TRAVELLING, CTI EET oth, { September 4th $4.90 and Sept. 4th J . i te retarn until Sept. 10th. Good to return until August 31st. ADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION SPECIAL SEASIDE PXCURSION HARVESTERS. EXCURSIONS Toronto, Ont., Aug. 24th to Sept.| i A t 28th ! ugust 28th. . veins nl i ' 2. 15355 inclusive, except Aug. 28th except 1, 2,3 and 4, and good | August 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, August 16th and 28th, } i | ! i i | WINNIPEG, $10.00, tH One-half" Cent per "Mile beyond tol MacLeod, Calgary. and Edmonton, For full particulars. apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and. T.A., Corner Johnson and Outario Sts. vr Kikcsrdnd Pem RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITIL - CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. las g YHE $21LY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, PITH OF THE NEWS, What Brownell Wanted Mead wanted uld give eck on Is nece eight Brownell, a & amount < SAry in ea « he says, s needed 1e; I t want to hire sev- It must be @ comple te ; up eral bookkeepers, or even one in each store. Bat he is naw getting the information ut a price any@smali afford to of ) you want sfore can to know how he does it ? Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. BAXE, Sales Manager. 146 ay Street TORONTO ONT. J] Guelph, EXHIBITION TORONTO , ROUND TRIP FROM KINGSTON, August 28 and September 4... $3.55 Augubt 24 to Sept. 9 ~ $4.90 Return limit, September 10, 1912. FARM LABORERS EXCURSION Aug. 16th and 28th, at 11.30 a.m. $10.00 TO WINNIPEG, per mile te Calgary, Edmonton or Intermediate Poifits. Full particulars at K, & P, and C.P.R. Ticket Office. Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent, 1-2¢ 3 LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM- BOAT CO. LIMITED $S. North King & SS. Caspian 1,000 ISLANDS--HROCHESTER. Commencing July 2nd steamers leave at 10.15 am. dally for Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Is'ands and Gananoque. Returning, leave at § pgn, for Ro- chester, NY, via Bay of Quinte, call- ing at Picton, Deseronto and Belle. ville. Freight handled with despatch at reasonable rates, J.P. HANLEY, Tcket agent. JAN. BWIFT & Co, Freight Agents. E. 1. HORSEY, General Manager, TAK SEAN ERS - "Kingston" and "Toronto Leave Kingston dally at 6 pm, for Charlotte amd Toronto, arriving inf. Chariotie 10.156 pm, in Toronto 7 velgek following morning, 7 Kaxthound steamers leave Kingaton for Thousand Islands, Montreal, Que- bec and the Saguenay, § am, daily. TORONTO H HIBITION ROUND TRF FARE, . Aug, 24th to Bept 8th inclusive, rn limit, Bept, 10th, . ¢ fall information, dpply | J.P. HHANLRY, Agent, | Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts | H. FOSTER CHAFFER, G.P.A. | Toronto CANADIAN NORTHERN STEAM SHIPS, LIMITED, The Fioest nnd Fastest Steamships on the Canadian Route. HOLDING ALL RECORDS. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. BRISTOL, Montreal, Bristol. Wednesday. Steamer. Wednesday Aug. 21 .. Royal George 8 4 Sept . 'Royal Edward Sept. 1 Oct. Oct «+. Royal Gedrge .. Royal Edward .. Royal George ,. Oct, 20 . Roval Bdward ,. Nov. 13 Royal George .. And Fortnightly Thereafter. Write or call C. S. KiRgPATRICK, 42 Clarence St. J. Po Hanury, Grand Trunk Ry. F. Coxway, K: & P. Ry. or 'CANADIAN NORTHERN S. 8. unre J 6 226 St, James Niredt, Montreal, og on en ee i en QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, River.and Gulf of St. Lawrence { Summer Cruises in Cool Lotitodes. i | 58 "Cascapedia" L900 tons, with all msdern comforts, SATLR FROM MONT RAL ON. THUREDAY, at 4 pm. 28h August, 12th and LE€ih Peptomber, and rom Quebeo the following day at moon for; Plelou, NB, calling at aspe, . Mal Bay. Pere Suminerside, PEL. and Charlottelown, PR New York From Quebec. (Last trip to New Youk this season) Ni Pia de Smee callin at PLE Halifax, SS Trinidad, 3 an one sall from Quebec at §. pm. 23rd Aug. New York to Bermuda | Twin} t trsions a. th aurtadien oid wf hy V7ocd's Phosphodine, TT: Great English feemedy and invigorates the who! yous system, makes new Debidiiy, Monlal and Br Worry, Des a Fedual Weakness, Fomissions, Sper matorrhea, ond Ef cls of dbuse or K=esses Price $1 por box, six for 83. One will please, six will cure, Dold by « driggiste or mailed in plan pkg. og receipt of price, New pamphlel mailed free. The Wood Medicine Ca formerty Windsor) Yeronto, Ont LALALLS O& AAS, SYMINGTONS | PACKET SOUPS & GRAVIES i Get Them at 'D. COUPER'S 'Phone 76. 