Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1912, p. 3

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TRAVELLING. § Co = BAY OFQUNTE RAILWAY sremrsosn ~. (ETS TET TE CIVIC HOLIDAY, uty 23 Kingston Civic Holiday § Round Trip Tickets 'will be issued { i Told in SEAL Lbill bisa | Jame Mrs i Miss Aileen f Ont. 18 the, guest of her sister, Mrs. 8 Rigney, George street. : - - - +b Mr. and Mrs. Georgetown, are days with Mrs. James Wolfe Island. DAILY BRITISH WHR, SATURDAY, Wilfred 'spending a mer at Little Metis with Deas and James Cappon. Regan, of London, Mackay, i few Hendérson, at JULY 27. viz THERE 1S SOME GOO OLD MAIDS ARE DEFEXDED By MISS HELEN G( LD, Toroate, Out, July 20th, 10 ame Ottawa Valiey and {pper st. Lawrence ==North-west and west winds; flac 48d fool fu.day and Sanday. ' " Suggestion That They be Sent to a Desert Island Arouses' Ire of Monday, July 29th Mrs. Temple MeMurrich returned from Kingston at , Sho {Continued from Page 2.) » - - - P to Toronto on Thursday evening, Mr, Philanthropist -- Pastor Whe Harty, of Ottawa, spent | Oriticises Spinst " Mrs. James Rigney, George street. Pridav i was hostess at a most delightful Friday oN J H Vv ! bridge party on Thursday, given. in Royal Military "College, Mr | Honor, ot) Mrs. Charles Crookall, Panet and- Mrs Cornelius Berming- ta on 12nd Mrs. z D. Cralg..Ot- 1 yam "lett on Thursday for a trip ) Tcge 'was played at threelgoun ihe Rideau returning home on tables and the prizes were won by Friday Mrs. D. Phelan, Miss Frances Sul 7.C. Smy i as ong y Mr. J. C. Smythe, of the C nadian Han, Aud Mies Bessie Smythe. At lank of Commerce, Toronto. Saal oD clock lea was, served in thei; town to-day to spend the woek- dinidg room, whérz the polished | - , . | mahogany tea table was centred by : ve. a handsome lace centre piece, on "NM (Dr.} Ellery N. Peck, of Which stood a huge bowl of pink NT ik visiting ta a ii sweet peas. Mrs. higney poured the Mrs. F.'S. Rees, Barrie street. tem, iss Irene Swift served the Mr. and Mes. Stanley Stephens and Sine ' and Miss Agnes Browne cut { daughter, of Owen Sound. Ont. ars g.lcetream. The guests included | visiting Mr. and Mrs. FS. Rees, Bar- MF, Andréw "Forman, Montreal, |,,, ret ' r Mrs. E. H. Pense, Ottawa, Mrs. Vere s + Neimmis gh Misses ielen and Anna Corrigan, ac- Hooper, Mrs. Hatlaway W addell, |- : : . Kigan, Misa Mabel Dalton, Miss J. Browne, | Koupan.ed by hele Ph Miss Helen {and Miss Aileen Regan, London. sin, have leit lor Pittsburgh, on a i . . * . - Visit, 4 Thé first round of the singles in| yn, 0 gio AT the croquet tournament was play- [ nerheim," Colebrook, Ont, announce fed In the city park this week. On [the engagement of their daughter, Friday morning Mrs. Herbert Ro- Florence, to Mr. George Harold' An. binson won from Mrs. W. R. Givens, | derson, "son of Mr... A. Ander ey on Friday afternoon Mrs. Campbal] oo 508 s NN ony Strange won from Mrs. W. St. Pler- | aPaner. ye marriage will take plake re Hughes. This- morning' Miss Pepa der: Gertrude Strange: played against ' : Ae ecoAY "} | Mrs. Vere Hooper. The first ganic Empress of Ireland.., ,. .. Sept, 6 in the second round will ba played Lake Manitoba . +. Sept. 12 gn Monday. Empress of DBritgls «.. Rept, 20 : ® 5 a Lak: . Bept.. 26 hep. 26 Mrs. Ramsay ouff, Princess Tickets and all Information from} | street, entertained informally at! any steamship agent, or F. CON-1i aes on Thursday afternoon, in WAY, G.P.A, KX. & PR, Kingston, honor of Mrs. W, 8. Herrington, Napanee, ' ao 2 . - . . Grand Junction, ":Col., July 27.