ne oany ax-isn rian wmo. SATERDAY, Jy 27. THE DAY'S EPISODES| (ubisEment 1012. A YOUNG MANS START IN LIFE The young man who never had a dollar fo® his credit at some good bank is. at the mercy of fate He is the i*t of ch He mast always eww treatingly hit the YOURE | credit in the Bank a indejendent, He ¢an pick. and He can afford to give up bis job to seek a better ong A {first step hy sLccess is starting a Savings not the amounts of ® ings which matter 20 hahit C an todian of 8 vings THE BANK OF TORONTO $57,006.00 0. . 110 branches in Ontario, Quebec and and ee Vt # ablished' bank---founded in 1855 ALE. He cannot command siceess. "onw- knocking humbly "and nan (Who has even $50 to FOR SALE. MULLEY Cow 7 s of Do-Qraves J being held [A THOROUGHBRED harges of $7 and caly \ 3 same by paving Kingston J A RED Gibson's. AND WHITE e premis published be 4 AYRSHIRE cow fda F Molrern Oceutrences in the CF City and Vicinity Flags up on Monde) ---- Mohday, civic ho GOES G0 10 b cent a word. Midimuin charge for LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS - . iq GENERAL. \ | ey, Briel Toma of Interest A s *uvevsvevvvevsvavaves y inetuberel; THE COST 0 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| _ STRAYED. =, The Whi will ot First lusertion 1¢ un word. Each con- secutive iusertion thereafter half une insertion 23¢; three insertions, LAKE ONTARIOPARK| ==. Nate of 'extra str ng chésp.' Dutton's. Mon day being the Whig wid not be published lenders! for the expotion of the hotel close on Monday noon mule Ot real Brazilian Bug (lacs CIVIC HOLIDAY Bav pius, 25¢, Dutton's Wiinam Swaine, Piano tuner. Urdors { | {received at McAuley's Hp Vour flags nonor of the homecoming Boys, : vain one KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS 1 ing. GEORGE B. McKAY, = t Manager. or) HE 200, trunks, It 'is as the noose your civie holida PooL ROOM AND CIGAR - sTORN) re > ' ' CW has 'go Tens s fot eis FOUND. in &. Apply, Rox pA hig ft a HITE 'Wool, Brest this EIGHT LARGE, sQt ' ANTE RNS, ~a splendid hi 1 summer envisage, §) react } Ih 705 HELP: WANTED. SCARE ON BROCK Ie of Ne. ; dvertisegrent 200d bank 4 Asset advertisegren A progressive bank- . West, An old-est Hoy TO LEARN PRINTING TRADE. 5 unis offi N - : Phone 364: Apps . . on Mondas | = BUSINESS CHANCES. PINE ADMISSION FREE Free Mosinee at 2.30, NETRA. a hi Bring the Children. of Cleveland, ol Rig, is visitin, the Fut n' BAY MARE, (OMING FIVE at 1 re went 3 ' ick of PAINTERS AND : APkly, of the, Old PAPER ' HANGERS. sfrvice will Monday START no posta livery have morn only the ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN POSITIONS AT canv your « Boss £F BOX Lun Ki \ Klet:, felis" how 2.969 Lockport. N.Y on y in GIRLS FOR, STEAD) NG Yap LOADS oF EARTH; Al, 0 1IGRT horse power motor rent), a new frame completed, on Viege wis Rr E. Wathen, 47 Mack Phone £84 SEY EUROPEAN CAPITAL CAN FARN BE addresses Jus ter GIRLS FOR WORKROOM; Townsuin ol Lougiboro. bo ped i ANYONE, © A) Wak RE Street. mei Furnished for attractive prises in all su bstantial rus king. ! A t i A ¢ Baw ae ng. | Hi nt am. 2 4 Y : 4 14 ol rep a Lusion, plass Ratllroads, 5 # ¢ f A day 4 a rr - Electric Po IE ationd Timber, ¥ Mining, Agricultural and Industrial oh Bend, Debeniure and Stock Issues | Underwritten, Purhased or Sold { Properties purchased for European AWNINGS AND PORCR ou REAINS Lexplofiation and Investment, t Josepn, Dix, imaker, ne Miscellaneous commissions and - 1 yawnihg Maker in the {ders pf ail characters accepted far oa. LAER LT A wail made ns | ecution in any European country, whi ist the sent, drop a . card to 