ee PAGE six, {bay assigned, at the request of J. A. KEY A DU DULL SPE | Sooty. its liabilities amount to $1b, 800, iy I Montreal has a full-fledged fumor to} | i 'BOU NTIS PAID BY THE CAN- {the effect 'that the Hochelaga bank w ADIAN GOVERNMENT {be absorbed by ome of the hage Eng a A | lish banking institutions It ix reported that a reorganization A Big Coal Deal in Penusylvania-- | the board of directors of the Dunn Best Report in the History of the! Yidie, Wellandport and Beamsville | : > | Electric ilway 13 Bow' under way. 2 z - 3 o > - " . Corporation, Chios hs Brockville, Eo io ; 3 > ; oo { r Clothes Say While if You Treat 3 1-16c.; Vankleek iM, 12 11-16c. tc Z . \ : : ; 3 3 5,12 3110 © 4 (J ro aNAY Them Right.: "Use Comfbre Soap. :h Ottawa; July 26.<Bounties paid by |; | the Canadian gavernment for indus [ tria) encoutagement in the fiscal ea |! ending. March 3lst last, are | DESBARAT'S DIRECTORY as follows? Urude petroleum, $141, ws Lar Bans ah Bos Of Cesatian Fora + vat] lil Neal oh 7 A \ [POSITIVELY the LARGEST SALE in CANADA 28%: wire rods, paid only during first ke ble Vol | ; ; 2 A ; 4 . > three months of thecfiscal year; $166, able \olume. i # . z A 750, 'th 1911 bounties were paid: the | Since thie publication. of the last is | entire year on wiré rods and amount |#ue al the Disbarals Newspapep Dirce | ed to $526,558" y jtory, the , whole newspaper situation {11} : o ria lof Canadas has changed. to' so great | ; zr ny : Million Dollar Coal Deal. {an extent that the 1912 edition of this = z { {directory will 'be gladly welcomed by | E Johnstown, Pa., July 26-- Announce 2 > Jo = \8 ; 2 i 1 - : ment was made of the -consummation jatvertisers and others interested in! 4 : hee x x < 0 Ww S H E 'S L: E of a $1,000,000 coal deal in Northern | PCV SPaper acts. The new edition i ! wu : yg. £ N ey i NY : ( ) Cambria and Indiana counties by the'[T00re compréhensive than apy -of its | 2 4 : . A Manor Real Estate and Trust "com | predecessors and brings «the informa : : : == y | ay £. \ V/ = . 'Tans : di Patents - 'Blacks pany, of. Philadelphia, options for {tion up to the latest period of any di i 5, ERA ve ake ht. Teoh 8 pl | BS §4,$4.50 Well for $3.65 $2.5, $3 Welt fo $1.65 ajo. A very satisfactory feature is the : =f Ba Y . & - . . More than 9,000 acres of rich rhine- (¥! eatly increased number. of publishets | ] -- ln A) a V. i a - . . UP. TO- DATE REPAIRS ral land is involved. Early dévelop of leading nes spa pers and periodi ' : ' = . \ 2 oA ment of the tract is expected, who have given sworn detailed state \ = D ) > - 3 OHNST ON"S SHOE S T ORE No ments of circulation. A larger number . : Lo R . JN RRL . - Reports Best Year in its History, [than ever of country 'weeklies have! ; fuss © or A : . 8 . 70 BROCK STREET. Philadelphia July' 26.--'khe annual |#LYER exact cureulation statements, : . \! a 5 i> 3 JULY " . The i i 3 p : RX report of the Philadelphia Rapid Fhe population figures and , other 'f'ransit company for the year ended | tatictics, are taken from the domin- June 30th last, made public, vester. ion census of 1911, the first Issie in diy, is the best in the history of the which these figures are, used Tn 8 news i = " 3 paper directory. The usual gazetteer * Hlustrating the popular view. of the "wrong decisions" rec i give ! \ : : Ne corporation g ecisions' recentl give b rivy . tie the year the company spent features are included and & list of the | Canadian municipalities. ¥ 8 ¥ the Privy Council against £650,645 for the near-side cars and manufacturers in each city and town : 3 c > $ given, The Desbaruts BPirectory isl = ins Wl TTT. . op - the report sety forth that these, new i . Te A -- fenders and 'other safety appliances the only directory giving a lst of ; LATE T. A. AMEY. "THE TOWN OF GAN ANoQU E. EVOLVES A SCHEME caused a reduction of twenty-five "per manufacturers." It is ° attractively AS ful IE ee = cent. in the number of cases against bound in cloth, 'contains 333 pages Ueesstul and. Knergetic Resident! death in' w atertown, N.Y, of Edward Gurney's Pl s Plan 'to Relieve Cakes the company. and the publisher's price is $5. of Ernesttown. George W. Pennock. Prai : Gross earnings for the | year The Desbarats Agency have made a | Napanee Beaves July 27. --Ge Wil aitle lian. were $22,700,691, apd net earnings | Practice of