THE SAVINGS Of thig Bank provide Ss a atcumntate. and the interest No dne remains poor who saves a small amount to add toa without doing so. rich iafe aan i ------ DEPARTMENT for piace paid half-yeaf]y weekly or monthly Savings Account Few get THE BANK OF TORONTO ow ASSETS, $57,000,000, _ KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS BT. GRORGE B. McKAY, REAL ESTATE HOWARD S. 'FOLGER INVESTMENT BROKER HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS MONEY TO LOAN 44 CLARENCE STREET | INSURANCE * N . » Training Horses If you haven colt "not acting niece ly. send him to Kingston Reponttory and put him in charge of* R. Smith, who will give him ht] attention, R. W. SMITH, Mgr. Sn eo in Canada Life. Assurance Compasy adian Company whose oubled through profits shape fur i The only C Policles have Figures how a rolicy will you cheerfully glven by Agen J. O. Hutton, sg maf street. AUTOMOBILES FOR 'HIRE By Hour, Day or WEEK. Night or Day. hone 816 MOORE'S GARAGE Agents for Cadillae, Hudson & Melaughlin Motor Cars, Hotel Frontenac EARLY BREAKFAST 5to 6 am. For accommodation of people taking early boats. REGULAR BREAKFAST 1 to 9.30 a.m. LUNCHEON 2t 2pm DINNER 6 to 8 p.m. Engagement INUTES IN THE R "DIaM- CONVINCE THE MOST THAT WE HAVE AND FINEST NGSTON | | | SAP- oR BETTER VALUES NOT OBTAINABLE Are WHERE. fr US PROVE An ELECTRIC IRON Saves you from drudgery Ironing Day. No more headaches caused by working In overheated rooms, where it Is necessary to have a coal or gas stove going 'to heat ordinary irons. Iron wherever you have a lamp pocket. Nothing hot but the fron. LET ME PLACE ONE IN YOUR HOME ON TRIAL Without obligating you in any way. "Phone or call J. N. SCOTT. The Up-to-Date Electrician. 116 BROCK STREET. 'Phone 1215. on | Drink all the Stout. you like. But drink the Stout that "likes you" -- Cheefes mee STOUT Never makes you bilious --because it's pure - and old. ry Mild 85A wy E. BEAUPRE, Local Distributor. 'Phone 313. | WE'RE FRIENDS OF THE "SMART SET." Compliments, come to us daily for the manner in which we ¢lean the finest costumes and evening wraps. R. PARKER & 00. Dyers and Cleaners, t 60 Princess St. Kingston, Ont. itching and Burning on Face and Throat Sores Disfigured So He Dreaded t in Public, No Rest Night or Jay. Cuticura Ointment Cured. "Six months ago my face and throat afl broke .out and "turned into & running sore. 1 did not bother about it at first, but in Fapidiy over my face and hiroat and the ing itching sores became so painful that I began to veek reli? in diferent medicine, "but none seemed to give me any reliel. to such an extent sufferéd terribly and could get no rest night or day. At lest & friend advised me de uty the Chticurs: Remiiies. I had about one week's time the disease had spread so. ATL Y BRITISH WHIG, (HE WORLD'S EPI EPISODES! aIvEN IN THE Bn BIEFEST vos | SIDLE FORM. a Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Ower--Little of Everything Esastly Read and Re Snombered. belting, fin. New York . tb Thir-te-will dency, Clarence M. Powell, a teran, died at Gudph, nine. 5 Welland ratepayers carried the dro-Electyio by-law for $45,000, 3129 to 18x The Ontario branch of 'the Domin ion Alliance decided to launch a tem. perande campaign in September. The bears ure rattling the market. The confidence of bulls bas been materially shaken. A natural gas explosion at yeam- mgton wrecked a large house, being built for Canming company employ - AND EVERY TO-NIGHT NIGHT at 8.30 ++ Bl FREE SHOW | VAUDEVILLE and PICTURES. Programme Changed Thursday and Monday. RICHELIEU and ONTARIO LINES St. Lawrence River 8. Boat Co BULLETI N Aug. 8 2.30. p.m. LANDER tours the ihe 9 wo win #16 wud WAR Mes sPRpE il by cittong THURSDAY, trading YWHOUSAND