211 Nelson Street. Correspondence enclosing full ge. {talls at first Ting invited. BANKERS entey- Hines of busi- (ay, K Now N aide Water and 23 ans n Jleen AN Tractions we Sch posis duy troubl - Bie STORES, attached: good in city; also general and dwelling Jn, thrivin visage nearby. Apply te T. J SHckhart, Ontario' Chambers, Cisrence Street. Kingston, Ont. FOUR GROCERY dwellings tions with jucas store aisden Hiag re 14-16-18 Blevnshury Street, Londes. nd. En, Undertakings of all sorts TIME TO BULL n- ndied {hand FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTA CANOES, camping outfits, fishing tackle, marine supplies, lunch baskets, Engiish raincoats everything ina canvas, kit bags, silk tents spray hoods, motor baat sunplitss, Frank W. Cooke, 2% Clarence St. 'Phone $91 or 2% GARDINER FIRE, | -- Insurance and Cue. Real Estate and 2 share of your 67 Clarence 'Phone 306. | i | ! i { i Gaok's tton Root Compost | July 27, " ISLA { DER The great Uterine @ Togic, ant only oiat effect Sand heguintiron which wom .n can depend. Sold, Lin three degrees of stifength- Na $i - 0. 10 degrees stron, for special case i er 3 i a Hol £4 To Fooulpt of a i ith od om T EALED TI} 4 (dak Mevienve Cc. ToRowTo, NT Gormer igi inde {ceived hy the earn ton . lor Health cate, and | trips to TEMAN &£ AT Accident, toms Broker: Money to Loan: business solicited Street, Kit ols -- . " - STRONG: ACTIVE Yourru hardware; good chao ur : cement Apbly, in pet pefore 8 an, to Corbatt's Hardware #5 Princess Street Goon, juost it | Tenders for Pavement. WILL 8B! RF indersigned m Th AUTOMOBILES | FOR HIRE -. and Gutter ) B By Hour, Day or WEEK. seen and ice i : ked « Night or Day. the amoun [y Phone 815 The lowhkst or ghy tender not noes o-| |" ¥ A NEw SEVEN. Roow BR K HOUSE tmiolery Py in Ww i rv, NO-- HO L ML Sireel West Phere a SIX- ROOM kK ¥ RAMEE: " LOTS OER rr START { me let me booklet Omaha up to I A 15t fon of Asphalt Block Pay an 1 Noy Mo Bond. 28 ursday ad FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment - Boclety; president, Sir Ri money issued on hy 4nd farm Rroperties, municipal 'and count ebentures; mortgages Pura déposits received and interest wl- lowed 8 C, McGll, Managing Direator, $7 Clarence Stree INVEST. estahlished 1863 chard Cartwright; construct 400 000 lineal feet BUY FRUTT LAND IN nRrrisni «OL, nibla; vou neve } er rh LOL | WANTED, EITHER SEX: Brock you wish to make money spare time? If so, write . fY 528 'Pape Avenue Ont N utlay and Princess Sdreet ¢olors, 15e¢, | Kam growls remarkable Street from B ton Street Breet te Hireet moved | on King} occupied by Johnson for Lreet, and from ck LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AAD GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable 'assets, $61,187,916. In addition t. which the policyholders have for sgcurity the unlimited Habillty of all the stock-holders. Farm and elity property" insured at jowest possible rates. Before renewing old or klving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents Phone 226 Street, " cool even- 1 obtained i indersigned sque for five the tender mar per cent .. WANTS must a Clty Mai com parti GOVERNMENT Mail Clerks excellen! salaries; sufficient; Frankiin nstitug ster, NX cot NTRY DOMES. icoteh, English ond jrish . arri about Aug. 5th, Sept | King Visit, | 2nd and weekly after. The Gulls | and daughter, | il Drummond: Street, Montreal 1 . Qual FIED TEAC HER FOR S.8. No. and 47 Pembroke Street. Toronto, | Ming, who have been holid a NEW SHOE wtPAIRING BUSINESS |doyciville" Bais Inyivg at ~eds tear Norma train. ahha and Kingston, the past rao Apply, stating salar) ROBERT PAYNTER has taker {three weeks, have returned to Ottawa Sia ~ t 9vor the business of the late | tol iss. Davis at the old stand, 268 | Genuine clearing sale all tan and PRINCESS STREET. All kinds !ehocolats boots for men and Wo: | NORMAL TEACHER FOR SS, o Shos Repairing prompely done men, must be cleared regardless of Amherst Island, duties 1 ew price. , Dutton's,. 