Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1912, p. 2

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a PAGE TWO. -- " iis HAVE YOUR: FURS REMADE AND REPAIRED DURING SUMMER Estimates and advice cheerful:y given, Our summer prices are attractive. Styles antl New Plates free, 1912- 13. now ready. JOHN Mc KAY ". THE FUR HOUSE 149-157. BROCK STREET AUGUST. SALE Furniture, Carpets, Curtains, Etc. in © Wise buyers are. closing on these snaps every- day. Bedroom Furniture, Springs, Mat- resses all in it Ls Rugs, Curtains, Carpets 10 to 20 per dent. off, Genuine Bargains for economical buyers. 'Phone 90. Yours, T. F. HARRISON - COMPANY VERANDAR SHADES ------------ The best shade manufactured is the VUDOR SHADE, made of Linden Wood, simple to op- erate, can be put up in five minntes, . Made widths . in all R. MeFAUL'S D0 NOT WATT FORA FORTUNE 1t usually means dying poor. It- isn't working hard that brings competency for old age either, or saving. ! The successful man 'is the one who is shrewd enough to make one dollar earn another by putting it into attractive investments. E There's Kingston real es- ! "tate. Nothing offers greater | opportunities. ¢ at 'the men in this community who have grown: wealthy by this very means. A great future is in store for Kingston. It i8 going to grow expand all through your ) . Now is the time to .buy property, and hold it. That is all you will have, to do. : "See what we have to offer. | PA armani | McCANN 82. BROCK ST. : Near Wellington | pleasure. y | day. - itl SCOTCH EDUCATORS WILL. VISIT KINGSTON THURSDAY AFTERNOON. ON They WIL be Shown Through thé "Royal Military ' College and Queen's University--Other Places to be Seen. A committee of gentlemen met, this morning, to arrange for the visit of the Seotch educationists to this city to-morrow. A few of them wlil arrive in the morning and will be given on A. M. Chisholm's pleasure yacht. At 1.40 p.m. the main body of the party will arrive by G.T.R.: from To- ronto. The Frontenac hotel will bé their headquarters, At 2 o'cloek they will be met at the City Hall, and after viewing the building will take automobiles on a visit to the Royal MiHtary College and Fort Henry, A short run will be made through the city en route to Queen's University, which will be reached at 3.30 o'clock, An inspection of the buildings will follow 'and at 5 o'clock a formal reception will be extended to the visitors in Grant Hall. The mayor, W. F. Nickle, M.P., A. E. Ross, M.P.P., Dean Ellis, and J. B. Walkem will make brief ' welcoming addresses follow- ed by replies. A cordial invitation is given to the citizens to meet in Grang Hall to participate in the wel- coming ceremonies. The return Arip to the Frontenac Hotel will be through the parks and along King street. At night it is proposed, about 7 o'clock, to give them a street car ride to Lake Ontario Park and at 8 o'clock to attend the band concert in Macdonald Park. It is desired that every person who has an automobile to spare will 92 2 o'clock, to' join in the afternoon's 50,000 MEN REQUIRED. Wheat Crop Will be Largest History of Canada. crop of 1912 will in The wheat "be toba, Saskatchewan. 'and | Alberts, thus sequiring the farm laborers of the east to recruit and assist in harvesting the = world's greatest bread basket. The Canadian Paci: fic is already making special ar- rangements for this year. Excur- sions from points in Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, will' bg run and special trains oper- ty-six - hours and . avoiding change of cars or transfers. "Going Trip West," $10 to Winni- peg, plus half cent per miile from Winnipeg up to MacLeod, Calgary, or Edmonton. "Return Trip Bast," $18 from Winnipeg, plus half: cent per mile from all peints east MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg. Going dates, from Kingston, Aug. 16th and August 28th. For particu- lars see F. Conway, Kingston. GREAT FISH STORIES any Are Being Told by Some Local Anglers, This is great fishing weather and if all stories were true the fishes caught would feed many multitudes and fill many baskets with frag- | ments, but if they were sifted for! the actual number it might require a greater miracle than the one of old to make the fish go around. One of Kingston's popul says that he returned frém Lobor- ough lake with about fifty pounds of fish, %including black bass of from three to five pounds and pike of untold dimensions. Another caught some wonderful finny speci- mens near Simcoe Island, 'but none of his friends saw any of them. A poor fisherman