IS Islands, 30¢. FRIDAY, Aug. 9 830 am. THOUSAND ISLANDER for Thous. and Island' Park, Alexandria Bay and Ogdensburg, 5¢ return. SATURDAY, Aug. 10, 2.30 p.m. THOUSAND ISLANDER tours Islands, 30c. SUNDAY, Aug. 11, 7.30 am. and pan, AMERICA, regular trips Cape Vincent. + MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. The Housekeeper's Giside INSIST ON HAVING WAGSTAFFE'S PURE OLD ENGLISH Denpie the sacrifice of his aniline] who had blood drawn from her veins, ! STRAWBERRY IAM transfused into his, Frank Glover, AND i seventeen, of lexington, Why, died! MARMALADE from an unknown malady BECKER UASE ADJOURNED on Ida Deausjour, ten years of age, was killed bn an M.CR. express at Tilbury . while walking home with her mother. William Sutil, labor candidate, was elocted alderman in Brantford, takine the place of Ald. Emerson, appointed industrial comunissiqper. Near Camden, N.Y. Engineer Michael 8, Stumpf, Watertown, re ceived injuries which resulted in his death, when thé train ran into an open switch, At Tilbury, aged about daughter of struck and oases ¥ Ont., Aurele Bousejour,! twelve years, voungest | Mrs. F. Bousejour, was! instantly skilled by the! of thet n salwomned Hon. Frank ('ochrane, minister railwa¥s, gave a flat denial to statements that there heen change in 'the grade of Iranscontinental railway. Lightning entered the home of | worge Landley, of Klwood, Ind, and | truck the Roode i bed where two boys | were sleeping. It the bed pleted hut the bovs were unhurt. "Mark lderton, having separated 4 the murder of Herman KRoeenthal, from his wife, proceeded to Ashland, | called in Judge Mulqueen's court, sv., and threatened to make trouble | day, and adjourped Ul Monday, for Mrz, Kipbler, his mother-in law, | the request of John W.- Hart, attor Mrs. himbler thereupon took up a ney for the defence. Becker was not shot gun and shot lderton three [in court, It was, stated outside of imes, death beg almost instantan | court. that John W. Melntyre had been 'retained as chief counsel for Becker, I'hroe expeditions, from England; [agreement being "that he be paid Seotland and l'rance respectively, are | twi nty-five thousand dollars cash, and an the way to Uoscos island, off 'the jone hundred thoussnd of Pecker is soast, of Chili, in search of hidden | acquitied. treasure. Fach party claims to have | : the "only original" map of the is! FEAR land, indicating the whereabouts of -- the treasure, Assassination Feared Owing (Co). (ibhons Foreign Victories. sth Regiment, National Guard, of Constantinople, Aug, 7.-The 'ennsyivapia, and a rominent law- tan's guard was doubled, to-day yer, of West Chester, Pa., committed | gosassination was feared. Foreigners wicide on a 1rain'on which he was re- | were also in dang ger. Publication arping from New York to face chamges the niws was stippressed,. but everyone i appropriating bonds #elonging 10 | knew of the latest ltahan success, 1 trust estate. 5 i | the rebel victories in Albania Col. Sam Hughes is to use Dead- I that the Montenegrins occupied Turk ngn's leland, BU, as a parade and | jh soil. irill ground. eWhile Messrs. G. (| 'arnes company was clearing the land or this purpose, they came Upon a oo patiadinm® mound of clam shells six fect deep. i \ to expérts who have been this is supposed to be the remains of [Reanrae a sharp watch on the situa nany an early day aboriginal feast. | (jon, Western Canada will need 70.060 Morris Kaufmann, millionaire head | men to handle' the harvesting of the of the firm of Kaufmann Brothers, crops, Which will. begin about August owners of the largest department Store I5th. The governments of Manitoba in Pittsburgh, was sued for ¥0,0001 G, ckatchewan and Alberta have taken lamages by Miss. Rose Zeidman, | action