r | sTEAMER KINGSTON HELD tr ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Stok- NUCCT SN in ers Here, ful==The . Harbor. | he three Endeavor Made. to Secure But it Was,_Not Latest Events " The Marshall Field Idea" limipate errors, They in thie Bugk of employees and roughs Bookkeep- this vas delayed S¥ilt s Fhree, of Pres fire en mn un Kingston hex evening "jumped the jon' morning, leaving handicapped. An was made to men but it is understodd was successful The steamer fed at Kingston, Gmstead of Charlotte, N.Y. and cleared up. the lake at Bight o'clock in the evening. The schooner heewatin cleared for Oswego, N.Y., for coal, on Wednesday morning. A Swift's and Caspian, Rideauw Seen steamer Rideau tawa; steamers Belleville, east The spiles. at the entrance Sodus Bay, N.Y., are be by the government scons amd derrick which proceeded to the bay from Lit tle Sodus about a week The own ers of small 'craft have encountered serious aceidents- by running over obec of the sunken obstructions. M.T. Co's elevator: The steamer McK instrey arrived from Fort Wil iam, with 59,000 bushels of oats and 26,000 bashels of wheat; steamer Bea- certon, fram Fort William, discharg 4 a0 bushels' of oats and 36,000 y of steamer Gordon, Fort discharging 72,008 bushels of Bartlett cleared for Port with the sleatner hours "gver time at Asize it for 2 B what, her 3 coll hole deavor hingston, on Tuesday firemen in the somew hit at . the ) apply tn the ir office, They how their first Burroughs 13 years ago and added new. very year. ! FThe 85 differapt kinds of .. Burroughs in 392 cgmbination of features enabled them tw get what they wanted--there Barroughs to fit your work, sea gecure have mad hines sa Toronto steanier Ottawa; . from Ot and Steamers and up; cleared for hing, down, Pupdurn,; wharf » ROPE down Small business men, with- for can profit hy the experi-™ ende 'of such concerns Marshall Field's, The Sr is safe. DW. ign Manager, 145 Bay § Street JORONTO "ARVELDUS CURES OF SKIN ERUPTION ont facilities making ure, west, as of Big to removed, ago. = 'w =» ONT." w heat; William, wheat; tug ¥alhousie, from Tim» the JHE DAILY BRITISH WHIGL, WEDNESDAY, APT ADDRESSES 8 GIVEN AND! PLAN © OF PROPERTY OF EX SONGS REND} Rn. | MAYOR GRAHAM APPROVED OF. ! | os Pastor and Tender Avan the! From! i ol | ted for Steam Turbine | Equipment at Light Plant to! : i Follow up Extensions--City io Secure a Lease of Cedar Island. At & special count, held on ex-Mavor the property recently i | A He arty Greeting to the His ~ Wife--The Preacher--Help the Flock. | Rev. G. I. Campbell was formally welcomed to the pastorate of Queen i street Methodist church on Tuesday evening. The Jaciure hall, which | now being used for service, while the church being redecorated and | renovated, was 'filled with members {of the congregation, all gathering | for a pleasant hour Mrs; R. McClelland, president the Ladies' Aid Society, received the door and introduced the "flock" first to Mrs. Campbell, and then to the new pastor. With W. 8. Gordon acting as ¢haip- man a good programme of specthes and muste--was carried out, termin- ating with ° light, refreshinent: pass-d by the ladies. Capt. Robert Crawford, welcomed | Rev. and Mrs. Campbell, on behalf of the board and congregation, to {15 the laborious duties of the church {prove -- vr Aims | of tequired { mee of the Luesday presented his pls the Duff esiate purchased on (ar ting Graham, is of of which ret stréet, the council? and. the lution passed. | for tms Hoag, he 1g Necessary reso ne 2 spetial purpose, the mvmbers were » decided upon viectrical plant discussion some by of but while esfjon, they als tenders for the sions, under iago. Mayor Hoag was in the (the other members present were © Alds, Batley, Couper, Elhott, Fair, Givens, Harrison, - Rent, Litton, McCarthy, Peters, Rigney and Stroud. As the result of an aet recent! passed by the Untano legasiature, necessary for the council to of plans for property such 'ex-Mayor Graham has purchased, ifore tne same can be it'was for this reason that it desired 10 have the matter through, as speedily as possible, | Ex-Mayor Graham had his plan be Hore council, 'and after it was viewed, ino time was lost in approving of it. Ald. Harrison moved the resolution, land in doing so, stated: that the lots were bul, thirty feet wide, which he considered vather narrow, hut .this was something over which. the council' had no control. . Ald. Fihott, chairman of of works, brought