-- Whett the Rev. Elmer F. Huffneér. who has just resigned the pastorate of the First Christian church, delivered a ser- mon recently advocating the extle of old maids to a barren island as waste humanity, hé anticipated local re sentiment, possibly, bat hardly ex- pected to find himself at issue with Miss Helen Gould, of New York, 'In a letter just recvived here Miss Gould says that many preachers would be without work and 'without wives and homes were it not for old maids.' Miss Gould's letter follows - « HK "Glancing over a Denver paper 1 notice an item, concerning vour ser- mon on 'Love, Courtship and Mar- age," "one part of which 1 especially notice saying that old bachelors and bachalor maids should. be isolated om an 1dand so thev could not hinder the progress oi. humanity, "1 don't know why you made that statement, but 1 feel that it is a great injustice to our bachelor maids gifour country. "There are, 1 admit, many man haters in the world, but a great many ydachelor maids are not living alone because « they so choose, but because they have been unable to find a suitable companion. ; "I muat admit that I am speaking from the standpoint of the bachelor maid. -1 feel that such persons as myself are not hindering the progress, of civilization, but advancing it, ' "If 1 liad found a suitable help- mate I might have spent 'my money ina different way, and a way which might not have done as much good us it has. "Please think this question over and SINGLE FARE For the Round Trip, SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Mon- Re- Crowe, o Mrs. Henri Going Saturday, Sunday and nri day, July 27th. 28th and 29th. turn limit Teesday, July 30th, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Tuesday, Augukt 6th, and every se. gond Tuesday thereafter until Sept, 17th. Tickets good for 60 days. 97 Tickets good going 27 th-29tL | Return limit, 20th. 2 Excursion Fare applies to stations in Canada "For thckets information, apply Agents of the Company. . CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES and ° all For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A., Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts Leagth, 870 feet Breadth, 673 foot . Ton eo, 14.8 7 Wirsions amg Sopi3:000 Stdusls MOLD ALL RECORDS BETWEEN CANADA - AND LIVERFOOL Warner, "War- : The best Hose for 'the entire family--Men, Women and Children, can always be found at the " Steacy store, IN'CONNECTION WITH OANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, Civic Holiday, July 29th ROUND. TRIP TICKETS AT LE FARE FROM KINGSTON. - Baturday and Mon- and 20th. Good to return until Jily 30th, 1912, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Tuesday, July 9th, and every se- cond Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17th. Tickets good for .60 days. For particulars at K. & P. and © P. R. Ticket Office, Onterio Street, F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers 8t. Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. T.T.8. 88. "Victorian and Virginian." --F:8:8.-88. Tunishin and Corgican." Sallings every Friday. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. " T.8.8. Grampian and Hesperian." T.S.8, "Scandinavian and Preaoria. Sallings every Saturday. MONTREAL TO HAVRE ' LONDON. ? Service of moderate priced ONE- CLASS CABIN (11) steamers. Ballings every Sunday. Lake val Empress of Ireland. Mon London) "AEH sake Manitoba .. 2 ie AWE 2B Empress of Britain ..' .; .. Aug. 23 Lake Champlain. . . Aug. 28 Champialn +2ANE. 3 « Aug. 9 rose . Education, He had asked her to marry him sev- {eral times, but she had always said > . no: Now, at last hé determined to {know the reasos why, After some delicate questioning she revlied finally : "Well, for one thing, fhe man I marry must be very well' informed, in fact, learned." 