PAGE SIX. a mp2 THE DAILY BRITISH wie, \ WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 19f2. ~ NEW SHOE REPAIRING BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER has takes r the business of the lat , Davis at the old stand, 2¢ INCESS STREET. All kinds of Shoe Repalritig promptly done, All work guaranteed, F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Roses. Carnations, Sweel Peas, and ali other seasongble Flowers. + A choice variety of Ferns. Palms, etc. Wedding Bouquets, Floral Sprays and Funeral Designs a Specialty. Phones: i, 239. Conéervatories, 336 Store, : Residence, 1212. MOTOR CAR TROUBLES 1 BRING THEM TO US, No Cure, No Pay. VULCANIZING. BIBBY'S GARAGE © Brock Btreet, 'Phone 201-917. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $1,500, will buy an almostu new Groom house in ecéntre of Queen Street; good cellar and closet: a bargain for a hoine. $2,050--Three frame houses, paying 14 per cent, on the outlay. A snap as an Investment. Good condition $1,600--Bemi-detached Brick Veneered on Colborne Street; electric light, b. & c, ete _ $2,000--80lid Brick Semi-detached 5- 4 room house, deep lot, on Johnson below Division, . % $4,000~A" first-class sclid louse; liot water heating; rooms; double parlors, dining room and kitchen, summer kit. then, shed and deep lot, near Queen's College. R. Chas. Bell Real Estate and lnwurance Agent, 239 BAGOT STREET, IT'S NEVER T00 LATE 10 START DOING THINGS THE RIGHT WAY Just because you've alwaye cooked With coal---Just bhe- cause you've 'always been in the habit of getting up early in the morning to start the fire. Just because wrestled with and ashes Just because you've done these things is no reason why you should always do them. If we can't prove to you that for CHEAPNESS OLEANNESS AND : CONVENIENCE. Gas for cooking can't be beat. We don't want your busi- n Brick 6 bed. you've dlways dust and dirt CTTR Call up 197 and give us a chance to talk it over, Light, 94, Power, Water, Depts. C. C. FOLGER COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. . SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. \ Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. A Summer Protector against suchillsas Cholera Morus, Diarrhoea, Chelera Jufantism and Summer Complaint -- a protector in which you can safely place implicit confidence--is Na-Dru-Co Wild Strawberry Compound In 5c. and $c. bottles; at yonr Druggist s. National Drug and Chemical Ga. of Canada, Limited. 2,2 THE BLESSING OF MOTHERHOOD Healthy Mothers and Chil dren Make Happy Homes Motherhood j6 womans highest sphere in life. It is the fruition of her dearest hopes. and greatest desires; yet thou sands of noble women through some de- rengement havebeen denied this blessing In many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes women normal healthyandstrong. This is evidenced by the following letters which are genuine and truthful : London, Ont. --*I wish to thank you fox the benefit I received by taking your famous medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham's dVegetable Com- pound. Before my baby was born I was #0 ill 1 could not tand long or walk any distance. I had {to lie down nearly all the time. After 1 I Look your medicine I felt like a new wo- man. 1 could work front morning till night and was happy and well. 1 certainly think it relieves pain at childbirth and recommend it to every woman who is pregnant. You may use this testimonial if you like. It may help some other woman." -- Mrs. FRANK CORRIN, 182 Adelaide St., London, Ont. Brooklyn, N.Y.-- "I was ailing all the time and did not know what the matter was. 1 wanted a baby but my health would not permit it. I was nervous, my side ached and I was all run down. I heard that Lydis E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was good and took the medi- cine. I have now a beautiful baby and your Compound has helped me in every way." --Mrs. J. J. STEWART, 209 Hum- boldt St., Brooklyn, N.Y. BIG SALE { - oF | ~ Men's TR ep EEL Ps it is almost Mevar suid w'Siuly {mpossible to get bulk Coffea without Chicory. Oxfords oi 0, san and all | $5.00 Onfords going at | 875 | $4.50 & $4.00 Oxtoris | going at | $2.95 Site Soe You cannot detect the difference in ordinary Coffes but if you once try pig iop x 4 THEY WILL WAGE WAR THE COMMERCIAL EXCHANGES WILL HAVE TO FIGHT. Politicians are After the Clneagn Pit ~--Reéport That Epring Crop is Ber youd Danger. : ' Chicago, July 23.