° : "Fheopoldgist, , YEAR. 79-X0O. 171 NOT WHOLLY IN ACCORD WITH CHURCHILL Pou Raping te Bung one More Dreadnoughts THERE 15 CONVICTION THAT WAR COMPETITION MUST CEASE, ' Improve the Lighting of Streets, Prescott, July 93. The cil, which has a m mieifrl walter plant, has ol improving 'the streets, which is town light aud addt,p ted a novel way lighting of the proving Very sutobes- ful. Every house which lighted by electricity, allowed a sixteen can- dle power or two eight candle power lights on the front verandah "or on the front of the house free of charpe, the connection for the Tree light being Proposal of Labor Journals to Form | made outside the: metre, the 'house. au International Union of Work. [M0140 to supply the lamps. In" some parts'ot the town, streets which Wore ingmen . to Pledge Themselves formerly very poarly lig hited are tak- Aguinst War Préparations, ing on guite a brilbant appearance at night, The council { householder 18 18 London, Eng., July 23,--Britain is | by wo means wholly in accord with the. remarks and poliey announced hy Hon. Winston Churchill. first lord of the admiralty, in the commons yes terday. There were many who woke up with Sertous misgivings. There seems to be a' deep-rooted conviction Among many thinking people of both partis in Britain that this never ending competition with Germany in | the production of warships: must | OP ue ' There are widely divergent opinions, | however, as to how it would or | should be stopped. There are bolli- gorent imperialists who make no bones about proposing that Germany should he taught at this moment that J'ng- Innd must and shall be supreme. Oth- ers say stop building ships aud take our. chances, Germany or no otheg nation or combination can afford wine. England off the map. Perhaps the most popular idea ia the .one mooted in several labor jou niis- wimultaneousiy, this morning, an imternational union of workingmen in both countvies to pledge thers woives against all preparations icy war. Rich | in Apples. | Port « Hope, July 23.--The counties of Northumberland and Durbam have fohg been wo of the most 15 also allowing dh ol ain outside Water tap for an hour and.a half each evening to sprinkle the fawn the dust in front of the house free Hse and lny lo MAKING ORC HARDS PAY. Durhem and Northumberland Ww 4. BURNS tive in t has bes The famous det dynamiting case, Distriet Attorney Whitman unportant | York to Ap the autheritie ( hicago, content domain of the July with not the I sin upon on another merease jy ant an meres of does one ~i prices, cuple of years apple-producing counties in the pro earth thi murderers of vince. "It. is "only in 'the last few | Rosenthal, tie gambler years, however, that the district has horos ARE a in rega¥d to the quality of the fruit] : BLAMED FOR and the size of the apple crops pre-| duck. To-day there are more apples shipped out of these twin in than there nro in any séetion of sim | The : a, tse of Leather in provement is © due to the campaign I that has been waged over the whol | Rutos Sends Up { 8 wovinee for the better care of orch : Po And as the farmers find how! Prices. ! they 'can make their © orchards pa; 2. Automobiles! encroaching Thousands ol acres of voung apple trees in the last three years have heen [Ore September 1st have set out in orchards, and in from two | te answenvor, to four years the output. of thy coun- The price of shoes is going up, and ties will be augmented by the fruit | the automobile is blamed. hy 1} of trees has been on not quite such uj the principal cause of the large soale this sesson as in the last ' the price of leather. two, as in most oases farmers find; Those who have been accustomed that they have about' all they can '!o-paying ¥5 a pair for their: 141] we'l handle with the help tlootwear will be compelled to add in the two counties hms his apple orchard, ¢ this year or he confent with whether i bon nodest five inteior quality of footwear. Not onl hundred neres, and news ly every ths