Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1912, p. 1

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YEAR 79 -NO. 190 y LAURER WILL NOT JON IN NAVAL CONFERENCE ---- As His Views are Too Firmly! Fixed. ------ TO REMOVE. QUESTION FROM PARTY SPHERE 18 DEEM. ED IMPRACTICABLE, To Give Up Right to Criticize Gov: ernment's Policy by Attending the Proposed Conference Would be to Ignore Principle at Stake. Ottawa, Aug, 15.--A recent report emanating from England to the efiect that Premier Borden, on his return, would endeavor to.arrange a non poh tical conference between himself and bis colleagues, and Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his colleagues, in which the ues tion of Canada's future naval policy would Be discussed, has roused con siderable comment at the capital, and throughout the east apn ily. The possibility of. Sir Willfid Lau rier being party to sich a conference, is, however, scouted by prominent lib crals at the capital. Apart froin Wilirid giving up hin right to criticism of the govern ment's. policy by attending, and taking part mn suc h a ek: it 12 com tended that a question of principle would be at stake by so doing. It is powmnted out that he has already been sa conference on the subjéet,'or at least what was equivalent 10-it, namely, a Jot resolution passed in tho hous 1909, by which both parties, Mi Borden "included, agreed that there should be a Canadian navy, operated by Canada. With regard (0 any emergency grant which it may be proposed to give it is considered here that Sir Wilfrid Laurier will naturally insist upon it boing made plain that there is such an emergency, and that urgent help ie needed before he will: commit himgeli and his party to the support of any suggestion toward that end, and the matter, it is generally conceded, will have to be threshed out in the house, wince it is cor sidarecd®probable that the emorgency will be of such urgent na ture as to warrant it being met befor: the house wits. Sir m THEY WANT HUSBANDS. Appear Among Mereymakers With Announcement in Gold Letters. Manasquan, Not, Aug. 15.---New Joersey's biggest picnic was held here when vehicles of all kinds brought Overs WD meriymakers from inland sections to the sea here. Conspicuous in the crowd were 1,000 girls wearing white hair Fibbons bearing the words in gold letters : "Looking for a husband." The erowd of girls caused quite a sensation, $65,000,000 T0 BE AUSTRALIA'S NAVAL AID Great Bill-Board on London Site Announces the Fact to the World. London, Aug. 45.--For several weeks a large boarding has stood at the eastern end of the gitd upon which the new Australian offices are to be eretted in the strand with Lthe painted notification "Australia's Daily Message." Yesterday the blank space below was filled in with the following message, "Australia's share in the defence of the Empir for 1912-13 amounts to about £5. 000,000 this will make total about £13,000,000 expended in defenc. in three years by the king's four and a half million subjects in Australia.' HARVESTER KILLED. W. A. Revuolds, St. John, Nai. Struck by Train. Smith's Falls, Ont., Aug. 15.-W Reynolds, of St. John, N.B., was al: most instantly killed at Franktown, about nine miles from here, on Tues day night. Reynolds had a ticket for Vancouver, on the harvesters' ex. cursion train, which had a siding at Franktown to wait for the local train from Ottawa. The young fellow stopped off the train and presumably failed to notice the Yocal, which ran into him, THe train was slowing down at the time and rolled him un der the cowcatchor. He was put in the baggage car of the local and Dr. Anderson natified #0 meet the train here, but Reynolds died almost with the stopping of the tram ut this sta- tion. His head was badly smashed, one leg off, and an arm broken. The young fellow was about twenty-three years of age, well deéssed, and wore Jan Oddfellows' locket. ee com ---- Died, of Awful Burns. London, * Aug. 15.-William Dillon, Sarnia merchant, who was so horribly byrned when his auto ovgriurned near Acs, died in Sarpia general hospi- tal, this morning, aged Bffyveight. He .ormerly resided in Forest. He had sold out Ris jliguor business only a short time ago, and intended to re tire. : A DAILY MEMORANDA. Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 5.50 p.m. , ; e 4 L right hand corder Pegg #0: £2, +8 : - Don't forget the garden party at Inverary, August 22nd, aur + ROHA hand concert, Masdonald Tork, 8 pa 2 Ps F. H. McGUIGAN TO RETIRE. Gives up Big Contract Because of Hi-Health, McGUICAN Montreal, Aug. 15.--The board gf control" has received notification from Frank H. McGuigan, formerly of the Grand Trunk and now: one of the most prominent contractors in! the dominion, that on account of ill-| health he must retire from active work, and stating that ¥ was his desire to turn over the contract he has for the construction of Mon- treal's huge filtration system, work on which is now progressing rapid- ly, to his chiet engineer. * ORANGEMEN DECIDE THEY WILL NOT SUBMIT To Rule Requiring Submission of _Rifte Club Membership Lists to Authorities. Belfast, Aug. 15.--Orangemen gen erally declared,to-day, that they will disregard the new police regulation re quiring submission to the-lord lieuten ant: of the Ulster Rifle Club member ship lists before the formation of new chubs or the opening of fresh ranges i permitted. It is no secret F. H that the order+s due to threats that home rule will be for: cibly resisted, and its issuance pro- misds an immediate test of their - sin cerily. BOUGHT HOUSE WITH COPPERS. With Coin. . N:Xy Aug" 15.--A chest containing 275 pounds of pennies is on deposit' at a bank here to the credit of Carl W. Stordant, a real estat: man. The pennies, more «than 40,00 in all, turned over Stordent as an initial payment to bind the sak of a downtown restaurant. The pur-| chaser, a cafe owner, had taken in the pennies" over his bar during a long course of yearss He made a habit brushing all the pennies he reeefved ! into a slot which connected with | chest in the cellar, | . | ! | 275 Made Payment Pounds Rochester, were to a Threatened With, Death. Montreal, Aug. 15. -John H Ro the secretary of the Dominion Ailiance, who has been conducting a | highly successful campaign' agaist grocers who have been selling liquor in Sherbrooke, yue., without a license, has received w letter threatening him! with the same sort of death that Ros enthial, the New York gambler, ed if he continued in / his campaign against liquor sellers, bers, sufier FEEFLPILEREPE Gibb b ebb 0 CHINESE PROTEST. London; Eng. The Chinese advisers of the Pekin government and the chiefs of the presidential secretariat, have protested collectively against the 'ap- pointment of Dr. George E. Morrison as political adviser of the Chinese government. The officials argue that the count would aot tolerate an alien being 'entrusted with the political affairs of the nation. Dr. Morrison is the correspondent in Pekin of the London Times Aug. 15 GERI EILSG PLP Sg GIBB BRB PEPE P OPE PIN $4 EPFL I LEAN LGPL PPL B LSP Ib ANOTHER HEBERT CASE, Husband Says Marriage hy Presh)- tervian Was Hilegal. | Montreal, Aug. 15.-What may ulti mate devlap into a secoad, Hebert | rt an in the courts sosterda) wh ow Mee. ML. Behnegel's charge non-suppoyt against ber husband dis closed the fact that the two, who are Roman Catholies; were married by a Proshyterian minister in Montreal. Behaegel declined to support his wife, alleging that they were not legally married. Judge Laiontaine ordered *Rehaegel to pay his wife #3 a week, ' . t Montreal's Assessment. Montreal, Aug. 5. Reaching the enormous tothl of SO80.000 600, the as. ssecd valuation of Montreal property for the current yéar; shows an in- crease aver the assessment of 1911 of F139, 100, 000, Deducting from this great] total the exemptions of church property, eivie and govnment hold: ings, the taxable property amounts to $495,000.000, while' last year the total. was S381 48208, ; mis ar ann es } the | that | are f he Daily 1 itis KINGSTON, ONTARI(Q, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1912. } FAST ATLANTIC SERVICE. The Blacksod Bay ceive Consideration. Aug. 15. Scheme will Re- § Ottaw tion of ment a, i of a fas anti mised on the return L. Borden, and Lowlon the first cabinet. 