PAGE TW ae BRR VBOREBARAS. FRESH CAUGHT SALMON, ; HALIBUT, WHITE FISH, TROUT and LIVE LOBSTERS DOMINION: FISH CO. 63BROCK ST. PHONE 250 / AVR TRV RET LTR ER Motor Boat Supplies Flash Lights. and Batteries. In the éves silly make a mighty po man look like the real of a ! TORTURED FROM BABYHOOD "Fruit-a-Jives' Cures Corsiyation Miss £. A. GOODALL ¥, ALTA., Nov, 20th. 1911 been a sufferer since baby- that terrible complaint, I have been treated by and have taken every Pes cine [heard of, but without' the slightest benefit. 1 finally Concluded that there was no remedy in the world that conld cure Constipation. About this time, I heard about *Fruit- ' and decided to try them. The ect was marvellous, Th e first box gave me great relief, and after I had used a few boxes, I found that I was entirely well, "'Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine that ever did me any good and I want to say to all who suffer as I did--*Try Yais fruit medicine and you will find s I did--a perfect cnre' (Miss) E. A: GOODALL "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine in 2 the world made of fruit and the only that will positively and completely you of Constipation, i box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢, 1 n receipt of price I DMONTOX "1 Rave from ipation GEORGES NAVY PLUG {IAAL (408 Tne Rock City Tosacco Co.L. QUEBEC Once you taste Beer you will never be satisfied with any other. You'll find 'that the sparkling, delicate flavor of JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON, CANADA. " © THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, RUSSIA AND JAPAN AND TIAPAN IN THE FAR -- MOOK EAST. [1 SSIS SPOILS Japs Show Managing Over. Railway They Took eri { railroac 3 [tp all | South Mas 1 d from tl Japanese a, but not » that was Cl Manchuria a en 'threate ese 1 h other « they the truce . Ports mouth, did treaty of That tre aty, retorates Russia, and ' forces which maintain Man- sure, not war are sufficiently larg manrtenance the open d on ther res churia A issian city arms with trad i X ipo Jay nese have show capacity for orgam r nagement of the ' Chinese Easten hich they thol i Fhey h: rected this railroad : IVE 1 » South Manchuria railway the best ilroad construction of the branch they hive commece Manchuria: ith: the This has pla them 10 Manchuzia IVETE! railway | the Port Art! Mukden line lines "are for ulitary they serve 1 time ot peace of trad¢ for Japan's ec quest of South Manchuria 1 steams hip es bemg the government, are such reduct: to place serious arey (tio f ih tirely ames It is ww far By the Mukden South ean ravlways i positior two ¢ cod strike these stile mainly s y + highly ' ire d by position to give pce merchants as er nations , The Manchuria by rapidly "and accomplished fact Considering the great interest which Japan has already acquired South Manch it is not surprising that many leading Japanese men have advocated the annexation of South Manchuria. Foremost among these is Mr. Tomizu, member of the Japanese parliament. He is a man of great influffence. In 1904 he was one of the stxen professdrs who advocat- ed the war with Russia About two months ago Mr. Tomizu wrote a mag- azine article in which he advocated the immediate annexation of South Manuchuria - His article did not occasion much surprise among students of far east- ern politics. During the last few vears Japan's activities in South Man churia have been such as to cause a widespread belief that she was pre- paring to annex that territory. When Korea was annexed both Chinese and foreign students of the far east, said the anncxation of South Man- irta would be the next step in the expansion of Japan. When the Chin- revolution broke out, there were iy who prophesied that Japan and Russia would dnnex their respective spheres in Manchuria under the pre- text of mgintaining order ---- i ---- The activities of Russia and Japan have not been confined to Manchuria Their merchants and political agents have pushed into Mongolia and have courted the friendship of the descend- ants of the khans. Russia has been singularly suecessful in outer Mon- gohia, while Japan has devoted her at- tention to inner or southern Mongo- lia. - When the outer Mongohans de clared their independence last Decem ber, it was generally believed that they did' so instigated by the Rus- sians. When, a few days later, the Russians government informed the Chinese that she would not consent to China's sending any armies or col- onists to onter Mongolia the convic- tion became fixed in the minds of many observers that Russia was plan- ning to annex outer Mongolia. It seemed that China was about to lose both Manchuria and Mongolia Just when everybody was specuiat- ing as to what would be the probable date of the annexation of Manchuria and Mongolia there was a volte face in Russia's far eastern policy. With- out any apparent reason Russia