raise aflect shoes of the farmer has added to his orchard mere. | YT, but shoes of all grades and ago in the past A twenty per cent. raige in POWERFUL Gt LE t tember Ist," is the word which manu facturers sending, out to whole inlers retailers. been really doing itsell justice, both ilar proportions in Ontario. The im they are planting more. horse, will from these orchards. The setting out Manulacturers, and dealers as being that is available, Neatly every farmer | another dollar to their shoe: allow --- price on all shoes on or before Sep CRU ISKED are and ms | Tewlers Called for Genstruction | Government, Ottawa, July 23.--The government is | calling lor tenders for the conetrue tion of a powertul iron cruiser for the customs service on the St. Lawrene gull. The plans call tor a vessel 18) | feet in length, 32 feet beam. and draught of 10 leet '6 inches. She is be fitted with 2,000 horse power gines and armed with two 26-poune pick -liring guns, in addition to the { er ram at the. b Ww. She will 'carry 3 eat Lakes oflicers and men. The new cruiser will Detroit, Mich., be amply provided with lifeboats, and {ber from Idaho will be constructed with watertight { pool by way bulkheads. cargoes © r the First Cargo From July 25. HR for export {0 of Quebee which the Simin and barge Burma bringing down the lakes, The timber was towed from Dntut) whence it came by rail, and is said to. be the first shipment of that de- scription ever made from the. Ameri can head of the lakes' Lives constitute ti Kingston steam Girl Suicides in Confessional. Meridan, Conn., July 23.--Miss Cora Dessureau, twenty-irine years old, committed sGicide in the confessional of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church, here, Sunday afternoom, by the use of poison. Before "taking the drug the young woman had mixed with it water taken from the holy l TTT. water fopt in the church vestibule] Phitatielphla, Baby Surprises Motticr She had beth some time = when and Doctors. found, 'The 'medical examiner believes | Philadelphia, July 2. --Falling from] she was suffering Irom religious 'the second storey window of his home, mania, Hsin BH . one-year-old Henry Luckman narrowly escaped death, and, to the amazement of the doctors of ML. Sinat hospital, received only a few bruises, Using to the warm weather the Pa rents of the child lind drawn the bed over to the 'window, and after the little fellow Bad been put to sleep he awoke, and, Climbing up on the win dow sill, fell out. tus ery as he was falling awoke his mother, who rushed down stairs, expecting to find "her baby Killed. : Believing that Henry was seriously injured, she picked him up and ran 4 to the hospital, just around ihe vor- ner. are now TOT HAS CHARMED LIFE. ------------------------" Taking Away Farmers. Toronte, July 23.~A campaign has n inaugurated by the Grand Trunk railway to secure 18,000 farmers for Western. Ci ts are work- ing in the agricultural districts all through the province with considerable Suecess sinee, up to thé present time no fewer than 8.500 farmers and home-seokers have . left Toronto in | 'special excursion (rains via' the GT. R.1 e---- "Buy foot " Gibeon' .. Rov. Father Capini, O.M.1, of Wil- liam Lake, Caribou, was fatally i jured Bt un from his horse, and died. He wus a pioneer Roman Ca- ee priest. : Anilrew critie, poet and an: d at Banchory, Scot Saturday. A careful' examination by the tors futled to show any injury except a few smal , and when the woman left the hospital with her baby it had stopped crying, as if falling doe: an ordinary occurrence, Direct amixibution to the Sopeti Pork. si vivy, is Premier Borden's promise to &: $25 5a 3 DANGLED ON ICE HOOK. its] i onuan- | gt | out of secondistorey windows was ouly ; KINGSTON, dra RIO, TUESDAY, --n of un Pecaliar and Painful | ! Accident, | Philadelphia, July from the rear. step of in West Collingswood, t the eight-year-old son of Robert Hille | gas, caught by th mouth upon the {hook of ihe ide sc ole and wus