0 his from Fhis subject to be dealt with by the full It learned that during his | stay in Englund, Premier Borden has received a the the syndicate, including Sir Thomas Trow bridge, for thy ablishment of a f ice from Hal to Blacksod the promoters, mel for the governme and: profess tobe rea what they proposed to do ir includes Halifax colleagues, will be among renewal of offer of BOTY ax usual offer a service not the ntic, but Pacific. It ix probable formal offer will be pla government those on by mer scheme, and will be 'considered the whole question cil, this fall X comes befor BISHOP MAY RESIGN Because Money for Falkland Islands is Not Contributed, 15.--Bishop Plair, Island which is fhe the world, embrac ing the : the eontin-{ ent of South America, who attempt ed to raise 300,000 for church wark in those has suceeded getting only 830.7 Hg unless an adequate next Septem London, - Aug the Faikland large-t of diocese an major partion of 0 countries, in 1 30,750 wrinouneed | he will resign response appears before ber The hishop savs he made thou sands of appeals to members of th Chureh of England, having South Am erica. interests, by letters and also per sohally has STICK TO SOUTHERN ROUTE Owing to the Prevalence of Ice iu the Atlantic, Liverpool, Aug. 15.--In pre of ice in the tie, and the mishap the steamsinp parties the ed; to day, ths able for 15th, and. for ound August 24th, as had been planned change ié4 to be mad August 3st the Atlan ican view of Nor the Coy which ence to companies He decid undesir to thd northern y be the steamers to track August steamer revert to west hound on east or N¢ ¢ in routes hefore Ore Cargoes Preferred. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug 15, ~Girain shippers offered one and three-cight hs cents for tonnage to load at Lake Su periar ports for Bufialo delivery, but no charters were reported. So long as ore eargoes can he had vesselinen will | take them in preference to grain, un less the rat above Fall eargoes can be centr for loading November, but and coal cargoes being goes Two cent obtained at tw to the prospect up middle of the oF ar this fall! has apparently stopped chyrtering for the present. froe Half Million Corn Taken, Ohio, Aug. 1) took capaeity at Chicag 500,000 | Cleveland, shippers bushel, Ler cents few vesterday cori for Ih at four and a quar- | on el ships are there ar Chicago, | that er than to load grain for I'he demar boats at the Lake Michigan port fair going ore Professor Jacksoh Aogepts. Aug.' 15 Jack University, definite] ceepted the position at Didsbury ( Manchester, to which 1 elected by the Wesleyan conference ro cently, He will vot take up du ties there, however, for at a vear, Prof has Taronto, of Vietoria he v hie least | tariff hill] pusged The United States steel etoed the pre his head by congress y by lent, was Wer {will { Qre hh a ee oe ol fe 40 oo { probably j ronto people serivusly peal "1tral 1 PITH OF NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places, THE LATEST ~(IDINGS | PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFES POSSIBLE FORM. Whig's Daily Condensation the News of the World From Te graph Service and Newspaper Fax- changes. : : Teelwr thick off the { Newfoundland Wilfrid | ern Canada Premier | of gs ar east coast of X Sir wirier will ' Untarnio. vden and { anada tour West his colle sail August Fhe de place at" Far Corners, os Fownsend Hall, the age ! Jeans Baptiste Odiot, a famous of Paris, shot himseli dead, supposed out of grief at the wm. his LZues Juth diam on ot 3 sil versmith it is of evesight. {lb ddol de ddedeil ddd bbl dS ddd dod VIEW DEA MURDERERS. New York. Aug. "15 ¢ and Gurdetti's under establishment, 236 st yesterday, open « In ator taking Mulbe eet, ie five edd in black, hrouded the slavers KeLs, whi bodies Mrs among Tent deat} in laid the Hall. who seven the electri da) The ds op 4 the in ere ho went ) «halr on bodiés were ounded by oe of candles and viewed them Mang of the visitors knelt the coffins rly e one dre i at whict 3 hundreds at Ne ery pped a-coin ihe foot into Ays body men