HAVE YOUR FURS REMADE AND REPAIRED: DURING SUMMER: "Estimates .and advice cheerfully given. | ! Our summer prices are attractive. Styles and New Plates' free, 1812- JOHN McKAY THE FUR HOUSE "149-167 BROCK STREET Furniture & Carpet Midsummer Sale Everything Reduced to a Big - Baving Basis For You wl Dressers ~ Over 35 styles, $6.00 $7.50 up to $85.00 each, a fine choice Ceats, Chairs kinds "in" this * Repairs and Upholstering prompt- ly done and 10 per cent, cheaper than usual. Yours, I F. HARRISON COMPANY The best shade manufactured is the VUDOR SHADE, made of Linden Wood, simple to op- ""ératé, can be put up in five minntes, . Made in all "widths . . [ . . R MoFAUL'S MARKET GARDEN Just outside city limits about 9 acres with 6 room | dwelling in good con- dition, fine cellar. Good barn and stable suitable for light farming. $2,400 * Grasp. this opportunity ' while it is open, All kinds of Real Estate for sale on reason- able terms. McCANN 82 BROCK ST. Near Wellington | THE DAILY mins Wn RIDEAU: BOATS UNSOLD bay AGREES -T0 DROP PRISONER - SUICIDED h [Ti ATTEArs, 'dend IS CASE AGAINST FRONTEN A( HOTEL ASSIGNEE. Matter Was Argued Before Judge Price--Clty ix Morally, if Not. Legally, Bound 16 Supply Hotel With Light. . The result of the hearing before Jndge Price, on Wednesday morning, of the inter-junction to restrain the city from cutting off light and power from the hotel Frontenac, owing tog the account of $157 incurred by W. A. Telfer," the 'late proprietor, and assignor, being unpaid, - 'was that the action was droppeyl by the city, and the hostelry willl continue to have these necessities. ; . Francis King appeared. nn behalf of the assignee, W., Hi Craig, and creditors, and ID. M. Mqlutyre, K.C rejiresented the eity, Judge Price affer hearing the ar- gument of counsel said that though there were difficulties on both sides, The he. considered it'a matter for com-| promise, in the best interests of the city. The city was under a moral though not strictly légal, obligation. to further any attempts on the part" of the ereditors to successfully con- duct the Hotel . Frontenac. '<j honpr «remarketvthat-he-considered it the coldest piece of brutality for the city to step in at his time, when the assignee, with © E Phenix 'as manager, was endeavor- ing to run the hotel for the credi- tors, as well as it being urgently needed in the eity. . Mr. McIntyre consented to let the mrattei drop, the city remaining as one of the crediy tors, to receive the dividend. 4 "Mr. King contendéd that thoug Mr. Craig was the assignee of W. i " tir Telfer, the city had not the right shat off the electric light and g3s in the hotel Frontenac for the\old ae- count. Since this hotel had been conducted, by Messrs: Crajg and Phénix, for the creditors. new con- tracts had been signed by both for gas/ and light with the city The situation. was thereby changed, Messre. Craig and Phenix were not as receipts proved The only debt of the hotel Fyontenge to the city was any ferthcaming diyi- Mr. Craig now "represents the creditors and not Telfer. "Mr. King sald that it appearsd that the city, for some reason, had at this time seized the opportunity to try to "put the nippers on" His clients. Mr. King further said that Mr. Craig had made a new. arrange- ment with the' city, by the signing of the 'contract eards, and the city receiving the money in payment for | value received, and if the corpora« tion sought to make a breach in the | contract, he would advise his elients to take action. Mr. Mcintyre argued that a con-! tract does not or never did exist be- tween the eity and W. H. Craig and ¢. E. Pheinx, or even W. A. Telfer, the late proprietor. He quoted the Munieipal act of 1903 to shéw that the city was_not under contract for the gas and light, but was exercising a rule of the plant under the sta- tutes. The counsel declared, raler- ring to several cases, that Mr: Craig! was acting for the ereditors; "stand- | ing in-the shoes of the bankrupt," according to an English authority. Mr. Mcintyre argued