5 "And I am not that?" he asked: "Why, I'm a graduate of three uni fluen- For quality, style and wear our Hose in Cot- ton, Lisle, Silk Lisle and Silk from 136 to $2.75 per pair are the best in the trade, Champlain We have an established reputation for hand. ling only the best in Hose, Ask the mothers Mrs. Hiram Calvin, Garden Is-!. hi tie oak. at land, was hostess at the tea hour Yorn Low, Trak sight langanges oi Thursday afternoon in honor of | " ne . berm > res ten? : ton Mrs. D. D. Calvin, Toront She shook her 'head. "That isn't |pefore preaching od this subject a f ET aa Wonte, jenough," she said. gain, make up your mind that there "Oh, I forgof to mention," he made is some good in living a single life." haste to add, '"that I can give you ret rp pp-- all the college athletic records for COMING TO KINGSTON, the last ten: years, and the names of : all the different parts of a motor car apd--"" " "That'll do. I'm yours !" she cried. --From Satire KEEPING ONE'S SOME COSTUMES IN CONDITION, HAND. of families--they will answer for us, GOOD , "At Kingston's Largest Hosiery Store." Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes, | Earl street. left this week for Lon. don, to visit Mrs. Hughes' mother, M8. Bland: ~ © Mrs. Colin. Hamilton and family, Earl street, have rented Mr. Hague"s > » housa on Wolfe Island for the R. PARREER & OD, month of August and willl move Dyers and Cleaners, over next week. Miss Lauder Nes- | 60 Princess St. Kingston, Ont. 'bite, New York, wiil be their guest. | _-------- | Mi The w here to aproved Process ay. is be to cleaned French" Dry send tiem hy. oup Cleaning Series of Grand Concerts by Nordica and Othery. Kingston music-lovers, when fortu- nate enough to hear seme of the great artists, have had to pay an extreme "Hy high price for the privilege. Fred- eric Shipman, the well-known impres- | 88 laims to have a solution to ful in societ r > | sario, claims : . - 4 delely ok In a human life must | this problem, which is merely organ- be built upon the foundation of good |. - tion." Heretofore the -best artists morals. Bad morals lead inevitably to | 2400. eo ore es ey bad manners, bad health, bad every. |°?uld only visit the large cities, hence ar 4 Y* 1 the heavy expense, but by arranging thing, and good morals Inevitably ff 7 £'th ponberti- he three bring every ether kind of goodness in |, 3 Sched of res SATIN ya their train. An epidemic that carries metropolitan attractions, 2 BPPrOXe | off muititudes of our little children has | mate ly a month apart, it becomes pos: a moral, or rather an immoral, cause | ¥1P1¢ to Visit more cities and divide back' of it. And there is food for | €Xpense. In fact in commercial phrase- thought in that statement just at the | © logy, it is running a tour on whole present time. The society that is kept sale basis and thus securing wholesale in good moral health will have a low | prices. - ! ; death rate. And that is only saying I'he proposed series includes David that the society that is healthy spiri- | Bispham, the groatest of American 'tually will be healthy in the physical | Paritones, assisted by Harry M. Uil- sense. So that it ak comes back to | bert, pianist, in September; Mme. Lil- this in the end, that above all we lian Nordica, the world's greatest dra- must mind the things of the spirit. matic -sqprano, assisted by Rummel, * {the noted violinist, and Romayne New Manitoba Inspector. Simmons, pianist, in October, and the Ottawa, July 27.