trngged lor some distdnee ns the ied forward. Finally the and fhe lad rolled in | road, > | He was hurried Sheldon, a C LATEST TIDINGS Despatches Fon Near and Distant it Places. | Victim Jumping waggon Fhomae, horses mov flesh sgony gave wa Lo the the office of Di swood, wher il was found necessary to take Tourbeen | #titchies in the terrible - wound, Fhe | boy, though wonies, will re- cover, olling IvEY In THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLE ron. atters That Interest Everybody -- Notes From All Over--Littie © Everything #asily Head and Re membered. "PROPHET ON GOLDEN CLOUD. Indians M Mexionn Excited Aboat Warning of Alestruction, Mexico City the Indians Jalisco ar excited by the mas who he direct from heaven of the approach Guadalajara dud greatly a Michael G FoF Bellwood, | hanged day Har ares lor by i. Sl The | s caused ihigan; NX. Satur ol | appearance of {1s an apostie sent {to warn the people {ing desiruction earthquakes The Indians say the alley descended the village fre den cloud. The "prophet" was el and taken to Guadalajara diseiples gmongy the him. oirfoot. Steps were taken by the prevent demongtrations by Mongolian has OBWRECKS | ic vi fo domes A NEW SANATORIOW, i, 0 or, qs IAmed. With Ropes and Pick aves hott of | Lucan Villagers Demolish Building. died live | Dublin, Ireland, July completed consumption sanite it Lue te himself in his barn on asserts Bosovian is held at St. murder of tlh t the 1 cook thers o TRAD 15th 1 J& iver Water in the Hlack twa Paper mills at to close down' wedding was X.Y... jail on were in for 5.7, 'a New i o3t to be Wowaler red prophet gol. arrest Man followed on MR Hubs celebrated in Naturdus Inds vag Nork + ino ve rancy mit age 9 polic zealots, to als worth ' i and Svracuse, button and minutes after W onvicted Bay ntene ho 18 Murray \ iu irl un =) ne \ incent der construction about en city, under deen; and ti Health Associ yesterday, by vicinity, A great n pickaxes, first then threw but of to villag sey miles auspice We men s ation, irate look was de ihout dweller ned', with oft the re the walls, v heap of debri Lucan displayed heme since ob an anid Le ol icavimg Fie much HS in tore down nothing habitants hostility ception. the been fyvied Qu for replace Plans have cil of Richmond, {Try nk railwa | buiding to ed by fre withiy | estimated cost of $20,000, ! Robbers got awaydwith $1,000 wor:h Vof dothing at SombFk, Ont. on So night. 1? thought that 'h: men cane fom the American side in a launch and ceured the g ww King it to the vith the the 1HOW coun Grand station destroyed Ihe whborhood 25,000 H AR VESTE RE Seskot hewan is Calling for Eastern : Help. Remini, Sask., July 28, --Goverhmen! labor leugors hete estimate that 25, O00 wien will be required to handle this year's bumper crop. Thes™ ur laying plus to get this number from Fastern Canada. Last this ph was followed, with SUC and for 1012 18 cate where possible. '"l'om head of the labor branch, Frank Mantle, deputy | agricuiture, have the WANT 0 Lhe past inthe ne ong veut 14 day is over year im it intended pack tates w 1 mense dupls Mal and minister ! matter band to Lovernt fo di r-general-in-council interfere with the imposed upon at Macleod condemned for the murder of has sen of ath Samuel Al a Pole, Wilinskv was on July 25th + fellow-conntryman "ot Nelson, But was terrilic Wilinsky, m verta, COLLIDED WITH A CAR. ang d on Sunda hail ned, in Automobile Trouble, A Young Lady Into ( ston building cars amd torrents streets, blo "mudd rain and women Were dro An lady automoinle drive voi ran into car No. 22, on afternoon, street, near the frovt part of ¢lightly smashed } serious ne fresence of who loudly i his ear. i - LBS tario Weg street Monday » f . hining the foot of ang GTR the aut Geok Georg: by the ¥ \ : or him strongl ident was. averted by the i for - oarance of the I > his bell at lohnason I he obile 18 n the & station with "s adv against "the iy isers have warned public ap Scotland sources protect children and