that the, as- signee did not rid himself of the old right. IN MARINE CIRCLES. Steamer Midland Queen in Collision With a Barge. Reports from the Cornwall canal states that the steamer Nidland Queen, going down to Montreal, ran into the barge Augusta, of the Moh- treal Transportation company, and did slight damage to both the barge and tug having her in tow and her- self as well, but nothing of 'a serious nature, The steamer Kinmount passed on her way from Fort Willlam to Mon- | treal, loaded with grain, and after discharging, will go on to Sydney, to load rails, for Fort William. The steamer Geronia arrived in port to-day from Montreal, where she has been on the dry dock since the accident she met with, and cleared for Charlotte, to go on her regular route. The steam barge Navajo. arrived.is "from Port Colborne, with a cargo of grain, for Richardson's elévator, The schooner Ford River is in Charlotte loading coal for Kingston. The schooner Katie Eccles cleared for Oswego. The schooner Julia B. rived from Oswego with Anglin's. The schooner St. Louis arrived in port with coal from Oswego. The steamer Windsor loaded coal at Oswego yesterday and will pro- ceed with: it to Montreal. Swift's wharf:--Steamer ton, down and up; Caspian down and up; Rideau Queen and Buena Vista cleared for Ottawa and Smith's Falls; Rideau King down from Ot- tawa; Dundurn west and Belleville east, to-night. The steamer Rosedale is nearing completion in the Kingston dry dock, where her bow has been re- paired. The steam yacht Virginia, owned by J. P. Waggoner, of Alexandria Bay, N.Y, towed to the city on Tues- day afternoon, a house boat with A. Sterne and a party from New York. They went up the Brewer's Mills, for a fish, EXPORTS FROM KINGSTON y | Merrill ar- coal for Kings- To United States For July Totalled $38,680.58. During July the exports from Kingston to the United States, through the American Consulate were: cream, $9,216.84; $6,165.77; fertilizers, $429, 62; fish, $5.728 07; hay, $12,828.75; and skins, $9.584.79; household goods, $485; lumber, $9874.20; mica, $140; plumbago, $2781.50; goods, $745.50; serap irom; . Total, $58,689.58. "In July, 1911, the exports were $44,403.28; increase in July, 1912, of $14,286.30. Rideau, to | James SHAW, TOR TORONTO, HANG- ED HIMSELF IN CY LL | His Body Found at 5.30 O'Clock {, Wednesday Morning--Was | jing a Three-Year For |" tempting to Wound. prisongr in Portsmoyth penitentiary, k his life on Wednesday morning, at an early hour, by hanging himsel 1 his dull by 'the aid of a towel haw was a Prisoner of a very was trusted by all the they thought that he would do such a rash act. He waz brought te the local institution on Decer 1910, for attempted Shaw. was day evemng complaint' of not. Nightwatchman Mont {ing his rounds at {day morning. hanging to the ceiling. in' his cell, a towel Around his neck. 'The pr doctor enfled and he pronounced He extinct, stating that Shaw hae heen dead Sly a short time 3 Decensed /was ml twentv-three years of age, and it is not' known as vet Whether he had any lorgnto. The remains ill be some time to see if any relat I'h¥ usual inquest NETV. Term At. { James Shaw a the nalure guards, and quiet and never nber 21st, to serve a (hree vear senlence wounding | . taken to his cell ¢ made Bo feeling| well When goer y } n Tues as usual, 2 was mak otk Wednes prisoner 5.90 ol he/ found (the with relatives in held for ves Of friends celal them will bea held. - Form. Ontario, fire Back in Better delloville {tained nu serious Hooking! in ts eld tlooking | bettér than it lamentable event. The rate newspaper--a live (IE new managers and it' is a matter of congratulation that Morton and Herity hated beim able, at so. early a date, - to; regain, their May the papel thrive and detelop to a greater extent than ever -- which sus- is Ag ag, form. In fact is did befgre : the Ontario 1s a one under [He position Clayton, Kingston and Ottawa, Steamers Rideau King and Queen, for JOitawa, every Monday, Wednes- duy;-~Fhuesiay and Saturday ate 6 am, For |(lavton, every 'Tuesday Wedlibaday, Friday and |Saturday at 6 'pm. Jones Falls and ' return, H0e., 'every Wednesduy and Saturday, at 6 a.m, James Swift & Uo., Agents. Refuspd to Pay Fare. } There ape some very queer people in "dhe workd 'Fhe street faklway company has comnplaiged to the police about a man who got on a car the lother day and refused to pay his fare when the; conductor called for it. The company has hath the ac summoned and he will answer conduat in pdlice court. i i yeused for his A Company Club Room. For soifte vears past there has been | considerable talk {companies of the H.W. ws fles having a Now No company has come forward and is 5 to have the first one "The room will be outside of the armour- fes. about the different J4th regiment club room i -------- New Hospital Wing Started. Work on the new wing for the King- ston general hospital was commenced on ' Wednesday morning. If nothing unfofesden happens "the roef will be on by the time the winter sets in. Motor Boat Races, Friday, America leaves Bay 6.30 International At' Alexandria Bay, > aam,, returning p.m, Se. return. sas | Kingston's Famous Far Store. | For months now we have been preparing Yor a big Fur | Business. We have received | a large fresh supply of Skins | of sll kinds. We have grestly | enlarged our fur factory, and | are installing more new chinery, mas We never were better pre- pared to quote you for mew | work or for remodelling. Our showrooms are replete | with' Fine Furs and Indian | Curios. We appreciate a visit te our store. WATCH OUR WINDOWS! GEORGE MILLS &C0. |= 126-128 PRINCESS STREKT. Makers of Fine Furs BUT THE gard IS WHIING] FO SELL an Ayn To the Cangqia Company Salk ment Made by Capt. Daniel \Naohan in Ottawa. All Oftiwa dexgaich cording to Captaigy D)\ Kingston, genara Ridean Lakes nav who is here on a, Canadian Norther Purchased -the ste King and Rideau this ! manager of the gation 'compan, shart \ visit, RIYDORLS,\ Queen, owned by 1d the deal] is in abeyancy Despite the fact] that an excelldat business was beipg done this year the Rideau Lakes [Navigation com pany would be willing to sell out if they got & 'good jirice, from the CO R desire the Queen, hich have pliad flor years between x awa and Kings- ton, far a general | scheme of im- Jroving\the Rideau {lakes as a popu- lar. sumjner resort. |' They propose tol establish a big otel at one of the| summer resort points on the Rideal lakes, between Spith's Falls and Kingston , they would run a fast servite by water through the lakes connecting with their Ottawa-Toronto rajiroad line at Smith's Falls it is not probable hit. anything more wil be done until (the C.N.R. Ottawa-Toronto line It is expected that moving on the line towa ginning of November. \ Captain Nponan was very wing and is the be- strong of half the canal at Sappen's bridge which will be necessitated This should never have been allowed, he declared. Only the people lof Otta- wa were willing that. the canal should be used in this way The shippers of Kingston were unani- mously against it! - posed C. PR. tunnel and as ria ---------- aioe PERSONAL MENTION. at ---- Movements of . the People hat They Are Doing and Saying. E.G. McMillan, Kingston, has been magie a notary Pblic Miss Ellen Morrow iting friends in the city Mr. Neil Mclver, of Port Arthur, is holidaying in the city, rof. Manly B. Baker; of Queen's Lniversity je visiting r- Winnipeg Charles Morin, Toronto. has ve Surned after spending Monday iu the city, W. B. Bennett and wife Virginia, is the'guesté oi his King street. Mrs. R. Hazelton; ing - her sister. Princess street, I'he condition of Dr. Roland Devlin, shot in the Bath Hotel, Montreal, is very encouraging, Lelauys dawauers. Albert street, is visiting her ~ €ousin, Miss Opal Me Clennan, Montreal. Miss Camilla Fralick, Picton, is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. (2 0. Bovd,- Barrie street. G. R. Shibley, M.A, Ottawa, is spending his holidays with his pa rents on Albert street. Biddie Bishop. Gananoque, has re turned