--The government | feminine Paderewski, Mme Mary Hal his appointed Proderioe. KE Herchpes Jou; in November. : The advaytuze inspector for Manitoba, under the for | hat these three stars can be hear est reserve and parks set. This is the | IF what was paid to hear Melba or first time that Manitoba has heen ae | Nordica alone. In other words, a tic corded practical participation in the [Ket for the best seats for all three benefits of this act. The new inspector | ¢Yeuts maybe purchased for three dol was formerly dominion lands agent at' OS Naturally this great reduction | Basphis. jin price will apply to subscribers, Pa trons fof one event only will, of course, have to pay the regular price. ar -------- Question of Morals. Christian Guardian, Toronte 8 Gladys Ruttan, Barriefield. 4 : « Evérything that is good or beauti- {leaves shortly for Wellington to [pend some time with her aunt, Miss tuttan. Mrs. Edward Molina and two chil- dren, of New York. who have been vifiting Miss St. Remy Portsmouth, are, now -the guests of Mrs. Beart; O'Kill street : . » - - The Store of Satisfactory Hosiery + SINESSEST:) PISIERSENTR) [TSISEST) [TSMEASESY) (GISNERS re SELLLLLLRLLLLLLLLLLL0000000000000000 00000 ELLIOTT BROS. ~ FOR--- Gas Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil Stoves and Mrs. .D.-E. Mundell ~ and ittle daugliter, Eleanor, Brock street, left this week for Bowmanville to spend a few weeks with Mrs. Mundell's sister, Mrs. Martin. ,Miss St. Remy, Portsmouth, and her guest. Mrs. 'Molina, Sr., New York, returned to-day from a few days visit with Miss Machar, Fern. cliffe, near Gananoque, Miss Jessie Smith fs one party of campers at Point. Miss Snowden, AND Full information and tickets on application to ~J. P. Hanley, G.T.Ry. Agt. Agents in Kingston, THE ALLAN LINEy/ 77 Yonge Street, Toronto, LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- "BOAT CO. LIMITED. $3. North King & SS. Caspian 1,000 ISLANDS----ROCHESTER. Commencing July Ind steamers leave at 10.15 a.m. daily for Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Islands and Gananoque. of the Cartwright's Always go to a | Competent Optometrist You will get comfort. with glasses If you .consult KEELEY Jr. The Optometrist. Satisfaction guar- anteed or money refunded. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Clarence St. Ovens, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Garden Etc, who has been visiting. the. Misses , Daly, Brock Street returned this week fo her home in. Montreal, Mrs. R. Rayson has home after spending a with Miss Nan Skinner, Lodge, near Gananoque. "eee Screen Doors, Window Screens, Four returned Hose and Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, few days Cataraqui AGENTS TOR - Miss Molly Cartwright, Maples." . returned "on from Toronto. . Mrs. Herry Cartwright, who has "The The Celebrated "Brownlow" Filter and Thursday : --id---- Roosevelt Man Resigns, i : . Washington, July 27~Witlian# Pp. |1t is hoped Kingston will give this 2 Luck resigned, to-day, ss appraiser of | Proposed series the' support necessary been the guest of Sir Richard Cart- customs at New Orleans, Luck §|10 secute these artists wright and Lady Cartwright, "The : 3 - . | ---------------- ight 2 supporter of Col. Roosevelt, and in his , 210 CER Jiaples,': for a Jaw days returned on letter of resignation to Secretary Mac- 1 COLT HAD EIGHT | EET, riday oronto. Vian SA ie > sn do ' y te mute Rev. T. W. Neal and family, wil. |, **€h said he intended going in ' But One Dropped Off, and Now it liam street, have gone out to spend | ° | Has Only Seven. . the summer at Mr, H. W. Richard. | Np v RA St. Thomas, Ont, July 27. Richard 8011's mines. Miss Mabel Richagd- | Pic-nic of the Season. od a ly son is thelr guest. At the fair 'grounds, Mondav, | Moore, an Oxford township farmer, Or 226 Princess Street. 