--It is realized by {foremost members of the commercial | exchanges © of = the" country that they {will have to fight for thelr lives dur- ling the next two years, as a struggle {is promised which will be the | severe they have ever expérienced. For yeats it has beéu the custom of {congresdmen and senators to introduce [bills aimed at speculative (rading, or tgambling, ms they call it. But the ac { tion of the democratic party in finsert- ing un suti-option plank in ite plat form puts a new.-phase on the situa tion, and one which-is calculated to gite the exchanges more trouble than ani thing they have encountered so far The plank is a recommendation to congress that laws. be enacted to sup press the "pernicious practice of gam- bling in agricultural products by or- ganized exchanges or others." most Example for Canadian Roads, Minneapolis, July 23, Nearly 10,000 : grain cars. dre being built by roads saving headquarters and terminals>in the Twin Cities, according to officials of the road to-day, who declared that the cars would be rushed to grain pro- ducing¢points in order that there may be no 'drought of rolling stock. ; na Appointed Engineer. Toronto, July 23.~Hamlin Brooks Hatch, mining engineer in Porcupine, has accepted the position of field man with the Canadian Exploration com- pany, organized by Ambrose Monnell, and will do work under the direction of Engineer Dateman at the Dome mines. : Dr " Another Setback. Muntreal, July - 23. Amalgamated Aghestos shareholders who "have heen {having hard luck lately received an- other setback when the Standard mill at. the Thetford mines was burned to the ground. The mill, which wa own- ed by lurgely covered by insurance. -- Loan Unsuccessful. Ottawa, July 23.- Londen cable an- nounces Toronto has been unsuccess- ful in trying to float its permanent loan. there, and has been foreed to place swelve months' treasury bills for £1,200,000 at 4) per cent., plus penses, exr May Incrense Dividend Rate. Montreal, 'July 23,--Quietly and without pny appearance of ostentation Belle Telephone stock has been advane- ing in price at a very rapid rate since April last, and unlike several other prominent issues the advance has not apparently heen influenced by dny speculative movement : : The company's record of earnings fcr the past four year was as fol lows : Percent. on Paid-up capital. . 81,043,798 or 8.35 1,434,275 or 11.33 . LAGR "RY 11.75 ow LDA 12.38 1911 . LA25,836 or 10.53 It will, be observed that net. carn- ings for last year were less than for 1909 and 1910, but the gross for 1911 were nearly $1,000,000 greater than for Jone, and $1,500,000 greater than for 900, It is pointed out that reason for the decrodsed net earnings in 1911 is that operation and maintenance expenses wore heavier. Last September 32,- 500,500 of new stock was offered to the shareholders which, when all paid up, will bring the paid-up capital up to 815,000,000, ta! The new capifal was for the purpose of extensions, ete., and the revenue will undoubtedly be augmented this year through its expenditure. ~The company has been conservative in the payment of dividends, no in- crease having been made since 1902. hye rate is S per cent. per annum, or 2 per cent. quarterly, and it is only reasonable that the "Street" is look- ing for an early increase. The conyeany has built up etrong re serve funds, which adds stability to the vompany's position. In 1909 several reserve funds amounted to $5, 200,000; in 1910, to $6,148,000, and to $7,108,000 in 1911. ----, Dominion Textile Due. Montreal, July 23.--Recent rises in the price of raw cotton and "pre dictions of a much further increase during the coming year have at- tracted considerable interest to the stock of the Deminion Textile dur- ing the last w or so If - one might judge from the apparently ex- cellent position in which the com- pany stands from a producing and manacverial standpoint, one might wav that the stock was due for a considerable rise. This has been pre- dicted for the past month or six weeks. but so far the public seems 'o have practieglly * ignored its ex istence. 1907 190% 1009 . . or IG. or Details of New Car Company. Toronto, July 23.