sending a copy of the Di A well-known, highly esteemed and}, pn Penbock Lh " W rt RN y In the Christian Guardian, Edward 3 i hain pi i respecte side i Ld, © é oO , Gurney, the well-know oron > were 85,751,560. Fixed charges amount {rectory to amy business concern who | respected resident of Ernestiopn, mn |g : nown ronto | ., . . rar Cakeloming akbie Failte ing tq $%,002,350 ees deficit, | 1% interested in advertising on receipt the person of Thomas Ashton Amey, ated al i nine yesterddy morning. | manufacturer and a prominent Metho. | FOr € ooking and Drinking, also for Cakelecing and Making Fudge, s of reiest, for the mominal price of | passed away, Saturday evening, June | pn. ih ad | eh tl but 'a week. Mr. Pen-| dist; ofters some strong comments and y Be. All requests ¢hould be made on |2bth, 1912, after an illness of only a Sia 4 iy ; Pin in Elgin, forty-six Suggestions growing out of a recent Big Stock Dividend. the stationery of the firm making the few months' duration of that fatal widow agu - is survived by his | visit in the wesi, thus Directors of general dlectric company application to the Desharats Advertis- | disease, "Anurism of the Aorta, All Bee is ay @ Bughters, Mis. M. 8 During a recent visit to the west, .1 vs (Ameitean) in session in Boston, fave 178 Agency, limited, Montreal. that medical skill and careful nursing o thes, and Miss Hazel Pennock, and had an opportunity of hearing the We can place inve dorlared an extra stock.dividend of 30 --_-- could do was of no avail, wo sons, George and Howard Pen {question of igolation discussed © rug: per cout: iu addition to regular 2 per . a : Mr. Amey, Son of the late Solomon | 20%: A brother, Sterling, of Gana- | geatively by a member of the Lay cht quaterly disbursement = RENDEZVOUS OF TOURISTS. Aifiey; was born June 20th, 1852. on 1R094e: go four satin; Mrs. .d ames men's Association of the Manitoba - ' . 3 . : > { | : . : : py ge ; the same homestead where he spent tanton, of Portland; Mrs. Sarah Mur- [ conference, Subsequently the gocial { > : « v - ~ Aj | - o 1 rr Sandton th & 3 per Sat People are Having Pleasure Abont|his lite as a very progressive fa phy, Torontpe:, Mrs. Clinton Bogart, | condition of the west was kept pro " S J ct opo 1S in authorized capital stock from Jaspar Park. On rebruary Zind, has, he married | Um Hollow, and Mrs. Charles Einer-|minent during niy visits' to other _ . Emma Jane Parrott, daughter of the |¥90 Lyn, "also sutvive. The funeral {towns and cities of Maniiol and $50,000,000 00,000,000. The pre- | According to a report received at $s Vang Ae 1 : 1 - k a 3 seat pit Anns 0: PH p Beng ang in Monreal ion the |' Me John Parrott, of Ernesttown, | ® ill be held Sunday Interment will | Saskatchewan.-1 found that the peo ire absolutely sale and a 5 : i together spent their h : «1. | Le made in Ndrth Watertown ple that 1 met were unanimous! it 600.00 d AReE di 4 « an g spen appy wed 3 : i ay 1 $77,000,000, so that the payment of 'p ger department of the , Grand ded life in the pleasant home, where \t the session of Cambric lodge, [favor of church umion and that with MW per cent: stock dividend would | Trunk, Pacific, Jasper 1 ark and the he quietly fell asleep when: the day's | NO. 13, on Tuesday evening last aout exception ms to denominafon 1 F bring the outstanding stock up to al- Yellowhead country are rapidly be- work was done " pleagant event was brought to a very | This led me to some construetiv hid most exdutly 100,000,000, {coming a rendezvous of tourists and The deceased Was soundly converted | Satisluctory issae, under (he head of thought, assuming anion ul a ba ic TRANSPORTATION I VG 'TRE Holders ate entitled to 230 worth [the mountaineers from all parts of |, : i nar unt eral Na Ol Eh 0 Binh 011 PRANSPOR BUILDING, MONTREAL, QUL. f now stock for every $100 of stoo: {the duminion, from continental Eup [1° U0d 10 carly lile, and has been He [Tan Fx. Wj sian proposition. Nhat is needed is some ol on 4 It Nov. 2 1d <n 1 d f » he U 1 8 " a value member of the Odessa Metho Richards, recently married, were called | social outlook for the women and at par value they now hale Fhe ope, and from the Uiiud tates. | jist church for over thirty vears, He |fornard, and a handsome pair of par-| young people," especially the - women dinteibution is meant to reimburse