'Phone 027. Water Coo er. ' : $ : Phone 35. :-: 77 Princess St. FETFSISITIVIIITIVSIBY PFS ISI SV IIFIISFIBISG. CLLLLLLEL50L000L00 CLL0ELLIPNRSY > leave at 0 p.m. for Ro- via Bay of Quinte, call. and Belle. Returning, chester, N.Y, ing at Picton, Deseronto ville. ' Freight handled, with -despatzh at reasonable rates. . J. P. HANLEY, Ticket agent, JAS. SWIFT & Co, Freight Agents E. E. HORSEY, General Manager RESIGNS POST IN TURKEY. CHICAGO BARTENDER July ; br and Mrs. Franklin Kidd, of | 29th, Civic holiday. = All' kinds . of | Possosscs fin oa ks which is sore : ; : 'ny | 8 Ors, x ' O months ols Te young animal Hava, are the §udsts ob by. Koaa pe a thas the unusual number of seven feet, bare! street. a Th Ve ln i Ice cream bricks. "Gibson's." | and 'an eighth foot, w hich) was only Mrs. P. H. Gilbert, of Toronto iy | Albert Oakes, Philadelphia, succum- [Connected wieh a small ligiment, foll Spending a few days with her sister, bed after (wenty-nine days of suf ion » fou days sf fu birth. fhe BX e : 3 . . Al ' | - } £0! t " i ra oe are a ach O each eg 1m Mrs. Reginald Brock, Alice street. rng tom Song poinos e ii mediately behind the regular fet and] she oveupied the chair of biology, Dr Alice |cide June Mth he swallowed growing out from (he fetlock. « The Marlon ackenzie, a graduate of the ! bichloride tablets of seven lementary feet are slightly small {{ niversity of Pennsylvamia and a 3 ea : ' | than the others." The jeolt is =a rast, has Fytussd here. r " owders. "GG 's." {handsome young. specimen and the] Dr. Mackenzie, Who was a passenger Buy Eg or Jags. of an Moul | owner has already refused $1,000 {or {aboard the Kaiserin Adguste Victoria trie "hilo bathing off "the post bar | his curiosity. of io Hamburg Anieriean bine; does » 3 . i t dd t p LT p Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick ar- racks, was attacked by a shark, epee cen AA a rived in town on Thursday from |which bit of three ol his toes and study of the political conditions in Saranac 1.ake, N.Y., and is the guest laceraied his ankle. Turkey and other foreign countries, of her brother, Mr. Charles Kirk- | 'Flmoré Munroe, a small boy Wsit- The University of Pennsylvania re patrick, Frontenac street, {ing at the home of his grandfather, at ceived a communication last Septem Mr. Charles Crookall arrived Fitzroy Harbor, picked up a dyna- b "0G 3 r ro} . ber, asking for a woman who could trom New York, on Friday, and will mite cap on Thursday and procesded g0 to Constantinople and occupy the spend a few days with his wife and | to investigate it. It exploded and chair of biology. Dr. John M. Me family, King street. pie of his hand was blown away. Farland; head of the botanical de Miss Pennock, of Ottawa, who has Buy kodaks, films, "Gibson's." ram, leading woman of a film manu- 5 of the + versity of Penn been visiting Mrs. Reginald Brock Ex d Nicholson, a graduate of V. | facturing cor revealed] her idan. | Pariment of ini y. © nn . : AWA A) ' 1] ig . company, rey of JCe0- | gvlvania, selected Dr. Mackenzie for Alice street, is now spending a few L. Hall's drug store, Perth, has sold {tity. She is Adele Buck, a wellknown} (i, iti days in Gananoyue hii - hand Matt d | Bent ty Femi Y { the position. om 3 Ranogue. drug business in. Mattaws, : and | Hoston sdcicty girl and daughter of a During her stay in 'larkey, Mr Wiliam 83 has gone out west. millionaire, who left her fat r's home| Mackenzie organized an Nature 5 Mrs. oy Mia Shion and or SE , early this year to travel fwith the and other organizations. ian ChE: Co Ht re ota ite waar 1 hr 4 Taqui Lodge, Gana: ue . > have been notified. . A Freak Kitten. | y noque. Mids Buck is a graduate of Wellesley : oy Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick and with the class of ' 11, and 'n member] DPennisen, Obic, July 27.