i INFANTILE PARALYSS BUST AND i ' Mr. Jones, dealt with the horses and { the. types best Suited for breeding 4 and other purposes. Touching up- {on the raising of cattle the Holstein {eows were strongly recommended | tor dairying purposes. The produc' jin of butter was forcibly dealt . i with which thoroughly. interested of This Dread | py women folk. A short talk was Disease at Hand--Seourge | given on hog production and the Caused by a Virus, Instead of | raising of sheep. After the stock Bacteria, i | judging Professor Hales spoke to FLIES ARE _SAID TO BE CAUSES. The. Final Conquest is s . the men on agricultural educdtion 31.--Investigations | and advocated thorough training of teachers in agricultural subjects. > Iu fell to Professor Leée to deal witn the many weeds 'found on the prairie farms, and he pointed" out the best means of eradication and identification. The fodder crops were handled by My. Harrison who went info every detall in thé plant ing and raising of vorn. Principal Black closed the meeting for men by a practical talk \on the genora successful * working.| of a Maaitoba farm and 'the necessity 'for every young man and woman to take a course in the agricultural college. The women's part of the progr me was first taken bhy/ Mrs. Salis nary, who gave an instructive talk on home nursing, sanitary condi- tions in the home, ventilation, etc; and this was followed by Prof. Broderick, who dealt with horticul ture and the beautifying of the farm nome Professor Horner hawilled poultry raising and egg production, and--strowed the best way for rais- ng poultry for the market, also the correct way for handling them to produce greatest number and best quality of eggs. The poultry on the farm was shown to be one branch of farm work which could be made the Boston, July at Harvard Medical \school un: der the auspices of the state board of health have resulted "in such discoveries that the- medical- pro {ession here is confident the time of final éonguest of infantile paralysis ws at hand. pr. Philip A, Shepard, a wpecial investigator of the board who bas given his entire time for four years 10 the study of the digeas., and who is 'one of the afithorities of the goun- try on it, has found that the scourge is caused by a virus Instead of bac- teria as has been supposed. 2 in the propagation and distribu- tion 'of this virus dust plays an im- portent part. Speaking of his dis- covertes Dr. Shepard said to-day> "ft must be remembered that all our experimental "efforts are for the discovery of a specific cure tor the dicadfud disease. "The first step therefore must be the absolute demonstration of the cause of infection, for to know the cause 18 half way to finding a cure A _peculigr feature of the disease, so far as my observations show, is the fact that it has been found to occur in all classes of the community re- gardless of = the sanitary status, though*1H" tlie majority of cases the sanitary conditions were below par. Dust to a certain extent figures in every case that has come Lo our.at- tention. . More than sixty per cent. of the cases that have come under our no- tice have resulted in houses that have been built and occupied more than ten years. The disease is of- ten transmitted by insects, particu- tarly the biting fly or horsefly." the tnt -------- A SUCCESSFUL TOUR Of the C.P.R. Agricultural College Special Train. On. June 29th, the College special by the Canadian Pa- cific railway, completed its very sue- cessful tour of Manitoba. The train was on the road for thirty-two days, and in that time covered all . the provinces tributary to the C.P.R. iighty-seven different points were visited, 1,305 addresses ' given to 22,800 people, which included 9,851 men, - 7,426 women, and 5,623 of the senior classes of the schools. When the train arrived at each stopping place, the car Gcon- taining the stock, which consisted of three pure bred Holstein cows, one pure bred Hereford fat steer, and four types of the best quality of work-hofses and brood mares, was placed at the unloading plat- forms The professors who accom- panied the train were experts on the agricultural subjects dealt with. Professbr Peters, and his assistant, Agricultural the least outlay. The senior classes of the schools at almost every point came over Lo the traig in a body and were ad- dtessed Thy either Principal Hales, Protessor Lee, or J. J. Golden on Ibe birds of Manitoba and other subjects which interest young péople and would be profitable. in farm life. ' All the meetings were opened with a short address explaining to ihe farmers why the Canadian Pa- cific Railway company and the -Agri- cultural College staff thought it necessary to run the train, the in- terest the C.P.R. took ik the