and a poor story teller are one and the same thing. White-Scxuton Wedding. A very quiet wedding took place on Monday evenilg, when Jennie Scruton, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Scruton, Stephen street, was united in mar- riage to William W, White of this city. The bride looked very: pretty in a gown of white embroidered marquisette with large white hat to match. The couple were unattend- ed. Their many friends will be glad to learn that Mr. and, Mis. White wi take up their residence in the - city. Market is Improving. F, B. McCurdy & Co. has advices from New York that the market has seen its best breaks and even if the tendency proves to be that of in- creased offerings on advances, in- creased demand will also be en- countered on the declines. Stocks are on the rise, and good trading is reported. Pittsburg. coal issues active, : ------------ 5 .- Presentation to Mrs. Miio: A pleasant affair took place at the "homie of . Mrs. t-- Stevenson, Barrie street, on Tuesday, when a number of friends ptf Mrs, Frederick Milo gathered 'and presented her with a gold pin. Mrs. Milo leaves the city on Friday te join her hus- band at Welland, where he has be- gun duty as superintendent of the Waterworks department. tilt, pin. Passed With Honors, Miss Frances Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olark Wright, Colborne street, has: been successful in pass- ing her senjor matriculation, taking bouors 'm Buglish, - French, Latin and German. -------------- America for Ogdensburg, Friday, 8 a.m. calling at Ganano- que and Brockville both ways. 50¢ return. nr Mrs. H. A. Field, of Brockville, is dead at St. Luke's hosaital, Ottawa, of typhoid, at the age of sixty. She was the relict of the late H.-- A. Field, ove of the. five residents of Brockville, who were drowned near Mutternut Bay, in 1838, by the swamp- ing of the sailofy yacht Sunbeam. . Thomas Fournier, the nineteen-years old son of Peter Fournier, liveryman, Pembroke, Ont., was while swimming at Golden Lake on Tunes « a trip to Kingston Mills|N be at the-fromt of the City Hall at | i niece, Miss Evelyn Francis, are camp- the greatest ever harvested in Mani- | ated, inakifig the trip in about thir! anglers Miss | mE DAILY BRITISH #FMIG ~ PERSONAL MENTION. - Movements of the People--What They Are Doing 'and Saying: Miss D. MeN nual vacation. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. cago, are in the city. - "Migs Hazel Dunlop, Nelson street, is on her annual vacation. Miss Daisy Smaliridge, is on her annual vacation. 8S. 0. Weese Gned-Tamily have remov- ed from Kingston to Brockville, Miss May Wood, is spending her va- cation at her home at Lyndhurst. John W. Wignall, of Rochester, .Y., was in Kingston on Wednesday. Miss Winnifred. Purvis, of Brockville, | the guest of Mrs: J. B. Philips, Bagot street Miss : Carmel Cooper, Bagot street, is. spending her vacation with friends at Lansdowne, J > Mrs. Heaney has spent the past two wedks visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. | 1Deem, of this city. Miss H. Davy, Garrett street, has re- turned from © Brockville, where spint the past week, Miss Grace Potter, visiting her parents, / Potter, Portsmouth. Miss Ruby Bristow, of Seaforth, is spending a month's vacation with Mrs. A. Deem, of this eity. L. L. Hendersom, general managee of the Montreal Transporfation eom- pany, is in the city. Prof. W. L: Grant has been made A member of the mamiseripts' committee to search at Ottawa for valuable re cords, " Profs. Kalmus and Nicol, of the School of Mining, are guests on the trip of the associatud boards of (£Rde to Cobalt) Miss Mary Cotter left for their homed in Hamil ton, after visiting Mrs. Frank Burke, Portsmouth ! Dr. D: E. Mundell, Brock street Who has been spending a few days in Toronto, returned home on Tues- Lav evening. 0 Miss Minnie Chapman and 'her 4 ames is enjoying her an: Dixon, of Chi Earl street; in she of - Detroit, Mr. is and Mrs. ing at Trent river, with Mr. and Mrs. George Dart, % Mrs. Con. Millan has gone to monton on a. visit to her {who has been residing out {the early spring. Mrs. K. Connor, of New 'York, is spending a couple of days in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. Maurice Kel- liber, Lower Bagot street. Mr. and Mrs. F. E: Reid, Clergy street, returned home, after spending a few days in Sydenham, {with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Martin Assistant Fire Chief John Elmer | went to Napanee, to-day, to attend the. Eastern /Ontario Volunteer. Fire- {men's tournament. Ie