209 Princess strect. ' H Sept + sal Zn ponaia, } The steamer | housand Islander had nerald, Sl passengers, by actual count, on its excursion here on Friday from. Og- tf af Sensh wry aud intermediate American $450 Mot 8. . BE oole, Nec.-1reas "Sale blouses, 50c.; three-ine h silk nt {Uc. yard, utr Saunders, a kitchen h Ip ona. sECOND CLASS steamer Kingston, fell overboard a8. No. 11, Olden Monday night, ofi Charlotte, N.Y. rnanes ™ 8 ) : | | Avenir land was' drowned He boarded in To Mclean, On rem y . 5 4 | and all | | | tonto ese st etal eee es et in : . PERSONALS. WANTED--GENERAL. mo culars + amount of epted Dept t MeCLELLAND, MOORE'S GARAGE Riki Insist on branda. MEDICAL. resident | Terms Moderate, Miss A. AND GENERAL > {&uley's book store. 44 CLARENCE STREET } £ in the © 1.1, - office, 'ownship i have eHICe cit Teltle NCES A {has been appointed. gecree Ary-treasur. | } : b Jer of the Henfrew hosed of education, "RICHELIEU and' N ARID LINES! TURN " n SPARE Anters vit - - = Buttons SATURDAY, 230 pan. SENT PERSON nav | tarrive during the afternoon with coal ! Firk, Life. Accident an for particulars, Press Syndi- | SUNDAY, July 28, 7.30 a.m. | lor men and women less than | » ! MONDAY, July 20, Civic Holiday | {in eonsiruetion work this summer out MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. tooth brushes. "Gibson's. instr » are visiting their father, "J ambs | a fow Bes each. Dutton's. THIS SPACE I¥ RESERVED Street to Cla street, the house recently And Housekeepers will benefit ngs, cheap. Dutton's, ye and Mrs, William Jackson, hing uy "Crossed Fish" Kippered morning to spend the week-end. | Carries; ( Roberts, of Montreal, who heb visiting her? fataer, ton's 1h the HOWARD S. FOLGER . ~~ | fmm a : . . | han oon. piano tuner, 2 By are a > { in eo vOTRE. Ay J. Roohelort left, to day, for . + : { tion REAL ESTATE 3 " | 'paper towels, "Gibson's." ders "close . INSURANCE (McCamn handle their rentals 4 GRINS AW, ' . yi 21° idtor veils, Se, Black under. beh td | St. Lawrence River 8. Boat Co ui leinters | ® . FINANCE AND INSURANCE, The ste Se 1 o «Steamer wards and th LA. : ei INSURANCE. THOUSAND tours the | #180 monthly correspeo ng : Polt des lswu {from Oswego. 3.869 Lockport, N.Y, - "a. 2 pan, AMERICA, regular Dutton's, 200 Princess street. 2.30 pam., THOUSAND ISLANDER {on-the line of the Kingston and en o | : But Wharf, Foot of Brock Street. nail aider his . Charles KR. 'Bennett, Chattanoaga, | | lmmett, King street west from Bn wot | \ld. and Mrs. 1. J Pignes to 2dvertise {Nr and Mra, ¥, 8, 8 if they follow the advice given stréet, and Joseph Jackson, of New Herring, 10¢ AN rings \ 0 Nale of cotton nightdresses, great ation ft King street, went | IR, A. n n WILLIAMSON HAS RB- moved his office and residence from. 265 Brock Stredt {6 corne: a Wililam Streets Ww we--e-- To- TEACHERS WANTED, has OLD John R. Porter, Ladies up-to-date VESTMENT BROKER | King street. Leave orders at where he has accepted a NDS AND STOCKS | Property owners who huve Tender HEAD SALESMAN, HIGH GRADE BO in finding good tenants should : : . Ont ohn Geals; Jormerly of ningston, MONEY TO LOAN : . skirts; Boe Fanay worse wwvers, 20. Bab FUN, tit BULLETIN {Ftd [schooner Major Ferry wire due 'to d