forth exten Lime chair, be and was put registered, <¢ the board & recommen to load grain, re- oil barge No 87; for Montreal, barge Hamilton, and will turn with son - cleared grain 'havge I'h afternoch, Montreal to ore for gteamer ~ Wednesday from Four Children on Constantly Scratching, Nearly Tore Limbs Off, Curedin - a Month by Cuticura Soap and Ointment 5 wg -- *T #0 of my daughters and two of my sons were suflering (ram very bad heads, t tor ordering my dagghters to have all the ir hair cut oi 59 as to prevent it from sp raging 2 all over thelr heads, and to get to the seat of the trouble in order to be able to rub some oint- ment, which he gave them, well into the sores, These gores started n smald blotches HE er which got larger and larger and then burst and spread all over their heads, and in some eases down 7 their backs and bodies: The doctor said it was eczema, but they seemed to be daily fesiing WOISe, sores formed NHke little oils, then flled 'with matter, and looked like abscesses. They besatre al inflamed and irritated, causing them to be constantly rpmsclves, 'This made the sores matler flowed all over their to cut. their nger nails mes t but gloves on their hands, the {rritation was so bad, to keep them from * digeiog Into the flesh, amd at night they would nearly tear thelr limbs off. he bolsters would ba literally covered with "The teachers would not let them -- rehool for fear of infection spreading ambng the other children, so I resolved to try the Cuticura Re med ibs, which 1 found 46 benefit my children greatly, I éontinued with the Cutheurs Soap and®Cutfeura Ointment for ne month, and the result hs a marvelous cure," (Bigned) Geuwsge Arthur Robinson, 37. Fitawitliam 8t., Ho Jand Common, Or. Birnsiey, Yorks, Eng., Jan. 3, 1911, Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold thee ughout the world, a liberal sample of each, with 32-p, book on the skin will sent tree, bn application to Potter DD, & C arp. « 46 Coluinbys Ave. Buston, VS A. with this from will | stenmer Fairmount passed, fight, on her way Saperior, where she Sydney Donnaconna morning, loaded | Fort William, to load I'he down, vith gran, Montreal he schooner Kitchen arrived, light, from Cobourg, and will load feldspar at. Richardson's wharf. The schooner Ford River is also loading feldspar at wharf, but will not likely, vlear Charlotte until about Frid a waiting more feldspar this for they the mines The steamer burn company, ind will undergo some machinery, a the Kingston At Lake e Ontario Park. The attendance at Lake Ontario Park, last evening, was very large. The singing of Edith Du Monde was admired, while the comedy jug- glérs, Marty and Marty, drew forth outbursts of laughter. On Thursday evening there will be 'an entire change of programme. Are rom Fairfax, 'of the Hep arrived from Belleville, repairs to her foundry yell ant Was Cut Up. William Evans, of the C..( ball team, received a bad shaking" up, m Tuesday, fell off a bicyels on William the corner of street. He was going down the hill when the brake caught and threw him. Ie received cuts on his face and alzo on his side. His injur ies will not keep him out of the game on Saturday. base when he street, near Ontario QUEEN'S CAFE Lunches served on shortest notice. REGULAR DINNER, S6c. 'NM, PA s wd RAYTAS Art. . . . - . The discretion that is the better part of valor is sometimes merely lack nerve : A horse must -be broktn before espn be driven, but it's different an automobile. Concussion of the Brain, the The Russian seriously injured at Ma berly, on' Monday; lies in a criti eal condition in the general hospital His brother has been sent lor to Mont real and he expected here to-day The injured man is only twenty three of age. He suffered brain and it ig also feared that very 18 q S810 yonrs ONeNSLIon of the he has received internal injuries For rh Prices right. of -------------- he with printing try the ~ Whig - --- IN CANADA'S FUTURE? { or investment in DO YOU BELIEVE Then why do you overlook the possibiliti Montreal--Canada'$ 'Metropolis We make a specialty of handling fWest End and North End Homesites for investments. Write us Aolday for prices on WIND- SOR PARK and PHOENIX PA RK Building Lots Now is the time be otore Fall increases of price. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED 611 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, MONTREAL, QUE to buy SHOE SALE Tans Patents Blacks $4, $4.50 Welts for $3.65 - $250, $3 Welts for $1.65 UP.TO-DATE REPAIRS JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. LOW - - FE. BLAKE THOMPSON, 'Re al Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance | Agent for-- ove A rt ron tug Bron-| two ! passed | { Kingston. dation which was carried. The board asked for authority to purchase a steam roller (eighty-tive tons), at an estimated cost of ¥1,000; mefting pot, 500, and street watenng waggon, $365. 1 Ald, { utilities | pore, Rigney, chairman" of the civic committee, submitted a re recommending the acceptance the tenders for the electrical plant ex tensions, devided upon recently, and {they were passed upon. It will re I that in connection with the {tenders for the steam turbine equip I ment, it was decided to send General Manager Folger away to examine f the machinery fn operation, could el necessary about Mr. Folger wd on Tuesday of be {members \MPBELL SOME so that The captain made reférence to what was expected, in a sense, by hi people, from the pastor, and, on the other hand, what help and co-opera- | noon, before: the tion: he should receive from them and in order "Mr. Preacher," he said "you wil! {with the work gs speedily as possible, find, as in most places, SO0me queef! | (he chairman * had the put | people in Queen street chureh. But! cngh there is a reason... We devend upon | Sdbhy & Youlden, you to k nock some of these veculiari ! arded she tender two recurn tu- ties out of us. Instead of criticizing | ular boilers, at na, The tender the pastor, let us rally round him. lf. {he gurbine equipment was award with enthusiasm,. Give hMm the | 4 (4 (he Canadian General glad hand often company, at a total of Captain Crawford sald he quipment consists of the good preacher, optimistic, in the ondenser. with' the valve prime of life, and willlpg to work links cagnplete the Queen street church wouldgeure- Mr. Folg ok tho ly prosper, a briefly, in regard to his trip. Mr. Campbell responded, thanking ted Pitts) h. Boston, Ivan the captain and the members of the) | IMFOUIRA, Bosion, | ¢ congregation for the kindly welcome ale maRIny na nspes hon Yi hie He spoke of his and his wife's in-|'"¥ plants oh . i Ww sii terest in everything and every per. Ompany, oh hi » Hae ibd son in the church. He said ho had |" ane Male fas lo Sequre dX vd his ideal of what . the €hristia: deal ntormatian ' minister should be, to which -he had "*{3" 0 his department... His trip was | ever aspired. And, also, an -ideal |? Most beneficial one in every respect, for the church, which must be modi- | *" the. committee did thing fied and reconstructed. Material ("hon they gaveSheir nan the op pragress brought problems she must | Portunily ol making th " solve, Mr. Campbell asked for the! ?!solutely necessary to make the ex support, 'co-operation, and prayers |\"nsions at the plant. of s. people, for there was room| Ald. Rigney reviewed the powe for Tmprovement in every part-of '8'Fn, referring to the fact that the organization of the church had been found a gy to pg R. J McLelland spoke, on be- extensions in order OO mee ° half of the Young Men's Club, in mand lor power. He pointed out connection with the Sunday school, (While the extensions were and: the ,vart, the members take in 'hat they would in the work. Four of its members had With any: favorable canvassed the congregation and [var be eceivad mn tie Jutitze i raised 2.000 0 : 1viiro-elwetri © committes aise (33 for whe church im- still had the question of choapér pow The work of improvement, to cost |*F to the front and it was hoped that $3,200, interlorly and exteriorly, "omething could be done along was explained by-Robert Meek, who i /!n® in the future... the committee said he believed there was a revival | now working out: the sth of prosperity at hand Upon re-| mapped out in the report recently opening Queen street churdh {t given by an expprt who was called: in would be a credit to the congrega- irae Se the Jawa tier tion. avor og TA SOmMe news C. De Carteret. the to give to the council before adjourn the church, who the which was to the efivet that he "sat on the cash box," made a state- (had received a letter" frm Ww ¥ ment regarding the financial posi-| Nickle, M.P., stating that the govern tion--free from. debt, since the ment had cancelled the lease of Cedas burning of the mortgage two years !sland, givin to a Whingstonian, ago that the lease. was about to be The programme ferred to the city with solos by Miss A. VanlLuven, of | During