PAGE FOUR. - ¢ \ THRE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, JULY 27, "». ne, S-- RAZORS At 50c to $2.00 each Safety's at 75¢ to $5.00 Guaranteed or Money retuned at --g "oes. {does something very soon. Naval -- HARDWOOD FLOORING 78in. ' thick, tongued and groov ple Flooring, trimmed and bundled. A 'good durable Flooring for rooms, Halls or shops, in which wear is the chief con- sideration. Price $30.00 per thousand feet. Oall and see it. S. Anglin & Co. | FOOT OF BAY ST. | A BARGAIN in Ontario, at $8 per year WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, ursday morni at .$1 m.year be added, mak price-of Daily $3 ¢ Attached is © TORONTO OFFICE ~--Syuite Street, Toronto. H. E. 19 and Smallplece, J The Canadian navy does not amount to much, and it. will soon be a thing of the past---unless the government Ie eruiting does not seem to have been a Hu cess. Dothing has been done at the out. of office. "The the Montreal Gazette, "illustrates a weakness in the 1 since liberal government went situation," savs plan of the experiment, of. which the Niobe the other. Ki is easy to buy warships Rainbow is one part and the and comparatively It for trained crews and to make and keep them ethicient. cong farther than Canada in developing of certain types, easy to build them of any type. 18 not easy to get the material Australia, has a navy has found this owt, and depends ° 18 pames, published In pasts on 'taction that may he THE WHIG BEVENTYNINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306:310 King Street, Kingston, Editions 'at 2.30 and. 4 pm Monday and tage had to ited States 1 Weekly atge for po 1.50 per year e of the best Job Printing Offices In Canada; rapid, styl- isli, and cheap work; nine improved presses 3 THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED ) J. Gi. Elliott, President, Leman A, Gulld, Nee. Trehs. 7: ' Church Chambers, 32 0 P., Queen City representative A CRISIS IS AT HAND ------ a -- on Great Britain for about two-thirds of the trained men on its ships. ft jg which must finally hfluence u factor any workable plan for common naval decided upon." Improvement ean only come. when the government declares its pohey and has in it some progressive plan of wtion. The young men of ( anada are not goibg to sea as a profession, un less the occupation is both attractive and remunerative, and unless seamsn ship has a distinct future for them should men who serve I'he men in the navy be as well paid as the in other capacities, and until they are the naval force will be deficient. There must, too, he promotion, and this cannot be while the ship of state is'at sea without chart, rudder or com pass, n------ ------------ se " Kingston cannot afiord to nus any industrial enterprise which is dlined to losate in it, and it has los one, establishment whose saw a difliclty ahead, that of secur a. plentiful supply: of One manufacturer, on a former occa m promoter: ing labour sion, reported that he would be bet tee off by removing elsewhere, and especially to #& ceflain place thi part, but thé labour factor was never mn so much emphasized as.-at present and when capital passed by on its ac count. A scarcity of labour rious one make a trip across the cit at any and he will find many A apparently idle, and in ! Let the cu time men, scarce) of employment. . These are doing the city a_serious damage. They ave giv f----------ninihe Everybody's Doing It What ? Why Getting In Gas Hot Water Heaters We have a Nickel-plated Instantaneous Gas Hot Water Heater which will give you 2 to 3 gallons of scalding hot water per minute At only $29.00. Other Heaters at $8.00, $10.00 ahd $13.00. Also, Gas Hot Platés at $2.25, $2.50 and $3.25. Come in and see and buy. $1.50, David Hall 66 Brock St. Phone 335 | ing it an advertisement which fs ex ceedingly hurtful. ~The current idea-- | which is évidently erronecus--is that A SCARCITY OF LABOUR. es ne town or the eity which guaran ves steady employment will be as a magnet to the travelling classes. . The larger the manufacturing in ol thes ino titution the greater the anxiety t* managers "to secure the help The sleged, is for weed, common concern, cheap power... It is 2 great consideration, but it is thee only A greater, is the qu nol one, greater, 'infinitels of snd for. men who are, willing to work, on service steadily, cheerfully, with some regard 'or the employers' interests, and some for the success of the place in which he makes his home. And the industrious citizen deplore the fact that idle men persist in giving it a bad name. Thos should organize andgmaks those. not scek room elsewhere, and Without the right to interfere with ils progress or must its who work who will standing suc labour attracts population, and that (C88. oem The fact that the city has been making enquiry about - filtration, though failing, through any commit: tee, to commit itself to any plan or system, is having some result, One. of HER firm, making a mechanical plant undoubted superiority, has sent represempative here, and he has looked over 'the ground and equipped himself with ipformation which will enable him later to submit plans and specifi- cations® and a definite proposition, It which the board of which was this system health examined, and inclined to recommend, though stop- ping skort, according to the chairman of the Utilities' Committee, 'of (aking | a stand upon the question. A Philadelphia Tirm has become in- terested 'in the matter, and before the first of September, will be in a posi- to talk Its system tion business 'to the coupeil is sand filtration, under pressure, and in a series of cylinders, REDUCED PRICES + Balance of Season My line of Antique Furniture will be sold at re- duced prices during the Lot Weather season. \ Come' in and see the Jar- galns, HOUSEHOLD GOODS bought and sold on best terms. Consult me. L. LESSES Cor Princess and Chatham Sts, » e 10435. All boats must have lights on afier dark, We have the regulation kind both in Brass and Galvanized kind from $1.50 to $4.50. u BATTERIES and DRY CELLS. ELECTRIC TORCHES. POCKET LAMPS. one capable of purifying * the water passing through it and at the each 1 it » was MORE ABOUT FILTERS. rt cd rate of 500,000 gififns a day. Ten of these will for a supply of five milhon gallons, which js an provide ex cess of the present about 2,000,000 gallons, and the plan consumption by city of the plant can he easily and indefinitely extended. filled be cleansed with sand of their minutes, and i I'he filters--largely and gravel--can impurities in a few necessary every day it chamber in which Before the water reaches them passes through a it 18 treated with a solution of alum. This afiects the bac that the filters tersa and fits them for the film forms vipon the "surface of This 1s a feature of the svstem that is highly it ae ceptable wherever Three thi just and makes it tried. Rivers, Quebec," has a plan of kind instafled its duplicate. = A commended, 18 in use, and Saskatoon has the board of health should asked fo inspect from it it and report upon only th€ best if Kingston wants | does cost 250 001). of construction is such that the capa' deputation be Toronto is seriously agitated by a decision 'vi the privy councll, and to the effect that the radial railway com pany may put poles in North Torta for the extension of of th received to and prepare its lines without the consent municipality. Toronto has 80 many reverses om appeals to dw Highest court in the realm that more cannot be -very surprising, an vet the people ave disturbed than usual, and with good cause. The trouble in the case. arises from the power which has been granted under an act of the federal parlia ment. The railway comes under tis \headinyg. of a work for the r | Canada, not Ontarlo alone, and th: charter is given or awarded by of the larger parliament. In ovent, whether the legislation is of ¢ on more good eo" act an » Sonu great corporation decides to do som AN END OF CONFLICT. oe 1 from parliament, and it usualy We eeds. The evil of hasty action is in dicated in Jhis case. Laurierism the The Toronto News, with yn the brain, would hold fiberal goveroment, to account. his conflict of legislation, or legisla But ion which invited conflict between the wovinial and federdl powers, is not i recent origin. Its history yack many years, away into the days when ther Macdonald government wigned, and when there was a mani: dates ast desire for a collision between the political parties. There has been enough of this thing, nd' the -polrtien] parties should unite n declaring for an end of it. There should be no difficulty in determining he relations between the province and ihe domipion, agd the rights of th nuniduality should not be denied it. late! 10 retsove the disabilities Her Cun and he is htical n Queiwe but ihe Hog aid, fc of is credited with ha Mr A Aor T'ranseontin wn the a favow which the major des to grant Henceforth his usel 3 fuine only with Mr. Roger has the pegple the majo awn for his iob that that he 1s the nan I'he of nounced chocolate a food, mugistrats swontosha th which on Sunday i istifia ble. Judge fact sol hers ment was imfluenced the chocolate was "sent to the in South Was 'the delicacy, Mrica as food. ut was hoeolate not regarded a t the presentation of whick to the men in the field was intended asa rempinder of the affection of friends at hame 7 | [HE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS : A Hunmne rd the - Act. Vindsor Ree Altogether, be noth humane and , and' worthy of emulation by tl 1s] bodies ff other 3 1. 4 looks to Lve ree counts Reas6r to be Timid. Mtawa Kree Press Hon. Mr. Lobhn, to Hon. | Haultain, as he contemplates a ral election plunge weslern water for conservative Og. WwW: gene- "I'm airard this is very "cold Just now constitutions 0 Tactics of Trades People. New York Herald In its final positron the medical pro- fession, has adopted the Lictics of the {rades-unions. it struck high pay and expects to ford gov- ernment to its has for the LO Gon terms, Grand for Repeal. itawa Journal lalk in Washington is again that congress "Will repeal the reciprocity of fer to Canada. Pshaw, why ? Canada let a reciprocity the United states stand open for forty vearse olter to Hard on the Landlords, Hamilton ven when under the official responsibibity, Lloyd-George has succeeded in making high shiver and fume by his vitriolie speech- 1 he Should to be more free Times restrammt © of society Pe resign othee in order to conduct an agita tion in favor of radical reform of the land laws, vhe may drive the landlords 1th sanitariums, The Man' On Watch The Lampman vear 1887 when the late man John Carson over the late Edwin townspeople, however, favored the gal lant then thirty-one vears of age, who made the promise to his friends that if electhd he wed, and he faithfully kept his two years afterwards, It the late Whig proprietor, Edw I. B. Pense, that' Mr. ( at for his first 'municipal lesson in the town ouncil. Mavor then thirtv-iwo and Council Cars tvsfive. There certainly blood" the council well remembers the ouncil- mavor I'he Fown ( was elected Chown, young man, only would pro mise was under arson Pende wa only ear of a m bat twe was "voung e dave man in in tho aware, carcely read it in the ua that the late Wil wl the town both l It stems Lampman for Mr. Robin member at To gentleman met he told eft Kip He had no des from Lampman present until the pers last Monday, liam Robinson ta council and in but uw short hea | con to be Kingston't ronto. When the old him months that. the next {ime would He for end near, awd Ei generation was soy thee to S100 cast his vote 0 Wo him vid he It the the tory meeting years this old first in the when mors stalwart learned years that aboot town hall, over annexasti was sixty m to the United States broached. and that the large majority of 'the delegates spoke in favor of it He had accompanied an old friend to the meeting s a spectator Fhe words of, Mr. Robinson ve these "Finally Ogle R. Gowan arose and de Jared the only annexation he "BROSOPER | DR, WHITE & ago, was a were \ that --Hnpr nent cannot be advanced by the rude devices of the average corpors- jon. om = thing-and proceeds to get authorit ins, The label on the old Cataraqui bridge, and to the Sect thal it is the property of the public works depart- ment, is suggestive of some thoughts. In its present condition the brides is not a credileds® the government, and the work of enlarging and improving {it cannot be begun too soon, The Odd Fellows" Relief Association is a Kingston institution. Jt was or ganized here, and it has. had largely the success that has attended it EDITORIAL NOTES. at. i through the devotion oi those who have been connected with its manage tient. Long may it comtifiue to in- crease in membership and usefulness. The Orange Sentinel refuses to be lieve, namely, that the western provinces will not stand for a con- tinuation of present tariff conditions. The loyalty of the western Canadians it mot to be questioned simply be cause they are discontented. The way to intensify that loyalty, however, is Tn the following Diseases of Men: Ries [Yaricocele | Asthma | Soph Skin Diseases Emissions | Kidoey.Aflecticas And Blood, N Call or snd histor: i 4 + = Toronto St, Toronts, Ont, : a A ----. S------ PRESERVING -SBALERS, A 'Lot of Preserving Sealers Bale: also New and Second-hand Beds and Furniture Call and see me if you want a bar gain. Street, for sta Opposite 2 that | He nly the (denagture C On Regular $1.00, 1.25, C Straw Hats Palms, Senait. Braids, good shapes, - sizes 6) to 7%, your choice for 1.50 Hats, for $2.5 Borsalino-Italian Grade Goods, New Shade orings. $3.50 and $4.50 Soft Hats 0 Hats, special High s, New Col Peter Pan Shirts 50c Plain White Negligee Shirts with standing Soft Collar attached, sizes 14 to' 163, Bibby's special 75¢ and' 1.00 values, 50c Sale of Fancy Hosiery New Styles, New Colorings, regu- lar 35¢. and 40¢ yualities, Bibby's 25c¢ be the annexa States to for would United Union he the out would stand of the the when by threw tion Canada under Jack cheer took and said that, aml the of the neek of the hall." - My Robinson was surely a Britisher to the core, me seruff me IP Ie pretty hard, sava the on the het had unable Lampman ame day, had sent Lf in aged mother, that that hee 1c 1o hear | | diced ! 1 jail [a fing one of SONS and another been he was Lo pa tor being drink Y occurred in this town imposed that was this what week, Fhe Lampman would recommend the town Lible it more | Society, hefore sends to buy he that in suppl contribut ons for people far {1 spend some of its money ing Bibles to the Ringston churche He would ventury that in som: of the churches, it would be difficult to find a Bible, autside of the big one from which the minister The people no longer "find the place," and follow the of the Word as they did twenty-five years ago Last sbbath when at church the Lampman looked in the pews around him for a Bible, but failed to see one, and he did not like to gel up and ask ushers to go to the vestry and secure one for him, although he it sure they would have done <o ~THE TOWN WATCHMAN. fan {an {Tiood Book awa to say reads, reading service, For the Old Boy® the 'Thousand Islands by steamers Nerth King or Caspian, touring both American and Canadian cliaunels, and leaving daily at 10.15 a.m. Fare 56 J! P. Hanley, agent. 1 La | Nothing terterthmr a trip among | tier. X.Y, via Bay of Quinte. BIBBY"'S Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. Wa CONVICTS HIS WIFE I got up and | Atlanta Husband Blames Her for Injuries. Atlanta, in $ rutlty," said Ys BRC w who is aly 27 Eugene Gra to be 1 of hig Monday hoot 297 GOO tried next on a charge of drugging and wm order which she paralized mn " ng him surance Lying cot Newman, wile. | "I am glad she is to be tried. | Gracs, "and ¥ am glad 1 am | to he a witness against her, ove {have to be carried | streténer. | "l've been here nearly four montl {flat on my back, not able to | anything but my arms, my head {shoulders. I'm half a dead man {1 used to have life in every inih {my hody A {i "But mv wile comes to {Mondav--an Monday," he | slowly. "And she's the only {who put me here. She put me ary back in this fix. If | were to die this minute," he went vaio rising, "I'd swear she me 'd swear she did it eold bloodedly, lor my money, and left me as I am i wari her punished and m will convinos the jury she shot me "I shalt never rest till she i bvicted and m taken from he to get in carried on his lif the wound home attacked from iL his on a mother's Lirace bitterly aul row nif! into court on a move ms and trial repeated, on our on going on, his shot On name 1,000 Isiafids--Zochester, "Bleamers Caspian «nd North King leave at 10.15 a.m. daily for 1.000 [4 iand points, and at 5 p.m. for Roches J. P Haley, agent. of | -------- A IAKES ISSUE with i { Birth Rate, Liverpool, July 2% r James : president. of 4 | he British Assotiation, whe noted auth on variou address yesterday, way denuncinticn of ling wt | ren reuis, tigen min that famous bod plain world a to poken in doctrin® of the regardless of he lithe Physical d& inot to be { He knew ng ha rene te ed to add that auch mio' oor novi ib | j Christian hurches which gardloss of « Ad |claring that it better to Ix {an imbecile than not to. be born ! Eh 2 !that it weré well a never been born. | Sir Japus ref sed to act the made moraliiy of the | There musi, he said racial morality, based on the greatest happiness, ne the ndividaal, but of the | everybody eonsidered his {sponsibility to the ra in a few generations moral and bighls usequences, b IT all he aving of certain mndn x bw | pure, race. At vt b. B Tae. hs August Hentre Watlord will be the Horne My ol wos ind ug at Henfrews t « x Gold Locket for Hodgson. Montreal, July 27:--1he eity of Mon treal will present George Hodgson, the Montreal swimmer, who won -+ Stockholm, with 8 gold locket. Fe will be met on landing by the mavor and other civie oilicials : About thirty assembled at the hom of L. B Stover, Camden: Fast, -on Saturday, to say good-bye 16 Mee. and Miss Homan. previous to their to Yarker, and presented them with two beautifully upholstered chairs, Miss Homan has been a faithful worker in the Methodist church at Camden East, Only when compulsory is labor ures a H. MAN Ontario pos! Craig's Wholesale, TE -- WeHavePlenty of Coal LAR CT prea , {the doctrine of a high birth rat Meds Nir dames Bary on Question of Mich CHURCHES,