home after spending a few holidays in Kingston. &lrs. Frederick Simmons, Toronto, is visiting with her sister, Mis. John Evans, Princess street. | John McKee, Toronto, a former Kingstonian, has been renewing ac quaintances in the city Robert Stevenson, Tuesday afternoom, left for Newark, N.J., to visit his daughter, Mrs. (Captain) Alexander Potter has returned aiter a three weeks' visit in Montreal and St. John's. One. The friends - of. Mrs. R. W will be sorry to hear of her at her "Wother's home, 225 street, : Miss Beckie Potter leit, for St Johan's, Que., holidays with her sinter. Hunter Mrs. Henry, moved: to. the Wednesday ambulance Misa Constance Keith, who hae been visiting Mrs. White, Clergy street, returned on Wednesday Miss Jennie Bishop, of Gananoque, is spending a mopth's holidays with her friend. Miss Doris Overbaugh, Stephen street. v Mrs. (Rev.) J. Roadhouse, Nelson street, has gone on a visit 10 her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) W. W. Jones, at Janetville, Ont, John Egan. Westport, past week with his daughter, SX. McShane, Rideau street, home on Tuesday. Misses I. Rodgers, of Montreal, and L. Clingen, of Martintown, who have been visiting friends in the city, re turned bome on Wednesdav. Rev. R. B. Waterman. Carp, has been urgently requested by the arch- bishop of Ottawa to accept charge of the parish of Richmond. Miss Annie Geake and Miss Frances Shrier. Toronto, have returned to Toronto after visiting Mrs. M. Reo hinson, Princess street. Miss Violet Smith, Portsmouth, left Tuesday morning, for Toronto, whers whe will spend some time with her sousm, Mrs, © Dellocher. : Mrs. L. Whalen and Miss A. F. Kerr. Sydenham street. have taken apartments on Hargrave street, Win- niveg, for the summer months The funeral of the late Mary Lil lian' Roberts, infant daughier of Wil- liam Roberts, of the fire department, took place on Tuesday morning, to St. Mary's cemetery. M. Rearden, Jr., of Dallas, Tex as, "stopped at Kingston, on Tuesday, while on his way east, with his fam- ity, in their large touring car. While in the city they stopped at the Fron tenac hotel. ae, George Marshall, of "A". hat REC. H.A., while at work with his Buttery on Barriefield, on Tuesday alternoon, was kicked in _the leit leg by a horse. The limb was not broken. It will likely be » week or ten days before he is on duty again. Marshall wae removed to the station Emerald, is vis Norfolk, father, Toronto, M rs. T. in visil Robinson, Barrie street,. on Murray being ill Victoria yesterday, to spend het Mrs. J. M street, was re- hospital on in James Reid's Stephen general morning, of Ottawa, Russell home who spent the Mrs. J ret urneq M hospital. Northérn Railway!| says Ac- Noonan, of | the! railroad has not} tidean || company The ( N. \R. ha made overturss fq this "end, hh é t no megtion of price wg Rideau i is \compieted: tolgh will be} in his epinfons in regard t¢ the pro-' w ERXESDAY, | OUR JULY REMOVAL SALE THE LAST 3 DAYS OF SALE, AS WE WILL BE CLOSING PREPATORY 7 10 MOVING. 40 per cent. Discount on Pictures. All Our $1.50 and $1.25 Books at 25 cents Myrtle Baldwin, by Chas. Comyades, Oy The ing : Much Ado 'About Weblster Thos, ings Skull JSteeytns Whes!, SOn. ! 5 Tonoe Hadgay, H G. Nc Diu, Jolin Peter, okt. R. Carl-' by Jean My A. Wa of Big Shauty, Take a Few on Your Vacation for Summer Reading. C. Munn: The Fort ines of Fin, Molly E Sea well, : dr. = The Story of : : Kellar Rosmah, My Lite; by 'Helen p Myra Kelly.' Brother's Keeper, gon The lady 3 Smith. Her Infinite Wells, | : + leek. Chag, Jack- Berkeley Variety, Brand Whi THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE | 200 PRI NCESS. ¥ =f i | FOR No. half price. fi (NEWMAN 5 SEASONABLE SNAPS THURSDAY No. 1 "24 only Ladies' Colored 1. Petticoats, Navy, Tans, Green, Light Blue, priced up to $5.00 each, Thursday $2.50 No. 2 15 only Ladies' Duck Skirts, Navy with white spot, broken sizes, $1.00 for 69c 3 / Children' s Colored Wash@Dresses, broken sizes, 3 to 14 years, to clear at half price 35¢, 50c, 75¢ No. 4 !