on the matter, and with the wenty years old, a former employee. | 1 ilroads are attempting to supply The girl charges the elderly Kaufmann | (p, demand: but it now predicted vith causing injuries to her that will |}, (he labor shortage will be most wipple her for life. 1 acute. . Demoeratic representatives . opposed The deputy 'to the United States house receding | Saskatchewan rom its position of refusing to agree], ill be -needed in that province to the senate's amendment to the alone. Allogether it is estimated that aval appropriation bill, providing for | i 060 men can find work in Canada the building of two battleships, caus-1 (hii cummer, and the bulk of them in wl the failure of the third demoeraiic the. west caucus on the questionslast night by Jut Canis 4s not emaining away from the Aneeting. where this kind of labor Henry Spencer Howell, a promment |, oi.) 'Our western states itizen of Galt, met his death, yester- need of men to help gather ih lay through the accideneal discharge| = A ep gat er. Ye an Eanncia rile he was cleaning. Mr. Howell, who controlled a large woollen industry in Galt, was a cul- ured,' mach travelled and literary nan, and also took much interest in wort and political matters, A has the sel Engaged, to! New York, | Lieut. lecker, tore of with procuring Aug. 7.- The charged case was to at SOUS FOR st 11 AN'S LIFE, Grey Cornwall, of the sul His § O ot Men to Gather Crops Wanted, minister states that 26,000 the only place badly are in erops. 1s Windsor Uniforms. Toronto Telegram Old country. radical papers are mak- ing merry over the Canadian duty lavied on the $15 Windsor upiforms imported from Britain for the cabinet ministers at Ottawa. Canada should © not. tolerate the archaic flummery and feudal nonsense that dresses Canadian public men in the garb of Calithumpians lritish comnection is not ened, nor is by the usage which sews stripes on the trouser legs of Canadian states- men, encrusts the fronts of their consis with gold lace and bullion, and girds a toy sword on the thigh of every premier and eabinet minister : hnarppabhbsi.iabpoooobi pjrjo= STOCK MARKKTS, #, B. McCurdy Co., Clarence Cham. ers--II. W. Nelles, Manager Closing Prices, Aug. 7th, strength- Montreal. 'anners 'ement, £4 ar ower t. 0. 67] 014 we NT am HTH 1494 145 152 1513 83 56 pid. ... Bonusing Industries. Ottawa Cltizen, In moving the second reading of the franchise bill in the imperial house, the colonial recretary said he could not believe that parliament was prepared at this momen io add 10, H0,000 women to the electorate. Mr. Harcourt seems to have good ground for this belief, because the House of Commons rejected the principle of wo- man sufitage by an overwhelming ma- ority, male rants as they 'are. Think of blocking ten million women ! Buy seidlitz powders, Gibeou's. One of Kitley's most respected citi- zens has passed away in the person of Wesley Frown. He is survived hy a Tuckets san Paolo ... will take place on Wednesday in To- ledo cemetery. Buy paper towels. Gibson's. The death occurred on Sunday of Del. Dobbs, of the Réar of Yonge and Escott. He was a widower and leaves one son, Eric Dobbs, Alexander Blanchard, of Elizabeth- town, died at - Greenbush, se venty-six vears, He is survived bv a Buy Hoalth sal "alt Gibson's. Nichael~ Hennessy, farmer of Me Sim's dead, from poeu- monia. He leaves a widow -and grown- up family WEDNESDAY, LAKE ONTARIO PARK | the to Till Next Monday--Expensive Coun |, to and- of agriculture imperialism popular ized | widow and four children. The burial | u of being 1 hiten by a mosquito ai Atlantic O hy AUGUST 7,. 