FAG FIG. CLOTHES OF CHARACTER If you want something different from the ordi- nary run of clothes visit our Tailoring De partment. Our great stock of exclusive patterns is offer- ing niany handsome creations in Suitings, Coat- ings and Trouserings of which we show only single garment lengths, one of a kind. Our style of construction and our reasonable ) prices are bound to please. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET = y (own safely, ' was a, man of, handsome pleasing and Special Offering 7 wes IN Bath Towels English and Irish makes, Best in plain aml fancy designs, at. prices fully 25 per cent. less regular. Table Cloths Slightly Dust Soiled 2 A x21 axl py =e Sizes 2x2, Genuine Irish Linen At 25 Per Cent. and 33 1-3 Per. Cent, less than the regular, Odd Lines of Table Napkins 3.4, 5, 6 to a design, Perfect goods. 20 P. C. Less Than h, Usual | Fallon, who will use VICTIM OF HEROIC ACT F ATHER RIAL PER YIELD- ED HIS LIFE, REV. Tried to Save a Drowning Girl, and Dee loped Pneumonia--=Conducts | ed Mission in St. Mary's Cathed-| ral, Kingston. vi . | Word has been received city of the death of Rev Francis. E. Klauder, pastor Mary's church, Annapolis, result of an attack of which developed in consequence of an unsuccessful attempt to save the life of a drowning parishioner, Miss Mary Woytych." While at a pienic held bY the church Miss. Woytych went in bathing and got beyond her depth. Father Klauder heard her cries for help, and, unmindful of his plunged into the watars to save her. Two others also start- ed for her assistance, , but before they could reach the drowning girl, all three became exhausted, and had to bg rescued themselves, Father Klauder was afterwards stricken with the severe illness which caused his death. He wil re- membered by Kingstonians, "as about two years 'ago, he conducted a mis-| ° sion at St. Mary's cathedral. Ho presence, personality ! All who in the' Father | of St as the pneumonia, attractive and strong = magnetism. knew, him loved him. PITH OF THE NEWS. [he Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. 'CPR. company's stock to be creased Lo $00,000,000. Ihe Anti-daloon League of the Un- ited States will go to Toronto for a convention. Yeggmen dynamited safe in postettice and got away with in cash and stamps. Lieut.-Gov. Thomas FrConway is a candids ate for the democratic nomina- | tion for governor this fall. Whithy 15 to have a $146,000 Carne gie' library, the plans having been ap proved by the laird of Skibo. I'he first farm laborers' excursions of the season from the maritime. pro- vances are the biggeidt on record. trrand Trunk earnings for week end- ed August 7th were : 1912, 81,109,652; 1911, 31,017,952; increase, £91,700. Hon. Adam Beck will merge his foyr | plants into a company tb be odode | cd partly on the co-operative plan, Fen men were sentenced to death at | Sebastapol, "for taking part in a re- volutionary plot against the czar. Two sKippers are States boat Michicago against the Ca nadian Patricia at Uilcago, Wednes day afternoon. - in a vain efiort save her two year-old som, who fell from their yacht into the harbor at Buftalo, N.Y ., Mis, Emma Clock lost her life. Thomas Jebb, a farmer of King's county, N.B., committed suicide. He had . lost all his early crops and his hay was destroyed by bad weather. Inspector Shaw, Thomas, course of his rounds an the Horton market, collected thirty samples of butter from farmers, of which twenty- one were under weight. John Yammick, a Pittsburgh, is a Highwaymen fired blank at his head, tened on in- Blythe $2,000 | \| to St ball player of real "boneheagh" three shots point but thexbullets flat striking his 'eranium. the Royal Mait\pteam Patket com- pany, of Tondon, ng., has given ot ders to a Bellast firm for four new Liners, for the Panama canal traffic, to meet anticipated German competition, Etie Gladys Virtue, of Paul, Minn., who is completely crippled as to the use of her hands, has completed writing a novel of 175 pages, upon a typewriter, with her The names of the advisory tee of the national committee William Barnes, Jr., republican state man of the board Frank Gritliths, "a clerk, went violently insane, and be fore he could bé overpowered he smashed hundreds of Gollare worth of goods and fixtures, Charles Dean, the allsged robber of the Bank of Montreal, at New West- minster, last November, after spending seven months and £11,000 in a fight to avoid extradition, has - lost his case and is being sent back to Canada for trial, 4 A second official test of the mail catcher has been made in Te ronto with much success, and Mi Wrothwell, the inventor, has bevn ask ed to provide drawings to. scale for the finished apparatus, as it would be installed. Chairman * Stanley, of steel trust investigating committee, led a bitter atiack on Theodore Roosevelt on the floor of congress at Washington, Wednesday afternoon, for his comn- nection with George W. Paskins, and caused great