attacks, any ent. re pres mind and rang conduct are and ng stopped | y the tmost 10 and sufiragette extensive adulteration pra in the manufacture of cider, is indicated in a report of the inland | revenue d partme nt. Out of thirty «ix sold * sweet cider, analysis by the department only eight wet the requirements of the legal de finition wives homes from of the On party now Port | the south | to locate the which is to pe F'vrrell the ver yrredl, in charge government exploration Hudsom Bay, at and surveying hore <f the Nelson river, tan mils of that shore to Untarie. Mr {mouth of the 26th sent to Nelson | 18 samples ns an reached Jung on a 5 fe Steamer India Brings Down LOUIS DISBROW, Establishing his claim to he one of the world, hi Rebellious Turks talk of marching 3 b Hurks md it 3 right bang ney on. Const JUL ¥ 23 THE WORLD'S EPISODES | on} Que, | I vo | 1 sky. ri | ! Canada to reciprocate Hand Miss Shapiero are all doing well 1912, SW As | BROW NED ON ROOF. temarkable Accident in Kew | York. York, July 93. Rifbert was drowped on the jop.- of twelve stgrey building' in which {lived in Fast Sixteenth etrevt, when { hie went' to the roof tb Pubense a foot { and hali of water which-had coli cto there after. the drain 'pipe be me clogged. : He rap his right: arm down the drain pipe. and as he re leasi<i the rubbish the suction of the. tushing water caught him. is arm jwar drawn in up te the shoulder and wedged in the pipe. Three sompanions strove frantically but vainly to. release the imprisoned man Ihe' suction held him in the pipe and his wl was drawn into the water which stil remained on the roof Looking up through the few inches of water that covered his face mutely »p- pealing to his helpless friends, Kin- sella was drowned SEES BROTHER. New Fane Kin i | he | a { Decnne [ DROWN Passes Spot in & Locomotive Cab: Mo., y Peatherage, engine | lalia line, ~ while | slough, yesterday, the drowning ears old. Yrrivi \s He St. Lows, 2. Lew huly passing Vandalia | from his cab of a boy twelve nw wand the round house in Fast remarked casually he had boy at he that the oe mg Louis, | companio to-a observed the Five minutes message was deliver that the victim was Witham Deatherage had his train because there or four the lad. L struggles of later, a telept arm saying brother, flopped three not were Felling men neat stra A LIGHTNING ROT. FISH _POLE Killed by 'Bolt While Clitab. ing Wire Fence, 'arlisle, Pa., - July 23. ~Theodore fifty-five years old, and {the father of twelve chifdren, started fishing along the Conodoguinst equip ped with a steel fishing -rod. He fail to return and family instituted ta search for him, which resulted in | the finding of Nis body alongside a | wire fence with every lence of his having been struck by Steigleman evidently fente while holding the steel rod, { which attracted the current the His body was badf He wus #een just before thé storm tramp the banks of the Angle: | Steigleman, { {ed his evi lightning, had climbed the from bruised ing Conodoguinet PROMISE OF BORDEN AS TO NAVAL AID; Is Discussed by Canadian News. | papers--Premier's Statement is Very Vague. July 23.--~Canadian todav, editorially Borden's al various tempers and interpretations. The Hamilton (conservative), savs appar Canadian navy has drop ped | of I'he (liberal) Premier neement vague enough mean something nothing. The Fe Soleil, in a, characteristic here dance of Dreadnoughts in 4 new frenzy, and it { seems that Mr. Borden has definitely | engaged our country to be a partner mn "the dance, and In a httle wuiie shall know whit a fool we shall dance on. The Montreal la that Premier Borden committed Uanada to immediate contribution Yoronto, Hews dis an EAeTS are, Premier with Sussing na various | | |. nouncement Spectator | ently the | entirely joa anno out sight Foronto | Borden's to Que vein, | says is 1 ol | 'bee | says iS a | starting ! We takes 'it | definitely some kind ratrie has i of CONSIDERING REPEAL I OF RECIPROCITY ACT® President