1912, 4 4 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First fasertion lc a word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter half cent an word, Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three Immertions, S0e; wiz, $1; one month, $2. A HELP WANTED. Y TO LEARN PRINTING TRADE. Apply. Whig office. LEARN THE $USINESS Harrison & Co A BOY TO Apply, A FIRST LASS GROOM REQU IRED at Apply, Ri. J. Reid, Pri cess fs once Street STEADY POSITIONS al ston Paper Box Co , King} est, GIRLS FOR the King Street A DRIVER FOR : Apply to Btreet gon ackle, Princess AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn #9 monthly corresponding for. newspapers nn CADVAAMING Send for particulars, cate, 3.98% Lockport, NY. | COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN ffice. work, with bookkeeping ex © als competent SLen( C. Pols i AVERY WAG. 168 | Press Synti- ! ror { PAGE SEVEN. FOR BALR. EIGHT LARGE, sQU Far LANTERNS, a splendid thin for a sumnier Ton age, $1 each, Tat Tark's, Fave 0h. ALGUST meh; tngstor x Medal - of owg on back and reward ersity » Avenue 300 LoaDa OF EARTH; AL 80 Flaltt ree power motor race a 4p iy. E ate n, 47 Mack Sireet hone S§4 $20.00 REWARD FoR of a red leather lost on erica F city mireeis to Whig off THE RETURN pocket book ad Monday Jast eon 's Pe ar please re der TENTS, talus. AW NINGS, roR Be ) AT COVERS Cork Lit ebelts for Motor Capt 21 CH CUR- WAGUON and Cork Boats Drown a Joseph Dix, Sail. Nelson Steet BUSINESS CHANCES. Fenders ard to maker, ANYWHERE CAN START | order business at home: uo | FOUR . GROCERY STORES, wire canvassing; be your own boss dwellings attached: ° good leoas Rend for free booklet: tells how tions in city: also general tere Heacock, 2,968 Lockport, N.Y and dwelling in ny on ' nearby. Apply to MU - Street, ANYONE a mall Ontario. Chambers, Siafonce Kingston, Ont. | FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FLAGS, AV NING. TENTA. CAN Camping outfits, fishing tackle, marine suppifes, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything In gantaa, kit bags, silk i ARTY OO motor Roost: W. Cooke, 3§ Clarence Bt. 'Phone 891 qr 23. | GENERAL INSURANCE. = ¥, : al 159 Wallington - i coldent and Health Polictes issued. | BATTMAN & GARDINER. FIRE, Life, Accident, Insurance and Cue- toms Broker: Real Estate and Money to Loan: a share of your business solicited. §7 Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Phone 306. 120 ACRES, REST situated on York Road es east of Napanee and 17 1.2 es west of Kingston, 2 1.2 FA R M, aam CLAY §1.2 GOOD WE EAN ns | narrow looms A NUMBER oF at once, tay employ ment Mills, stant Pa aris Wincey Ont Limited AGENTS WANTED, EITHER do you wish tos make money spare time" If so write Cu, 529 Pape Avenue, Ont No oullay and SKN: GOVERNMENT Mail Clerks, City excellent salaries; education - suffigient ; free Franklin 512 RR. Rochestér, calars Dept < APABLE Pin nD tics, Se itech, COUNTRY English an ves about Aug. bth weekly after immond Strget, Pembroke Street, DOME 4 Montreul, Toronto, A GLUOD, LIVE AGENT FOR ™iv City of Kingston and wvieinity for the Federal i ASSura pany of For particulaes, eall a 151 Welling Breet W. H Penwarden, Genera Agent WANTED--GENERAL. NICE CLEAN RAGS FOR machinery: will pay gouvd same. British Whig Company FIRNIERED price for | P Shitshing | Worse on HOUSE. from Oeibber 1s tenants Appl care of F Clarence Fiat, sirable Nelles 3 & Co, ber 'urdy Chay sApRIY 4 good | trish, Sept | The Guill! further | wWIrING | from 1 mile from Tice and church: se on, balance ' I never fat. across 11 and house large 12- . roomed< frame house barn; new machine hed and pig pen, sheen and good tedani house; alt fences: price, $6,200. - Apply, Burt, Fellows, Ont {FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST ent Society; established 1863 Aun 8ir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm, roperties, 'municipal and Seuniy ebenture mortgages pur-has fepnaits rece! y ved and interest al- McGill, Managin, Direotor. 