farmers along their line and the desire for better farming. The tour was a gleat igor and id many places the train was met by brass bands and af other places the farmors pre- gented Principal Black with an ad- dress of welcome emphasizing the good work done by the train last year. The announcement by the C. P. R. to start demonstration farms in Manitoba was received with much appreciation by many farmers expressing the hope that the C.P.R. would locate a farm of that desciip- tion in their district. Oddfellows' Excursion to Ottawa, On Wedpesday, August 7th, under auspices of Napanee lodge, [.O.O.F. Special train leaves Kingston city 7.50 a.m.; Kingston junction, 8.10 a.m. Fare fromi Kingston, $2.15. Kingston tickets' good to return next day. Se cure tickets from G.T.R. station. ores RRR NI SPRITE, TART Li THE DURHAM-DUPLEX IN A The Durham-Duplex Style Razor made its own ere isn't any other so-called Jafery tages as good or Savibing nearit. TheDur- ection. class at the jump. ham-Duplex is simply per mere "safety razor," ANYTHIN hoe. irritate angle. THE LONG "BLADE DIAGONAL STROKE You ¢an't help using the right stroke with a Durham-Duplex. Ninety-nine men out of every hundred mer who shave themselves stick to the good old-fashion straight-bladed razor because they can get the This Offer May Not Appear Again you can use the sliding stroke like Jou barber does, and you CAN'T cut but beard. It's a rasor and NOT a lar "safety razors" scrape, pull and skin, because you can't get the right CLASS BY ITSELF It's more than a ed 'most profitable as a side line wita : progperous 4 THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESD OR. FREEMAN WRITES i i ABOUT THY REAUTIES OF LAK! LOU GHBORO. Nhich Fish--It is a Beautiful Place For Tourists--He | Has Lived Fifty Years Near It. Battersea, July 26.--(To the Edi- | tor Fo Will you Kindly allow y pace in your ¥ sluable paper to ca attention to' a few of the beauties and pleasantries of one of the most healthful spots ih this fair | Dominion, of late so rapidly coming into prominence with our American friends and yet so little known or | Abotinds in and do those accustomeyd it is well | god fortuna to'bave lived for nearly | 10wh that when of a e bait he ight, which never rm « And 1 what : ~ . 1 4 : AY, ITLY 31, 1942. - mm re -- ------ wmm-- - of thess take | H{ty years nedr 10 the shore and nething doing | #ach year has 'added (0 my store- 0: 4 house of re and yet 1 tire mot 3 as delighted as ever as | It at ¥v Nook and -Jook out npon the beautifal water Yeeling that a vise proyidence has indeed 'bestow ¥ od most bountifully in this |uie Lgift of his love and which if rightly inderstood administers towards our t hive hkaith and happiness "in.a most] the ther is stantly "pu But liberty 4, nd with | es fowl of the { and kinds, ail to pon us iT this Ete I, wr ay water adding tive. spot: 1 & confi has HOW ence been my Week. were many | appreciated by those who should en- | . jo¥ their' birthright, but who "for want of a chance have never learned to admire this most beautiful of all lakes. pe | . Lodghboro lake is situated if the | county of Fgontenac, twelve ties | north: of the eity of Kingston, and i twenty-one miles in length, contain- | ing several wide expansions, yet throughout most of its length it is | thickly dotted with islands of every | conceivable form, which are almost | invariably covered with a second | growth forest. of every variety of | trée known to this part of Canada, | and they are® of such luxuriant growth that it gives 'to all the sur-| roundings a beautiful richness, | which, to the lover of nature, sur. | passes human desc ription, and im- | parting to fhe breezes a rejuvenating | and recuperating power, which one! never fails to' appreciate and of which those who once experience never seem to tire. This beautiful lake lies along the border line between the township of Storrington and Loughboro ande is surrounded by a "contented and agricultural class, who are ever ready and willing to add to the enjoyment of the visitors in supplying them with all things ne- cessary for their comfort ft has two outlets and upon its main one is situated the far-famed, "Battersea." which ~one must visit to appreciate. This "beautifully lo- cated hamlet has been jaken posses- ston of by a pumber of enterprising citizens who have done everything in thefr power to provide ample ac- commodation for all who desire to share the pleasure so bountifully bestowed by pature and at reason. able rates, within the reach of all it is fed by a thousand crystal springs bubbling from the hill sides some dixty feet above the water lime, which supply the lake with abun- dance of cold wster, thus retarding the growth of all microscopic