{ had al | boas. } of hands { bx i OF RUSH IN rink} TRADE. Bo : Movermeu! from number of passengers VESSELS ARE DELAYED > AS RESULT OF COAL CARRYING > ¥ apad Fo Wait o Kingat Kingston 'Schooners Haye to Theje Turn Loaded After Crossing Lake--Iecord "Trips | Could be Made But for Tais De. |can il before {caused hy the lay. / ky hingston The schooner Maize coul for elevator vht to be the : the ¢ Coal schoonebs running fom wigo, Charlotte and Fairhaven Kingston are suffering a great throu being "help-up" the rush of to been so great that some sessels have had to remain ov 'hese ports for a week and times later, in order to get a cargo "UH it were not for the dday in getting loaded," said a local captain, § apeaking to the Whig, about the mat fer, could make far more trips, but of course we cannot remedy th fault. . Sometimes when there is an extra rush of vessels we are held for a very long time. When a scl is up waiting for a the expos for the keeping 'of crew goes on just the same, and this that takes off a large part the profit." The coal their turn to when vessel are several . coal. The rash fast, a but lx come ima bunch ib reach to-night arrived R. « The from cleared with Selkirk, the Colborne, Twégo, with rawford M.T. be k t lett Co's arrived, tui Port the eh for 1 Veuse Is eg fA housie, and Winnipeg ora ol and v some- | load int at -Port Fdme which is hav nton, ye b roment clenamer grain, The on her w day morning. tion purposes; was on beard. The steamer down, to-night, the lon her last trip is | route, On Monday she into Davis dry dock {or renovation woal and freight steambarge. Swift's wharf: Steamers and North King, down and up; Rideau Qu steamers Rideau King, down, steamer Brockville, Jay ports. -------- Locomotive Works Presentatio Frid token wizhes for real, where with the oat down the She gov ay river, on used Inspector Phil 'we is and up : i Buena Vista is « Smith's the goes ve from on tie cargo it of to take* Sometime awe schooners hive loaded into asda" W y companies can, x or nn from dow n Lond the | whn ia is | tawa; conl , from work as they the impossible to prevent .@ ddla¥. One thing that Kingston js need of it more wharf accommodation. Un Friday afternoon this is notice able, as the whar Are dnd thelr! utmost enpacily. Ry wharf the steamers Kings! ritannic and one of the Rideau boats land at the same time. "It certainly f! takes a lot planning on the pant Mr. of the eapta to get to the wharl, With the increase of trade, the wharves will have he increased in one polices two } coming into the side by si n Le the pi I'he steamer Goroma ger's wharf, on Friday aiternoon, on her first {rip down the river alter her accident. The boat presented very fine appearance coat of paint on the lower ves at five esteem ay afternoon, of their in 1 and host row to At ift's sn, Caspian, Ya. *R. company, presented Daniel J street, with a Anderson has heen of the works his departure Sager read an expressive Russell Derry made the Mr. Andersan was touched friends' thoughtfulness, ied negcordingly Irnt------------ B assistant the pany Division gold of for sefne -much oflice ind to aire, : 1 whart 2 aot and abe-to Fol rerved at Mise Hariette Solmes, 'heen appointed a having a fresh|ts fill the vacancy parts. She stall. recont on Collegiate i o'clock, fromy Os Bart apd the Winnipeg to load steel at Welland; the discharges wheel repaired. Loretta calle Satur for inspec lip: tue Falls passenge the mto '; Toront« steam cleared for Oftawa Ot am a best his future success in Mont + has reeeived a positior the officy staff of the Canadian Locomotive con: Andersor watch in the drawing years regret teil address presenta with re THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, S ATURDAY, THE CHURCH SERVICES THE FILLING OF ON oF THE SUNDAY, 'there Will he Interesting. Thewaes|! Considered in. the Pulpits--The/| Gospel Message to All People. St. Andrew's church--Rev. 8 J.