be "Of each ker they me unde 8 'emptied came It intended "to funeral ex bands Cemetery fast as ed This mney is pay regular hire Calvary en se and to to' irday FREER RPR RTPI b RRR bbb db ig Mrs. William John fatally to marci en ohn Toronto, wa I'o mn, four hart, mgtor ditched near WHithy. Chatteris, in Cambs idgeshire, has the distinction of Wang the only plac in England where toll 1a exacted the ddd time method at Rome has definitely rejected of the of . from the decision of Archbishog Bruchesi, interdicting the priests of th Monnoir College. Ten thousand dollars 'in gold, be lieved to have been hidden by William Ander a notorious bandit,nof civil a nes. has been found in a manor f Howard county, Mo Thomas Jackson: teamster, has heen sentenced to eteht months in the Cen Prison Foror for appropria i his £112 belonging Viilliam Dalley Cartage' com and other m the tggate the ap citizens John's son, or th house o fo, own use lson, BX the iusuboriing a result the of general hospital was dis The of threats to resigr staff eleven on tron 1spended nurse was not re ted. A radium palace is being built at Paris, consisting of three mall pavil ions joined together, OneAvill ba fn { Mma, Curie"s experiments with radius and another will bdong to the 'as teur Institute. They are all but like a great safe and are burglar and fire proof. n QUEEN MARY AS A "Buy toil waters." Gibset's. QUEEN OF MERCY, . Her majesty visiting the cots of the patients or crippled children in the Lontton Hospital for Crippled Children. The queen was very solicit ous for the welfare of the unfortunstes of the institution, and had a kind word for all. Shae is seen ip the picture conversiyg with a little fellow whe is strapped in tight with a broken back. ¢ al fo bo when al | | { * | grand | i - - BRITISH SYFAMER ASHORE. It Has Argentine Corn for Kingston Company. ? Camgrerdown, N.S... Aug. 15.--The Entish stefmer Eric of Cardiff, Capt Corner, owners, Turnbull and | bound from Rosario. Argentine, for | i | | fros., Quebecs via Sydney, N.85., went ashore ive miles east of West Light and two jorning, | position of thet on Sable "Island yesterday Helmsdale, which went wiles west of the wreck of the i sshore in 1910. A dense fog was rg | i t } sponsible for the aceidest. A moder. | southwest wind was blowing. | steamer -was too far off to use! rocket, apparatus, but the and. | is easy and there is a good] «hance to save her if the weather con-! tinues moderate. | The cargo of the Ec censisted 200 44%) bushels of Argentine corn, the first to, be sent to Canada. It was! consigned, to James Richardson &| Sons, of Kingston, and was tn be-un- loaded at their elevator at Quebec. of | { SCHEPPS GOES BACK. Gives Up Resistance and Returns to New York. New 15 with York, Threatened | hand-cufis and incarceration, Schepps, to-day, up his | the suthorities and start- for secretTy, on an early train, accompanied by the district attorney's men and private de It is expected that the will return seven indiet- against alleged Rosen- including Lieut. Beck who testi- deposits, Aug. Samuel gave resistance to wd this city, to-day, tectives, ary ments to-day, thal murderers; Four bank Becker's" extensive ¢ among the witnesses examined to GENERAL BOOTH LIES ON HIS DEATH BED, Doctors Say There is Really No) Hope---Kings and Rulers .. Make Inquiry. London, is managers, ¢ Eng., slowly Aug. 15--General sinking. Doctors ad mit this morning there is little hope. | King George, Premier Asguith, Presi dent Taft and hundreds of world-prominent persons enquired eith personally or by cable, Yhis morn ing, regarding the condition of the aged Salvationigt leader y 3 wolh { i | | other TO INCREA EFFICIENCY Of the Cagadian Industria Disputes Act. : Ottawa, Aug. 15.--Hon. T. W. Cro- thers, minister: of labor, is working nt plan to increase the eff y the Industrial Disputes act endeavoring to have a clause! in all awards of conciliation | by which the board making the award will act without reappoint ment tL. case of any further = dis putes between the partics concerned +n the award. Ihe plan 18 tried in connection') with the westeen coal strike, and] worked profitaoly.] The board there has settled no fe€s than five disputes withont department of new of on cien He i placed boards in w recoutse to the labor. -- - CAN'T DEFINE WHITE WOMAN. | Judge in Oriental Case. Saskatoon, Aug. 15 that he could not assume the respon | sibility - of delining what constitutes «| white woman, Magistrate Brown, in| poiice court, yesterday, reserved his | decision for one week in the first | wese cama brought under the provin-| cial act, which provides that "No white woman shall be employed an Oriental "' } So Saskatoon Reserves Decie sion | On the ground | Some Frost in West. Winnipeg, Aug. 15 day show a trace of frost in some sec ) st, no damage to grain clear to-day over the harvesting is Despatches to tions We but It i= pr Are general, with and warm provinces, an uality and yield good 100 FISHERMEN DROWN, Madrid, Aug. 15.+--Accord ing to a telegram from Bil- boa to-day, fifteen (fishing boats were swamped and one 4! hundred fishermen downed in | a terrific storm off the coas during the last two days. The hurricane has now abated after heavy damage in coast towns * 3 >» +. FERRER ASE hy | i Patricia Won the Cup. ('hicago, Aug 15.~The 'horonto boat, Patrica, easily defeated the Mi- chicago here yesterday afternoon. his made three successive victories for the Canadian boat, which takes the cup representing the championship oi -thé great lakes: Patricia's vieffry was the restiit of better seamanship. Skipper' Gooderham, of, Toronto, clearly out tricked the United States yachtsmen at every turn. © - § To Move Cemetery. Montreal, Aug. 15. -Ir. Louis la berge, medical henlth officer of Mont- real, says Mount Royal cemetery, where tens of thousands are buried, will have to be removed "Mount | Royal," he sinted, this morning, 'ix rapidly wecoming the eentre of the eitv. Even a small village cannot have a cemetery in' its midst, much legs Montreal." : Pittsburgh, Aug. 15 Mere. Mary . aged forty, neglected to re move her false teeth whem she | re tired and was found dead next morn | strong { adopted at Fwho died i chocolat | of LE. Sir Ke, h Whi 0 LAST EDITION, FORMER OTTAWA DOCTOR = LIKELY TO BE DEPORTED ada _FO SEE THAT INQUIRY Into Police Graft Charges is a rough One. Aug. 15. When on September R« graft New York, aldermen the fth, ent hal of its probe and the by the volunteer ot Lhe n police charges' s crime, representatives committe that the that Practivally be on a the Ign is eparatic onrry Rosenthal sassination gnd its attendant « to.s enquiry one, witty ed ail being made to-day ana no tions to on resolutions on the 'mass brought meeting the | ever that mn night out crowd the evoper union TAFT, ROOSEVELT AND wi n Same 10th. i» To speak Fron Sept, Atlan ity, unique feature dential campaign candidates for the ing from tember lvh, the United ans' convention and Tait have tention of being tlantic ( Aug the coming will be the presidency ol the Spanish Wilson, ed thelr here, on ovens Sates War all ni present Hamilton Poisoning Case, Hamilton, Aug. 15 I'he still baflled in their effo the mysierfous deatl of poli aftor | iri Brae to Da talk and few davs ds. Sure whey intended ealen by his 1 wh ting wife behavior the pas factory are far from but a nothing d proved yet can Ix ast him Platform the same platform on Roo Tho. bre ard irder tarted ot 0 hand roitgh spar wer the it X Pose last argest soon LSON or 15 presi threo speak Sep \ ol veter on evelt inten nvalid turing atl ehinity OVER TREASON CHARGE Made by Winston -Churchil Against the Unionist Leaders Over Ireland. ; Nia. #5 iH} tart the an U1} led tan pub sate leaders hy x31 Irelar DISAPPROVES ATTITUD Of Optario Educational Over French Teaching. Wi Mtawa, Aug. 15. ~The Fre dian Educational asiociat: senting 36,000 Ontario ahd strongly disapproves of the Educational Par 8s announ ) tenchers' certificate ster a 1 it and to-day the pr Joudreauit, said 2 helieves the action unjust to 1 the nt the xs will acainst C. 0 soCialion di partment Canaditn people policy regi in be Knights. Templar Toronto, Aung 15 Grand Priory, of sad Templar, in sessi Nover Ww y ty grand master, R Gordon, Montrea M.E. Sir kt. ® real; grand tr Charles ¥F. Mans registrar, R.| Hamil: Jame Meet. ine So 8, WK rt "ly officers mast re wontlo Ek Kt gvand H. Whyte Ri Toronto: Rt. A. } rand marshal Hodsaiy, Wh ha Rebels Driven Back. Sir Ww Managua, Nicaragua, msurgents . als Ména 'an {attack on Managua, yesterday, ier a desperate fight were aga pulsed. This the fourth day 'battle which i= beng waged abv command of Zeledom resumes ing from strangolation. Nicaraguan pital i Aug. 15 netivi Department fe nd rep v Ih wmal strong protest ident, Fhe a ol 1he renche : 6 tad depu P. Db chancellor, Mont ht and Ham .4 ir wit rend he ( or 1 i then but al n of the ut the re From Colorado by the Amer- ican Authorities. SERVED PRISON TERM : a AT PORTSMOUTH FOR ATTEMPT. ING TO MURDER His Wife and Mother-in-Law---He Was Pardoned and Went to Color. ado, Where He Got Into Trohble ~--{ttawa May Get Him Again, Npecia the Whig Ottawa, Aug. 15. shelter Dy, Arthur A. Savignae, fore merly a citizen here, who left the city in 1907 for Portsmouth penitentiary ta years the attempted murder s wife and mother-in-law, It will be recalled that following: the sensational scene when Savigsac drew revolver and the two mems- bers his household, and his subse. ent incarceration © in penitentiary, the was pardoned. He left the later Last month he turned up in Denver, Col, again in trouble. He held by the police there on three charges of making counterfeit money. An Ottas Wa man, Dicks, of the local poe down the request authonities, and 'gave against him at the trial, with the ult that on July 15th he was convicted and sentenced to three years' impr fine $100. on cach C 30 wignae | evidéntly paid the Now the immigration departs authorities ve been notified of FErvVe seven for of a shot of doctor country was Sergt at roe; wenl the evidend of American isonment avd a of charge fines ment ernment to deport Savignace, Canada cannot keep him out of the epuntry if the Americans wapt to send him back, Felt No 111 Effects, Hamilton, Aug.-35:A peeuliar volgpment, - this 'morning, in the pois : Rose Ziepe was neither Mrs, Dalby girls felt eating the can- that day. It was merely anti- given 'them by hospital people that made them feel ill de of that the ill-effect. from cas fact nor soning the Bruce any died dotes mesa iste Irish Population Decreasing. London, "Ang. 15.+The annual port of the registrar-general of Ire land show in Irish popu. latin during the period from 19] 1B of onje 1.2 cents, compared with 5.2 in the preceding decade. The emiy 1911 are 1,008 below the deende ros ve a decrease to per anita for average for the -- i ---------- Lived in Six Relgns. London, Aug. 15. -Mrs, Drew, wha sufrhbmae heen 101. years old on Auge it, hed vesterday in Helensburgh, land lived in the Feigua of six Fnglish rulers, and remembered having talked to-Walter ott when was cighteon vears old. ust She ~ 5 hie High Infant Aug, 15.~No I than 104 children under the age of yOnx have died in the eity of Winnipeg dure | ing the first thirteen of August, ) Rate. Winnipeg, 8 ane days Justin MeCarthy, the British novels died fntestats of $2300 uersonsl historian, who left. an which 89%7 net wa and Inst April gross, of | pr '" ' AL ist estates Jones was maddy a life the Woman' Mis gionary - Society of the Methodist hurch Ins her assomate Mrs of weed ~ member BORN. Frances fle ("hes ' A d Mrs Mich Teresa is, sel La is so-- ARRIED- MacGILLIV Aum t HES or tor of Ryng Carmichae at, DUNCOMBE 4 i, of Ir dra Wedr | Fon | i { | | i ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. Tue 577. 280 Princess Streed JAMES REID ] The Old Firm of Usdertakers, i 254 and 306 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 147 for Ambulance. a 1 TAKE NOTICE. Open Buffet, in oak, practicals for $12; also a $30 Hrass Bed at Turk's. "Phone 795. KA 1° V7 new, for }I0, . POLAND, . In Quart and 1-2 Gal. Bottles. | TALLY-HO, In 1-2 Gal. and Gal> Bottles, HADNOR. WHITE ROCK. NICHY CELESTIN. VICHY LEMONADE. GURD'S CALEDONIA. i 4 4 1 ] ) 1 Jas. Redden &Co, So Ottawa may soon the intention of the United States gove. © Pa

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