sud. denly announced that she had no ul- terior motives with regard to Mon- golia. This attitude was announced vot only. by the Russian minister in Pekin, but by the Russian thinister of foreign affairs, Mr. Sazanoff. In his speech to the Duma on April 26. he spoke strongly against the establish- ment of this territory as an independ- ent buffer state. He pointed out the unfitness of Mongolia for independ- ence and stated that it would be Rus- sia's policy to mediate between the Chinese and the Mongglians with a view to bringing about an arrange- merit which would lead to a reinstate- those as a disad Mic conquest Japan 1s will i v 2 ccone South ceeding soon states- ese FOR | temarkalile Capacity for SATURDAY, » AL GUNY THE BLACK AND WHITE match, hemp hat is trimmed with a have flexible tam ©' fume. TONIC FOR THE Method Most Treating STOMACH The Modern in Successtn Indigestion. The hionec nethods indigestion and are being di the whan the old-in of treat trouble scarded able watt d-tashioned ls \ s{opped tronble gravate y he//modern method of curnr indi ch trofibles 1 to siep tow not recovery ol to tone mal work stomach lo its nor ard recon to be lost appet 1hsene ery if a ined, the irance of, pain, th I'he disapp aman the of teps on the road who have remem thik ills af constituent of gas--all are health tonic treat In Wiil medicine, eve that those ent tried ber d uns' | is helpful in building up the digestive organs, and is, therefore, the very best casas of Lhe thousands of following. W. W. Swain, Valley, Ont., says : "For my mother had stomach which she got she began the Pink Pills. She ent times by efiorts did not av remedy for chron omarh > treatment like (Girand several vears trouble. The success of is proved the by Cases from no relief whatever until use of Dr. Williams' was treated at differ doctors but thei ail. Then she was ad vised to try an electric belt, but it proved She suffered much during this time and food became dis tasteful. The trouble also efiected her nerves and™ her general health was on the verge of a breakdown. One day a friend who was in asked her to try Dr. Willidms' Pink Pills. Without very much hope that the pills would prove successful when other medicines had fatled, we nevertheless got her a sup- ply. In a few waeks we could see a de cided change, and got six more boxes, by the time these were used mother was almost well, and she kept on tak ing the pills for time longer, and was completely cured. She is now a healthy and stropg woman, and is never bothered with her stomach in apy way. I hope this statement will bring relief to other sufferers." Why experiment with medicines of doubiful value, when you have such positive evidence of the benefit fol lowing the use of Pr, Williams® Vink Yills ¥ Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or sn boxes for 82.50, from The Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont trouble three worthless. a' short Phe World's Largest Fish Hatchery. The largest and most elaborate hsh hatchery in the world is now In pro- cess of construction at Pratt, Kan, says I. William Thavis in Popular Mechanics Magazine. This project was authorized and provided for by the Kansas Legislature last year. It will cost $150000. None of the fish hatcheries ever huilt by® the govern- ment has exceeded the cost of $23.000 The Kansas hatchery will be one mile in length and a quarter « of a mile im width. Jt will contain one hundred pounds, averaging an acre in size and six feet deep. When compared to other hatcheries: already in existence this project seems a stupendous 'mn- HAT A simple trotteur frock of serge, be 'brightened for special occasions with a contrasting hat and collar to In this case the collar is of heavy macrame lace white feather wreath.¢ These yery soft hemp straws are exceedingly fashion: able this summer, and most' of themthat settle well down over shanter crowns White broidered dots on the long wrists complete a cool BRIGHTENS A DARK COSTUME. suitable for traveling wear, may and the black ostrich pempon anil a soft white the hair. black em beach cos silk gloves with summer ce most of tl the larg yest niry € 1 ly more acr of wat Kai pes, which each mdivid also includes rete str wire-mesh Cclure appurter lig th A Much-Invented Furnace, the is I by ite to at least A Mathematical Tradition. An' interesti oblem in mathe matics tradi assume 1e for of a connecting 1 f with the wsephus, the Jewish hi } ns had capty . Josephu shelter in ve So falling into" the that all of them 1d one other man and forty xcepting Josephus ved to kill th elves. The historias [ 1 to work, g a scheme himself and other man, whe was th himse He hey wit de- like-minded therefore alt 1 n a sen put eact ther to every third ma: that the last s ther proposed wircle, death, 1 regular or- urviving man Was care comrade in the six the line himself thirty-one, with the resnlt that