341-3 Princess St. nay, and Prompt Delivery. Japa pN om DOMINION/ LNT, - MONTREAL---QUEBEGC - LIVERPOOL SAILINGeverySATURDAYS By the "LAURENTIC" AND "MEGANTIC** ited Gis ewig pstedap dice fo comfort and "TEUTONIC" & "CANADA" One Class Cabin (II) $50 and $8) Third clase passengers berthed in closed sooms only + THE ST. LAWRENCE SR THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO EUROPE ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA LOCAL AGENTS: J. P. Hanley and CS Kirkpatrick Company's Office -- Toronto OUTING SALE X OF SUMMER GOODS Children's Pajamas made of Flannelette from 6'to 12 years 15¢ Youths' Pajamas _ Made of Flannelette In young men's shapes $1.00 Men's Scotch: Zephyr Pajamas in plain and stripes, trimmed with Pure poe lins and Silk Frogs. sizes from 35 and 44 ior $1.50 An in 1 been i Mrs. F. Sutherland $ All i mother, Mrs: Dever, expect 10 iokve Sock Sale Lisle Thread and Silk Lisle in Fancy Stripes and Plaids. These are f all 50c Sox and will he | on sale all this week | General of the Duchy of Lancaster, | dens, and Marjorie Hamilton, y -8 Latest Called From AL Over the World, condition 1s can old I { The Very ' . i Genkrsl | eye 4 Tm Twilight § : ww don, Unie errr atsssevessvasene r dat, ~ Aan. - stienmer rE (Conlinued from Page 2.) belle elegy with the L Hilda Hague, University [standing/by » avenue, was hostess on Monday at a! Preside delightful luncheon in honor of this | i bill » month's bride-to-be, Miss Isabel | Polson. The table was very sweet | ser and dainty with quantities of pink | and white sweet peas. The inciuded Miss Isabel Polson, Jean Duff, Miss Jessie Smith, of dpallance and fell in. Ottawa, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss || XR suit for $10,000. has bern Helen Campbell, of Palo Alta, Calif, stituted against the Michigan Central Miss Susan Anglin and Miss Mabel | yyjtway by the hérs of Christian Richardson. Waugh. of Windsor. Ont., killed in the railway yards eocine months ago. I'hes expedition, headed by Prof dhe schel Parker, New York, has dS od a new pass through the kan range, opening sixty miles country, hitherto blank on the map The United States government sent the schooner. P. J. Abler, with & targo of supplies, for the ~ relief of the sufferers who were afiected b the "eruption of Mount Katmai, Alas ka. . Two tramps stealing. a ride on a still pear Champlain { 1 1 of Repre Oswego guests | N.Y. drowned in a Miss | cistern. "Dr awing walter she Jost her ntally . . . | Mrs. David Murray, Frontehac | Street, entertained at bridge on! Monday in honor of Mrs. John Les- | lie, of Montreal, : or Alps ® of of -. » . - Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland, Ear Street, and Mrs. Mellis Ferguson, who has been a guest. here for some time, left on Saturday for Toronto, to spend a day before going on to | has Misses Marjorie . Campbell and Rose Rogérs "and Messrs. Roger . Stewart and Herbert Steacy, motor- | C.P.R. train in the Koikies, were the ed to Gananoque on Wednesday to| means of preventing a disaster, The spend -the day. | noticed that a large portion of gla Miss Evelyn Richardson and Mr. | ier had «hd down the mountain sid. Joseph Richardson, who were guests on to the track, so they warned the at Mrs. H. W. Richardson's, King conductor and an accident was aver street, returned on Sunday to their ted. hom? im Trenton, N.J, Newfoundland has passed a law pro Mr. Thomas McGinnis, who was a { hibiting French fishermen from bay guest in town for the week-end, re- ing bait in Canadian ports. On th turned to Belleville on Monday. department of marine 'and fisheries he Mr. W, C. Kent, and Mr. E. Van ing appealed fo they expressed th Lesslie, left on Monday for a trip view that there is nothing to.preven down the Saguenay, the French fishermen from securing Mrs. J. D. Craig, who has been ' li n Canadian ports visiting Mrs. W. G. Craig, Barrie |*Uch supplies i 2 Dorfs. street, and 'Miss Bessie Smythe, Fal West streét, for the past two weeks, | expects to leave for Cape Vincent on Thursday to visit her father. Mr. Spencer - Henderson, "of Mon- attractive programme treal, spent the week-end at Col- | well kfown ability of the lin's Bay, the guest of Mrs. T. G. | brought the crowd from Smith. « The same Will will be repeated 22% * night. On Thursday Mrs. Robert Laird returned to | programme will be town on Saturday. | vaudeville and Miss Mary Kinghorn, of Rochester, | spent Saturday in town, on her way to Cape Vincent, where she is visit- ing Mrs. Frank Sackett. Miss Inez Armstrong left on Saturday for Port Colborne, after! visiting Mrs. E. J. B. Pense for a short time. Mrs. Hussey and her children are visiting Mrs. T. C. Wilson, Queen street, Miss Gladys Ruttan is visiting Dr. Ruttan, at Wellington, Mrs. Edward watson, visitiig Mrs. S. 8. Huebner, | Gore street, expects to refurn to Detroit the end of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Hansord Hera, are spending a week camping down the Rideau. > Mr..and Mrs. E. H. Bickford, of Toronto, returned home on Sunday after visiting Col. and Mrs. Syden- ham McGill, King street, Mrs. W. C. Caldwell, of Lanark, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gold- wyre Lewis, Stuart street. Mr. Herbert Stethene, - of John's, Que., was a guest in for the week-end. x = At Lake Ontario Park, There was anothér large attendance t Lake Ontario Park last evening 1 and the compan the city to th botl a I 18 out eveningy changed, ctires, The quicker some. trains 'of though ate sidetracked the better, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough 707 A GRANDMOTHERS USED SAGE TE Darken the Hair and' Restore Gray and Faded Hair to its Natural Color, | Bears the who has | Signatases To St. town | i the color LO rektor 8 easier Lo preserve Mr. Irving Martin, Clergy street, } | =) jHhan : o returned on Saturday from Chicago, | OVER It is sotls where he was spending his holidays Ow or indmothers understood the se with Mr. Arthur Martin, ret. They and Miss Marjorie Pense, West street, § their dark, ssy hair long after expects to leave the end of the | middle Life was due to this fact. Ow week for Piedmont, Quebec, to mothers gray hairs. befory . they visit Mrs; Hannaford, ave fifty, but they ure beginning Mr. Robert Johnson, of New |appreciate the wisdom of ourgrand York, is the guest of Misses John- PMmothers in using "'s tea" for thei son, Earl street. hair and are fast following suit. Masters Donald and Hugh Nickle| The present geberation has the are spending the week with Mrs, | vantage of the past $n that .it W. F. Nickle, at her summer homeo. get a ready-t Mr. William Nickle, Jr., has been Wyeth's spending a few days the guest of ody Ag Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, at the Point. | yestorer Ex.cadets Charles Slater and Ferdinand Gendron, of Montreal, motored from Montreal on Saturday and have been spending a few days in town. * =x of the hair it, possible to do made a' 'sage tea," glossy have to wwe ad cat preparation called Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem a sealp tonic and this preparation the ordinary ruse color vast! tea' is ar grandmothers, beauty of on a healthy condi tion of the scalp. Wyeth's Sage Sulphur Hair ghemedy quickly the dandruff germs which rob hair of life, l and makes the scalp « the hair streng beauty." and makes it : v Ole, the day He will give back if not sat trial, , G. W. Mahood, * superior to pede by dur Fhe hair depends growth and the and kills the lustre, healthy, olor dnd * * * * Mrs. Charles A. Low.and her two little children, expect to leave on Friday for Aylmer, Ont., to visit Mr. and Mrs. David Price for a short time. Miss Lilian Kent, Barrie street, returned home on Monday after visiting Mr. Beverly Jones at Rock- ford, Brockville. : Mrs. Norman Fraser and little son, who have been the guests of Mrs. John Fraser, King street, left its th, gives ¢ grow, bot from -vour onr mon 2 Yaad for YOu are Sen atl in- J tore than ten partridges in any AUGUST 14, 1912, WILL OTTAWA BASEBALL "BE FORCED OUT ---- CLun Of the Canadian League >~--British Columbia Will Again Make a Bid for Eastern Hockey Players, Out of the oi the road du: Montreal wg Alx ght games played { the present trip Royals have won sims ¢ the last thirteen gain 3, the Roy have won ten x London ball club has secusid Shortstop Chapat, who starred . for Jeilin in the Canadian ball series last simmer. The game laws for this year pro- vide that the open keason for part ridge is froox the 15th of October 15th of November, ive, The "Ww both days inclus and po person can taks or kif one lav, Ottawa Capitals 'won eight of the last ten N L.U. games plaved, losing both of the others away: from home by one goal. A joie stock company is being formed take over the Berlin, Canadian baseball leagud. franchise. Jeanette has Sgned to fight Yang. ford - at los Angeles. He refused $15,000 to fight jn Australia. ° Outside "of Capitals, Ottawa's fans would rather see Cornwall win out than any other team in the N. L. lea gue, oCornwall is still the hub ol the national game. Luther McCarthy is out laim for Johnson's to with A ring champion iS gomg to quit. Jeanette, Lang ford, McVey, and Battling Keele, to say nothing of Tommy Burns, all feel that they are entitled the onaoar. The Tasmanian rowing association inviting W. R. Kinnear, the world's amateur sculling champion, lo iit Tasmania to December the regattas - there, and pete for the Australian nonship. to is to Tow in to com amateur cham The raid on eastern - players prac ticed by the British Columbia ho key association ated this ions have last year is to be Tre year, In fact negotia already been begun between the Patricks and several players ext winter's hockey ay the coast The New York Amecan league club has closed a deal with "the Rochester lub of the International league, by vhich" Shortstop Tommy' 'McMillan will go to New York in exchange for Martin and Pitch: or "Jack" Quinn, both of whom were recently released to Rochester Millan will not join the New Aug. 19th, . ¢ report that Ottawa would ped from the Canadian baseball Was not taken seriously rt of the capital club, fad considenable difficulty vilinission league but their advent .added interest to the race and enabled the league to sbtain class B gtanding. It is said tha Lol. Solman hrough with lacrosse™sgd that Foronto Tecumsehs will>find selves for Shoetstop "Jack" be by Ottawa mn gaimng list. fall, to the is the homeless next adian league team taking at the Idand. NLU. claim that the old lacrosse. league will have a on the field next ceason at Rosedale, playing under the name of the Torontos and that there will be another team playing at the Varsity athletie grounds. ' They als affirm 'that the Nationals are anx ious to jump back inte the fold and leave the other Big Four teams out the world. In a to-dav Charles Ww Murphy,- president © of the Chicago lub the National league, charged that the New York team would not win tho National league pennant "without undué assistance from other teams." The statement was issued in regard a despatch sent New York, which that Roger Bresnghan, manager the Louis club dn the league, interested in a world' tour planned for the New York club provided the Giants won the pionship. sumnier, a (an their place supporters team wm wintery statement in to from stated of National Saturday, St. was cham dealirs deputy minl- SOM butter received a the minister of be ful of the methods employed by Montreal eal cheese and from wieese warning agricultural to JA he 8 Monte exporiess oma jobbers { bine, chess J at times, to buy at s \ ry and butter, rake fi nctson tween (he be and poorest THE SPORT REVIEW] ship title now that Johnson says he | them- . PAGE THRER -- T w= w Weather Probabifies Woderate day, cnbler Toronto, Ont, August 138, 10 ame fresh north. wasteniy fale and warm to-day. Thurs. Tine aud a rie fo indw; Borthwest winds: URED Fine quality Colored $1.25 quality. Long Muslin Kimon: 5 § 00 to $6.50. To $2.50. To Remember when sho Store" SERED CEE URINE (Rasa Urals Mas Iara Rriday at 5 p.m. ~ CASH--NO IXISTRET) PEASE FEET POEs ad * The FAREWELL FLUTTES of SUMMER WEARABLES at CLEARING PRICES| Dressing Sacques. Le Sale starts Thursday, ¢ ray ak Tuslin Dressing Saeques, . To clear 75c¢c --%1.50 quality To clear 98c Odd lives, Ladies' and Misses' [ Chambray, Muslin and Gingham Dresses, worth from clear, Half Price Odd Lines of Children's Cotton Dresses, 75¢ to clear, Half Price pping at the "Steacy you shop in the light as everything is marked in plain figures. ) a.m. and continues till APPROV Ay ry NHN <ODPMANU < ~ STEACY'S | The Store of Satisfaction r Union Assurance Soc'y & 'Phone 286. E. BLAKE THOMPSON, 'Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance | | ---- Agent for -- OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK.' Manitoba Assurance Co'y. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON, ONT. | Ho - FLOTTED AGAINST KITCHENER. Youths enced to Fifteen Aug. 1 wh we Are Years, The tri arrested Three Egyptian Sent- Cairo, Egypt, three July 2nd for being Vise youths re meerned in oa plot the Kitchener, ral 0 assassinale British sagint and Egypt, took place all of unt consul gene and vesterday re sulted in them being found uit One was i the fifteen yes sentence to fhfteen vears 4 1 ' hard labor hile other two send out to prison for with hard It was stated that the reading of sedifious had incites ONSPIracy. labor : during the hearing literature them to the « | Do not gripe or cause Hood's SE Pills pain. Purely vegeta- bie, easy to take. 25¢c. on Monday for Brockville to visit friends. Mrs, Fiskin and her son, Mr. Syd- ney Fiskin, of Toronto, who have been among the house party at Rockford for some time, passed 'ONTARIO'S NEW ARMS IN SOLID GRANITE. through town to-day on their way home Miss Marion Lesslie, William street, left on Tuesday for Brock- vifle to visit Judge and Mrs. Rey- uol's for a short time. ' *R HR Mia. James McCammon, Kingston, and Mrs, Thomas Donnelly, Deger- onio, made wany friends while in | Saskatoon, Sask., with Mrs, G. MW. Thoripson. They have left t6 vist Edmonton, Calgary and Gleichen before returning east. Mrs. John Sutherland, street, in Rochester, » Gore is visiting Mrs. Norman 8. Leslie,' and her the, ead of the week for St. Joh N.B. «TW Missos Muriel King, Alice street, is the guest of Miss Machar, Fern- cliffe, Gananoque. .- oo. An gngagement is amnounced be | tween Robert Forster, second son of R. A. McCall, K.C., Attorney- and Mrs. McCall, of 28 Lexham-gar- ng - Mac. Lon- est daughter of J. D. and M Kenzie, of 164 Cromwell don, England : official have lately their appearance au in Recently the province of Ontario aderted a new setti Jationea. ete.. the bull moose rampant sppears as ng Toronto. It seems strange that Tediy ts at new amd Sir dnmes over the enirance to the ng for its armonrial bearings. and now. in the supporters for the arms of ihe province. They wing of the proviecial legislative build. Whitney Cook's Colton Root Compound * The great Uterine Tonld, nod Monthly only 'safe effect Tiagulator on whigh Wom 11 oaR depend. | Sold in th of strength--No, 1, $17 Sto. 10 degrecs stronger, $3; No. for special cases, per ot Bold by all droggists, or repaid on pe of price "a J i i Th Udok MEDIOE 00 ToneuTo, ONT Gormarty Window Kingston Business College (Limited) Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth year, Fall term beging August 36th. Courses In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tels. raphy, JdAvil Bervice and Evg- sh d tiie) Our Ugraddates got the best positions Within & short time over sixty secured Pontos with one of the largest railway cor. poratiofis' In" Canada, Enter any time. Calljor write for Informa tion. HH. F. Meteuifs, Principal. Kingston, Canada It is Criminal to Neglect the | Skin and Hair: HINK of the suffering entailed by neglected skin roubles -- mental becaasa of disfiguration, physical bee cause of pain. Think of the ' pleasure of a clear skin, soft, white hands, and good hair, These blessings, so essential to happiness and even suc- cess in life, are often only a matter of a little thoughtful care in the selection of effec- tive remedial agents. Cuti- _ cura Soap and Cuticera Oint- ment do so much for poor complexions, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little, that it is almost crimi= nal not to use them. Although Catienra" Soap and Ofte ment are sold by druggists pnd everywhere, a postal to "Cutiengs, should favor the same ani. - Dept. 6M, Boston, U. 8. A, will secure 8. liberal surople of each, with 32-gage * booklet un Skis aad Sesip Trae ¥