will act as one |of the judges. Miss -S. Brown, of Watertown, N.Y. tis visiting Mrs. Kane, Earl street. | The Misses M. Falconer and. E. Cameron, of Ottawa, are paying | visit to Kingston % | Mrs. James Dillon and Miss L. i Walsh, of * Hamilton, 'left on the steamer Dundurn, Wednesday, for their { homes, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kennedy, Portsmouth. = Mrs. Stuart Robson, the well- known Hamilton actress, is to return | to light opera with a three-years contract safely tucked away. She will be seen first as Hepsibeth in "Somewhere Else." R. J. MacFarland, of Brooklyn, IN.Y., who is making a motor tour | through the country, with his family, arrived in the cify on Monday, and stayed at the Frontenac hotel over night. The party left on Tuesday, for i Clayton, N.Y. ' C. Vallean, wife and son, of Ro chester, N.Y., with his brother-in-law, Roderick Johnston, and wife, after { touring Western Ontario, in their mo- {tor car, are the guests of Mr. Val {lean's brother, G. D. Valleau, 309 Montreal street, city. Ed- husband, there since have Al a ---------------- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. ------ What Happened in Kingston and . Fisew here in 1887. prisoners arrived from Winni- peg for the penitentiary, in a 'baggage car, transferred into a temporary jail. The occupants consisted of two mur- derers, two men convicted of murder- ous assault, and one lunatic Kingston presbytery met in Chal mers church, to arrange for the induc- tion of M. Macgillivray, on September 13th. Rev. James Cumberland, Am- herst Island, moderator, was appoint- et to preach and preside, Rev. Dr. Mowat to address the pastor and Rov. Henry Gracey, (Gananoque, the peo- ple. The finance committee §s engaged in preparing the budget. The rate of Five seventeen and a half mills on the dol- lar. ' Clayton, Kingston and Ottawa. Steamérs Rideau King and Queen, for (Mtawa, every Monday, Wednes- ; day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 jam, Kor Clayton, every Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at pm. Jones" Falls and return, 6 I 50c,, every Wednesday and Saturday, |! at 6 a.m, . . , James Swift & Uo., Agents. 3 -------------- i Brockville and Ogdensburg. i Friday, 8 a.m., steamer _ America, ! calling at Gandnoque: bath ways. | Meais on board, B50c. return ' The Peach and Plum Season. You can have your choice of 250 Powers and / Miss Mary | taxation will be the same as in 1887, | ATTEMPT T0 CUT HOLE IN' WINDOW OF C. W. LANE'S ~ JEWELLERY STORE. - Proprietor Discovers the '4 Wednesday Morning--The Solice [nformed--Reward af $100 | Of- fered, : on An attempt was made -on Tuesday pight to cut a hole in the plate glass window of C..W. Lane, the Wellington street jeweller. When Mr. Lane came on Wednesday morning, he fodnd the cut of a diamond point in the lower Tight hand corner of the window, where a hole was marked put five inthes Ihe glass sas cut .nearly through. Evidently. the wofild-be thief was seared away before he had finished his job. The curtain was deawn, and he had to-guess where to cut, for had he gotten through the glass th hele wax too low down to get much of a chance at the of the window, : When interviewed, : on | Wednesday morning, Mr. Lane said that he neve: left-any costly things in his window but he did not want anyone fo tamper with his glass. He informed the police immediately of the matter, and all the jewellers are put on their guard against window thieves. Mr. Lane offering $100 reward for anyone who will loeate the who cut the glass. to his store about Across even contents is person HAVING A GREAT TIME. Boy Scouts' Camp at Brophy's Point Now in Full Swing. The boys arrived in camp in good time on Tuesday afternoon, and to use, their own words are having "the time of their lives." : Upon arrival at the camp the tents: and cookstoves were put up In re cord time. The daily routine is giv- en as follows : Reveille, 6.35 drill. 7.10 to tent inspection, 8.45; morning parade, parade, 11; dinner, (compulsory) 1 till 2; afternoon par ade, 2; games, ete.. 3 till 6.30; tea, sing-song 'or bonfire, 7.30;. first post, 8.45; last post, 9.15; prayers 0.15; lights out, 9.30. 