_ b only Ladiés' Long % 4 Silk Coats, to clear at No. 5 150 yards of Colored Pongee Silks, 34 inches wide, lengths 2 to 10 yards colors --Tans, Fink, Navy, Grey, Pale Blue--T75c¢ line for 39c a yard No. 6 100 yards extra quality, Black. Paillette Silk, full 36 inches wide, $1.00 quality on : Thursday 69¢ & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. 'Phone 916. Brown Betty Tea Setts. | With Sjlver Deposit Designs. We have thse Setts in large variety; also Berry Bowls . - Cake Plates, Mavonaise Dishes, Marmalade , ported Jars in White Im- hesutiful around the China, with silver designs edges. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 8350 KING STREET, nna w-- RE ------------------------------ TO HAVE SEPARATE MESS. Departmental Corps Sergeants satisfied With Joint One, The sergeants of thi corps which for had their mess with the sergeants of the R.( H.A., are making a change ill in the future have ir own, They have been for a long time dissatisfied with the things, and have dee and go in on their own account. The difficulty comes fronr the fact that the R.C.iLLA. sergeants and, while the other bute a share to allowed no voi club. Rules are, therefore upon the sergeants of the al corps which they cognize, departmental vears have a mess of 1 condition "4 control their mess sergeants cont ts upkeep, the n the afinirs of th depart do nol care ¢ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened a Quarter of a Century Ago. Capt. Poter ¥ three years Ottawa baseball team antee of §75 to come Customs were © Imports, $112,741; exports, 711; collections, 313,608.54 A 250 horse-power engine by the electric light fifty-light dynam, Lord Cecil preached in Ontario hall, The Belleville baseball team defeated the Park Nine, 5 6 to 3. oung died, aged wanted guar to Kingston returns for Jal IE house purchased coppany, and a Made Head of Department. Prof. William B. Munroe, Ph.D., who was recently given the -honorary de gree of LL.D. by his alma niater, Queen's University, has been made government in Harvard Usiversity, where he has been a member of the staff for some years. Dr. Munroe is one of the cleverest graduates Queen's University has sent forth. Jay ice cream bricks. Gibson's. Government and railway officials are urging western farmers to ralse move live stock. Suv jee cream bricks. Gibson's. The steamer Plummer passed up, on Wednesday afternoon, loaded with package freight, on her way to Fort Witham. i Dis- | 3 ed to pull away Fresh Sweet Peas' Asters Gladioli garded From our own | each day at 'PURDYX'S ! 109 BROCK STREET | Flowers in all arrange ment for all occasions promptly.] hesd of the department of science of! THE EYES «Need to enable SEE CLEARLY For evervthing possibly contribute fort of Eyeglass: acle Wearers.' For EYE HELPS from ox- pert Examinations to the smallest part pecessary for re paizs-- Depend upon 1. S. Asselstine D. 0. 5. Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. Phone 1019. Kingston's Esclusive Opticisn. which ean o the vom- or SBpect- you to | Everything in Furs obtained of us will be found of the high- est quality, perfect in fit and right up-to-date. :-: I GOURDIER'S « EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS Phone - - 700 TUPI YY TYOYYYOYYeV Ans TVEYVOVeV 10 Choice Lots on Princess & Garret Streets The Duff-Graham Farm Lot 24, Avenine Su »-Divigior between [1 and Division Street, placed on the market PRICES MODERATY early Come and get irat Building restrictions I cones eased MULLIN Johnson 'Phone Busy Real Cor. and Division Streets. 639. "The Estate Corner." WILTING TIME. August, shirtwal month in which 5 wilt to shapeless- ness, lose freshness gnd be- come flaccid---due to fmpio- per laundering. DON'T MIND IT. up in OUR mind hamid the Shirtwaists done LAUNDRY don't weather, they Ike it, they like to assert theif stiff superiority and rigid Independence We. beat the world. LAUNDERING, : , BHIRTWAISTS, KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor, Princess & Sydenham Ste. "Phone Wa.