8 LTR Brent aging spring Fred LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable assets; $61,187,215. In ition ts which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Uability om all the stock-bolders Farm and city property .insursd at lowest possible rates. Before reneying old or giving new bdsiness get rates from Strange & Btrange, Agents Phone 328 TO LET. AUTO CAR TO HIRE BY HOUR OR day. 'Phone 743. APPL Real Estate Officd, & near Wellington Be. FURNISHED RESIDENO ¥. at McCann's Brock Street, MEDICAL. LARGE FURNISHED or without board; venlences; HEeAr Wellington Street ROOMS, WITH ail molflern eon City Park 2" A: RN, WILLIAMSON moved his office and residence from 255° Brock Street to corner King and William Streets, HAS RE. A NEW SIX.ROOM BUNGALOW, wv IN nishad, Eastview Park, ive miles Kingston Apply to Rev. J Boyd, Krie PO pn FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPECIAL. se, Throat and Ear, ' 124 Nii Street, corner Johnson Stoll 2to6 7 tol Bun- , 2 to 4. and by appointment 'Fhone 514, BRIGHT, AIRY, ru RNISHE nD ROOMS can be had University -- - Avenue! val "to CATs. gas and all modern conveniences ARCHITECTS. i | . MORAGE Lal ro ARY PF. SYITH, ARCRITECT, BTC, . hn FURNITURE, LEA vy. oy rooms, abosiutely pos ta Eity storage 180 Yosen o.! TOS ora, ow "Phone § 260 oe, 9 n. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN 258 King Street "Prone 84 wa NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ete Offices, 2068 Bagot St 'Phone 608 sno REFAIRING OF EVERY DE. eription; first er only used; one trial wiil Bring your repairs 1» 208 Barcie Street, cor. of | < HL West, TAKE. NOTICR, THAT 1 all kinds of second-hand Turn'ture and stoves: will pay prices: see me before anyone J. Thompsan, 333 Princess next St, Andrew's Church. TEAC HER FOR SS, No. 10, housie: one holding a second third class certifica.e; Apply, stating experfence, gualifi cations and expected Jas, C. Currie, and Tre Lammermoor GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it jade up into up- to-date sults Price and work- manship guaranteed ® to please Pressing and repairing dome he sho Irient notice. Thomas Cal Street, Bibby' = Se WANTED TO RENT OR PURCH ast a dwelling house suitable for a creche where children may cared for during the absence of their parents at work; Frontenac or Cataraqui wards preferred Aj ply -to J. B, Walkem, 93 Clarene Bireet, or 0. B. McKay, Bank® of | Toronto WANTED--GENERAL MODERN HOUSE, EIGHT rooms, about Sept. 1st, or 'Oct. 1st, centrally located. Box C. X. class work: best! WiLL Buy! highest | else, | Street, | DAS. good sal as i 9 be | and dry: also Dwellings, fur atsh~ ed and unfurnished; Of PFOWER & SON, ARE WITROTS, MER. J BR M | chants' Rank Rulldings, corner y | Brock ard Wellington Streets, Aran a card " Ro OFFICE, CONVENIENT AND MOD. | £ orn, with use of vault PERSONALS. Fu PNG: HOUSES, SEVERAL IN ocations , TO RENT, STORAGE POR ad < ARDINK R, 87 CLAR. 'Mhone 356, Kingston, Ont, * Stores, ete, Brock Sireet BIRTH. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, and skin murks and all growths blemishes removed permanently without scar: 27 vears' . experi. Shee, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye Ea Nose, Throat and Skin Sal 25% Bago: Street, yr DENTAL. TEACHERS WANTED, A. E. KNAPP, LDS, DDS woeved to oh '2 rincess Street. PENTISTA, Kingston, ne. No. 8 iH duties t v to F Ont TEACHER Ww *3TeD vor NS, AND SPARNS, 1.2 Princess Street "Phone 24¢ SPARKS 10 1 DR. C. C, NASH, DENTIST: DR. C. »n, Welcker, asshstant, 133 Princess Street 'Phone 735, , 5 Alri D SS. N Ld r Hee TEAC