° M. Compton, B.D: pastor. Services 11 am. and p.m. Strangers wel- come. €halmers church Barrie streets Servi p.m. Rev. Dr. both services. St. Paul's church--Morning pray- er and Holy Communion, 11 am.; evening prayer, 7 p.m Preacher poth. services, Rey Canon M.A. Cooke's Presbyterian Brock street, Rev: J. W, M.A., pastor Rev. Prof. will condugt both services. Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m, Strangers courteously welcomed. First Baptist church--Rev. Doug- las Laing, pastor, at both services. This church and First Congrega+" tional church worship together. 11] a.m. service in First Baptist ghurch; Bible school, 2.45 pm.; 7 p.m. service in First Congregational church. Strangers cofdially invited to all the services. St George's cathedral sunday after Trinity. communion; .11 a.m., choral com- munion service, subject of sermon, "The friendship of Mammon'; 4 p.m,. baptism#; 7.p.m., evensong of one hour's duration... Rev. Canon Starr will preach at both services. Calvary Congregational church, ner "of Bagot and Charles streets a.m., public worship, followed, lay school; 7 p.m., public ship. Monday, 8 p.m., Young e's meeting. Wednesday, prayer meeting. Seats free and un ippropriated. Strangers and 'visilers heartily welsomed. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson. street, between Bagot and Wellington streets: ~Sunday service, 11 a.m.,- subject, "Love! Wednes- day evening, ftestimonial™. meeéting. Free public reading-room, same ad- dre open every afternoon, except Sunday, to 5 o'clock. All ares cordially invited.to the services and the reading*room. x Earl es 11 a.m cor % a Grout church, Meintosh, A. jaird a Ninth S$ a.m!, boly 11 by Sun wor X 3 Ee ESTABLISHED EB THE i873 STANDARD HE business man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere wiil find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. BANK OF CANADA ¢AD OFFicy TORONTO 33 church-- B.A., pastor. This Baptist 11 am, church; First Congregational Rev. E. L. Rice, ¢hurch and First worship together, in First Baptist school at 12 o'clock service in . First Congregational | church. Rev. Douglas = Laing will | preach morning and evening Strangers cordially invited to al the services St. James' and Arch Sunday noon; 7 church, streets--Ven. Morine, MA; D.D., rector, 50 Clergy street east. Rev. T. W, Sa- vary, B.A., vicar, the parsonage, 152 Barriza street Ninth Sunday after Trinity--10 am., Bible class; and holy J. Ker Me 11 a.m., morning prayer communion, sermon sub- ject, "lessons from the- Worldly- wise'; p.m., prayer and sermon, KINGSTON BRANCH, H. E. Richardson, EMBRACING THE OPPORTUNITY Ww fab- the chance and Men's 3 $« WE is the secret of every success embrace it in buying the best rics' in the market when offer in obtaining the most fashionable designs Suits and Overcoats. It you to embrace the opport now offer to make you a Summer Dress or Business Suit warvelously low. {igtire. latest for 18 uj unity splendid at THOMAS LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor 157 PRINCESS STREET, Choice Selection of Woolens | crawroro & WALSH, | TAILORS Princess and Bagot Sts. Western Fair September 6th to 14th, 1912. ~~ London's Great Exhibition Liberal Prizes Instructive Exhibits Speed Events each day 'New Art Building filled with Magnificent Paintings ATTRACTIONS Programme Twice Daily. Hive Stock Parade Daily. Beskes o' the Barn Bam, of Cheltesiiagg, "Bnglard, one of the greatest Brass Bands in the # \ World, and several others. . . COMEDY ACTS, TRAMBOLINE "ott ACROB:! ATIC EQUESTRIENNE ACT, and Others. Midway better than ever, Fireworks each evening. SINGLE. LE FAR] Rares over all railroads from gston to Detroit. Excursion Days, Sept. 10th, 12, 13th. Lista and all information from v President, A. M. HUNT, Secretary. \ W. J. RE h sermon subject, "The valley of the shadow." - Bethel Congregational, cor. Barrie and Johnson---A central church. Rev. A. P. Mershon, minister. 