Taft is ¢ is Consulting with! Republican Leadérs of the | U. S. Congress. Jul d Washington, = corsultify Tait a, today, republican leaders congress as to | advisability. of the Cana | dian reciprocity act, which was reject | ed by Canada in the general elections of September last, At present this aet stands the statute books of the | Caited ates as a standing offer {o 3. --Presudent g with the in repealing on STORK BRINGS BABY TRIPLETS. of Three Children lishes a HRcord. July 23. When the stork deg ped nto the home of BB. Shapiero, 1578 Espianade avenue, Sunday, he established » new weight record for Montreal. Mrs. Shapiero gave birth to the third set of triplets, added to Montreal's 3 'Population this year. The set consisted of two boys and one girl, and their: total weight was fifteen panpds iwo ounces. The previous re cord, held by triplets born three weeks age to Mrs. William McEchran, was thirteen pounds fourteen ounces. Mrs. Shapiero, the Mesars. Shapiero, Je, Weight Estab. Mogtreal, Will Aid British Unions, Washington, July 23. That the Am- etican Federation of Labor will send financial assistance to the London dock strikers, who enabled to Samuel Gompers, president of the federation, was indicated by Mr. Gompers. "Wo will take the question up directly with i the English unich," said Mr. Gompers., "But I will not discuss for publica. tion amy of the details." , The will of the late Arthur ham Sassoon. a close frie Fiiwara, was probated Shat,_he eit an estate * valued at"¥5 065, : Abra Ki a driver on the Van- 4 Tuesday 1 i "Buy. mumeral wajecs." Gibson's, LAST Epos D. JOHN CARSON DIED ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON Another Muricipal Leader | Passes to Rest. THE YOUNGEST MAYOR! WHO EVER WORE CHF HE GHAN Was Chief Magistrate in 1887 --His Civic Record Was a ~His Hine Months, ss Extended Over Two Tohn ' shit wt as Tr of 'King 8 known died oN sireet, v Op ufter an duration ine were Hoon; nths this me ' 1 § week davs, ium "Robinson, who passed vy oof Sunday, being active in 1 sixties amd seventies and Johx iri being ajuaiiy as active in. workime- for the poopie dics ing the past three decades. Ald. last ing of the cit ¢ last, He alterward i Carson nes 6th rt wttended o mel on Ma unwed, and stricken d, which he but tien Ww Wins wunst brave hight, w hich nis hardy cod healthy held out but d the orew and hat recover days, he ring few weaker morning, jend was nea The late ' i hort | Uetober, 185) n h ol late Robert ito King | his father on tl streets, 1. His parents came tron reland in 1844, and rted business ston ITOCEry und that had to membey Princess the I devel AT which fine { ped ble nre on ck ol the {He was wi tari { ofter | judge of The Miss Jane Dutl SUL here by marriage. He by hres brothe; Haobwert and William H., the irt elerd rion Ald heim hehe decea who | divisio wm eo In reli Anglican {Goor re was alse the 'A001. Ald enters | when Lhe | mayor sented krdegu in Son trate Jhangston, of IN%7 was elected mavor cat v oe. 1 was ih young chief who ever fie of off thirt ni presided ove In 1904, he wth during of 1 AWTency Ald. « cow "11 On the 100} polities he was a strong Ad. Carson Chan in being oniy years wher the city ed munieipal nine represent or presenting Lge he © council hife, iS reenter the past vears w one St | Ome the governors. of vears, I ROY city the Net of was a valued member on every civic @ommitiee upon which he served. He was especially aciive as chairman of #ater works and board of works He and the Ald. John Gaskin were two great "streets ruen"' and very friends Ax chairman of works and. also as member on other occasions, Ald. Car son waz a leaddr To his exertions is due the (ial about to be made by the dty in the use of asphaltic macadam He always held that a material of this kind was quite good enough for Kingston's busines: streets as he bad faith in its endurance. As shairman of waterworks it in the memory of evervone how faithiolly he worked two vears ago when thers wae so much