--This story little son, Frontenac = street,' will of a Wellesley society. 3 concerns a freak, kitten, and may be leave 'next Ssturday for Halifax, to : : ax Spend some time with Mrs. Kirk: someone somewhere can tell how many gd lant month he had another at- bi . Lives it had. " jtack of intestinal trouble and was \ patrick'separents, the Bishop of a Bias Yetfuq Thiuitne, of Nova Seotia and Mrs. Clare Worrell. REI, ash. uly. 2~The Inier- ) "owtionsl Harvester : : ; y All mathematicians in Dennisen ad- | *g8in operated on. Mr, Carscalien had : grinalhtererrte A SER be 1:7 TRE a "Hend hers; WP] i im hn 3 5 ] + Had Proper orm i -~y 4 eon ie a w : F no great shortage in binder twine, Hel P94ie, of Stillwater, and it was kifl'| Napanee, in*August, 1572, to-day to "spend his holidays with lat. low rafésian an adverts legs and three tails. Raymond Callender, aged four, was ¥8 Mr. Duff will go to Sherbrooke, Wyérs. It was companies handling binder twine and and one black: eight of ihe logs were | weighing a ton toppled over on him. {do le, legally of course, for their pL v Monster Pic-Nic. Slaer. tied the matter definiteiy--there was erica will lsave hourly, no fight. % | on the he nade an ! Meals. Adults," 2c. be raised to their highest efficiency, for 1 spec parilla. 3 40 they » re pad tod io har | Hood" rsapari br ena, 6 a storm which pessed [found ome had lodged in hid brain Hood Ss Sa $hiy cannot vexing pro-| Deen--conmectsdwith the Tawers hotel Wells, is of the opigion thers will be blém. The kitten belonged to James | 10r nineteen years, He was born in Mr. Max Duff; of the Bank of y ol + \ fed today by a vicious tomeat -------------- Be , ®, Whe Ilha Marvel, of Tucker- . Av by a 2 5 ---- 5 Montreal, Hamilton, arrived in town en Wiliam Mas died. Svery Re apasmato Airtage il i tui The kitten had thres heads, twelve| Buy.paper. towel, *Usbeon-s. his parents, Col. and Mrs. Ravwisay 9 : nt. Two of the heads were grey and|killed while at play in a cemetery at Duff, Princess street. After his holi. |" Poiativen fund | Farmers do not putin orders \ with ono black; two of the tails were gray | Poughkeepsie, when a tombstons » P.Q.. to which place he has been Ia Fival Claimants were reads L1| consequently they do-not' stock up. nd four black dq rival claimants were ready t 4 EIay a oar ek. " transferred. : rH a r The body was a mixture of gray and : #1 go Oris Bf the first things found pmeng! Spend Civie holiday at Long Island g Roots 4 his: ndpers however na i at Park (Brophy's Point). Steamer Am- at 9 am. supper k . b per famed Sh is Ae Barks Herbs irs foes And bu. Sr tHat, children : BA band after- That have gre are + be Sul in cass noon and evening. Dancing. : Urfying and enriching blood; ae orm is Secampan y a re B bib powders, "tiiba ae ty are combined in Hood's Sarsa- will « Tull instructions for uy powders, "Gibson's."" € cr] : s ; anes 3 be ive 10 &¢t a Marguis Louis de Montebello Buy talcum powders. "Gibson's, : a ajumatials ractived by Astusl a indisputable. AF® found desd under s tree pear his fired two | count If two years. sure is by ail statloners and atug- Chatedu at' Mercille, struck by light- Ha Get it tofay. Sold b¥ all ie Bub was walked 8 mily to Ent ea Wins a Scholarship to University. Chicago, July 27 Study and work were mixed 43 he mixed drinks be. hind his father's bar, and, to-day, John Larsen holds the first scholar: ship given by the Princeton Club, of Chicago. All his expenses. will be paid for