YOPLL SUFFER AL YOUR UF That's what the the Doctor fold him "Fruit-a-tives Cured Him CrHESTERYILLE, ONT. Jan. asth 1911 & E or over twenty yearp, 1 have been ted with Kidney Discase, and the doctors told "me. they could do me no good; and that 1 would Le a suflerer for the rest of my life I doctored with different medic al menand tried many advertised remedics, but none of them suited my case. vearly a year ago, 1 tried * tives', "1 have been using this fruit iedicine nearly all the time sinee, and am glad to say that Lam cured. [ give * Fruita-tives' the credit of doing what the doctors said was impossible, I am now seventy-six years old, and _in first class health GEO. W. BARKLEY In all the world, there is no other remedy that has ct ured so many cases of so-called * "Fruit-a-tives' This famous fruit medicineactsdirectly on the kidneys ening them --and ridding the system of the waste matter that poisons the blood. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Lamited, Ottawa. We Are Headquarters for INGOT METALS. Large Stock, Prompt De- Pig Irom, heet Lead, Aluminum, liveries. Pig Toad, ot Copper, 'Zinc Spelter. 'Fruit-a- | incurable" kidney disease, as healing and strength.' IN MARINE CIRCLES AT MONT. SERIOUS, GRAIN REAL BLOCKAD} »TILL QUITE hingston Dis- running Very Busy. Feom Up" to schooners re change in the blockade of according to loval down from Montreal Transpor being. "held up" causing a great Barges Sent Down are Being "Held chargedh--oal Out of Kingston here situa be very little rarding nireal, reports. The bar Ihingston, by' the tatan company, for lengthy pefiods, delay. The steamer 1 ti, the at reg Me gr Ain ges gent are Awerica ran an excur- sion. out of Belleville, on Tuesday, and had ® hig day. The America did not arrive back in Ringston until 4.30 To clock on Wednesday mornjug, trrangements have been made for the steamer Thousand Islander to run an exenrsion from Ogdensburg and | intermediate points to Kingston, on Friday, and the steamer America will make the usual trip from Kingston to Ogdensburg of - the same dav. Jt is espected that a large number will take in hoth excursions Ihe. schooner Julia B. ed. far Oswego. he schooner Keewalin cleared for Charlotte, with a cargo of feldspar. he. schooner Mary Ann Lydon in port, undergoing minor repairs Ihe steamer Advance cleared, at Merrill clear The Canada META TORONTO ! COOK'S FRIEND "The Baking Powder + a " With A Pedigree made from pure grape cream of tartar, contains no alum or other deleterious ingredients. For over half a century it has been even purer than the law demands, All Grocers Sell It 2774 V474, rs LA 1a metong Br sod wih ut oad Joomnation ih, he od oats ' wezren. Tere r= en Shias REPARED OW COREE TET PRINCIPLES. thes 4 dy psn th Five cups delicious bev for or LIPTON'S TEA GOES FARTHE Rl Ela lo] rage 1e cent ST FOR THE MONEY [il ¥ Ld El v Ld ' ' ' " 14 Ld td ' . ' tA Fd LJ SERRE SEER. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W EDXRSDAY, {oront Fort to load Pack- | ¢ freight for win liam. ' M4 Co's clevatot Fhe ormount, from Fort William, is djs ging 73,900 bushels of wheat; the tag Prowsou arrived from Montreal, with two light barges; the tug Bart | lett arrived from Port Colborne, with, one barge. I All coal schooners running gut of hingston. are hard at work these days, and Af it were not for the delay in getting loaded at Oswego and, Chars lotte, they would be making some re- cord runs, as the weather is ideal. Half a dozen schooners, all coal - laden, arrived in Kingston, the forepart - of this, week, . Swift's wharf: and North King, er Ridead Queen. clearad for steamer Duena Vista. cleared Smith's Falls; steamer Rideau from Ottawa; steamer Belleville, to-night; steamer Dundarn, west 1t was ten o'clock before thie er Rideau Queen reached the city, on | Fuesday nigh?; being about five hours | late, owing to a shght accidént, The! steamer Buena Vista broughi down a | numper of her passengers, and another boat made the trip to Clayton, Tues day evening, whick the was to have made. The Queen leit on her ri%alar trip, Wednesday morning. The tug Frontenac left Garden Is- land with a raft, Tuesday night. LETTE shown THE EDITOR. stesvmer the Steamers Toronto | down_and up; steam Ottawa: for King, east, steam in Kingston. Kingston, July 23.--(To the FEdit- or) : At last it con he said that the socialist wave has reathed Kingstén. Heretofore, we Wingstonians have had to watch this world-wide movement from altar off. But from now on Wwe are to have the opportunity of ob serving its development at elose range. Sonfe of us are going to get right in| and become part of it, enjoying the] work of carrying on this greatest all uplift movements, much as boys enjoy swimming and splashing around in the refreshing water, of the lake on a warm summer's day. ; The meeting heid square on 'the market Miltorr Wayman, who was sent here by the executive committee of the social democratic party of Canada. (head of fice at Berlin, Unt.), for the express | purpose of organizing a local branch | of that party. 