EN Agent, 159 Welling NEWSPAPErs, N06 CHuVassing . Islands, 30¢, { Genuine clearing sale," all white he Cape Vincent, 30¢ return. are 1wo hunfired men engaged tours the Islands, 50¢, broke railway S00 fast Tous, aud Harry R. Bennett, Toran- Sale leather belts, all NO I ICE. Welling to-day, into thei: home High-class Goods Exclusively, Sweaters, all sizes, here fiom time to time. Hel went to (Uttawa, Saturgay Buy "Stella," Little Fat Her Railway having these vale roi 50¢. Dutton's, to nd ronto on Friday for a short party en rt ein Se---------- 1 Agents lor Cadiline, Hudson & Melanghlin Motor Oars, i. Met ly mont, wile AUTO. CAR TO Ninn ny day 9 natn on Phoss 7 - | DR FRE REDE ERA K A, C AYS, SPECIAL. ist, N Throat 4 nd Ear, 12% Wel in "iA Street, Hours: 4 to 1, 3 day, 2 to Fhone x14 - » |W AN FURNISHFPD srrLy Bt MoCpory o (Mice, \3 to 8. Bun- RESIDENCY Raa . aAppointmen: A a Se AROCHIT EOTs. LARGE Fi RNISHED noowus, wim « wit it board: all w CPN Para TEARY PP. SMITH, Al HITECT, ETC, 258 King Strest Fhone 345, ene ------------------------------ ww NEW ANDS & RON, ARCHI. te t Otfices, 258 Bagot St CLASS ron HELP WANTED SUTHERLAND'S NEED A young man to learn the || -- 1 Shoe business. Good (Fear @ SON, ARCHITECTS; MER- rea - opening for right party. { ighanie a Ww anus corner wR, pay, FURNISH SECOND TEACHER Sot TE i Training Horses If you have a colt not acting nie : ly, send him to Kingston Repositor: jribhan, and put him in charge of R.'W.| John Smith, who will give him pergonal| the attention. : on R. W. SMITH, Mfr. NEW SsILunoow ns VLOW, FIR. nish ed Eawiviny 3 [BRACELET i WATCHES BETTER -- a yee An ELECTRIC IRON Saveg you from drudgery on Ironthg Day. No more headaches Sanagd by working .in overheat rooms, where it is necessary to have a coal or gas stove going Cann. to heat ordinary irons. Iron ice wherever you have a lamp It is stated that socket. Nothing hot but the hay crop in this iron. harvested. The LET ME PLACE ONE IN | ih YOUR Ho ON l now ready for another ie 608 | mile y to TE ACHER FOR duties to "ane nNOS ary, §3 wreity r, 8 gas 00 t reets, Sec.-Treas buy I8 NO CARRYING... A THAN "ON THE YIORAGE YOR Fin dry, airy rooms, groof: 'vaur own lock Frost's Clty Storage, 199 'Phone 620b kodaks, films. *'(ibson's TEACHER FOR . No. 3, CLAREN. I'he post office siafi will observe, Sonndutjes 3 nthe anny rd; NT Monday, as'a part holiday. The office perience Db. McDonald, = Se Will be closed -from eleven o'clock. and Treas. Ardoch, Ont there will be but one mail delivery, # the marning, Do vou think vou are paying much rent ? Why pay any? Gut on our home owhing proposition. THERE WAY. OF. WATCH WRIST. WE ARE (REYE. HOROS( ore =rW aNDERY 1 Lo NICE CLEAN RAGS FOR WIPING latjans ri of machinery; will pay good price for same. British Whig Publishing Company. | Yusen 3 CleRr, ser tt ] anc 6c «t&M thier -- in STANT TEACHER FOR 8.8 td N 6, Denbigh stating alific ations, salary, to Treas, Slate SHOWING A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT FROM THE LEATHER STRAP KIND TO GOLD SET WITH DIAMONDS. PRICES RANGE FROM $6.76 TO $180.00 BACH. ---- STOR» por prayer ne, and dry; also Dwellings, furnish. ed and unfurnished Often 8 Blores, ote J Rn McCann, of root. RENT BY TRA HER | HAIR, ] 2s, Kingston hand ¢ 1 flat, with mod. Address Napanee, On "teay too mn Me. w ARTS, growths mae +d BIRTH. and skin permanently Brock St Scar; 27 years' experi | oo ------------ Dr Eimer J. Lake, Eye > Nose, Throat and 8Kin | gpd KE, Cov NY OF EVERY DE- Soecinlist, 25% Rawo: Street wih a hi MP mop. g SEVERAL Iv class work; best - --- HOt es, RENTS STORAGE ron used; one trial