trouble with the intake pipe He and ex Superintendent Hewitt la bored together with might and mair in the interests of the citizens The officials at the city hall will miss Ald. Carson. During the past wo months of his illoess his return was engeply awaited in the various departments, which will now ses hm Bo more. In all matters thal had for Inte close ©" iw their KINGSTON'S Notable One { here, object the welfare of the city, ' AM.' Carson was a leader, In sports hy was.an enthusiast, but pardcularly in horse-racing; "the sport "of kings." In civic celebrations he wae a work- er, but was laid low while he weg engaged with the civic cOmmitive have mg the king's birthday celebration in charge: For years the 'greater part fof his time was given to civic busi ness; and just before his relapse he teldphaned the Whig editorial rooms w find out how matters at the city hall were He wanted the road aon- struction to be gone ahead with, and was eager to be able to return to "the civic square" and get things moving. - Mayor Hoag has meeting of the city afternoon at four arrangements for special Wed- to {une- calledl a council for o'adlock civil aes make val ------------------ TRUTHFULNESS PAID. Motor Car Speeder"s Honesty Saved Him Money. Chicago, July "23. Frank 4libhard, of Lake Forest, fourth vice-president of Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co, was rewarded for his frankpess when arraigned in the speeders' court hy having the costs in his cise remit ted "I acted like a fool and know I'm guilty," said Mr. Hibbard) when ac- cused of speeding in Lincoln Park. 1 had just bought a new car and | wan trying how fast it would go." Pl vou 250," said Judge Rob- inson, it is 20 refreshing to hand man tells the truth 1 am go- to the Couls » LO see hne 'bat a who mg remit TAN ANCIENT EVIL. Cross" Well "bhraham's Dav. i, July 23 the university speaking at. a camp leclared that graft, now consider a modern oval, 1 old as the hills and extends back 00 vears BC "Crooked measuring, unsquare and 'double crossing' flourished in the davs of Abraham and Isase,'" said the professor. '"The grain dealers in | those days were masters in tha art Lot mixing wheat and chai apd waxed Hat tha profits « from short [raebse . GRAFT "Double Known In \ | Now 4 Prof, C, of Chi meeting which i= nnox IZ. Eiselson, of | jrago, we As to deals on CUCUMBE RS DE ATH'S AGENT. ' Favorite Dish Proved Fatal to Octos genarlan. ' I Milford. Del. July 23.--After having anvthing she wanted with fine vighty-five years, - Mrs, of James IH. a result of eating le icumbers favorite dish with her I Mrs. Betts "was well known in Mil- liord on account of her wonderiul good yhealth despite her years, and Jas year she pieced and made two large etcuiles. doing the work without the aid of spectacles and at odd times teide of her regular housework, hich lever. neglected. eaten pun I' Nancy ! Bett widow n lou & she | WILL CURTAIN to Hasten Russia. July 1 he Japanese emperor Katsura as Ihe here Prince Howe From i Japanese St. Petersburg 2 se- illness "of the decided Prance as speedil 1 Visit Russia part will leave | July th All ts during his led. other capitals Nd rou ha m ter- his his on ban Hew to possible prince and Japan nate to fos and have proposed vis reception Qu tay here CARE as well" as 16 it to will Prine Petersburg ntended main in " week as onginaily BORN. M1 : MAR RIED "DIED. Washbur ore aged x4 wi Wednesday to Sta ch, Brewer's Milis Princess the 23rd of Alderman youider dud p.m nee 8st late resid T™ arsda tn hedral urges Cat ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. Fuone 577. 280 Princess Strood. The Olid Firm of Undertakers, m4 1258 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 147 for Ambulance, essa TAKE NOTICE. A £22 Open Buffet, in oak, practionis 17 new, for $12; also a $30 Brass Bed tio $20, at Turks, "Phone 705. Summer Drinks sodemmss-- Lemonade. Orangeade. Lime Juice. Lime Juice Cordial. Lemon Squash. Grape Juice. Sparkling Grape Juice,