'Mr. Wayman started at Barrie street at 7.30 and walked . down = Princess stréet, announcing the through a megaphone. fle was fol- lowed by many curious to find out what 'was going to happen and wheh he got on the "box" had a respectable crowd which swelled to about five hundred people who listened attentive- ly to what he had to say and judging by the fréfjuent applause, the size of the silver collection taken up at the conclusion of the address, and- the number of those expressing a willing - ness to become members of the party the, people of this community are ready and walting to receive the mes- sage of socialism i very sogalist living in or near F ithe city 1s invited and urged to become charter members of Local Kingston. They should send their names and ad- dresses to the address fiven below and they will be duly notitied of time gad place of the first business meeting, ih n the branch will be regularly or- ganized and officers elected: The ob ject of this organization will be to carry on a continual campaign of edu- cation by a systematic distribution of social literature, by holding street "FARM F OR SALE Situated near the Village of For particulars, apply to E. BLAKE ® S 8 @ ®) ) OVER NORTHERN OROWN BANK. 'Phone 286. ® { LADIES' AND MISSES' SALE PRICE WHITE FELT OUTING UNTRIMMED SHAPES in all colors. ., WHITE LINEN, CRASH AND aml $..00, 174 WELL'NGTON STREET ak 'THE QUEEN SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK TRIMMED HATS. (110 ACRES), INVERARY, and Church, Frame Dwelling and numerous outbuildings, tncluil ing Cement Silo, all in goed repair; also good Orchard. 4 convenient to Schoo! THOMPSON, MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, ONT. va OOOO Tepes MILLINERY HATS. Regular $5 to $10. $3 00 . $00 ! ac, $1.00 PIQUE HATS, $1.75, $2.00, $2.5 i Let Your Feet Breathe rT he pores in your feet arc the largest and most dy--But if you wear improper covered with dead skin an > active in your bo | shoes they become callous places and cannot breathe as | nature intended, This condition | you wear a Reed is impossible if Cushio? mx: Shoe The buili-in cushion sole' absolutely prevents good arop. meetings, lectures and debates on the social and econumic questions of the day, and when deemed advisable tg run candidates for all elective offices at the municipal, provincial and do minion elections. -- Respectfully, OR- GANIZER SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC Party, 371 Division street, city. PAID FRIEND'S FINE. And Later on Fought With Him in Down Town Yard. There is an old saying which Yike this "When the whiskey the wit 1s out." This old saw applies to the case of two young men who figured in polire tircles on Tuesday. One was up for drunkenness and the other appeared mn the scene as his friend, and when La was fined %1 and costs, amounting m all to $2.50 he went out and lected enough money to cover and get his friend out of cells, He had but eighty-five cents himself, hut this he gladly put in to help pay tha fine. But He ange part of the 1s 'that aMhough they left the station arm and arm, and were warm friends, before sundown they were bit- ter encmics and engaged in a lively tight. The two got into an altercation near the corner of Princess and Montreal steeets and went to a nearby vard to have it out. They chose a very bad place, however, as a crowd soon gathered, and when Constables Ar piel, McCarey and Downev happened to pass that way they spotted the two, who madé a nasty retreat. Just what caused the row.is not known but 1t is believed that d.Ank was al the bottom of it. BUSY WiTH THEIR HAY. rans 13 In col the fine the story police Crop on Wolfe Island Will -be a Good One. The farmers om Wolfe Island still very busy getting in their The report is that there will be a Wolfe Island is noted all over the district for its hay crop and it would indeed bs & most un- fortunate thing to have anything hap- pen to bring about = small crop. X prominent farmer on the island, are hay. {in speaking to the Whig to-day, at that everything was ta good sh: vey that the trop 'would Tarn off Te great success, The crop of oats also looks favorable. At Lake Ontario Park. There was one of the largest crowds so far this season at Lake Ontario {CITY BASEBALL I$ will, jd" | Wednesday Rideau Queen | | To Organ€ Social-Democratic Party | of | last evening was addressed