will locations Foul repairs ty MANICURING. TO FROM RAY. & GARDINER, Street, cor. of Arence N 8, has re- ¥ all 8, Ont. 1 Blnial o without '"tyibson's."" two-thirds "of distriet farmers cream bricks, PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR ) duties to Omi Appl stating , alary Fequived 2. | -Treas., Clare the has been are getting well, and are good shower of SHOE 'REPAIRING i scription first leather only 'ruffice, Bring Scott's, 206 Ba: Clergy West, ern, with FURNISHED Food : WANTED, work ' hvu ar | MiSs 16. Kings: FORMER (LAR. TEAC THER FOR SS. No. 3, KALADAR; Ary, 3325. Apply, stating, DOY special suit case, $1.50, mee ram Without obligating you In any R. J. Rodger and experiénce. to great value. Dutton's. art, Sec-Treas. Kaladar Maj. and Mrs. Eugene Hartnett spent TAKE NOTICE, THAT 1 WILL BUY © all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves will pay highest Sine parlors Jewelery St Entrance, to re 25k DENTAL. DIAMOND MERCHANT Formerly Spangenberg's '847 King Street. Mr. W. B. McKay in Sharge of our Watch repai rs see me befo re anyone elsa, | mpsenn, 93 Princess Street, | See oar | way. 'Phone or call | next St. Andrew's Church. J. N. SCOTT. The Up-to-Date Electrician. 116 BROOK STREET, Races for the old boys and girls at : 'Phone 1215, fair grounds, Monday, July Mtn, A. i --------| Great clearing sale at Prevost's, ua few days with the latter's parents, M:. and Mrs. Thomas Gaskin, Albert street, on their return to their home at Fort du Pont, el A. E, KNAPP, B.A TEACHER FOR RC. SS, moved to 258 I whship wl wghboro LDS, rince nns, ne- ¥% Street MEOHANO-THERAPY. { GENTY VWEN TO MWMRING TREIR | MASSAGE, MEDICAL GYMNASTICS Cloth and have it made up into up- alvani Electr v Electric date, y r Justments Treated, Paimer SPARKS AND SPARKS, 230 1-2 Princess treet, 'Photie 248 DENTINTS, Civie Kingsto Suits 1a | i E aranteed to please repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Callo- way, 131 Brock Street, near bivuy"s Livery, nar ship Vorpeing @n pm OG A rontenac Street FOR S.8 Village of | commer A a AL pre TRAC HER DR. C. €. NASH, DE Nyioys DR. ©. n, « arendon, Welcker, assists ' Btreet 'Phone 7 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ---- PURCHAS) | ~ S. H, SIMPSON, L.D.S able [or a [THE GRIMASOY HOTEL, 342-384 | ist, corner Princess may | Princess Street B stocked | Entrance on Bagot 8 with the best of Ales, Beers | phone 626 . Wines, Liguors and cholcest | brands of Cigars. Meals, 25¢ each i ¥ or special rates by the week Yard | and stable accommodation. Rates| reasonable Mulvili» & Driscoll nENT oR non.s and Rireet. DENT Bagot Tein peta re ildren The police have secured the names | crecha wie dren cared for d of some boys and voung men who their parent {have been taking a "dip" in the river Brock street. Big reduction in price in the order and ready-made clothing lena, . dut ins to e 00 um Hotel -_ | department; also in the gents' furnish he and Ay oy iy 3 QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S.8. No. 5, Hinchinbrooks: duties to com- oF Cataraqui EARLY BREAKFAST 1 mence after summer vacation By ta pH . {at the Grove Inn, and at the dry Fratestant and male fad Gusiities Hy _ 8 A ply, stating salary an qualifica 'deck, without bathing suits, and ther tions, to Geo, A. Smith, Sec. Dar. 0 am. 4i [is police court (rouble ahead for th: mm ham, Ont. i -------------------------------------------------------------- wards preferred Waikem, $3 B McKay REAL ESTATE SNAPS House to Let on Colborne "Street, near Sydenham, 1st August, . For accommodation of people Double Frame House, Sring. taking early boats: [Uivie holiday. 