11 a.m., holy communion and brief germon; 12 m., Sunday school all, George Mills, Supt.. 7 p.m. 'Gold and Grace." 'A church of cordial fellowship and free seats Songs and sermon to teach of God by head, hand and Prayer meetings, Wednesday Friday nights, at 8 o'cleck. . Brock street Methodist church, corner of Brock and Montreal streets Rev. John Webster; pastor, resi- dence, corner of Barrie and Johnson. 10 a.m., Sunday school and Brother- hood Bible class; 11 a.m., sermon by the pastor, solo by Mr. Eva. Sa- crament of the Lord's supper be administered at the close of the morning service, 7 p.m., thé usual vening service, selo by Mr. Eva Monday, 8 p.m,, official 'board; Wed- nesday, 8 p.m., prayer and praise heart and a service, Princess street Methodist church, corner Princess and Albert streets-- Rev. Frederick G. Robinson, minis tar, parsonage, 620 Princess street. i'irst quarterly service. 11 a.m. preacher, Rev ssub- jeet, "The Class Mee X 7 pm, preacher, Rev. W. K. Shortt, subject, "The Sabbath" Sunday school and adult Bible classes at 10 a.m.; quarterly fellowship meeting at cloge of morning service. Sacra- ment of Lord's supper at close of evening service Young people's meeting, Monday, 8 p.m.; general prayer meefing, Wednesday, 8 pm.; music: morning anthem, "Fear not, 0 Lord"; evening service, "I heard the voiceyof Jesus say." Cordial welcome to all. MAY PUT CONVICTS TO WORK On Road Building Throughout Pominion of Canada. The Ottawa Free Press says : sit of Hon, C. J. Doherty in and France may mean the set- ting to work of some seventeen hun- drad convicts in the Canadian peaiten- tiarios on various construction and rosd-migsing tests for the dominion of Canada The minister of justice expressed, before leaving Canada, his intention of learning in Britain and France by personal visits the latest methods of handling convicts and of making them of use to the state. While in Britain it is known that Mr. Doherty visited Dartmoor, Reading and Holloway and other famous Dritish prisons. He is also alvut to visit, while in France, several of the state prisons of that republic. France has already - gone farther {than any other couniry in the world in the economic handling of her pris- onera. the The to i'ri- Baseball Scores, Canadian Teague-- Guelph, wa, D. American Is Otta- . eague-- Washington, Detroit, 0. Chicago, 5; New York, Boston, 9: $i. Logis, 0. National League--Pitisburgh, 3; Bos- | gom, 0. New York, 4: Cincinnati, TO Chicago. 3; Brooklyn, 2. St. Lowis, 3 Philadelphia, 3. See our Hoe. copsete, extra 4; 3 strong, four hose supporters. Dulton's, PULPIT | Scott will preach |! at 4 Peo- | pm. | church | service | p.m. | © is | corner Union | Sunday school and | for | \ praise will MA. | ATGUST 3, 1912, BASEBALL LONG AGO. leminiscences of Games Played Kingston in 1887, N.Y., baseball t New York Uncle Sam's Park Nin on June angon, lgnd Lan went--back i by am © baseball io domain 15 1887. the ton, trimmed i, in »y th, ve I ne made a good showing, ' 'yankees. July 4th, marked a the Kingston Oswego team agamst t i Monday | vietory {elab. great 101 The R de re-or- the extreme discour revived club, and, it ap the same wes at ithe trouble then -as® now in the Kingston's import At the game with the the Park Mnbe team ap have exhibited this marked - degree, urging crowd, in so much, as it the game was degenerating {a specits, of blackguardism. But jure hom am won. A few vs later a great of Ogdensburg This gives ball played was ea ved to Since the anizaticn of the Kingston team rk Nine exhibited the that the by Jd y to peared, root of many od player Oswegans pet very 5 to in on was FP the said mio ill that » Park Nine the had victory over Pastimes, to an ida of the class of by the Kingston club against the Watertown Grays during the k © "The Kingstons gave the Watertown Grays a lesson in batting that they won't forget. Twen- ty-two to fivé Say it slowly and mark the effect. The hitting of | Kingston was simply fearful, and' it twas a