\ PAGE FOUR.. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, At GUST 1, "1912 REAL ESTATE $1.50 will buy an almost new 6-room house in centre of Queen Street; good cellar and closet: a barga'n for a home. ' $2,050--Three frame: houses, paying 14 per cent, on the outlay. A snap as an investment. Good condition. ,500--Semi-detached Brick: Veneered on Colborne Street; electric light 'D. & c., ete. $2 2,900--Solid Brick Semi-detached 9- room house, deep lot, on Johnson below Division. first-class solid'. Prick hot water. heating; 6 bed- double parlors, *dining- room and kitchen,® summer Kkit- chen, shed and deep lot, near Queen's College. R. Chas. Bell Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 239 BAGOT STREET, ~~ $4,000--A House; rooms; A CAR-LOAD iia YT ine ROOFING: JUST RECEIVED 01 ly, two ply, thras on and five ply. W: ¢a n make most attrastive prices on. sam? Aik tor samples, or call and see it. Anglin & Co. FOOT OF BAY ST. - SD. For Potatoes | Land Plaster will | start the plants in- | to vigorous growth P. WALSH | 58-57 BARRACK STREET. Big Reduction 'Sale Now' On. We are offering 25 per cent, off all up-to, date Worsteds and Tweed Suits, both Men's and Boys'. n's Suits, régular 00, for .. Me $e: for .. $10.00, for .. 12.00, for . 15.00, for 18.00, for ..81 same reductions. $5.23 HE. $7.50 " » Hoys' Suits at the ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS STREET. NEW SHOE RIARNG BUSINESS ROBERT PAYNTER has takea the at of the late Davis at Re old stand, 269 C STREET. All kinds oe Repairing pro promptly Hinds All work guarante PRESERVIN SEALERS, Lot of Presetving Sealers for also New and Second-hand Beds Call and see me gain. A Sale; and Furniture. vif you want a bar HH. SUGARMA 242 © Opposite" ralgs Wh A AAA BAS AAAI REDUCED PRICES Balance of Season My big line of Antique Furniture Ewin he sold at re- | duced prices during the hot weather season. ! . Come in "and see the bar- ! gains. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS { bought and sold on best terms. Consult me. L. LESSES untarie Street, olesale, Boat and Yacht Suppies CANOES PADDLES OARS xu boats must lave lights of after dark. We have the restiation kind both in Brass and Galvanized kind from $1.50 to $4.00. BATTERIES and DRY CELLS. POCKET LAMPS. FOR: SALE 30 | blue book, What has become of theni ? p@ | ROL tremble with WHIG, Editions at 2 B R pris WHIG, ng $1 a year To i oe of Dally $3 1e best Job Pr nine improved p BRITISH $6 per year. DAILY Ontario, WEEKLY Thursday morn be added making Attached Is one of and cheap work; t at ish, * TORONTO OEFICE~Sufte 19 and? Street, Toronto. H. EK Smallplece, J. What would have if subject to the interpre- a time of it some preachers tation which was offcred to a Baptist on a recent occasion in Ebgland. had been denouncing the sin of David when qpe of the parishioners objected He did not see what good was to "mud throwing at ove of the. best men in the Bible." Said this interrupter, when "spoken to on the "For some weeks Mr. sermons come of subject later : Hughes has been preaching' derogatory to the good men and wo- men. of the Bibl, Moses has had it, Esther was spoken -of as if she were a bad woman, aod poor old Joh has been dragged through the mud. Last published at 16 pages infted He | > 206-310 King Street,. Kingston, 30 and 4p mm . publ 3 parts en Monday and es fot postage had t 1 year, I : inting Orr th Canada; Yapid,™ styl- resses THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED 2 =: Be Pillott,! President, Leman A, Guild, See.-Treas... * .20"' Queen. City Chambers, 32 Church PF. reptesehitative A SOENE IN CHURCH. pei orig evening Mr, Hughes went on in sang 'way, just as if he delighted that sort of tng." thing became common--that any man ip the congregation, were at liberty to call the sermonizer in Supposing this or any Woman, would be the ei- ? Would it to account---what fect on church attendance not increase I Would not the ling, so common in political "life England, have a tendency to ap . the discussion ? It would, but it would bahish of devotion. Some like criticizing the preachers betimes, it tn liven certainly the sphrit men may fecl but does, not comport with sensg of the dignity and decorum that should prevail in church. nuke paki follows to detect conclusion It money grafting. This the story of Detroit's exposure as artajn aldermen are concerned, number of them are under arrest complicity in the Wabash deal. least twenty-five would have involved had the man who is. finan- the costs so far A for: At 100 com-, municative and given that which should have been kept a: sec- ret, at least for a The : detectives are slick workers. They %e-~ present all of people, and as prosperous contractors and real estate they are luxur- ious livers. The Detroit aldermen thought they had struck it rich when they ipto contact. with the detectives, had their offices, their and: the money cing case not become away time. classes and conditions men came who ways of on- tertainment, with which to carry out their plans. The offiendéts dropped easily into the