---Sir John Gib son, Toronto, will be the president of the new National Stesl Car company, which was arg a short time ago. Baal Magor will be vice prési- dent and general manager, and Adol- Butze secretary-treasurer purchasing Spent; . The company ex- pects to he enough advanced to he able to deliver its first shipménts of cars to the railways by November Canada reported to the Boston' News Bureau during the first hall of 1912. This was a record tomnage for a like Ped ia that Dacvent had spread res as iar north aM mynd whole the Amalgamated company, was the}, Cowansville, Que; 1280. to 1c. Ob. Hyacinthe, Que., 123¢. There is a .growing feeling of con fidence among even conservative brok ers that. djvidings will shortly be in- creased 'by both the Mackay tom- panies and the Consolidated Mining & Smelting company It is believed that Sir Forget can control a majority of enares in - Toronto Rails. A large gmouni of the stock is held in Quebee province. r All the railways are ordering addi- tional locomotives and: rolling stock, and the opinion is general that with the -continued satisfactory' reports on the crops from the west there will be further rise in the stock market in railway sharea Tei Articles: of incorporation were filed for 'the Minneapolis, St. Louis and Canadian railway with headquar- ters at Watertown, >. Dak, and ofli- ces in Minneapolis "and New York, I'he road, which will extend to LCan-, ada, 1s capialized at $7,000,000. A special general meeting of the Temiskaming Mine company has been called for July for the purpose of ratifying a by-law. pussed by the directors inereasing the number of directors from hive to seven. i; . The Richeiieu & Untano Naviga- tion company paid for the Inland lines in Richelieu & Ontario shares, which will add to its hist «wi share holders about 200 names of represen- tatives. . 'Rodolphe | Zolh, ------------------ Theré were 100 cases of typhoid "re- purted in 'Ottawa up to _.Booh oh Tuesday, as a result of the contami pited water supplied the city. W. J. Winkleman, 'of Pittsburgh, Pa: set fire to his home, in which slept his wife and family, on Tuesday, and then committed suicide. A LOVELY BABY BOY This Mother is quite Enthusiastic over a well Known Food. Mrs J. W Pateman, 34 Harriet St., Toronto, in writing about Neave's Food says 'When I first knew one of my friends, her baby Jack was eight months old and dying by inches: She had tried three foods because her Jack could-not digest milk. At last, I fetclied her a tin of Neave's Food. At the end of a month, Jack was rapidly gaining flesh and was bright and happy. He is a lovely boy now and she declares Neave's Food saved his life. And it did. Then I recommended it to a friend on Victoria Avenue, She had a baby 6 months old that was riot thriving a bit. She put the baby on Neave's Food and at the end of three months, the baby was twice the size. 1 have never seen two bigger, stronger boys than mine for their ages and we owe it all to Neave's Food. I have the utmost faith in Neave's Food." Mothers and prospossive mothers may obtain a free tin of Neave's Food and a valuable book "Hints About Baby" by writing Edwin Utley, 14 Front Street East, Toronto, who is the Canadian agent. (Mention this paper.) For sale by all druggists. 24A ALBERT COLLEGE BUSINESS SCHOOL BELLEVILLE - $63.00 pays Board, Room, Tul- tion, Electric Light, use of Baths Gynasium, all but books and laun- dry, for twelve weeks--longer period at redmced prices. $30.00 pays Tuition alone for the antire scholastic year. « Graduates holding the. best posi. tions. Candidates prepared yearly for the examinations held by the in- stitute of Chartered Accountants of Gntario and for Commercial Specialists. Spectral attention given to Matriculation, Teacher's Courses, Klocution, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Fine Art. Domestic Science Physical Culture. For Illustrated Calendar, addréss' PRINCIPAL DYER, M.A, DD ~ Ottawa Ladies' College Ideally situated in the Capital, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Offers Matriculation, Academic and Selective courses, Accepts pupils from 12 years of age and upwards. Parents seeking a good educational nome for their daughters should write for Calendar and particulars. ® Rev. W. D. ARMSTRONG, MA, PLD., DD, PRESIDENT nt. (ANAEMIA IS FATAL IF NOT CHECKED One of the most common troubles of girls and women--A THIN, WATERY CONDITION OF THE BLOOD.-- This trouble (Anaemia) is seen almost every day. The appearance is striking --pale, sallow complexion, circles about the eyes, shortness of breath on slight exertion, and such a one suffers from palpitation of the heart, headache, in- digestion, swelling of hands or feet, sonstipation, etc. All these symptoms may not be present in your case, de- pending on the duration and.the stage of the disease. 