TRAVELLING, | "ove HILDAY, ny n Round Trip. Tickets will be from Kingston at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Going Saturday, Sunday ani Mon-} day, July 27th. 28th and 29th. . Re-} turn Hmit Tuesday, July 20th. issued HOMESEEKERS" EXCURSIONS Capa fe Assurance Company" Tuesday, August 6th, and évery pe- cond J nesday thereafter until Sept: 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. For fyll particulars, apply to' J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A., Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, Civic Holiday, July 29th Et, uncolored and of the ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT J1. O.. Hurrox, 5 ailed to AnY addr. 200. THE DAILY BRITISH WH, THURSDAY, JU Ly 25, 1912. 000 FELLOWS RELIEF: Fine ANNUAL ME MEETING HELD | .. ON WEDNESDAY. DT | Progressive Policy Association © Has |. Adopted -- Steady Increase in, Membership--bowest Death | of Our Canadian Association. Rate | The annual méeting 'of the Oddie i : {lows" Religf Association was held in" | Kingston on Wedneaday July 24th. The president of the association oc eu- | ped the chair, and there were repre- sentatives from all the provinces. Among those present were the folloay- Fairley, Calgary, representing ' he grand lodge of Alberta: . J . The only _C anadian C pany whose | Smith, Moosejaw, representing the Pol ies haveNdoubled through profits grand lodge of Saskaichtwi n; Ji 2 Figures how Ney" will -shape for | Whear, Charlottetown, P.E.1., C, a. you cheerfully given by : Nt. Jc 4 uly Allen, hn, NB , and J. BR. Mae- gent, donald, Sherbrooke, N.N., repre senting IS Market Street. [the maritime provinces; Walter Devlin, Winnipeg, representing 'the local board of the association; 5. A Popléstone Electric Restorer for Men Blyth, grand master; W, Brooks, 1o- Ph 108 phony} restore every aan the body tonto, grand secretary, and Dr, P,P, vim and vitality, Premature decay and all sexual | (Oupland, St. Mary 8, grand warden, Seainens Aveited ai ence. a Lao hid Fepreaen ing the grand lodge of Og a of 4 a bot, or two w | fario; J. = Phomson, Windsor, grand . Ontharines, O, ' patriarch; H. Clapp, Toronto, Por sale TD tee drug store, |2rand high Ea KR. i. Ketcheson, oe a fi Hayille; grand: senior warden, and | i. CU, Garbatt, Picton, grand treasur- TEA! "TEA! TEA! €r, representing the Grand Encamp- Bardens ot} ment % Ontario; Col, Cole; Jrockville, finest | N A 5 F flavor, Green and Black at 30¢ per and «A. Dennis, Lalt, advisory a Committee of Ontario; 1. J. Dickson 7 of A i 5 ANDREW MACLEAN'S, ind . A. Finlayson, Montreal, ad- visory Sonaisice of Quebec; Jos. Ole. Ontario Street, ver and W. Johnston, Toronto: 0, From the Finest Tea SINGLE .FARE FROM KINGSTON. - Good going Saturday and Mon- 'day, July 27th. and. 29th. Good ty return untill July 30th, 1912. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS [wo ue foi Mariobe, eatcovan Ars 2, DANOND SS NE Tuesday July 9th, and every se-|( cond Tuesday thereafter until Sept, |¢ 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. ta For particulars at K. & P.'and © _P. R. Ticket Office, Ontorio Street, |. F. CONW AY; Gen. Pass. Agent. . |« 88. Clty of Sydney and 8.5. i owis, Chatham; Jd. Farewell, Whithy; L."B. Cooper, Belleville; W. , Belleville; R. Gi. Shaw, Smith's This Beautiful Trip by the | Falls; W.-H. Allen, H. Moss, Dundas; BR. K, Gowan, Lon- don; C, R Cotton, Gananoque; } Pg Pascoe Carle tom, Place; Fe tierle vy, Cornwall; J. Ma- gill, Port llope; C. R. Curry, hy vill: ACM; Jacobi, Oshawa; A, Pp. Chinneek 'and F. 8. Seott, Napanee, and many 'city members of the asso- | ciation, Mayof Hoag, an Oddiellow,. extended $60.00 rd return fare, in-|8 cordial welcome to the members of Luding medls and berth: You live|the association and referred to some m the ship, No hotel bills, ete, of the men, places, and the ovents Mor.{ Which made the city historic His greeting was exeeedingly warin and received with very Quebec, to -hariotietown, p12 ; Sydney, N.S.:| and St oh N 1 he and return al tw woenrn ordial and was Booklet "RB rea Write o-day i favor ALLAN LINE with full information, sent free, y : : ! ! Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. T.T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virginian T.8.8. 88. Tunisian and Corsican. FOLGER TICKET AGENCY or Local Agents A. T. WELDON, ( 112 St. LL & PA, 3 Picsident"s Address. James Street, Montreal. Fhe president of the M. Nelityvr angsion, followed with an exceedingly interesting address, in which he referred to the tact that : association had passed from the period of youth to the period of ma- association, I), Sailings every Friday. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, T.8.8. Grampian and Hesperian." T.8.8. "Scandinavian and Preaoria. " Sailings every Saturday, MONTREAL TO HAVRE LONDON. Service of moderate priced ONE- CLASS CABIN (11) steamers, Ballings every Sunday. AND Full information and tickets on application to J. P. Hanley, G.T.Ry. Agt. Agents in Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronto, LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM BOAT CO. LIMITED. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Clarence St. turity, not to rest and he thankful, but to assume the larger responsibili- tes which growth imphied. He refer- red to viral pomis an the reports to | * largely interest: Leadth, 520 feet Breadth, 67114 feet ed in the success of the sociation, LC 200, Signals Hé also altaded to the progressive policy Which the association had 901LD ALL RECORDS BETWEEN . CANADA AND LIVERPOOL adopted and which it was most de sirable should be continued, with the provision for its maintenance which the association would no doubt make, He made a graceful tribute to th . " 4 - Ne Lake Manitoba .. .. .. .. Aug. 15 oflicers of thé association, and to the Empress of Britain .. .. .. Aug 23 loyal and elective way in which the Lake Champlain ven one Aug 2 had served- it b Empress of Ireland:. + +x Bept Lake Manitoba Sept 2 x S-- : Empress of Britain .. Sept. 20 Summary of Officers' Reports. Lake Champlain .. .. .. Sept. 26 The Empress of Britain « July 26 Lake Champlain .. +» Aug. 1 Empress of jreland.. Aug. 9 directors reported 'that the million dollar mark had been passed Any steamship agent, or ¥. CON- a January 'last and that the reserve WAY, GPA, K. & P.R, Kingston, } | and mortuary benefit funds on June Ont - 30th amounted to 81,042, 451.06. The gross revenue from interest in 191] Tickets and all information from a was $34,191. 19 and for the last half §S. North King & $8. Caspian) --see 1,000 ISLANDS--ROCHESTER. vear $20,471.20. . The disbursements on mortuary afeount in 1911 were $228,000, and for the first six months Commencing July anda steamers leave at 10.15 am. daily for Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Islands and Gananoque. Returning, leave at 5 pm, for Ro. chester, N.Y, via Bay of Quinte, call- ing at Picton, Leseronto and Belle - ville, ee Freight handled with daspatch at reasonable rates, J. P. HANLEY, Ticket agent. JAS, SWIFT & Co, Freight Agents E. E. HORSEY, General Manager, ; EA Ly STEAMERS 0 " " Toronto" and " Kingston' DAILY SERVICE, Eastbound le aves Kingston a Westbound 5.00 p.m Between Toronto, Rochorter, Kings- ton, 1,000 Islands, Running the Rapids Montreal, Quebec and Saguenay River ; Steamer "Belleville" Easthound leaves Kingston 6.00 p.m. Wednesdays Ww estbound, leaves Kingston, Midnight, Saturdays. Ret wee Hamilton. Toronto, Kings- ton, Montreal and intermediate por:s, 'For tickets, folders, ete. app y to J .. HANLEY, Agent, Kingston, or wrile H. FOSTER Si AFFEE, GP. A. Toronto. Quebec Steamship - Company LIMITED. - River and Gulf of St. Lawrence . Summer Cruises in Cool Lotitodes. 88. "Cascapedia," 1,900 tons, with all mpdern comforts. FEOM, MONTREAL ON Pe Ebay 4 pm, 1st, 16th a Sth ust, a {fom Quebec the fol. owing day at noun for Pletou, N.8, Calling at Gaspe, Mal Ray, Perce, Piaaersias, PE, and Charlottetown, New York From Quebec. Via the far-famed River filing | at ss 10%, (ha Chatiopatona and 1 2,600 tons sail from Quebec ise a a 8th and 23rd August. New York te Bermuda h PR RT aceon Yo 2 13th and 24th August. and every ten ys thereafter. "ia pueratiare cooled by sea | Breemes, Seldnm Tises aheve; 3 § ot 1912, $159,037.20. The seculties purchased during 1911, which repre : sents the financial year of the ' asso ciation, amounted to "81: 34,313.15, and yielded an average rate of 4.76. The debentures hold by the association and at the end of IIIT were valued at $903,951.05. The average interest upon these had risen from 4.38 to 1.51. Members ship of the associatton at the end of 1911 was 26,953. On - 97 June 30th, 1912, it was 27 895. The OF mortality was 6.56 pe r thous and, per annum, and the average death rute was 6.30. This is about the lowest : of any sociely doing business in the province. Grand lodge relations were of the most satisfactory character. From all the grand jurisdictions kind and OLE atory words were received and the assodiation and the grand lodges were most intimately associa- $1.98 members from province to provines was