trap, some of them accepting the bribes been | Burns THE GRAPTERS AT BAY. { without any qualms of consdience, and which were showing a readiness to serve suggested that as graiters they old campaigners. And all of thim talk of runming again, and right for the which they have forfeited. The experience. which had public men not so' a way, again of Montreal, long had peo- ago, who disgraced it and who been diiven out of power by the ple. "They brazened it out, however, seeing no impropriety did in anything they They were heard of again, in a the result of * the poll showed that the people had not Detroit com recent election, but forgiven or forgotten them. 15 going, it is said, to try a nussion for municipal government of greater It commission is a guarantee is Men them- clliciency, . with honest men. not a guarantee against graft. who are crooked 'will destroy under eny form of selves govern- ment. Jrnpm-- A grievances against the imperial on the part of Mr: Cham- that the old age pension Lloyd-George is adding the burdens oi the government, is of millions te berlain, scheme many government, and raised by the taxation of the rie " is that want are A the ol these millions grievance of Boner Law is rocking with a the methods of Lloyd country confidence. in Leorge. The wail is that of the rich---on -be- half of the and 'calls attention to one side of the case. There is another side. It is presented by the which the imperial govern- has according to which there 100,000 fewer vaupers than there were a' year ago. ? They have rich, only 'ment issued, and are nearly left the poor houses and refuges and resumed their places in the commun: ity, as helpers in their own support, Old age pensions graded and nade to fit the physical and financial conditions of the aged poor. Hence, whens they were made available over 61,000 women and 26,000 men seventy years of age passed out "of the are over care of the poor-law authorities dur- ing the year, but there are still near- ly 50,000 people of pensionable age who prefer to remain in poor-law in- and another 9.500 to outdoor relief. The rate of pau perism per 1,000 of the population 99 9 -=.2, stitutions, ceive re is now only the lowest recorded for forty years, when it stood as high as 143 per 1,000. With the exception 1901 the actual number of persons re- lieved was the years. » The report brings out the significant of lowest for nineteen The on¢ man in New York who does fear--when others are shaking and fearing assassination ~is Mr. Whitman. the district-attor- neiderome. in his day, was a pic- guresque and dauntless prosecutor. Whitman 'in his equal, and his su- perior in some respects a The - sickness and non-employment schemes of old England are not co- pies, as some people suppose, of er- maoy's plans. The English pension and sick and non-employment de- partments ave "the best in the world, thanks to the services and study of that most brilliant man, lloyd: Cugrge. : England is spending a lot of mon- ey on munitions of war. She cannot kelp it. England's supremacy on jand and sea, for the sake of the world abd its peace, must be mair- {tained. But England is taking care, at the sohual colt of many millions, of itosick, its aged, and indigent poc, The masses are not being ne gle feed. - a -_ E people ave anvious +o turn tha |) EDITORIAL NOTES. SWEEP OF MORAL REFORM. ec, fact that 60 per cent, of the adult males classed as ordinary. "able of of those in receipt of were bodied" in receipt indoor relief, and 64 per cent, relief, of _their outdoor relieved on ac- count own sickness, the an obvious inference the means accident, the that Act will pro- or infirmity turn. Jt eventually at date of re is Insurance Jide the of from the thou escape workhouse and infirmary for This, perience ~At a great meeting in Kensington on | vhe eve of the date set for the tion of the Act, the the made a speech he fiercest, sons, indeed, has been the eo of Germany. Insurance chan cellor of exchequer said that when in which the hartied he had a vision which insults through the air, sustained him. now," said he, "the with the hstress, "I can see humble people dark clouds of anxiety, homes of the di vase, and privation hanging them, and 1 I can Act, the and many another like heavily again another Vid Age insurance over can see the National \et breezes vision. S00 Pension Act, tradl, the in their descending of mist-laden hills the gloom from weeping into the God's clearing rays of untii the pierced tho away sun have narrowesl window." Lloyd-George the may not suit people politicians, who are out oi power especially --but he is a great so cial reformer, and in the improvement of social conditions has done more for the masses than any man. lis is an exemplary and exceptional 'position. 