1f not remedied the blood becomes more thin and watery, subsequently sausing swelling and dropsy--Do not allow this trouble to advence~Check it now ~--You can not only check it, but you can bring about a complete cure by ping R STORATONE TABLETS and fol ing the mode of living de- scribed on. the circular acc nying tach box of Tablets. The advice is free and the Restoratome Tablets will :reate pure, healthy blood. THE SECRET OF YOUR. «RECOVERY. ....% Restoratone Tablets are. unexcell 1s an efficient restorer of the hlnod a 1 tonic to tne entire system--pronoting the activity of special organs at fault, They are a reliable cure for anemia, mdigesti insomnia, pal- pitation of the heart, add pains and ir- regularities of girls and women. This has been proven br tests without num. der. Give them a trial A worthless remedy is' never substituted. See that you no substitute for Restora- tone Tablets. For sale at your drug- ist's for 50 2 box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, or r gent to. on re. AID TO IMPERIAL NAVY, Is the Defigite Pledge of Premier Borde. London, July 23.--Widgton Chuich ill, first lopd of the admiralty, sn the coursé of his notable _ speech on Britain's naval policy in the house os: cominons, said ; » "We have had repeated conferences with Mr. Borden and his colleagues at the admiralty, and they are now in possession of all the facts. We tliscussed with them with the utmost freedom "and copfidince what action should be taken to surmount the dif- ficulties obstructing such action. So far as. the admiralty "is coocerned, there will be no ditlicyities which shall fot be surmounted. - There is,' how- aver, 8 strong distinction between measures dealing with: the require ments of the immediate future and the elaboration pf a permanent naval policy The latter will require much fuller discussion than bas bedn ' pos sihle hitherto. "Mr. Borden and his colleagues au thorized me to say that they shared this view and that any special tion - which {he immediate future may requdre of them ~ will not be delayed. fending. the settlement of a perman- ent naval arrangement they wish that the aid of Canada shall be an .addi- tion to the existing British pro gramme, directly strengthening the naval forces of the empire and ai: fording a margin available for its se- curity. They tell: me that the action of the dominion will not be unworthy of the dignity and power of Canada More than that 1 am not en- tithd to say. The decision of the Canadian government will mot ~ be announced until the ministers have returned to Canada. Meanwhile, |] would suggest that the less the ques ton is speculated upon the greater the public cenvenience will be." Earlier in his speech, referring to the Right Hon. R. L. Borden, prime minister of Canada, who was in the gallery, Mr. Churchill paid a tribute to the efforts of the. Canadian minis- ters. but declared that no announce ment of policy would be made ul Mr. Borden and the other dominion ministers who had been in conference with the admirally had returned - to Ottawa and consulted with their col len rues. "It has been," he said, "a source of comiert and encouragement dur ing these last few weeks to have by our 'side the prime minister and other ministers of the dominion of Canada. It has been like the touch of the hand of a strong friend when serious business is to be done. The task of maintaining the maval power of the empire under existing conditions is a heavy one. All the world is arming as it never has before. We have to progect dominions and territories scattered ower every continent and every ocean as well. We. understand thet truth of Mr. Borden's words, that: the day of peril is too late for pre parations." ) ac DANGERS OF SYRINGE. Charles B. Towns August Century. From in. the thousand cases countrivs of | have seen over six of drug habit in various the world. Ninety-five per cent. of the patients who have come to me taking morphine or other abkaloids of opium have taken the drug hypoder- mically. With few exceptions 1 bave fomed that the first knowledge of it came 'through the administration of a hypodermic by a physician It is the instrument which has shown the «ufferer what was easing his _ pain Restricting the sale of the syringe to physicians, or to buyers on a physi ¢ian's prescription, is the first step towards placing the grave responsibil ity for the drug habit on the should ers of those to whom it belongs. FAVORS SAND FILTRATION. Provincial Health Officer Makes an Explanation. foronto, July 24.