miracle that the ball wasn't knocked to pirces." Pomfret, Eil {back, Allen, Young: Barnfather, John- «ton, I'refnor, Jamieson and Me- Leod performed for Kingston. J (WIFE W ITHDREW THE CHARGE same © cor- i | Accused Hubby of Assault, But Changed Her Mind. { There is an old about = it being a woman's privilege to change her mind. A well-known resident i the city took advantage of this | vilege week and changed mend just in time to save a lot of {trouble both to herseli and to the police court: -- The woman referred to (had a lively fuss with her husband, and followed up¥ the affair with hav. ing a summons issued against het hubby for his appearance the { police magisirats on a charge of as- sault. Haver. case, and saying ol pri- this het vefore on the day set for the short time helore court opened, she changed her and withdrew the charge. It is cupposed that while the row was on sho used ber fists to good advantage. !and that a few of the blows -%e ot i her hubby were no love &ips means a mined, im on {by any epee GREAT NEED FOR MEN. | Farm Laborers Will Leave For The { West This Month. the "east, is was stated, 40,000 men in the har- The west, as well crying out for men few days ago, that | vest needed to gather as It ia vest The Canadian Pacific railway will {run their usual farm laborers' ex- cursions out of Kingston this month, the first leaving on the 16th, and the | eecond on the 23rd, and from re- | ports received it is expected that | huite a large number will leave lor the west. Labor Day Picnic. A meeting Mas been held of the trades and labor council to arrange for the labor day celebration. The celebration committees came to- gether, and the reports of each were received.n The "programme will be announced shortly Two i games-will be on the bill and - Athletics' and the two of the' barber business, Uptowns Downtowns, at Lake Ontario park The Downtown barberd are ing. a severe course of training view of this game. They also promising some surprises in line-up. Victorias vs are their ee ------ Nick Right on the Job. Nicholas alternoon, hands claimed Police Constable man, pleasure excursionists pnoestry AS known the land sutlingtd all hae he city, that in their limited belt pul the their wives on board pleased with what they thinking that Nick" as a 'ety directory." Timmer had the with some the hat i Duteh, He interest in could cover on Friday shaking who of Some him well the points the of of visitors time, and hailing gentlegen They had line cat and departed seen, wax a On His Annual Trip. F. W. Shibley and party, of York, arrived in the ity sud left for Sharbot Lake few" weeks Mr. Shibley spending for several seasons and is of the opinion that Sharbot Lake is one of the best spots in the world to spend a haliday. New on to has spend been At Lake Ontario Park. A very attractive bill will be [ire sented at Lake Ontario Park on Me day night and a¥ next week and Beanett in a novelty musical act and other stunts, Campa, he "rum Girl, who without a peer in her line, will also appear. ln addition there will be 3,000 feet of new moving pictures Cosinos Woman's Rights and Bad Bread, No woman has any right to offer her husband heavy, sour, pasty bread | whea she can avoid it by using White {Swan Yeast Cakes. Ask vour grocer for a 5c. package (six cakes) or send for a free sample to the White Swan It is generally known that {Spices & Cereals, Limited, "Toronto, | required is being proceeded with and Unt. » ne Had No Quorum. The city property. committee was to have met on ¥Friday af- f ternoon, with reference 10 the award- "mg of the contract of collecting the thay market tolls. Ax only two of the | members attended, no business was done. The alderman present 'wers 1) 1A Givens {chairman} and I. Couper. Sale $1.50 middy blouses $1 they last. Dutton's: The Royal Hotel, Picton, has re- cofved ite license for the coming vear. Wellington as a summer resort is winking pew gldvor. whila ok in | team | to |} baseball the | A ddnker baseball | factions | arrang- | in | | Lampman and | marvel | « Friday, | his vacation at Sharbol lak | u PAGE FIVE. IAL $5.00 values. $2.98 All Men's Oxford Shoos on sale Saturday -- all regular $4.00, $4 50, Clearing Saturday $2.98 $1.98 Sale of Women's Shoes -- some regular $3.00, $3.50. and $00 values in window for Saturday $1.98 EE -- | The Man : On Watch. : " New | tha York need not think it is only town that can boasti-of a mayor who ciews tobacco, as Mayor Gaynor does, The Lampman says | that some of Kingston's best mayors | have been chewers of the tobacco 'weed. Some of the present town | councilmen enjoy a guid in their ! mouth. Whether it aids digestion or adds to their power of thought and oratory, the Lampman is una¥le to say. | 'That preachers should wrangle over which day is properly the Sab- { bath seams childish to the Lamp- man, who is surpi Tised that the ! learned clerical secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance would bothe his head about such a triviality = | bandying words and making chal- | lenges with an elder of a small | goct, The Lampman does not care | what day of the week is observed as | the Sabbath. If the parliament of ('anada. wants to change the day to "'uesday or Friday, he will observe ither. . It doesn't matter what day .3 observed as the rest dhy, any more than it matters whether a man { conforms to the rules of any re- : ligious denomination, so long as he lives or .tries to Jive the life of a i Christian. The cloging of some of the bar-rooms where liquor has so | been dispensed, must have caused j shar pangs to the old cronies who ald ong 1 I day in and day out got their "horn" at this or that familiar place. The Lampman has no doubt but that as | the eleventh hour arrived, they ga- | thered in a circle and sang that ! touching old song entitled, "Should | Auld - Acquaintance Be Forgot?" Ten bars are gone. but the Kingston s must not be discouraged | There are fifteen still left, and one | of them is being made nearly double | its former length, while others are {to be enlarged. So, courage, lads, courage! There'll be enough for all | and to spare. | Evidently | unmusical ears unreached even by | the sweet melody of the Horse Ar | tilery band, when the youths of tha town make such a commotion at the concerts in Macdonald. park. Somé ! one has sald that the late Band- | master Carey, of the Royal Canadian | Rifles" band, Kept order in the old days py mesmerizing the crowds { with the music of his band. HQw- | ever, no such multitudes attended | the town band concerts as now, and | furthermore, children in those did not have the liberties they | now in being allowed to run { at night, py neglectful parents | haps the youngsters are not the { ones whose ears are unmusical. has met have wild Per- The some in who could not distinguish the national anthem and Kindly "Light." Like all coons," all musical numbers seem | alike to Them | THE TOWN WATCHMAN elders | Kingston { between "Lead | : All Not Agreed. The it ia y ne Whig has besn informed that not the wish of all the depart- tal warrant- officers, ant and sergeants,' to ¢ rrison mess in the city Those one corps, the Canadian Ordnance { corps, appreciate present condition and the honorary privileges which they hold in the artillery brigade { sergeants' mess. ger {a a of Must Have Lights. In addition to the complaint made about automobiles traveiling around the city strects at an im moderate rate of speed, there is also a complafnt about autos without lights, and there is trouble for the owners of these cars, which are breaking the by-laws, and endanger- ing the lives of people. Sanitary Cases. A number of cams, coming under the sanitary by-laws of the city, ave still on the police court 'records, but it is hoped that they will be finally Jdisposed of in a shart time. The work as soon as it i= comple to the satisfaction of the proper authorities the cases