'The boys state that food. is plenti ful and of good quality. It is likely that the Saouts will hold 8 miarch around the [oint during their * stay there. a.m.; prayers, 7; 7.30: breakfast, 7.35; 8.30; orderly room, 9; swimming 12.15; rest hour 6; L = -- GRAND OPERA HOUSE To Open on the 19th With "Brew. ster's Millions," "Brewster's Millions." tion of the Georga Barr McCutcheon famous story, will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House on Mon dav. Aug. 19th Clyde Bates will be seen in the ti 'tle charactes. Thewexcellent cast practically the original: Catherine Cosgrifl will be seen as 'Peggy' Gray and the remaining long list char- acters will be played respectively by Louise Sanford, Viola Grant, Gertrude Shanley, Marguerite. Slavin, Howard I.. Dorsay, Frank De Vernon, and a score of others. The ti%umph o! stagearaft is attained in the won derful soeme on shipboard. The yacht rocks in © the gale when "Monty" sounds the signal of 4stress, thus disposing in Jess than a second of the $500,000 which had been worry ing him for weeks. a dramatiza- is For a Delightful Sail. Take the America Thursday, 2.30 p.m., on her complete tour of the Islands, sypper on hoard, fare 50c. PVT a WATCH OUR WINDOWS. - AMONG THE NEWEST AR- 2 RIVALS IN OUR WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR STORE. expected in "Earl WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1012. OUR JULY REMOVAL SALE THE LAST 3 DAYS OF SALE, AS WE WILL BE CLOSING PREPATORY 70 MOVING 40 per cent. Discount on Pictures. All Our $1.50 and $1.25 Books at 25 cents Take a Few on Your Vacation for Summer Reading. Myrtle Baldwin, by Chas. C. Comrades, by Thos. Dixon, Jr. Skull John .R. Carl- The Viking's ing. Much Ado About .Péter, Webster, » The Steering Wheel, Robt. A. Wa- son. Tonoe Bungay, H. G, Wells, by Jean Munn. he Story Kellar, son. Smitl. i The Fortunes of Fifi, Molly E. Sea- well, ? of My Life, by Helen Rosmah, by Myra Kelly. . My Brother's Keeper, Chas. Jack- + The' Lady of Big Shanty, Berkeley Her Infinite 'Variety, Brand Whi ock THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE 260 PRINCESS. "Phone 919, d in Twilight [To - Mrs. D. H. Macarow. of Ottawa, is visiting Mrs. Panet, Earl street, Dr. and Mrs. "Frank Bermingham, of Brooklyn, N.Y., are spending .a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, Stuart street. Mrs. Clarence Putnam, of Utica, N.Y., who is visiting her. mother, Mrs. 8. Birch, at her summer cot-1 tage at Thousand Island Park, is town to-morrow to be the guest of Mrs. Emery, Bagot street, for a few days. 2 Miss Ruth Henderson came up on' Tuesday, from Thousand Island Park and spent the day in town. Dr. D. Allan Black, Col.. Frank Strange, Messrs. Hansord Hora, Sherman Hill, Leslie Smith, Neil and Blair Black, who left last week on hg Jaci Temeraire to attend the GBld Cup 'races, at Hanfilton; returned home on Monday. Miss Edith Ferguson, Union street, has returned from Morris- burg, where she was visiting her uncle, Dr. Cameron. Misses Rose Rogers and Mary Strange, and Messrs. Hendry Con- well and Willie Garrett, mptored to Mrs. W. R. Givens camp, -on Tues- day, and returned home this morn- ing. : * % =» Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Asseltine and children, Brooklyn, N.Y., after spending the past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Aseltine, 220 Alfred street, have left to spend the remainder of the season in Catsk!'ls Mountains, ] Misses Edith and Hazel Massie, street, have returned from a pleasant outing at: Rideau Ferry Mrs. Edward Williams, Alexandria Bay., N.Y., and Mrs. L. lewis, of Rochester, N.Y., are guests ot Mrs. Henry P. Smith, King street." © * Miss Easter] and Miss Florence Weese left Tuesday for Delta, Colo- rado, for a few weeks visit. Mrs. David Murray, Miss Mar- garet and Master--John; Frontenac street; "left for Metis, Que., for a few weeks stay, - Mrs. W. Y. Boyd, Gananoque, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C, W. Lane, Gore street Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bate, of Brampton, who Rave been guests at the Frontenac for a Yew days this week, left to-day for their home. COATS See our Win-. dows for a few of the many ad- vanceideas in La- dies Fall and Win- ter Coats. The range we show is very large andthe prices par- ticularly attractive. I NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store, Mr, George Bruenech, of Toronto, is spending a short time with Mrs. Percival, Brock street. Mrs. R. C. Carter, West street, is home from Halifax, where she has bedn the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Henderson Carter for gome time. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Osler, and two children, who have been the guests of Hon. William Harty, Bagot Street, expect to leave on Friday for Winnipeg. Misses Roberfson, of Perth, who have been visiting Mrs. Armond Mec- Donald, Alfred street, left on Tues- day for St. Catharines. - - . Mr. and Mie Joseph Franklin, Winnipeg, have gone Montreal a few days, but will return the end of the week Mr. and Mrs. Harold have returned to their after spending Nina Sherman, of for to town 10 F home sOme Atwater in Otta weeks with University ave wa, Mrs nue Mrs. F. W. assis, New N.Y., and her sister, Miss man, Wellington street, Rochell Ada Shar will visit PURDY'S| 1109 BROCK STREET | i pn i | Flowers in all arrange Fresh Sweet Peas' Asters - Gladioli From our own garden each day at ment for all occasjons promptly. | friends at Alexandria Bey at the week i haa a Ah 2 A 'The styles are decidedly picturésque and the ma- | terials are of that soft | woolly nature so well | adapted for autumn and | parly winter wear. Two | i | | | { AEE 3 { baskets for 75¢., Thursday gmt Carnovsky's. The board of license commissioners {will mpet on Wednesday afternoon, at four o'clock, in Inspector' Clark W. Wright's office, with reference to the trgnsfer of the license of C. D. Horne to Lewis Mastin, and that of J. 8, Randolph to John Cousinean. "lee cream bricks" at Gibson's, The officers and members of Calviry Baptist church, Brockville, have decid: ed to dishand. as it was felt that ir comstances did not warrant: the main- taining, of a second Baptist church in { Brockville. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Dir ker, retires on August 30th. "Tee cream bricks," only at Gib son's. : 3 Aria Shefmon, a resident of Athens, summoned on a charge of being in- made a settlemdnt. The fine and costs amomnied to $2050 : morning, fi toxicated in a local option village, |! | tone Tweeds, Camel's)! * Hair, Chinchilla, and Re- versible cloths, are speci- ally prominent in these really beautiful garments. Wide Reveres and large Shawl Collars are char- acteristic of nearly all the | better coats, no two of which, however, are ex- { ! | "Duy talenm powders," "Gibson's. end Mrs. W. M. O'Bierne, leen O'Bierne, and Mr. Willie O'- Bierne, Stratford; are spending a few weeks at Glen Island and having a pleasant time with Napanee friends. * - The engagement is anvounced of Mise Margaret ¥lsie Day, davght.r of r. and Mrs. E. W, Day, of cdmon ton, Alberta, to Dr. BR. A. Rooney, of Edmonton. The wedding will take place early in September. Miss Pay ie a granddaughter of Mrs, WW May. Frontenac street. and is well-known in this city. Miss Kath- - - > Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Buell, Clarence ¢ street, announce the engagement tuvir eldest daughter, Vera Jona ¢ Mr. V Charles Green, of thse LN Thr marriage will take: plas early in September. 7 « & 4 # "Mrs. John Paul, Alfred street, an- nounces the engagement niece, Mary A. Youngson Charles E. Kidd, BA. BD. of Union Bay, B.C. The marriage will take place in Vancouver during the last week in August. (Continued on Page 3.) te get your own discretion: Use ai's { what it is for. » We Grind Our Own Lenses For E i or Everything THE EYES : Need to enable' you SEE CLEARLY For. everything which can possibly contribute to the com- fort of Eyeglass" or Spect- acle Wearers. For EYE HELPS from ex- pert Examinations. to the smallest part necessary for re- pairs--Depend upon J. §. Asseistine D. 0.S., Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. Phone 1019. terete teeter, Kingston's Exclasive Optician. to LAVALIERE In Platinum and Gold, set with Diamonds, Amythists and Pearls, 3 Necklets in 14K Gold, with Sprays of Pearls, Tram $14.00 . up. All new Drops, with- Chains, tn Tor: quoise. Peridot, Amythist, To paz and Pearls, in 14K Gold, from $10.00 up, complete, SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STREET, Everything in Lurs obtained of us will be found of the high- est quality, perfect in fit and right up-to-date. :: :: i / fe RECRR GOURDIER'S EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS Phone 700 ToYwvewws em ter tet, ete 3, A DOUBLE STONE DWELLING ---- with Brick Extension, Improve: "ments and Fumace Wellington Street, south of Princess 8trcet we are offering for $3,900 MULLIN gt Cor.. Johnson and Division Streets. "Phone 539. "The Busy Real Estate Corner." Edges of collarg sawing neck? Cuffs rasping irt nt your wrists? bindings pricking like che it burrs? "Tattered Warps ard Woof. YO a sr th them? not Perhaps you he acquaintance Then we are Yes? YOUR LAUNDRY WORK. l#t us introdu smooth whys augintance won't me, but a Weld ent, pleasing ne KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. Phone ! fat 98 ZL

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