plants and thus we find the water 30 [pure | that the bottom may be distipetly seen to a great depth. - This delight. ful body of water abounds with great fish. which are strong and vigorous, freqiently proving a njatch for the most expert piscatoriaj ar- tist, who has ever yet visited among ue. In the deeper expansionj 'we find the salmon trout tipping! the scales at twenty pounds, which furnishf game for those delighted with the sport, wiiile < black { bass |! Men points of ALL * safe with tone of their razor with fine steel double-edged blad uality and th tory. good the price. weighing four pounds are numerous ; joned princi ght an i ¥ THE The Durham- le made SAFE. le---and k guic THE DURHAM-DUPLEX STYLE - vantages, inspected before It simply make sn The Durham-Duplex Style combines the good " and old-fashioned razors It's a REAL, es, tested for leaving the good, or we make 't that proof of honest intent, calves, 2.608 sh | VE STOCK MARKETS, it~ the Centres. { The Prices Paid. Wt) enives Me FOR k : the y toda stock at this. m \ -------- oy yarigus | With} About | To Help Nature Shed A Bad Complexion 1.400 Rogs Point Ihe ) LN {ith \ Ty ly, and The Durham-Duplex OCEAN witl raids tr imming That's the kind of a razor you lous sum of 40 cents. I) Duplex shave razor made. tender, And its simplicity Please think what the Durham-Duplex Style means to you. . . pls s th Wy sense of touch. an is fall { Yo 'gincer AE I smderful manner and which 1 trusty 3 ay with us enjoy.-- FREEMAN ook Cottage WESTERN MAYOR DISAPPEARS. | | Alexander Knox, of Wetaskiwin; ! i { Mayor known | Hill, spent Alta.. Desired by Aberdeen Police. Wetaskiwin, Alta., July aed Alexander Knox of t having suddenly tendered 'h signation, has disappeared. mayor, it is said, raceived a private cable Aberdeen, Scotland, | where the polled claim he is wanted ! under 'the Fugitive Offendérs' Act. | According to the information from Scotland, Knox has been sought for the last twe years, but it was im- possible to lo¢ate him until recently The mayor, on getting this news, it is explained by the police, left this city Thursday night last with- 'out notitying anybody concerning his ddstination. 'At noon Saturday his written resignation was received by the town council. : Knox has been mayor of Wetaski- win sinee -March, 19X0. 'He came here from' Scotland, and little was' of him except that he had been #& barrister in the old country, , and he continued -his- law practice | here. No details concerning the | case in Bootland are obtainable' at | this tinfe, -although it is probable | that the matter will be placed in the hands of the Northwest Mounted Police within a few days, for investi- gation. v ¥ . from ' Long Peint Locals. Long Point, July 27 Miss L.enna Bryan is visiting relatives iu Pots- | dam, N.Y Mrs. McMackin, Briar the" past week at her] daughter's,- Mrs. John Sybost, Mrs George Reed, who has been ii, is improving. Many from here attend- ed the funeral at Sand Buy, Friday; of the late Miss 8S. McCready. Mrs | dam, and isn'tita SQUARE DEAL? a Durham-Duplex, usually little It doesn't matter if the light is poor, you can shave easily and shave clean. of a train or boat won't make you cut yourself THAT MAKES IT THE Philip Yates, Toledo, visited rela- tives in this neighborhood last week Mrs. John Sykes and Master "Len- | nis visited Mrs. Josiah' Running, Qutlet, on Wednesday. Mrs. | Charles O'Connor 'is spending a few | days with friends in Athons Mrs | Luther Murphy returned to her home in ° Potsdam, on Thursday Joseph Bevins spent the week-end at his home here is visiting her brother' at Lodge, Howe Island. Mr. Montreal, made a business trip this neighborhood on Monday. cent - visitors: --Mr. Townsend, Mrs. L. Murphy, Pots- N.Y.: Mr. and Mrs. 8. Chin | man and children, Ottawa, at Mr. J | jvan's;. Miss Myrtle McKinley at J Singleton's; Dr. Fergus O'Connor and family, Gananoque, and T Sladk, Wiistsad, at Charles O'Cen nor's Miss Lucy Bevins | Nokomis | i 1 { | | 1 | Baeber, to Re- and Mrs. John The | © 110, $2.00 to $4,756; { $3.00 | sters $9.15 to $9.40; ito $9.00; | $4 | ers and ewes 205¢. | steady over oR poa SAN) hogs I'rade was brisk, with rather [ower best cattle were hat were oattle good ammals and the common stock, 3 ib, 'Calves sold Ih. Sheep sold lambs. at «ol vduatiy It 1s Na uplexion s 18 rota at 2c about Id, at ¥¢. 19 Vie. per a: 5 » resin bon ox {wa Fast Buffalo Cattle, _East Buffalo, July 28 --Cattle re ceipts 4.300 head; active, steady to sheep, ~mixed, lower; prime shipping, $8.50, - $8.75 j cows, $1 coines BR he sheslching: Sever twe cents nee of storey use night butchers, $5.50 to $4.50 to $7.85 5: "bulls, $4.00 w 36 stockers and Peeders, $4.25 to $5.5 stock heifers, $2.75 to $4.25; fresh cows and springer. active and firm, $30 to $70 washing it Another » | mént--lor w i he the face dissolving an. anes half pint witch havel ably eficetiye This Veal receipts, 1,800 head; and Hoc. lower; $4.00 to $10.5 Hogs receipts---10.500 he tive and steady; - heavy, $8.75 to $2.8: mixed, $8.75 to $885; york- ers, $8.65 to $8.50; pigs, $5.65 to $10.70; roughs, 7.40. 