the forepart of Wate Aowh N.Y., in very fiue voice, | there. was a proposition and Mrs. Evans, as well as a duett [by the Yacht Club, that the hy Mrs. Rv and J. Shea. Miss | seeure the island and have it Mabel Milo wag accompanist. up with a wharf and pavilion | the government reserve jands the river. Members ofthe {the board of trade joined in the pro ' {position, some of the cabinet minis ters were interviewed, and they wer {agreeable 40 the scheme. will visit] Now that the city Draper, Mre« {lease of the island, ives in thie fitting it up with thon will be he w il] Lawrence, | i | he u it home shortly teouneil opened, nfter session 'of to go on matter of Kingston, tor 82.2 were i ny £16,500 genera and fit- cost with "a nw, coune i! He vis and addressed house, of regarding a wise sil it the that NeCOSEATY interters proposition that no way power that was just " good treasurer of chairman said ment, and trans was interspersed the set on summer foot | city fitted Put Up a Monument. \ Oil up a 82 Oo montinent cathedral the buried they erland is in the city and Mrs, PP. Fowler, Mrs. R P. Nugent and other rel section. With his take a trip down returning will go the son of Mrs. P erland's parents council and George Sutherland St ity in memory Mr. Suth-}® has put Mary's pare hix nts, = to secure a the question "ol a:whari and pavi in order, daughter, & the St Death of James Kirkwood. Canonto, Aug. 20.--It becomes | our duty to chronicle the death of | an old and respected resident in the | " | person of James Kirkwood, who died Queen's M# in Charge. | at his home ers, Friday morning, | A normal schobl has been etab-| after & Sedth's Yitess. Ms Kirk- lished at Saskatoon, Sask. o| ¥ood was bon . oars SG and principal is. 1. A. Snell, M:A., frst {lve a eg to orn nis loss tase hover graduate, - and gold | mile ral took place Sunda and- medallist in mathematics, Queen's | 0° 'une Ta : ry Sra. He was formerly in-| po largely a a Sympal et . spector for schools for Saskatchewan from 3 an ord ay ey Land recently. superintendent of city | Hall, Plevna, a ny Al schools pf Prince Albert. ed a very impressive sermon. | picni€ in aid of Canonto church was | . 45 : held in the maple grove on the 15th. AJwing to sickness in the neighbor- hood a number were unable to at- tend. Miss Emma ° Lawrence~ re- turned home, after a two months visit with friends in the states. Miss F. King, of the United States, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Charles lawrence. Mrs. H. Elkington and little daughter, Plevna, are at Mrs. J. Card's. ta Alberta to visit Fowler. Mr. Suth formerly resided in| { : en "Jee ream bricks" at Gibson's. Neat, tasty printing. let us im- fonave Po printed matter. The Bri- | tish W It or a lot of money Tio keep the school of experience going. "Buy Abby Salt st Gibson's, i ! { i ety | afternoon, § | and 1t was approved of by | meeting was called | Mayor | in | the | and | sit | ap. ns | information | "Neturn- | AUGU SP "JUMPED 'THE JOB WELCOME 1 PASTOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING PAGE FIVE. SUIT CASES » 21, 1912 Matting Suit Cases - = 31. 50, 2.00, 3.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00 Imitation Leather Cases $1.50 2. 50, 3.00 Leather Cases, good values $4. 50, 5.00, 6.00 up to 15.00 Our $6.00 Cowhide Case is a dandy. We also carry a large stock of Frasalling bags--g ood values at $4.50, 5.00. 6.00, 7.00. 8.00, 10.00 Trunks ranging from $3.00, 4.00, 5.00 to 17. 00 Shawl Straps---address tags Trunk Straps, etc. ABERNETHY'S | | I | Electric | t {a good chase. i the i Pa WAS for ! 'there's health and comfort in well-made | } He | le | play better ball all through the game. | { lenms were : the | wi stomach trouble, headache, sleepless: down ! 'ness, rheumatic pains, etc. + i OUR BIG MIDSUMMER: SALE: 2 E DELICIOUS PURE ICE CREAM By the Pint or Quart SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phofie 640 -- BRASS BEDNTEADS, The latest finish, It won't tarnish. club as is done by 'Roval Canadian Yacht Club and po thus build up a fleet' ol craft, which can be entered in arranged Hor about Lake cent and the Watertown, Class R boat next start membership of the QUEEN STREETS WON HE SENIOR SUNDAY LEAGUE: the fast Yano sailing the n club will te races A GAME IN THE SCHOOL small vachts Ontariog with Ures and the organization new The Fast Yacht Watertown is to be Disposed of and a New. Craft Brought Out Seek to Recover the George Cap. ear, have .a