sensation. Coroner Andrew J. Forman and Fire Marshal George Coneybear tried in vain to assertain the cause of the ex plosion of fireworks which wrecked the home of Raphael Cheche, No. 19 Boon street, Auburn, N.Y., Tuesday morn- ing, killing five persons. > Miss Mabel Boardman, sister-in-law of Senator W. Murray Crand, Massa- chusetts, who recently succeeded Clara Barton -as active head of the Interna- tional. Red Cross, is to be made ad- visory chairman of the eampaign com- mittee of the Women's National Re publivap Association. ¢ St, toes. commit are out. chairman of the committee, is chair Toronto drug new Thrown From a Horse. An Englishman by the name of Bothwright, while riding horsshack on Monday, was thrown and severe Iv cut abput the face. He was not seriously injured, however, and the flesh woupds on "his shoulder and about the fave are healing "micely. He was tended by Dr. Bogart. 'Bought by Bishop Fallon, London, Ont., Aug. .--It is gen. erally stated Iwre shay the handsome ° Adam 'Bishop it for his own private home. The property is lo cated quite dose to the site of" Lhe new $150,000 seminary. residential property of Hon. Berk has been rchased by Quite '» of Kingstonians went to Napanee, to-day, to attend | the volunteer firemen's tournament. Carpenters frequently do better | effect the | lieve 1 nd A jold and sailing the United | in the! THE DPAILY SET WHI, WENT SDAY. "APPROVED OF LEASE OF KINGSTON AND PEMBROKE RAILWAY TO THE C.P.R. wf-- ! Meeting of Directors and 'Shareholid- ers of Kingston jand Pempbroke Railway Held in Kingston. Wed- nesday ~ Morning--Officers * Elect. ed. At the annual meeting of the di- rectors and shareholders Of the King: sion and Peinbroke railway, held in the head offices of the company, here, on Wednesday morning, the lease | of the Kingston and Pembroke rail- way to the Canadian Pacific railway was approved of. This statement . » 1912, AUGUST 14, - AIDLAW' S --LAl was given cut aftet the meeting. All} the terms, etc., of the lease were un- aer discussion, but 'no informaifon ol this nature was given out. The an- nouncement that the Canadian Pa ific railway would take over the wad vas made some time: ago. The change, so it is understood, goés into first of the new vear." The" matter will, of course, have to conu betore 8 meeting of the shareholders of the Uauadian Pabitic railway at Montreal. The work of the over and regarded as quite tory. The members approved conmderable more ballasting to be Gone on the road, and also the put- ing in ol some more new ste, W. D. Matthews, of ih ng was re-elected president, and Walter R. Paker, of Montreal, 'lee president and general manager. The following year was gone satisfac directors were elect ed: W.R. Baker, J. B. Walkém, K 8, F. Nickle, K.('., Robert Craw- ford Hon. William Harty, Kingston; BH. P. Timmerman, A. R. Creelman, , Montreal; W. D. Matthews, J. T. Arundel, Toronto. after the meeting was directors, with F. Conway, general freight and passenger agent, and | James Irving, engineen, left on aspe cial train, made up of the coaches Frontenac and - New Brunswick, to make a tour of the line. SAFEGUARDING BABIES. Ww. over- the Sr-- Peasantry. Arrange Future of : Youngsters. peasantry of Greece thot the future of determined by three fates known as the Morai. The trio is supposed to be three led wo who dwell in a meuntain cave 1 who come simul taneously to the |} in which has made its appearance. In f* their aged -and uncertain feet may be hindered, all furniture 1s care set aside, and honey, cakes, hreac afd wine are out so that the im portant . though invisible guests may re fresh themselves. If the household is sufficiently wealthy to possess a little me this too. 1s placed on the wi th the food All things, good and bad, are in the of the three fates. On no - ac sunt must the child's beauty be ude atthe time he visitors might present Fe ul d cause its od looks to instar itly Satine ar. Noth ng must be said or done which A it any way annoy or displease the" Morag, and this makes the situation a bit diff cult, as one is quite 'what might or might not please them The a that ill luck will tion of J child who teeth is found Among one or two A superstition is s¢" strong that they gard it as a mercy to promptly kill child. whose upper and they do so Should a child grow up bad in it is merely remarked that the forgot to bind its wri : widespread su iperstit I tied - about wrists it cannot fail and obedient 3 Spaniards lightly swee; their children with pine bx y assure it a happy future an Irish from har 1, woman's hair _is placed" a with the same object the mother ties a réd ribbon ankles of her infar In Holland, garlic, salt, bread steak are put in the cradle of a born child, so that it may never want for food during its lifetime, and in or der that the children of Wales may al- ways be pro te ted, a pair of tong a knife is placed in each hed land, the cutting of the first celebrated by giving to the chi