STA das 1s CN A LL Yojtest