four, vears at the New Jersey Uni- versity s ; - When other young men of his were strolling in the glare of "white lights," Larsen - worked studied. Often a pen was behind his ear as he drew a glass of beer, and many Limes he was compelled to lay aside hig algebra to mix a gin fiz. He is an expert bartender, as he is an excellent student. While be worked every night until one o'clock in his father's sa loob, he accomplished the four years' course at the Evanston Academy, making a good record in his studies, as well as on the baseball and foot ball field. * Pr. Marion Mackenzie Leaves Work . at Girls' College. Philadelphia, Pa:, July 27. After an absence of almost a year which was spent at the American College {on Girls at Constantinople, Turkey, where Princeton Miss Kathleen Saunders, Street, is in Hamilton spending few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ford, Winn{- | peg, are the guests of Mrs. Ford's mother; Mrs. Swales, Gore street, three | : sup grains fr oy I age the and STEAMERS 3 » " Kingston" and Leave Kingston daily a p.m. for Charlotte and Toronto, arriving Char lotte 10.15 pm, Terente 7 o'clock folk lowing morning, Eastbound steamers daily at § aan Mootreal and return, $13.00] Including Ahehee and return, 3 enln & Chicoutimi nud get, 237 . WEED-END TRIPS, Montreal and' return, $6.00, Cinnd to return boeatsvor call. untid Monday Foronto, $5.00: Charlotte, $3.75 For al! Information, tickets, ete, ply to 3 I. I HANLEY. Agent, "Toronto" REVEALS HER NAME on Table. San Francisbo, July ~Just before she went on 'the operating [table at the Merrits hospital in Oaklhnd to go under the surgeon's kuife, Vidah Bert- Before Going the Operating leave Kingston We have 48 pairs of Summer Pants secured from one of 'the best American Houses, to , 4 : Slear at. a. i 'that CH FOSTER CAF REE n ould tempt the pocket of the most. cargful buy- er. The are worth from $25 np Ir Bt Club Death of KE. R. Carscallen. | The death of Edward R. Carseallen, - assistant manager of the Power hotel, Rochester, occurred at St. Mary's hos. pital. Mr. Carscallen underwent an operation for appendicitis in April, Quebec Steamship Company 200 to $5.60, and 'Riverand Gulf of St. Lawrencel[| "7 © LIMITED, Summer Cruises in Cool Lotitudes, 58. 'Cascapédia," 1,900 tons, with anijf . aT ons, With al modern FAILS FROM MONTREAL ON THURSDAY, at 4 pm. 1st, 15th and 20th August] and from Quebse thé fol- lowing day at noon for Picton, N.S. eating at Gaspe, Mal Ray. Serce, Punimerside, PEL snd Charlottetown, |} New York From Quebec. Via the far-tamed River Saguenay, falling at Gaspe, Charlottetown and Halifax, 88 Trinidad, 2,600 - tons, sall from Quebec at 8 pm, Sth 23rd August. New York to Bermuda o Bummer Excursions by the Twin Berew ES. "Bermudian" 10.51 displacement; 2 * 5b utr ; Mrs. Shaw and Miss Grange, of Napanee. are the guests of Mrs. Slarbent N. Robertson, Wellington bet. Mrs. Muckler, of Oshawa, 'ar- tived ih town on Thursday, and is the guest of Mrs. G. Booth Wil : Ham street, {ous © Mrs. R. M. Brigstock and ttle : baby, Cobalt, are 'expected in town | men tthe middle of August to visit | [OUT Mrs. Brigstock's parents, Mr. and 'wm. Lesslie, pr! Bek and --t------ Yacht Albina To Kingston Mills, every day, com mencing Mcaday, July 29th. © Leaves foot of Princess S¢. 9% am. 11am and 2 p.m. Returning leaves Kingston Mills at 4 'pw. and 6 pm. , Fare 2c. 15¢. 15e. was Ee | adi, ANGE Awciite, ow bus Be AURnEC sTRAWSHI® comPANT | kits Alice Misuse, will lsave on the of August to d ihe remainder of the sum- Mrs. W ; Barrie street, 1he re, creams. 'Gibson's. 0 i Store, 380

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