tamb, How The a new baby order set rea ev, table no sure cuts it first several ans tribes teeth 'appear hrst cord is hy newly ATH To lee tooth is Id at * THE "DEVIL SHIP." Motor Vessel's Voyage to and From Far East. Sel andia, the. frst mechanically led passenger and cargo vessel ependent of steam power, completed her first r und » voyage to the Far East when she arrived ir London after a voyage of 21.500 mi In spite of the fact that the bodies many new principles, strange to hes engineers, adjustment of the= exhaust valves, volving fifteen minutes' rest for the gines was found necessary during the entire' trip. In all matters of fuel sumption, ease of maneuvre and gen eral hehaviour the vessel far exceeded expectations 2 The Selandia's Suez Canal ment a gst the tery surrounding the absence of and iad in her gaming the name of the "Devil ship," and as such she was heralded from Bangkdk to Singapore. Great incredulity existed as to the nature of the vessel! at first, even amongst the naval officials of .ome im- portant Eastern country, but this was dispelled after a day's cruise upon her The success of the voyage has led the owners, the Danish East Asiatic So ciety, to order three other motor ships of greater tonnage he fuel consumption fell comsider- ably below that estimated ih the build- ers. On her home voyage the Selandia averaged len nautical miles per howr n a consumption of 85 tous of oil ner day. During her stay in the Far East the Selandia, whichi s handsomely ap pointed as a passenger vessel. was utilized by. the 'Crown Prince of Siam and his suite for a short cruise. i The motor-ship Vesse at only or progress, cast of the great excite natives. The mys f funnels occasioned sans There is a dbadlock in oongress ai Washington over the Panama ranal bill, which may not be passed at this session. of | InTan, Pink, Light Blue, For "Women And Children No matter what your particu. lar Hosiery need may be, plain or fancy effect, you'll find this Laidlaw's Hosiery Store he -best possible' to be had in Kingston and by far the best values, omen"s Lisle Stockings Black, 35¢, 39¢, 45c¢, 50c. the new Garter value at 23¢, 25c. Women's Black Lisle Stockings Avery fine make, with double spliced sole, toe and heel, and with Top, Women's Black Cotton Stockings, 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 20c, 25¢ - Children's Cotton Stockings, in white, black, tan, pink, + light blue, 15¢, 20c, 25c. Children' S Lisle Thread Stockings. Th Famous Leather Knit make, make of black Ribbed Cotton. Elastic od well fitting, 20c, all sizes. This make is exceptionglly goo 25¢? Boys' Stockings a a particularly strong in the following terms Women's Black ( Misses For the Woman Who is Hard on Her Stockings We have the following Proposal 6 Pair ( Women's Black Lise Holeproof Stockings, 6 pair for $3. 'otton Holeproof Stockings, 6 pair for $2. Women's Black Silk Holeproof Stockings, 3 pair for $. ' Fine Ribbed IHoleproof Stockings, 6 pair for $2. Our Special Holeproof for Women are sold ruarantead 6 months, or we will replace the m, Long Crepe Kimonas Lad 3's" Long Crepe, in Plain, Pink, Light Blue and in Diinty I toral Designs, $1 49, 2.25, 2.99, hod Short Crepe Kimonas, R9¢, $1, up to 2.50, Silk Kimonas, " Both long and short, A many dainty designs! » Serpentine Crepe for Kimonas These Cotton Crepe are very beautiful, Colorings in dainty designs, They wash well and require no ironing, 20c, 25c¢ Yard. - - Now: Ready, Butterick' s New Patterns and Delineator for September. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. J FORGERY AT BROCKVILLE. Bogus Cheque for $130 Was Suc cessfully Negotiated. Brockville, Aug. 11. A bogus que artist put one over a young clerk relieving the teller in the local branch of the Northern Crown bank 1 he slraoger, a man about thirty-five years of age, professing to be lhom as Smith, presented a cheque in his favor for $150, mady out in the Mame of John 'Beatiy of the Bank of To ronto, where a farmer of that name, living at Mcintosh Mills, has account, The money was handed over to the strangpr without any questions being asked. Subsequently it developed that the signature of Mr. Beatty was a forgery. The alleged Smith bad proviously attempted to negot inte a loan at the other banks, but failed. | The police cannot find say trace of him. a --i------ John Ramsay, the young lad who, about a month ago, received a double dracture by the ialling of a box iron on his leg, has been doing in the Hotel Dien and was able be takes home on Wednesday. He was removed to his home at 48 Di che well to work on the stage than the actors, Newest ideas for your printed mat- | ter. The British Whig. * vision street a2 dames Reid's ambu- ante. an! | of pe ' WICKER SUIT CASES. We have just received a Inge | quantity of these light travelling cases. ~_ Two'good styles in our window at Cut Prices. 24 inch $1.60 24 'inch $2.00 "These are brand new goods 'and nice. The Lockett Shoe Store