fair the of a fleet on of boats to . Baseball Record. League-- Pitts Burgh, 2-49. Cincinnati, '6-13; Pl he iphim, St. Louis, | Nationa] srooklyn, 0-4. Chicago, New York, 5; American New York, delphia,' 12 and, 2:0, Boston, International City, 3 Re Newark, Street Seniors Senlors in oa cricket field, Sto Il. by getting second innings, Queen Bethel at the ing, by scoring and' from four-innings game Fuesday started" the { in the first seemed to won | 3 ® THREE-LEAF BURLAP In all shades. only i] Regular $4.50, Phila . ON SALE AT Washington, §-2; vis | JAMES REID'S feague--Toronto, "| The Leading Undertaker Phone 14] SCREENS, ton, 1-3 on Queen even $ ® ot | engue 32. Chicago, 6-3; one and Although-Queen won; Bethel gave them One the of the helding of Stanley landed two that look runs for Queen, I'he of features . 3" Montreal, 7; Provi 10-3; duffalo, 7: ialtimore, 2-1. game was Jersey Hunter, when he ed like home shester, I dence, Althorpe Items, Althrope, Aug. 19 Most of the farmefs are finishing the grain crop, and others have started their fall plughing Rev, Mr. Caswell and rh. 'Caswell spent a couple of days o Miss Eva Menzies, Westport, is visitifg friends. Miss Ida Fourn- fer is the guest of Miss Mabel For- rester, Westport. = Miss Violet Dow. dell, Toronto is spending "her vacation at her home here Mr. and Mrs. Clyse, and Miss Cora Dow dell, spent Sunday in Perth Jackman, Perth, called on here Miss Lily Ritchie is a week with Perth friends Miss Arlie McMillan, Perth, ing her grand parents here. Fournier spent Sunday at Minister. i mance that in tintario c.; Hunter, 2h.; Cannem Nicholson, c.f; Queen Street--Hughes, Bridems: 1b; Hall, 2b.: Summerville, rd Doherty, Lf Bethel -- Veale 1b; Smith, nelius, Sb duck, Lf Umpire Coming Cabinet Review, the and mtimates of the the mex M.P.P next The. Insurance Toronto, of construciion cabinet \ Wilson, Cor f Knapp, Holland, r.f.; Wunter, aA. t few months, Brockville, provincial trey possibly in k. Donavon, likely to be surer, Contes, P for the George Vanhorn, / 1,000 Islands--flochester. Steamers Caspian and North King leave at 10.15 a.m. daily for 1.000 1s Yand points, an "at B pan. fur Rochos ter, N.Y., via Bay of Quinte. J. Pp. Haley, agent will To maintain its chances of bringing the George cup back, the Yacht Club, Watertown, anxious to, build a year, making - it novessary the Watertown. The ever, to keep the craft Have a New Boat. George friends spending Little is visit- Lorne Burridge. -- Crescent NY. boat next to dispose plan is, how within the new 0 ti cream bricks" Bam------ = ---- Are Tea and Coffee Against You? ? RSWPED. "OM » Soldier's Story of Coffee. \n r They contain cafferine---a subtle, 'habit-forming drug which sooner or later shows in weak heart, short breath, lensed offend health om at and 4 ¢ tel tuck h al and years though again (Tea Again canvas ® drug found About et ith coffe the harmful as be wins cafleins eonll oe mame in } ght I was taken i al and to vears ago ve attack i ould apparent] about Why trifle with such beverages when fever. 1 would a sire had fur; ng the usunl Afte times work suffer repeat cd Iw relape thi been year several, @ ve again viole v i ii he and die,' doctor my oolles had i i carefully studied was cas wilhor~ advising in its place thou ght friends, and 1 the sspectad possibly cause my thought - it ; and finally told wake the change od for me day cording to directioms and at been 1 few although two I do its wk past month have been ing sixteen me to Postum had deares "i he of especially much taken for 1 i drank troubles few aly t eoflee and when sick ABE Very Haek by : ~ hadn't 1d "1 dovtor's decision the POSTUM ---a palatable, nourishing food-drink, made of wheat, which rebuilds in Na- ture's own way. The morning cup, will be hot, snappy and just as satisfying with- no hurt following if you have Postum in place of tea or. coffee. five O¥YPr A minutes the doctor | would Postum was procar-, same and made ac, Well, 1 Bked it and 'since then | have the ok to it A news man # change in health began in me, " and now, venrs old, the driv fond + That's Cofiow the dave and surprised | am sevents f be of ward we aml for tefimeng, besides tay the waggon Maer of hke miles a in and what done unloading Postum in me: | I did coffee little book in pkgs "There's a 'Reason ' for P OSTUM : . hax for now Postum well Look for the Wellville," a au "The Roads tr 3 Mode by Cansdian Postum Cereal (eo, Ltd. Pure Food Faclories, Windsor, Ont,