increasing and the tendency of ted fn promoting the good work, The secretary-treasurer, R. Meck, reported that, the association had, since its inception, disbursed in bene- We have 48 pairs of Summer Pants secured- ll i. transfers was from the east io the from one of the best wats the avigige age of Jssased members in was 5L17, the aver- American H ouses, to age death rate per thousand was 6.30; clear at a figure that dhe awirage age of new members 29.18,aid the average age of the en- should tempt the pocket tire membership 38.66. A summary of the most careful buy- of the decisions given by the er. They are worth ry to the legal Pointe vaised dusing : year was referre: 0 Laws from $2.50 t 0 $3.50, and sod Amendments committée. The they will go in membership by provinces was as fok lows : Alberta, 1838; British Colum- : bis, 1035; Manitoba, 2,185; New Thursday Brunswick, 530; Newfoundland, 8; ova . Scalia, 1,197; Qutario. 16,076; Island, J. Quebec, 1,- : AT Shes ward : 6; Saskatchewan, 1,401; and other $1 98 i ig Total benefits paid in 1911 178,228.« There were twenty ale per pair, deaths from accidents. SE SST The auditors Febgrted that they had checked over al hooks, re- po Laves all sizes frem cords, and an, em of the uso waist ciation and found t correct, v also ¢ the deposits, the See our Window for securities in the bank, jaad Je = pe pat in and found that authorized Securities and feel the pho Hoy ores $59,774.67 had been patefiased during the half year and will be reported in the list for 1912, at the dow of it. tendent of reported on The swperin H. Plakeby, a necessity OL closely " was- uniform irom year to vear and transier from the hazardous class, permanent force in the ordinary class, hazardous be laid before the annual meeting re- | = quiring special attention, and dwelt | on the presence at' the meeting of re presentatives of the order from. dis tant points who were p y fits $3,0464656.29; the transfer of * i direc- cial agents: wa the vs ous provinces regard to the reinstatement 8 mem i as reviewed and reference mad. ta bers over: forty-five years of age; 5) | the relations with all the grand bo. in making provision for the issue . of { which relations were #f the most certificates f benefits of S125 ™ gach | . Hebekah degree | vorking Who hold certificdtes for $500: 6]: fr raal chara ter The association to- members "of ih andthe grand Jociges Were Toronto, Ont. July 23h, 10 A Ottawa Valley and Upper SL Lawreace Fine to-d 'Friday, fresh aerth. West winds; fair and cooler. eather Probabilities: and With "splen- sth the order apd "constitution s0 as to make them oon. form 'with 'the statutes; (7) putting the Dr. Mundell chijef . operators of switch boards in. power bouses in the Jazardgus class; making amending a number of sections in the § 1 The 'report o medical examiner; dealt with the ¢e- { cord: for 'the fin al year irom June 'the information from any local agent | Ist to De 1511. The applica sailor Liable for any proportion of the | there were 131 rejections. The deaths x = period. of the hi- monthly cafl which his ! numbered 17%, and the poremt tage per thousand. was. 6.56 which 'was an OCCupation calls for: exceedingly Jow rate for an asso. Politemén, constables ciation of over rty-seven CATS eX John, reported upon the f the rederve fund from $41, $67.07 in 1593 io over ope million dol- tory of engrants . so far as tubercul- osis was Soncerned. Duration « of membership of those dving the vear wag 16.77. during for the extension of the work through- { out the dominion, and submitting an | amendinent to the laws of the asso- Ciation by which this capitation = of Reports ofoCommittees. | 31:35 will be provided 'in two instal- A. Philps, of Huntingdon, from the | ments of 75¢. to 50c., falling due 10 committee on ihe extension of the | NUvember and May; upon the wisdoin work, reported upon the increasing exercised by the directors in infesting field of operation and to the fact that the surplus funds of the association in each province, was now furnishing jts munic ipal securities, bearing the high- quota of 'members that*the increase ©9t rate of current he rest; upon the mortuary fund: to $110,000, making eighteen - years and from tuberculosis nine years, nine months; . was very certain to continue. Recogni- the reserve fund hy tdon was made of the favorable man- |the total of this fund one million: ner in which the work of the associa. | Upon the renewal of the bond with the tion was regarded by the executive United States Fidelity and Guaranty various grand lodges, Ompany, covering the officers and agents of the association; and 'seb. mitting the report of the sub- -commit- officers of the' and to the assistance which the as- sociation had been able to give to these grand lodges. It was expected ee of the finance committee upon the that these cordial relations would con- | SeCUTiLies of the association which the tinue; Favorable comment was passed members had 'examined. 