-Dr. John BW. N MeCullough, chief officer of health of the provinee, has informed Works Com Harris that he not op of sand filtration Lake Ontario. '1 this water, the best system of purification at present known," he Dr. McCullough says his refusal to approve of sand fil tration for water for the city of Ot- tawa was purcly a loeal matter, far as Ottawa was concern, missioner 18 posed to the for water think it is, use from for savs $0 The Best' Travelled Over. A very gratifying tribute to the irand Trunk railway was paid by the British manufacturers, befors their de- parture, when, in conversation with a prominent official of the company, it was given as their common opinion that the trip over the G.T.R. had been made with greater comfort than that over any other road. This was attributed to the.good roadbed, the smooth track, and the superior sleep- ing car accommodation. : tn The Fire Record. Marmora, July 24.--~W. Smith, Lean, lost his barn and conteuts by fire. The blaze was noticed about 4 p.n., and it is thought that the build- ing was struck by lightning, although the storm was mot severe. Mr. Smith had his feet burned in getting a valu- able horse out. The animal's back was burned. There was only about £300 insurance. Mo- How Omtario is Depleted. Montreal, July 24.----Grand Trunk railway officials stated that 5,500 heads of families in older Untario had jeft for the west this year, and had settled along the route of the GT.R or in Peace River district. Every one of the farmers had at least $500, while many of them had much more, A member of a New York banking house with London connections re rts that the belief is taking hold in 'anadign financial circles that when rliament convenes Canadi acific railway will apply for author ity to increase the amount of its au- thorized common stock and capitaliza- thiol. ; The C.P.R. telegraphers get a board of concilistion in their dispute with the company. Peter d 'Jaronto, is chairman. 5 BONDS GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION . CORPORATION DOMINION BOND COM PANY, Limited Dominion Bond Bldg, Toronto Montreal Ottawa London, Eng., . . : . The Finest and Best, by the pint, quart, or in bricks, "AJ. REES 166 Princess St. Phone 58 HOWARD 8. FOLGER, Kingston Representative, gr MONTREAL HAS LESS Sub-divided area iyside the City limits than Calgary has sy-diid- ed outside its limits. : We deal only in choice properties guarantee locations. ASK US FOR SOME FIGURES, THE STERLING INVESTMENT C0., LIMITED 611 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, MONTREAL, QUE. well. inside the city, and THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION ADMINISTRATOR of Estates where there is no will or where the . appointed execytors prefer not to act. Q - - TORONTO OTTAWA WINNIPEG ' . - SASKATOON Davis Gasoline Engines The DAVIS Engines take you out and bring you back when you want to come. EVERY part of the. engine Is v tested before leaving our shops. If you are looking for the best get a DAVIS. WE have several new and SECOND HAND Eugires on hand. Order now, thorough For Repairs, Engine Supplies and Fittings try us. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. -------- | | i | | | | | Every Woman's Complexion is bound to show whether or not she'is in good physical condition. If the complexion is muddy, the skin sallow; if pimples or skin blemishes appear it is then attention must be given to improve the bodily condition. There safe and simple "way, Clear the system and ourify the blood with a few doses of This well known vegetable family remedy is famous for its power to improve the action of the organs of digestion and climination They will regulate the bowels, stimulate the liver, tone the stomach and you will know what it is to be free from troubles, from headaches, backaches, lassitude, and extreme nervousness. They will make you feel healthier and stronger in every way By clearing your system of poisonous waste Beecham's Pills will have good effect upon your looks--these they Will Beautify and Improve The directions with every box are of special value and importance to Sold everywhere, In boxes, 25¢c. - 1s one EE -- ALLLLSS ansbdana SAS AAASASSS cect ABOUT 30 PAIRS WOMEN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS. A A tlt Pl tN dA PN lL Mostly sizes 24, 8 and 3} in Blacks, Tins, Patents mostly $3.00 lines, all at one price $1.25. Another broken size lot in Queen quality and other high grade makes, and 31, Swedes, Tans, Blacks Patents. [If wour size is here, the price is less than half] $1.76. All White Pumps, Nu Bucks, Canvas, etc. All at 25 per cent. off. sizes 21, 3 and i I tt J, H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. hdd $ The Home of Good Shoes