THE DATLY BRITISH WHS, WEDNESDAY ' 31101 = me ; a HE Et d ir Iki i LT a TOT jt TTT rm TRF IR A ape 1 PRT The Plain Sleeve, with a Long Piped Shoulder Seam and a Wri Ruffle Following a Fitting Seam. Phate Coprelght, IN2, br RAutlinger §ooluaive Coprright. 1912, Kew York florid Company Long Fitted Sleeves Attached to the Lining Separately. Maison Bendeay, - * 1 Theto Copyright, 1912, by Rentfiaget, Exclnsive Coprright, IM2, Now Fork Horn } Company Pm ---------------- LR LE ETT arm seam, the lower part left open and] third, pannies faced, and fastening tightly ever the fore-|ord ishing arm by buttons and loops or buttonholes, t underlining is advisable in sev- | that these gowns, a8 in the one } red shoulder, so that th waist w of the sl ye boned, Pos tunive Cop New York Hemi *. i Fi ng wrist edge I 1 he \ t ruffle of the seasom is used, WA AMMA IEAM IAS hdd ob AF lowers Tri m T his i Summer' s Hat v i r ugh the outsid wheat andared cab immer model , Almost red ov wir w in, ang two aig ed in the new. fasi I Windm i 2 Arosses it m idswmmer hats on out- A Drop Shoulder Effect Given by a Facing Band, a . Wm the V : ig lines, the rolied shapes are the 1 Puff Above he Cull and Scant Ruffie Below. a Aris, hat 3 , Jet popular on this" side of the water. Phot Copyright, 1010 5 Routing Fixclusive Copyright. 1012, New Yott Hernid Coppmay ' ADRES % ONL | ty wide rolling as to i ? hitmind edge and a little smart f stuck into the crown rib 0 be wire, the jong eiceve unide t weaves of straw include Ha nappenranve sl winter 1c A p oan get-Al se only to a hwmited exte Since ; or inst in the dress with : oe own ped : 8s ne ul itiful fone of oysier then Cha PER dresana kar : ) 5 There is also : amusing "Lalla 4 : ' a most inexpensive basket weave signers ye een expert i mply sx tended shoulder line ts hie 1 a t ¥. composes a r beack and ccunizy wear. Thos lug with it and combi In some of their frettiesy models 2 has been a surprise to see that it B Been accopiec so readily, as & warm Wonther fasion, Abe Parisi * Merning and aitdruoou dresses show va- pied shapes, and oo very unigue evepiog dress, vue of the Intest French importa! tions, includes Joag Jaee slecves of a scant leg of mutton shape. std overshict ave also of lace, with ¢ low eu satin sailor collar as a rather appro priate dnd unique neck fivish, "in their development ese new sleeves ale very interesting Some vesemble the | wid fashioned Gishop sleeve, others are Tiretquarter lsugth, puffed 'with a deep £. Then there is the long plain sleeve. But one thing they all have in cominon the dropped shoulder seam, or its ap- Proximate «Mect 3 ) * Becuded vriginality is shown ia the way The waist, by i of the Fioeve-tog,; a ppg yuu throug! I In the upper contre figure 'the waist of the dress is » red in rows over the shoulder, : eve (0p ia the shme mag ner, the shoulders seam ace i ontrasting piping cord In the charming wmode! where the frout and back view is given the drop shoulder! : 5 nore lis 'nearly elbow deep. i show a puffing, very <ii. bhi, a Kimono sleeve; as the seam! 3 These three models! tr mai] but never : theless is too pronounced to bey called aj fulness only It is gathered into a deep cull or a bracelet hand {falls some kind of a hand roffte The other Har Jong plain type, one shoulder seani Raving a cried piping: the jother, 8 regulation seam, attached to su {under Huing, acquires the correct look by the drooping edges of the overbidgse. Below the cuff! Iwo sieeios are of the famil hoi Seppe White emp Faced with Satin Wreath of One Large Soray of Poppies. Smad Field Cabbage Roses and Wheat Flowers $ and Grasses Is Placed Effectively a ht, TMT te Resalinpr _ vik, "hy, New Vers RE, UOTE New Fork Hosni Company grasses, poppies and ated at wane side of the other bat is of kghorn straw, under facing of silk Buizhed by a wired side ~ A Sieéve in Three Sections, the Sentry One Frankly Puffed. 1, 12, w& tiger Fan Sow York Hered Company Phos L Exriowrs Cotymgh vieated fashions is Deriow Mee crepe Jus, sud tae back ang Wi e front with the Fast fr rook sid wh 8