by'| meeting | JULY - THE SPORT --TF EX ECUTIVE YO DECIDE What to Do About Mathis--Xo Mer. cantile League | Game, -- Two Fights Arranged for Johnson. league baseball: aturday between the Vietorias, will be the centre of a great deal of interest. Much - speculs- tion is afloat as to what the probable result will be if CL.C's attempt to play Mathis. It has been suggested | that it they do and the executive of the city league refuse to let him play at may bak up the league. The au thorities of the city league say that there 1s no danger of that. The league not to pieces without CL. It was given out on Wednesday mornmg that' the minute the withdrew from the lpague, another team ready 'to place. The The city game C4. on and 8. there take was their executive hold a meeting on evening, at which. it will be definitely decided what course of preceeding will be adopted on Satur- day. The executive may allow the | teams to play the game 'and refuse to Het it count as a tactor in the sche tdule. It has already decided the { Mathis case. oun ---- . Xo Mercantile Game, Agni there was a postponement in the Mdvcantile league Tuesday night, The Railroaders and locos*were sche- 'duled to piay. but the latter. in the {morning, asked that it might he laid over. Late mn the afternoon jtba manager of the Railroaders. re ccived a telephone message from the locomotive builders asking him to try |apd arringe the game, but it was too {lafe. It is evident that the enthu- |siasm in this leagu¢ is at a very low lebb, and what might be good sport lis being missed for counter atlrac- tions. : \ To Consider Protests. A meeting of the executive 'of AAA. has been called for - Bs fo evening to take up the {tests that have been entered. At the | meeting held on Saturday evening | last there. were a number of members (of the teams represented, but not by the right representatives. A baseball league does not always want to be crying for money but in this case ft seems as though. it is absolutly necessary. So far this season hardly enough money has been subscribed at the Sunday school games to pay for the balls, let alone pay for brokem windows, which are smashed at some of the games. the Sa- pro- Splendid Rifle Shooting. done by the the Barviefield ranges last Saturday afternoon, was the best at those ranges, as far. as can be gathered, since they were constructed. Last Getober, 'in the 14th Regiment shoot, six men made an average of 95.53, with a possible 105 points. At the lith shoot, Lisut. W. Swaine and Capt. George Birch made 97 points each; Lieut.-Col. B. Cunningham and Stafi-Sergt. Lk. skinner, U5: Capt. P. GG. C, Campbell, 94, and Capt. H. Swaine, 56. But on last Saturday in the Canadian Rifle League, an average of 95 was made by ten mon. The shooting city marksmen at ---- Two Fights Arranged, 'Jack® Johnson has signed articles for matches with Sam Langford and Sam McVey, in Australia. Hugh CG. McIntosh, who promoted the Burns- Johnson fight, in which Johnson gained his title, is to handle these two bouts with the "Black Hopes." Fhe champion is to get SW,000 for with Langiord and £20,000 for thé®bout with McVey--£50,000 for both Jesides the purses Jolnson ia to receive his transportation. 1,000 '1slands--Rochestor. Stenggers Caspian and North King leaye at 10.15 a.m. daily for 1,000 Is land points, and at 5 p.m. for Roches- ter, N.Y., via Bay of Quinte. J. I. Hanley, agent. 7 his bou Anne. cursion left on the Anne ne PR. Pilgrims to St. PA Lhe annual de Beaupre. hundred and and eighty-five Quite a large from vty and pilgrimage l'uesday ten. went via GUT.R, district to evening via |{ In fishing for-complivitnls use fresh bait. SALLOW FACES Often Caused by Tea and Drinking. persons realize that and ecliee so disturb digestion they produce a muddy, vellow plexion ? . A tem days' trial of Postum has proven a means, in thousands of cases, of eclearitig up a bad complexion. A Washington young lady tells | experience : 'All of us--lather, mother, sister and, brother--had used tea and coflee for many years until finally we all had stomach troubles more or less. "We all were sallow and troubled with pimples, breath bad, disagree. able taste in the mouth, and all of us simply so many bundles of perves, "We didn't realize that tea and cof- foe caused the trouble" until one day.) we ran oui of coliee and wemt to borrow some from a neighbor. She -- told us ty gave us some ['ostum try that. "Although we started to make we all felt sure we would be sick we missed our strong coffee, bat tried Postum and were surprised find it delicious. "We read' the statements on the pkg., got more and in a month and 4 you wouldn't have known wus. We all were able to digest our food without any trouble, each one's skin Coffee How many tea that Com- her it, if we to CLC st 1912. 