HER POR 1 Ss. n. SIMPSON, 1.DS, bans, DENT fst, corner Princess Entrance on Bago. Brians. phone 62 0% to comm , $500 per McDonald, Sed Ont Tels. No. yalhousie (village school) P rotestant prefers ud; salary, $450 Apply. statis experience, to Hugh McDonald, Sec McDonald's Corn- Ont OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY, | | | jar ALIFIED TEACHER FOR SS it i | 1 Me FRANNA LANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. Kirkpatrick, Agent treet, Kingston. ' 8, Clarence ® JALIFIED TEACHER FOR S88. Neo. es 5, Hinchinbrooke. duties to esm mence after summer vacation Protestant and male preferred Ap stating salary and qualifica- , to Geo, A. Bmith, Sec, Par. Ont. i Qu { CATERER. ham, DRESSMAKING. LADIES TAVGH CUTTING easure designing, etc. at ider's Dressmaking Parlors, Princess Street. UPROLSTERER. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOSTERING, RE. tress renovating "eall 216 Bagot Street, MANICURING. 'MISS DOYLE, FORMERLY King and Clarence Streets moved ber manicuring parlors Syer Mr. utes' Jewelery Tincess treet Entran Bagot Street, - . 258 . be Rebuilt. Waterfown, : NY. J T~--Bertram Freeman, Part owner of the Hotel Columbian," burned during the Thou. {sand Island park fire, a few weeks { ago, was here on a business trip and {said that there were strong prospects of the hotel being rebuilt this fall 'and winter, expressed the belief Mr. Freeman that a stock company would be form- ed to meet the expenses of construct. ing the hotel, which will be modern and (legal 5 Witch hazel cream, Clbmons. George Stuber, an attendant at St. Lawrence State hospital, Ogdénshury, was sentenced to five days in jail for assaulting a patient. Bw ""Kil-odor." Cars will be running over the Ryra- "euse, Watertown & St. railrdbad between Syracuse 'and erton early in October. Fresh McConkev's. Gibson's. Mrs. Albert KX. Harman, Philadel . pairing and carpet work, hair mat. | Drop a card or} i FROM | TRY has re. | Mi to} Stare, | 1"We Guarantee Lawrence riven, Brew- QUALIFIED LADY (Protestant) for 88 N ship of Camden, Coun dington, situated In th Colebrook; school 3 per annu mence Sept, Srd, 12 Apply A C.. Warner, Se Colebrook, Ont A -------------- BUSINESS NOTICE. N TEACHER 5 Towa |WR_CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding Breakfuxis, Ban tn ete; also Rent Dishes, able {iinens and Bliverware. o& fambrook, corner Unlon and Divie to com OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT aon. a. Ashcroft, DO, 136 Wellington St opposite the host Office Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4, and by ap. ointment. Bj, onsul Fhone 447 nauithtion ites, COALS! COALS! COALSI-WHY PAY such high coal bills wheq you can use tor cooking? Drop a card : tn avid Marshall, 101 Queen i Street, for prices _on gas {installa i » M-- CHARLES ANDRICS Xer for your cement walks-and ail Kinds of concrete work: will handle any mize grave i Iso dn plastering and repair chimneys 2 Wiliam Stret CEMENT LEGAL CUNNINGHAM a Te Le CE ars and Solin Clarence St Dew > KINDLING DELIVERIES There is no time like the present to put in 'a load of dry kindling for winter use. Cut and split $2.75 per half cont. TS Pav "Ril-adeor * Fheon's Five Englishmen have heen arrested ESTABLISHED 1866 Every Load." At Pittsburgh, Pa.. Jos Patchon 11, winner of five ras in as many weeks, made 1 six straight on Tuesday, at phia, is dead, as a result on July 4th. McConkey's caramels. Gibson's. at Keken " Germany, on the Charge of plage. 4 Arrested | they were taking photographs of har bors and bays onsthe German coast, AB With bazsl eream. Gibson's. Brunot's Isiand track, when he landed the For: Pitt stake for 2.13 pacers in straight heats from a hgh-elass field. Pent tame, 2.05. BB any