the two were the last that were left, 1 by this means escaped death It is a true problem, and the question was to know before the killing began which numbers in line the two friends should aseume -------------- Pure Water and the Death Rate. It 13 often assumed that the value of an improved water supply is meas ured by the decrease in the death rate irom typhoid fever. As a matter of fact these figures tell but a part of the story. The so-called Mills-Reincke phen omenon (decrease in the general death rate of cities following the puri- fication of a polluted water supply) indicates that the lives saved from ty- photd are but a third, perhaps not more than a quarter, of the total sav- mg Dr. A McLaughlin, of the Public Heglth and Marie Hospital Service, believes that -a- pure water supply greatly diminished the fatali- ties among young children from _in- testinal diseases. When, as occasion ally happens, the introduction of a pure, public water supply seems at first to have no cffect in reducing the general death rate. or even that from typhoid itself, it should be remember- ed. says Dr McLaughlin, that water #s put one of many sources oi infec- tion. The contagious diseases firnish an uncertain element in the mortality statistics, which may in any year. or even during a period of years, render conclusions regarding the value of 0 d VE iy BAKING RESULTS CONTAINS NO ALUM MADE IN CANADA Every Eddy Match is a Sure, "Safe Match = I* is made of first quality materials w skilled workmen and mechanically perfect machines, and carries With it the Eddy guarantee that it's a sure light. LWAYS make sure you are well supplied with' Eddy's matches because "If you're sure theylre Eddy's, you're sure they're right." . always full goo kee DDY'S matches ace count Ler The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited M.M: de: everywhere p them, ' Makers of Paper, Paper Bags, Hull, Canada, Toilet Paper. Tissue Towels, ete. = : | | any single jibptovement in public san- ftation of little val ue, bringing THE PROBLEM SOLVED AVOID OPERATIONS ALWAYS A LAST RESORT This is the age of operations, but dn operation is submitted to always at a last resort. « Women are'subject to operations more frequently than men. If every gifl and woman wi wild Keep her physical condition in a healthy state there would be fewer operations : NATURE DOES WONDERS > How quickly one responds to her reserve strength after a severe tiness--from_a weak, tired and Bloodless being, with time and care the reserve strength comes forward and health returns ALAS! THIS PRESENT AGE with its worries, strains and excesses leaves many a woman in a condition where nature's reserve force does not get a chance to assert itself. She is almost cons tantly. under strain or excitement and when ill-health comes she has not the time or means to rest and recuperate her strength. What is the result? She is pale, anaemic, becomes run-down and puts in an existence of misery. Sometimes the trouble affects the pelvic organs, and she snffers from pams and irregularities which undermine her system. She becomes discouraged hese are THE ONES WHO SUBMIT TO OPERATIONS simply 'because nothing else helped them. It is a last resort There is one remedy which every girl and woman should try before getting intd such a run-down or @iseased tondition--RESTOR ATONE TABLETS. These tablets are especially adapted for girls and women, giving prompt and lasting : benefit in Anaemia, Nervous ness, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, Headache, Troubles. Restoratone act on the blood and system, and stimulate the re serve strengta to act. They regu- late and strengthen the pelvie Organs, curing these organs to a natural h TRY GET AT THE CAUS ; premipt and gratitying 1 promoting the activity vit y of the body A trial of or y nvi Tablets are for «a drigy or cheer Aly seit oe to any addressis nervou pains and irregularities, Y state mm a short time THE TROUBLE and offer overcome local conditions by gans, and increase the general OF They of special or ice you. Do not delay. Restoratone 50 cts. a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, address on receipt of price by THE RESTORATONE ©O., Limited TORONTO, CANADA. t's Shredded Wheat A Boon to the Housekeeper-- Kitchen worries and cooking proble ms vanish from the home where SHREDDED WHEAT is known. . It is ready-cooked and ready-to- ® serve. It contains all the rich body-building | ® material in the whole wheat made digestible by steam-c ooking, shredding and baking. You can prepare a warm, nourishing meal in a few moments by heating the biscuit in oven to restme crispness and then pouring hot milk over it. Also wholesome and delicious with stewed or canned fruits, Made of Choicest Selected Canadian Wheat A Canadian*Food for Canadians z Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Limited Niagara Falls, Ontario Toronte Office: