Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1912, p. 5

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¢ : i - THE DAILY BRITISR WHIG, WE BNERDAY, AUGLST 14, 1912, . " ; : "ie PAGE FIVER. 5 TA DEAD LETTER Nottie da ie SPORTING CIRCLES [== Ra go Seme time ago the police secured A ' A . ' . 9 » - | the names of some of the svouths who . J : " : : 4 NTHE Qt ESTION OF SECURING| were guilty of taking a dip with | QUEEN WON SUNDAY SCHOOL A 7 ; POR INFANTS PUBLIC BATHING HOUSES, oot frst donoing a bathing suit. | ¢ SEXIOR BASEBALL GAME. : er Will Bring Your Baby Salely Through : a j but they were allowed to go with a ~ . . The First Year : A warping. | ; , r TR 4 "We put our It Would Appear as if Matter Has! 'That it is & great shame the city | Vefeating St. George's by 3 to 0-- Maurice on ie Been Allowed to Drop--Was| has 'no public bathing house is the These Games Are Now Played at : " Neave's Food Taken up by Committee, Bu | OF nion of all the visitors whe coms the Cricket Field--Junior Game run S ? ags uit ases i Never Definitely. Dealt With--A | 0 i when be was one week 'oid, : . : and, he never - Complaint Absut Bsthing. {a plas for bathing and when the One of the best exhibitions of ball tuted anything Has the question of securing pub | aie informed that Like Ontario: Pprk | Dlaved this season was played * at See our Special Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases at $6. 00 lic bathing houses en shelved by | 8 the only place for bathing the: | the aoricket field on Tuesdav' evening he city. Pienic parties comine to the city are always in search of This Evening. people have Fad been allowed to drop almost out| of 8 bathing house was hding dis | to 0 in favor of Cueen. St. George's od ot aware waned, He 8 | ater, ha ben nore he ouy | et one in thy vicinity of Nachonald sve, Sui, sts fue te, Jui |}. Suit Cases - $2.00, 3.00, 4.50, 5.00 up to 20.00 Neave's Food is seid in 11b. airtight if anv action had been taken but as|Charles S. Shibley Received the le | thus performance in the fourth when for fre tn of Meare's Food ana copy. @ | DSC 8 EL CEU | quen-Tughes. c; Hunter, 5:0 [ff Oar Stock is the largest and most complete in Kingston (Ment dics iid paper. 394 swimming in ipe vicinity of Mac: | A | som, ef; Rai LE. Liahbire--George Vanhorn, | dT TOWN OF GANANOQUE $4, $4.50 Wells for $3.65. - $2.50, $3 Wells for $1.65 there. : oo J Of INSTON'S SHOE STORE \ / pt ' PED IN Slay : haat lelidou, Yiu fi'st birthday. stopped me on + € a ------ tis: first, neither team being able 40 - 2 : onnient Bo ", dresses of the mayors, but as yet | T & Srat, nent . 2 0 00 4 00 5 00, 6. 00 | 5. 00 BY oa aa, tee Ber definite action hasvinen taken | YOUNG MAN'S SUCCESS. score. In the third Queen opened up -Dags $ 3 » 2.UU, 4.00, up to tins. by all driiggists in Canada, © far as can be learned the matter wag gree of B.S.A. Hall and Nicholson scored, making it vara: comblatnis hive be dal ) } aen, . 1b.; Angrove, 2b.; Hall, 8.0 Canadian Agent -- EDWIN UTLEY, Several compistuts hve bet yas Mrs. J. R. NEA & doiald park without. bathing suits, | - xt. George's--MeCormick, c.: Stin ' ; 3 \ I'laying these games on th erie LOW SHOE SALE || ket fied in cortainly a. great ifbrove- -- . Sydenham and Queen streets juniors A GENEROUS PLATEFUL UP. TO- DATE REPAIRS 9 . 7 meet at the cncket field this = eve n A YOUNG COUPLE CTE > [4 70 BROCK STREET. f= owting 28 Vostowout. spout tok ae Sew Armoury factured is_otfered, dally ak bi Gi shoritfe | are very much disappointed then St. George's and Queen's seniors [4 Th th Bes V. I ff ed th : Pn " Hindreds of Er iE EE that the matter | Some time ago when the question | mgt. At the end the score stood" 3 cy are € t alue ever. er at e rice * 11p theslofesto ark How of sight, For the past few vears| cussed there was a proposition ta] were nrst to bat bute were unable to the streets and in thestpre or . : iis Sands doing. the trick It repeated Harriet 8t., Toronto. A citizen asked the Whig to-day | an( E 1 k .50, 3 00, 4. 00, 5 .00, 6. 00 l 7. 50 runks = - 2 up to FREE TO MOTHERS Write today before a special committe: but was! $to 0. The teams were: 14 Front Street East, « TORONTO: lately" about young men and | boys A Cann Forrister, rf; Nicha! . nt ; hat if he | k son, p.; Duncan, lh.; Conley, .2b.; and it is pointed out that ) : h \ Clarke, £9. Morrison, 3b.: Ludlow % ' , . : 7 " r.i.; Robbs, c.f; Rae, Lf. i . : . . i ment to-the Victoria school grounds Taps . Patents - Blacks . | | and it is altogether likely the ° re WERE WED. ne at 6.30 o*clock. I'wo bowling games were played al Motor Boat Owner Trying to Los this store-- purest ingredients, the Rockwood green on Tuesday af oe ; freshest creams, best flavor arnoon: between swo of the Yocal cate His Sunken Craft, s ing, put together in spotless Etre ly clean surroundings. Visit x x cams and two from Rockwood, Ths - anoque; Aug tH ==tre 1 bey =p = Er : = = ~ ol varlors when you want ocal teams won out by a good mi 4 s of Gananoque Lodges P | ur | ) en you wa to rin The local rink skipped by ( .B., the steamer Thousan® crowd an hour of delight into lic S A yout mai Who. ww waking great Smith won from J. Davidson's nk | lander took out a large party o half that time. aso ene ngine upp ie success in the work he has vndertak | 19 12. "The Lac . )y & score of to Charles S. Shibl ia 8 Y 2. The teams | excursionists for a searchlight » en, 1a i anties 5, Lishisy, son of 48) were: y among islands, last evening S A K WE ARE AGENTS for Bald! REVERSE GEARS, Scheh cob A. Shibley, of Hamowsmith, whe ! a | 7 } Es ge W. Jackson, 1 Lyons, 'A. "Strack In ings , -last Saturday, Ar- ler' Carburators, Columbia Dry Batteries, Multiple - Ratteries. Tim- io June last had the degree of 1B. i : T an, CC, Smith, skip.--19 thur Hewitt and Mrs. Howard, -o Next to Opera House : Phone 640 conferred upon Kim by orantc W Hn A OH .. (3a > : s 'y eBSOT ef ' br. Young, KR. Dick, J. Dennison, § Gananoque wert quietly married ers and other Gasolene Engine Fittings and Accessories. anIversity. Mr. Shibley has been re } EAE mn po en niso A gang of men, with plex' and Call on us when you want the BEST GOODS at SEASON: | eeivhng the congratulations of his Yo the tiger game the rink skipped shovel, started, yesterday morning . er---- a] ARLE PRM ES : ' * | anany fiends. He was a student a woo XN lott won. from the Rad to. prepare the ground for the foun ¥ go 3 1B 2g - . u | the Ontario Agriculwral College, © at wood ¥ink skipped by B.S. Cesham lation of the 'new armoury on Bouts A L BERT c OLL E GE . , | Guelph, and since rraduating har |, qm . 'Kotreet, It is understood that the 28 8 ; 3 r ( K CO aeiph, . iB p : w 22 to 17. The teams weve : Sontract hag y NESS SCHOOL DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. | {ma Shir Sine on™ | 5,00 1 oe fat ve Roe hk WAT "Sar Bp BELLE ©" Gy | ' ' Last year Mr. Slubley was employ | np 4 w.Kelvey, J. M. Elliott, skip UE je . . $63.00 pays Board, Room, Tut Phong 420, led by the government ae a Judge 2. ' pa N. Harris, who had the ' misfor tion, Electric Light, use of Baths for the standibg field crops id the * Pools, Dr. McDougal, Dr. Me une to have his motor launch cut, Gypistum, all>but books and laun Port Hope and, Woodbridge district aflev. ot Grahiat skip 17 a two, one. evening recently, nea dry, for twelve weeks--Ilonger and carried out his work in en abl ; ' : FRSton 3 Jind, has been trying period at reduced prices manne. He 1s a young man with » AL Quetw's Groen uusuccess ully to locate the damaged $30.00 pays Tuition alone for the | bright future His earlier educetio 3 freen, eralt ever singe entire scholastic year. \ ! : wai fended at the Sydenham hig} A club game was played 'at the! t Word vas recelved here yesterday Graduates holding the best posi: y school ueen's bowling green on Tuezdm, ) if RE Soa . on- Monday evening -of {rjons, Candidates prepared yearly { ae wening when J.-C. MeConachio's rink : pomag lerbert Waldie, at the Eas { for the examinations held by the In. 4 CAPE. BOOTH DENIES skipped by W. R..Sills won from .J 3 Len 2 apie, _Broe kville, where ho | stitute of Chartered - Aveountants of { * . 5 W. Corbett's rink, skipped by W 1. " \ L Aersone treatment for {Untario and for Commercial Specialists a ni es Suced. Through . Gag | Spalding, by a score of 16 to 10 Se vera months Speck] attention given to ; 'Nr That Sjeamers Spee OREh « UAL The rinks were: Gananoque high school has made Matriculation, . Teacher's Courses \ { at Toronto. 7 Ww. Cc. C ( a creditable showing .in the recent i FLambert Croner, Elocution, Voeal and Instrumental N . } ie injor nt . theiBio. Ne wa mith, W. R. Sills, skip--16. ~ Jun) matriculation examinations | Music, Fine Art. Domestic - Science . at five 3 : ' Lhey can't prosecute us, no matter F. § Zafiet. br. Bovee, W. H. Moni five puplls of the school completing 'hysical Culture. ' how much fey try," Cain. E. AL oomerenW. I. Spalding, skip--10 the Jul Jequirelents on Sec ton 2 ; For Illustrated Calendar, address : "" Booth, of the ticheltien and Untario tog cts Wo trom ) J. ilson, Jd. ) | stenmer Kingston, said with .a goo ge iaighes Lr by rom | Donevan, W. E. Brown and Mis PRINCIPAL DYER, M. A. nn hinnored laugh, when. questioned. re] J Montgomery by 15 to 9, Grace F. Maitland; while three -------------- . garding the statement published this "Play Tie yr passed In section C--J. R. Adair, J ' mile - : ; J Played Tie Game. E. Bevins and Miss Susan KE. Seal Ottawa morning to the effect that the captains / : ind) Our upholstering wears like iron \ verl intercsting game of baseball Miss Annie Murchie ' ' {oi the steamers plying in and out of . EE i rchie, Miss Mahel was played on the Victoria school | M. Carpenter ang Mri. James Evervthing made latest. ahd best > mn Toronto were in danger of prosecution as Ja) 3 ames e e Ver ng ide It { yr | I srounds esday evening, between the | Rogers a ) 8 same s' 0 e ' aushin " . for ailing through the eastern gap to gn Sud h. 3 vend ny Yo. b een Sp Asoora are Bjoying ae, Steamer workmanshij = : y y Amd vdenhe Str 8 i gp 4 . : oy Our Rule 1 18 not to carry any stock ONer, We the at too great a speed Young Earls The ' teams were very § W. J, Wilson, spending the past Ideally situated in the Capital, one of | vecials are, therefore, placing' balangg of our Men's ro ny Juight get, the Sompunics nto venly matched, the score being a tic: tWOo weeks with his mother, Mrs. | the most beautiful cities in the world. ouble, but dou » . ¢ ' y 3 { Large Spring-edge Cou ; : 5, Jat the fi g o:all, The feu- | Hugh Wilson, and sister Mrs. Cocil el . l ge | ge Oxford. Ties $4. 50 and $5.00 of des, all leathers, { the shipper "continued, "for' I don't 3b hy fie Junite, wea ba on WE Sheol 30 Bm, Cael Offers Matriculation, Academic and | {eather Tuffted only $15.00 all shapes, all styles at $2.95. You need " believe that there is a boat in Toronto] 00 S10 Cl bol" Gl ne Young] Minn., has returned home. Seleqjive courses. Accepts pupils.from he pr You'l 1 tl x : 3( {that passes . through the gap. at a Earls and "Shorty" Kennedy's field} Rev. F. J. Mcllement, forme; | 12 years of age and upwards. them now, ou I} need them next season, so {speed in excess of the four miles an ng for Sydenham juniors. *Josse" pastor of Grace church, now located Hl Parents seeking a good educational don't pass this chance to wet the best shoes in {hour required by the law. Loeal mas McQueen umpired to the satisfaction | 8 St. Aune de Bellevue, near Mon- [" pome for their daughters should write AT 1ters are loo okl at the game to try 0 i treal, is spending a few holiday ql : y of all. & e 10lidays town at this unheard of price ]anvihing like that." of all : here with friends. Miss Lena ai. | iof Calendar and particulars. * | ests stptcmst-- Baseball 1Zecord. Neil, Ivy Lea, is spending the week | Bev. W. D. ARMSTRONG, SHO: Nie PrD., BD, JAMES REID'S 2.9 | Fog Bothers Motor Boats. National League--Chicago, #: Bos in town, guest of Miss L. E. Hurd s. % : . . I The fog Which hung over the harbor ton, 2. Pittsburgh, 3; Brooklyn, | yrs: v.85 Jowden, Mogtréal, a See the styles displayed in window. «80 heavily on Tuesday was just ™s bad el ' 4 former resident, is visiting local The Leading Undertaker Phoge- 1 3 3 Cincinnati, 7; Philadelphia, 6 . fr 15. 'Mra. J. C. Powers. Gs Ba S h 1 IC Leal on Wednesday moranmg. Same gooa Ameriéan Ti iy New i De Beg Mich. LL Powers, Grand tescourt C 00 TT . : v > I'he Home of Good Shoes ARLES & SHIBLEY, BEA i Also Imitatien Leather, Fancy Velvet or Tapestry ; a senc --- siories are (old [in connection with the ygit, 2. « hicago, 5 forty-four years, is 2 Alssucs of fog. One camper on Wolle Island] International League--Rochester, & | sister, Mrs. George Cross, Leeds. | f Bartie and Clergy Street AdAasssssns - {started out for the city in a motor] providence, 3. Jersey City, 6: Buffalo township. Mr : . 3 Ad te-oper V r 1 i | i : ers y 6; ¢ . Mr. and Mrs. 8. Abbott ip 1 . the tra {boat, and, being unable to see any-|3. Toronto, 6: Newark, 0; Baltimore. Hartford, Conn., are guests of My | tix ithe ira F. J. JOHNSON +Hhing «dn front of him fro whieh hel3-1. Montreal, 1-0 and Mrs. J. B b 1ysica ' elle ! ! 1g : : ml, 1-0. : A bbott, Miss Myrtle could get his bearings, he was obliged] -- te ---- Wright, spending the past week at 1 EE Aterat ' all Eng i THE LEADING FLORIST - . > a p ' ar} { [to judge by the path of the boat. He Boys Smash Windows. Ivy Lea, guest of Mr. and Mrs. M rawing hykics F re ai $ evidently reached the vicinity of the| Poys will be boys; and they are sure | H. McNeil, has returned home . | 324 KING STREET. city, for he he passed a budy |v throw stones. Some youngsters aoatw---- = The « So RB GROAE: Sek } » Roses Carnations, Sweet Puhich he took for a waterworks buoy. | who have been using the windows ir IN MARINE CIRCLES. AAs. Ane eu 1 va Tacica ] Pram. ANd 11 other scascushie After half an hour's sailing he sight-| he .netv Maedonald school for a tar kK a \ "older ? F og 1s rte 8 Yap. yey ed the shore not five handred yards| get, are in trouble, and are being | Movements of Vessels in and Out of Apply i | Baa iy or a Ly ediing from his awa cottage, from where he|summonid to appear before Magistfate This Port Fors 4 1b ora br and { had started. "His neighbor came over | Farrell, in the juvenile court, for their Th : \ . ineral Designs a Specialty. with the use of a compass and fared! oondact, i oe ¥ or : steamer Foiler anived better, handing Bithin a few feet of mre -------- fom Montreal and is discharging | | 1 | 4 € | | | | 1 | v g " "Phones: x some re . : ' T THE , - Store, 239. Conservator § his wharf, N » A yvawl boat was picked up near Se damaged grain at Richardson's AT THE POLICE COURT. : Residence, 1212 11 ; Cr Co ' Swift's wharf. Wednesday mdrning, by | olevator. She will alterwaras po np Ea. : : Ex-Kingstonian's Gift Abert Knox and Charles: Rielly, buf Je Eingston Shipbuilding company's jie Drank Was the Only Offender | psemcevewevweiovs { ) . : : «| dry dock for revairs. Wednesday Morning . | ~ A_pleasing incident transpired during | on examination it was found to havi i 1 ¥ i the --s serviced in a First Cons no bottom. Its had evidently heen sent The steamer Sowards avtved from Magistrate Farrell Oswego on Wednesda r $ d oa 9 regational church, at London, Ont. {adrift by the owner. dich 1 v morning and | ule session. of tie wirt on Wed S greg i yA ' . - 2 8 . . . J Sunday, when Rev. H. I. Whitmore rs aiging col at Soward's | nesday thorning. re drunk, hailing 3 fre Gi ) e as the only offic ¢ formerly of Kingston, on behalf of The s:hooner Maize. wonlladen. fron rom ananogue, was th ily off | i . himself and Nrs. Whitmore, presented Faithuves loa tty | ; Be 'n der. He said he had a wile and fam s the church with 'a beautiful framed hart, 8 umldading at Urawlord's diy and that be was worry fo appem arel ho an if ame whit y . wiore the court sortrait of his predeeessor, Rev, D. 8 oT ad ar i el usiness W anilton, who Jib wine years was the Deandruff or ; The «teamdr tieronia was fn pott "I'm sorry for you too," remarked : ; J agisirat -- ------ meme ready to use at first sign of trouble the best corrective for any disorder 1 bi secpper list. ere before. The fine will be 82 and : { ; i & i WT, Cr elevator Steamer Ta- | . ; . fami 1 n of. the organs of digestion. The \ A Nn re, ing air gunn and Turret Court alearct for isin a earlier you seek relief the easier orces i ¥ " 8 reported that wild faspherries | lellobilte and will take om cemeat it will be to get it--and the more ' Jove very scarce this skason. A large | | ihere for Fort William: the tug fall Teaching in Montana, TRIE: 'of eitin bef have, fgr the paul Parisian Sage Is s YourFriend. Aecared for Montreal with three grain The Montana schools are sawd to af Seftain ) Wik be ths i the trouble' w years, been able fo seelive a goo barges: the tug T} son cleared § iord the o ho teas _ pt lea On Something worse, All the business you can by supnly of berries from mut over ihe | US@ Ib and All Hair and | baree: the tug Thomson clearal for ford. the. women who teach in 1} 3 . : Montreal 'with « 1 barge A) swery opporiunity fas enture. Thue It is universally admitted that 3 Lane of the Kingston ami Pembroke! Scalp Troubles Quickly Go. pe Mg ain Dage on ve, Pportaniy. 1 aglven bw tr > y handle inilway \ three grain barges; the tug Emerson J virl, who declined the best sort bed this vear they have been 2 " 3 A-------- arrived from Montreal with three | sosition in a M yesnch igh 5 sadly disappointed A few pails of No poisonous sugar of lead -nog oo. barges, clearad for Oswego. | whool receives £7 " . ih fees Do it with the minimum bereies have been offer od Fur sale, alt suluhur no dye in PARIEIAY Se age light, and will return 6 Kingmon | vonrd and a saddl ' expenditure of force Foot prices, but the supply is very ; Tha : iganost, Satitie ae re with the barge Cornwall, dal laden: | ase. Most of the teachers had to taks ner ¥ e small, resnin He \ : FR oe on | the tug Bartlett cleared for the Wel- | up claims and build (heir own houses and physical energy. ' en ---------- the world is PARISIAN Sage. 1t you jad canal with two light harges to | 18 there was/no place to board. St from Quebec and Montreal, had | stent pastor of the charehig but vou have been Rolbed in Montreal. do not use it you are daily missing a - « brain, returns with oil bar Lauis Globe-Demovrat i" i. It is simply splendid | "oad arge Utilize the long distance and toll line service | ¥.«0 was voccived in the city. on [ERCEER (OER a children. 1 ia] No. 57 for Montreal, om. i -- X 3 for men, women and children, { of Bell | Wedaeiday morpitie, that a prominent [oq 08 8.00 and toilet goods count. The Steamers Fairmount aul Stor. Strawberries. amt Suivide. are the safest preventive as well : Your Telephone. eb vovman, from Kingston, while vis le «rg for only 506 cents a large bott le. moun}, grain- laden, from Fort wil 4 3 as the most liable © i of iting in Montesnl, had fwen robbed of | Ask for PARISIAN Sage for your] liam, will pass on their way to | Strawberries are the enuse of the St reliable corrective let it work for you. - about R10 hy a pickoodiat. The ele pak pro'ection, The girl with the | Montreal to-night. . unusual number of suicides this motith stomach, bowel, or liver troubles. gyman if spending a few days in that) gopuen kalr-is om every carton and] At Swiits: Steamer Kingston, | according to a Joston doctor - They | They bring about regular, natural, ar Ati . dows: steamer Cafpian, down and | put the pwson who eats them in a} healthful action. Afl through the rr : | PARISIAN Sagé drives. out ail up; Rideau Queen, cleared for Ot l#tate of mind that drives him to wui body--in every organ, every nerve A kinds of printing and hook- | agidruft and stops hair from falling{ taws; steamer Rideau King is due | ide, the doctor says. That may be ~--in actions, vigor and spirits binding. Our pees are vight. The jn two weeks. It stops itching scalp | tonight, from Ottawa; steamer Dolle- | (fue in Bost but in Detroit, it is i 2 pi Fou beitish Whi office. fin 12 hours. > w@le is due to-day on her trip emst:] Be person ho cannot get the red will feel the benefit of Beecham's Mrs. 61. Parslow died at St. Vincent] 14 js a bair nourisher and prompt- | steamer Dundurn expested on her trp | 9cious berries who get into that Pills --and quickly, too. © You de Paul hospital, Prockville, 'alt = fon Ivy wuts life, luster and beauty into | west. od dock "™ : rame of mind. «Detroit Journal will save yourself suffering if you me pihs' illvess, © She js survived by j dull, faded and ili-looking hair. Ad Davis" dry dock : eleor teen have thi hr husband amd two little oils. | i Hugh D. McKinnon, of Brantford, | (irange is undergoing repairs. It is Merting' Cancelled. ve this. maschiess aid 0 health Mr: Richevd Fmons of Belleville. iOnt., writes: "1 consider " PARIS | expected that the necessary aliers The "Where Are We At?" menting is dead at Si. Paul. She is survived | TAN Sage the best preparation for! ions on the steamer Puenna Viste | of the eric Jitance committee, this af Ready On Hand by thr dev htors {the cure of dandrufl, falling hair | wt} be completed in a week and will | ternoon, has n eancoliel, as City Lomnel Sehryver, Relloville, 4 was] and jtching scalp that 1 have ever| pe able to carry coal for Ridean | 'olicitor Melnisre in owt of the city + + In bones, 28e given five years in /penitentinry | fgiused. It is an excellent hair tonic] pointe. The mesting was for the purpose of " ». a pocket ¢ oth ok. ut ining #5,|and dressing, and I shall always be PH . again considering where the city hen a man begins to h recommend PAL-| Neat, tasty ing. Jet ua im | dande in ctmnection with: the pew | sti tigh 10 a dine as oy oa . 3 % i ok [3 (n ; " d matier. The Ba | botel, WU Fad ern hae fon dollar it" Sgn hei gs get 2 . ano. STAN

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