2 upon the "good work of the special | agent, now be made for the location otf a per: in the laws of the association so as manent agent at the vther two west. [to nrovide for the collection of the ern provinces, namely, Maniioba and aorual sapitation tax of $1.95. A- Saskatchewan. The work of the super. dopted, intendent. of ' agencies was spoken of ihe comumnitiee on geoeral business, in the highest terms: Adopted. through J. R. Mabonald, Sherbrooke, I'he commitiee on laws and amend- [N.S reported," referriog to the annual ments. submuatted a series of reports | measting of the as follows I. Approving of the de |guecoc iation over cision of the directors with regard to [of Toronto, certmin disablily nizing the diliculty of Canadian Fraternal which John Donogh, the vice-president of this (association, had presided; alluding to res | tha reference of Mr. Chubb, of the gistering and rating, certain occupa | Quebec Insurance department, to the tions, and ~ approving of the tareful steps which have been taken by the management with regard to this mat ter; (4) recommending a change 'in the claymsy (2) recog carefully * Societies of long stoning . and ties [des th rate, | tha Qiddiellows and noting that that of * Relief ' agsociation Nag the lowest; suggesting that the and to the extent of wal agents of the association, as putting: the members ol the Canadian flo as possible, have proof of the ago {of members subniitted with the appli- excepting during the time they may be cations: recommending that the Oe 8 8 warlare; approving f a called out for ' » apr Eo licitor and secretary obtain 'infor. number of decis ons granted by the | iets turing, th vers sting, re 209m ih curd lo uh owe" i on in and rte to the hast ot | occupations; (4) recom | mending that no change be made in the bystaws of the association with corporation, in view of the irs for {a change in the constitutian respect- ing disabilitics; commenting favorably pon the good work of the medical ar' ; with regard to the. hazardous "pocupa tions exain ined sumbersd 2,658, and Yon of members; acceptyble; making al and putting | ht i atrolmen and | sia tio thir Sven vears detectivég- in the hazardous class, perience. The statistics showed the Adopted, 4 . . D { closely watching. the his I'he finance tommittee, through C, 77. Average age of jo at he | Renen time; upon the me- those dying from heart diseases 'was providing a capiiation tax | S id E F C 4 S Adopted The committee on laws and amend- resident in Calgary, and ments, through 0. I. Lewis, = Chat- it was hoped that arrangements would ham, submitted the necessary change B T 4 a) C Ap wi nN) is 4 Ia IC Y, - EE ---------- ¥ine White Lawn Dresses, trim. .med witli embroidery and Lace-- two sizes only 36 and 38--$6.00, $7.50 and $5.00 ! To clear at $3.50 Jeautiful Allover Embroidery Waists--set in es sizes--§1.2 5 quality, To 75¢ Come Early. " ---- examiner. an evidence of which was conveyed in the statistics; commend- ing the use of the Independent Odd- | fellow and kindred journals for their services in keeping befor the mem- bers the good work of the associa: tion; and noticing, among the ' aoci- | dente, the fact that they oecurred a- | mong the members who are registered in the extra-hazardous class, justify- ing the classification of Article XII. { Adopted. The committee on statistics, through fa. A. Finlayson, Montreal, reported i that the Oddfellows' Relief association A head full of unsightly gray and faded {had the lowest death rate of any as- hair. --~Why not have beautiful, natural | sogiation doing business in Canada; colored hair, full of life and beauty-- jihai the volume of business was stead. keep yourself young looking and fascin- fly increasing, being about one ik: ag ating ? {1911 over. that of 1910; that the di Every woman wants to be and can be, rec tors should consider what action if she will use HAY'S HAIR HEALTH i they could take to minimize the rate to restore those gray hairs to their natu- lof lapsation in the membership; that ral color | the average death rate was the lowest Itisn't a dye. ou'll b i 4 h ickly th [for the lust six years, exegpting 1909; ou e