'BAREF PAGE FIVE. OOT SANDALS "The Only Shoe for Holiday Time Childiest' s Barefoot Sandals; sizes 4 to 712 60c, 75c, $1.00 Children's Baréloot Sandals, sizes 8 to 101-2 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 - Boys' and Girls' Barefoot Sandals, sizes 11 to 2 85c¢, $1.00, $1.35 Women's sizes 3 1-2 to 7 $1.50 DEED OF A CONDUCTOR SAVED LADY UNDER FROM A CAR. FALLING At the Corner of Brock and Ontario Streets--Lost Some Money ing so, But the Company Good. in Do- Made it Had it not been for the prompt ac- ion o Conductor John Kennedy, of the streel railway company, a wd, travelling on a car might have lost one of her limbs. The var was com ine along Ontario streey on Tuesday morning, about tem o'clock, and the } conductor wae standing on the side changing some money for -a passen ger. When the car got near tiie oor ner of Brock and Ontario streets lady, who had been sitting in front seat, got up and went to off before the cat swopped at crossing. At this point tie cn takes a swerve, so much that a person who might happen to be stand ing on the side of it would be thrown off, ' L When Conductor Kennedv saw what was going to happen he dropped the money that he had wn his hand and grabbed -the woman as she was fall ing on the road, apd certainly saved her from going under the wheels. The lady getting off backwards, and was not waiting for the car to stop The conductor lost some $e. in his endeavor to save the lady, but when he weportud what had happened the company repaid him the money he had lost. I'he conductors on the are doing "acts like day of the week and in some cases thed do not get as much a "thank you" for it. on the step the 80 was ferent these every CATS as AN HONEST BORROWER Returned Kingston Money He Received. \ young man with the usual luck plea, applied to one of the odist pastors of the city, on Sunday last, for his fare to Toronto. He told the pastor how he and a number ol English chums were in Toronto, and he took a notion that he like to see the River Lawrence and the Thousand Islands, He accordingls shipped on board one of the passenger and freight steamers and stalled in the kitchen to That was all right, but the "kick" came shown his "bunk." He fo a room In company dark brothers said, and he hingston. Pastors trapsients, friends, Pastor the hard Meth- would St. was in 'wash up.' as lar $ IL went, he detailed of hi he at when w WA ar with one This was limit, Jumped job" the the often taken and some of who happened the time th told the minister that a "'goner." Bat the as good as his weed, and the of his fare was returned by the mail Tuesday morning. THE CITY" S SAND SUPPLY. Contractor J. Ww. McKendry Explains What The question was raised in the board of works meeting, to whether th for its mone mg, The discovery which ars in by thes this pastor's to be his traveller called, his A oung man was at house at money " price is Done, on Friday last, a was g ting v alu sand it was buy arose through the of the loads to contain fiv cubic yards weasured short of the mark. When discussed by the board of works it was shown tha} the city wa not paving for any more sand than it was getting, as the sand was being measured and being paid for accord: ingly. In conversation with the Whig on Tuesday, W. J. _McKendry, whe supplies the sand, stated that when he took the contract to supply the eilv, he told the city engineer that hix new truck was supposed to carry five eubie yards. He said that would bill the city for that amount, it being as near as ke khew, and the city conld meas ure it and deduct whatever was neces- sary. This is what has boen done by the city engineer. ------ Ciiy in the maticy that supposed SON were he MAY SHOOT THE RAPIDS, Thousand Islander May Attempt the - Passage. The new excursion stéamer and Islander, left Alexandria Bay, N. Y.. bound down the river towards Ogdensburg and nearby points, where Thous- " ABERNETHY'S Se A GENEROUS PLATEFUL of the most delicious, refresh ing Ice - Cream ever manu- factured Is offered dally at this store--purest ingredients, , freshest creams, best flavors Mg, put together in spotless ly clean surroundings. Visit our parlors when yon want to crowd an hour of delight into half that time. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 A OXFORD SHOE SALE CANVAS OXFORDS, $2.25 for ~. S183 CHOCOLATE OXFORDS, 82 HL 63 $2.25 BAREFOOT SANDALS, Bring your Re "pairs. JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. : CIVIL AND MILITARY SHOE MAKER =e sa Sot Hl Nii SOL m---- do: Li THE FIRST GRAY HAIR SIGN OF ME Way of ON . - A NEW STATUTE, -- 9 tpn $ Youlg Call's Meat 3 Sold. Ontario No More to be The revised 1912 have the new those selling provides der four kept for hreach of $10 to 350, Moreover, being found in the onus of pros for sale is do- rest ing the meat It has been a matter knowledge for some vears that eylves of two 'days old and been sold each . vear [ one statutes for been sent out, and one worth noting in the habit veal, Section no meat of calves old shall sold wn and penalty for \ law fine of from sections as who have very that weeks by ol 102 un heen young Easy to the Preserve Hair Natur al Make It be Coler and "ale, Grow. A mion garden gra vhair to of the hair, is color tant them 15 a burmless remedy, made bry quickly natural color to prey and lustre 1 for orig Sei aay ee ret Ihe it from Just teeth to Wh Crem ine me in the of such meat H possession, it person h ease sage, wes anyone that on the genre lesing ny keep pend to ny is not ent Ly as fro money lor eh to Cure of common m se and upwards ied to be tor have we eo compl ised ap i human 1 th har 1" form or sumption, and practice that another 1 the EDUCATION 1S NEEDED, 1% Poor Casey | beauty of the hair th i# to have Rainst law 1s aimed a good ee All that al Very Much Along Humane Lines in! hingston. on I'he droppmg King =stréet, ing made unable, OCR and Sul al ¥ ol Wyeth ge Kemed prepa earden Nuage and with Hau minon on pho bn e combined dead of § horse the other day, after to work for whieh it shows the Sulphur, valuable was i faded | sod | dies J his rufi, work, reme dand ar, again for dry, along reat harsh of education iehin animal was the driver being ers of the horse Fhe animal the load the meline and wards dropped dead Education these chief work the There are hundreds of the powers ites. While the oeind and to the extent { all cgses of - walial wl an humane hinge hight for the unaware of the scalp two | pow pulled over aller along lines 4 the ol humane society In the aly wnor dumb | prose law wnt br cile, ther will th to y can tot | drug > Kyou Puarehon se rdret differencd it ¥ nut, meres f-- Our Big Mid Big Midsummer Sale Now On. A Huge Stock of the Latest and Best on Sale. ol crueit edu ant i mals, its is ation buek You will net ize PORTSMOUTH PHILOSOPHER Will Run Down the "Spook" in Mac donald Park. Portemouth philosopher warm under the collar rend in the Whig, on Tuesday might, that a "spook" was at work Macdonald Park frightening all voung peoplé who go there to He declares that he wif get bir stick and camp in the a week, if necessary, cal : fle says that spooning rouple a right Yo be angry apd that shame to have them Bi ctuche 1 Soook had better be carefyl for man from' Hatter's Day when he gets angry. Ake an W. Mahood QUE appar The very Vs when ly in the poon out park to catah the hav it Is a Mi the torroy | i is a Appreciated the Comfort. The general passenger department of the Grand Trunk system has received the following letter from W. A. Main, the gentleman who is conducting a pirty of Scottish teachers throtigh Eastern Canalla : "The party twente Sootlish weachers under ms directorship put up Flday night inst at the 'Highland Ion," Algonquin Park. I am digected by the members of the party to send vou apprecia tion of the comlort we experionced there. I am that of BHASS AND THON BEDS, HERCULES OR BANNER SPRINGS, and -- | drawing and hugging of the uppers-- the friction that forms callouses and §l eventually coms is entirely elimi- i nated. Try on a pair and prove these facts to your own satisfaction. it will remain six days, runming ex- perieatly certain cursionsg in that vicinity. The steam- er will run down nearly to Montreal sed i possible may shoot the first and smaller rapids, a few miles ew fow Ugdensburg. The Thousand Is. lander has not vet besm through any of the rapids, although it has several times been contemplated to take her down, * COLDBLAST ODORLESS PILLOW, KELLAPIC OSTERMDON MATTRESSES, Park last evening. The bill presented Deoume clear, tongues cleaned off, and is sufficient 10 repay those who take the Derves in fine condition. We never use trouble to attend. Toben, the comedy anything pow but Postum. There is juggler, with his comicalities and nothing ke it. Name given by stunts, well earned the applause he re- Dtniadian Postum Co. . Windsor, Ont. ceived. There's a reason," and it is ex- On Thursday evening , the pro-'Plained in the Little book, "Ihe Road gramme will be entirely both to Wellville," in pkgs. vaudeville and pictures. To-might the Ever read the above letter same bill will be repeated. our visit will act as a good adver. tisernent to the 'Highland Inn' Hood's === Pills Do not gripe or caase le, enoy to take, Te. and 57 AND t ON SALE AT JAMES REID'S Dudek hoc _. Pa 1 | RE D.& LES - enjoy your work take an' ceasionnd do own Lots