10° $7.60; stags, $5.00 to $6.25; dairies, $8 to $8.70. Sheep and lambs receipts, head; lambs, $4.50 to $8.00; year- linge, $6.00. to $6.50. 'wethers 75 to $5.50: ewes, active, weth higher. to Mrs, J. KE. Roulean. July 21.-The Patrick Purcell pavment of $5,000 Catherin Route 0:4 Cornwall, Ont, oe! late Mrs villes for the nually to her Donald." wile Cornwall, which ipal; the money to In wiong her next of. kin shoul before fifteen 'years; 31,000 Chicago, July 29.--Cattle receipts | yiece, Mav McDonald 21.000 market steady to 15¢c. lower. | The sum of $3,000 Beeves, $5.70 to $8.70; Texas | John Twomey for =o steers, $4.85 to $6.90 western | parochial -obj in 5.80 to $7.80; stoekers and-f willian ri { to $6.80: cows and heif-| Four $8.10 calves $8.25 | pioh Hey Alexandria \ and for a separate s hool ower ' to. $8 mixed place Fhe residue of s Left to Very Rev + heavy $7.2 20 to the Benefit of the ¢ bulk of the 6.400} { niece of J. } filleen time she is lo au for Vea? PeeR VE divuded Chicago Live Stock. vl to and So dollars i Mutt for 8a home 3 thoussnd ). to bUshop receipts 10¢ Light, $7.80 $7.40 to $8.20 $8.10; rough, at $7.20 pigs, $6.50 to $8.10; the sales, 55 to $8.10 Sheep receipts 24,000 48.000 market to the estale George Corbett { Cornwall, Tor of deem he estate {tional objects a may visable I'he £100,000 + is V market Goll Cup Challenge Races, {rin Day, | A ugrus y special trip, | N ative, to. $2 yearlings ? b.i lambs native, $4.2 to $ western, $4.25 to $7.50. western $4 to 7.50 riday, ---- returning leave Sharpton Notes. Sharpton, July My han, so seriously injured in a runa way, continues to improve Miss Pear! Taylor is visiting. in Roches ter; N.Y. Miss Hazel A. Bell, Kings- ton business 'college, is spending her | not due vacation at her home here. Quite | the part of t a pumber from her spent Thursday | attendants at Latimer, | Fresh Melo P. Mo- 26 who have Americ | ANH exh Al Ww MM the p " WOMAN LEFT 85000 A YEAR. {Bequeaths 'Balk of $100,000 Estate Ar and such other charitable and edu of Kingston! Get This! A GENUINE $5.00 STYLE DURHAM DUPLEX RAZOR FOR While they last 1,000 Durham Duplex Razors equipped with a double-edged blade will be sold in Kingston for 40 cents each THE ONLY LONG BLADE DIAGONAL STROKE RAZOR diagonal stroke that really shaves. It's only fear of cutting themselves that has driven them to using the so-called "safety. razor" with the new-fangled shape and the pipe-stemi handle. Duplex is this o ein You use it NATURALLY at the off comes the toughest beard; easily, NEVER a cut on your face. is the only razor that will do this. There's nothing to take its place. . } You can shave with more than the he motion ONE ° BEST RAZOR TO BUY buy for the ridicu- Go it. The Durham- s faster, cleaner, easier than any other Won't irritate your skin, be it ever so makes it easy to clean. WHY 1,000 ARE SOLD AT A LOSS The price of this Demonstrator Durham-Duplex doesn't pay for its making. We're taking a positive CUT OUT THIS COUPON BELOW Present it with 40c to your dealer and receive a razor you can enjoy the rest of your life. W. A. Mitchell McKelvey to . H. Sil UN gal SAE & Birch "w Simmons Bros. G. W. Mahood 'S. Prouse 40c Durham Derby Set, $2 50. MADE loss on every one of the 1,000 we are selling in Kingston at this price. But we're looking into the future. We want the good will of ten thousands of you Kingston men Selling these 1,000 at this price is a good advertising proposition, but the word-of-mouth recommendation of 1,000 satisfied USERS to their friends will be a better advertising proposition---- the best on earth. It's just that recommendation and the satis faction of every Durham-Duplex user that will make the sales for the Durham-Duplex $5.00 razor. That's how we'll get our money back. Durham Duplex Razor Co. 200 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. LOASEEN EEL ELES. Ts MY This is the razor you get jow to any of these dealers. It gtrument as our regular razor This is the Coupon for is 40c if equally as " DURHAM-DUPLEX RAZOR 200 CO Fifth or any dealer mentioned Avenue, York. N.Y Dear Sir : Enclosed find 49 cents in coin to pay poslage, pa king maifing and distributing - expense Send Durham Demon strating Razor with Dur ham-Duplex bisde, waich you present to me without further obligation on' my part are to Name Town Slate Oui-ef-town customers send 3 EY SL SS POF