surprise Ow quickly the that the average age of new ntembers gray hairs vanish and how young looking | Iwas. the lowest on record. while the you can keep yourself by the regular no0 of the deceased me 'mbers was the use of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. Get your money back from your druggist if you are not satisfied with it. the ore loc lion and a quarter at the end ve mt of ho Po | bership in the year was 1.270, making $1.00 and SOc at Drug Stores or direct upon throughout the dominion, and em receipt of price and dealers name. Send 10¢ for phasize the fact that the seed of od trial bottle. ~Philo Hay Spec, Co., Newark, N. J. Oddicllowshin is bearing fruit through bers tmis year, ved the greetings from the maritime provinces, Ye words only a «btal of 26,953; that the statistics everywhere. He by provinces show a uniform increase hearty support of the order Walter Devhn, For Cooking and Drinking, also for Cakelceing and Making Fudge. hope that the west- ern field, under ine new impetus which was to be given to the work, would yield the desired results. Simon Oberndortfer, the veteran di rector of the association, referred to as its father, acknowledged the special reference which had been made to himself and hoped to see the associa- lon continue its progressive policy. » grand lodge. In Alberta. the | and expressed the fer had grown from fourteen Iges with 1,100 members six vears 0 to ninety lodges with 6,000 mem- John F. Whear, Charlottetgwn, con- expressing himself as very ich gratified with what 'he had seen the work of the association, and ping for its continued success. He Sa master of Untario, §. A. Hon. Frank Cochrane, Andrew Bro- pleston; ihtimated that he had cov der, A. DaW. Foster and: W, ® : ered the province pretty highest; that the net. mem- {1 well during last year And had found good spoken of the association commended it to the generally of Winnipeg, express- his apgreciation of the association Smythe, M Ps son's Bay, | er Stanley The mother of little Julia. Connors, who was stabbed to death two weeks ago, in New York, is dying of a brok- en heart. are going to Hud by" the government steam- JAS. B. McLEOD, AGENT out the land; that those who are supposed to be the least likely show the largest mortality, namely, farmers and gentlemen. Adopted. Notice of Motion. I. Ex Farewell, Whithy, gave no tice of an amendment which he pro posed to move a year hence with re gard te the transier of certificate in amendment afiects arta and article 11, sec surance. The cle 1X, section 14, tion J. Election of Directors. The retu¥ng directors were: DD. M Mcintyre, and Dr. A. E. Ross, ol Kingston, and J. J. Reed, Montreal On motion of T. .J, Potter, Montreal, seconded by J, R. McDonald, Sher brooke, N.%., these three directors were re-elected, the grand master of Bntario casting the deciding ballot. Auditors Re-Elected. - On motion: of Mr, While, of Port Hope, seconded by 1. J. Dickson, 0} Montreal, the auditors, John Nicolle, and J. G, Etunger, of hingston, were re-elected, the vice-president of 'the association casting the deciding bal lot. You will get comfort: with your glasses if you consult KEELEY Jr. The Optometrist. Satisfaction guar. anteed or money refunded. AR 226 Princess Street. 'Phone 927, Message of Condolence. A telegram was addressed to the Y'S rand master of Quebec, k. A, Ak- Rows Reroy Reuer Bt of Coaticook, expressing sin core sympathy with him on the death Cures Dysente of his father, an old ex-officer and oe Jrom Ralf to.a to a teaspoonful « of aie a member of the grand lodge ,of Que ap SRL pelo f Sot £, and keep | POC a eth wit lef, and keep Eira SE Hil as or De - Motion of Thank.s On motion of H. White, Port Hope, seconded by J. A. Rabb, Valleyfield, vi. adsociation expressed its thanks nd appreciation to the mayor and Oddiellows of the eity for their kindly reception. 8. Evanson, of Prescott, second ed by 0. 8. Lewis, of Chatham, mov: ed a vote of thanks to the executive {officers and stafi of the association for ithe very excellent service which they {had rendered, and the president and .secrelary-treasurer responded. se Farewell Remarks. Fairley, of C E, sed Ee ha SEY i ibe spe 'the ihe great of the nd ARG acknowledged the 'great aie 5 service 1be association bad been, - 3g ull? NAVY PLUG C hewing Tobacco / A highgrade chew' for those who want. some- thing Setter than usual. "Empire" Navy Plug" is an exceptionally choice 'chewing tobacco -- rich, tasty and lasting. You are sure to like "Empire Navy Plug". ALL LIVE DEALERS HAVE IT-- ASK YOURS. sini