will bu cleared off the po- lice court slate. : -- "Kingston's Sabbath, tawa Joornal, Kingston has a dispute regarding which day of the woek is to be con- vitsred as the Sabbath. Visitors to» the Limestone City would be much move interested if Kingstonians would decida what day they regard 'as the week dar. - on . ol Clearing sale, all white boots men, omen aad children, Soft, ie tom's, for less than there are a good many days | | only 1 ablish 'A GENEROUS PLATEFUL of the most delicious, ing Ice Cream ever factured is offered this store--purest freshest creams, best flavors ing, put together in spotless- ly clean surroundings. Visit our parlors when you want to crowd an-hour of delight Into half that time. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House... Phone 640 refresh- manu- daily at ingredients, Our Big Midsummer Sale Now On. A Huge Stock of the Latest: and Best on Sale. | | NAPANEE LAD SHOT A COMPAMON WHILE ING NEAR RIVER, BY PLAY: | And is in a Serious Condition--The shot Took Effect Other News of Napanee. Yesterday 'near in Dreaste-- Napance, Aug. 3 after while playing Degroli, noon, the Fruest a lad about wind serioysly Harold the ous condition, Mre. Mitchell and rento, are spending the week-end at | Beaver Lake. Miss Vivian Hambl and Miss Rena Dinner, nurse-in-jrain ng; New York, are visiting their pat ents. Mrs. N. J. Sills returned from the west yesterday. Miss Crawford, Brantiord, visiting Miss Cowan for a few days. Mrs. (Dr.) Huffman of Minnesota, are town. Miss nurse-in-training her parenis son, Laray ner and nurse, (len Island | Weybu n, Sask with h South Napanee spending . Aljce Muskoka. river son of George Degrofi, ol wounded his companion Barker. The shot took and the Jad is in twelve vears age, shot ellect in breast A Seri Migs Kerr of Kathleen BRASS AND IRON BEDS, HERCULES OR BANNER SPRINGS, is dd J wir mig ey aud Marguerite New York, Mrs. J. E. Mr. Harve: are spending Frederick is spending father, J. FV Miss Clady a 'month in Musk Heck spending COLDBLAST ODORLESS PILLOWS, KELLARIC AND OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES, ing and and Smith, ON SALE AT JAMES REID'S : The Leading Underta Phone 147 FARM ka is a mdnth in ------------ BORING A SECOND WELL On the Property of the Tuberculosis Hospital. PRODUCTS May be Shown on a Special Camrose y I Cm pr Wells "a bre sprital ing | culosi unig {mouth, in order ond one 18 Western now i trade, ( recommen hv. the Me ed upon + onfrind fresh water Limestone Climate and Color of Cities, Harper's Week it estimated by meteorologists that the heat irgadiated constantly the atmosphere by the combustion the is dial other ng in of carbon modifies littlé by little climate of cities and surrounding listricts. It is said that 19,060,000 tons of carbon is the average yearly weight burned In cities the size of London and New York It is also pointed out that the color of cities ia changed according to the amount of carbon burned., Confirmation of these facts is offfred in historical description of cities Paris being referred to by one historian of an- cient times as a "city of red," erin, ha «hibit fo the riet of on the Spend Sunday in Watertown. Good .going 2.30 pm., Sunday 7. p.m., returning 'up to Monda $1.65 return. ---- understood Pi Or and 2 night Saturday 5 = ms a0 m while to this day certain Italian cities arq described as "violet." Metegrolo- gists prophesy that when our west is as thickly -gottled az Central Europe our clear sweep of blue sky will be very materially modified. 3 tha i ton, is short Patterson Devers take ch It i= Hotel opened derstood wil arge CI - As one who thinks at evening, after supper all alone, And muses on the dainties 'which at breakfast he ls known, So I turn the leaves of fancy till in shadowy I see some crisp Post Toasties with their and fine, design, flavor full w DH. KNOWL! } Cameron St ¥ 2s 1 Jingles for which fhe Canadian Postum Co, paid $500.08 in of the Findsor, Un Ine