Preparations are already being made | 0 Jiso at the time of * his death a |lor chairs presented to them They {Une man whose wife was in an asy holders for dividends passed or de. for the visit of the AMpine Club of smbe f i prise hum remarked that he could t ] i | J member of the board of directors Q were taker n completely' by surprise, but « 1at he could not un clared since 1893. Canada, which will camp in the Yel- Lennox and Addington Fire Insurance made a very feeling reply. & derstand why, *'as she had never been : lowhead. coun.ry next year. Provis- company, secretary tor muny yeat oi \ government engincer has been en- | out of the Kitchen for years." Big Order of Steel Rails. {ions will be made for from 100 to karmers Friend chéese factony, and | gaged during the past few davs it Now | suggest that the countr! of the cabinet council a contract for w a ing ma i hw viel 9 ig beautitul wreath and 'met the corpse | for considerable dredging to be don (ded into social districts corresponding =u, oo tons of steel rails was given Canadian Modical Association 10 lin a body at the Udessa churen, wiere | between thi mouth of the river and [in area with the conferences, that the : Sootin." "The fails are for 'the Intér Fett, tourit aud colonization agent July 2nd, by his pastor, Kev. J. 1 CE. Cotton reprisented. Gananoque church purposes, "be used as social : Batiohal railway. Considerable other rof the Grand Trunk Pa ig a at | Bell, a frequent visitor, at his bedside | lodge, No. 14, LO.O.F,, at the session [clubs or meeting places, that as vapid rolhng stock will be ordered shortly present in the park with 3 edop taking for ms text Amos 4th chapter' | of the @ddiellows' Relief Association | as possible libraries "be established CORPORATION for this line. | Hough, the well-known me.scan fand 12th verse, "rrepare to meet thy | held in Kingston this week therein, that a regular systematic pro- writer, who has specialized of late {God The schooner Horaee Taber has |Visiop be made for old-fashioned téa | acts as Mystery in Big Flurry in This Ope Years in Canadian topics, 'and C. 1. He was known as one of the most | cleared, light. for 'Oswego, for a cargo" mectings, the most welcome social Hi T y Walcott. secretary of the Smithsonian [successful and energetic men in the [for Taylor "& (Green, and the Bertie |gatherings that we have known in ~~ ADMINISTRATOR oronto, July 26.~There has been | i Institute, . Washington, D.C, In pre- {township and his many friends have | Calkins for cargo for Citizens' (Coal | the history of our church, that equal {§ quite a flurry in the stock of the | jug skits Dr."Walcott has been able | learned with keen regret of his death: | and forwarding company attention be given to musical, literary | bi : Canada Furniture' Manufacturers, Lim to collect: a number of valuable gpe- [His death is keenly felt in the home Me. and Mrs. Vernon Parke, ~ New [and other valuable and wholesome i of Estates where there is no will or where the ited, on the street during the last Voimons of tha faunn of British Colum- | church, where he was a hearty sap | York city, are spending a couple of | entertainment, among which 1 would |}! appointed executors prefer not to act. aouple of weeks, which has caused bia mountain region; among others |porter, and the whole community, a: | weeks here with the former's parents, | Suggest selected moving picture shows ! ? . considerable excitement among dealers | the largest caribou head in the in- liriends from far and near visited his | Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Parks. Mrs W. | Some of these entertainments would be |! TORONTO OTTAWA WINNIPEG SASKATOON tn unlisted industrial issues. Some | 4i1ute. which was found ta Jasper | bedside during but one brief month. | W Stafford and daughter, the Misses | provided by local talent, perhaps at months ago the shares were quoted Park. Work on the new hotel in the |confinement. it was a pleasare to | Gertrude and Bessie, have reffirned | & later date all might be so provided av $28 to $29, but were recently run | park, near Miotte Hot Springs, will [visit the sick room for he was always |from a pleasant outing at W. H. Mc |but immediately we should have to up from around that figure to B50 iL. commenced next vear and will be {80 jolly, cheerful, and