5 Borden government out of office. The Ara tories were a Tong time in opposition. The grits basked in the sunshine of offi: 1s it not fair that the spoils of of the pudding with the plums, should be passed: around ? they not a little hurried ? tee, ers--in rurabesections--have been tak- ing the agricultural course in the vol lege at Guelpb., It pays to get the certificate of a specialist. The hold or gets a special bonus of $30 per annum from the education depart: ment. How many of Frentenac's Lteachars are taking the course? Tegiia wants to boriow a million dollars from the federal' government for several years, and.on account public works. It seeks to recover as speedily as possible from the effects of the cyclone. The federal govern: of gina can rely on the cordial support Jo its portionlas friend, Hon. "Bob." Rogers. v Great was the "mihado of Japan. His Praises i rin every Jand. He has hodk. their | : ' places in the coumsil operas when assaitid] my native land, | A great many of the western teach went ought to help--if it can--and Re. {with nation, ! need of {meryved jas 1% {from THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR fuoen sopresentcd t light mn But the alors alon was, AFC progr doing well to let- them su represent ound] ? are Who i= ward - in to the a hurry. the it well, restect to late the while whe be when wait io place. a Bat may an She he | O¥E% SQume good man, shoul 4 be he | The Canadian te Canada with { fete Sir the hur « on erence , president Canada's William Canadian England, of money for Ma kenii of sary i Canada thepe. . "BRSOPER DR. WHITE SPECIALISTS In the following Diseases of Men: Plies Varicocele | Dyspepsia Eczema | Epile td Rheumatiem Asthma | Syphilis Lost Vitality * Catarrh | Stricture Skin Diseases Diabetes | Emissions Kidney A flecticns And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Diseases, Call or send history for free advice. Free k on Diseases and Question . Blank. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours--10 am. tol p.m. and 2 to ép.m. Sundays--10am, to 1pm Consultation free. DRS, SOPER & WHITE, 'Toronto St, Toronto, Ont.< BICYCLE SUNDRIES At Cut : BICYCLE MUNSON Prices ™ 413 Spadina Avenue, 3 TORONTO Send for Cut Price Catalogue. HANDSOME OR PLUMES CLEANED, DYED | | | valleys, some |! Our work in dyeing, cleaning and "re-curling plumes and feathers the. most. delicate and costly--has brougit:us the best custom of city and coun- try. R. PARKER & CO. Dyers and Cleaners, t 689 Princess St, Klagston, Ont. 5 Alteration Sale to We intend take over rooms sands of this class of unfortunate per. now occupied by Sparks & Sparks, | : * and in order to make these improve- ments we must reduce our stock. ne your Furniture during {fe Cale d save money. 15 per cent. all Summer FF Camp Chairs, ete. to 20 urnit Boat per' cont. Of ire, Verandah Chairs, Swings 25 per cent. off Baby Carriages. 18 per cent. off this season's lat- est styles. 2. J. Reid, Phone 501 LHE LEADING UNDER FAKER. » Supplies i Flash Lights and Batteries, lida lect Cn Se a mre AAS aires returnihg. | plety | CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS New York Styles $1.00 and $1.25 Suits = for Boys 2 1- 23 years to 9 years BIBBYS CLEARING PRICE 69c Boys' Khaki Suits $1.25 Norfolk Coats, Bleoineér Pants for Boys 6 years to 16 years. Regu lar $2.50 qualities. - Bibbys Clearing Price $1.25 LD SO Boys' Jerseys Short Sleeve, Low Necks, Plain Blue with white or Red trim. Plain white with Red or Blue trim. Sizés 22 to 28. Bibbys Clearing Price 15¢ . Boys' and Children's Straw and Linen Hats 50c, 75c and $1.00 qualities for 25¢ and 35c qualities for Motor Boat IF 25¢ 15¢ © BIBBYS Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 8 82 PRINCE {SS STREET. 4 TEA! DE a tr --=--=1 | TEA TEA Davis Gasoline Engines | [100 v0 ve ooo Rr ho E = back whéh engine is. thoroughly Inoking for the best OND HAND Engines The DAVIS Engines take you out you want to come. EVERY. part of tested befewe leaving eur shops. IH get a DAVIS. WE have several new on hand. Orde r FoF Repairs, DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. 'Phone 420, fla . and bring you pound, the you and SE( are now - ICE CREAM The Finest and Best, by the pint, quart, or «in bricks A. J. REES Phone 58 - Eugine Supplies and Fittings try us, --m= Every Eddy Match is a Sure, Safe Matéh : = F is made of first quality materials by skilled workmen and mechanically perfect machines, and carries with it the Eddy guarantee that it's'a sure light. LWAYS make sure you are well supplied with Eddy's matches because " If you're sure they're Eddy's, you're sure they're right." : 166 Priucess Bt I's NEVER 100 LATE 10 START DOING THINGS THE RIGHT WAY always Tut PDY'S matches ae alwa M.M. « keep them. Ng oo ywhie dealers ever The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited . Makers of Paper, Paper Bags, Hull, Canada, We Tissue Towels, etc. because with you've of Just you've cooked 186 habit the morning coal bes always geiMing to been In carly start the ca the in "fire Just because wrestled with and ashos-- Just because , Wu these things is to reason you should always do them H we can't prove to you that CHE APRESS CLEANNESS CONVENIENCE. up alway dir you've dust abd C= Craw FORD'S CoAavr. Wel SC 4a N ) Tr San Have DE ight Heat, Power, ater, Depts, C. C. FOLGER GENERAL MANAGER, " Gas for ooking Heft "We don't wal ¥ou ¥ rk an a