i 1 | i | { | | i 1 i i I" there is any feature of a well conducted Clothing House that demands speci: al atten" tion, it's the provision of the right sort of Boys' Se hool Suits. We appreciate this fact and secure for our trade The Best School Suits Made! Test the superiority of our School Suits by bringing the Boy here for his Outfit. You'll he pleased. : $5.00. $6.00 to $7.50 LIVINGSTON'S THE CLOTHIERS BROCK STREET #4 APRONS | a Never before has such remarkable values been shown in these gaods. House Aprons For kitchen and general housework. (Overalls to fit completely over the dress) made pf fast color English Ginghams, Chambrys and Prints, dark and light designs, some. fitted with bibs, others completely covering. the dress, ahd buttoning down back, full width skirt, neat poc kets, all sizes. 23, 39, 4, 58, 65, 15, 85c; $1.00, $1.10 'White Muslin and Cotton Aprons Remarkable valies in new ideas, neatly trimmed with embroidery, with or witfiout bibs, shoulder straps,' pocket attached, 25 to Tc NEW FALL SUITS arly tg think of your Kall Suit. We show a large variety of all new designs $17.50.to $35.00 Any suit can be made to your.special measure- ments in any desired cloth. It is none too ot swith a warning, | shatild be two THE DAILY BRITISH WHI, 4 CABMEN IN COURT ,. THEY VIOLATED BY-LAW +7] CRICKET FIELD. : wove an to Grass so That People in Cabs Could tet Better * View Baseball Match--Were Allowed¥o. Go With a W arning--Police Court' Cases, : © ' who Saturday | by A ¢ ile of 'Kimgsion "eabbies, Visaed by-le alt ithe driving their cab off to the sO that in the | cab night secure a better view of the and the time fortable seat, "on the carpér' nesday morning 1Arniel had the he magistrate Gy. Y, on cricket the roadway, the a ernoon last, 'at field, grass; people game, same have a | found at police court, Constable Samuel offe nders summoned. allowed the bat promised. a fine all others up on a similar arge of the eabmen claimed™e had twen- given permission a commit in charge of the baseball but he could not give the the men given vilege At ity at Wed- | i » two tO go for One from tee match, of pri Lanes who had, him the . ' 5 i any no person had author to give a privilege This a warning to all drivers rate, such in the future The other on the grass stated that uot know there was a by-law it.. He will know better in the Three drunks ¢ in the line who made his first appearance vears, was. given a chance, Ey fined 81 and costs. | A rather out of the ordinary," was on the docket, but as the plawmant did not appear, the dismissed. A citizen was abeused od! allowing his hens to mn at large in appeared when the case was called, but the complainant could not cdted. admitted being he did | against | "eablrie" but future up mn; und ks were Une two others were case, com-' CHRO WAS be PAINTERS' UNION. Returned to Work Are Out Again, upion met on Tuesday | to what Those Who Fhe painters' night and appointed a commitiee wait the and could be done mn the way of an ami- cable settlement 8Those who had, re turned to work went out Wednesday and mittee represented tile union as al whole. The conunittee met with little satisfaction at' the hands of the | bosses. 1. Milo told them that he had | made 7thedn "and it had heen accepted to hire other men. Ii they wished come back it must be Just as they went out and work in an open shop. Robinson Bros' told them the same thing about returning work Ys McMahon told the committee that they wanted to come back they might do but ~théy would come ta an open shop. He had non-union men working and they would centinue to work. THe committee promised to re port to the union, Wednesday night, when another meeting will be held to see what can be done. The meeting will what 13 to be done an regard to those who did return « to work before the strike was Setiiud, yin YOUNG PRISONER RELEASED. on bosses see agaim, the commit- | on | morning, an olier and he not | to | | to 80, also consider Fresse, Serving Five. Year Term, Liberated. Julius that the the was learned on Wednesday the attorney-general had granted release of Julius - Presse, from penitentiary, to take place almost im megliately. The young man but twen ty-three years of age, is in ill-health, his mind beng somewhat aliccted, it will be remembered that mother, Mrs. OO. Fresse, and son, Milwaukee, Wis, have been in city for some time in his behalf, Fresse was sentenced te five vears in the big prison and has served three yesrs of this term. "His mother in tends taking him back to the United Seates, where he was born. To do this special papers will have tq be secured from the United States fami gration authorities at Montreal. Mi his from the CAUSED GREAT EXCITEMENT. Thought Burizlar Had Secured Kn- trance to a Store. There was great excitement 'in front of a down-town store, at mid- night, Tuesday night. Loud smash- ing of bottles in the window, gave! the alarm, and