patient, though | Connell's cottage, lvy lea {employ entertainers and this would within a very few days. They renched {rapidly pushed ahead. his suffering was beyond words of ex Miss Kate Craig, Iningston, is the [involve somewhat large expenditures, that point late last week, but have pression at times, yet he bore it oll guest of Mre W B Mudie. Mrs. (Dr.) [AS to this, | would say that we could dropped back again almost ns rapid i with a true Christian spirit. The cot | 1. } Bovder ind daughter, Miss Dorf | depend On the man in the street to be ly, and were guotud yesterdsy at | Aeroplane Will Race Motor Boat. | fin wad covered with Horal offerings othv. have returned here for a further 189 free a subscriber as any of us; he $34. Lieut. I, i, Elyson, of Washington, | which was beautiful, especially "Gates Nisit with the former's mother, Mrs would understand this while he might A rise of 22 points and a subsequent | .C., head aviator of the United|Ajar," with the Guardian Dove Fhomas Montague. The band concect | be a little obscure as to spiritual ap fall of nearly lik exeent within 80 | States acroplane fleet, 'has accepted He leaves to mourn his loss a grief at the town park Hrew ont a large at peals: Now as to the benefits. | | i Gananoque, st Building savil 11€0r¢ short a time is a rather unusual | the invitation éxtended him and will | stricken wife, one son, John S. Amey. tendnce on. Thursday: evenidg Ist. The woman and children would occutrence among the unlisted securi- [race his hydro- -geroplane against the [one dear littié grandson, Charles Ash Mrs i Kirke, Brooklin. N.XY., i have something' to look forward to ties, and consequently the incident |fastest hydroplane motor hoat on the [ton Amey, the joy 8f his grandfather spending 'some time here with friends has heen commented on very freely a- | St. Lawrence river, over the Alexan-[heart, and an adopted daughter, Ra fhe .. wevhly dance of the Ganat oe mong the brokers. It was freely [dria Bay course, on August 5th, 6th | Amey. Nacht Cloks was held at the 2lub: House hinted that there was a contest on [and 7th. The programme arranged fruly, it can be sand a good man |]aet evening, and .largely patronized for control of the company, and that [calls for a race between the Bear Cat, |i gone, for he was fond of every | . the stock was bid up to so great an [owned by Ierbert Coppelle, of Engle | thing good, especially of voeal music boy" extent in order to accumulate hold- (wood, N.J., and Lieut. Elyson, in his [In the howe, in which he always took) | ings. air craft, on August 5th. Lieut. Ely- part until he lost his voice, Jour {py illness. Mr. und Mrs. E. NM. Bird, | *% of the united church It son will race over the ten-mile course | months previous to his death, which Chicago, are guests of Mrs. 1. (1 Mid should be entered upon after grave Financial Notes. twice to the Bear Cat's once. Ou Aug- [did seem so hard to the family. We dleton, Mis Te consideration as a department of A vear ago in the mining markets | ust 6th, there. will be a similar race extend to the family our deepest sym ton, is spend a short vaoation here Sieoh id and shoskt be controlied Hollinger sold at 1170, Nipissing at ith te PDQ. 11, own by A. G.|pathy, with hic parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.'H 2 vt or Tod Fine owt 830, Dome Extension at 87, Preston | Miles. 'The big event will come on ni sme Wilson. Mre George H. Doherty and sted hy many peo at hor a at 540, and West Dome at ! Augvst Tth, when the aeroplane will be THE TOWN OF NAPANI mn Alice, nd ng the past fie In the west to suggest this out 220. raced against the winner of the Gold -- E here with friends: retarned to line of a plan , . week It is announced that application has [Challenge cup races. {Late Howard Young, of Gretna--|p ob ile esterday ---- -- A Sure Cure for insomnia. LOYDGEORGE: A SINGE.TAXEL | been made to the executive of the Ihe Thousand Islands Yacht Club Cheese Board Meeting. . \ friend, who had (earned thut ; \ - - Alteration Sale Montreal Stock Exehange to list the offcrd a valuable cup to be given the Napanee, July 27.~Miss Ora Smith [J B. WALKEM, K.C., CONSULTING securities of Goodwins, limited. winner of the event between the air|jeyves, to-day, for Weyburn, Sask ------ sometimes | suffered from insomnia, [Will He Resign or Will Cabin Parham Anglican Wardens {(old- me of a sure cure. "kat. on Ydopt Policies. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St, and Water crafts. Lieut. Kiytun i She will visit her sister, Mrs. Black, {With Paul Railway company will soon |¢Onsidcred an expert aviator. He willifor a few days before starting on her | ~ n RR Line ; vomplete additions is all ite terminal {use a Curtiss type of hydro-aeroplane | school duties. $ . About the C.P.R. Line, ; Yuags = Peanu is iy Stak Iwo: oO Londo } i ~L hancelior of amp that will inerease trackage in his races agninst the hydroplase. Frederick Smith, of Wes burs, Sask To B. Walkem, K.C., Sulicitor fof the bed . id b n 0 1 ; Ordgdoms H- Exchequer {Lloyd-Leorge is now . i en i! diocese of Untario, went to arham Ped, sé e, ne warrdnt you YOrLInY whish p ny space nearly 4,000 cars and is expect- is on a business trop east, and will "10ctse © » a na : I ¥ pape -t, cost $3,000, 000, Pec A Novel Complaint. spend 'a few days Mop his father iy i on Naturday to consult with the war be athcup within balf an hour adherent of | the single tax . i > 2% 3 ¥ * 1 8 ans 1 x » 3 i ' The Solid Shoe company, of Quebec, | A real estate man was confronted { I. Smith, Bouth 'Napanee dens of the Anglican church at that | 1 as 4 suggested, and wy | which are chis yssociated with a novel case of fault-finding the Miss 'Nathleen Cowan, has accepted place. The live of the C.P.R. runs di- [itend was right 1 did go to sleep {fame of Hiénry teor caotl other day, and is still' a little pustled a position on the staffi'of the Colle rectly through the ehurch, ree. [Very soon. after retiring. Then 8 lhe has in Jiew is a matter of ep by it. 2 gate. Institute, North Bay. 1 i. | tory, and sheds of the parish, and no |friend, with his head woder his arm, | jon. Me Has talked of "fre ing It appears that he negotiated. the German is spending a three - weeks | Small difficulty is being experienced in fcame along and asked me if | wmited land," and has written letters } aang Mes. A. McMut finding out what is best to be done to buy his feet. 1 was negotiating {porting « tical candidat: 2nd. The men would have a: cents of social interest far more wholesome than the tavern or grocery : 3rd. We should add vastly to the XN. Belnois spent yesterday in' See | power of the church as a centre of s Ba . i moral influe nce H. Hurd is confined to his home it should be done by Jennie Wilson, Hamil ---------------- sale of a piece of land for a special 'vacation in J at what the present owner paid for it, The death occurred at Gretna - on fours shat, the ehuseh fad lam Will: Wile] wns considering Lod to 2d} Lords, to the cliect that the The other day the sume man came | Tuesday last of Howard Young, in his | have to be squeezed into one of the jdown, a bull with two heads peered fment's programme was not fikel in and. said he 'wanted another lot for | fortieth year. Deceased was well and | corners. The Methodist church pro jover the edge of the well, and said linclude o single tax a special purpose. ° The dealer told [favorably known. The funeral took |Perty is at the side of the property of he would haul me up if 1 would first | alarming measure him he had the very thing, adding | place on Thursday alternoon. the Anglicans. From what has been [cmb up and rig a windlass for him It is-poisted gut thai two parlia Ar that he believed the land would in-| Mrs. BR. M. Brisco, of Chatham, and | 5aid the land near the followers oi] So, as | was sliding down' the | mentary commiittess are now occupied crease in value in the same ratio the daughter, Nellie, of New York, are Jolin Wesley will be used, though the | mountainside, the brakeman came in, {with the land question. One of these first had done. spending a few weeks in town with Xnglieans wi'l be some bint cramped. land | asked him when the train n would advocates * Henry George's single "Not on your life," eried the pros | her sister, Mra. William Joyce, Hoth propertirs are on the main road. reach my station. but this committee jg entirely unoi and -- ctive customer. "1 bought a '$3,000 | Willinm Norris returned th.s week | The railway is ready to build ite line La passed 'your station miles cial, while the other, which is describ hwy, ead of do you want 4 ot from you and it serves my purpose | from Saskatoon, where he spent the |through, and the arrangement has to back," he said, almly folding up the [md as an advisory esmmition and owes from scalp itch and dandruff? =~ [8% well as if it cost twenty times as [last couple of months. He reports ihe | te terminated at once train and putéong it in his vest-poc- ite inception to Mr. Lloyd Gedrge, has witching! much. Instead of paying the expenses | Crops looking fine in the west, ---- 4 > ket. drawn up a programme the thee Te pov Bod bow Son, - a Brg lot however, 1 am assess- | At the cheese hoard, yesiérday af- - Don't Pity Yourself. At this juncture the own bounded | planks of which are fixity of tenar L000 one and se no - | ternoon, 1,400 boxes were boarded; all h "4 into the ring and fled. the cemtri< | minimum wa i tion. of all who see it? ona pos . We have discovered an alost infal [10 ng pu : Do you want a scalp as lmmacu- sible way of making up the difference. [sold at 12 15-16c. lible remedy for the ills that the hot | pole out of 'the ground, iting up 1he fately Tan and bright as 4 newly- ell me a $3,000 lot that will stay put : weather is supposed to bring himmap- | tent and all the people in it, while T| "Fresh Huvler's candies" minted coin" at $3,000 this time, and dont you Xn" egotist's excuse for not know- lity. 1t lies aloug the line of advice|stood on the earth helow- watching {son's » .- Do you want to use a hair dress-| dare Snide me with 'a hangry white [ing more is that it isn't worth know | sich as this. Don't fuss and fume and | myself go out of sight among the! The nineteeri-monthe-okt baby = of ing that will surely prevent bald- elephant for i ing. ; think how hot it is and how much | whité clouds above. 4 Noxon, of West Viains, Mo, weigh ness that always refreshes and in- nd the dealer is still a little dazed. | 4 . I you are to he pitied and how badly | Then I awoke and found I had been [seventy-seven pounds purpose sevdral years ago, and the|{len and two daughters, of Hespeler, | The railway line runs in an oblique {with him when a dragon on which T|cent byelection, who property, through neighborhood {are the guests of her father, George |. | POsition through the land of the par-|was riding, slipped out of his skin {siggle tax, but Lord H 1 changes, has become worth ten times | Mair, ish, and takes up hall, and it ap land left me floating in midair significant statement in ihe Arcording to vigorates and makes your eatire| a Td ; 8 vou need a vacation and change. It is [aslevp almost ten minutes, 1a parents the baby has bad whiskey Head feel fine? a Fresh Haylee's candies." . *'Gib- Bd me | really surprising how little we are todd af! (1a life Then spend 50 sents this very day|son's. en me |hothered with the weather and how Montreal Takes Precautions. Cold. erpam and taleun powder and get a hottle of PARISIAN "Nieago officials relies a father of ' {much het amd Gthér discomiorts we | Montreal, July 27.--Dr. Laberge, | "Uibson's/" "Phone 2M, At any drug store of toilet oy children, ten of whom are BER. onan bear if we have something inter | medical health officer, will give in| A. B. Ohristy, commer wd traveller nter, Use it as directed and you |Sving, of his taxes. _-- said han BY |estmg to think about, and one of thelstractions that all boats arriving fof Montene is charged, st Voit A will never care 0 use ordinary ps atest twenty éhildien on 5 / 3 most. tiresome and depressing subjects | from Havana and Porto Rico be divin jth ir, with obtais sg money ander falde ey again. - of Toad. a week should not have to pay fax. ate] } {of thought imal able or possible is | fected before mooring, as s precaut ic wn ora Pr 0. Polsonoas. sugar noon, Sh your own troubles and afflictions. The | against the plague now prevalent ' in| "Hupl:+'s the high «la Ty uo injurious ingredients in ~Guarasteed tooth brushes, "Gib- AT very silliest and od fatal habit 234 above Ray F fresh, ""Liibson's ' PARISIAN Sage. Ask for PARISIAN son's." "Phone 3 that any mortal man can got into the The Windsor policemen we in R. J. R eid Sage. Charis Stapleton, a prominent Pe ¥ way of i the hat of wing sorry for Few marry theif fired love: [ower [wear white Balmets of (he Tit ' Phone 517 ws B. Melood guarantees it, terbore citizen, is dend? ; : himself ought to. Atkins varisty. THE LEADING UXDEPTIRLL,