0 rh 776. i Boys enterin the grounds of the 2 Allied | Young Women's Christian asieintion Hi to Rent below : REGULAR ha b : of 1st October, $8.50. BREAKFAST De, oy (hang » great deal * Tte830am || : {trouble, to those in charge, and, to- DOUBLE FRAME (new), all { day, a complaint was made to the po modern improvements, Raglan ---------- 1210 2 pm. TT i-- lice. The guilty parties will be sum- Road, $2,250. | moned to the police court. DOUBLE FRAME "HOUSE, OCEAN _OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY,™ TRANSATLANTIO I INES Aue Lass. a, Kirkpatrick, nt Elarence Street, bons | ings, to make room for fall and win- : Fh a Card, Plevna, NTED TO Bank Baseball games and all other sports ter importations. ' a_ dwelling house 20th, Kingston" A {at fair grounds, Monday, July i i s | BUSINESS NOTICE. QUALIFIED TEACHER FEMALE preferred) for 88 No. § Pitts- fC AVINE. LPHONTERING, RE burgh, duties to commence Sept. pairing and carpet werk, hair mat- 3rd. Apply, stating 'qualificatio - tress aug, Dn Drop a card or and salary expectal, te . call 318 Bagot reet. Morrison, Sec.-Treas, Joyceville, Ont Sl WHY PAY when you can COALS! COALS! COAL such high coal bil} nse gas for cook) I'rop a card] to David Marshatl, 181 Queen | Street, for prices on gas lnstalia- | tion } LEGAL, CUNNINGHAM & MrolE, BANRISY. e's and Solicitors. Law Office, 1 n Clarence Street. Kings: - by - VALUABLE. Is good advice---some take it, others won't. Ours to you is---order your winter's coal now from oa Hr us. SWIFT'S DRESSMAKING. LADIES TAUGHT CUTTING measure, designing. etc, . at Elder's Dressmaking Parlors, Princess Street QUALIFIED TEACHER SHPANLISHED 1868 ant) Tor Séhoo! Palmerston; duties September 22nd, stating salary Robert Eady, Ont. (PROTEST. Section No to commence 1912 Apply and experience. in Sec.-Treas., Ompah, BY You- take no risk in buving anv Mme Main Street, $2,250 well located Kingston real estate, but reet, Large Brick Hduse, suitable (the chances are that McCann could for boarding house, three min- {save You mone: "Fres h Huyler's sweols. "Gibson's." utes' walk from Queen's, four MA - . thousand dollars- ($4.000). Fenes OSTEOPATHY. ores Ww. M. Rochontan, Tay Alliance, Let us quote you rates for Fire Ins "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS RR. G, Asheroft, DO, 134 Wellington St, Soposhe the Post Office. Office 19 to 12; ay nd by sp- nofhitnent. Consultation free 'Phone. $47 | seoretary of the Lord TEACHER FOR SCHOOL SECTION urance. It may pay { who has been on a itt to Quebee. to No.8, in Sharbot Lake . village: Protestant: Normal trained pre. {interview the minister of justice, wii} 171 1-2 Wellington Street. =2s arrested, on Friday, ia London, ferred; salary $500; duties comn- Spend Sunday in Kingston and will mencing after the summer {acoupy the pulpit of Princess: Street LTT Tatag Tae) NS Bac on 8 'charge of larceny. He was Canadian chanpels, de ded without bail, Hanley, agent, h days. Apply, stating eo rier Methodist church at both services. -------------- to RI omson, Secretary, Sh ar bot Lake, Ont, Daily 1.000 Isiand Trips. i By steamers North King and Caspi-' an, Jeaving at 10.15 a.m., and passing all points of interest on Ameriens and Fare, S0c. J. P, SITEATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED IN ALL jocailties to mail elreuiars and explain new system of trading: fow hours' spare time will earn $20 weekly: supplies free Con Sumery Association, Windsor, Ont, "Xi" McCoy, the American boxer, BALLS, art nquets, te; Dish ied, Se and Silverware. ei aa 'Hambrook, corner Union and Divi "wile . { 4