people in neighborhood, with vigions of* a hurglary, hurried to the scene It] was found that one of the employees had entered the store to secure] sométhing and that he had knocked In the excitement, the police than it takes to tell it, bluecoats were on the scene. GIVEN A GOOD HOME. Lad Separated From Parents be Well Cared For. A good home in the county has been red by J. U. McCounachie, | agent for the Children's Aid Soeiety, for the little boy, who -was given over | into the care of the society this week, when his case was considered by the court. The father and mother of the boy, who hve at Sharbot Lake, re- cently separated, and the lad was without-a home. The lad is bright and active and no doubt will be able to make good, néw that he Ras the chance. v i of The engagement is. announced Mrs tirace Ehzabeth, daughter of Mair and the late William Walker Mair, Belleville, Ont, to Dr. Jennings Crawford, son of Ur. George - Evan and Mrs. Crawford, Cedar Rapids, lowa. The wedding will take place quietly on the 25th of September. Two additional members of the Saskatchewan . government, Hon. a Langley; minister of municipal aifsirs, a George Tell, provim al treasurer, 'were sworn if on Taesday. | CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought : {up mear Toror on | i Fe themselves | © ! man, ¢ i native | arrgsted 1 Army, jearrying had been forced § if | the over the bottles in the window. }* were also notified, and in less time Who several 1 M win ! nw DNESDAY, Av oe oT 21, , 1912. "pith OF WORL BD NEWws ~ - Tel legraphic " Despats hes Newspaper Exc hanges. Ly Tom su RRENDER: oF « NICARAGU a GARRISON. { i Defenders Outnumbéred--F orced to] Yield Their Arms, Captives are! Slaughtered--Bloody Event Marks! ! Spread of Rebellion to Leon. Mandgua, Nicaragua, Aug. IS. layed in transmission. )- Nearly the entire. detachment of 5% XNicarasgdan 1 his troops, comprising the garrison of the | city of Leon, north of Managua, massacred by a force of insurgents fast might, according to reports whieh reached the capital today ! Un Friday news was received by the government that the hberals at leon had risen in revolt and Gen. Cham thus win jorro dispatched a force of ctriiops * to | Suppress the movement and to pre- "fe the garrison of the city Dar The government troops on 5 8 'Leon camped on the plaza in tre of th# town. The insurgents, who | greatly 'outnumbered the government | lorce, attacked the city, Saturday, and | after a fierce engagement the garrison | surrendered Instead "of he prisoners of war after slo it is reported that were slaughtered by the ol a force #0 nen except seventy, successful were rth- | whed - aid six cars bursied .in a '(; smash LO Joseph Lamar, i» ple the Calgary, 'w horse em- al Sta at ws Killed Ii-is said that ¥as cagy, have obt in the Capnda. Fdmuni ane terest biggest pac houses in Audema the vis8 air impleted the first dering, J Ei aeroplane i¥ip from. Paris' to. | ning a prize is fudge George A. Hutton, sided at the tnal of Clarence row, at A , for bribery, London, Ont. : A mass meeting Montenegrins was held at Cetting agamst the atrocities ry ated = hy the FuMks and Alb n James Barrage, of for Hamilton, while & meeting im that town The United States wd a close ot rem who ree S. | reac y aching L Los the cen ol protest Betevill was 'attacking En- the Salvation mducting open ding ther captivene their submis- the rebels savagely n at ign troops Out Killed an an ot all- 'were senate has order ars for; thus | ¢ five ve the = Pribil isl into effect the fur with Russia, Japan Great Britain, | P, Prof. Duff Andrew g, of Cham- | g 11.,-has bes arrested for beat- | HE wife, using her for spanking. M. B. Searth, lite deputy munister of thas been appointed to {H. G. Herbert, travelling mspeetor, recently hot to sirahle a boat SOR als, on ands, : STOCK MARKETS. seal realy | B. McCurdy Co. Clarence Chamb ers--H. W. Nelles, Manager | Cloging Prices, Ang Fenn Montreal. Cement com. x Cement pid i Loco. hes she objected 'his | on son a mechanical device - i on of the agriculture, eed immigration death by near De (Mtawa, ate late Bonds R.O. Rio Toronto Rails Shaw | Seo { W.C.P. » : | Montreal Power Ottawa Power Laurentide an und trout, About left on se emigrants have Australia' this hundred London, Eng, week, All the, passages, subsidized by the Australian government, taken up to the end of the year. ven for are now New York. Copper Smelters C.P.R. G.E. Reading Union Steel Bethlehem Cotton Uet. Steel Was Run Over by a K. & P. IRLR.| Train. > : Gallagher, Dagot street, was run over by the Kingston & Pem broke tram, at the round house, on Wednesday afternoon, at, about 2.30 | o'clock and had both légs taken off. It seems that the voung man had under a ear to get shelter gut of rain and the shunter came along expectedly and moved the the result that both cut Just above the knee, taken to the Hotel Dieu ambulance, but it is feared that will not recover Michael gone | the un with his legs were He was in Corbett's he car oft Marvoville Notes. Marysville, Mrs. R. I'vendinaga, Aug. 18 Powers and two children, loronto, are spending a few days the guests of Miss Annte White, Miss Annie Fahey is spending a couple of weeks in Rochester, wilh her friend, Mise Stella Cavanah. Many om here purpose taking in the R. C. picnic ip Belleville on Wednesday, Misses Mavme Ford anda Annie Twigg, Koc hester, spent Sundfy calhfig on-friends in this vicinity. Mrs, ).angon and daughter, Annie, of Sarma, are guests ol thd former's daughter, Mrs. Michael Me Alpine. J. Meagher spent last week with friends in Rochester. M. Kyan and daughter, Mrs. James Dunn, Descronto, spent Sunday with James White... Archibald - Campbeli left Sunday might, to spend a few with his daughter, Mrs, J Rochester, Mr. and Mr Alpine are rejoicing over fof a httle daughter nt Records Shattered. | Records were matches of the tion, the 1 ronto, mn contagious, or | i of on days Renny, James Me the arrival shattered at the] Ontario Rifle Assbeia ong Branch ranges, To Fuesday Bulls-eyves were and the scores made will probaoly never be eclipsed. The wen ther conditions were favorable The {scores . and prizes of the members of the" "Kingston, Rifle Association were Corpunation" match- yfyros, possible, 35; 500 yards," 83, scofe of 34, Sergt Blake, R.C.E.; 83, score of 33, J. H larrett; $2, score of 33, J. J. Ba: rett, > Duke of Cornwall and York match Seven rounds at 600 and seven rounds at 8M yards, possible 70; 84, score of 67, Major H. J. Dawson, 14th Regi- ment; Tyros, 33, score of 64, J. J. Barrett; $3, score of 62, J. H. Bar- rett. are | tree Be \ ie hich 'a Sharpton, Briefs. wality. . Sever . 4 from here attended the birthday septal Sharplon, Aug. 19.--Visitors : Mr at' Mrs. B. Plesuan's, Hattic con and Mrs. A, Vanluven and daughter, Monday ast, and all report a Vera, Kingston;® Mrs. Stinson and enjoyable time. Elgin Rabeock, daughter, Beatrice, Loronto, Misses was so badly injured some timd ARO, Ka Athless and Mildred Orser, Glenvale, 18 able to be around on crutches} pl. n . Ho lor's; Misses Marguerite and mer Pixley has returned to Kingston, Noho opkias, Fuinsville, Hy where he has secured a position. Visi Bes a 8. . Taylor went est GR the tors: Mrs. KE. G. hiuzinger and Miss AI V6a aps SAeuraion. Mrs. hoen, Carrie Kinzinger, Foronto: and children, have returned oh a Bessie Day, Fawport, N.X,, Mrs. Visit to friends in Belleville. Miss Oscar Day, New York, Mrs. James Myrtle Taylor is visiting in Kingston ---------- Grant and Miss Beatrice Grant, of | . Unionville, gnd Mrs. Alfred Babcock, Toronto Boat Held Up. Grant dys. Mise Laura Phillips, the steamer Kingston, at Verona; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Toronto, was held up at Charlotte, and children at Murvale. last night, by a strike of firemen. It ud | expects fo go out. to night. = -- Owe way for a mas to find ont just what a woman really thinks of him is to make her angry. at SCHMIDT of agd ACTOUSE Oakiand Hole wice ' Joat MISS NPELI4AE r twenty first woman tg Bay o 3 8 years swim 0 to Schmidt made the Sunday,' August 11th, anc 1 ne signe of fatigue after mplish mwemt of her hazardous Te ------ Mount Hope Happenings. Mount Hope, Aug. 20. "harvesting their grain, light crop in this attempt Farmers 18 A "on very. who Miss bound for Day Engagement Annownvéd. Mi. and Mes . Mark Prout, 64 Ding: | wall avenue, Toronto, a. the (engagement of their only daughter, Gertrude Ulars®, 'to Vivian Fllsworth [ Pound, M.A. of Queen' 1niversity, Ki mgston, and § semerly of the Univer. Kin ol Toronto. The marciage will take place early" in September. : ---------------- soci » i It is said that thers are prople who! have money 'and do not know how to! enjoy il. = ; PRISONERS OF WAR -- Headquarters For or All Hosiery Needs Our Hosiery" Department is ready to meet ever ; Hosie ry Need for Women and Children and Men: Women's Black Lisle Stockings A very fine make, with double sole, toe and heel, with the new garter top. This make is exde ptionally good value at 25¢, Women's Black Lisle Stockings Pink, Light Blue, Black ax wal' In Tan, 45¢, 0c. Women's Cotton Stockings 123¢, 15e, 20¢, 2c. Girls' Plain Cotton Stockings In Tan, Pink, Light Brown, Black, 121c, 15¢, 20¢, 25 . y » mee? C, Girls' Fine Ribbed Cotton Stockings Boys' Leather Knit Stockings A particularly strong make of Black Ribbed Cotton, specially good for 1 wear, 20e, vs 25¢. Holeproof Hosiery For Women, Misses and Men. Women's Cotton Holeproof Stockings 6 pair for $2 Women's Lisle Thread Holeproof : Stockings, 6 pair for $3; Men's Holeproof Sox, 6 pair for $1.50 Ladies' Knitted Sweater Coats Military Collar or V Neck, White, Navy, Cardinal, Fawn, Grey. $2 up to $5.50. New designs, In Black, i Gm Metal and Paten' Someling very mee for $300 sil 8 Lab REL of BT Button and Laced | i